The principle of correct execution of the exercise "Drive into the garage in reverse" at the autodrome. Reverse drive into the garage. Passing the exercise "without a hitch How to do the exercise garage at the autodrome

Beginner drivers are frightened by the exercise before handing over - driving into the garage in reverse. The exercise involves driving a car into a box that is positioned at a 90 degree angle. The knowledge gained will be needed by drivers when entering their garage or parking space near the supermarket without hitting walls or neighboring vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to perform the exercise without mistakes.

The object of the exercise is to drive into an imaginary box in reverse at a right angle. The exercise is performed in a small area with an imaginary garage of limited dimensions: 1 m wide and 1 m long. A real box can be larger, but parking spaces can have smaller boundaries. In front of the imaginary box there is a platform 1 m wide and 3 meters long. The entrance is clearly centered at a right angle on the right side of this site.

Driving into the garage in front in such limited conditions is problematic. The main task of the exercise is to drive into the garage backwards, while not touching the walls or imaginary neighboring cars. In this case, you need to get up so that the driver can safely leave his seat and get out of the car.

You do not need to get out of the car at the racetrack, but the examining officer will certainly take into account the final position of the car when assessing. After entering, you will need to leave the garage in a forward direction and go beyond the maneuver line.

The exercise includes the following steps:

  1. Drive your car to the line where the exercise will begin and stop.
  2. Reverse the car into the imaginary box.
  3. Stop the car in the garage.
  4. After that, drive out of the box at an angle and leave the site.

For beginners, the exercise raises many questions, since it is difficult to drive into the garage in reverse and not touch the lines of the walls and the back. But in practical lessons, the instructor always shows at what moment and how to turn the wheels correctly so that the car enters the room without touching the walls. If you listen carefully to the instructor and control the movement of the car through the side mirrors, then mistakes can be avoided.

Error penalty table

The technique of reversing at an angle is assessed strictly, therefore, if you do not complete any part or make a violation, then penalty points are set. Some violations are unacceptable, so an error will lead to the result - exam failure.

Below is a table of violations and the number of penalty points that the inspector exposes. If an error is made, for which the inspector gives 0 points, the exam is considered failed.

Possible mistakes Number of points
113.1 The driver did not start the exercise within 30 seconds after the start signal from the inspector. 0
113.2 Driving the car over the marked lines that limit the box. 2
113.3 Crossing by the wheels of the machine or leaving the boundaries of the line, which denotes the road markings (white markings or yellow, fenced with cones-posts) 0
113.5 The control line is not crossed by the outer dimensions of the machine, if it is provided for by the conditions of the exercise. 0
113.6 A deviation in the movement of the machine from the trajectory specified by the conditions of the exercise is allowed. 0
113.7 Stopping the engine of the machine for no reason. 2
113.15 The test subject did not appear or left the examination site, or refused to take the test. 0

The right angle drive technique is practiced in several lessons and beginners rarely "fill up" the entrance to the garage in reverse. After passing the exam, in practice, you can take your time and get out of the car several times, checking whether the movements are performed correctly.

Instruction and technique

Reversing into the garage at the autodrome is performed correctly if some of the subtleties of driving are observed. Let's take a closer look at each stage of the exercise:

  1. We look at the inspector and, on command, we drive up to the starting line and stop the car. It is not necessary to turn off the engine of the car.
  2. We turn on the first speed and move to the chip number 1. It is important to drive up so that the chip is as close to the right side mirror as possible. The closer the chip is, the easier it is for you to reverse into an imaginary garage at an angle. We stop at the moment when the chip is located on the border between the front and rear right doors of the car.
  3. After that, the car stops, and the steering wheel is twisted all the way to the left side.
  4. We include the first forward gear of the car. The car starts moving to the left side, you do not need to turn the steering wheel. The steering wheel of the car is held, otherwise it will automatically return to the straight position and the car will move in the wrong direction. At the same time, just look in the right side mirror, in which the chip number 2 should appear. You need to make sure that there is a 10 cm gap between the chip and the vehicle's borders. Do not forget about the cones that are placed along the border. If the car comes close to the counter on the front border, and the second has not yet appeared in the side right rear-view mirror, then the vehicle stops.
  5. The steering wheel simply turns to the right side until it stops, the gearbox switches to reverse.
  6. The vehicle starts to move in reverse. At the same time, you need to look behind the right side in the side mirror. When counter number 2 appears in the rear-view mirror on the right side and about 10 cm remains before it, the car stops.
  7. The steering wheel is unscrewed to the straight position of the wheels, reverse gear is engaged and the car enters the box.
  8. When driving backwards, the handlebars are simply kept in a straight position. We control in the rearview mirror how the car enters an imaginary bunker. As soon as the rear wheels cross the reference lane, the vehicle stops. The crossing of the markings is controlled by means of counters numbered 4 and 5. They are located on both sides of the entrance. You won't see the line itself.
  9. The steering wheel turns to the right side until it stops. Driving continues slowly until the vehicle is aligned parallel to the walls of the imaginary garage. Once the car is in the desired position and the distance to the left and right side is approximately the same, you should stop.
  10. The steering wheel must be placed so that the wheels are straight, then reverse gear is engaged.
  11. We just move to the back of the garage and stop.
  12. The forward first gear is engaged and the car moves forward, leaving the garage area. As soon as the front right chip (numbered 1) is located on the border of the driver's and rear doors, the steering wheel turns to the left until it stops. The car simply drives out of the garage and out of the bounds of the exercise being performed.

If the listed actions are performed according to the rules, then the exercise does not cause difficulties for a beginner. But often the psychological factor is triggered and the person begins to confuse the left side with the right. This leads to errors of reversing into the garage, the driver becomes nervous, the car starts to stall. To avoid this, you should remain calm, focus on the exercise. A well-developed technique will help you in the future to avoid mistakes when going backwards into your box.

Basic mistakes and how to avoid them

The most common mistakes that are made by beginners at the circuit during a reverse drive are highlighted:

  • One of the most common mistakes is driving over the side marking line immediately after reversing into the bunker.

Driving into the garage with these errors means hitting the wall and ruining the car. At the autodrome, the newcomer knocks off the chips numbered 1, 2. The chip numbered 1 is located on the left at the entrance to the garage. It gets hurt if the driver starts leveling the vehicle too late. The second, located on the right front side, gets lost in a hurry. Machine leveling starts too early. Often, newbies do not touch the chips with the car, but cross the line with their side mirrors. This is a gross violation and the exam will not be valid for you. The error is allowed in one more case - if the rear-view mirrors are adjusted incorrectly. The position of the mirrors must be checked before starting the exercise.

  • The vehicle crosses over the back line of the garage when parking.

The driver crosses the back line when parking only when he drives the vehicle too deep into the garage and does not follow the boundaries in the rearview mirror. When entering a real garage, the driver needs to take his time while driving and get out of the car, take a look around how much more you can turn back. At the circuit during the exam, you must not leave the car until the end of the exercise.

  • The car stands up when parking too close to the left or right side of the wall.

Entering the garage, thus, the driver will not be able to leave the car, the passenger will not be able to leave the right one. This error is not considered a gross violation when passing the exercise at the circuit, but it is not recommended to make it. In practice, the car drives forward and needs to be re-aligned. Such maneuvers do not count for the exam.

  • The car stops before its front dimensions have crossed the line of entry into the parking bunker.

In practice, the error is not critical, since when it is admitted, the garage doors will not close. When passing the exam at the autodrome, you need to be more careful and monitor not only the movement of the rear of the vehicle, but also the front. It is not enough to cross the front entry line with wheels; the entire front part must enter the garage.

  • The engine stalls when stopped while driving.

The car can stall for two reasons: a technical malfunction, the driver drops the clutch. During the exam, the main reason for the error is the psychological factor. The future driver gets nervous and releases the clutch abruptly. You can avoid mistakes by performing movements smoothly, without unnecessary haste. Beginners at the circuit should remember that it is not the speed of execution that is assessed, but the correct technique and skills. The clutch is squeezed out in smooth movements, in no case is it thrown abruptly. If the vehicle stalled, you need to restart it.

  • The driver does not stop before starting the exercise.

You need to understand that before the start of each exercise at the circuit, a stop is made. The mistake is considered gross and during the exam the inspector will send the beginner for a retake.

Drivers make mistakes when driving in reverse into the garage for a long time and are corrected in practice. Constant training when parking in tight parking lots near supermarkets is paying off. During the exam, you need to be more careful and follow all the rules and recommendations of the instructor, as in the video below.

According to the new rules for taking the exam for novice drivers, from September 1, 2016, it is allowed to knock down two chips during the execution of all elements and exercises. If there were more trips outside the parking lot, then you need to additionally practice at the circuit with an instructor. A beginner is not allowed before passing driving in city limits. The question of how to drive into the garage at the autodrome will be clear, only in practice. Theory only helps a beginner to learn the basics.

Checking into the garage is the first difficult driving element faced by novice motorists. In an environment where parking is hampered by the limited space near the garage or in a parking lot, beginners often panic, which leads to nervousness and, as a rule, mistakes.

How to check in to the garage, front or back, is a matter of preferences and convenience for each of us. Much also depends on the location of the box or the parking lot. In this particular case, we are interested in driving into the garage in reverse, since most often the difficulties are associated with this.

First of all, you need to work out the technique of such a maneuver. Let's say we will enter from the left side. This means that the steering wheel will also need to be turned to the left, and in front of the car, accordingly, it will move to the right, that is, in the direction opposite to the movement. It is important to make sure that there are no obstacles or obstructions on the road, including in the immediate vicinity of the machine.

So let's get started. The starting position before entering the garage is to the left of the gate, perpendicular to the entrance. Start the engine, depress the clutch pedal all the way, lower the handbrake lever and start moving, smoothly releasing the clutch and lightly pressing the gas. In our case, it is more convenient to look over the left shoulder, do not forget to use mirrors. Drive slowly and smoothly, just before reaching the gate, the steering wheel must be turned to the left until it stops and, while continuing to move, hold in this position until the car is perpendicular to the entrance. Now the wheels of the car need to be aligned, it needs to be done quickly, but not sharply. At this stage, you can stop for a few seconds and make sure that the car is really level in front of the entrance.

If everything is in order, you can continue driving into the garage. If the entrance is on a hillock, it is necessary at the moment when the rear wheels rest against the curb, press the gas a little harder and release it again as soon as they overcome the obstacle. The same procedure will have to be done with the front wheels.

After parking in the garage, disengage the gear and only then release the clutch, otherwise the car will jerk back and may hit an obstacle. Make it a rule to first turn off the engine, then release the clutch and park the car on

It is best to practice software skills in an open area, as is done in driving schools. For maneuvers, you can use special stands. So you will create a sense of space, and will not damage the surface of the car in case of any mistakes. For parking near shopping malls, where there is relatively little space on all sides, do the maneuver as slowly as possible. Do not hesitate to get out of the car and make sure once again that you will not touch someone else's car when entering or exiting the parking lot. While you still feel bad, it will be useful to ask someone to see the correctness of the movements performed.

In practice, this can be not only a garage, but also a regular parking lot, where we have to put our car between two others.

What is boxing:

The exercise is a rectangle into which you need to drive in reverse (the projection of the front bumper must cross the control line), and then leave the box (cross the line of the end of the exercise). The space for this maneuver is limited. The start of the exercise can be either to the left or to the right of the imaginary box.

Reverse drive into the box.

The procedure for performing the exercise "reversing into the box":

1. We approach the "Start" line, stop in front of it. We turn on the neutral gear, put the car on the handbrake.

2. We enter the box in reverse.

3. We turn on the neutral gear, put the car on the hand brake.

4. We leave the box, cross the line of the end of the exercise.

How to correctly perform the exercise "reversing into the box":

We turn the steering wheel, while standing still, only if absolutely necessary, we try to do it in motion!

1. Approach the box, preferably perpendicularly, moving closer to the entrance to the box. The closer we get to the entrance to the box, the more space will be left for the next maneuver.

2. We focus on the first cones indicating the entrance. We pass the box completely (we align the rear bumper with the far ((in the direction of travel)) wall of the box) and turn the steering wheel abruptly all the way to the opposite side from it. We continue to move as long as the border of the exercise allows,

3. We turn on the reverse gear and move into the box, twisting the steering wheel in the opposite direction.

4. Wait for the side mirrors to go behind the entry pillars and then align the front of the car between them, if required. To do this, turn the steering wheel towards a shorter distance, and as soon as the car stands level, set the wheels evenly.

5. We turn on the reverse gear and move into the boxing target. We keep (by the side mirrors) the same distances between the sides of the car and the racks indicating the entrance, or we correct the movement of the car to the desired position.

6. Having approached close to the box, we turn our attention to the central mirror. Now our task is to align the center of the car with the central pillar of the rear wall of the box. To do this, we drive into the box and unscrew the steering wheel towards the central pillar, focusing on the central mirror. As soon as the center of the car and the pillar come together in one line, we put the wheels straight and continue moving.

7. We are waiting for the side mirrors to go behind the racks indicating the entrance, then you need to align the front of the car between them, if required. To do this, turn the steering wheel towards a shorter distance, and as soon as the car stands level, set the wheels evenly.

8. We drive into the box to the end. We stop. Engage neutral and parking brake.

9. We leave the box along the same trajectory as we entered.

Common mistakes when performing the exercise "reversing into the box":

The table of penalty points for the exercise "reversing into the box":

1. Has knocked down elements of marking equipment or crossed the horizontal marking line of the site. 5
2. Crossed the "Stop" line (according to the projection of the vehicle's front dimension). 5
3. I could not turn around with a one-time reverse gear. 3
4. Did not engage in neutral after stopping with the engine running. 3
5. Did not apply the parking brake after stopping in the parking area. 3
6. The engine stalled during the exercise. 1

The task of the exercise "Entering the box" or "Entering the box in reverse" is to drive along the trajectory shown in the figure and drive in reverse into the conditional box, without touching any of the restrictive posts.

This exercise bears some resemblance to the Three Move Pivot exercise. Those. for turning, it is best to use the entire width of the site (two lengths of the car) to the maximum, then choose the place of stopping and only then, in reverse, drive into the conditional boundaries. In this case, it is necessary to remember how they change, as well as the fact that when turning, the wheels of the car move in circles, the center of which is located on the extension of the rear axle, and the radius changes by the angle of rotation of the front wheels.

To enter the box, you will need the ability and ability to move, driving the car with one hand (the most comfortable position when reversing in this case is sitting on the floor sideways and looking at the rear window).

How to do boxing exercise

This exercise can be done on either the left or right side. Let's consider the option of starting the movement from the left side of the box.

From the Start line, start slowly moving towards the box - take it to the right so as to get as close as possible to the goal. As soon as the right mirror is level with the closest "wall" of the box in the direction of travel, immediately turn the wheels all the way to the left and continue to move to the border of the site (this may be a marking, limit stands can be installed). Before the border, quickly turn the steering wheel back and put the wheels in the "straight" position. You stop.

Engage reverse gear, turn the floor sideways back (left hand on the steering wheel, right hand on the back of the passenger seat, eyes look into the rear window of the car) and start slow backward movement on the floor with the clutch squeezed out. It will be necessary to lightly turn the steering wheel to the right to direct the rear bumper of the car into the gate between the pillars and when the car takes a position almost parallel to the box, put the wheels straight, drive in completely and stop without touching the rear pillar. Next - the handbrake - turning off the gear - remove your feet from the brake and clutch pedals. Exercise "Entering the box in reverse" is completed.

For those who have to drive from right to left, the procedure remains the same. Only at the moment you start to reverse, you can navigate by the left rear-view mirror, but a little later, as you drive a couple of meters, it is better to turn around and sit down half sideways, as already discussed above.

There is another option for passing the exam - entering the box in reverse. It can be said to be unofficial, and is carried out according to a simplified scheme. But such an option exists and, perhaps, someone will have to take it in this way. It consists in the fact that you just need to leave the conditional garage, then turn right or left, and then also, with the turn, drive back, observing all the rules for starting and stopping the car.

Carrying out, thus, a check-in into a conditional garage (there are no questions about leaving it), you need, while reversing, first perform, then align the wheels and drive between the racks already on straight wheels or adjust the trajectory with the steering wheel. One of these options for parking a car is described in the article.

During training, learn to perform all the options for boxing races from one run and try to ride from different angles. Those. engaged reverse gear once, released the clutch, drove in and stopped. Then, in the exam, your arms and legs will do everything automatically. Well, in life, on a real road, all the options will come in handy.