Dong feng who is the manufacturer. History of Dongfeng Company. Warrior - a real military jeep

Base Location

PRC PRC : Wuhan

Key figures

Zhu Fushou (CEO)

Industry Products

Cars, trucks


▲ $55.748 billion (2010)

Net profit

▲ $2.748 billion (2010)

Number of employees Website K:Companies founded in 1969

Dongfeng Corporation was founded in China in 1969.


The main activity of the company includes the production of all types of commercial vehicles, passenger cars, spare parts and automotive equipment. By the beginning of the year, Dongfeng Corporation's assets amounted to 76.89 billion yuan, and the total number of employees reached 106,000 people.

Dongfeng in Russia

In assortment trucks dump trucks are presented ( wheel formula 6x4 and 8x4) .

The company began offering passenger cars at Russian market in 2014, the cars were introduced in the country under the DFM brand. Two models were chosen for the debut: the DFM S30 sedan and the DFM H30 Cross hatchback.

Joint ventures

Dongfeng Motor Company Limited

In order to further development and conquering the international market, Dongfeng Motor combined its resources with Nissan, resulting in the formation of the largest joint venture automotive industry China - Dongfeng Motor Company Limited (DFL).

DFL's production process includes all stages: stamping, welding, painting, assembly, quality testing, etc. The company's production equipment and its technological processes are exemplary for commercial vehicle manufacturers in China.

In September 2014, the company began production of the e30 electric vehicle.


In July 2013, the European Commission approved the merger of Dongfeng Commercial Vehicles with the Swedish Volvo. According to experts, as a result of this merger Volvo-Dongfeng will become largest producer trucks in the world.

Dongfeng Renault

On December 2, 2013, a joint venture between Dongfeng Motor and Renault was registered under the name Dongfeng Renault Automotive Company (DRAC). By 2016, the joint venture will build a plant with a capacity of 150 thousand cars per year. Cars will be produced under Renault brand.

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Excerpt describing Dongfeng

“Quartire, quartire, logement,” said the officer, looking down at the little man with a condescending and good-natured smile. – Les Francais sont de bons enfants. Que diable! Voyons! Ne nous fachons pas, mon vieux, [Apartments, apartments... The French are good guys. Damn it, let's not quarrel, grandfather.] - he added, patting the frightened and silent Gerasim on the shoulder.
- Aca! Dites donc, on ne parle donc pas francais dans cette boutique? [Well, really, no one here speaks French?] he added, looking around and meeting Pierre’s eyes. Pierre pulled away from the door.
The officer turned to Gerasim again. He demanded that Gerasim show him the rooms in the house.
“The master is gone, don’t understand... mine is yours...” said Gerasim, trying to make his words clearer by the fact that he spoke them inside out.
The French officer, smiling, spread his hands in front of Gerasim's nose, making him feel that he did not understand him, and, limping, walked to the door where Pierre stood. Pierre wanted to move away to hide from him, but at that very time he saw Makar Alekseich leaning out from the open kitchen door with a pistol in his hands. With the cunning of a madman, Makar Alekseich looked at the Frenchman and, raising his pistol, took aim.
- Aboard!!! - the drunk shouted, pressing the trigger of the pistol. The French officer turned around at the shout, and at the same instant Pierre rushed at the drunken man. While Pierre grabbed and raised the pistol, Makar Alekseich finally hit the trigger with his finger, and a shot was heard that was deafening and covered everyone in gunpowder smoke. The Frenchman turned pale and rushed back to the door.
Having forgotten his intention not to reveal his knowledge of the French language, Pierre, snatching the pistol and throwing it, ran up to the officer and spoke to him in French.
“Vous n"etes pas blesse? [Are you not wounded?],” he said.
“Je crois que non,” answered the officer, feeling himself, “mais je l"ai manque belle cette fois ci,” he added, pointing to the loose plaster in the wall. “Quel est cet homme? [It seems not... but this since it was close. Who is this man?] - the officer said, looking sternly at Pierre.
“Ah, je suis vraiment au desespoir de ce qui vient d"arriver, [Ah, I’m really in despair at what happened],” Pierre said quickly, completely forgetting his role. “C”est un fou, un malheureux qui ne savait pas ce qu"il faisait. [This is an unfortunate madman who did not know what he was doing.]
The officer approached Makar Alekseich and grabbed him by the collar.
Makar Alekseich, his lips parted, as if falling asleep, swayed, leaning against the wall.
“Brigand, tu me la payeras,” said the Frenchman, removing his hand.
– Nous autres nous sommes clements apres la victoire: mais nous ne pardonnons pas aux traitres, [Robber, you will pay me for this. Our brother is merciful after victory, but we do not forgive traitors,” he added with gloomy solemnity on his face and with a beautiful energetic gesture.
Pierre continued in French to persuade the officer not to punish this drunken, insane man. The Frenchman listened silently, without changing his gloomy appearance, and suddenly turned to Pierre with a smile. He looked at him silently for several seconds. His handsome face took on a tragically tender expression, and he extended his hand.
“Vous m"avez sauve la vie! Vous etes Francais, [You saved my life. You are a Frenchman," he said. For a Frenchman, this conclusion was undeniable. Only a Frenchman could accomplish a great deed, and saving his life, m r Ramball "I capitaine du 13 me leger [Monsieur Rambal, captain of the 13th light regiment] - was, without a doubt, the greatest thing.
But no matter how undoubted this conclusion and the officer’s conviction based on it were, Pierre considered it necessary to disappoint him.
“Je suis Russe, [I am Russian,”] Pierre said quickly.
“Ti ti ti, a d"autres, [tell this to others," said the Frenchman, waving his finger in front of his nose and smiling. "Tout a l"heure vous allez me conter tout ca," he said. – Charme de rencontrer un compatriote. Eh bien! qu"allons nous faire de cet homme? [Now you'll tell me all this. It's very nice to meet a compatriot. Well! What should we do with this man?] - he added, addressing Pierre as if he were his brother. Even if Pierre was not a Frenchman, having once received this highest title in the world, he could not renounce it, said the expression on the face and tone of the French officer. To the last question, Pierre once again explained who Makar Alekseich was, explained that just before their arrival. a drunken, crazy man stole a loaded pistol, which they did not have time to take away from him, and asked that his act be left unpunished.

Dongfeng Motor Corporation is a Chinese state-owned automaker headquartered in Wuhan, China. In addition to producing commercial and consumer Vehicle production produces components for foreign companies. The entire DongFeng range.

Manufacturing has more joint ventures with foreign companies than any other Chinese automaker. Six global automakers are partners of DongFeng. These partnerships allow it to manufacture and sell in China various brands foreign manufacturers, including Citroen, Honda, Kia, Nissan, Peugeot and Renault.

Other trade marks DongFeng-related products include Fengshen, Infiniti, LUXGEN 7 SUV and Venucia. Heavy trucks and buses are sold under the DongFeng brand of the same name. The company is China's second largest automobile company.

From 1969 to 2000

Known until 1992 as the Second manufacturing plant, Dongfeng, or "East Wind" in Chinese, was founded in 1969. Traditionally produces commercial and passenger cars.

Between 1978-1985 as a result of economic reforms, the production was transformed from a manufacturer of two trucks heavy lifting capacity into a single, centrally managed organization. The reforms allowed Dongfeng to become more autonomous, without the direct administrative control of the central government.

As a result of the transformation, by the mid-1980s its assets tripled compared to 1981. But in 1995, the automaker was experiencing financial difficulties, as it happened then with many Chinese manufacturers cars. The first joint venture was created with PSA in 1992. Today it is called Dongfeng Peugeot-Citroen Automobile Limited.

2000 to 2010

By 2003, the automaker had created several joint ventures: with Kia Motors, Honda, and Nissan. In 2013, partnerships were established with the French Renault.

In 2009, the company sold 1.9 million cars. With this indicator, it took second place among domestic automakers and third in the world.


At the 2010 Beijing Auto Show, Dongfeng showed an electric concept car, promising to produce it in series by 2015. 2011 production figures showed that the company occupies the second position in terms of production volumes in domestic market; DongFeng produced 3,060,000 vehicles that year.

In January 2013, Dongfeng and Swedish Volvo agreed to create a joint venture for the production of trucks. DongFeng will buy motors for this joint venture Nissan production existing joint venture with Japanese company. Intentions to cooperate with Peugeot to finance its recapitalization are under negotiations.

Car company Dong Feng ( Dong Feng Motors Co. - DFMC) is a leading company automotive industry China. The company was founded in 1969. This period in the history of China is characterized by the fact that economic ties with the countries of the East, and primarily with the USSR, as well as with the leading countries of the West, were severed. In such conditions, the enterprise was forced to develop, relying entirely on its own strength.

Today DFMC has concentrated all economic opportunities and technical resources China. It is the main and main strategic enterprise military-industrial complex of the People's Republic of China. Over the past 35 years, the number of vehicles for various purposes equipped with the Chinese army has reached 500 thousand units. Currently, the Dong Feng Automobile Company plays a significant role in the economic and economic life of China.

According to official statistics, every 25th person in China is somehow connected with DFMC. These are people who previously worked or are working in the company's factories, who work in the company's automotive service network, or those who are studying or graduated from the Automotive Industrial University established by Dongfeng. Therefore, the Dong Feng automobile company in China is rightly called the cradle of China's own automobile industry. The Automotive and Industrial University has trained and educated many specialists automotive sector. Now they work as managers or technical workers at various enterprises or directly at the Dong Feng Automobile Company. At some of the company's plants (for example, bus plants), the number of personnel with higher technical education is 55%. The Dong Feng automobile company has created enterprises with a closed cycle of production of various products for its automobile factories, thereby ensuring its complete independence. These enterprises, for the company's own production needs, produce more than 1000 types of products, ranging from small parts, filters, oils and technical fluids, and ending power units, components and engines.

Production capacity The company produces more than 1 million vehicles per year, not including agricultural and special equipment. In terms of profitability, Dong Feng ranks 1st among Chinese automobile industry enterprises and 4th in the world in terms of the number of products produced. commercial vehicles. A full range of passenger cars is produced (including at numerous joint ventures - Mitsubishi, Honda, Renault, Peugeot, Nissan, Cummins, etc.). The production of trucks with a carrying capacity from 0.5 to 220 tons, special equipment, as well as the production of a full range of buses, including special ones, have been developed.

The Automobile Company operates 42 factories involved in the production of cars. Of these, 10 factories specialize in the production of engines, half of which are in production diesel engines. Dong Feng Automobile Company has the world's largest testing ground, the world's longest production line. The degree of production modernization surprises even our Western colleagues. The company's factories employ 300 thousand people. According to foreign experts, the value of the Dong Feng brand is 7 billion US dollars. The company has a good reputation in the international market. The company's cars are used in 92 countries around the world.

The company's strategic partner is the American company Cummins, with which a joint design bureau and a joint venture were created. The joint venture is Cummins' largest manufacturing facility located overseas. The products of the joint venture with Honda are entirely exported.

The Dong Feng automobile company has the largest design bureau in Asia, where powerful intellectual potential is concentrated in the person of 3 thousand designers working there. The design bureau employs academicians and doctors of technical sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of China.

The combination of the Chinese “brains” concentrated in Dong Feng and the financial and foreign exchange reserves of the Chinese government will allow the company to take a strong position in the world market, and this is the key to its success in achieving its goals. By the end of 2010, the Dong Feng Automobile Company plans to take 1st place in Asia and 3rd place in the world in terms of production volumes. At the same time, India is considered in first place as two promising strategically important foreign markets, and Russia in second place.

Model range and prices →

Many drivers are often interested next questions- who produces DongFeng? manufacturer - DongFeng? whose DongFeng machine? who produces auto DongFeng? or whose production is the DongFeng car? - So the country of origin of DongFeng is China (Wuhan)

DongFeng meaning of the word, (badge (sign), emblem, logo)

Meaning of the word DongFeng- translated from Chinese this literally means like "Eastern wind"

Sign DongFeng is a riddle to decipher. Emblem DongFeng perhaps it carries some gusts of wind, it is also possible the logo DongFeng could mean some kind of windy whirlpool

History of DongFeng cars with photos

History of DongFeng, a major Chinese corporation, was started in 1969. Then, under the auspices of one company, several factories in different cities were united. Each plant specializes in the production of several components for automobiles. Thus, these production facilities produce components for large transport equipment(Shiyan), assembles passenger cars and public transport(Hiyanfan). In addition, factories in the cities of Wuhan and Guangzhu specialize exclusively in the production of passenger vehicles.

From the moment it started history of DongFeng, the company's center was located in Shiyan, but in 2003 it was moved
to Wuhan. The company's production facilities provide work for more than 100 thousand workers. Already in 2004, the value of DongFeng's assets amounted to 77 billion yuan. The company has always specialized in the production of various vehicles, DongFeng cars are large automobile transport of passenger and cargo purposes, as well as budget passenger cars. In addition, the company produces parts and components for its products.

DongFeng's main goal is to expand its share in both the Chinese and international markets. The company tries to actively cooperate with the most diverse partners, thanks to which every DongFeng machine is, first of all, quality car, albeit not equipped with last word technology. The company also produces cars of other, more famous brands, such as Nissan, Honda, Kia and others. DongFeng also actively collaborates with leading European manufacturers, thanks to which the joint company Dongfeng was created Peugeot Citroen Automobiles Ltd. It produces Citroen cars and Peugeot.

Thanks to close cooperation with leading automakers, DongFeng cars are created taking into account their experience, and in some cases using the latest (and economical) technologies, and the company itself has managed to implement modern standards management and create an effective corporation.

However, DongFeng specialists also engage in their own research, resulting in their own unique developments in the field of passenger cars and transport. road transport. Therefore, DongFeng vehicles are created using the best, and unique technologies on Chinese market. In addition, the company intends to continue to generously finance the research complex and expand production volumes, thanks to which it will be able to achieve significant success in the international car market.

Besides transport vehicles, DongFeng produces light tractors and bulldozers, which have gained considerablepopularity among farmers. Each work machine DongFeng is designed in such a way that various equipment can be attached to it, which expands its scope of application. In addition, this technique is quite easy to use, so almost any user can quickly get used to it and get to work right away.

DongFeng tailors vehicles to the needs of the market to which it will be sent. Thus, in the DongFeng H30 Cross car, which is one of the most popular in Russia, the entire interface has been translated into Russian. The quality of the cars is beyond doubt, but users quite often complain about poor-quality sealing and poor sound insulation. However, for cars budget class they are of sufficient quality, so you should not refuse DongFeng cars only because of the country of production.

Of course, the problem is in this case practically the same as in the case, for example, . The whole problem here is that in order to enter the world market, the use of native Chinese characters, of course, was impossible, and it was necessary to transliterate the name into Latin. Explaining all the nuances, features and patterns of transferring Chinese names into the Latin alphabet is a complex matter and for some even boring, so we will dwell only on our case. Moreover, the most important thing to remember is that the Latin alphabet is the Latin alphabet, and the relationship between the Russian and Chinese languages ​​has its own patterns, which should be followed, no matter what the British say.

So, the name Dongfeng is translated as “east wind” and in Chinese is written in two characters: 东风 (东 - “east”, Dong, and 风 - “wind”, Feng). Parsing a word, oddly enough, is easier to start from the end, that is, from the -feng part (the hieroglyph 风). As Chinese translator Sergei Grek explains, the letter g in names coming from the Chinese language, in this case, is needed solely to indicate the hardness of the consonant in front of it, but there is no need to pronounce it. Here's an illustrative example: 风 in Chinese means "wind", in Latin it is rendered as feng, and in Russian it is pronounced (and written) as "feng". But the hieroglyph 分 denotes the Chinese monetary unit, which in Russian is rendered as “fen”, with a soft sign at the end, and in Latin it is written as fen - without g.

As for the first part of the word, there is generally an exception hidden behind the letter combination -ong: what is rendered in Latin as -ong is pronounced and written in Russian as a hard “-un”, and in principle there cannot be a soft sign there. Thus, the entire word Dongfeng in Russian should be pronounced as “Dongfeng”. Well, the appearance of the “Dongfeng” variant is, in fact, understandable: everyone sees the inscription Dongfeng and, on a hunch, reads it, as if in English.

The Russian representative office of the brand also adheres to the following pronunciation rules: if you go to the official website of the brand, you can find exactly this version of the transmission. Although, judging by the statistics search engines, the correct option is so far losing heavily to the incorrect “Dongfeng”, and the official Russian website of the automaker is the first link to pop up precisely for the incorrect request.

CORRECT: Dongfeng
WRONG: Dunfen, Dongfeng

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