New car at a discount. Pick up a new car. How to buy a new car at a discount

If bargaining when buying a used car does not raise any questions and absolutely everything is bargained, then when buying a new car in car dealerships, as a rule, if they try to reduce the price, then somehow very modestly and not persistently:

And cheaper?

It can't be cheaper! And so this price is already at a discount of 200 thousand, and you still want ...

It seems that when buying a new car at a price of 1-1.5 million, additionally demanding a discount of 30-50 or 100 thousand is not solid somehow ...

But if they are offered to you, who will refuse them? 

December 2013.
Hint to a friend that I want to buy a new one AUDI car Q3 and already decided on both the car and the interior, he asked:

Did you try to bring down the price?

Yes, but nothing was thrown off - and so the end of the year, and so they have discounts, etc. etc.

Yes, it’s not necessary to knock out prices from salons! I worked there for 5 years and I can say that at the end of the year, almost all salons do not fulfill the sales plan. And with the right approach, you can bend them another 50-100 thousand.

1. I arrived at the salon on V. Highway, where I opted for a car. He asked me to look at the complete set of the selected car again, print it with a price of 1,350,000 rubles. and put it neatly in my bag.

Me: - Thank you. Goodbye!

The manager was somehow puzzled: - Have you made a decision to buy? Or do you still think?

Me: - I made a decision to buy, but I'm not satisfied with your price. Now I’m going to the salon on L. Highway, they promised to sell it cheaper ...

With these words, I left the manager, who, as soon as I began to leave, quickly rushed to his boss.



2. Arriving at the salon on L. Highway, I found out if they had an AUDI Q3 in the configuration I needed or similar. Found a similar one. With sports steering wheel and seats. Price 1 410 000 rub. We print the package and the price.

I take out my printout from the salon with V. Shosse, where, allegedly by the manager, the price of 1,350,000 rubles is crossed out with a pen. and the price is written 1,300,000 rubles. and comparing them with each other, I extend the offer of their competitor to the manager.

The manager takes the printout and examines it carefully. When are you ready to buy a car? And he goes to his boss.

Ten minutes later, he comes out with an offer on his printout - 1,320,000 rubles.

Unfortunately, this is the most low price that we can offer.

Thanks, I'll think about it and call.

As I leave, I notice the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. ordinary managers to fulfill sales plans.

The end of the year, car dealerships are littered with cars that buyers do not need as much as sellers ...

3. The third salon - next to the D. highway.

What kind AUDI equipment Q3 is in stock? Can I see this set? (In my opinion, the same as on V. Highway) How much does it cost? 1 370 000 rub.? Please print...

In front of the manager, I take out two printouts from my bag and, putting them next to me, I carefully study the three options. I don’t raise my eyes to the manager, although I physically feel his anxiety and nervousness ... (oh, this crisis, oh, this plan ...).

Look! For the same equipment as yours, your friends from V. Highway give 1,300,000 rubles. For additional sports steering wheel and sports seats friends from L. Highway give 1,320,000 rubles. I don't really need them. I am a real buyer who is ready to buy this car now. What can you offer?

The manager takes three printouts and goes to his boss.

Five minutes…

Ten minutes…


They go together!

Good afternoon! (Chief greets) When are you ready to buy a car?

Once I figure out the price...

The maximum that we can give for AUDI Q3 in this configuration is 1,290,000 rubles.

I left a deposit of 10,000 rubles. in the salon on V. Highway ... Because of this amount, I will not waste my time and nerves on the return of the deposit ... It’s easier for me to buy from them ...

Minute pause...

Chief: - Good! 1 280 000 rub. Are you ready to sign a contract now?

Me: - Yes! (Y-E-E-E-E-E-E-S-SSS!) Where is your loan office? (I decided to take a car on credit).

Two days of trips (although it was possible to go around everyone in a day). And saved 70 000 rubles!

Yes, that's not all!

When I came to sign loan agreement, it turned out that the bank, without my knowledge, changed the loan term - from 36 months. Up to 48! My indignation knew no bounds! I (in all seriousness) wanted to send both the bank and the car dealership itself!

The excited manager, also worried about the failure of the deal, offered me a free MOT of 10,000 km (about 14,000 rubles) and floor mats as a gift.

On second thought, I signed the loan agreement. I bought a car at a price of 1,280,000 rubles. with free maintenance and floor mats.

In order not to go for an additional 12 months of credit, the next day I deposited about 70,000 rubles. with a reduction in the loan term to 36 months.

1. Car dealerships don't make money selling cars! They earn bonuses on the fulfillment of sales plans and their additional services! Therefore, they can almost always lower the price!

2. Than more salons you visit, the more advantageous offer you can get for yourself.

3. When buying a car (ESPECIALLY ON THE DAY OF ISSUANCE), do not walk around the car dealership and in front of the manager with a smile on your face! Walk irritated, sullen - show your displeasure and unwillingness to buy this car, find fault with everything - coffee is burned, you wait a long time, the toilet does not work, etc. Let them soften your mood with gifts (rubber, rugs, maintenance, etc.).

4. If you want to buy a car through the trade-in system! Your old car- an additional tool for obtaining a discount. They will buy in a trade-in more expensive by 5-10 tr. if you buy from them new car.

How much will five percent of 400,000 rubles be? That's right, 20,000 rubles. And if 10%, then this is already 40,000 rubles. Four hundred thousand rubles is the minimum cost of the Lada Priora, and 5–10% are discounts that you can get from official dealers. Accordingly, if the cost of the car is higher, then the savings in your budget in absolute terms are even higher. In this article, we will tell you how you can save money on buying a new car by knocking out discounts from the seller in an explicit or implicit form.

Authorized dealers very often provide discounts on cars

What discounts do official dealers have?

  1. Seasonal discounts on cars in car dealerships.

Cars are a commodity that tends to stagnate and clutter up the retail space, making it impossible to place new cars that the dealer dreams will be in high demand. If we talk about automotive market, then new arrivals are usually planned for the beginning of the year. Therefore, December, January and February is the most favorable time to look for seasonal discounts. Have you ever seen ads like: “Cars of the eleventh year of manufacture (called last year) with a discount of up to 15%”? This is the seasonal price drop.

Do not agree to buy a car, albeit from the salon, but a year ago? Well, we understand and offer to look for other types of discounts.

  1. Just discounts from the salon on new cars.

Sometimes the arrival of new cars is not planned for the end or beginning of the year. This usually happens if new model auto. In this case, car dealership owners can arrange sales of cars that they have in order to free up space.

  1. Discounts and promotions for memorable dates.

Pretty common marketing ploy that benefits both sellers and buyers. The first once again with pomp get the opportunity to remind themselves (“We have been on the market for 15 years”, “We are 10 years old!”, Etc.), the second - at a lower price. And it can be not only direct discounts, but also, for example, buying a car in a more expensive configuration at the price of a base one. Or the offer of free insurance, etc.

On memorable dates, car dealerships are especially generous

  1. We carefully study Trade-in.

  1. Cars with defects.

Do not say immediately: "Fu". After all, it may be a scratch or dent received during transportation. And the price reduction for it can be much higher than the cost of elimination. But if you are offered a demo car, then you have to think very well. Let his mileage be nothing at all (“only 2 thousand kilometers, consider that they did a break-in for you”), but you need to understand that test drives are not only a quiet ride up to 2000 rpm, but these 2000 km on the speedometer equivalent to 10 thousand in normal use.

How to buy a new car at a discount

  1. The most important thing is NOT to rush. Find out how much the car you like is worth in various salons. If you do not need it urgently and you agree to buy a car a year ago at most, wait for seasonal discounts. Quieter you go further you will be - true not only for driving a car, but also for buying it.
  2. Find out about non-named discount cards.
  3. If you only better come at the beginning of the week in the morning Sellers are not in a hurry for the weekend and do not report weekly sales. And in the morning they are even more inclined to talk and perceive your questions and discount offers. It is better not to go on a weekend hike, because not only you will have free time at this time, and sellers are switching to mass service.
  4. But it is better to buy a car at the end of the month (quarter, year). A car dealership may well have a plan on fire along with a premium, so they may be less reluctant to agree to provide a discount.
  5. Bargain. Let's understand that you are considering offers from several salons and here they are not the most attractive for you. Ask the seller to talk to the dealership management. Let him know that you have a certain amount, and you simply don’t have more. Always remember that the salon is just as interested in buying as you are, and maybe even more so. You may not be able to negotiate a direct discount. And here's a gift, quite. For example, a set winter tires or aluminum wheels.

For many years, the largest Russian auto holding Major Auto provides a range of services at the level of the most famous Western European dealerships. Therefore, many experienced consumers tend to buy cars in Moscow and the Moscow region in the car dealerships of our company. The most important competitive advantage of Major Auto is a well-formed brand portfolio, which includes all popular domestic, European, American, Japanese and Korean brands.

Active direct cooperation with eminent manufacturers allows us to offer optimal configurations and prices, develop special offers for cars that are especially beneficial for customers, and also guarantee the possibility of purchasing rare, limited copies.

All car dealerships in Moscow from the official dealer of Major Auto ensure compliance with the highest professional standards and offer exceptional service. Thanks to the implementation of this approach, the holding managed to gain the authority of the absolute market leader and an impeccable reputation as a reliable partner.

New foreign cars in Moscow

Major Auto holding organized the sale of new foreign cars in Moscow. All the latest modifications of cars of popular brands appear, first of all, on our specialized sites.

Presented in our showrooms the lineup includes perfectly crafted basic options with amazing quality engineering solutions. We will help you to purchase any vehicle in the "advanced" configuration, which has a unique technical and design performance. Our customers have the opportunity to become owners of high quality hybrid versions vehicles that are especially economical.

Customers looking to buy a new one a car cheap in Moscow, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the information posted on our website about the proposed models, established prices and available bonuses.

Buy a car in Moscow

Major Auto Holding has many years of serious experience in the secondary car market. In the process of pre-sales preparation, all cars are subjected to in-depth testing using computer equipment.

We carry out the sale of used models on the basis of revealing to customers the entire legal and technical history. This allows you to make only informed purchases based on comprehensive information about the condition of the car. Thanks to well-organized work, we guarantee the possibility of acquiring high-quality, impeccable operational characteristics vehicle on a very modest budget.

Major Auto holding services

The activities of the Major Auto holding are based on a careful assessment of consumer preferences and the use of advanced service methods. This approach is the key to our clients receiving a range of services of reference quality, including:

  • the possibility of acquiring a car on credit using particularly attractive banking products;
  • CASCO, MTPL insurance on the most favorable conditions in the region;
  • joining the program "cars for leasing";
  • prompt order of parts and accessories (spare parts for foreign cars);
  • maintenance of the acquired vehicle in upscale service center;
  • efficient car repair;
  • professional painting of cars with the provision computer selection paints;
  • carrying out maintenance using cutting-edge technologies and equipment;
  • receive discounts on purchases additional equipment and subsequent maintenance;
  • acquisition of a new motor vehicle according to the TRADE IN system (with the organization of a price offset old car);
  • ordering an individual configuration;
  • performance state registration purchased model free of charge;
  • the possibility of obtaining technical support on regional highways.

We invite you to visit the showrooms of the Major Auto holding! Our specialists will provide effective consulting support, help you choose the vehicle model that best suits the existing practical tasks.

desire to buy something excellent quality at the minimum possible price, and even get a decent discount at the same time, it is quite natural for any normal person. And the more expensive the purchased product, the larger size want to get discounts. Of particular interest to our compatriots, especially recently, are new cars, the prices of which, it seems, are not even going to decrease. Despite the high interest of buyers, all global automakers continue to claim that sales are falling. Therefore, at present it is quite possible to find really advantageous offers in car dealerships, where discounts on new cars can reach many tens of thousands.

Decrease in sales, which is in the hands of buyers

At least in the automotive industry. In fact, as soon as a steady growth in sales begins to be noted, no one will stimulate buyers with promotions and discounts. Since the profit will be sufficient anyway. Accordingly, you don’t even have to think about how to get a bonus at a car dealership - they simply won’t exist.

Most automakers have a specific plan/forecast for the sales of their vehicles. In the event that the forecast by a certain time is not justified, official dealers receive a quite tangible reduction in selling prices, which turn into very pleasant bonuses for buyers.

Planning to buy a new car certain brand in an official car dealership, it makes sense to drive around several of them or visit their official websites, since cars of the same brand and in the same configuration can differ significantly in price. This is due to the fact that different dealers receive a different sales plan, and when it is not fulfilled, the implementation period comes to an end, then promotions in car dealerships for specific models begin.

Quite often, dealers have the opposite situation - the plan is overfulfilled. This leads to a bonus reduction in selling prices for the dealer, and for buyers - additional bonuses. But, as a rule, discounts of such a plan are valid for a very short time, mainly at the end of a month or quarter, and with the beginning of each new month, all discounts are simply reset to zero. There are also car dealerships that simply reduce the margin on the car.

Summer and winter are the best time to buy a new car

Many potential buyers often wonder when car dealerships have the biggest discounts. If carried out comparative analysis the largest and most famous car dealerships, we can conclude that they provide the largest number of promotions, discounts and bonuses in winter and summer. This is again due to the decline in sales, now seasonal. In order to maintain the level of sales at the required level, discounts in car dealerships during these periods can easily reach their maximum values.

But, perhaps, the most grandiose discounts on cars are offered by car dealerships at the end of each year. And this is due not to the New Year holidays, but to the fact that car dealerships are trying to quickly sell the current “stock” of cars in order to make room for new models. In addition, the annual sales plans that each car dealership and car manufacturer have are also important. All this allows buyers to take advantage of a huge set of special offers and bonuses. To find out when New Year's discounts start at car dealerships, it makes sense to visit them and clarify the issue on the spot.

At the same time, the beginning of each year is a time when all is not lost, as car dealerships still continue to sell old collections, and discounts are still present. The flip side of buying a car in a car dealership is the moment that it is almost impossible to purchase new products during this period, and the equipment will most likely be only standard. Of course, if the main point for the purchase is a big discount - there is no better period than this.

How to buy a car with the maximum discount of a car dealership

Having decided to purchase a new car in a car dealership, you should show maximum composure and start choosing a car six months before buying it. During this time, on the official website of the selected car dealership, you can not only choose suitable model and color, but also complete it at will. After the desired result is achieved, and the price of the car becomes acceptable, you can make a purchase.

The Internet provides another option that requires less time. You can send a letter to the e-mail address of the car dealership with a request to inform about all ongoing and planned promotions with bonuses and discounts. So you can be constantly up to date not only about discounts, but also about the arrival of new models. By the way, sometimes it makes sense to postpone the rush and not pick up the car from the salon immediately, but wait until the selected model is brought exactly to order. In this way, you can also save some money.

This is because the dealer has already invested his money in the car already in the showroom, and may have received a big discount from the automaker. In addition, the equipment of a car from the passenger compartment, as a rule, is not the richest, and all the additional “gadgets” will significantly increase the cost of the car. Therefore, you should not succumb to the persuasion of car dealership managers. After all, it is better to wait a bit, but get a car in the best configuration at a lower price.

Another answer to the question of how to get the maximum discount at a car dealership is to choose more expensive models and rich equipment. These are the biggest discounts. In addition, you can save money by purchasing a car in an old body, since the appearance of a new one automatically reduces the cost of the old one. However, it should be understood that the most popular models, for example, crossovers, become cheaper very slightly.

What discounts can you expect from a car dealership

In order not to miscalculate when buying a car, you need to have an idea of ​​what kind of bonuses you can expect from dealers.

  1. Change of generations. As a rule, the model range is updated every 5-6 years. Accordingly, as soon as a new model appears on the market, interest in the old version decreases. In most cases, car dealerships do not have time to implement the previous version, and discounts on such cars in car dealerships can be quite significant. In some cases, it is possible to purchase a car at the selling price of the automaker.
  2. Corporate discounts. Before going to a car dealership, you can visit its website, namely the section " to corporative clients". If your company is on the list, it is enough to take a certificate from work, on the basis of which the car dealership will provide a discount.
  3. Discounts for regular customers. Most car dealerships have the current system discount cards issued when buying a car. With each purchase, the discount increases. A number of car dealerships make such discount cards registered, in others the card can be transferred to third parties. If, for example, several relatives or friends buy a car, you can first check at the car dealership which card will be issued so that everyone can use it one by one.
  4. Another way to get a bonus from a dealer is to go around several of them in search of the same model with the same equipment and compare prices. In each of the car dealerships, you will need to take a commercial offer with the cost of the car. As a rule, each of the salons makes a better offer, providing a discount that exceeds that offered by a competitor. At the same time, the more participants of the “marathon”, the more significant discount you can get. How to implement in practice this method says "professional" in this video:
  5. Anniversary Promotions. When planning to buy a car, it is worth looking through as many offers from car dealerships as possible - the discount can be timed both to the date of its opening (birthday) and to a specific date of the automaker.
  6. Discounts for defects. Cars arriving at the dealership are sometimes slightly damaged - small scratches, chipped paintwork or dents - in such cases, the car is put up for sale at a discount. Instead of a discount, a car dealership may offer other compensation options - free maintenance for a certain period, tires, optional equipment etc.

Planning such expensive purchase like a car, it's worth spending a day or two visiting as many showrooms as possible to know exactly which ones have the biggest bonuses or the most profitable terms purchase and aftercare. Finally, I would like to advise you to buy cars only in large salons that have been operating for years, since even here no one is immune from deception, which confirms next video:

Logically and judiciously, not allowing extra emotions. Of course, buying a car before the New Year could be a nice gift for your household, especially if you were going to change your old car for a new one anyway. soon. But let's try to consider this issue from the point of view of reasonableness and benefits for the family budget.

Before New Year dealer centers ready to make buyers good offer for some car models. This is by no means connected with the desire to please customers with New Year's gifts (although in most cases this is exactly how it is presented in advertising), but with the need to urgently sell the cars of the current year before the new year begins. In the new season, cars with the previous year of manufacture in the vehicle passport will be even harder to sell than at the end of the current one. So, if you are going to buy a car model that is not very running, you can, starting from the beginning of winter, feel free to demand a big discount on the car from the car dealership.

Concerning running models cars, then at the end of the year you have a chance to “snatch” a car without a queue, which the buyer refused, who ordered it almost six months ago. Especially now it has become a common phenomenon, since when ordering a car in July, a person counted on the thirteenth salary or bonus, which will significantly help the purchase. In the current economically unstable times, premium expectations are often not justified, and as a result, expensive purchases have to be refrained from. Salons give an advance payment without problems, because they know that there will be a lot of people who want to buy a scarce car. In the case of buying such a car, you should not be afraid of the previous year of manufacture in the vehicle passport, since in the coming year you will be able to sell the car almost at the price of a new one (subject to perfect condition), just because of the queues.

Buying a car at the end of the year has and back side: no one ever gives a discount just like that, and there is an explanation for this: with the onset next year in a few weeks, your new car will already be one year old. You should not be afraid of this if you plan to operate your car for a long period. For example, within four or five years. By this age, the car is already estimated at technical condition than by year, so don't forget to take care of your car.

Expert opinion Elena Lisovskaya: Vladimir does not touch on an important topic: buying a used car before or after the New Year. In this case, almost the same laws come into force as when buying new car, but additional factors are added. If you buy a car older than three years, then look first of all at its condition, and not at the fact that the calendar year will change soon. True, you can use this as an argument for additional bargaining.

But if the new year has already arrived, and you still haven’t bought a car, then you can travel around the salons and see which of the cars you are looking for are available. If suddenly there is still a car of the last year of manufacture, now you can feel like a full-fledged master of the situation, and make the most daring discount offers to sellers in the car dealership. Believe me, they will consider them, since these cars are now for them - sore spot: the money of the car dealership is “frozen” in them, and every day there will be fewer and fewer people who want to buy an “old” new car.


Expert opinion Elena Lisovskaya: As I wrote above, many buyers count on additional premiums, so they make a purchase for the New Year, and wealthy people sometimes buy cars as a gift. For these reasons, car dealerships in the outgoing year are rarely generous with discounts, as they are waiting for a surge in sales, but at the beginning of the new year, you can really “click” on sales consultants with the most daring discount offers on cars of the last year of manufacture.

If you called all the dealers, but there was no new car of the last year, then buying a new car of the year that has just begun is also not the best. bad option. This path is worth going if you are a supporter of changing the car, let's say, every year. Then it is unlikely that even a good “New Year's” discount will compensate you for the loss when selling a two-year-old, rather than a one-year-old car in about a year.

Is there some more important point, which should be considered when buying a car during this period. As we all know, every few years all car brands update their models, but buying a car under New Year, and even at the time of updating the model - it is very unprofitable. For example, cars of the same year of manufacture, but different models- new and old - can differ in price by 20-30 percent. So do not forget to find out in detail whether the brand you have chosen is going to update the lineup in the very near future. If a new model is already on the way, then you should wait for it.

But once again I emphasize: my reasoning is extremely practical. And if you use emotions, then the keys to the new car look just great under the Christmas tree!