How to open the car if the battery is dead? The locks do not work and there is no cylinder. The doors are locked and the key is in the car? We will tell you how to open a car door without a key! How to open a locked car

There are situations when the car key is missing (stolen or lost) or is in the ignition and the doors are locked with the central locking. Don't panic. Opening car door can be done in many ways, the main thing is to be focused and follow safety rules.

Break the glass. The method is simple, fast, but not at all economical. After all, the insert car glass- the pleasure is not cheap. At the same time, the kicker himself can be injured.

Wooden wedge. For this method you will need a wooden wedge up to 25 cm long and 3-4 cm thick, as well as a metal rod with a hook at one end. Using a wedge, carefully bend the edge of the door at the top corner. Carefully drive it with your fist between the frame and the car pillar, because it may damage the door seal and scratch the paint. Insert a rod into the gap created by driving the wedge and use the hook to turn the blocker. Wire hook. This method applies to all models domestic automotive industry

. Bend a hook with a radius of 45 degrees from thin but stiff wire (70-80 cm). The length of the hook after bending is about 10 cm. From the side of the door handle you need to bend the seal and insert the wire. Try to feel and then engage the door rod on which the lock button is located. Having hooked the rod, pull the hook up. The door must open. Electric drill. This method is not always cost-effective, since it will result in having to replace all door locks or use different keys , replacing only one. Using an electric drill you can drill out the core door lock (larva), then the door will open. Another key can be noticed by a metal blank, very similar in shape to it. You can try using a flat screwdriver or nail scissors as a blank.. At the end of the wire, which will be inserted between the upper corner of the door and the stand, you need to make a small hook. As the wire penetrates deeper, it is necessary to make oscillatory movements in order to engage the inside door handle of the car. A slight upward movement of the wire with the engaged handle opens the door.

Lace or rope. This method is suitable for cars whose internal locking button is located on the top of the door panel and has a protruding shape. In the middle of the lace or rope (1 m in size) make a loop that can be tightened. But don't drag it out. Insert the hinge between the top corner and the post, slightly bending the corner of the door using improvised means. Alternately, lightly pulling the rope with the loop in one direction or the other, lower yourself to the level of the door lock and try to put the loop on the lock. Once dressed, tighten the loop and pull up. Raising the button will open the locked door. Specialist. This method - seeking help from qualified specialists - is very common. Even though calling a professional will cost some money, it will cost much less than repairing a door that is not bent or scratched or broken glass . Masters have special tool

and experience, which significantly increases the chances of success in opening a locked door.

The main thing when you find yourself in such a situation is not to lose composure. Acquiring experience and skills in opening a car without a key is best done in your own car or in the presence of the owner. After all, opening someone else's car without the knowledge of the owner of the car is criminally punishable.

Many of us have had unfortunate situations where, due to our forgetfulness, we left the keys inside the car and they got slammed shut. The result of this situation is the inability to get into the car interior. Yes, if you are close to home, many people probably have duplicate keys or a central locking remote control. I hope you didn’t think of storing them inside the car too. In this case, everything is simple, we take a duplicate, open the doors and strictly impress upon ourselves the need to be more attentive in the future.

But if this situation occurred far from home, then what to do? Well, you'll have to learn how to open a car without a key. Although this is not such a simple task, of course, if you are not a car thief. Since today you can find different kinds

car door locking devices, then consider several ways to open a car without a key.

Let's start with, perhaps, the most universal one, but the one that requires the most time, especially if you don’t know how the door lock pulls work. So, the first thing you will need to do is walk around looking for thin wire, a wire hanger, or a welding electrode. The point of all these actions is that in the end you should have in your hands a piece of fairly stiff wire with a small hook at the end.

Now carefully remove rubber compressor at the bottom of the glass above the door lock and try to insert a wire into this gap, with the hook inward, and try to find the rod going from the door lock flag to the lock. Having felt something similar, try to pry it and tug. If it's her, you'll see her partially move. Try pulling the wire upward, in the direction of the opening movement. Most likely, you won’t succeed the first time, but after struggling a little, the flag will change position and you will be able to open the doors.

Second way.

The second method, which can be used, for example, if you cannot find the same wire, is to open the car using a piece of rope or fishing line, the length of which should be sufficient, longer than the length of the doors. But keep in mind that you can only open the doors of those cars in this way that have a flag that is located above the lock and, when blocked, is not completely recessed into the door trim. This piece of rope needs to be visually divided in half and a loop should be tied in the middle, which could be tightened under sufficient force.

Now, holding both ends of the rope in her hands, she middle part we push it under the door, starting from its (the door’s) upper corner. Then we pull the thread lower and try to throw a loop over the blocking flag. Having done this (throwing a loop over the flag), we tighten the ends of the rope with force, thereby clamping the loop around the flag. Next, carefully pull the rope up. That's it, the doors are open. Despite the ease of this method of opening a car without a key, difficulties may still arise, for example, in pulling a rope through the door, because the seals modern cars are duplicated and fit quite tightly to the body. IN in this case, the thinner and stronger the rope (or better yet, let it be fishing line), the greater the chances of success. Also, to make pulling through easier, you can try using improvised means to slightly pull the upper corner of the door towards you.

Third way.

Well, the very last way. For this you will need: a screwdriver or a chisel (which you can ask other car enthusiasts who came to help), and again, as in the first case, a fairly strong wire. So, we use a metal object to pry the corner of the door, which is the farthest point from the hinges and lock of the door, so it can move easier than others and come to meet you. Be careful and place a rag under the selected metal object to avoid damaging the paint. For best result You can drive a wooden wedge into the resulting small gap, thereby increasing your access space.

Now we take a wire, preferably a meter long, and make a hook at its end, with the help of which we try to reach the door opening device: a flag, a lever, a central locking button. For example, in some cars, if you pull the inside handle, the door will automatically open. In any case, I think you have a vision of how your car opens from the inside. Therefore, in the end everything should work out for you, and the doors will unlock.

As an alternative to all of the above methods, I suggest trying to find through directories a specialized service that deals with opening doors and locks. The specialists of this company will be much more professional and will open the doors with better quality and will eliminate the chances of damaging the car, which are very high if you break in on your own.

Well, in the future I advise you to be more careful.

From an unpleasant situation when the key is lost own car, no one is insured. And how painful and annoying it can be when you get out of a running car, the key remains in the ignition, and the door slams and is blocked by the central locking electronics. In this case, the mechanical drive often turns off and therefore even the existing spare key, which is always with you, cannot be saved. All that remains is to helplessly turn it in your hands.

There are many ways, the damage is different

However, is the one who finds himself in such a mess really helpless? There is no need to despair, because there are at least several ways to help deal with a slammed door. Available funds are not at all harmless to the car, so you will have to choose the most acceptable one. So how do you open a car door without a key?

Let's consider the available plans for the development of events to open the door.

The first option for opening the car

He is the most ingenuous and fleeting. Opening a car without keys by breaking it side glass. By default, the method is not very economical, because you won’t have enough glass if your forgetfulness is off the charts. And if you don’t follow a number of precautions, you can also get hurt, it’s not a movie after all, real life, and the fist is no help here. It is best to use a stone or some other heavy object at hand.

It is worth noting that all other ways to solve the problem of opening a car door without a key will be more labor-intensive and will require the use of some additional skills that will help correct the situation and finally get inside the cabin.

Second option

In order to open a car door without a car key, we need a wedge made of wood from 20 to 30 centimeters long with a base of 3-4 centimeters, as well as a thin metal rod, one of the ends of which should be bent in the form of a hook.

With extreme caution, avoiding the possibility of damaging the door, the wedge is inserted under its upper corner and light blows hands, slowly drives between the door post and frame. A rod is inserted into the opening slot with the hook inward, and the blocker is rotated.

Third option

Opening a car door without a key using this method is very easy. In this case, we will need wire, thin but rigid, with a total length of 70-85 centimeters. At a distance of 10 cm from one of its ends, a hook-shaped bend is made at an angle of 45 degrees.

The seal in the area of ​​the door handle is bent, it will be enough to free a relatively small area of ​​it, and the prepared tool is inserted into the resulting gap. You should try to pick up the rod connecting the car lock to the lock button, pull the hook with the rod upward, thereby opening the door. The method is most suitable for cars of domestic origin.

The fourth option for opening the car

Due to the door locking algorithm on most imported cars, if you open the handle from the inside, the system will automatically unlock central locking. This feature can be used for emergency opening slammed door. Therefore, opening the car door lock in this case will not be difficult at all.

A piece of wire about two meters long is taken, a small hook is formed at its end and pushed into the interior from the upper corner of the door (from the side of the door handle). Gradually going deeper inside and bending the wire, we get closer to door handle so that it can be picked up. Having made the hook, you should pull the handle, the door is open.

Fifth option

So, this method of opening car doors without keys involves using a piece of thin rope, a little over a meter will be enough. Initially, a sliding loop is made, which can later be tightened.

The rope is wound from the upper corner of the door between its frame and both posts - the central one and the pillar windshield. The loop, through a series of manipulations, is lowered onto the door lock button and tightened on it. A slight lift up, and the button is pulled up, the door is open.

This method is suitable for those whose locking button is located on the top of the door card and rises sufficiently above the surface to grip it.

How to open a car door without a key - video

Sixth option

Opening a car without a key is a little more difficult than the methods listed above, but it is possible. It implies the presence of an electric drill and the possibility of using it. In this case, we are talking about drilling out the inside of the lock, its cylinder. The result is a total replacement of all lock cylinders, or the prospect of carrying several keys.

Seventh opening option - without damage

Probably the most correct one, but not always accessible or convenient way The only way to open a car without a key is to contact a specialist who professionally opens doors.

Typically, such people have not only unique skills, but also highly specialized tools. They work quickly and efficiently, while eliminating the consequences of their intervention usually turns out to be the least expensive, or most often there is no such need at all. The cost of services is usually incomparably lower than the price of broken glass or repair of an unsuccessfully bent door.

A qualified technician only needs to look at the problem to understand how to deal with it. Having received his recommendations, the customer of the service will make a decision, being aware of the options offered to him with their possible advantages and disadvantages.

There is a problem, there is a solution

As is clear, the situation may develop in such a way that it will be quite difficult to use the last option due to the location of the locked car or the inappropriate time to call a specialist. Therefore, in order not to feverishly remember everything possible ways, remember those discussed above and when a painful opportunity arises, everything will be formed thanks to the information that will emerge from the depths of memory. The main thing in such moments is not to lose your head and composure.

What is important to understand is that all of the listed options for solving the problem of opening a car are possible only in the presence of its owner, since all other cases can be regarded as an attempt to steal vehicle and entail unpleasant consequences and friction with the law appropriate to the circumstances.

How to open a car without a key in 10 seconds - video

It seems to me that all motorists sooner or later have a situation when the car keys remain inside and the car is locked. This happens due to a malfunction of the alarm system, it locks the doors itself, or you left the keys in the car for a long time, and after 15 minutes the alarm can go off on many cars and automatically lock the doors. Yes, there are a lot of situations - there is a situation where the key is inside and the car needs to be opened! Let's think about this today. Let's not delay, let's start...

So - how to open the car?

2) Let’s say that we don’t have a spare key, but we need to open the door. We look for specialized companies on the Internet and call a specialist. Your car will be opened for you in a matter of seconds; specialists have a special scanner, it reads the code from your alarm and will open the doors for you. However, the cost of such a service is at least 1,500 rubles, and then it’s scary to pay for the car, because if they opened it here so easily, nothing will stop them from opening it in another place.

3) Let's say we are afraid of such companies, and therefore we will open differently. We try to lower the side window, at least on any door. At least a little, a few millimeters, in order to insert the wire (there is a loop at the end) and pry the locking mechanism. True, this cannot be done on all models. For example, I don’t have a hat and therefore it will be problematic to grab.

4) On many cars, it is not easy to lower the window, and therefore the hinge can be inserted into the right corner of the door, under the seal. We take a screwdriver and carefully try to bend the edge of the door. Attention carefully! DO NOT damage the door!

5) If all else fails, you can try to pull out the small glass of the side door; it is found on almost all cars. You need to pull out the rubber window seal and then the window will come out. You can stick your hand through this opening and open the car.

6) If all else fails, and you need to go urgently, then you can break this small glass on the door, again stick your hand in and open the car. Any official service center will replace this glass in a few minutes, but the cost can vary from one thousand to several thousand rubles, it all depends on the make of the car.

Just recently I returned from vacation, where I spent almost three weeks. All this time my car stood quietly in the garage. In a few days I had to go to work. It’s good that I decided to prepare the car in advance.

By using:

Even before pressing the button on the key fob, I noticed that the alarm light was not blinking. I thought I had burned out, although this shouldn’t have happened, because I have a new alarm system. Having made repeated and unsuccessful attempts to get into the car, I realized that the reason was the battery, which had simply died. Moreover, it sat down in such a way that its charge is not even enough for an alarm. I simply could not imagine how to open a car without a key.

The thought immediately arose of calling a service to open locks, however, when they told me the cost of services over the phone, I immediately discarded this idea. I had to sit down at the computer and spend several hours searching for information. As a result, I have identified several effective methods, with which you can open the car door:

  • use a special pneumatic pad;
  • connect to the generator;
  • use a ruler.

I personally tested each method on my car and now offer it to you.


The cost of this device is tens of times less than the cost of the services of security guards. In the store, such a pillow costs only a few hundred rubles. With its help, you can release the door or hood if the battery is completely dead.

What exactly did I do:

  1. I stuck the pad into the gap between the body and the hood.
  2. Using a bulb, I pumped it up with air.
  3. I inserted a long and thick wire into the resulting gap, to which I applied the “plus” from a spare working battery. I secured the “minus” on the wheel rim.
  4. I reached with the wire to the positive battery system and pressed the button on the key fob.

Voila! The door opened as if by magic. No scratches, chips or bent metal. Everything is neat and fast.


I also tried this method, although compared to a pillow it is quite labor-intensive and not very convenient. But if suddenly you have absolutely no other devices at hand, then this method will help you get into the interior of your car.

If the battery is dead, you can open the car using a generator. In this case, you will need another working battery. I will describe the whole process in order:

  1. The first thing to do is remove the engine protection.
  2. Having reached the generator, we find a “positive” bolt on it.
  3. We connect two wires with a cross-section of 2 sq. mm with alligator clips.
  4. To the “positive” terminal of the generator we connect the “positive” cable, which is connected to the battery.
  5. We connect the negative cable to the body.

As a result, the alarm turns on and you can open the car with the key. Using this method, the most important thing is not to mix up the contacts on the generator. Otherwise, instead open door you may get a short circuit.


You can open the machine with a ruler. If you have absolutely no improvised means with you other than a metal ruler, then you don’t have to worry. With its help you can quite easily open the car door. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Lift the side seal near the door lock
  2. Insert a ruler into the gap formed between the glass and the door.
  3. Press it on the rod that is responsible for raising the flag

This method is suitable for cars domestic production and for many foreign cars. Majority modern cars are equipped with a complex and reliable door mechanism, against which a simple metal ruler may be powerless.

There are some other ways to help open a locked car. If the car window is lowered, you can use a wire. Make a loop at the end that you can use to hook the inside handle and open the door.

If you need to pull the handle to the side to open the doors of your car, use a piece of wood. In this case, you will have to press down on the handle. By the way, if you don’t have any wire on hand, you can use the windshield wiper. The only thing you need to do is remove the knitting needle from it.

Well, one more way. True, I advise you to use them only in the most as a last resort. If you have absolutely no means at hand, and you yourself are hundreds of kilometers from civilization, then just break the glass. The pleasure is not cheap, but it is effective.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. It is enough just not to panic, but to collect your thoughts and apply one of the methods. I advise you to carefully remember at least some of the above methods. Who knows what situation you might find yourself in. Be sure to watch the video on how to open a car without a key. This way you will be prepared for any surprises.