The garage project for 2 cars has been privatized. How to choose the optimal size for a two-car garage? Garage size matters

Simple garage in the country with a canopy

Somehow I deprived men of my attention! But they also want to have their own shelter, a cave in the country, and I don’t see a better option than building a garage or workshop.

Garages on summer cottages are usually built separately from the house, as space allows. Look what a beautiful stylish garage project I found! This is a real man's nook, with living quarters on the second floor. The garage itself is for two cars.

Garage for two cars with attic

All dimensions are given in feet and inches. Convert to centimeters using special online services - it’s not difficult.

A neat project for a 3 by 8 meter garage with living space on the second floor. A special feature of this option is the balcony.

The staircase to the second floor of the garage is located on the street, on the side. There is a utility block in the garage itself. On the second floor there is a living space with a kitchen, as well as a bedroom and a bathroom with a bath. In fact, this is a complete home for a bachelor! or a secluded place for a man who wants to relax.

Well, a few views of the second floor:

Disadvantages of a warm garage in winter

By the way, there is an opinion that a car rots in a warm garage. This is true, so it is better not to heat the lower room. A warm home garage can cause car aging in winter, since it is in winter that roads are sprinkled everywhere with salt and other chemical elements.

This happens because the car begins to thaw in a closed and heated room. Splashes and salt residues thaw and the body quickly becomes corroded.

A car protected from the weather by only one roof or the walls of a detached cold garage will last much longer. You shouldn’t build a warm garage just because a warm car will start faster.

In this case, it is easier to install an electric heating system in the car. This will save both nerves and finances. If you already have a built-in garage, then it is better to turn it into a guest room or gym.

Scheme of a simple garage made of foam blocks

If you need a simple garage made of foam blocks, then here you go standard sizes. There is nothing special to describe here, the plan is extremely simple.

A more beautiful version of a foam block garage

A worthy project for a garage made of foam blocks for one car. Practical roof design, two windows, a small sitting room also with a window.

Video from a masonry master - a garage made of cinder blocks in 2 days

In addition to the plan for a garage made of foam blocks, I recommend watching a video in which a masonry master shows and tells how they built a garage for a friend in two days. The video is lively and interesting, showing the construction process with humor and language.

Construction of a cold garage

When building a cold garage, special attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the room. After all, in the event of a hit warm air On the cold surface of the garage walls, moisture will begin to condense and flow onto the floor.

The gate will also become covered with droplets of water, which will get into the locks or thresholds, and in winter conditions this can lead to the garage simply not opening in the morning. Constantly wet metal elements They will quickly begin to rust.

Project of a two-story garage 8 by 8 for 2 cars

This option is more strict, unlike the first, which, in my female opinion, is more beautiful. Men, I know, don’t need all these decorations, however, since we are talking about a garage at home, women’s opinions should also be taken into account. This project is a garage for 2 cars with a residential second floor.

How to improve the thermal insulation properties of a garage

The walls of the box are made of foam blocks. The roof should also be insulated. Garage doors should also be insulated with sheet foam, the thickness of which is 4 - 6 cm, then covered with plywood or wooden clapboard. It will be easier to insulate the garage from the inside with full OSB sheathing with 16 - 22 mm thick slabs.

Project of a two-story garage 4 by 8 meters for 1 car

Here's a simpler design for a two-story, one-car garage. I’m even envious - such nice, functional houses - on the second floor there is a shower where you can wash off the dirt, a kitchenette and a relaxation room where you can sit with friends and cheer for your favorite sports team.

Video - workshop garage with attic

An interesting video from Forumhouse about how a man built himself a garage - a workshop with an attic. Not finding anything suitable in his search, he decided to build according to an individual plan. See the story and description of the construction of this structure from the author.


Using supply and exhaust openings, we create natural ventilation for the garage. The main structures of the garage must also have openings - floors, walls, partitions, doors.

It is better to place these holes diagonally from each other. The supply openings should be located 20 - 25 cm above the floor, and the exhaust openings 10 - 15 cm below the ceiling. All holes should not exceed 0.3% of the entire garage area, otherwise the pull will be poor.

Budget two-story garage project

This project is designed for one car, as well as an open floor plan on the second floor. With a budget design, a single space for a closet or a full-fledged recreation area for a man can be organized on the second floor.

Shed instead of garage

If you decide to limit yourself to only a canopy for your car, then you should remember that you must ensure proper strength support posts. This is especially important during winter snowfalls, when the roof must withstand significant loads.

Project of a one-story garage 8 by 8 meters for 2 cars

And this is a project of one floor, but for two cars, or for one, but with more space for a workshop. I repeat that all dimensions are in feet and inches; you can convert them to centimeters yourself.

Video review of the garage

If you are interested in how to optimize the space of your garage, I advise you to watch a video from Evgeniy, who built himself a garage with an attic with his own hands. The author talks and shows his garage for diagnosing and working on clients’ cars. that is, this is a truly professional car repair shop.

By the way, I was interested in the project of a garage with a bathhouse. I don’t know about you men, but this already seems like overkill to me. A shower cabin is enough for you, but make a bathhouse for the whole family :)

A garage for two cars is widely in demand today, both in the urban and suburban sectors. But for it to successfully perform its functions: keeping cars safe from bad weather; protection from thieves; just parking cars - you need to meet special requirements during its construction.

Today we will look at how to make a garage for two cars. You can also find out additional information you need in the video in this article.

Getting the job done right

We’ll immediately design a garage for 2 cars, this is important not only from the point of view of registration, but you will also be able to make calculations for the construction (see). After all, the price will depend on this. The instructions below will help you build a garage.

Garage options

2 car garage designs should be done keeping durability in mind. It should not only accommodate two cars, it will also need to allocate an area for storage - for tools, spare parts, necessary things and equipment (see).

Therefore, when calculating its dimensions, you need to decide on this.

In accordance with existing standards:

  • parking space for one car must be inscribed in a rectangle with sides 2.3 m x 5.5 m; and should not be located in the area of ​​human traffic
  • distance from the garage wall to the car and between parking spaces - at least 0.5 m; which roughly corresponds to two cars standing next to each other with open doors
  • minimum garage height, comfortable to use, varies from 2.2 m to 2.6 m
  • the calculations must include the thickness of the walls and blind area, which will determine the external boundaries

A garage with parameters of 6 m x 8 m is considered optimal.

Good choice of location

Projects for a two-car garage are made taking into account the location. After all, it will be necessary to take into account the proximity groundwater and choose the right foundation. After all, the structure will be heavy and must be made stable.

To decide on good place To build a garage, several conditions must be taken into account at the same time:

  • Relief of the earth; (there should be no holes or slopes)
  • Soil properties; (humidity, flowability, freezing depth)
  • Depth of groundwater and communications
  • Convenient access route

After preliminary understanding of the size of the building; place and materials for its implementation, you can begin choosing the type of foundation (see).

Attention: Ready-made garage designs for 2 cars must take into account the angle of rotation of the vehicle in relation to the width of the road. Then it will be possible to determine the correct width of the gate and entry will be safe.

Types of foundation

The choice of foundation is decisive for the quality, stability and durability of the garage. There are two options for support bases: columnar structures and strip, continuous and block type.

  • Columnar foundation type It is a support made of recessed pillars, which are installed along the perimeter of the future garage at a distance of 1.5 m to 2.5 m from each other.

The material for them can be wood, stone, brick, concrete, rubble and reinforced concrete. This type of base should be preferred when the site has viscous soil containing clay. This type of foundation is more convenient and economical.

  • On dry sandy soils with weak bearing capacity, it is wiser to use a monolithic strip foundation.

Its creation is a very labor-intensive process consisting of several stages:

  1. pit preparation
  2. laying the base
  3. step-by-step concrete pouring and compaction
  4. laying reinforcement, stones or rubble to increase strength

This method is expensive, as a large amount of building materials is wasted.

Material selection

The most competitive material for constructing garage walls is brick (see). Compliance with price and quality, the variety of its types - porous, hollow, ordinary - allows you to adjust the thickness of the walls in accordance with any needs.

Attention: Perhaps the only negative is the high thermal conductivity. Therefore, the walls must be insulated and plastered with inside. Construction practice emphasizes that the higher the walls, the thicker they should be.

  • If the construction region is dominated by strong winds(more than 15 m/s), then the thickness of the walls should be one brick; if less, then you can lay the wall in half a brick
  • If the area is characterized low temperatures V winter period(- 20 and below), then the walls should be 1.5 bricks


To obtain the desired strength of the walls, the bricks must be oriented without distortions, in accordance with the calculations. Laying can be done freely. But if you do not have much experience as a mason, then it would be preferable to resort to a simple multi-row system.


  • The treasure starts from the corners of the room. Moreover, to begin with, diagonal measurements are taken; the structure must have the correct geometric shape.
  • It is necessary to alternate one row of splices with five or six spoon rows.
  • Using this scheme, you will get slightly less strength than using a single-row (professional) one, but, thanks to its simplicity, the final result will be at a good level, even for beginners in this field.
  • Make sure that the thickness of the seams between the rows is uniform; it should not exceed 10 mm. For additional strength, you will need to place a layer of thin metal reinforcement in the seam, every four rows.
  • When starting to make the solution, you should mix cement and sand in a ratio of 1:4. But mixtures with a similar composition that were produced industrially are also suitable.
  • Having achieved the required height of the walls - 2.5 m, proceed to work with the roof and windows, construction of doors and gates.

Roof installation

The roof does two important functions— heat conservation and protection of the building from moisture. It is more profitable to choose a roof option with a slope. When choosing a flat one, you may encounter the problem of constantly accumulating precipitation, which leads to dampness and leaks.

  • Before you start working on the roof, you need to install the rafters. It is better to make the frame using wooden beams. The boards need to be nailed onto them with an overlap, without gaps or gaps.
  • Form a canopy on top from roofing felt, tiles, slate or profiled sheets.
  • Follow your preferences, there is a wide range of materials available in the industry.

Attention: Before starting work, the wood will need to be treated with antiseptics, this will significantly extend its service life.

Floor construction

After completion of the foundation work, the floor is made:

  • Its creation should begin with waterproofing, which will help protect the car from corrosion and prevent moisture from spoiling everything stored in the garage.
  • A layer of sand 10 cm thick is thrown onto the site and thoroughly compacted. A screed is poured onto it with a slope towards the gate.
  • When the construction of the garage is close to completion, the floor, if desired. Can be painted or covered with clinker floor tiles.


Building a garage for 2 cars also requires an appropriate gate. It depends on the dimensions of both cars. Nowadays, overhead garage doors are very common; they save space, are formed from a solid and durable frame, prevent burglary, and can also be automated.

They work according to the principle of transition from a vertical to a horizontal position. Includes a shield, a frame and a lifting and turning mechanism.

To make such a gate yourself, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Take measurements
  • Select the type of gate that suits your needs
  • Calculate the amount of materials needed according to the preliminary drawing
  • Gate placement

Attention: If you do everything yourself, then pay attention to the perpendicularity of the installation relative to the ground. This is a pretty important point.

Access to the garage

Another serious issue when building a garage is the driveways. They must have high quality execution.

The materials used may vary:

  • Reinforced concrete slabs
  • Asphalted surfaces
  • Special tiles for paving sidewalks

The main thing is their high strength, easy entry, and wear resistance.

It is also necessary free space to be able to maneuver the vehicle through a 90-degree turn.


A significant disadvantage of closed garage buildings is the lack of natural light. Even the presence of small barred windows does not increase general level illumination

  • The most convenient for this purpose is general lighting, which is evenly distributed throughout the entire garage space, making it easier to park the car.
  • When choosing light sources, it is necessary to take into account their efficiency. In this regard, no best alternative than energy-saving lamps. Conventional and fluorescent lamps and LED sources are also used.

Attention: When laying the cable, never use twists. It is not safe. Use terminal blocks and this will ensure reliable connection.


To maintain the conditions of the desired microclimate, one cannot do without supply and exhaust ventilation. It will help avoid the accumulation of harmful exhaust gases and will provide good level air exchange, which helps to quickly dry the car.

You have to choose in favor of one of the types of ventilation: natural, forced or mechanical, combined.

  • The first and most popular is the natural type. It is quite simple and does not require large financial expenditures.
  • At the bottom of the gate, supply grilles are placed, thanks to which the already exhausted, less dense air is displaced.
  • Make sure that the sections of the supply and exhaust systems do not coincide; the first should be half the size of the second, otherwise condensation may form in the garage.
  • One of the disadvantages of this method is the dependence of its effectiveness on natural weather factors.
  • But by placing a fan in the garage, you can partially solve this problem. This is a combined method.
  • WITH mechanical type such difficulties do not arise. When air enters the system, filtration and heating occur.
  • Before entering the room, it passes through the air distributor. It will then be removed using an exhaust fan.


There are two types of heating - autonomous and shared with the house. It is very convenient if the construction of the garage is carried out simultaneously with the construction of the house, then you can limit yourself to laying the pipeline and installing radiators.

  • If the garage is being built separately, then you need to adhere to offline method. Using appropriate equipment, which usually runs on gas or electricity.
  • For example, heat guns, they are capable of as soon as possible create the desired conditions in the garage, as they have greater power.

You can build a garage for 2 cars efficiently if you calculate everything correctly. Be sure and take into account free space for movement. Look at the photo and choose the desired design option.

Planning to build a garage for two passenger cars, many start from the mathematical equality 1+1=2. However, simply summing up the dimensions of the machines to create a convenient box is not enough. Only after thinking through all the related tasks that this structure will help you solve can you begin to draw up a project.

What issues does the owner need to resolve before a two-car garage is built?

There are many of them:

  • Optimal room sizes (convenient parking, vehicle inspection and maintenance);
  • Possibility of storing tires, tools and household equipment;
  • Number, dimensions and type of entrance gates (swing, sliding, up-and-over);
  • The need to combine a garage with a house, utility room or bathhouse;
  • Wall material (brick, foam blocks, sandwich, timber);
  • Type of floor (reinforced concrete panels, monolithic concrete, wooden beams);
  • Type of roof (attic, hipped or pitched).

The everyday principle “the more the better” is not always justified for a garage. Empty space is a sign of wasteful spending of funds. Therefore, you need to clearly determine the optimal dimensions of a garage for 2 cars and adhere to them when drawing up the project and estimate.

A Russian proverb advises starting a dance from the stove. Regarding the garage, this means that all its dimensions must be tied to the dimensions of the stored cars. A preliminary calculation must be made based on the most inconvenient situation: the driver and passengers get into one of the cars.

Which the main problem occurs in the case of an ultra-compact room layout? If you try to get into a car from the right or left side, you simply will not be able to open its doors.

From this situation follows the first rule of garage layout: there must be a “gap” between cars equal to the width of a fully open car door plus 10-15 cm for parking error. You can measure this distance yourself, or you can trust the experience of the owners who have already done this work. They claim that 0.9 meters of distance between the sides of the cars is enough to open the doors without bumps or scratches.

There should also be free space from the side walls of the garage to the driver's and passenger's doors, sufficient to get out of the car (0.6-0.8 meters).

The third point: between the front and rear parts The car must be left with a passage sufficient for a person to move to any point in the garage without wiping the wall and dust from the car. This distance is from 0.5 to 0.6 meters.

So, the cars are placed in their places, but what about the entry? If you don't want to dent the car body on the gate frame, spend a few minutes on this issue. Knowing the width of your car, add 40 cm to it on each side and you won’t have any problems when entering (in a sober mind and with a clear memory).

Gate height is another stumbling block for beginners. Here the main canon of ergonomics is the average height of a person (1 meter 75 cm) plus 20 cm of reserve for “basketball player friends”. However, we will act smarter and look at the future. If you are going to update your vehicle fleet with the purchase of a minibus in the coming years, then plan a gate height sufficient for its entry. An extra row of masonry walls has not yet ruined anyone, but it has eliminated the need to install tall car open air.

Let's say a few words about parking in the yard. If you intend to acquire a permanent garage for two cars, then adding a covered shed near one of its walls will not be superfluous.

This will solve two problems at once:

  • Parking for oversized vehicles for garage doors;
  • Optimal protection of the car from the sun and precipitation without entering the garage.

Height garage box you can choose arbitrarily, but preferably at least 2.5 meters. This will allow you to place storage shelves in it. winter tires and will provide enough space to install shelving.

Summing up the internal layout of a garage space for two cars, let’s name its optimal dimensions:

  • Width 5 meters and depth at least 5.5 meters (for two small cars);
  • Width 7 meters and depth 6.8 meters (for minibus and SUV);
  • Gate height 2.1 meters (for passenger transport) and 2.5 meters for tall minibuses and SUVs;
  • Gate width (minimum 2.3 and maximum 2.5 meters).

Those who want to install up-and-over or roller gates should consult with the suppliers of these structures before starting the construction of walls. A certain amount of space under the ceiling is required to install the guides and lifting mechanism. Its dimensions need to be known in advance and adjustments made to the project.

When thinking about whether to build a garage with one gate or two, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each option:

General entrance gates of the up-and-over type allow you to get by with one set of automation. Despite this, the final cost will be quite high (manufacturers classify them as non-standard designs and increase the price by 20-30% per 1 m2). Swing gates are simpler in design and cheaper, but less convenient to use. Therefore, we advise car owners who are not short of funds to install two standard sets of automatic overhead gates in their garage.

Planning inner dimensions garage, we must not forget about the type of floor that will be used. For hollow reinforced concrete slabs and wooden beams, a box depth of 5.5 meters is optimal, as it leaves enough space for them to rest on the wall. If you need a room with dimensions of 7x7 meters, then you will have to abandon the beams (the standard for cutting wood is a maximum of 6 meters). Prefabricated reinforced concrete panels are also suitable in this case, since they are produced in lengths of more than 6 meters.

You can use the option of supporting the slabs on beams mounted on internal columns. However, in this case, the overlap will be more expensive, and the useful height of the room will decrease.

Combination options

If there is no utility block and bathhouse on the estate, then the functions of the garage can be expanded by providing space for these premises. This achieves savings in materials and working time and creates a compact functional area for men’s recreation and household work.

There are no particular difficulties in building a garage for 2 cars with a utility block. By expanding the box by only 2-2.5 meters, we will get space for a storage room, pumping station, mini-sauna or bathroom with shower. This last convenience is especially important if the garage is far from the house.

Another popular combination option is a house with a garage for 2 cars. If the soil conditions of the site allow, the autobox can be placed entirely in the basement. At high level groundwater, the best option is to add a garage to the house.

In this case, it is necessary to provide a doorway in the common wall and calculate the floor level in the extension so that the height difference between the house and the garage is minimal.

A garage roof is another structure that can be adapted for a variety of needs, from temporary living to storing household items. The materials for an attic roof will not be required much more than for the construction of a pitched roof. A spacious attic is a useful “bonus” that will cover all costs.

Regarding wall insulation, I would like to say the following. If you don't need to work out in a garage in the winter repair work, then don’t spend extra money on thermal insulation and heating. Entering a warm garage from cold air negatively affects the condition of the car (condensation falls in the internal cavities of the body, sharply activating corrosion processes). Long-term observations have shown that one year of storing a car in a warm box (with frequent visits) is equivalent to three years of keeping it in a cold garage. As they say, draw your own conclusions.

Construction materials

Here the choice is unlimited, although it is better to use brick for construction on a limited basis, only for the front cladding of walls. Building an entire garage out of it is expensive and time-consuming. It is better to combine this material with large-sized blocks of wood concrete, foam, gas or slag concrete.

A timber frame insulated with a semi-rigid mini-slab and siding is a cost-effective and fast option.

Sandwich panels made from OSB boards, insulated with foam plastic, are also suitable for covering the load-bearing frame.

The easiest way is to build a garage for two cars from cellular blocks and decorate the walls with inexpensive plaster. In this case, do not forget to make a monolithic reinforced concrete belt for installation of floor slabs.

If your house is built of timber, then this material can also be used to build a garage box. If you do not store tons of gasoline in it, or do electrical or gas welding, then a wooden log house is a good option car shelter.

Reading time: 4 minutes

A luxury car has long been transformed into necessary remedy movement, so many families are no longer limited to one car. With two vehicles it is easier to take children to kindergarten or school if spouses go to work at different times. In such a situation, you need to provide a place to store them. Let's find out what the size of a garage for 2 cars should be so that cars can move in and out freely, and maneuvers do not create inconvenience for the owners.

Permission to build a garage

If the owner of the site intends to build a garage with a foundation and main walls, he must first coordinate his actions with the department of architecture and urban planning in the city or district administration. This will have to be done even if the construction is planned on your own site, where a private house already stands.

After checking the documents, the applicant will be issued an official construction permit.

You can build a garage on your own plot without the appropriate permission.

If the owner does not violate the rights of neighbors and in the future wants to live at the site of construction, he will not have any problems. They will appear when the plot is sold or inherited.

Without permission from the architecture department, you can only build a metal garage without a foundation or a shed.

Details of obtaining permits are in the article

Registration of land for a garage

A garage can be built not only on your own site, but also on the territory. This option is suitable for residents of apartment buildings.

You should not start construction until the plot for the garage has been registered as a property, even if the owner has a good relationship with the administration of the cooperative and it has issued verbal permission.

In the event of the construction of any capital real estate object on the territory of a garage cooperative without registration of the site as ownership, it will be considered an unauthorized construction. The administration of the cooperative may demand its dismantling at any time.

Optimal parameters for a two-car garage

Before starting the preparatory and construction work, should be carefully considered internal dimensions for a garage for 2 cars. You don’t need to rely only on the size of existing cars. It is advisable to design the building with a reserve. For example, if you calculate the width of the entrance opening for regular car, in the future you won’t be able to drive an SUV into your own garage.

In addition to the size of the building, you need to carefully consider its location on the site. It should not impede travel or violate the rights of neighbors, so some distance from the border should be left.

Building width

It would be a mistake to assume that the minimum width of a 2-car garage is equal to the sum of their total width. Having entered the premises, you need to somehow open the doors and get out of the car. This process should not create inconvenience to either the driver or passengers.

When designing parking spaces The legislation provides for a width of 2.3 m. This parameter should not be reduced when calculating the space for one car.

Width standard sedan is about 1.7 m. If it is a five-door car, then for opening the doors you need to allocate at least 60 cm to the wall or to the boundaries of one half of the garage, and in the case of a two-door car - 90 cm.

Thus, the distance between the internal side walls should be at least 5.8 - 6 meters.

Internal length

The length of a garage for 2 cars starts from 6 meters, because the length of a standard sedan is approximately 4.5 meters, and for minivans and five-door pickups it is even longer.

In addition, the garage is used not only to accommodate cars, but also as a utility room for storing tools, bicycles, equipment and household equipment. This requires the installation of shelving, so it is worth adding about 5 more m to the length of the building. As a result, the total length will be about 11 m.

If a garage for 4 cars is planned, the task for the developer becomes much more complicated. Here you can go in two ways - increase the building in width or length.

In terms of ease of entry and exit optimal solution There will be an increase in the width of the building to 12 meters. Not every site has this opportunity.

A 12 m wide garage will take up most of the free space in front of the house and block the view of the street.

If there is not enough space to build a wide structure, it can be increased in length deeper into the site. In this case, the width will be the same 6 meters, but the length will reach 12 m. Two cars will be placed longitudinally in each half.

This method will allow you to avoid cluttering the area in front of the house, although there will be significant inconvenience when placing cars. Since the garage will only have 2 exits, you will have to place the first car in one half first, and the second will drive in behind it.

Ceiling height

Whatever the size of a garage for two cars, the ceiling height according to building codes should not be less than 2 m. However, you should not adhere to the minimum requirements. With a height of two meters, it will be extremely inconvenient for a person with a height of 180–190 cm to move indoors at full height, so it is worth adding about another 0.5 m.

In addition to human height, when calculating ceiling height, you should take into account:

  1. The distance to the ceiling is sufficient for free opening of the trunk door of station wagon or hatchback cars.
  2. Space above cars for installing lighting fixtures.
  3. Place for installing garage doors with a top sliding mechanism.
  4. The height of an SUV can reach 2 m, so lovers of such cars should raise the garage ceiling to at least 2.5 m.
  5. Possibility of using a roof rack on the car.

Gate size

A garage door near a private house can be made in the form of a separate entrance for each car or one common one. When choosing the second option, the width of the opening reaches 5 m, so the lintel above it must be strong enough so as not to bend under the weight of the structure.

In the case of two separate entrances, the width of each of them is at least 50 cm greater than the width of the car - 2.2–2.4 m.

The height of the gate must be at least 2 m so that an adult can pass freely without fear of hitting his head.

In order to be able to put an SUV, minivan in the garage or install an additional roof rack, the door opening must be increased by about 50 cm.

One car garage

If a family uses no more than one car, the task of building a garage is simplified. However, in any case, the developer must provide dimensions that will conveniently accommodate not only the car that is currently in use, but also the characteristics of the car that may be purchased in the future.


A garage is needed to store the car at night or during periods when it is not in use. However, when building it is worth considering its use as a car repair shop for minor repairs, as well as storage space for a second set of wheels, equipment and household supplies. The universal structure will eliminate the need to build a separate room on the site for household needs.

Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.

When planning to build a detached garage on your site, it is convenient to place an attic above it. This is especially beneficial when constructing garages for two cars, when the area above them is quite large. The article will tell you what projects there are for two-car garages with an attic, the features of their construction and arrangement.

Convenience and practicality of buildings

You can make it a cozy workshop, adapt it to a convenient warehouse or even a relaxation room.

In any case, this room significantly expands the area of ​​utility areas and solves the problem with unnecessary things, stored in storage rooms, on balconies and in sheds.

The design of a 2-car garage with an attic has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which are presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws
  • Significant savings in usable area. , on the second floor you can equip a workshop, a billiard room, make a gym, and, if necessary, a full-fledged living room.
  • As family members increase, the attic can be converted into living space for a young family or elderly parents.
  • The room can be used as a living room when receiving a large number of guests.
  • A garage for 2 cars with an attic can really be used for temporary living during construction or when renovating a residential building.
  • Stored in the garage fuels and lubricants and oil, which is quite dangerous in terms of fire.
  • The operation of the engine produces vibrations and quite loud noise.
  • Exhaust gases leaking into rooms can create an unpleasant odor.

Tip: To build a garage with an attic for two cars, you can use different materials. But it must be taken into account that the first floor must have sufficient strength to withstand the fairly large weight of the superstructure.


When drawing up a project for a garage with an attic, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Construction cannot be carried out in lowlands. In this place, the structure will constantly be flooded by melt and storm water.
  • It is not recommended to build a garage with an attic for 2 cars next to trees, the roots of which can severely damage the structure.
  • When designing a garage with a residential attic, it is necessary, first of all, to think through issues of electrification, water supply and sewerage.
  • It is not advisable to construct a building above underground utilities, to which free access must always be ensured.

Documentation for the project

Projects for 2-car garages with an attic may include the following documents:

  • Layout of the building on the site.
  • A sketch of the structure in scale and color.
  • A plan of the garage indicating all dimensions and height marks, indicating the locations of gates, doors and stairs.
  • Description of the selected foundation (see).
  • Drawings of the frame and materials for its finishing.
  • Sketches of the rafter system and description of the roofing material.
  • Communications supply diagram.
  • Explanatory note.
  • Calculation of required building materials.
  • A set of necessary tools.

Choosing a site for construction

Each capital building, including a garage with an attic, requires a certain territory. The two-story design of such a building requires an area half the size of a conventional building.

When choosing a construction site, certain conditions must be observed:

  • Provide good access to.
  • There should be a free space of 5 to 7 meters between the entrance and the building. In this case, it is possible to park conveniently if there is no need to park the car in the garage.
  • Any unevenness in the landscape will create extra work- The garage requires a fairly level area.
  • Ability to ensure communications.
  • The optimal distance between the garage and a residential building is approximately 5 meters. This will allow the driver to easily reach the car in any weather.
  • The location for the garage should be slightly higher or at the same level as the rest of the area to avoid flooding.

Subject to these conditions, taking into account the features of the landscape and the location of your site, an ideal place is selected to build a garage for two cars with an attic, as can be seen in the photo.


After choosing a location, you can begin developing the project. At the same time, it can be ordered from an architectural organization or purchased ready-made.

Its price is quite high, but development time is significantly saved. In this case, representatives of the agency can go to the site and carry out everything necessary measurements and develop the project specifically to the customer’s conditions and requirements. Specialists will help you choose a ready-made project, then its cost will be less.

You can develop drawings or sketches yourself.

Advice: When developing a project yourself, you should show it to specialists who will approve the documentation and, if necessary, correct it.

The project development instructions suggest the following steps:

  • Determine the number of spaces in the garage - for one, two or more cars.
  • Decide on the functional purpose of the attic part - will it be residential or non-residential.

  • . The attic can protrude slightly above it, which will create a place of shelter from the summer heat. This takes into account the size of the vehicles.

  • Decide whether only cars will be placed in the room, or whether they will be repaired here, which will require increasing the area to accommodate tool racks, free space for moving a person when repairing a car.

Tip: When drawing up a plan, only precise measuring instruments should be used.

  • A plan for the attic is drawn up. If you are planning a living space, then there should be a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen corner.

  • A roof is being developed for the building.

  • The power supply system is being installed.
  • The materials for the construction of the structure are determined. The cost of the garage, the duration of its construction, the durability and reliability of the structure depend on this. Fastest to build frame garage, and modern materials make it possible to protect premises from the cold.
  • The project is finally drawn up on paper, taking into account the smallest details of the design.

The video shows in detail which project is better and how to create it yourself.

Project implementation

After developing a project, you can implement it yourself or hire a team of workers. Construction of garages with an attic is a labor-intensive process.

To do this you will need:

  • Make a foundation. The best option— installation of a monolithic slab. For a large garage there may be more than one. A single slab is poured with concrete; several ready-made concrete slabs can be laid.

  • Build walls. Foam and gas blocks are easy to process and low in cost materials.

You can use brickwork and other Construction Materials. Everyone chooses according to their own desires and capabilities. This leaves openings for windows, doors and gates.

  • Build a roof.

  • Connect communications: electricity, water, sewerage, gas.

  • Carry out finishing work on the residential attic and the garage itself.

The outside of the building is sheathed with siding or clapboard, plastered with decorative plaster or other finishing materials are used.

  • The area adjacent to the building is being developed. This could be a flower garden, a lawn sown with grass, or ornamental shrubs, which will add coziness to the garage with an attic and the entire site.

Compliance with all project conditions, manifestation of imagination, high-quality implementation work will allow you to build a garage for two cars with an attic for every taste. The building will serve for a long time as a place to store cars and as a residential building.