The most beautiful colors for cars are dark blue. Car color: which one to choose

Most car enthusiasts know that the color of the car is an important factor, which must be taken into account when buying it. Since this is both an aesthetic characteristic of the car, and an indicator that is associated with safety, driving quality, and the cost of a car during operation. Currently, car companies offer a wide range of colors for cars to choose from. Of course, it has become much easier to choose the color of a car when buying it.

Most often, choosing the color of the car for themselves, most buyers prefer the aesthetic side. But color is actually the first level passive protection. The question arises, which color of the car is better to choose? One of the most popular colors considered - white, silver and black. More than half of the fleet is accounted for by these colors, and by a wide margin silver color. The share of black is only about 15 - 20%.

What is the safest car color

According to statistics, although dark-colored cars on the road are a minority, they get into an accident much more often than light-colored cars. More than half of the recorded accidents are caused by a collision of dark-colored cars with each other. As for the light color, the proportion of collisions is very small. It turns out that by purchasing a dark-colored car, buyers increase their chances of getting into an accident.

And here invisibility is the worst enemy. Pedestrians are literally repelled by the yellow color, especially children. But people who have poor eyesight, on the contrary, are prone to getting under the wheels of brightly colored cars, since they judge the speed and distance to a red spot better than to a gray one.

Statistical figures depend directly on the specific colors of the car, time of day and season, driving style, etc. In any case, we are talking about tens of percent, but still an extra risk. What do these dozens of risk consist of.

Warning color or disguise?

Concerning dark cars, then they merge with asphalt, while light ones - with snow. Dark cars at dusk are much less noticeable than white ones, but in the dead of night there is almost no difference, only the headlights on can level the difference. Although with the headlights on, as a rule, no one parks the car. For example, in bright light, the included headlights are not visible, and dark-colored cars are also not visible.

One of safe colors considered yellow, although it is the rarest on the roads. The color directly associated with risk is not red, but black.

visual deception

Cars dark colors appear smaller than the lighter ones. White cars seem more distant than dark ones. Red cars visually move faster than light ones. The conclusion suggests itself: owners of dark-colored cars are more familiar with body work, but the drivers behind the wheel white car distance must be observed.

What colors attract attention

Unusual and bright colors often disturb the steady flow of cars and distract the attention of drivers. Therefore, various excesses often occur on the roads. By the way. Airbrushing does not attract attention as much as flashy colors, therefore, from the point of view of traffic safety, it is much better to emphasize your individuality with the help of drawings in neutral colors. color scheme than by buying a pink car. We should not forget that most potential buyers have a negative attitude towards bright colors, different drawings, so it will be much more difficult to sell such a car. Here you will have to look not just for a client, but for a comrade-in-arms in worldviews, to whom such iron Horse will be to your liking.

What is related to the practicality of the color of the car is that you can wash your car less often, since dust and dirt are less visible. It should be remembered that the color of the mud is one of the most camouflage. If you value the beauty of the car and safety, then you need to tune in to wash it as often as possible.

Most car owners are arguing about whether the body color, its color, affects the durability of the paintwork during operation, the absence and presence of chips and other defects.

There are two opposite opinions: influences and influences. The disputed parties are divided equally. Most likely, the technology of painting the body and the composition of the paint affect the durability. Namely, how they painted, with what and who.

There is an opinion that white paint contains calcium carbonate, which provokes the appearance of rust. Metallic paint reduces the risk of scratches and chips. But these are just the opinions of experts, there are not so many statistical data in this area, and even more so research in domestic conditions no, and even more so.

What is the most popular car color?

When choosing a car color, you must remember that the color of the car, which is considered popular, does not always coincide with the colors of the best personal perception. Because, as they say, the truth does not always correspond to the opinion of the majority. But still, buying a car with a popular paint job means it will be much easier to sell in the future compared to the original color.

Remember that no matter what color of the car you prefer, no matter what, it will be exactly the color of the car that you dreamed about. Be more careful on the roads, enjoy your purchase, follow the rules and then a car of absolutely any color will be safe.

Buying a car is a joyful and long-awaited event, which should be treated with a great deal of responsibility. When choosing a new vehicle future car owner must decide on the brand of the car, with the type of its body and with the engine size. Not less than important parameter is the color of the car. Experts say that the safety of the driver and passengers of the car largely depends on which color of the car to choose. To date, it is reliably known that each color has a number of individual characteristics that give it a unique character. That is why each color is perceived by the human psyche in different ways. Given all of the above, we can conclude that the right color of the car not only improves the practicality of its use, but also increases general security movement in a vehicle.

Color Features

Grey colour considered a neutral color, characterized by a calming effect on mental condition person. gray cars with equal success choose people who have various types characters. Such cars are quite practical to use due to the fact that it is problematic to consider road dust and dirt on a gray background even with a strong desire. On the road, a gray car is clearly visible both in the cold and in the warm season.

Gray cars are very difficult to see at dusk, so their owners are advised to dark time day to move only with the headlights on, reducing the likelihood of an accident.

Black color by right is the most popular color of cars today. A large number of expensive cars executive class drive on our roads in this color. Blacks are no exception budget cars, which often look more expensive than similar cars painted in other colors. In most cases, owners Vehicle black color can be described as solid and self-confident people, distinguished by a strong proud disposition. Often they have a stable and high financial wealth. The black color well emphasizes the design of the body and gives the vehicle sophistication and swiftness. At the same time, black color can hardly be called practical, because. any scratches, chipped paintwork, dents, dirt and dust are clearly visible on it. That is why black cars should always be kept clean. In winter, such cars are clearly visible on the road due to the contrast with the white snow cover.

At night, as well as in conditions of poor visibility, the black color merges with pavement, making such cars hard to see, so black cars must be marked with the lights on when driving at night. parking lights.

White color not much inferior in popularity to black, while the cost of white vehicles in most cases is lower than the cost of similar cars painted in other equally popular shades. Fans of light-colored cars are equally both women and men of all ages. Pragmatic people prefer white paintwork because of its versatility and neutrality. In addition, white cars are often purchased by people who are dreamy and romantic in nature.

White vehicles are characterized by the following advantages:

  1. High degree of visibility on the road;
  2. Spectacular appearance;
  3. In the hot season, white cars heat up a little less than cars with dark colors.

The disadvantages of white color include:

  1. Poor visibility on snowy road surfaces;
  2. Need for frequent washing car to maintain its presentable appearance.

Silver color has been popular with drivers for many years due to the fact that silver cars look spectacular both in the rays of sunlight and in low light conditions. Motorists driving silver vehicles often have a stable psyche and a balanced disposition. This color has many common features with white, so silver cars are also able to blend into the snowy road surface, thereby creating the possibility of an accident. In order to avoid accidents, such cars should move in winter with the marker lights on, making them more visible in the general traffic flow. Against the background of silver, any dirt is very clearly visible, so such cars should be washed regularly and often enough.

In the event of heavy rain around the car body with a silver paintwork there may be a so-called "rain veil", which can well hide the car from other participants traffic.

Various shades of green mainly chosen by positive, friendly and self-confident motorists. Home distinctive feature green cars is that other road users, due to the appearance of a visual illusion, cannot accurately determine the distance to green vehicles, because often it seems that such machines are somewhat further away from them than they are in reality. Otherwise green color has no clear advantages or disadvantages.

Blue color and its shades are most often chosen by female drivers, who are distinguished by a melancholy character. blue cars are also capable of creating a visual illusion, due to which it may seem that they are somewhat further away than they actually are. On dark blue varnish coating dust and dirt are more visible than on light blue, therefore, the darker the shade of the car, the more often it will have to be washed.

Red color preferred by powerful drivers who need increased attention from others. It is not uncommon for people driving cars of just this color to behave provocatively on the roads, thereby provoking other drivers to make forced and abrupt maneuvers in order to avoid an accident.

In conclusion, it should be noted that all the information provided in this article is based on the generalization of certain statistical data, which may be subject to adjustment over time.

When choosing which car to choose, sometimes the choice falls on the car that has a more attractive color. Let's see what color is worth. Sometimes it's easier to repaint a car to make it more interesting, beautiful, fresh and pleasant for yourself. Today we will look at the main colors that cars are painted in. These are white and silver, black and gray, red and pink, green, blue and blue. What should be considered when choosing a car color? First of all, the psychology of color, its character and influence on the psyche, as well as the safety of such a car when driving, as well as the practicality of using a car of this color.

What do we know about white? Anyone who likes this color is most likely honest and fair. Psychologically, this color is neutral and shows the calm nature of its impact on others. Most often, white cars are very noble on the road: such cars are less likely to be recorded in an accident. White color is quite suitable not only for women, but also for men, because. color neutrality - on the face. Most often, white color for a car is chosen by high-ranking personalities, although today it is cheaper to buy it white car. What can be said about the safe context of the car's white color? In summer, on a hot day, it will be more pleasant to be in a car, because. this color does not attract the sun's scorching rays and the interior of the car does not heat up so much. When it comes to road safety: white car easier to notice, because there are fewer such cars, they are bright spots on the track and cannot be invisible. Although it is worth noting that at the beginning of winter, when the snow is white and bright, a white car will be more difficult to recognize, because. A clean car can blend into the snow. But given the specifics of nature in our country, already 2-3 hours after snowfall, the snow turns from white to dirty gray. Remember the practical side of a white car, too: it looks great while it's on the stand, clean and polished, but after the first ride, the car will get a little dusty, and after the rain, the car will look different from what you bought. Such a car will have to be washed more often, because. dirt and dust will often be an eyesore. Interestingly, the statistics show what colors of cars white cars have more collisions, and these are black, dark brown and bright burgundy colors. As you know, opposites attract, and in our case, they collide.

Is it worth it to choose a silver color for your car.

Silver color among motorists today is in price, it is very popular and in demand. This is understandable: it looks perfect, especially in the sun. According to another American survey, the color of a car can attract a lot of attention. So the survey confirmed that the most attractive and interesting color was silver. Women are ready to look with curiosity who is driving a passing silver car, and men are more supportive and respectful of women on silver car. Most often, the silver color for a car is chosen by calm and healthy (and not only psychologically) people. In principle, the silver color is not far from white: it is just as attractive to drivers in the summer, but dangerous in the winter. Just like with white silver car often need to be sent to the sink, tk. rain quickly spoils its appearance. However, it is on a silver car that it is easier to hide scratches, and the dust on it is invisible, it only creates a haze effect. It is only important to be especially careful when driving a silver car in the rain: if the rain is heavy, it forms a rain cloud, a kind of light veil, under which a silver car is extremely unsuccessfully hidden, and this can provoke an accident on slippery road rain, with serious consequences.

Should I choose black for my car?

Black is a color that is popular not only among motorists. From a psychological point of view, those who choose black for a car are quite skeptical, gloomy and dissatisfied people. However, this can be argued in view of the characteristic features of the weather in Russia and Russian roads. It used to be that black cars were only for losers who were downtrodden in themselves. But now black is becoming more and more popular among people of high society. To date, the owners of black cars are rude, quick-tempered and domineering people. This may be why black is the most common color in crashes (although this may be due to the fact that it is the most common color in cars). A black car is considered unsafe on the road. it is easier to hide in the mass of cars, tk. merges with asphalt. Here it is worth noting the following fact: in winter, a black car is much easier to notice against the background of a light shade of the road. True, dust and dirt on such machines is noticeably no less than on a white car, the same applies to light scratches and dents on a car. And in the summer, of course, there is nothing to breathe in the cabin without air conditioning. Despite such a wildly popular black color, it is not safe!

Should I choose gray for my car.

As you can imagine, the gray color is not something special. It's a pretty simple neutral color. The owners of a car of this color can be both calm and even insecure people, as well as influential and vindictive personalities. It's like in the concept: "in a quiet pool ...", for in gray cars can hide any appearance of a person, but on the road they most often behave as they should, without violating the rules of the road. The gray color is very practical, it can always be seen both in summer and in winter, in the heat it is not hot in the cabin, and dirt and dust will seem “innate”. But there is a "but": at night and at dusk gray car imperceptible, save only the included headlights.

Is it worth choosing a red (pink) color for your car.

Red cars on the road can be found much more often than pink. Behind a pink car, you can most often meet a blond young girl (although a guy can be behind the wheel!), But in a red car there is always a bright person (and a man too), striving for power and getting a lot of attention. Most often, the owners of these flowers are not very fond of in their social circle, because they are at least so eager to attract attention to themselves. Behind the wheel of a red car, the driver feels omnipotent and unpunished, so he behaves ugly, arrogantly and abruptly on the road. Often they are afraid of such cars so as not to “get into trouble”, but they don’t like “pink drivers”, I understand that, most likely, a woman is driving, but in our country they are not respected. However, it is the drivers of pink cars that are more relaxed behind the wheel, because. they do not feel confident on the road, they are careful, attentive, but in the event of an accident they are completely lost.

Should I choose green for my car.

Green color for a car is very favorable, suitable for kind and open people. Most often, green car drivers are confident people, businessmen, politicians who are constantly busy with serious thoughts. Perhaps this is the reason for the unpredictability of green cars on the road. For example, if while driving you cut green car, the owner may get angry, you have torn him away from an important thought. In response, they can either cut you, which is less serious, or bring you to emergency. Therefore, you should be on the alert if there is a green car nearby, and you should control yourself if you are the owner of a green car. The big problem is the visual illusion created green colors car in motion: it always seems that such a car is a little further than it really is.

Is it worth it to choose a blue (light blue) color for your car.

The colors blue-blue are related, as are red-pink. IN blue cars you can meet exactly a woman whose psychological portrait is as follows: a bright essence, attentiveness and care for her figure. In blue cars, you can meet exactly mature, educated people, melancholic in essence, but still confident on the road and nice mentally. Both the blue and the blue color of the car create a visual illusion: the car seems to be further than it is in reality, although the drivers of such cars are rarely dangerous on the road. As for the convenience of such cars: on the blue color (the darker, the worse), stains, dust, dirt, splashes, etc. are very noticeable, so you will often have to wash the car. But the blue color here is more loyal: dirt is less visible, and in the summer it is more comfortable in the cabin.

When choosing a new car for themselves, the buyer is always faced with a difficult choice of colors to please himself, his family and the advice of friends. Each car body color has its purpose, its practicality and meaning for the owner. In this article we will tell you which car body color is the most practical.

The importance of car color for the owner

Various analytical agencies around the world have conducted polls for motorists to find out what color of the car is the most popular. In the course of such surveys, a certain trend was built. It turns out that for most of the male population of the world, the choice of car color is the main factor in choosing a car. But the color of the car is important only for 35 percent of women.

Most popular car colors

Among motorists, certain stereotypes have already developed about the choice of color for their car, which even affect the color range of cars produced by manufacturers.

It so happened that most often motorists choose monotonous colors for their cars:

- black,

- silver,

The practicality of popular car colors

One of the most popular colors for cars is black. But whether it is practical, we will find out now.

Black is considered a prestigious color. Any black sedan or SUV gives some status to their owners. Every motorist wants to stand out in the stream. In addition, a black sedan can add just the “show-offs” that Russian people are prone to.

However, black is not a practical color. Here are its main disadvantages:

- the black surface of the car absorbs solar energy most of all, the black car heats up the most in summer;

— black color fades most in the sun, and over time, its saturation on the body is lost;

- various scratches and scuffs stand out strongly on the black body panels;

- even a little dirt and dust will be visible on the black surface of the car.

Unlike black, white and silver body colors are very practical. In addition, the color "white mother-of-pearl" looks very expensive on a car. Cars painted in this color are sure to fall into wedding corteges as the main car of the bride and groom.

The most practical car body colors

The table below shows the characteristics for the main practical colors of the car body.

Not so long ago, just some half a century ago, the question of choosing a car color could not arise at all. The main quality of a car that a Soviet citizen could have was simply its presence. Having gone through years of queues and bureaucratic corridors, our man simply could not even imagine what else, it turns out, could be something to choose from!

Quite a bit of time has passed since then, and now, we are already meticulously examining every detail, making more and more demands on the design, comfort, functionality and presentability of a new car. And since there is not only an opportunity, but also the need to choose, we will approach such a responsible event competently.

When choosing a color, we will rely on several criteria:

  • practicality;
  • safety;
  • personal preference.


It is quite difficult to unambiguously evaluate the practicality of a particular color, but general recommendations still have a place.

The most popular tones when buying a car today are black, white, silver, blue and red. You may be disappointed, but most of the listed shades are completely impractical for a car. Cars bright colors require frequent visits to the car wash, otherwise even a small layer of dust will greatly affect the presentability. In addition, bright enamel quickly loses its gloss and freshness, so you will have to use a lot of products that restore shine. On black cars, minor damage and scratches will be very noticeable, and white enamel, especially on domestic cars tends to give out treacherous spots of incipient corrosion, the so-called "saffron milk caps". The advantage of a white car will be the ability to keep cool in hot weather, which cannot be said about black or dark blue, which absorbs heat. However, all modern cars are necessarily equipped with air conditioning, so you can ignore this feature.

The most practical shades will be: brown, gray, silver or golden. Dust on them will be invisible, scratches and minor damage will be smoothed out. Therefore, if practicality is most important to you, choose these colors for your car.


No matter how strange it may sound, but the color of the car and safety on the road is not an empty phrase. Black cars are considered the most dangerous. There is such a hell reasonable explanation: it just becomes less noticeable during bad weather conditions or at dusk. For the same reason, white is considered unsafe in winter. This, of course, does not mean that you have to give up your favorite color just because it blends with snow or rain. Do not forget that in the first place, your safety depends only on compliance with traffic rules and from care on the road.

How to choose a car color according to your zodiac sign

Each car enthusiast has his own requirements for the purchased car. Choosing the color of the car according to the sign of the zodiac is a completely reasonable and logical decision.

Aries: People born under the sign of Aries are stubborn and ambitious. It is better not to pester them with advice, because they themselves will decide which color of the car to choose. Best for Aries bright colors- red, light green, metallic blue.

Taurus: Taurus drivers love comfort and consistency. When choosing a color, you need to pay attention, first of all, to safety. So, the Taurus car should not be black or white. Desirable shades for Taurus will be beige, cream. The main thing - no aggressive tones!

Gemini: Unlike previous drivers, Geminis do not accept stability and are constantly striving to change something in their lives. The choice of car color for Gemini is best stopped at neutral ones - silver, gold, and the chameleon color will be the most ideal option.

Cancer: The drivers of this sign are romantics and take care of everyone. It is best for cancers to choose a car of a light palette: white, beige, pale blue.

Leo: representatives of this sign are big lovers of luxury. Therefore, colors that symbolize power and wealth are suitable for them: bright red, orange, yellow or gold.

Virgo: Virgo drivers are very careful! Impractical, but noble colors are the best suited for such drivers: blue, black, dark gray. But the color of the car interior is better to choose in bright colors. Virgo will selflessly take care of her car, bringing it to a luxurious shine every time.

Libra: People born under the sign of Libra are balanced and conservative. A dark green shade is best for Libra, which will calm them down and set them up for favorable thoughts.

Scorpio: Scorpio drivers are extremely important when choosing a car technical points. They most often opt for SUVs and sports cars. The ideal color for Scorpions is definitely black.

Sagittarius: It is extremely important for these drivers to be in the spotlight. This applies to everything, including vehicles. The brightest, possibly poisonous colors are suitable for Sagittarius: lemon, orange, light green, and for female representatives - lilac or hot pink.

Capricorn: Drivers of this sign tend to strive for presentability. Therefore, Capricorns carefully approach the choice of a car brand. A status car for a Capricorn should be black, brown, gray or something else, but it must emphasize the importance of the Capricorn driver.

Aquarius: representatives of this sign love to follow fashion trends. Various chips, tuning, and the most modern technologies- that's what Aquarius will be interested in. For such drivers, it is best to choose colors from a palette of bright metallics.

Pisces: Pisces drivers love it when everything is in order. Their car will always be well maintained and clean. The most favorable colors for Pisces are blue and green.

How to decide on the color of the car without leaving home

The Internet has opened up endless possibilities for car enthusiasts, so today you can choose the color of the car without leaving your home. This approach will greatly expand your ideas about the color scheme for cars. Having decided on the brand and color, you can place an order at a car dealership in your city.

What to do with minor damage to car enamel

Perhaps someday they will invent a paint that will not peel off the surface of the car with small mechanical damage. But for now - alas, the wounded horse has to be treated. small chips and scratches are smeared with special paint-pencils. When choosing such a pencil, ask the seller for a palette of colors. On the video you can see how to choose the paint:

Major damage may require full or partial body painting. With full staining, the tone does not have to repeat what it was. The main thing, with a radical color change, be sure to record this fact in the vehicle registration department.

It will be a little more difficult if you have to repaint individual parts of the car, for example, a damaged fender. When choosing a paint color for a car, it is necessary to take into account: the car loses its original color during operation, and therefore the method of selecting paint according to the VIN code is not the best the best option. Turning to the salon, try to find out the degree of professionalism of the master who undertook to paint your car. It is advisable to find out if the salon uses a special computer program, which helps you choose a color with maximum accuracy. Most often, paints have to be mixed. A true professional will definitely use all modern means to avoid mistakes.

Such programs are created not only for the selection of paints that reanimate the appearance of your car after damage. With their help, you can easily decide on the choice of color when buying a new car.

And finally, a few more words about choosing the color of the car:

  • acquiring new car, rely primarily on your feelings;
  • it is most convenient to make a choice with the help of the Internet and special programs that will take into account all your wishes, even the strangest ones;
  • color selection chemical liquids for the car, such as antifreeze or antifreeze liquid, has nothing to do with the main color of the car;
  • Removing damage and scratches is best left to professionals.

Good roads and fair winds to you!