What is the difference between a gel battery and a regular battery? What is a gel battery? What is the difference between gel and regular batteries. Repair of gel batteries

Recently, many modern and rather unusual developments have appeared on the car battery market. For example, not long ago a so-called gel battery appeared on sale. And although such models have both pros and cons, they are gradually gaining popularity, displacing batteries with a classic design.

As is known, car battery consists of a sealed plastic case in which a set of plates made of either lead or some of its special alloys is installed. Traditional batteries contain a liquid electrolyte, which is an acid solution, while gel batteries use acid composition having a gel consistency. Today, manufacturers produce two types of gel batteries: AGM and GEL.

AGM gel batteries

The abbreviation AGM stands for Absorptive Glass Mat, which translated into Russian means “absorbent fiberglass.” It is this material that fills the space between the electrodes in batteries. of this type. AGM fibers are very thin and they perfectly absorb the acid solution, which as a result does not spread, but together with the material forms a mass that really looks like a gel. One of important features and at the same time, the advantage of AGM gel batteries is that all the vapors and gases that are formed during their operation do not come out, but remain inside, held between microscopic glass fibers.

Gel batteries GEL

In batteries of this type, the entire space between the plates, even at the production stage, is filled with silica gel of a special composition, which, after hardening, forms a gel-like spongy mass in the pores of which the electrolyte is perfectly retained. Thanks to this design, the battery plates do not crumble, which means that the service life of the device and the number of charge-discharge cycles that it can withstand without problems increases significantly. Another important advantage of GEL gel batteries is their increased resistance to deep discharge.

Some features of the operation of gel batteries

Some motorists believe that since the electrolyte in such batteries is contained in the form of a gel, they never boil. In fact, this is not so, it’s just that visually the process itself manifests itself somewhat differently than in traditional acid batteries. If operating conditions are not observed, increased gas release occurs in the same way and the pressure increases. As soon as it reaches a critical level, the safety valve is activated, which is accompanied by a characteristic bang.

It should be noted that some budget models Gel batteries do not have such a valve, and therefore can even explode due to excessive gas accumulation. To prevent this from happening, you need to ensure that these batteries are operated in accordance with the modes for which they are intended. In addition, their charge level should be observed.

An important feature of this type of battery is that it is quite sensitive to short circuits and even a small short circuit may well damage the device. Therefore, when using them, this must be taken into account.

How are gel batteries charged?

For those motorists who decide to purchase for installation in their “ iron horses» gel batteries, you must keep in mind that special chargers should be used to charge them. Their distinctive feature is a very accurate value of the output voltage: the fact is that for a battery of this type it should in no case exceed the limit strictly defined for each model. As a rule, it is around 14.5 V, and if the voltage is higher, the battery will simply fail.

As is the case with conventional acid batteries, gel batteries are charged with a current that is 10% of the capacity. As for the frequency of recharging, experts recommend doing it once or twice a year. To determine the period of time during which recharging should last, it is necessary to divide the battery capacity by the charging current.

Pros and cons of gel batteries

Gel batteries have a number of advantages, among which users especially highlight the fact that they do not need to be maintained at all, periodically measuring the density of the electrolyte and, if necessary, adding water to it. Another important advantage is the very durable design of such batteries and the ability to operate them in any position (standing, lying, inverted).

Due to the fact that high purity lead is used for the production of gel battery plates, they have a low internal resistance, and therefore become infected faster than acidic ones. In addition, for the same reason, they have high inrush currents. An important advantage of gel batteries is their long term service (about two to three times greater than that of acid car batteries).

However, they also have disadvantages. Perhaps the main one is the high price. As mentioned above, to charge gel batteries it is necessary to strictly maintain a certain voltage. Therefore, if the relay of its regulator is unstable, then the battery can simply be “killed”: the fact is that the gel begins to liquefy and does not return to its original form. One more significant drawback The reason why such batteries are not very widely used in Russia is that they are afraid of frost. As soon as the ambient temperature drops to -30°C and below, the gel becomes brittle and the battery sharply loses its capacity.

Video on the topic

Development of the sphere automotive industry gives to every vehicle owner wide choose and excellent opportunities to purchase spare parts and accessories in different price categories. If previously it was important to find a battery that suits the requirements, specifying its power and voltage, today you can choose not only by characteristics, but also by type of design. Recently, a rather interesting technology has been gaining popularity - gel car batteries, which are more durable and easier to use than standard options.

The main difference in the design of such a battery is that instead of a liquid electrolyte, the system contains a jelly-like mass, which conducts current better and charges the active elements faster. This means that both the generator and Charger will charge your battery faster, extending its life.

The main advantages of a gel battery for a car

The technology of replacing liquid battery filler with gel has been around for quite some time. It has not become widespread enough for a number of reasons, but it has a considerable number of advantages. This battery holds its charge longer. It is often used by fans of additional electrical equipment, which increases the overall load on the electrical system in the car.

Subwoofers, air conditioners, TVs for rear passengers in the headrests of the front seats and electric heaters in the cabin - all this significantly affects the performance of the battery. Conventional batteries are often not designed for such a load, so you can replace them with gel batteries with the following advantages:

  • much less active discharge when using a large amount of equipment;
  • fast charging using a charger (about 2 hours to 100%);
  • replenishment of more lost charge when the generator is running;
  • durability subject to operating conditions;
  • no need to maintain the battery;
  • work in any position, as well as stable power.

Gel batteries for cars can be completely discharged. If conventional batteries begin to deteriorate inside after a deep discharge, the gel filling of such batteries prevents destruction. A fairly large number of advantages did not cause the widespread use of this technology. Perhaps gel batteries have more than just advantages?

Indeed, like any other invention in the field automotive technology, gel-filled batteries also provide a number of inconveniences to their owners. Let's look at the main disadvantages of this technology.

Disadvantages of using a gel battery

The number of disadvantages is an order of magnitude less than the advantages. But the status of these minuses cannot allow the driver to pay a lot of money for the battery, because it may turn out to be short-lived and of poor quality. There are a lot of reviews from car owners who say that their purchase is not performing well enough. After reading the list of advantages of gel batteries, you might not have read the publication to the end when you went to the car store. If so, you should know a number of disadvantages of your purchase before you open the package.

The most notable disadvantages of gel battery technology can be described as follows:

  • the price is too high, which makes the advantage of durability insignificant;
  • very noticeable sensitivity to increased currents and instant destruction under their influence;
  • the need for an even current when charging, otherwise the gel filler will melt;
  • inability to use for a long time in the cold.

It especially hurts the last drawback. If this battery can't be used in the cold, what good is it at all? Many people share this point of view, because using one battery in summer and another in winter is a rather strange way to operate a car. If you have already purchased a gel battery, get a regular battery for the winter.

Also not encouraging is the possibility of melting the electrolyte at high currents. 16V is already too much for this battery, therefore it is generally impossible to use such batteries in old cars. If you want to save on replacing batteries, it is better to install those batteries that are recommended by the manufacturer of your car.

More information about gel batteries in the following video:

Let's sum it up

The topic of using gel batteries is just beginning to spread among drivers. Not everyone knows about the existence of such a curiosity, but not everyone who finds out is in a hurry to exchange their regular battery for this unknown invention. If you decide to purchase a gel battery for your car, find out more about its compatibility with electrical system your car. It may turn out that using such technology on board your car is completely impossible.

This technology is for those who love new products and want to integrate all the most modern things into their car. But for practical daily use it is better to use the most common and familiar rechargeable batteries. They are less picky and do not require seasonal replacement for other food options. Do you have operating experience? gel batteries?

Gel batteries today are promising direction development of autonomous power supplies. High output current, large containers, excellent electrochemical and physical characteristics- all this applies to gel batteries. Many motorists have already appreciated their advantages. Let's see what they are and what characteristics they have gel Reviews mostly positive about them. But are these batteries really that good? Let's find out.

What is a gel battery?

In general, gel batteries are the same as lead-acid cells. However, there are several differences that determine all the advantages of these batteries. A gel battery contains lead plates and an electrolyte. However, the electrolyte is not liquid, but in the form of a gel.

There are two types of gel car batteries on the market - those made using AGM and GEL technology. Let's look at each in more detail.

AGM technology: features

The main difference between an AGM and an ordinary acid battery is the absence of a liquid electrolyte inside. Between positive and negative lead plates There are special insulating gaskets based on the finest fiberglass and paper fibers. Interestingly, this material has pores. The electrolyte is contained in this gasket. The amount of gel inside the battery is enough to fill small pores. In this case, large holes must be empty so that gases released during battery operation can circulate inside them.

Gel battery for the car also includes a system designed for the recombination of gases. As a result of chemical processes, oxygen and hydrogen are formed. Thanks to this system, gases do not have time to leave the battery to recombine and turn into water. The lead plates are tightly compressed together.

Advantages of gel AGM batteries

These batteries are much better than analogues withstand increased loads. the main problem of conventional batteries is a significant reduction in service life due to the high electrical load. After all, in modern car There are significantly more electricity consumers than before.

There's one more thing important advantage, which distinguishes gel batteries for cars. Owner reviews indicate that the battery can be discharged to 40% or lower. You can even drain the battery completely - there will be no serious reduction in resource life. A battery of a traditional design will be seriously damaged if the discharge is lower than half. The capacity will quickly drop down to 20%. It can no longer be restored. If you completely discharge a gel battery for a car, there will be nothing for it. The battery can withstand about 200 cycles in this operating mode. When discharged to 50%, the battery can withstand up to 500 cycles. At 30% - up to 800. The battery life is 5 years. AGM is the most budget-friendly battery among gel batteries. But this is far from the limit. There are models that do not lose their performance for 10 years. User reviews have confirmed this more than once.

Since the plates and separator are tightly compressed inside the housing, the device is much better able to withstand vibrations and mechanical shock loads, which significantly affect lead acid batteries on domestic roads. Due to this, the service life of the gel battery is significantly longer.

They practically do not suffer from temperature changes and can be used effectively even at low temperatures. The operating temperature range is from -40 to +70 degrees. There is no water inside the battery, which is regular device freezes and expands. That's why many drivers choose gel batteries for cars. Reviews show that the service life is indeed longer. And the battery works properly even in harsh conditions northern regions.

GEL batteries

These batteries are also different large resource work. In some cases, they can be charged/discharged up to a thousand times without the device losing its capacity. Many people think that GEL is helium. However, it is not. This is exactly the gel. This design uses silica gel as a separator between the lead plates. Even at the stage of battery manufacturing, everyone is covered with it. free place in the case. When silica gel becomes as hard as possible, pores form in it. The latter will contain and retain the electrolyte in the form of a gel.

Advantages of GEL technology

Since in these batteries almost all the space between the plates is occupied by silica gel, the risk of shedding is reduced to almost a minimum. This has a positive effect on service life. Even more - thanks to this design, the General characteristics The battery, which had a good effect on the service life and the number of charge/discharge cycles. The battery also withstands deep discharges better.

In general, the nominal service life of such batteries does not differ much from the AGM versions, but the number of cycles here is more than 50% higher. To put it simply, the battery can withstand up to 350 charges/discharges at 100% discharge, up to 550 cycles at half discharge, and up to 1200 at one-third discharge depth. This is very good indicator, which is repeatedly confirmed by reviews. Due to their design, these batteries are less susceptible to sulfation. This means that the battery can be left charged for a couple of days or more. All these advantages can be confirmed by those who already use gel batteries for cars. Reviews show that the battery fully fulfills its declared service life of 5 years. And if this product quality brand, then the service life may be longer.

Gel batteries: advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of such batteries are high starting currents, tightness, no need for maintenance, life time. The disadvantages include low resistance to overcharging, poor resistance to negative temperatures, fairly high prices, and the need for high-quality electronics in the car.

So, is it worth buying gel batteries for cars? The pros and cons are quite attractive, and there are fewer disadvantages. But not every battery can withstand the harsh Russian climatic conditions. To install such a battery, the car's electrics must support special charging modes. For domestic cars This serious problem, because even with a working relay-regulator, the voltage jumps from 13 to 16 V. But if the battery is installed in new foreign car, then this is a good and correct choice.

How to charge?

Gel batteries are not yet very common on the market. Most drivers, when purchasing such a product, do not know how to charge a car's gel battery. But the resource directly depends on this.

To charge such a battery you must have special devices, designed to work specifically with gel batteries. During the charging process, it is important that the maximum voltage supplied to the battery is observed. If you exceed the limit, the battery will fail.

In the battery documentation, the manufacturer indicates the permissible voltages for a specific battery. For example, gel batteries for Bosch cars can be charged when maximum values from 14.3 to 14.5 V. This condition must be strictly observed, otherwise you will not be able to experience all the benefits of the battery.

Features of chargers

It is necessary to purchase a charger that matches the type of battery. Chargers are not suitable for here. The charging voltage is different for each battery. Therefore, high voltage applied to the AGM will cause boiling.

Temperature compensation of the charger must correspond to the values ​​of the specific battery. If the charging equipment does not have thermal compensation, this may cause overcharging and reduced service life.

The charger must produce the correct currents. Even powerful gel batteries for 90a cars are very sensitive to sudden voltage changes. The charging process must be controlled and proceed only within clearly defined values.


Batteries are different. Gel ones are more reliable, they are not afraid low temperatures and can remain in a state of deep discharge for a long time. But the price of such batteries is three times more expensive than conventional acid analogues. Despite this, the modern car enthusiast chooses gel batteries for cars. How long they last depends on how they are used. But the resource is much greater than an ordinary battery. It should be noted that only the manufacturer's warranty ranges from 5 to 10 years.

The importance of the power source in a car cannot be understated. It is equally important to know which battery is best to choose if necessary. Numerous commercials offer a lot of brands and reveal the benefits of their products. But in order to decide on the ideal option, you need to know exactly all the parameters and characteristics of the required device.

In this article we will try to fully consider what properties a gel battery has, and point out its pros and cons.

Be sure to watch 2 videos about gel and AGM batteries, what they are and how they differ from each other.

What is a gel battery

Video on AGM batteries and their difference from gel batteries

What is a gel battery and what does it look like?

Gel battery for car

The operating principle of such a battery is no different from other types of batteries. The main difference is in the design. Gel production technology lead acid device implies complete tightness and the impossibility of servicing models of this type. In it, the electrolyte, which is concentrated between the plates, has a gel, that is, absorbed consistency.

But in other batteries, the electrolyte is a mixture that consists of distilled water and sulfuric acid. The gel consistency of the filler in new generation devices is achieved by adding a silicone composition to it. It thickens the mixture.

A certain number of cylindrical plastic blocks connected into a single whole form the body of a gel battery.

Main constituent elements in such batteries are:

  • electrodes with negative and positive charges;
  • electrolyte;
  • composition of porous separator plates;
  • body box;
  • a certain number of terminals;
  • valves

According to the principle of operation of a battery, a source with a charge releases it. During this transfer, the voltage drops and, at the same time, the density of the electrolyte decreases.

Gel battery lifespan

Swollen gel battery

The service life of gel batteries declared by the manufacturer is approximately 10 years. It should be assumed that this is the maximum operating time of the device under ideal and non-replaceable conditions of use.

Gel batteries are subject to rapid wear under the following conditions:

  1. A sharp and radical change temperature conditions. A significant reduction in service life can result from a drop to −30°c and an increase above +50°c. This is due to changes in the electrochemical activity of the battery under such exposure.
  2. The battery in the device is constantly undercharged.
  3. The battery remains on recharge for a long time, despite already full charge devices.

I would like to note that an increase in temperature during operation also affects the increase in the development of corrosion of the plates in the unit.

Advantages and some disadvantages

The main advantage of gel batteries is non-replaceable productivity and the absence of filler leakage in any position of the device.

There are still plenty additional reasons, taking into account which you should purchase exactly such units for your cars:

  1. Highly environmentally friendly and safe gel battery. If the seal of the housing is broken, the electrolyte does not leak out of the device. And in conventional batteries, where lead and acids are located, the latter, with constant interaction with the metal, erode into the atmosphere. In their place, water accumulates in the battery.
  2. Greater practicality compared to regular batteries. From which a fairly large amount of gas is released during operation of the device. The gel electrolyte does not allow this, since it blocks the path for gas to escape, trapping it inside its own vapors. It contains a thin layer of fiberglass, which provides the electrolyte with sufficient consistency. This design The device allows the separators, together with the working composition, to also take on the function of separating the plates.
  3. Reliable sealing of the device. This indicates the safety of the unit during the work process.
  4. Immunity of gel models to temperature changes.
  5. No need for special care.
  6. Batteries are not afraid of complete discharge. They have more reserves.
  7. Long service life of devices. Subject to all operating conditions. To gel battery render it completely unusable, it is necessary to subject its body to significant mechanical damage, or grossly violate the rules of use.

Despite its popularity, the gel battery has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. They do not tolerate battery recharging well. Which makes them the most vulnerable today. If such a gross violation of the charging rules for these devices occurs, their service life is reduced significantly.

Taking into account all these circumstances, there are certain requirements for the serviceability of on-board electronics of vehicles with which the gel battery is applicable. For longer preservation of such a battery, car generator must be in perfect condition. And the tension in it drive belt be normal. It was precisely because of the increased sensitivity of gel batteries to overcharging that it was not possible to use them previously.

Scope of application

Gel battery in a car

Despite the improved specifications, superior to previously used analogues, gel models have compact dimensions. Not so long ago, a spiral type of arrangement was used in these devices. Where the plates are helical. And the separator, together with the electrolyte, is concentrated in the center of this entire spiral structure.

The advantages of gel-filled batteries make their use valuable for cars that participate in rallies, or that are often used in adverse weather conditions.

Considering the constant power supply and the reliability of the devices, these batteries serve as an excellent source of energy that improves the performance of audio systems. And due to the absence of gas in the battery, they can be placed directly in the car interior. This, in turn, will reduce the costs of the vehicle owner for purchasing a large amount of wiring.

When choosing the best option, you should pay attention to the manufacturers. Trusted companies always seem to be the most attractive to buyers. One of characteristic features What some consider to be a disadvantage of gel batteries is their high cost.

How to properly charge a gel battery

Charger for gel batteries

Gel batteries are significantly sensitive to quantities such as voltage, as well as the strength of the supplied current. For this reason, such batteries require charging with constant adjustment certain characteristics. To recharge such models, special devices are required. Devices that charge lead-acid battery models are not suitable in this case.

When buying a charger for your gel battery, consider the following points:

  • the ability to autonomously turn off the current after stopping the charging process;
  • overheat protection mechanism;
  • stability of the voltage used;
  • adjusting charging parameters based on temperature indicators, such as environment, and the battery itself. Availability of temperature compensation;
  • current adjustment.
  • considering the tension;
  • monitoring the decrease in current;
  • carefully observing the minimum voltage and current supply.

Gel batteries are demanding regarding the charging conditions. Suitable for them pulse devices Those who perform charging, monitoring all parameters, regulate the required values ​​in the network, and can also apply an emergency shutdown of the current supply. Please remember that the charger for sealed lead batteries is not suitable for gel batteries. The current strength that the device emits has a detrimental effect on the gel.

How to properly charge a gel battery

Charging the gel battery

Correct charging of gel batteries involves using such a current at the time of replenishing energy consumption that it would be equal to only 10% of the total battery capacity. For example, a 60 Ah battery should be charged with a current of 6 volts. For urgent recharging, you can apply 30%. On the body of the devices there must be data indicating the recommended maximum current during charging period.

The voltage value is also important. The recommended value is not exceeding 14.5 V. Otherwise, the battery may begin to deteriorate. The gel composition will begin to lose its density properties and, over time, will completely lose its properties. These parameters are also indicated on the devices by companies that produce batteries. You need to look for them on the body, after the words where it says “Cycle use”.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that for gel devices it is possible to use the charging mode to maintain energy. This is necessary in the field of battery maintenance, which involves periodically recharging them. Information about the voltage used in this case is also present on the device body in the line where it says “Standby use”.

Electrolyte replacement, battery restoration

Adding Electrolyte

If the purchased power supply is serviced according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, this guarantees a fairly long service life of the device. But unforeseen situations may occur. If you notice that the battery is swollen, you should not try to revive it yourself. Also, if the plates are destroyed, the best option for the owner would be to purchase a new battery.

In what cases can you revive your gel battery? If it loses battery capacity, do not exclude the possibility that the gel filler will dry out. These circumstances make it possible to restore the fluid balance by adding distilled water to the device.

This can be done in several stages:

  • removing the cover;
  • removing all rubber plugs on the device cans;
  • draw 2 cubes of liquid into a syringe and pour it successively into the jars;
  • give time for reaction. You will need to leave the device alone for 3-4 hours;
  • if necessary, add a little water again in the same way, or remove excess;
  • checking the voltage level. This can be done at the terminals of the device;
  • reinstalling the plugs and battery cover;
  • charging the battery.

The best manufacturers of gel batteries

Today the production of gel batteries has been launched various configurations. They also vary in cost and characteristics. Choose required option knowledge about existing models and the parameters you need.

Optima Yellow Top

The most unique and progressive technology introduced by American developers into this model was used. They patented a spiral method of laying plates, which made it possible to study the compact dimensions of devices of this type. They are characterized by cylindrical jars. Even small batteries have high level starting current, which is 765 A. The model is excellent fast speed the current output is sufficient high power. This has already been appreciated by lovers of a good audio system in cars with loud sound. The battery can withstand the increased loads of impressive stereo systems. These batteries are also used in motorsports. Due to its resistance to vibrations, as well as strong overloads. Car owners who want to purchase Optima Yellow Top can do so at a price of 20,300 rubles.

Gel battery Optima Yellow Top

DELTA GX 12-60

Manufacturers guarantee a fairly long service life of the model, talking about 10 years. Worth your time Special attention stability of the device to deep discharge and the possibility of use at quite wide range temperature fluctuations. Withstands operating conditions from -40 to +40°C. Of course, you have to pay for such pleasure good price. average price The cost of such a unit on the market is approximately 12,700 rubles.

Gel battery DELTA GX 12-60


German engineers managed to release the most reliable model of a gel device. This device can cope with any requirements of modern automakers. The battery contains electrolyte, which, thanks to the unique technology, can be absorbed into a separate separator. And there it already becomes a gel. The battery continues to work at any tilt. VARTA ULTRA DYNAMIC will serve you for a long time, reliably and provide excellent starting current. The disadvantage of the model is the possible loss of power when used at low temperatures. The price can reach 17,500 rubles.


Taking into account all the advantages of gel batteries, I would like to note the well-deserved increase in consumer attention to these varieties. Once you pay a decent amount, you can get good device, which will serve you for a long time.

Very frequently asked question email me, if you haven’t figured out yet, it’s better to read the articles from the section about batteries, I devoted a lot of articles there to gel options. But today I want to put information on the shelves, namely, think about which battery is better - gel or acid (our usual one, which is found on thousands of cars)! There’s a whole battle here, as they say, so the article will be interesting, with photos and videos, and also with a vote at the end, I’m interested in your opinion. Here we go …

It seems like a little more of our old man acid battery will go into oblivion, and will be replaced by completely new developments such as gel or! But for some reason, this is all being postponed a little. There are no mass versions of gel options, but why is that so? Let's put aside emotions and today just think about which of them is this moment is it better, and is it worth changing the old ones at all? acid batteries. I suggest we start with the acidic one, because we got it first.

Lead acid battery

The structure is painfully familiar - there are six isolated friend from each other cans into which six packages of plates are immersed (these are positive and negative ones laid through a dielectric so that they do not short-circuit).

Inside there is a liquid electrolyte, + in a ratio of approximately 35% to 65%, respectively. It is the electrolyte that contributes to the accumulation of charge when interacting with the plates. As soon as the charge accumulates, the electrolyte begins to boil, you can turn off the charger. Then the battery can give off its energy, and not a small one, the main thing is to avoid deep discharges(they are destructive for her). After discharging, we set it to recharge again; in the case of a car, this happens automatically from the generator. The structure couldn’t be simpler, it has been in use for more than 100 years, and no visible progress is yet in sight.

Positive points :

  • The cost is low, you can buy for 2000 - 3000 rubles, branded ones for a maximum of 5000 - 6000 rubles.
  • Moderate service life good options 5 years pass without any problems.
  • A large selection, great competition is also a plus; with competition, we pay lower prices.
  • There are maintenance-free options; they require virtually no maintenance for their entire service life.
  • Resistant to medium overcharges.
  • Can be charged as increased current, and suspended voltage.

Negative points :

  • The service life of less popular brands is often very short, about 2 - 3 years.
  • If you have a serviceable battery, you need to monitor the electrolyte level
  • Need to keep an eye on
  • During deep discharge in winter
  • With a long recharge
  • If the electrolyte boils away, the battery terminals may oxidize, which will lead to poor charging.
  • Plates may crumble, cans
  • Cannot be used on its side or upside down, only strictly vertically
  • It cannot be used indoors because there is evaporation of electrolyte, which is hazardous to health and a fire hazard.

YES, old acid batteries are far from ideal, just one thing - they can freeze and explode, plunging newbies into shock! In fairness, it is worth noting that now maintenance-free batteries are practically devoid of such negative points However, the electrolyte is tightly sealed inside the jar - it evaporates, and then condenses inside. And due to its low cost, it is now installed on 90% of cars. However, the competitor is not asleep.

Gel battery

The structure is new, I would say almost innovative - there are also six cans (isolated from each other), and six packages of plates (there are also plus and minus). But that's where the similarities end. Then there is a complete difference.

The lead used here is highly purified, so these battery options are able to charge and discharge much faster (the internal resistance is simply lower). The electrolyte inside is not liquid, but gel, that is, in the form of a gel. It is poured at the factory into prepared jars where the plates have already been installed - later the gel hardens and forms a homogeneous mass in which the electrolyte is stored, that is, it seems to seal both the plates and the electrolyte inside. Shedding of lead is practically impossible, and therefore this type is not afraid of deep discharges and short circuits of cans. There is no electrolyte evaporation - that is, none at all! Such options are very safe and can be located inside a car and even in residential buildings. In general, there are solid advantages, but it also has plenty of disadvantages.

pros :

  • Charges faster.
  • Delivers large (up to 1000 Amperes) sometimes 2 - 2.5 times more than a standard acid battery.
  • There is no evaporation of electrolyte.
  • You can put it either on its side or upside down, the main thing is not to short-circuit the terminals.
  • Resistant to .
  • It can stand for at least a year, even two, in standby mode, without any loss in capacity.
  • More durable (with correct operation), service life from 8 to 15 years.

However, there are also plenty of disadvantages and often they are decisive.

Minuses :

  • High cost, 2 - 3 times more expensive than an acid battery.
  • Fears high voltage, if you apply more than 15 Volts to it, it breaks down very quickly, read the article -.
  • It is also afraid of too low temperatures, at minus 50 degrees, the gel electrolyte begins to freeze and becomes brittle, which negatively affects the work as a whole.
  • Use on a car is possible, but recommended additional elements to control the charge, otherwise if the generator relay-regulator fails, it will quickly “close up”.

As you can see, this option requires more precise electronics, we do not tolerate high voltage - which, it seems to me, is the very first of all the disadvantages.


Guys, despite the prospect of using gel batteries in a car, I would postpone this decision. Well, it’s very expensive and risky to use them in your cars; no pros can compensate for the cons. The usual acid version looks great here, but the starting current is less, so what! For example, a good branded battery has a current of approximately 500 Amperes, but for an engine, even when cold, 350 - 400 Amperes is enough, that is, this indicator is with a margin, so why say 1000A? Unclear! YES, even now many “acid tanks” are maintenance-free, that is, there will be no discomfort for the end user. They are not designed for maintenance, then GEL generally fades!

In general, whatever one may say, the time for GEL technology has not come yet, and it’s better, but most likely on alternative sources, for example, on solar or wind installations (it’s trite that such batteries can be placed at home). But acid ones are still being installed and will be installed on cars, and this, I think, is correct.