Why does the lambda probe break? Oxygen sensor: signs of malfunction. What is a lambda probe (oxygen sensor)? Why the oxygen sensor may fail

The oxygen sensor, the symptoms of which are known to most experienced car owners, plays a significant role in the functioning of the car. Despite its inconspicuousness and small size, this regulator adjusts the fuel mixture, thereby assisting the power plant.

Car engine getting well mixed air-fuel mixture, works as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, the regulator sensor or lambda probe, as it is also called, tends to deteriorate.

Causes of malfunction and obvious signs

As a rule, the following reasons lead to malfunction of the sensor:

  • Some aggressive liquid, such as antifreeze or brake fluid, gets on the sensor.
  • Problems may begin if the owner used chemically active agents when cleaning the regulator body.
  • If the car fuel contains a large amount of lead compounds.
  • In case of significant overheating of the regulator, which occurs either due to the use of fuel Low quality, or due to a clogged filter.

Regulator malfunctions can be judged by obvious signs external character. It's easy to notice. It is enough to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Fuel consumption has increased sharply.
  2. The car jerks jerkily, even when the engine is warm.
  3. The color and smell of the exhaust gases have changed.
  4. The operation of the catalyst is disrupted.

Of course, the sensor is negatively affected by General terms operation. May be damaged electrical wiring or the regulator itself, if you are not careful standard rules operation of the vehicle.


In turn, experts see two main stages in the deterioration of the sensor.

At the first stage of sensor malfunction, there is an increase in the engine response time to pressing the gas pedal. The power unit reacts sluggishly, when you press the accelerator the “check” starts blinking, the pedal is lowered and the blinking stops. At this stage of the malfunction, the driver notices a deterioration in traction, acceleration dynamics and an increase in fuel consumption (not yet significant). As a rule, this stage of regulator malfunction can last about a year.

The second stage is much sadder. Most car owners at this stage think about why this oxygen sensor is actually needed. Normal acceleration disappears completely, the car “stumbles” even on a completely flat road. One more distinctive feature the second stage can be called a decrease in speed power unit, even when pressing the accelerator to the floor. In intake manifold popping noises may be heard.

For full confidence It is recommended to start the car “cold”. If the oxygen sensor is faulty on the second severity scale, the car will only run perfectly for the first few minutes. When the device starts functioning, sending signals to the ECU, problems will immediately arise.

Regulator check

If there is a suspicion of a regulator malfunction, it is recommended to start by assessing its external condition. In most cases, if the sensor is faulty, it will become covered with a layer of dirt or grime. Normal appearance sensor, as a rule, indicates its normal operation, but the check should be continued.

  • The regulator should be disconnected from the block.
  • Then connect it to a voltmeter that has enough high class accuracy.

Note. The connection diagram of the regulator to the voltmeter should be based on its pinout: the black wire of the sensor is responsible for the signal (goes to the controller), the white wires are responsible for heating, the gray wire is for grounding.

Checking the voltmeter readings is a diagnostic based on operating dynamics power plant car. For example, if cruise mode is engaged (2500 rpm), with the vacuum tube removed, a normally operating regulator should output 0.9 V (slightly more or less). If the sensor readings are below 0.3 V, then the device is definitely faulty.

Checking the sensor may have another mode. You can simulate forced air leaks, thereby depleting the air-fuel mixture. In this case, the regulator readings should be less than 0.2 V.

Another check mode is associated with the intermediate position of the motor. In other words, if the engine speed is within 1500 rpm, the regulator should show a value of 0.5 V.

If the sensor is completely proven to be faulty, it should be removed and replaced. And here you need to adhere to certain rules.

  1. It is better to change the regulator on a working car, so to speak, “hot”. This gives you a better chance of not stripping the thread.
  2. It is also recommended to slightly raise the connector of the new regulator, thereby protecting the device from dirt and moisture.
  3. And finally, experts recommend treating the sensor body with graphite, even with factory lubricant.

Almost all modern cars have an oxygen sensor. The device can be positioned in different ways. On some cars it is located near the catalyst, on others - in exhaust manifold.

What to do if you find a faulty sensor on the road

If a sensor malfunction occurs on the road or you need to go somewhere urgently, but the problems with the probe are not resolved, what can you do? The solution is ingenious to the point of simplicity - you just need to turn off the probe. Of course, the blinking “check” will not disappear until the engine stops, and the dynamics, in principle, will not be normal. But you can easily get to a car service center, albeit without amenities.

You need to install a probe that is recommended by a specific car manufacturer. By installing some kind of “left” device, even for the sake of economy, you can subject the engine to unbearable loads and problems. Undoubtedly, engine repair will cost much more than purchasing a high-quality oxygen sensor.

Regulator replacement

Replacing the oxygen sensor with domestic cars As a rule, it does not cause any particular difficulties. The only difficulty may be that the probe boils, after which it is practically unaffected by mechanical action. But even for such cases there is an effective and step-by-step instruction. It is shown below.

  • The car climbs onto the overpass.
  • The protection of the power unit is removed.
  • The hood opens and work begins with the probe wires. The wiring from the oxygen sensor can be found on the CO hoses (cooling systems). They are secured with clamps.
  • The plastic clamp holding the wiring is cut;
  • The sensor is unscrewed with a key set to “22”.

If the device is not removed, the sensor is boiling. We proceed according to the following scheme. We spray the regulator with WD-40, wait a little and try to remove it again. If it doesn’t work again, start the engine and heat up the exhaust system a little, pour water on the regulator and try again. If that doesn’t help, you’ll have to heat the sensor directly with a soldering iron, tap it with a hammer (not too hard) and unscrew it.

The regulator is installed in the reverse order of removal. You must remember to connect the connector and secure the wiring to the hoses.

Knowing the signs of a malfunctioning lambda probe, you can react to it in time and replace it. A normally functioning sensor means high-quality and trouble-free engine operation. A motorist should never forget this.

The exhaust system of the car is gradually being modernized. And this applies not only to the installation of catalysts designed to purify gases from lead and other harmful substances. Besides, modern cars equipped with an oxygen sensor. People call it a lambda probe. What is an oxygen sensor? Replacement, checking, malfunctions - further in our article.


Not every car enthusiast knows why this element is needed. A lambda probe is a sensor that reads information about exhaust gases and transmits it to the ECU.

The received information is processed in the unit, then the device balances the composition of the fuel-air mixture in order to equalize the order of its combustion in the cylinders.

Where is it installed, types

This element is located in the exhaust manifold (the so-called “spider”), where the pipes are connected exhaust system. In some cases, the sensor is installed closer to the catalyst. But this arrangement does not affect the overall performance of the device. There are several types of oxygen sensors:

  • Broadband type.
  • With two-channel layout.

The latter were installed on old cars (before the 90s). Modern cars equipped with a broadband lambda probe. Such a sensor is able to accurately detect deviations in the composition of exhaust gases and quickly balance this ratio by reducing or increasing oxygen in the mixture. A working sensor can reduce fuel consumption. His work is also aimed at retaining optimal speed at idle speed.

Why does the oxygen sensor (Kalina) fail?

Signs of a malfunction may vary. First of all, this concerns the quality of the combustible mixture itself. Various deposits can worsen the performance of the oxygen sensor. The element also malfunctions due to depressurization of the housing.

This often happens due to obsolescence of the element. Less often, the housing is damaged mechanically, since it is located in a fairly safe place. Another reason is improper power supply. The sensor contacts may move away, as a result of which information is received incorrectly by the control unit. The composition of the fuel-air mixture is disturbed (too lean or rich). Another cause of malfunctions is an incorrectly set advance angle. This applies to cars with a distributor ignition system. Interruptions can also occur due to problems with high voltage wires, or because of candles. The engine begins to stall at idle and operate incorrectly at high speeds.

How to identify the problem?

Let's consider possible signs oxygen sensor malfunctions:

  • Increased fuel consumption.
  • Jerking when moving.
  • Noticeable drop in power.
  • Unstable engine operation at idle.
  • Increased toxicity of exhaust gases.

Note that these symptoms do not always occur specifically because of the oxygen sensor.

Therefore, having identified one of the above symptoms, we proceed to a more detailed check of the device. We'll look at how to do this below.

Detailed diagnostics

How to check There are two ways to do this:

  • Visually.
  • Using a multimeter.

Let's look at the first method first. So, first we remove the connector from the lambda probe. We examine all contacts. The wires must not be broken or damaged. If the contacts do not fit tightly against each other, this issue needs to be corrected. Next, we check the oxygen sensor itself. A Priora, the signs of a sensor malfunction may include the presence of soot, must be urgently repaired.

This is due to the combustion of rich fuel mixture. Because of this, the device becomes dirty and cannot quickly respond to all changes. If there are shiny deposits (this is lead), the oxygen sensor is replaced. Lead damages both the probe itself and the catalyst. What are the signs of a bad oxygen sensor? The presence of lead indicates the use of excess fuel additives or low-quality motor oil.

Diagnostics with a multimeter

How to check with a multimeter? To do this we need to connect the signal wire from the block oxygen probe to our measuring device. Next, we start the engine and keep the speed around 2.5 thousand. Let's release the gas pedal. We pull out the vacuum tube from the fuel regulator and look at the readings of the device.

If the voltage is less than 0.8 V (or absent at all), signs of a malfunction of the oxygen sensor have been confirmed. There is no point in repairing it. In view of design features The element can only be replaced. The cost of this element ranges from two to three thousand rubles for VAZ cars. How to change oxygen sensor yourself, see below.

DIY replacement

First, disconnect the terminal on battery. Next, disconnect the block from the sensor itself. Sometimes it is attached using clamps - we also unscrew them. After this, we pick up the “22” or “24” key (depending on the make of the car) and unscrew the probe. Please note that the sensor is part of the exhaust system and, accordingly, operates under extreme load conditions. It is very difficult to unscrew it the first time. Take advantage universal lubricant VD-40. Try not to damage the threads and edges of the stuck sensor itself. IN as a last resort You can use a hammer, screwdriver and gas wrench.

With light blows move the element from side to side. You can pry it out with a screwdriver. If this does not help, use a drill to drill a hole in the probe in place of the nut. We insert a screwdriver inside and try to pull it back out. This should help. We screw a new one in place of the old element. Try to ensure that the part fits snugly against the surface of the exhaust manifold pipe (but do not overtighten the element).


So, we have found out the main symptoms of a malfunctioning oxygen sensor. Lambda probe - very small, but important element in the car. Its malfunctions can cause serious interruptions in engine operation. Therefore, it is so important to diagnose its breakdown in time.

The lambda probe is one of the elements of the power supply system of injection cars, which in our operating conditions can create problems. How to avoid them?


The Greek lambda in the automotive industry refers to the coefficient of excess air in air-fuel mixture. This is where the name of the sensor comes from, which measures this coefficient, or more precisely, residual oxygen (O2) in the exhaust gases (another name is oxygen sensor). The purpose of the sensor is to provide the engine ECU with information that allows it to determine the nature of fuel combustion. This is necessary to create normal working conditions catalytic converter exhaust gases. The fact is that the “window” for the effective operation of the catalyst is very narrow, when 14.6-14.8 parts of air and 1 part of fuel burn in the cylinders (when such a mixture is burned, lambda = 1 ± 0.01). It is possible to ensure such precise regulation of the composition of the fuel-air mixture only with the help of power systems with electronic injection fuel. The lambda probe in these systems serves as a controller in the exhaust tract.

Lambda probe: causes and symptoms of breakdowns

Malfunctions or even failure of the lambda probe can occur due to:

breaks in electrical connection circuits;
short circuits;
contamination by combustion products of gasoline with a high content of octane-increasing additives;
thermal overloads due to ignition interruptions;
mechanical damage(for example, when driving off-road).

Significantly reduces the service life of the lambda probe; poor condition oil scraper rings, antifreeze getting into the cylinders and exhaust pipes, enriched fuel-air mixture.

If the lambda probe is faulty, the CO content in the exhaust increases from 0.1-0.3% to 3-7%. It is difficult to reduce its value in most older engines without replacing the sensor, since the power reserve of the potentiometer mixture quality regulator may not be enough. In cars with two lambda probes, if the second sensor fails, it is impossible to achieve normal engine operation without serious intervention in the electronics.

Lambda probe: malfunction treatment

Repair technologies faulty lambda probes does not exist - in case of breakdown they must be replaced. However, our “Uncle Vasya” nevertheless developed a method for restoring these sensors, but it is not effective in all cases. Most often, it stops working due to carbon deposits on the sensing element under the protective cap. If the plaque is removed, the performance of the lambda is restored. You can clean the sensitive element of the sensor by washing it in phosphoric acid, which corrodes contaminants in 10-20 minutes without destroying the electrodes with rare earth metals. It is more effective to clean the lambda probe after removing the protective cap on a lathe and washing it using a thin brush. But it is advisable to do this if it is possible to secure the cap using argon welding. After washing, the sensor should be rinsed with water and dried. If washing does not help, then the lambda needs to be changed. The cost of washing is significantly less than the cost of a new lambda probe (from 300 UAH). You can replace an unheated sensor with a heated one (but not vice versa!). If the connectors are incompatible, lay the missing heating circuit yourself, and use universal automotive contacts instead of the connector.

Why change the lambda probe in time:

Lambda probe: diagnostics

The lambda probe provides effective measurement of residual oxygen in the exhaust gases after it is heated to a temperature of 300-400°C. Only under such conditions does the zirconium electrolyte acquire conductivity, and the difference in the amount atmospheric oxygen and oxygen in exhaust pipe leads to the appearance of output voltage on the electrodes of the lambda probe. Therefore, the lambda probe signal is checked with the engine turned on and warm. An oscilloscope is better suited for measurements than a multimeter, since it can most accurately estimate the shape and frequency of the signal.

Then the resistance of the sensor heater is measured (with the plug disconnected), which at room temperature is from 2 to 14 Ohms (according to the manufacturer’s requirements). Next, check the voltage supplied to the heater: with the ignition on and the probe connector connected, it should be at least 10.5 V. If this value is lower, you must carefully check the battery voltage, cables and connections.

Lambda probe: installation details

Sensors must only be installed and removed using appropriate tools.
If the lambda probe is reused, the thread must be treated with a special mounting paste. In this case, avoid getting the paste on the protective tube, as this can lead to malfunctions of the sensor. New lambda probes from leading manufacturers are pre-treated with paste.
Observe the tightening torque specified by the manufacturer, which is usually between 40 and 60 Nm.
Lambda probes require careful handling to avoid mechanical damage (eg due to falling).
Since the sensors draw in outside (reference, for comparison) air through the connector, it cannot be treated with contact spray or lubricant. When flushing the engine and underbody, the lambda probe connector should be carefully insulated.

Yuri Datsyk
Photo Bosch, GM

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In engines internal combustion Oxygen determines the optimal ratio of components of the combustible mixture, efficiency and environmental friendliness of engine operation. A lambda (λ) probe is a device for changing the volume of oxygen or its mixture with unburned fuel in the manifold of a power unit. An idea of ​​the design and operating principle of the sensor will help the car owner to monitor its performance, preventing unstable work engine and excessive fuel consumption.

Purpose and principle of operation of the lambda probe

Lambda probe mounted on the exhaust pipe

Hard environmental requirements for cars, manufacturers are forced to use catalytic converters that reduce exhaust toxicity. But its efficient operation cannot be achieved without controlling the composition of the air-fuel mixture. Such control is carried out by an oxygen sensor, also known as a λ-probe, the operation of which is based on the use feedback devices and fuel system with discrete or electronic system injection.

The amount of excess air is measured by determining the residual oxygen in the exhaust gas. To do this, the lambda probe is placed in front of the exhaust manifold catalyst. The sensor signal is processed by the control unit and optimizes the air-fuel mixture, more accurately dosing the fuel supply to the injectors. On some car models, a second device is installed after the catalyst, which makes the preparation of the mixture even more accurate.

The lambda probe works as a galvanic cell with a solid electrode made in the form of ceramics made of zirconium dioxide doped with yttria, on which platinum is deposited, which acts as electrodes. One of them records readings of atmospheric air, and the second - exhaust gas. Effective work The device is possible when the temperature reaches more than 300 o C, when the zirconium electrolyte becomes conductive. The output voltage appears from the difference in the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere and exhaust gas.

Oxygen sensor device (lambda probe)

There are two types of λ-probe - broadband and two-point. The first type has higher information content, which allows you to more accurately tune the operation of the engine. The device is made of materials that can withstand elevated temperatures. The operating principle of all types of sensor is the same, and is as follows:

  1. Two-point measures the oxygen level in the engine exhaust and atmosphere using electrodes on which the potential difference changes depending on the oxygen level. The signal is received by the engine control unit, after which the fuel supply to the cylinders by the injectors is automatically adjusted.
  2. The broadband consists of an injection element and a point-to-point element. A constant voltage of 450 mV is maintained at its electrodes by adjusting the pumping current. A decrease in oxygen content in the exhaust leads to an increase in voltage at the electrodes. After receiving the signal, the control unit creates the necessary current on the injection element to pump or pump out air to bring it to the standard voltage. So, when the fuel-air mixture is excessively rich, the control unit sends a command to pump in an additional portion of air, and when the mixture is lean, it affects the injection system.

Possible causes of lambda probe malfunction

Appearance of a faulty lambda probe

Like any other device, the lambda probe can fail, but in most cases the car remains on the move, while its driving dynamics deteriorate significantly and fuel consumption increases, which is why vehicle needs to urgent repairs. λ-probe failures occur for the following reasons:

  1. Mechanical failure due to damage or defect of the housing, violation of the sensor winding, etc.
  2. Poor fuel quality, in which iron and lead clog the active electrodes of the device.
  3. Oil entering the exhaust pipe when poor condition oil scraper rings.
  4. Contact of solvents, detergents or any other operating liquids on the device.
  5. “Popping noises” from the engine due to failures of the ignition system, destroying the fragile ceramic parts of the device.
  6. Overheating due to incorrect ignition timing or rich fuel mixture.
  7. The use of sealant when installing a device containing silicone or vulcanizing at room temperature.
  8. Numerous unsuccessful attempts starting the engine for a short time, which leads to the accumulation of fuel in the exhaust manifold and its ignition, causing a shock wave.
  9. Short to ground bad contact or its absence in the input circuit of the device.

Symptoms of a malfunctioning lambda probe

The main malfunctions of the λ probe are manifested in the following symptoms:

  1. Increased overall toxicity of exhaust gases.
  2. The engine is unstable at low speeds.
  3. There is excessive fuel consumption.
  4. When driving, the vehicle's driving dynamics deteriorate.
  5. When stopping the car after driving, a characteristic crackling sound is heard from the catalyst in the exhaust manifold.
  6. In the area of ​​the catalytic converter, the temperature rises or it heats up to a red-hot state.
  7. Signal from the “SNESK ENGINE” lamp during a steady state of movement.

Methods for checking a lambda probe

Checking the lambda probe with a multimeter

For self-checkλ probe required digital voltmeter and vehicle owner's manual. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The wires are disconnected from the probe block and a voltmeter is connected.
  2. The car engine is started, the rotation speed is set to 2500 rpm, and then reduced to 2000 rpm.
  3. Remove the vacuum tube from the regulator fuel pressure and record the voltmeter readings.
  4. At a value of 0.9 V, the sensor is operational. If the voltmeter does not respond at all, or the reading is below 0.8 V, the λ probe is faulty.
  5. To check in dynamics, the probe is connected to the connector, connecting a voltmeter in parallel and maintaining rotation crankshaft engine at 1500 rpm.
  6. If the sensor is working properly, the voltmeter will show 0.5 V. Deviation from this value indicates a breakdown.

Lambda probe repair

If the λ-probe breaks down, it can simply be turned off, and the control unit will switch to average fuel injection parameters. This action will immediately make itself felt in the form increased consumption fuel and the appearance of an error in the engine ECU. If the lambda probe breaks down, it must be replaced. But there are technologies for “revival” faulty sensor, which allow, with a certain degree of probability, to return it to a working state:

Repairing a lambda probe by soaking in phosphoric acid

1. Washing the device phosphoric acid at room temperature for 10 minutes. The acid eats away carbon deposits and deposited lead on the rod. It is important not to overdo it, so as not to damage the platinum electrodes. The device is opened by cutting off the cap at the very base on a lathe, and the rod is dipped in acid, then washed in water and the cap is welded in its original place using argon welding. After the procedure, the signal is restored after 1-1.5 hours of engine operation.

Old and new lambda probe

2. “Soft cleaning” of electrodes with an ultrasonic dispersant in an emulsion solution. During the procedure, electrolysis of viscous metals deposited on the surface may occur. Before cleaning, take into account the design of the probe and the material of its manufacture (ceramics or metal ceramics), on which inert materials are applied (zirconium, platinum, barium, etc.). After restoration, the sensor is tested using instruments and returned to the car. The procedure can be repeated many times.

The efficiency of a car engine depends on the quality of combustion of the gas-air mixture. The exact proportions, and accordingly the rational effect of operation, are regulated by an oxygen sensor - a lambda probe. Understanding the design and operating principle of the device is necessary to self-determination and defect corrections. The safety of operating your own car depends on how quickly the causes/consequences of a lambda probe malfunction are identified and eliminated.

Only vehicles with injection engines. Location in the exhaust pipe after the catalyst. Oxygen sensor double configuration can be located before the catalyst, providing enhanced control over the gas composition, thereby ensuring more efficient operation of the device.

Operating principle:

  • The car's electronics, which are responsible for fuel dosage, sends a signal requesting supply to the injector.
  • Accordingly, the oxygen device determines required quantity air to form the correct mixture.
  • The device settings allow you to comply with the requirements for the environmental and economic components of the issue of car operation - to eliminate excessive fuel consumption and environmental pollution.

Modern cars are equipped with progressive devices - catalysts and paired sensors - that allow them to reduce negative influences exhaust emissions and consumption of expensive fuel and lubricants. However, in the event of a breakdown expensive option sensor, “treatment” will cost a considerable amount.

Lambda probe design

Externally, the device looks like a steel elongated electrode body with output wires and platinum coating. Inside the device is as follows:

  • A contact connecting wires to an electrical element.
  • Sealing dielectric cuff for safety with an air inlet hole.
  • A hidden zirconium electrode enclosed in a ceramic tip, heated by current to 300–1000 degrees.
  • Protective temperature screen with exhaust gas outlet.

Sensors are either point-to-point or broadband. The classification of devices does not affect the external and internal organization, however, makes a significant difference on the operating principle. The device described above is a two-point device, the second is a modernized version.

More about it:

In addition to the two-point design, the sensor also contains a pumping element. The point of the work is that when oscillations DC voltage between the electrodes, a signal is sent to the control unit. The current supply to the injection element is increased or decreased, a portion of air enters the gap for analysis, where the level of concentration of exhaust vapors is determined.

Symptoms of a malfunctioning lambda probe

Eternal things created by human hands do not exist. Any technique designed for fine analysis can fail for many reasons. Oxygen sensors are no exception.

Let's take a closer look:

  • Increased CO level. It is possible to determine the concentration yourself, only with the help of instruments. Almost always, the indicators indicate a probe malfunction.
  • Increased fuel consumption. Injection cars equipped with a display indicating the amount of fuel consumed. An increase can also be judged if the frequency of refueling is higher than usual.
  • The light alarm, focused on the operation of the lambda probe, is constantly on. This Check light Engine.

In addition to the described signs of destabilization of the oxygen sensor, you can evaluate the quality of the exhaust gas visually - light smoke indicates oversaturation of air in the mixture, clouds of thick black smoke - on the contrary, an excessive overconsumption of fuel.

Causes of oxygen sensor failure

Since the device directly works with fuel combustion products, its (fuel) quality cannot but affect productivity and results. A flammable product that does not meet all established GOSTs and regulations is often the root cause why the sensor does not show reliable results or, in general, fails. Lead is deposited on the surface of the electrodes, making the lambda probe insensitive to detection.

Other reasons:

  • Mechanical failure. Due to vibration and/or active use of the car, the sensor housing is damaged. The device cannot be repaired or replaced. It would be much more rational to purchase and install a new one.
  • Incorrect operation of the fuel system. Over time, soot formed as a result of incomplete combustion of fuel settles on the body and gets inside the inlet holes of the probe. The readings become incorrect. The problem is initially corrected by timely cleaning, however, if it occurs constantly, then it will not be possible to get rid of it - the oxygen sensor is a consumable part that must be replaced in a timely manner.

To ensure that the car is in good working order at all its components, it is important to send your own “horse” for periodic diagnostics to identify problems. Then, the functionality of the devices, including the lambda probe, will be preserved.

How to independently check the lambda probe for serviceability

Only qualified diagnostics can give a reliable result about the cause of the breakdown. However, it is possible to understand that the sensor is faulty on your own. For this:

Study the manual. The attached instructions for the device contain the parameters of the oxygen sensor. It is important to focus on them.

  • Having opened and inspected engine compartment, find the probe. External contamination in the form of soot and/or light deposits will indicate lead deposits and abnormal operation of the fuel system. In this case, the device is completely changed and other components of the car are diagnosed, since dirt and heavy metal doesn't bode well.
  • If the tip is clean, continue checking. To do this, the sensor is disconnected and connected to a voltmeter. The car is started, increasing the speed to 2500/min and reducing it to 200. The readings of the working sensor vary in the range of 0.8–0.9 W. No response or lower values ​​indicate a malfunction.

You can also check the probe using a lean mixture, causing a leak in the vacuum tube. In this case, the voltmeter readings with a working device are low - up to 0.2 W and below.

The dynamic readings of a 0.5 W sensor connected to the fuel supply system in parallel with a voltmeter indicate the serviceability of the device. Other values ​​will indicate a malfunction.

Do-it-yourself oxygen sensor trick

By not allowing regular technical inspection to be delayed - in particular, for the lambda sensor it occurs every 30 thousand km - the car owner ensures uninterrupted operation of the device. After 100 thousand km, it needs a complete replacement.

If everything is in order with a conscientious attitude towards the car, then it will not be possible to control the quality of the fuel. As a result, carbon deposits or lead deposits will cause the light to constantly react Check indicator Engine. So that the car owner does not worry about this, the problem is solved with the help of a decoy.

Types of structures

Depending on the financial opportunities, make bronze spacer parts with their own hands, buy technological electronic options, arrange flashing of the entire control unit. Let's describe each method in detail:

Homemade device

The body is a bronze part, characterized by high temperature resistance. The dimensions are strictly coordinated with the sensor to avoid leakage of exhaust vapors. The hole for their exit into the spacer is no more than 3 mm.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: ceramic chips inside the cylinder, covered with a layer of catalyst, are oxidized under the influence of exhaust gas and oxygen, causing the concentration to decrease, and the sensor takes the value as normal. The option is budget-friendly, however, for cars with high price category unacceptable - in the end, automation should work for results.

Electronic snag

Specialists in soldering circuits can “bundle” a fake for an oxygen sensor with their own hands. This requires a capacitor or resistor. A car enthusiast whose knowledge is limited cannot use the method - a lack of understanding of the processes threatens to negatively affect the entire control unit. To resolve the issue, a ready-made design is purchased. The operating principle of an emulator with a microprocessor is as follows:

  • The microcircuit estimates the gas concentration and analyzes the signal from the first sensor.
  • After this, it generates a pulse corresponding to the signal from the second.
  • As a result, average readings are obtained that do not affect the normal operation of the control unit, since the input value is always less than the critical value.


Deceive oxygen lambda sensor, possibly with the help of a radical re-flashing of the control unit. The bottom line is that there is no response to a signal after the catalyst - the sensor responds only to the state of the unit installed in front of the catalyst, that is, where exhaust vapors are absent or present in small quantities that do not affect the result of the analysis.

Attention! Warranty services they will refuse to do the work, since this is contrary to normal car maintenance - any unit must work and respond to emergency situations.

This is especially true for new cars. Therefore, the firmware is purchased independently - in no case via the Internet - or installed from home-grown craftsmen. Otherwise, damage caused to the car in the future should not cause confusion to the owner of the car.

Video review of decoys

Determining the malfunction of the lambda probe video