Rating of gas stations by quality: where is the best place to refuel your car. Which gas stations have the best quality gasoline? Gas station rating What is high-quality gasoline

Almost every car enthusiast knows that if the engine knocks at idle, the speed fluctuates, or fuel consumption suddenly increases, all this is a consequence of the fact that the product the vehicle was filled with at the gas station was of poor quality.
When talking about the quality of gasoline at gas stations, consumers most often express the following concerns:

– Gas stations may fill with lower grade gasoline: for example, AI-80 instead of AI-92.
– The characteristics of gasoline are increased to more high performance by adding prohibited anti-knock additives that increase octane number.
– Gasoline is diluted with water to obtain a larger volume of product for sale.
– Gasoline is often dirty and often contains various harmful impurities.

To find out how justified consumers’ fears are, find out where the likelihood of refueling with low-quality fuel is highest and what to do in this case, and also generally determine the share of counterfeit products in domestic market, Roskachestvo in the fall of 2018 launched a study of AI-92 motor gasoline (hereinafter referred to as gasoline).

Roskachestvo chose the Stavropol Territory as the first region for sampling. In the near future, similar programs will be held in other regions of the country.

The tests were organized within the framework of an agreement on interaction with Rosstandart, in accordance with methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting public control in the fuel market. Gasoline samples were purchased by certified experts at 26 chain and 34 non-chain gas stations in the Stavropol Territory. The samples were examined in an accredited laboratory using verified measuring instruments and certified testing equipment.

To answer the questions posed at the beginning of the study, it was necessary first of all to find out whether the products complied with the mandatory requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU) 013/2011 (“On the requirements for automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuels, fuel for jet engines and fuel oil").

This regulation, in particular, establishes what physico-chemical and performance indicators gasoline must have, including the octane number, the permissible content of various chemical compounds and elements, saturated vapor pressure, as well as other parameters, violations of which affect the proper operation of the car and can subsequently lead to its complete breakdown.

In total, gasoline was tested for 31 indicators.

What the study showed

Based on the results of laboratory tests, only seven out of 60 samples found non-compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations that apply to fuel characteristics. Thus, the following violations were identified:

  • The octane number does not correspond to the declared class
Found in only one sample purchased at the gas station of the individual entrepreneur Podolny R.Yu. (Georgievsk).

The octane number characterizes gasoline's resistance to ignition under compression: the higher the number, the more pressure can be applied to the fuel without causing detonation. Its inconsistency with the gasoline class may lead to a reduction Engine efficiency, increased fuel consumption and destruction piston group engine. In AI-92 gasoline, the octane number must be at least 92 according to the research method, and at least 83 according to the motor method.

  • Exceeding the permissible concentration of oxygenates

Identified in five samples purchased at the gas station of IP Amaev A. M. (Mikhailovsk), the gas station of IP Kazaryan R. V. (Stavropol), two gas stations of IP Amaev D. M. (Stavropol), as well as at Gas station IP Magomedova M.D. (Ipatovo).

Oxygenates are oxygen-containing compounds that are used as high-octane components to extend fuel resources. If the engine contains rubber products that are not designed for fuel with a high alcohol content, oxygenates will simply dissolve them.

  • Exceeding the permissible oxygen content

Identified in three samples purchased at the gas station of IP Kazaryan R.V.
(Stavropol) and two gas stations of IP Amaev D.M. (Stavropol).

  • Exceeding the permissible sulfur content

Identified in all seven samples purchased at the gas station of IP Fetisova S.A. (Mineralnye Vody), gas station of IP Podolny R. Yu. (Georgievsk), gas station of IP Kazaryan R.V. (Stavropol), gas station of IP Amaeva A. M. (Mikhailovsk), gas station IP Magomedova M. D. (Ipatovo) and two gas stations IP Amaeva D. M. (Stavropol).

Mass fraction of sulfur, depending on environmental class fuel, can be up to 500 mg/kg. Exceeding it will shorten the service life motor oil and fuel injectors, and also has a negative impact on the environment.

All other technical regulations requirements for fuel characteristics were met.

Important: Gasoline samples that showed inconsistencies established requirements, in most cases, were purchased at non-chain gas stations.

It should also be noted that when purchasing samples, the most low prices were recorded at just such gas stations: the cheapest gasoline (41.9 rubles/liter) was sold at the gas station of IP Abazekhov L.A. in Novopavlovsk.

At chain gas stations, prices were mostly higher, and the most expensive gasoline was sold at the Bashneft gas station in the Kursk region - for 45.7 rubles.

During the purchase of gasoline itself, violations of the Customs Union regulations were also recorded, and on a massive scale. We are talking about that part of it that establishes the procedure for the circulation of fuel on the market (Article 3 of the CU TR).

At twenty-eight gas stations, at the consumer’s request, copies of the document on the quality of gasoline (passport) were not provided, and at twelve, outdated ones were presented. The vast majority of such violations – 36 out of 40 – were also committed at non-chain gas stations.

Are consumers' fears justified?

Tests have shown that gas stations can actually sell gasoline with an octane number that does not correspond to the declared class. However, such a violation was detected in only one sample.

The fears of car owners regarding anti-knock additives were also partially confirmed: oxygenates found in the tested gasoline, although they can cause a malfunction, are not included in the list of prohibited additives.

Neither water nor mechanical impurities were found in the samples. At the same time, the increased sulfur content, which was detected in seven samples, not only affects the normal operation of the car, but also negatively affects the environment. Information about the violations was transferred to Rosstandart, which has already begun conducting inspections.

What to do if you fill up with bad gasoline at a gas station?

No matter how low the share of counterfeit products in the automobile fuel market, as long as it exists, the likelihood of refueling with it also remains. At the same time, as noted Head of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia, member of the Public Council under Rosstandart Sergey Kanaev, if as a result a malfunction occurs in the car, it will be quite difficult to prove that this was due to low-quality gasoline.

– You need to do an examination and contact Rosstandart. Moreover, if the driver left the gas station where he was not sold high quality gasoline, then the procedure will become even more complicated, because you will also have to prove that the fuel that caused the breakdown was purchased there and not at some other gas station. This will require another examination - for the presence of various impurities and additives in it. Easier to do car repair, – explained Sergey Kanaev.

If the driver does not leave the gas station, then he needs to ask the operator for a gasoline sample, which will be needed for examination, so as to select the fuel on our own in accordance with the rules approved by Rosstandart, it is almost impossible.

– Because for self-sampling you need, firstly, to have everything with you necessary equipment– special containers, funnels, etc. – and, secondly, follow the order specified in the guidelines x,” said the head of the Russian Federation of Car Owners.

The procedure for sampling according to the manual:

– The sample should be taken as openly as possible, in the presence of gas station representatives.

– The sample must be poured into a clean, dry glass container in accordance with GOST 2517-2012, filling it no more than 90%.

– The sample is then divided into three equal parts and sealed with disposable plastic seals.

– The first part is transferred to an accredited laboratory for laboratory testing, the second – to a gas station employee, the third – to a public control group.

– Bottles with samples must be hermetically sealed with stoppers or screw caps with gaskets that do not dissolve in the petroleum product and sealed.

– Labels must be attached to the bottles indicating the fuel brand, tank (column) number, date and time of sampling, surnames and initials (along with signatures) of those who collected and sealed the sample, including the gas station representative. The sample number according to the Accounting Card, the seal number, the sample code and its shelf life must also be indicated, as well as the standard or technical specifications for petroleum product.

You can learn more about the acquisition and sampling procedure.

At the same time, as the head of the Russian Federation of Car Owners emphasized, everything that happens at a gas station should be recorded using photos and videos - then it will be easier to prove violations. The recording will be even more necessary if the case goes to court.

In addition, filming will also help if the gas station refuses to provide the driver with a gasoline passport upon request.

“Even if they provide a passport, it’s still better to record it on camera so that no substitution occurs later,” he added. Sergey Kanaev.

What else did the experts evaluate during the tests?

In addition to the compliance of the octane number with the declared class of gasoline, as well as the content of the mass fraction of sulfur, oxygen and oxygenates, the presence of impurities and water in the composition, other parameters of gasoline that are no less important were studied during the study.

Factional composition

Characterizes the degree of fuel volatility at certain temperatures. So, for normal engine operation, the constituent fractions must be within the distillation temperatures. Otherwise, its starting properties deteriorate, the developed power decreases and fuel consumption increases.

Saturated steam pressure

This indicator determines the volatility of the head fractions of gasoline and its starting qualities. According to technical regulations, in summer the saturated vapor pressure should be from 35 to 80 kPa, and in winter period and off-season - from 35 to 100 kPa. If the indicator is exceeded, this may lead to difficulty starting the engine and the formation of vapor locks in the fuel line.

Chemical stability

The ability of a fuel to maintain its original properties and withstand various chemical reactions(mainly oxidation) to which it can be subjected during storage, transportation and use. This parameter gasoline depends primarily on the presence of unsaturated hydrocarbons in its composition. These compounds are highly reactive and easily interact with atmospheric oxygen, forming resinous substances, which in the combustion chamber at high temperatures turn into solid deposits - so-called carbon deposits.

– When the concentration of resins on the pistons and valves is exceeded, carbon deposits increase, valves and piston rings become coked, and become coked and contaminated fuel injectors , - the expert clarified, Head of the testing laboratory of Laboratory Onco-VNII NP LLC Alexander Gordeyko.

Other indicators

The formation of carbon deposits is also influenced by the presence of tetraethyl lead in gasoline (it is considered to be absent from the composition if its concentration is less than 2.5 mg/dm). The presence of manganese and iron in gasoline is also fraught with problems. In addition, the content of the above elements of the periodic table in the fuel in quantities exceeding the norm, as well as non-compliance with the standards for the volume fractions of monomethylaniline, benzene, aromatic and olefinic hydrocarbons, has a negative impact on the environment.

Concerning environmental requirements requirements for fuel, then, according to GOST, the main remedy against its harmful effects is the use of sealed equipment during production processes, as well as during the transportation of gasoline and its storage. At the same time, the technological regime must be strictly observed, and when carrying out various manipulations with gasoline, it is necessary to take measures to prevent it from entering sewers, water bodies and soil. Acceptable quantity harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere, as well as control over their content is established by GOST From July 1, 2016, Russia, for the purpose of protecting environment switched to using fuel environmental standard not lower than Euro-5, which implies a fivefold reduction in sulfur compounds in the fuel (compared to Euro-4) and a reduction in exhaust gas toxicity.

Residents of the capital are interested in which gas stations are best to refuel in Moscow. The presented rating of gas stations is focused on quality, as well as additional benefits that the stations offer.

The role of quality fuel

The durability and serviceability of the car depends on the quality of the fuel, so car owners need to think about which gas station is best to supply their car with fuel. It's no secret that even far from the best gas stations claim that they have excellent fuel, and they have no equal. These are advertising gimmicks and attempts to gain customer trust. But promises often diverge from reality.

For some reason, many drivers do not think about which gas stations to fill the tank with gasoline or diesel fuel. Some even focus on the most affordable prices.

But by saving on gasoline, you are gradually moving towards the inevitable expensive repairs cars. If you regularly refuel at stations of poor quality gasoline, this will cause the following problems:

  • problems starting the engine;
  • premature wear of spark plugs;
  • damage to fuel system elements;
  • engine contamination, etc.

Quality largely depends on. But unscrupulous gas stations in Moscow and other cities increase it by adding additives. So, magically an ordinary A92 is turned into an A95, for example. But in fact, the characteristics of such fuel artificially raised to 95 octane will be lower than that of a real A95 without impurities.

The main problem at domestic gas stations, including Moscow ones, is a large amount of impurities that should not be in the fuel. These include various acids, alkali, garbage, organic components, etc. When refueling with such fuel, you cause serious damage to the entire car.

The emergence of low-grade fuel

If necessary, refill the tank diesel fuel or gasoline, the car owner must stop at a gas station and pay for the service.

Even gas stations with a good name do not always provide customers with high-quality fuel. There are several reasons for the appearance of such fuel.

  1. Management attitude. Even the best quality gas station can be ruined by bad management. Negligence and irresponsibility lead to the fact that the manager simply does not follow the standards for storing and transporting gasoline, and sometimes simply steals, adding some cheap impurities along with the stolen fuel. Or a common practice is to use a diesel tank to transport gasoline without preliminary cleaning.
  2. Pollution. Yes, dirt can get into the fuel at the production stage. But there is also the fault of a gas station that does not provide proper storage conditions or transfer from a tanker truck into its own containers during deliveries.
  3. Non-compliance with declared characteristics. Sore spot our gas station industry. Often under the A95 badge is A92, but simply with added impurities. And sometimes 92 is passed off as 95, without changing the characteristics in any way, even with special chemistry.
  4. Compound. Even high quality additives can provide the fuel with good performance. But many gas stations don’t do this either, using the cheapest possible chemicals. As a result, the quality drops noticeably, and cars refueled at such stations break down.

The best gas stations

Now to the question of which gas station is still the best in the capital.

As you can see, the fact where you refuel and what quality of diesel fuel or gasoline plays a big role. That’s why we have collected for you the best ones that work in Moscow.

The quality of the proposed fuel, the level of trust and the reputation of the company are taken into account. Yes, there may be exceptions due to unscrupulous direct management of individual stations. But for the most part, these gas stations offer the most optimal fuel.


Included in good gas stations. Many people call these gas stations the best in terms of gasoline quality. A confident leader of the Russian market, which offers constant availability fuel. One of the few gas stations where fuel is supplied uninterruptedly, so you are unlikely to see signs about the lack of gasoline.

In addition to gasoline, they offer diesel fuel, gas, . Plus, the gas station network has its own branded products of its own production. Satisfies the need for diesel and supplies it without problems or interruptions.

They have about 2 thousand auto gas stations countrywide. In Moscow there is room for an impressive number of gas stations, so finding them will not be a problem.


A large network that can be given second place. The company has won many awards and quality marks, including environmental ones.

An important advantage of these gas stations is the fuel they offer, which meets strict Euro 5 standards. The fuel is relatively affordable given its quality and is excellent for domestically produced cars.

It is also recommended to refuel foreign cars here, since the manufacturer tries to make high quality fuel without additives. But they exist, and everyone understands it. Although there is no negative impact, like at many cheap, dubious gas stations.

The quality fully corresponds to the cost, so refueling here is profitable and rational.


The fuel sold by Gazpromneft complies with Euro 4 standards

Another major player in the gas station market. The fuel sold complies with Euro 4 standards.

A couple of years ago, these gas stations in Moscow might not have been given such high ratings, but everything has changed for the better.

The network is proud of the G Drive 98. This is relative the new kind fuel offered at gas stations, which has excellent technical characteristics and octane number. Great option fuel for expensive foreign cars, for which the car owner spares no expense.

Customers note that the presence of such gasoline in the fuel system has a positive effect on the dynamics, engine performance and gas pedal response during acceleration.


A gas station in Moscow that can be called, if not the best, then one of the best in the capital. The Shell company itself has a big name and an excellent reputation.

So far, the gas station network has not given any reason to doubt the veracity of these statements. They really offer high quality fuel with excellent characteristics.

The fuel fully complies with hard international standards quality, is optimal choice for domestic cars and expensive foreign cars. Plus, all types of fuel are environmentally friendly, their production is carried out in compliance with state standards.


Phaeton is one of the leaders of gas stations in Moscow

Remains among the leaders. One of the gas station networks where imported fuel of the highest quality is delivered.

The supplier is StatOil. Special attention deserves NRG 95. This is a gasoline that meets the highest German quality standards. At the same time, the price remains at an affordable and democratic level.

An important advantage is the use of a minimum amount of impurities. Moreover, the company does not hide this. The composition is environmentally friendly, which allows you to extend the service life of the engine and ensure maximum characteristics his works.

A distinctive feature of the network is the fact that three factories simultaneously act as suppliers.


Although a little scandalous, it is a very large and sought-after player in the Moscow gas station market.

If you want a relatively inexpensive fuel that fully complies with Euro 5 standards, choose TNK. This liquid has a beneficial effect on specifications, increases engine performance and ensures the safety of engine components.

The advantage is that there are quite a lot of these gas stations scattered around Moscow, so there are no problems finding them.


One of the most famous gas station chains in Europe. We are talking about British Petroleum.

The inclusion of gas stations among the best in Moscow does not surprise anyone. Many would give her first place, but enough high price still forces him to drop in the rankings.

But if you take into account only quality without relation to price, then this is the best fuel in the Russian capital. The supplier is the largest oil refining company in the world.

Behind impeccable quality you have to pay. But with such gasoline, you can be sure that the car works perfectly, the engine receives ideal power and the performance is at its maximum.


A very young network of gas stations that appeared in Moscow relatively recently.

But in a short period of time, the gas station network managed to gain enormous popularity. The quality is not standard, but it completely satisfies the average consumer.

Recent laboratory studies have made it possible to determine the high level of quality and environmental friendliness of the fuel. It wasn't publicity stunt, but a real test that was successful for the network.

The advantage of the company is regular self-improvement. They have well-organized teams of employees, always polite attitude towards customers, and an assortment of additional products and services.

The supplier is a local oil refining company that operates in the Russian capital.

The advantage is constant quality control. All fuel batches undergo thorough laboratory analysis, the results of which are easy to find out.

In terms of additives, everything is good here too. The company adds them, but uses strictly high-quality additives that can positively affect the mixture, octane number and protect the engine from premature wear without damaging the car.

Also, customer reviews indicate that they are not trying to increase the octane number by adding chemicals. When refueling with A95 gasoline, you can be sure that you were filled with A95, and not the chemically improved A92.

There are also no cases of underfilling or deception, which, by the way, is rare for many Moscow gas stations.

Muscovites have no complaints about the quality of Sibneft fuel

A company that has an extremely powerful technical base. Due to this, the production produces oil from great depths, when compared with key competing companies.

The company developed rapidly and short term became one of the leaders. There are no complaints about the quality of their fuel at Moscow gas stations. Everything is of high quality. Largely due to wide application advanced technologies and the use of high quality additives.

Therefore, the technical base remains relevant, and you can and should refuel here.

It's up to you to decide where you'll run the show. own car. But it’s definitely not worth saving by trying to fill with the cheapest gasoline. This entails many problems.

Which gas stations in Moscow do you consider the best and why? Be sure to write your opinion in the comments and give reasons.

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High-quality fuel is one of important elements longevity of the car. Drivers know: not every gas station offers good gasoline. Car enthusiasts have their own preferences, often based on personal experience trial and error. To tell you which Russian gas stations sell the best fuel, the article contains a rating based on reviews from car owners for 2016.

Finding good fuel often becomes a headache for car enthusiasts. Trading gasoline and diesel fuel is a profitable business, which is why today in the Russian Federation there are a great many large, medium and small gas stations. Each gas station, to the best of its ability, participates in global competition and attracts customers with price or various promotions. But behind the tempting price or bonus there may be a product that does not meet quality standards.

Often, instead of diesel fuel, diesel fuel is sold, and under the brand name AI 95 gasoline, AI 92 with harmful additives will be poured into the tank. The state inspection system is ineffective, because by law the inspection must warn the company selling gasoline 3 days in advance. Of course, gas stations will have time to get rid of bad fuel in that amount of time. But public organizations involved in monitoring in this area claim that there is up to 30% of counterfeit gasoline at domestic gas stations (in some regions – up to 50%!).

Poor quality fuel can cause car damage

Stereotypes about gasoline quality

Fuel testing is a complex chemical process that is only available in laboratories. Experts measure components:

  • octane number;
  • the number of foreign substances: alkalis, acids, etc.;
  • factional indicators.

This is the only way to reliably determine whether the gasoline sold at a specific gas station can harm your car. There are also test strips that change color when in contact with gasoline. With their help, you can calculate the presence of impurities with a certain degree of accuracy, although you should not rely entirely on this method.

For example, it is widely believed that gas stations famous brand guaranteed to be good fuel. This is partly true: experts advise dealing with large companies, which produce their own gasoline. But status, advertising, and certificates do not always provide a 100% guarantee that employees at a particular gas station do not underfill or dilute fuel.

What are the dangers of low-quality fuel for cars?

The type of fuel you put in the tank determines how soon you will have to take your car to the service center for serious repairs. Even one-time use of counterfeit fuel can cause:

It is better to buy fuel only at proven gas stations

  1. Starting difficulties or breakdowns.
  2. Malfunctions of fuel system elements.
  3. Problems with work.

Attention! Counterfeit fuel may not make itself known immediately. Therefore, experienced car enthusiasts recommend keeping the receipt after refueling.

The best gas stations for the quality of AI 92 gasoline

According to activists who check the quality of gasoline on a voluntary basis, most gas stations bottle fuel with an octane rating of 80 to 87 under the brand name 92 gasoline. real brand is not possible: due to the use of additives, testing shows an overestimation of the octane number to 95-99. For example, monitoring in the Togliatti region showed the first option at gas stations "Tatneft", "Avtodorstroy", "Lukoil", "Rosneft", and the second - at gas stations "Prompriogen", "Vis-service" and "Gazprom". It is debatable what the motorist's best choice is in this situation.

Attention! Among motorists there is the concept of “stability” of gas stations. Even a “targeted” gas station with high-quality gasoline may at some point start selling bad fuel.

Gasoline quality AI 95. Best gas stations

  1. Lukoil. It is considered a producer of the highest quality gasoline. However, the high price compared to competitors deters some motorists.
  2. Gazpromneft.
  3. SHell.
  4. TNK. Has enough reasonable prices, plus attracts customers with a variety of bonuses.
  5. British Petroleum (BP). A foreign player in the market, a representative of the world's largest oil-producing corporation.

Among the leaders are Rosneft, Trassa, MTK, Sibneft, Tatneft, Phaeton Aero.

Gas station Lukoil

How to protect your car from low-quality fuel

To avoid getting into trouble when choosing gasoline for your car, use proven methods. They are quite likely to allow you to protect yourself from counterfeit goods. The best way is experience. Take an interest in the preferences of fellow car enthusiasts. If you are far from home, pay attention to how many gas stations have cars with license plates from this region. Locals, as a rule, are better oriented in their territory.

A good hint at an unfamiliar gas station is the list of fuel offered. It may raise suspicion if:

  1. A separate product is labeled “premium”, “luxury”, etc. Probably, the company wants to “award” its fuel with an increased status without having certificates.
  2. Lack of supplier brand.
  3. The price is too low.

Be sure to read the fuel certificate, which is usually located on a separate stand. The document may turn out to be fake. This will be indicated by the absence of a list of fuel category properties. The document must also contain all the output data and the date of manufacture of gasoline (expiration date - no more than 10 days). Pay attention to what you put in own car, will help you avoid wasting money, time and nerves.

Gasoline quality test: video

A person who becomes the owner of a car immediately faces the problem of choosing a place where he will refuel his vehicle. The fact is that the quality of the fuel poured depends on the choice of gas station. And this indicator directly affects the “well-being” of your loved one iron horse.

If you use poor quality fuel in your car, this can cause the following troubles:

  • Deterioration of the starting system vehicle.
  • Reducing the life of spark plugs.
  • Faster wear of components.
  • Increased likelihood of failure of the power unit.

Experienced drivers know places in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other localities Russian Federation, where you obviously shouldn’t go to pamper your car with another portion of the combustible mixture. Beginners are advised to listen to their advice, base their choice on personal experiments, or take into account information from special ratings of gas stations on the quality of the fuel provided.

Gasoline quality standards

In order to understand where it is better to refuel with gasoline or other types of fuel, it is not at all necessary to conduct constant experiments with your car. There are many indirect signs that allow you to identify a low-quality gas station:

  1. Too good a price. An intelligent person understands perfectly well that any company will never operate at a loss. Most often, this approach is used when an organization wants to get rid of low-quality fuel. For example, you should know that gasoline retains its properties for ten days after production. After this, its quality decreases - perhaps the company has a long unsold batch of fuel that needs to be sold to someone. Naturally, such proposals may also contain fuel with a large percentage of various impurities that will simply pollute vehicle systems.
  2. The price is too high for some supposedly exclusive offers. Typically, such fuel has the word “Lux”, “Plus”, “Extra” and so on in its name. This does not mean at all that the proposed fuel better than that, which is manufactured according to approved standards - the company just wants to make extra money from gullible customers.

To make sure that a gas station offers a truly high-quality product, you should make sure of the following:

  • The octane number must comply with the standards for each brand of fuel.
  • The company must have a certificate indicating the organization that produces diesel, gasoline or gas for refueling cars.
  • You can always get reliable information about the “freshness” of the fuel, which is also indicated in the relevant document.
  • For each type of fuel, you can obtain information about the presence of various impurities in them - the seller should not hide such data from the buyer.

Experienced car enthusiasts were able to identify several more interesting factors that can help them choose a truly high-quality gas station:

  1. The likelihood of buying higher quality fuel is observed on regular weekdays and holidays. At such times, there are always a large number of customers at the gas station, which means that the likelihood of filling the car with a “stale” product is reduced. On regular weekends, when people prefer to stay at home or do other things, it is easier to buy low-quality fuel.
  2. It is necessary to ensure that the fuel meets certain standards. Almost always, fuel manufactured according to a specific GOST has more high quality, rather than its analogue produced according to specifications.
  3. The less locality, the higher the chance of filling your car with low-quality gasoline, diesel fuel or gas. That is, if a person has the opportunity to get to Moscow, St. Petersburg or Kazan, then it is better to refuel there than to stop in a small village and hope that high-quality fuel will be poured into his car.

In addition, it should be understood that any business can develop in two directions - for the better and for the worse for the consumer. That is, it is absolutely not a fact that a company that five years ago made people happy quality products, today will stick to the same standard. Therefore, you should always pay attention to indirect signs, including reviews from other motorists, and change the refueling location in time if signs of poor quality are detected.

This fact has already been confirmed high level, when official control services carried out unexpected inspections of the fuel of some reputable companies and were forced to ascertain the presence of low-quality fuel on them.

Rating for 2017-2018: which gas stations are best to refuel your car based on reviews from car owners

Typically, quality ratings of gas stations are compiled by various organizations based on information received over last year. Therefore, people looking for good places to refuel their vehicles in 2018 should pay attention to the data obtained in 2017.

Naturally, it is recommended to compile information obtained from official sources and reviews ordinary car owners living in the same region as the person concerned. If you combine similar data, then this year it is recommended to use the services of the following organizations.

One of the largest filling networks in the Russian Federation, whose gas stations can be found in 46 regions of the country. The company closely monitors its own reputation, so it always offers consumers only high-quality fuel. An important factor in guaranteeing the quality of the offered fuel is the presence of our own production.

Practically the only company in Russia whose gas stations sell fuel produced in Europe. The company's partner is the world-famous manufacturer Stat Oil. In Europe, they monitor the quality of fuel very closely. Naturally, exactly the same fuel is supplied to Russia - branded gasoline and diesel gas stations. Ordinary car enthusiasts have long noticed that the use of this gasoline in cars trademark allows you to actually increase the power of the power unit by fifteen percent, increases the service life of the fuel and motor system, provides a smoother ride of the machine when moving.

One of the oldest Russian companies, offering fuel at European standards quality (Euro 2,3,4). The company’s specialists carefully monitor the quality of the fuel offered and prevent any impurities harmful to the vehicle from entering it.

A relatively young brand on the domestic market, which has already earned a positive reputation among a large number of consumers. This is achieved by having our own laboratories and constant implementation innovative technologies, which allow the creation of high-quality fuel. An example of this is Premium Sport 95 gasoline, which contains proprietary additives that ensure maximum combustion of the combustible mixture in the chamber of the vehicle’s power unit.

The company's credo is to be closer to the client. That is why gas stations under this name always take into account useful suggestions from consumers and implement them in practice.

The company monitors its products and constantly conducts unscheduled quality checks, which allows them to offer people gasoline and diesel fuel to the highest standards.

A network of gas stations from one of the world's largest producers of various combustible fuels. Naturally, it offers products of its own production. One of own developments– G-Drive 98 gasoline. This gasoline brand is characterized by a higher octane number and the presence of special additives that can increase the service life of various automotive systems, while simultaneously increasing the potential of the power unit.

One of best options, if a person is looking for a good diesel gas station. The quality of gasoline is also at a high level - our own laboratories constantly produce original products that allow us to preserve internal systems vehicle in good condition and increase the efficiency of car engines.

Unfortunately, these companies are not represented in some regions of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the consumer is recommended to look for a reliable fuel seller, based on the basic principles for determining a quality product described above.

A lot depends on the quality of the fuel. Low-quality gasoline can shorten the life of the engine, impair its starting and negatively affect the dynamics of the iron horse. Alas, the drivers’ fears were not in vain - last year, on the direct instructions of the Russian President, the Prosecutor General’s Office and Rosstandart carried out many gas station inspections. The test results were disappointing - more than a third of all fuel turned out to be of poor quality. Therefore, it is important for Russian motorists to know exactly where to refuel.

Gas station rating on gasoline quality compiled based on a study by Rosstandart and driver reviews on the Otzovik and Irecommend websites, where every day thousands of users express their opinions about products and services.

10. Phaeton

One of the oldest fuel operators in the country, represented mainly in the northern capital and region. Phaeton gas stations are additionally equipped with a 24-hour supermarket, a cafe and even a pharmacy, as well as a car wash, tire inflation and tire fitting service. Representatives of Phaeton purchase petroleum products from the Kirishi and Yaroslavl refineries and claim that they constantly monitor the quality of the fuel. Some car enthusiasts are dissatisfied with the fact that after refueling AI95, the car drives worse, or even stalls.

Users generally note the acceptable quality of gasoline (with the exception of certain gas stations in the Ulyanovsk region), but speak negatively about the quality of service.

Car enthusiasts have either very good or very bad opinions about Tatneft gas stations - there are practically no average ratings. Some note the cleanliness, convenience, delicious menu, clean toilets and excellent quality gasoline, on which the iron friend runs like he has never run before. Others show just the opposite: the car is moving jerks, prolonged acceleration and even replacing the catalyst and fuel pump. Therefore, only the 8th line of the rating goes to this gas station network.

Although SibNeft's activities were initially limited to the Tomsk region, now the gas stations of this network have spread throughout the Russian Federation. In 2013, the company developed a new fifth-class Prime fuel with improved characteristics. This fuel is claimed to reduce engine maintenance costs, reduce the rate of engine oil contamination and increase spark plug life. In addition, it is more environmentally friendly.

Reviews and ratings of the Highway gas station regarding the quality of gasoline are mostly positive. They note the excellent quality of service, cleanliness, comfortable seating area and politeness of the service staff (there are gas station attendants). And, of course, good quality gasoline.

Good gasoline for reasonable money, which is well accepted even by cars with capricious engines. They note that 92 ecto is rather overrated, but the quality of 92 is quite good. However, the politeness and efficiency of the staff leaves much to be desired.


According to users, the only disadvantage of the network of gas stations from the international oil giant is their number. They note the excellent quality of gasoline and its economical consumption. Car enthusiasts especially like it Shell gasoline V-Power, which is equipped with additives for more efficient and dynamic work engine.

Honest octane number, reasonable price with good quality, availability of additional services and polite staff - this is what puts Gazpromneft gas stations in 3rd place in the rating Russian gas station, Moscow and St. Petersburg on gasoline quality. However, they note that the quality of gasoline may vary depending on the suppliers.

Car enthusiasts note the variety of fuel types; except for the “usual” (quite good quality) there is also the so-called Ecto Plus fuel, which contains a lot special additives to extend engine life and improve environmental safety. However, there are also disadvantages - for example, there is a high probability that the quality of gasoline in small cities may be far from ideal.

1. Rosneft

Rosneft leads the ranking of gas stations in terms of gasoline quality, providing good fuel according to reasonable prices. The staff is polite. There is a discount program and promotions are regularly held to reduce the price of fuel. Gas stations can provide Additional services, for example, pumping up tires and vacuuming the interior, as well as pouring gasoline into a canister.