Antifreeze or antifreeze, which is better to use? How to choose the best coolant for a car Differences between antifreeze and antifreeze follow

Very often, car enthusiasts do not pay due attention to coolant V engine cooling system, and in most cases, not only do they not change the coolant at all, but they don’t even know what exactly is poured into the engine cooling system of their car. Such carelessness is in vain. After all, from the right choice between antifreeze and antifreeze further depends Maintenance the entire car. So, let's figure it out Which is better - antifreeze or antifreeze.

This division coolants for antifreeze and antifreeze exists only in Russia. About the origin and history of occurrence TOSOLA has already been described many times in various means mass media. According to Arteco, up to 22% of all breakdowns are directly, and 40% are directly or indirectly related to the engine cooling system. Therefore, due attention to cooling and right choice coolant can help save money and time.

The composition of lubricating coolants includes mixtures of ethylene glycol (occasionally containing mixtures of propylene glycol), water and a whole package of corrosion inhibitor additives. Coolants different manufacturers They differ from each other precisely in the production technology of the additives included in their composition.

When choosing a coolant lubricant for your car, you first need to study its operating manual or service book to find out the car manufacturer’s recommendations and possible nuances of using a particular fluid known to the latter. In such a manual, the automaker can prescribe specific manufacturers and names of cutting fluids that have successfully passed all tests and tests (laboratory, bench, operational) conducted by the automaker, or prescribe the class of such fluids. These include liquids produced using one of the following technologies:

  • traditional - contains additive packages based on salts of inorganic acids (nitrates, nitrites, borates, silicates, phosphates, amines),
  • carboxylate (OAT) - contains additive packages based on salts of organic acids (carbonates),
  • hybrid - a type of carboxylate technology in which additive packages are created based on salts of carboxylic acids with minor additions of silicates and/or phosphates).

On Russian market Predominant are cutting fluids produced according to traditional ( antifreeze) and carboxylate ( antifreeze) technologies.

Antifreeze has many advantages over antifreeze, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with:

  1. Increased efficiency of the engine cooling system.

Coolants produced using traditional technology form protective layer on the surface of the metal, which can reach 0.5 mm.

Although this layer protects the metal from corrosion, it at the same time significantly impairs heat dissipation (up to 50%) due to its very low thermal conductivity. Thus, antifreeze works as a kind of insulator, worsening heat transfer. Consequently, the engine starts to operate at a higher temperature than intended and recommended by the car manufacturer. This in turn leads to more rapid wear engine, as well as to reduced power and higher fuel consumption.

Carboxylate coolants, such as CoolStream, are characterized by increased engine cooling efficiency. These liquids form a protective layer exclusively in those places where corrosion forms 0.0006 mm (60 angstroms). And since no protective layer is formed on the rest of the inner surface, heat dissipation does not deteriorate.

2. More long term use of carboxylate coolant (antifreeze)

Antifreeze additive packages consist of compositions of salts of inorganic acids (nitrates, borates, silicates, phosphates, nitrites).

It is safe to say that in the production of 90% of domestic coolants, corrosion inhibitors such as silicates and nitrites are used. In this case, silicates are added primarily for the purpose of anti-corrosion protection of aluminum, and nitrites are added for the purpose of protection against cavitation erosion. The packages of these additives are balanced, but if the composition is disrupted due to faster consumption of one of the components, the coolant loses its beneficial properties. As can be seen in the graph below, silicates and nitrites are depleted first, and after 30-40 thousand kilometers of a car, coolant based on them almost completely loses its protective qualities.

At the same time, antifreezes produced using carboxylate technology remain stable for almost the entire period of use. Thanks to the protection, which only acts in the areas that need it, the consumption of additives occurs much more slowly. For example, for this reason, the service life of brand antifreeze CoolStream Premium reaches 250 thousand km or 5 years of operation for passenger cars, and 650 thousand km for trucks; and service life of brand antifreeze CoolStream Standard- 100 thousand km or 2 years of operation.

3. Excellent protection of aluminum in high temperature conditions

In the process of construction modern cars aluminum is increasingly used as a structural material. And this trend of recent times is poorly combined with coolants produced using traditional technology - antifreeze.

The main disadvantage antifreeze is the inability of its additives based on inorganic compounds to protect aluminum at high temperatures - above 105 ºC Celsius, and at high heat flows. For this reason, most automakers have stopped using antifreeze in their cars.

On the contrary, carboxylate antifreezes the best way protect structures made of aluminum and its alloys.

For clarity, the table shows comparative results of a high-temperature dynamic test for corrosion of aluminum in different coolants, proving the superiority of carboxylate liquids over traditional ones.

4. Extending the life of the water pump up to one and a half times

The main cause of water pump wear is hydrodynamic cavitation. This physical process involves the formation and collapse of coolant gas bubbles at the surface of the moving pump blades. When gas bubbles pop, hydrodynamic microimpacts occur on the surface of the blade, which tear out molecules. With frequent use and prolonged exposure to such micro-impacts, cavities (sinks) are formed and the blades are destroyed.

Unfortunately, so far none of the existing coolants can chemically protect the pump blades, completely preventing this physical process.

However, unlike traditional coolants, carboxylate antifreezes, due to the “targeted” nature of their protection, reduce the effects of cavitation and thus increase the service life of the water pump by up to 50%.

5. Excellent protection against cavitation of engine cylinder liners

Cylinder liners are also subject to significant influence from hydrodynamic and high-temperature cavitation. You can see for yourself the validity of the statement about the effectiveness of carboxylate antifreeze protection of cylinder liners by looking at the photo from 2007, which shows a cylinder of a Renault MIDR Y41 engine installed on a MAZ 103-41 bus with a mileage of 230 thousand km.

  1. 6. High stability of the qualities and properties of antifreeze.

Traditional coolants use silicates, which have negative property formation of gels. Liquids containing phosphates can form insoluble fractions that precipitate. This sediment, along with gels, blocks the operation of the thermostat and clogs the radiator, and ultimately disrupts the operation of the engine cooling system.

Carboxylate antifreezes are characterized by high stability qualities and the absence of formation of gels and sediment during use.

7. Increased compatibility with elastomers and plastics.

The cooling system of automobile engines uses plastic, elastomeric, rubber-silicone and other similar materials, to which carboxylate antifreezes are absolutely non-aggressive. This fact is confirmed by 15 years of practical testing carried out by Arteco, millions of kilometers and thousands of hours of engine operation. And as a sign of confidence in the results of these tests, a large number of automakers include antifreezes based on Arteco carboxylate additives in the list of recommended coolants.

8. No deposits or blockages in the radiator.

Coolants produced using traditional technology tend to form sediments and small insoluble particles, which impair heat transfer and clog the radiator. Whereas carboxylate antifreezes do not have such negative qualities and do not form deposits and blockages during the entire period of their use.

Antifreeze Antifreeze

9. Environmental friendliness of carboxylate corrosion inhibitors.

Thanks to the extended service life (for antifreeze under the CoolStream Premium brand - 250 thousand km or 5 years for passenger cars, or 650 thousand km for freight transport) the amount of used coolant that needs to be disposed of is automatically reduced.

Carboxylate-based corrosion inhibitors have a lower class of hazard and hazard to environment, so they are more environmentally friendly than traditional inhibitors.

10. Excellent stability under high temperature conditions.

Modern car engines designed for increased load during operation. Automakers set the upper limit of the operating norm at a temperature of up to 135 ºС and a pressure of up to 3 atmospheres.

The beneficial properties of traditional corrosion inhibitors are lost already at a temperature of 105 ºС. At this temperature, inhibitors degrade and cannot provide sufficient engine protection at high temperatures. In the same time, carboxylate Antifreezes remain stable under the conditions described above and continue to effectively protect the engine.

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To understand which is better, antifreeze or antifreeze, you need to understand their characteristics and outline the conditions of use. Some believe that for domestic cars the best option- this is Tosol. Others talk about the benefits of antifreeze due to new technologies and “smart” additives for it.


Composition and properties of antifreeze and antifreeze

The basis of Antifreeze is ethylene glycol. This refrigerant has excellent stability at low temperatures. From the time of Soviet Union To differentiate the boundaries of freezing, antifreeze is painted blue and red. The difference between these two types is only in the dye, alcohol concentration and crystallization temperature. Blue refrigerant freezes at -40°C, red refrigerant freezes at -65°C. Antifreeze is used in engines internal combustion.

Usually, general composition blue and red liquid is as follows:

  • ethylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • distilled water;
  • silicate additives.

But, as is known, ethylene glycol paired with distilled water has a destructive corrosive effect on the cooling system. In this situation, it is the additives that protect the pipes. They cover inner surface hose with a thin layer of film and thereby eliminate direct exposure to aggressive components.

Antifreeze, in turn, is a group of refrigerants that remain liquid at low temperatures. They are used not only in internal combustion engines, but also in aviation fuel.

In general, the composition of antifreeze is similar to Antifreeze:

  • ethylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • distilled water;
  • additives.

But in some models, antifreeze differs quite significantly in additives. How liquid is more expensive, those better supplement and longer period of its use. In addition, the G13 standard refrigerant includes a propylene glycol base.

The main difference between these two refrigerants is the chemical or organic additives. The basic composition is almost identical.

Main ways of differentiation

In the video you can see in detail the main differences between Antifreeze and antifreeze. Filmed by the channel.

To choose what is best for the cooling system, you need to understand that, in addition to additives and color, there will be a difference in the texture of the liquid. Antifreeze has an oily appearance, while antifreeze has a consistency more like water.

On this moment There are the following types of antifreeze:

  1. Coolant standard G11. This liquid is green. It has a silicate base and contains chemical additives. Its main property is to protect the cooling system pipes from harmful effects by enveloping them with a thin film. In addition, antifreeze effectively fights rust.
  2. Refrigerant G12, G12+ and G12++. This red liquid is made on the basis of carboxylate compounds, which allows it to create a protective layer only where corrosion has formed. Class G12+ and G12++ are produced using lobrid technology using organic acids.
  3. Coolant G13 and G13+. Antifreezes of this standard are yellow or purple. They are made on a propylene glycol basis, which indicates their safety and environmental friendliness.

Coolant comparison

Knowing the main signs of differentiation, we can move on to a direct comparison of antifreeze and antifreeze to determine what is better to pour into the car.

Antifreeze and antifreeze standard G11

Antifreeze G11

These substances are almost identical. Antifreeze domestic production- this is G11 in Europe. By general rule Manufacturers paint antifreeze of this standard green.

A positive quality of G11 antifreeze and Antifreeze is their ability to create a film that prevents the progression of corrosion.

The disadvantages of both liquids include what is required complete replacement of these refrigerants once every two years. If you don't stick of this rule, then the dry sediment will clog the pipes, and this threatens the failure of the cooling system and the “boiling” of the engine. In addition, they have poor heat dissipation. As a result, the engine heats up more summer time days.

Antifreeze and antifreeze standard G12

Antifreeze G12

The basic composition of this antifreeze and Antifreeze is identical. The only difference is in the additive of organic origin - carboxylic acid, which is contained in antifreeze. Thanks to the presence of such an additive, a protective film is not created throughout the entire system, but only where rust has formed, resulting in increased heat transfer.

Therefore, the advantage in favor of antifreeze is improved cooling of the system and increase in its service life due to the additives included in the liquid.

Antifreeze and antifreeze standard G13

Antifreeze G13

The basic composition of the refrigerant of this class is radically different from Antifreeze and antifreeze of other standards. The fact is that the liquid is made on a propylene glycol basis. And this speaks of its environmental friendliness and harmlessness. Besides, this antifreeze creates the finest protective film in a system that does not interfere with cooling, providing excellent heat transfer and protection from corrosion. The same cannot be said about Tosol.

Cooling efficiency

Antifreeze contains a chemical additive. Its main purpose is to form a special layer on inside pipes. One of the advantages is protection against corrosion. But not everything is so good. A thick film significantly impairs heat dissipation, and as a result warms the engine better. As a conclusion - working temperature engine increases, and with it fuel consumption. This leads to rapid engine wear and major repairs.

Some classes of antifreeze, in turn, provide better cooling because they form a protective layer only in areas where corrosion has formed. Or they create a thin film that does not interfere with heat transfer.

Coolant service life

Due to the fact that there are no sensors that can report the condition of the coolant, there are a number of indicators that need to be monitored.

These include:

  • the number of kilometers that the engine has traveled on the new coolant;
  • liquid properties;
  • car make and model;
  • the quality of the system as a whole.

Monitoring these parameters is not difficult. Every driver knows what his car is capable of. Therefore, if you notice a deterioration in performance, then you need to change all the coolant. As a rule, antifreeze is enough for 20 thousand kilometers, and antifreeze for 10 thousand.

Interaction with metals

Antifreeze will significantly reduce the life of the radiator. The fact is that the composition does not contain active substances, which protect aluminum. There is also no condensation formation useful properties On the contrary, it is harmful.

Antifreeze contains active additives that protect the metal from corrosion, thereby ensuring a longer service life of the system as a whole.

Stability of composition and properties

The silicate substances that make up the base of Antifreeze can take a gel-like form over time. This property has unpleasant consequences, as it interferes with the free and rapid circulation of fluid. If we are talking about phosphates, then with a large number of heating and cooling cycles, a precipitate forms. The gel-like state and deposits clog the radiator, which interferes with the normal operation of the car engine cooling system.

Substances used in antifreeze do not have such negative qualities.

Pump service life

The main cause of pump failure is cavitation. This process is the main enemy of any metal that high speed liquid moves. Gas bubbles formed in the refrigerant collapse and hit the surface of the pump blades with a shock wave. This leads to malfunctions and significantly reduces its service life.

A coolant has not yet been invented that could chemically protect the blades from damage. But antifreeze, which has targeted protection, can reduce the harmful effects and increase the service life of the water pump by more than 50%.


We already know that Antifreeze contains various silicates, which over time can take on a gel-like form, making it difficult for the refrigerant to move at a sufficient speed. With a large number of heating-cooling cycles, phosphates form a deposit that is dangerous for aluminum parts. All this has a detrimental effect on the cooling system, since as a result the thermostat becomes clogged or deposits settle in the radiator. If this happens, the cooling system will not be able to effectively cool the engine, resulting in overheating, and worst case- the need for expensive repairs.

Plastic elements

In the cooling system of cars, in addition to metal elements products made of plastic, rubber, and elastomer are actively used. Studies have shown that both antifreeze and antifreeze are absolutely harmless and do not react with plastic or rubber.

High temperatures

High temperatures have a negative impact on power plant. In order for the engine to operate within the optimal temperature range, a cooling system is required. However, Antifreeze loses almost all its usefulness when the engine temperature exceeds 105°C. Antifreeze can cool the engine up to 135°C.

Impact on the environment

Antifreeze due long term operation is subject to rare replacement. Which proportionally affects the amount of liquid that goes for disposal. Another advantage relative to Antifreeze is its smaller volume harmful substances, polluting the environment.


If you choose between Antifreeze and antifreeze, we can say that for optimal and long lasting performance car cooling system, it is better to use modern refrigerants, i.e. antifreeze. In summer, they cool the engine well, are less aggressive to the pipes, and have a large number of additives that will help protect the unit from corrosion. In addition, they need to be changed less often. If we draw a line on what is best to use, then green antifreeze G11 is identical to Antifreeze, the red refrigerant G12 is a little better quality, and G13 is a technological revolution, the only question is the price. Antifreeze is several times more expensive than Antifreeze, but when making a choice, you should not save on car coolants, because repairs will be more expensive.

Modern automobile market is developing more and more rapidly, and with it all the parts, components and auxiliary products that are aimed at motorists. Having made the choice easier for the consumer, we will determine the difference between antifreeze and antifreeze. To do this, it would be wise to first define what each of these products is and then compare them.

The importance of antifreeze in the modern market

Antifreeze is the name given to all liquids that are capable of not freezing at low temperatures. Its use has become popular in various types commercial institutions, but the most common way of its implementation is in car engines. Due to the fact that the freezing point of coolant is much lower than the freezing point of water, it is used to prevent damage to the car engine in cold weather year and engine cooling system.

Except main function, they also perform a series additional options, among which:

  • Anti-corrosion;
  • Anti-cavitation;
  • Anti-foam.


The composition of the liquid usually includes mixtures of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, glycerin, monohydric alcohols, water and a certain set of additives, which each manufacturer determines individually. Automotive antifreeze, as a rule, contains ethylene glycol and is endowed with fluorescent properties.

Difference in color various antifreezes due to the addition of various dyes to their composition. A small amount of dye (a few grams per 4-5 tons) does not in any way affect the quality and properties of the liquid, but was created only as part of a marketing strategy or as a kind of agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer company.

Antifreeze's place among antifreezes

Antifreeze is trademark antifreeze liquid created for use domestic cars back in the days of the USSR. Antifreeze, unlike antifreeze, always contains ethylene glycol., which allows you to keep the engine only within those temperature limits that are defined for a particular brand. You can find two types of substances on the shelves:

  • TOSOL-40 blue
  • TOSOL-65 red

It is the number indicated next to the name that determines the temperature at which the liquid begins to freeze. In addition, the mixture has a high combustion threshold, which makes it useful in warm weather too. Bright colors serve as an indicator for driver safety, since they stand out among other parts and, in the event of a breakdown, provide an opportunity to immediately find out about it.

Difference between products

It is quite difficult to compare antifreeze with antifreeze, since this is one type of a large group of products - coolants. But how antifreeze differs from the entire group of products can be assessed by analyzing its distinctive qualities and properties.

For example, if most coolants contain additives, they are created based on certain salts of organic acids. Then the additives of the domestic mixture are made from inorganic acids, such as phosphates, nitrates, silicates, nitrites. It is the presence of inorganic elements that provokes the formation of a thin layer of sediment on the metal walls, and thereby worsens heat transfer inside the engine.

At the same time, antifreeze creates a protective layer only in places exposed to corrosion.

What can harm the engine?

Due to the formation of a layer on the walls, the engine wears out faster, and the substance loses its ability to cool after 30-40 thousand km, however, antifreeze can withstand up to 250 thousand km. Antifreeze also differs from antifreeze in that it is less resistant to high temperatures, since its limit is 105C. The important thing is that these liquids should absolutely not be mixed with each other. When they are combined, a sediment is formed, which immediately begins to spoil the operation of the engine and thereby affect the operation of other parts.

What is better to use - antifreeze or antifreeze? This question worries many car owners who care about their car.

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Hosts Vehicle I'm worried about the fact that at first glance there are no differences between consumables.

However, this is a misconception. To understand the difference between antifreeze and antifreeze, you need to carefully study their features.

Important points

Before you decide which substance is better, you need to understand what antifreeze and antifreeze are.

Understanding the features of the products will allow the car owner to make the right choice.

Required terms

Antifreeze is a liquid that is poured into a vehicle's cooling system to prevent the engine from overheating during operation.

Antifreeze has a similar definition. Sometimes antifreeze is the name given to all consumables used to operate a car's cooling system.

However, this is wrong. Antifreeze and antifreeze have significant differences between themselves. Liquids have different service life and different effects on the car engine.

For what purpose is it poured into the cooling system?

The importance of consumables for the operation of the cooling system is invaluable. By circulating, the liquid helps remove excess heat. It helps prevent engine overheating.

Special products are indispensable for the operation of the cooling system even in cold weather. Their freezing point is much lower than that of water.

Ordinary liquid can freeze if the temperature drops below 0. While antifreeze or antifreeze will be able to retain their properties and continue to ensure the proper functioning of the car’s engine even at -60.

Consumables for the cooling system have and additional properties. They help protect your car engine from corrosion.

In addition, antifreeze and antifreeze have lubricating properties, which also has a beneficial effect on the operation of the entire system.

What is the difference between antifreeze and antifreeze

Despite the fact that the consumables for operating the cooling system are very similar, they have a number of significant differences.

By identifying them, vehicle owners will be able to independently understand which product would be better suited for their car.


If we believe that we are making the right choice, we need to clearly know specifications Supplies.

Experts advise not to waste time on carefully studying the similarities and differences of fluids for a car’s cooling system.

Antifreeze is a Soviet development. The product was intended for VAZ cars. It appeared when the production of the first “kopecks” began. Antifreeze can be used for VAZ 2107.

Photo: comparative data of antifreeze coolants

For Lada cars, 2 types of this fluid are suitable: “–40” and “–65”. Their name hides their freezing point. Antifreeze has a density from 1.060 to 1.090 g/cm3 per cubic meter.

The indicator is considered good for this type of consumable for the cooling system. Typically, antifreeze is designed for approximately 3 years of use or a mileage of 80,000 km.

The signal for replacement is a change in the standard color. Antifreeze was developed abroad. Typically, the liquid is used to fill the cooling system of foreign cars.

The freezing point of antifreeze is about –60 degrees. Density good antifreeze ranges from 1.073 to 1.079 g/cm3.

Boiling temperature

Antifreeze and antifreeze are specifically designed to prevent engine boiling. For this reason, their boiling point is higher than that of water.

However, the differences are not as significant as we would like. Antifreeze begins to boil if the temperature rises above +110 degrees Celsius.

A similar process begins to occur with antifreeze if the indicator exceeds +120 degrees Celsius.

The differences are insignificant, but in hot summer conditions they can make a difference important role in car protection.

The car owner must understand that the above indicators are correct only if the car’s cooling system is fully operational.

However, liquids can boil at lower temperatures if:

  • they contain impurities;
  • the lid has lost its seal;
  • the integrity of the system is compromised.

The car owner must carefully monitor the car’s cooling system and the quality of the consumables that he pours into it to prevent overheating.

What is their difference

To understand which coolant to choose, it is necessary to identify the difference between them.

The differences between antifreeze and antifreeze lie in the composition of the substances and their effect on the vehicle engine.

It is believed that 2 liquid has the following advantages over 1:

  • increases the efficiency of the cooling system;
  • It has longer period operation;
  • allows you to better protect aluminum during operation at elevated temperatures;
  • has higher environmental friendliness;
  • better protects cylinder liners from cavitation.

However, experts say that everything depends on the manufacturer. Some substances can be harmful.

Today there are antifreezes that can be used for all vehicles, and there are antifreezes that can ruin the most reliable system cooling.

The VAZ 2110 is unpretentious when it comes to consumables, but even this car can be harmed by the use of unsuitable antifreeze.

There is an opinion among some motorists that the main difference is only in color.

Some vehicle owners believe that antifreeze can only be blue, while the color range of antifreeze is much wider. Today the statement is not true.

If you carefully study the features of coolants on the market, the car owner will find out that the color range of antifreeze has expanded significantly.

Today, the fluid for a car's cooling system can be:

  • green;
  • yellow;
  • red.

Technologies for the production of substances for car cooling systems are also no different.

The only difference is that the additives in antifreeze are based on inorganic acids and do not contain additional substances.

This results in the liquid having a limited shelf life. Antifreeze needs to be changed every 1-2 years.

Can it be mixed (compatibility)

Having studied the information and found out that the liquids are very strong, vehicle owners often wonder what will happen if you mix antifreeze with antifreeze?

Experts do not recommend conducting such experiments. This fluid will continue to help cool the vehicle, but may harm the vehicle's engine.

If a person is wondering whether it is possible to add antifreeze to antifreeze and decides to carry out such a manipulation, experts advise paying attention to the compatibility of additives.

If liquids have a different set of additives, they may react with each other.

This may cause the anti-corrosion and lubricating properties the resulting liquid may deteriorate.

Video: antifreeze or antifreeze, which is better - to use, pour into your car

The result of such a result will be unpleasant - the engine of a vehicle, which is cooled using a mixture of antifreeze and antifreeze, will begin to wear out faster.

If you need to add antifreeze to antifreeze, experts advise combining liquids of the same color.

However, even such manipulation must be done with caution. It is better to mix products from the same manufacturer.

If this is not possible, before pouring the mixture into the car's cooling system, it is necessary to check the fluids for compatibility. To do this you need:

  • prepare a separate container.
  • pour some antifreeze and antifreeze into it.
  • mix liquids.

During the process, it is necessary to check whether a precipitate will form. If it is not there, the liquids can be safely used together.

How to determine what is flooded

Drivers do not always know what kind of liquid is in the tank of their car. To understand whether it is antifreeze or antifreeze, a person must know how one differs from the other.

As already mentioned, both coolants can be different color. For this reason, it will not be possible to distinguish them by this parameter.

There is a myth among car enthusiasts that you can determine whether it is antifreeze or antifreeze by taste.

Some vehicle owners claim that the latter product has a sweetish taste. However, this is nothing more than another myth.

It is necessary to understand that they contain substances that are very toxic. The result of such a tasting can be very disastrous.

In addition, there are other ways to figure out how to find out what exactly is poured into the tank.

Engine cooling fluids vary:

By smell and touch Standard antifreeze has no odor. If you pour a little of the substance on your fingers, the car owner will feel that it is oily. If you do the same trick with standard antifreeze, it won’t be so oily
Cold resistance To determine what kind of liquid is poured into the cooling system, you need to pour a small amount of it into a bottle and place it in the freezer for a while. Manufacturers claim that their products do not freeze in the cold. However, experimental results have shown that some types of liquids still have little resistance to cooling. If the product freezes as a result of being sent to the refrigerator, it is antifreeze Low quality. If you stayed in original form- this is a good antifreeze
Water compatibility To experiment, you need to take some coolant and pour it into a bottle. Then you need to add some tap water to it. During the action, proportions must be observed. The ratio of substances should be 1:1. The mixture should be left for 1 hour and then see the result. If a separation of substances has occurred, the liquid has become cloudy or a sediment has formed, this is the antifreeze that was manufactured Russian companies. Foreign antifreeze should not change due to manipulation
By density To perform the manipulation, you will need to acquire a special device - a hydrometer. The test must be carried out in a warm room. The ambient temperature must exceed 20 degrees. After taking the measurement, you need to study the result. If the device showed a value from 1.073 to 1.079 g/cm3, most likely the experiment was carried out on a good antifreeze

To increase the likelihood correct definition substances, it is better to carry out several checks at once. Carrying them out will allow you to understand how to distinguish one consumables from another.

As the vehicle operates, the coolant gradually loses its properties and requires replacement. Many car owners, when they come to the store, cannot decide which liquid to buy, what is better: antifreeze or antifreeze, and if antifreeze, which one - red, yellow or green.

First of all, you need to understand the terms. The difference between antifreeze and antifreeze is comparable to the difference between a Toyota Camry and a car. Antifreeze is just one type of antifreeze, but first things first.

The evolution of coolants

Initially, ordinary water was used to cool the internal combustion engine. Its use was fraught with some difficulties, namely: a low boiling point and the ability to freeze at subzero temperatures. The latter is especially important in winter time, because frozen water in the cooling system can damage the power unit.

To cope with these shortcomings, other liquids were required. Instead of water, glycerin with the addition of some additives began to be used. This mixture has higher performance characteristics, although shortcomings soon emerged.

  • Firstly, its freezing point is still quite high;
  • secondly, the viscosity of glycerin is higher than that of water, and in order to ensure its circulation, additional energy consumption is required, i.e. Engine efficiency decreases.

Attempts to use methyl alcohol were also unsuccessful. the main problem The problem is that methanol reacts actively with aluminum, resulting in engine failure due to extensive corrosion. In addition, methyl alcohol is poisonous and, once in the human body, can cause irreversible damage to the nervous and circulatory systems. 5-10 ml is enough for severe poisoning, and 30 ml is fatal. Currently, the use of methanol in the production of coolants is strictly prohibited.

For quite a long time, antifreeze and antifreeze contained ethyl alcohol. To his positive qualities can be attributed to the relative harmlessness for human body, low viscosity and low freezing point. Low temperature boiling point increased when additives were added.

Many modern coolants are made from ethylene glycol. This alcohol has interesting properties. IN pure form it freezes at -13 degrees Celsius and its boiling point is 197 degrees. If you dilute it with water, the freezing point decreases and reaches its minimum of -70 degrees at a ratio of ethylene glycol and water of 65% and 35%, respectively, then, as water is added, the freezing point rises again. Antifreeze usually contains 60 percent ethylene glycol; it begins to crystallize at -49 degrees.

Composition of modern coolants

All fluids used to fill a car's cooling system are based on alcohols. In older cars, where the cylinder block was made of cast iron and the radiators were made of brass water solution alcohol was used practically without additives, since it did not have a harmful effect on the metal. With the advent modern engines a problem arose: the heated antifreeze quickly destroyed the walls of the cooling channels. To combat this disaster, various additives were added to the fluid to increase the anti-corrosion properties of antifreeze.

Depending on the type of additives used, antifreezes are divided into two groups: silicate and carboxylate.

  1. The former use additives based on inorganic acids (such liquids are usually colored green or Blue colour, although there is no strict rule);
  2. secondly, salts of organic acids (carbonates), the color of these liquids is usually red.

The effect of additives is that on the surface of the metal in contact with the coolant, a thin layer is formed that is resistant to corrosion, reliably protecting the circulation channels from destruction. The difference is that inorganic salts accumulate and eventually clog the channels. For this reason, more than one thousand radiators were sent to landfill.

Carboxylate antifreezes do not have this drawback - the corrosion inhibitors included in their composition are adsorbed only in places where it appears, without clogging the cooling system. In addition to a more gentle effect on the cooling system, liquids of this type have a much longer service life, and if silicate antifreeze, which includes antifreeze, loses its properties after 60 thousand, as evidenced by a change in its color, then high-quality carboxylate antifreezes retain their performance quality up to 250 thousand km.

What is antifreeze

The confusion started at Soviet times, when GosNIIOKhT developed a coolant that included a number of additives that could prevent corrosion. The name itself is an abbreviation for Technology of Organic Synthesis with the ending –ol, which is added to the name of alcohols in chemical terminology.

For its time, antifreeze was almost a revolutionary antifreeze, and any car owner, when choosing “antifreeze or antifreeze,” would, without hesitation, choose the former. Everyone without exception also knew how to distinguish antifreeze from antifreeze: by color. The development of GosNIIOKhT was painted blue. The name quickly evolved into a common noun, and all antifreezes in the USSR began to be called antifreeze.

Is it possible to mix and dilute antifreezes?

The composition of different coolants differs in the set of additives, some of which can react with each other. This implies the answer to the question “is it possible to mix antifreezes”: no. This cannot be done, as it threatens chemical reaction with unknown result. Even the same color of antifreeze does not indicate their compatibility, since manufacturers choose the dye based on their own preferences, and there are no rules determining which liquid should be colored red and which green.

You can mix antifreeze and antifreeze or two antifreezes only in desperate situations when the liquid level in the cooling system has dropped sharply. In this case, it is also possible to dilute the liquid with water. By the way, from a chemical point of view it is safer, since there are no additives in the water.

Replacing antifreeze with antifreeze

Antifreeze costs significantly longer than antifreeze, however, due to the fact that its service life is several times higher than that of domestic coolant, the difference in cost more than pays off, and replacing antifreeze with antifreeze is a completely justified procedure. The main thing is to do everything right.

You should know that engines are not designed for any specific antifreeze, so you can use any. The density of all liquids is approximately the same, regardless of color.

The difference between them may be the boiling point, so you should find out this parameter for your engine so as not to accidentally fill in low-temperature antifreeze. It is better to give preference to the carboxylate one, since its service life is much longer, although, by and large, this will not affect anything other than replacement intervals.