How to identify a faulty one. Diagnostics of the computer for faults. Vibration in the chassis while driving

So, the first cause of engine malfunction is a violation of the fuel supply. This may be due to the fact that the electric fuel pump is not functioning or there is some problem with the gasoline pressure regulator. The fuel filter may also be clogged or there may be no fuel in the tank at all. In this case, you need to check whether the fuse is in good condition, whether the EBN connectors, its relay, and the starting relay are in good condition. When you turn on the ignition, it is important that the engine makes a characteristic sound. So, if this problem really exists, then you need to replace the regulator fuel pressure or filter, then fill the tank with gasoline. It would also be a good idea to check the serviceability of the connectors.

In addition, if there is a suspicion of engine malfunction, pay attention to problems in the ignition system. Perhaps not in electrical circuit contact or simply faulty. In this case, you need to check whether the fuse is intact. The ignition coil may need to be replaced.

Engine malfunctions can also be caused by water getting into the fuel tank. Or one of the engine cylinders could simply fail. In this case, you need from fuel tank drain the sediment, check for proper connections and troubleshoot problems. It is advisable to clean the carbon deposits and their tips.

So, in order to identify engine malfunctions, you first need to pay attention to whether it runs smoothly and whether malfunctions occur when the pedal is partially or fully pressed. And if any noise appears in the engine, this also indicates a malfunction. The easiest way, of course, to identify the problem is if the engine performs poorly in all modes.

It is worth listing the malfunctions of the diesel engine. Many, when purchasing such a mechanism, pay attention only to low consumption relatively cheap fuel. Undoubtedly diesel engines reliable. Their shortcomings are associated only with production technology; they appear only with runs that exceed the specified resource, or with illiterate use. A global problem is non-compliance with operational regulations. The oil needs to be changed once every 7,000 kilometers traveled, otherwise it will oxidize, and this will negatively affect engine performance.

Malfunctions also deserve attention. Most often, these problems are associated with the position sensor. If it breaks, it will not allow you to drive more than five meters. If the fuel pump fails, leaving is also impossible. The reasons may lie in the presence of water and dirt in gasoline. If any other mechanisms or sensors are faulty, the engine will work - its installation will simply switch to the emergency program. It is difficult to move if there is a problem with However, you should not wait for a complete breakdown. If your car is dear to you, you need to get it repaired right away.


Computers are devices for simple calculations and processing of audio and video materials, running demanding gaming products. A video card is required to display the processed data on the screen. It fails more often than other components, and sometimes in such a way that it cannot always be determined the first time. Learn a number of measures to independently diagnose the performance of a graphic element and the causes of visual defects.

How to check the performance of a video card visually

One of simple ways How to check a video card for serviceability is to visually inspect the device and check the computer (PC) assembly. A clear sign A sign that helps you find out that the video card is faulty is a dark monitor screen, stripes, or a transition to a poor color palette. Check whether the monitor itself is turned on and whether it is operational. To do this you need:

  1. See if the indicator on the corresponding button is lit, if not, then press it.
  2. For additional diagnostics, connect another monitor to the PC (already tested, definitely working): if the image remains unchanged, then the graphics card is faulty.

Alternative visual signs that help judge whether a video card is not working correctly include:

  • Correct work monitor with periodic appearance of unusual image distortions and artifacts:
    1. long horizontal stripes of light gray, dark gray;
    2. horizontal, alternating with vertical stripes;
    3. sometimes – supposedly “broken” pixels in different places.
  • The appearance of a blue “screen of death” - a message about a critical error operating system(OS) Windows is in the process of reinstalling drivers.
  • A special sound signal coming from the BIOS, which informs about malfunction video cards. In this case, the type and tone of the signal will depend on the BIOS version.

To check whether the video card is working on a computer (PC) and to make sure that it caused a malfunction, you need to check the functioning of other parts of the PC. Work order:

  1. Check the power supply. Connect the computer to the network, listen to see if the cooling system - the fan - turns on.
  2. Listen to the presence of the familiar sound signal message indicating that the OS is loading, look at the state of the monitor. Is the picture normal or is the screen still dark?
  3. Press the power button (turn on the computer) and see if the LEDs flicker. This flickering indicates the initialization of a test check of the computer hardware before loading the operating system.
  4. Check the functionality of the monitor by connecting it to the donor (another system unit).

If all the equipment (both the system unit and the monitor) is functioning normally, but when connected together the screen still does not respond, then 99% of the time the problem lies in the video card. IN in this case you can contact service center, If guarantee period has not expired, and the protective seals are intact. The second option is to clean the card yourself. If you decide to carry out additional diagnostics of the video card and clean it, you need to:

  1. Disconnect the computer from the network, unscrew the fastening elements (bolts, screws) of the system unit and clean internal elements from dust.
  2. Unfasten the latch and disconnect the video card from the motherboard. If you have no experience in disassembling or knowledge of computers, then the card can be detected by the wire that connects the monitor to the unit.
  3. Carefully inspect the video card for burnt and damaged elements, traces of combustion, damaged contacts and solder deformation, which can be used to determine whether the video card has burned out.
  4. The presence or absence of other effects can be detected using a tester and a screwdriver. Examples are the presence of a short circuit in a section of the circuit, a drop in resistance on a donut - a transformer. These negative processes and the presence of a small layer of thermal paste (checked by smoothly disconnecting the chip) can lead to overheating of the processor and video adapter.
  5. If all the elements are intact, you need to wipe the contacts and joints of the elements with a cotton swab dipped in dissolved industrial alcohol.
  6. It's time to reassemble the computer and restart it.

You need to be especially careful when buying a used device, since the previous owners may have used it too intensively or tried to overclock it. The most common problems are:

  • low performance due to the fact that it was used in the process of mining cryptocurrencies, performing extremely complex computing operations, or using powerful, demanding computer games;
  • the device has been subjected to other serious loads;
  • overheating, a sudden change in temperature due to incorrect installation and operation of the card, for example, in a cramped case with insufficient ventilation and a lot of dust;
  • the presence of hardware failures, for example, bends in fan blades;
  • loss of original characteristics - this can occur as a result of improper restoration and reballing of the GPU (graphics processing unit).

There are two ways to check your video card for functionality at the time of purchase:

  1. Test the graphics card on the seller's computer using launch powerful games and checking performance when playing video using a benchmark (performance benchmark) in specialized programs, for example, Furmark. This option is available if the video card is purchased at the apartment from the seller. If the meeting is scheduled on neutral territory, then the second option is suitable.
  2. Visual inspection fees. Here you need to use a flashlight and carefully check the device for broken and burnt elements, blackened or damaged areas of the board.

How to find out if a video card is working on a computer using Windows services

There is another way to check if your video card is working properly. It consists of using the built-in services of the Windows operating system (OS), but only if it is installed on the computer. To check the equipment, you need:

  1. Use the key combination “Win+R” and open a window to perform tasks that require administrator rights.
  2. In the pop-up list of the panel, select dxdiag or enter manually, and then click on the “Ok” button.
  3. Go to the “Screen” tab and view information about the device, downloaded drivers, and information about faults in the “Notes” field.

Testing a video card for performance using a computer game

You can also check the device's performance using the CPU-Z program, which monitors one of the the most important parameters devices – temperatures, in combination with powerful computer game, capable of loading a computer or laptop well. To carry out this test you need:

  1. Download and run CPU-Z, and then in the left bottom corner select a video adapter model, for example, Radeon rx 480.
  2. Go to the “Sensors” tab, pay attention to the “GPU Temperature” field - this parameter shows the current temperature of the graphics adapter. Double-click on it to display the maximum value.
  3. Without closing the program, launch any game with high requirements, play for 30–40 minutes, then close the game and check the temperature: it should be between 90–95°C. If the temperature exceeds 100°C, the device's resources will soon run out.

Check the video card for functionality using special programs

Device performance testing is carried out using special software products, which include:

  • FurMark;
  • 3DMark;
  • Aida 64;
  • OCCT;
  • ATITool.

The FurMark app is in a great way testing the performance of a graphics card, which uses a special animation - a “fluffy” torus. Thanks to this graphic element, the device is heavily loaded, which helps to obtain the maximum amount of information about the operation of the adapter. At the same time, due to heavy workload, the video card may be damaged. To carry out the test, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the official website of the program, download the latest version of the application, and then install it on your computer.
  2. After opening the program, click on the Settings button and in the window that appears, check the items: “Dynamic background” and “Burn-in”.
  3. In the main menu, click on “Burn -in test” and in the pop-up checkbox, agreeing to a possible emergency restart of the system, and then click the “Go” button.
  4. Test the performance of the video card for 20 minutes and complete the procedure. Increasing the duration of testing may lead to malfunction of the device.

The FurMark utility can be paired with the CPU-Z program, which is designed to monitor the processor. To use the utility, you need to launch CPU-Z, select “Graphics Card” in the main menu, after that you can load the video card, and then check the stability of its operation, view the main functionality with the values ​​of the main parameters.


3DMark is a well-known program for diagnosing video adapters, used not only by gamers, but also by device manufacturers. The test results obtained using this program are considered reference results, and performance ratings are based on them. The application is available in a paid version, but you can also download a free one with a limit on the number of tests performed necessary to check the video card.

Using 3DMark, diagnostics can be performed on personal computers with any version of Windows, laptops, and testing the graphic functions of smartphones, tablets on Android and iOS. To start testing the device, you must:

  1. Run the program and watch the testing progress.
  2. Wait 15 minutes until the end of the diagnosis and compare the indicators with the data of other users on the website.

Aida 64

The Aida 64 program is designed to test the overall performance of a computer: parameters of the video adapter, processor (temperature, number of cores, etc.) and hard drive. To check the stability of the application, the functionality of the application includes the ability to conduct stress tests. To check the video card for serviceability you need to:

  1. Open the application and go to the “Tools” menu.
  2. Run “System stability test” and check the box next to “Stress GPU” to test the video device.
  3. Test the card for 10 minutes and monitor the temperature change.


The OSST program is designed to assess the stability and possible damage to a video card from overloads, and is also used to overclock device parameters. The application displays the values ​​of frequency, voltage, temperature indicators, and plots graphs of parameter changes. It is only compatible with DirectX 9 and 11. To check the functionality of the device, you need to open the program and go to the “GPU” tab, and then enter the settings:

  • test duration – 14 minutes;
  • permission;
  • shader complexity;
  • error checking.


Simple and convenient to use software product is the ATITool application, which conducts a comprehensive check of the device’s performance using the main tool - the “hairy cube”. This animation is very voluminous and difficult for the computer, so all processor malfunctions, including overheating of the contacts, will be found and the information will be displayed on the screen.

After downloading and installing the program, you need to enter the main menu and click on the “Show 3D view” button, which will launch a rotating cube. After this, testing will start, similar to the previous programs for checking the processor temperature. IN this test There are no time limits, so you need to make sure that the processor does not overheat

Using the “cube”, in addition to overheating, you can view video card errors. The program displays them as yellow dots. If, after testing, up to three points were found, then the graphics card has normal functionality. A value of 10 points is also not very critical, it only shows minor power or power issues. More than 10 points indicate the presence of serious problems inside the device.

You can check the device memory using the “Video Memory stress” utility. This program is able to determine the amount of memory that is consumed when executing a particular process. In addition, the utility is capable of checking several cards at once. Managing the application is simple. To use the program, you just need to open it and click on the “Start” button. After startup, two screens and device data will appear on the monitor. Nuances:

  • The top one will show the testing time, and the bottom one will show the total test time.
  • Below the bottom screen there is a window with a list of errors that occurred during the test. If there are no errors in this window, then the video card is working in normal mode, and its functions are not impaired.
  • Additional information information about the device can be found in the “Log” item, which is located below the error window.

How to find out if the video card is working on a laptop

Today, two types of personal computers are widely used: desktop and laptop. By virtue of large sizes Checking the operation of the graphics card on a stationary device is not difficult. But how can you check if the video card is working on a laptop? There are two ways:

  • Download and run a large program designed for graphics processing - Photoshop, or a game with high requirements, for example, latest version NFS – Need series For Speed. If there are problems with the video card, they will appear visually on the screen in the form of lags, stripes or freezes.
  • Use specialized programs for testing devices - special programs, for example, FurMark, OCCT and 3D Mark.

How to test a video card for malfunction online

Video adapters can be tested on the Internet - online. The verification method is not suitable for troubleshooting, but is intended only to determine whether the computer parameters match the requirements of the games. More often, the behavior and correctness of the device is checked when launching a certain game, for example, Fifa, a simulator of football matches. An example of a service is online test NVIDIA. In order to use it you need:

  1. Go to the company’s official website and select “Is your computer ready for new games?” in the menu on the left.
  2. Select the game, and then click on the “Find out now” button under the icon.


Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!

The most common case of knocking is an increase in technical gaps in the mating parts. Most often, as the engine speed increases, the knocking becomes more intense, but it can also happen the other way around - it can depend on the engine temperature and the intensity of the lubrication.

If the knocking noise remains unchanged as the car is used (in fact, almost unchanged), this is due to wear of parts made of hard materials (for example, a gas distribution mechanism); if the sound progresses, the “soft material + hard” pair has worn out (for example, a crank mechanism).

Uniform knocking with frequency crankshaft usually occurs precisely as a result of an increase in technical clearances in the mating parts: pistons, camshaft, crankshaft, cylinder block.

If the knocking noise increases under load and its intensity progresses while driving, there is a high probability that the crankshaft bearings and the crank mechanism are damaged.

A knocking sound with a frequency lower than that of the crankshaft usually indicates problems with the distribution mechanism.

Loud dull knocks - malfunction of the crank mechanism (wear connecting rod bearing or main bearing). This sound may also be the result of a crack on the drive disc in the automatic transmission.

A knocking sound with a frequency higher than the crankshaft speed is often the result of foreign objects getting into the oil pan or exhaust tract.

Rhythmic tapping, increasing with increasing speed - adjustment is disturbed valve mechanism or too low level engine oils.

Uneven knocking noises occur due to wear thrust bearings shafts, loose fits or defects in pulleys and flywheels.

Clunking sounds are a sign of wear on the timing belt or accessory drive belts.

A whistling noise under the hood is usually a consequence of loose tension or slipping of the alternator belt or pump drive.

A metal clanging sound coming from the bottom of the cylinder block indicates a piston problem. A loud clanging sound coming from the top is a sign of worn camshaft lobes.

A booming sound that develops into a hum is a sign of a generator malfunction.

Characteristic hissing - common symptom depressurization of any system due to loosening of clamps or rupture of one of the hoses.

An uneven sound of the engine in the rhythm of “3 through 1” (they say “the engine is running”) means that one of the cylinders is not working (missing), for example, one of the spark plugs does not ignite the mixture. Other signs of a malfunction are instability of operation on idle speed, loss of power, increase in fuel consumption.

So, a uniform knock with the frequency of the crankshaft (and, even more so, an increasing one) is in most cases a sign of breakdown, further movement which will lead to the need overhaul engine or its replacement. Those. When sounds of this kind appear, you should immediately stop and get to the service station using a tow truck.

In case of fading or uneven knocking, in most cases it is possible to get to the service station on your own.

In any case, if extraneous knocks- You should visit a service station as soon as possible.

The electronic unit The control panel is one of the main components of the car, since it is, in fact, its “brains”. Thanks to this device, many different processes are carried out to ensure normal operation in general, but like any other device, the ECU can fail. Read more about how to check the ECU for functionality and in what cases it is necessary.


Common ECU malfunctions and their causes

The electronic control system can fail for various reasons. One way or another, the car owner in this case will be faced with the need to carry out diagnostics in order to accurately determine the malfunction of the unit, since in most cases these devices cannot be repaired. As practice shows, even specialists usually do not undertake to repair the device, but simply replace it with a new one. But in any case, before you say goodbye to the ECU, you need to carefully understand the reasons why it failed.

According to many electricians with whom we consulted when writing this material, the main reason for unit failure is voltage surges in on-board network. Overvoltage usually occurs as a result of a short circuit in one or more solenoids.

But this is only one of the most common reasons; in fact, there are many more:

  1. Failure of the device may occur as a result of its mechanical damage. For example, it could be a strong impact or large vibrations, due to which a crack appeared at the module removal. Also, cracks and damage can form in places where elements or contacts are soldered.
  2. The ECM has overheated, a problem that usually occurs as a result of temperature changes. In practice, there are known cases when, at low negative temperatures, drivers started their engines at high speed, trying to ensure accurate starting of the power unit. At this moment, overheating could occur.
  3. Exposure of the ECM to corrosion. The formation of corrosion on the module structure can be caused by changes in air humidity in the cabin, as well as by the accumulation of condensation or moisture entering engine compartment vehicle.
  4. Violation of the sealing of the device. Such a problem will lead to the cause of the malfunction described above - in particular, water entering the module structure.
  5. If there is no connection with the ECU, then such a malfunction could be caused by interference of outsiders in the control system, which could contribute to a violation of the integrity of the structure. For example, if they tried to “smoke” another car from the battery of a car, while the engine of the first one was running, the terminals of the battery could also be disconnected while the engine was running. In addition, the problem could arise as a result of the fact that when connecting the battery, its polarity was reversed, that is, the terminals were connected incorrectly. In some cases, a malfunction may appear after turning on the starter unit to which the power bus was not connected.

In any case, for whatever reason the device fails, repairs or replacement must be carried out after the full diagnostics module. It must also be remembered that the nature of the failure may indicate possible malfunctions, present in the operation of other systems. If these faults are not corrected, this will lead to the fact that the new device will also fail.

If there is no connection with the ECU and the device refuses for some reason, the car owner can notice this by the following symptoms:

  1. On dashboard does not burn Check icon Engine, which appears when a malfunction in the engine is detected. Or the icon may blink or may not appear immediately. If the indicator blinks, you need to make sure that the problem is not in the light bulb itself, and then check the unit itself.
  2. When you tried to connect the ECU with your own hands, the scanner began to produce incorrect data that raises your doubts. That is, the information may be radically different from what it should be. If there is no connection with the computer, the scanner may not recognize this device at all.
  3. The power unit of the car malfunctions, troits, it may not start or starts every once in a while, and it may even smoke. However, there are no reasons for this behavior, including overheating.
  4. The car's ignition began to misfire.
  5. The engine cooling fan can turn on randomly, without a command from the control unit.
  6. The car starts to malfunction safety elements, while they burn out repeatedly, and visible reasons no to that. If fuses blow, this is usually due to overvoltage in the on-board network or in a certain section of the electrical circuit, but diagnostics do not detect voltage surges.
  7. WITH various sensors impulses do not arrive or arrive but irregularly.
  8. In addition, another symptom may be incorrect work gas pedals. When the driver presses the pedal, it may respond slowly or very slowly. This sign is the most accurate, especially if the pedal previously worked in normal mode.
  9. Traces of damage may also be visible on the device body. For example, these could be burnt contacts or traces of burning on the wires.
  10. Another sign is the absence of control signals for the ignition system or fuel pump, regulator idle move and other devices whose operation is controlled by the ECU (the author of the video about self-diagnosis— Vladimir Chumakov).

How to independently diagnose the unit?

At first glance, it may seem that diagnosing an ECU is a difficult task that not everyone can handle. Indeed, checking your block is not so easy, but having theoretical knowledge, it is quite possible to apply it in practice.

Required tools and equipment

To check the functionality of the module yourself, you will need to perform a number of steps to connect to the ECU.

To perform the test you will need the following devices and elements:

  1. Oscilloscope. It’s clear that not every car enthusiast has such a device, so if you don’t have one, you can use a computer with the necessary diagnostic software pre-installed on it.
  2. Cable for connecting to the device. You need to select an adapter that supports the KWP2000 protocol.
  3. Software. Finding diagnostic software today is not a problem. To do this, just monitor the network and find a program that is suitable for your vehicle. The program is selected taking into account the car, since different cars are put different blocks management.

Photo gallery “Preparing for system diagnostics”

Algorithm of actions

Diagnostic procedure electronic system control is discussed below using the Bosch M 7.9.7 module as an example. This control unit model is one of the most common not only in domestic cars VAZ, but also for foreign-made cars. It should also be noted that the verification process is described using an example of use software KWP-D.

So, how to check the ECU at home:

  1. First of all, the adapter used must be connected to a computer or laptop, as well as the ECM itself. To do this, connect one end of the cable to the output on the unit, and the other to the USB output on the computer.
  2. Next, you need to turn the key in the car's ignition, but you do not need to start the engine. By turning on the ignition, you can launch the diagnostic utility on your computer.
  3. After completing these steps, a window with a message should pop up on the computer screen, which confirms the successful start of diagnosing malfunctions in the controller. If for some reason the message does not appear, you need to make sure that the computer successfully connected to the controller. Check the quality of the connection and connection of the cable to the unit and laptop.
  4. Then a table should be displayed on the laptop display, which will indicate the main specifications and vehicle operating parameters.
  5. At the next stage, you need to pay attention to the DTC section (it may be called differently in different programs). This section will present all the faults that it works with. power unit. All errors will be displayed on the screen in the form of encrypted combinations of letters and numbers. To decrypt them, you need to go to another section, which is usually called Codes, or use technical documentation to your car.
  6. If there are no errors in this section, then you now don’t have to worry, since the vehicle’s engine is working perfectly (the author of the video at home is the AUTO REZ channel).

But this verification option is most relevant if the computer sees the block. If you have problems connecting to it, then you will need electrical diagram devices, as well as a multimeter. The tester or multimeter itself can be purchased at any specialty store, and the electrical circuit diagram of the ECM should be in the service manual. The diagram itself needs to be studied most carefully; this will be required for verification.

In the event that the ECM points to a specific block, and does not show erratic data, then in accordance with the diagram it needs to be found and called. If there is no accurate information, then the only way out is to diagnose the entire system; as we said above, breakdowns are considered one of the main faults.

After the breakdown is found, it is necessary to check the resistance and determine exactly where the cable is fixed. You will need to solder the corresponding new wire parallel to the old one; if the reason lies in the breakdown, then these actions will eliminate the problem. In all other cases, only qualified specialists can solve the problem.

Video “Why the ECM does not communicate during testing”

From the video below, you can find out why there may be no communication between the ECM and the laptop during diagnostics (the author of the video is the Billye espada channel).


Malfunction- an event associated with the impossibility of execution, or improper execution of the functional purpose of an object.

The term “Malfunction” refers to the technical category. This event how the definition is an integral part of technical diagnostics. Studying the fault determines the possibility of increasing the reliability of a functional object, as well as predicting the residual life. Based on the results of the fault analysis, it is possible to change the assignments of the elements included in the object. In other words, a malfunction can be both a consequence and a result.

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    Synonym dictionary MALFUNCTION, malfunction, female. 1. units only distracted noun k faulty. Radio receiver malfunction. 2. Error, oversight, damage. No faults found. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 …

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary FAULTY, oh, oh; vein, vna. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 …

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary Malfunction - - disturbances in the operation of heat supply and (or) water supply systems, in which at least one of the requirements defined technological process . [STO NOSTROY 2.15.3 2011] Term heading: Water supply, water Headings... ...

    Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials FAULT - the state of a technical device in which it does not correspond to at least one of both in primary and secondary parameters; not all malfunctions can cause (see); sometimes damage or some... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    Spelling dictionary-reference book- 3.41 malfunction: Failure of electrical equipment or components to perform their intended functions from an explosion protection point of view. Note In this standard, malfunctions can occur for a variety of reasons, for example: failure of one or ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Spelling dictionary-reference book- ▲ disorder (of what) technical device malfunction inability to function. faulty. serviceability serviceable. breaking. break. problem. jam, sya (the steering wheel is jammed). leak (patch #). leak (the roof is leaking). leak...... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Spelling dictionary-reference book- gedimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: engl. break down; failure; fault vok. Ausfall, m; Beschädigung, f; Fehler, m; Versagen, n rus. failure, m; fault, f; refusal, m; damage, n pranc. défaillance, f; défaut, m;… … Automatikos terminų žodynas


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