What is engine autostart? Autostart with and without alarm. Pros and cons of autostarting a car Conflict situations with the standard “alarm”

You are a car owner and, of course, you want your car to be equipped with... last word technology. No problem - now the choice of all sorts of, to use fashionable language, gadgets is quite wide. Many have already appreciated the convenience of an alarm system with auto start. So what - you pressed a button, and your car independently prepares for the arrival of the owner. In winter, while you are enjoying your morning coffee, it heats the interior, and in summer it cools, so that you can enjoy a comfortable coolness after a hard day. So this option is useful and even pleasant. The number of those who appreciate the convenience of an alarm system with auto start is growing. But, before you decide to purchase and install it, it would be nice to know how to do it correctly.

How to choose an alarm system with auto start

First of all, your choice directly depends on technical features car - type of engine and gearbox. Autostart can be used by owners of both gasoline and diesel engine, as well as mechanics or automatic. Only in each case different alarm systems are applicable. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, contact a specialized salon, where professionals will select the right model, taking into account the needs of your particular iron horse.

Pay attention to the method of autostarting the engine. There are two of them: remote and automatic. The first type of start allows you, without leaving anywhere, to turn on the cooling or heating in the cabin using the key fob. But you are limited by the range - on average 400 m from the car. Although progress does not stand still - there are already devices (brand manufacturers) that can pick up a signal even from a two-kilometer distance.

Automatic remote start has no restrictions. It is carried out by an electronic control unit with software. You can start the car at a certain time (with an accuracy of literally up to a second), with the desired cycle (for example, only on weekdays). You can set the required temperature values. There is even an option to adjust the voltage level on-board network cars. The engine starts if the battery is discharged to a certain extent. U different models car alarms have their own operating mode options.

There is another quite significant criterion when choosing an alarm system with auto start. This is a type of signal encoding between the owner's key fob and security system auto. It is preferable to choose a GSM module. Compared with radio transmitters of dynamic and dialogue coding, it more reliably protects the transmitted signal. Thus, the likelihood of car theft is reduced.

When choosing, evaluate the functionality of the system. Consider whether additional functions will be needed. After all, quantity is not an end in itself, and the more there are, the more likely it is that it will negatively affect main function alarm system - security. The fact is that, in essence, autostart is needed to pre-start the engine in order to regulate the interior temperature. But it's clean protective properties Manufacturers did not provide for an autostart system.

Is an alarm with auto start dangerous?

The popularity of such alarms is hampered by the fears of many car owners: a car that supposedly starts automatically becomes easy prey for car thieves. But in reality everything will depend on very important factor- on the quality of the system installation. Experienced professionals say that installing an alarm system with auto start is much more difficult - be sure to strictly follow the manufacturers’ instructions and not violate the installation technology.

In practice, unscrupulous installers often help car thieves through their negligence. Their services are, of course, cheaper, but that’s just the safety.” iron horse“No one guarantees you. Self-installation It won’t work either - it’s too delicate and specific work. We need competent specialists.

Most cars have built-in anti-theft devices - mainly a standard immobilizer. It prevents the engine from starting without a unique tag chip. Typically, the immobilizer ID chip is built into the ignition key. And the autostart system assumes just preliminary start power unit auto.

To avoid any conflict in the functioning of the standard car security element and the autostart option, you need to install a bypass immobilizer unit. This will help start the engine and maintain the functionality of the car's protective system.

For reliability, the bypass immobilizer module, equipped with a chip - digital key, is mounted in depth engine compartment. But the car owner is advised to make a duplicate of the digital key. More modern version- install a keyless crawler.

What do careless installers do? They block or disable the standard immobilizer. It doesn’t even matter what methods, the main thing is that it will be just as easy for the thief to start the car as for its owner. So saving on installing an alarm system is more expensive for you. It’s better to pay for high-quality installation at a decent car dealership, where they are guaranteed to do everything according to the instructions, than to risk being left without your iron horse.

And more information for those who doubt the reliability of an alarm system with auto start. Modern security systems are designed in such a way that when an automatic start is made, the trunk, doors and hood remain protected. If an attacker opens them, the engine will turn off and lock, the siren will turn on, and the key fob will alert the owner of the car about an attempt to steal it.

If a thief enters a running car through broken glass, he can turn off the engine with the handbrake, but when he tries to change gear or press the control pedals, he will experience disappointment. The system will go into alarm mode, and no one will go anywhere. However, we note that not all security systems are capable of this, so you will have to choose very pickily. By the way, about choice - why do car owners prefer white? Read on our website.

Which alarm models with auto start are most in demand?

There is plenty to choose from on the market of alarm systems with auto start. But car owners have already largely decided on their preferences. Some of the most popular brands are Scher-Khan, Starline and Pandora.

Their products are suitable for everyone - gasoline and diesel cars, with both types of gearboxes. Besides basic equipment assumes a large set of autorun operating modes.

For example, the “Sherkhan” Magicar car alarm (versions 7, 9 and similar) has a long range with processor unit(up to 2000 km) and useful additional options(protection against unauthorized recording of an additional set of key fobs, entry and exit from the security mode without an alarm siren).

Brands "Starline" ( model range Dialog) and Pandora (the latest DXL series) have more high reliability protection, since they use an interactive signal encoding method.

Most car owners who use a car alarm system appreciate its convenience. For those who are just about to install similar systems, you need not make a mistake in choosing. Consult with specialists what is right for your car, what set of options suits you personally and whether they are needed at all additional features. And when you choose best option, enjoy the comfort of your car!

You can get acquainted with comparative testing of the most popular autorun systems by watching this video.

Everything you need to know about car alarms to decide whether you need such a system. How it works, advantages and disadvantages.

Modern automotive gadgets are designed to make life easier for motorists. Manufacturers of such equipment develop the most various systems, thanks to which driving the car becomes more and more comfortable. One of such systems is autorun, installed on modern cars. True, there is a lot of talk about the benefits and harms of such a system. Let’s try to figure out which of this is true and which should be classified as negative PR.

What is autorun? This is a program that starts the starter without human intervention. This can be done in two ways: through CAN bus or Lin bus. This occurs through signal transmission from electronic unit, installed on the alarm key fob on digital bus cars. To understand which alarm system with auto start is best to choose, check out the rating of the most popular models. This option is interesting for two reasons:

  1. Thanks to such a system, the car owner will no longer freeze in a cold cabin and wait, wasting precious minutes until the engine in the car warms up and can hit the road. This is especially valuable in the cold season.
  2. Possibility of installation automatic start, which will start the engine every time the temperature drops to a certain level. Such a system will help you to be on the safe side and prevent the engine from completely freezing.

Basic autorun modes

But, there is one nuance that you need to know. Modern cars are equipped with an immobilizer that blocks auto-start. Today, there are alarms that can bypass such blocking. In the same case, if the system does not have the necessary “skills,” you will have to trick it in order for the automatic launch to work. To do this, hide a duplicate of the alarm key fob inside the car, then the immobilizer will not block the automatic start of the engine.

3 reasons in favor of an alarm system with auto start

When thinking about installing an automatic engine start, you should remember that such an alarm is somewhat more expensive than a regular one. If this does not stop you, then with the acquisition automatic system launch, you will get the following features:

  1. Of course, the main advantage of autostart is the ability to warm up the car even before you get into the cabin. This will save you time in the morning.
  2. With such a system, you don’t have to worry about your car not starting after being left idle for a long period of time during a cold period. This is possible thanks to a special system, after setting which the engine will start as soon as its temperature drops to a certain point.
  3. Surprisingly, thanks to such a system, the parts in your car are less susceptible to wear. This is due to the fact that due to overcooling of components, they are more likely to fail. Autorun will help prevent this from happening.

Weak sides

Until recently, the autostart system was extremely popular. But today, car owners think seriously before deciding to install this option. And in showrooms, when buying a car, they often don’t even offer to buy it. Have you ever wondered why? Here are some factors that explain this change.

  1. The battery is significantly loaded. The fact is that you can start the engine only if the battery is well charged. It is charged during operation, therefore, after the autostart is performed, the motor needs to run for some time to prevent the battery from discharging.
  2. If you decide to install such a system, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to refuel the car more often, because it takes a small but noticeable amount of fuel to start the engine. And while the car is running so that the battery can restore the spent charge, fuel continues to be consumed.
  3. By installing autostart, you risk encountering a situation such as freezing of the pads. This may happen due to the fact that winter time Cars are not put on the handbrake precisely because of the fear of freezing, but are left at speed. When using automatic start, doing this is strictly prohibited and you will still have to, at your own peril and risk, put the car on the handbrake.
  4. Well, and the most main drawback– increased likelihood of theft. To protect against such troubles, immobilizers are installed in cars. Installing autorun negates its operation, which makes it easier for hijackers to do their job.

Having familiarized yourself with all the pros and cons, you can now make an informed decision whether you need automatic start, or, after weighing the pros and cons, you decide to abandon this idea. One way or another, there are always pros and cons, and only you can decide what is more important to you: saving time or saving fuel and protecting your car.

Car autostart – convenient function, and many drivers managed to appreciate it. In most cases, a special unit included in the alarm system is responsible for its implementation. However, there are situations when an autorun module is needed, but you don’t want to change the entire system because of this. Is it possible to do something in such cases?

How does the autorun module work?

Automatic and remote start necessary so that the car has time to arrive at the working condition, and the interior is warmed up in winter or cooled down in summer. As a rule, the engine autostart unit allows you to turn on the engine:

  • by the clock at a preset time;
  • by temperature sensor, if the minimum is set;
  • by remote signal.

The engine autostart module itself consists of the following parts:

  1. Electronic control unit. Its task is to process the owner’s commands, analyze sensor readings and send signals to actuators car.
  2. Sensors They are needed to avoid engine wear or even engine failure. As a rule, the kit always includes at least a sensor that measures oil pressure (if insufficient pressure launch will be blocked and can only be done manually). Also, cars are often equipped with a gear position sensor: if the car is not in neutral, the engine will not start either.
  3. Preheater. This is not a required part, but it is extremely useful during the cold season.


The algorithm by which the module automatically starts the engine looks like this:

  • The module receives a signal - externally, from the owner, or internally from the built-in timer or temperature sensors.
  • The heater turns on.
  • The fuel supply is turned on.
  • The immobilizer is turned off or, if its device allows it, switched to the “Autostart” mode.
  • Diagnostics of the on-board electronics and power supply system is underway.
  • The starter starts.
  • The carburetor prepares the fuel mixture.
  • The ignition turns on.
  • If everything went as expected, the driver receives a signal that the engine has started.

Thus, it is easy to see that remote engine starting is possible on vehicles equipped with sufficient quantity electronic devices. Naturally, on an old car with a “crooked starter” handle, it is at least useless.

In addition, it is easy to notice that alarm operation is not required for this procedure. That is why it is possible to use car autostart without an alarm.

Launch from phone and other module options

Nowadays you can find many options for autostart systems on the car accessories market. Let's see what the manufacturers offer.

GSM autostart car without alarm

The system using a GSM unit is convenient for those who park their car far from home. One of the side effects of using this communication system is the ability to both determine the position of the vehicle and communicate with it beyond the range of a standard radio key fob. In this case, the control signal can be transmitted to the launch unit using regular cellular communication. In essence, the module will be an analogue of a telephone to which you can call or send messages.

The advantages of this kind of modules are:

  • Unlimited range. It is enough that the car is located in the territory of the “cell” - that is, “within visibility” of the nearest repeater. Since most of European Russia and a fair share of Siberia and the Far East are covered by cellular communications, the launch command can be given even from a neighboring region.
  • Convenience. If it's worth GSM autostart no alarm, no need to buy additional remote control– just use a cell phone, which is now widely available. Special application allows you to turn any

However, it is necessary to remember some limitations:

  • Access to the control unit must be carefully configured. An accidental phone call to the number being used may result in GSM car equipment accidentally starting the engine.
  • Only new numbers should be used. It is possible that some number previously belonged to a stranger.
  • Access to the cellular communication system is paid. Therefore, if your car is equipped with this remote start option, be prepared to pay extra for this service.
  • Overload of the cellular network (for example, during the holidays) will cause the system to stop working.

Autostart from key fob

More convenient for many car owners is activation automatic switching on engine using the remote control. In this case, the control panel (key fob) sends an encoded radio signal to the module - and then the system operates in normal mode.

In this case, you don't have to worry about paying for cellular data, you don't need an app-enabled smartphone, and you don't have to worry about unauthorized access. However, it is necessary to remember that the signal from the hand-held remote control is low-power. Therefore, if you need to turn on the engine on a car located far from home, it is better to purchase a GSM model.

Pros and cons of automatic start technology

Like any other device, autostart for a car without an alarm has its positive and negative sides. Its obvious advantages are:

  • Complete preparation of the engine for operation in advance. By the time the driver hits the road, the engine will already be started, brought to operating speed and warmed up. You don’t have to waste time and go straight away - and in the winter season this saves a lot of time.
  • Comfortable conditions in the cabin. The heating system or air conditioning usually starts together with the engine. Thus, by the beginning of the trip, the inside of the car is already warm or cool, depending on the time of year.
  • Autostart is indispensable on trucks, where frozen hydraulics can damage the entire vehicle.

However, there are also disadvantages, and quite serious ones. They are:

  • Vulnerability. Automatic start of a car without an alarm system attracts the attention of car thieves or thieves - and you can lose either the car or valuables left in the cabin. Operating the engine together with an alarm and immobilizer is usually impossible. Therefore, you can use the device without an alarm only in a guarded parking lot, or when the car is in the owner’s field of view.
  • Excessive fuel consumption. The electronic unit must be carefully configured; without this, it will drive the engine at those speeds that it considers normal. In addition, starting by a timer or temperature sensor will cause the machine to turn on itself, even when it is not required. This problem is being solved correct setting sensors and programming of the unit itself.
  • Winter autostart in a parking lot often leads to freezing of the muffler, in which condensation accumulates. To avoid this, you need to set a limit on the operating time of the motor. In practice, about 10 minutes is enough, after which the engine can be turned off.
  • Without a gear sensor, automatic starting is dangerous: if the driver forgets to put it in neutral or does not turn it on hand brake, the car may well roll away. In the past, it often happened that the driver accidentally pressed the autostart remote control in his pocket when the car, for example, was standing at a traffic light with the gear engaged - and without his participation the car was thrown into red. The only method to solve the problem is to use high-quality sensors.

Installing auto start separately from the alarm system - is it worth doing this?

Best option– this is when the remote engine start is installed together with the security system. In this case, you can be sure that there will be no internal conflict between the two systems.

However, there are advantages to installing a separate module. First of all, in this case the owner of the car will not be bound technical characteristics the devices offered by the alarm manufacturer. It will be possible to choose exactly what suits both quality and price.

In addition, even in a perfectly configured alarm system, the autostart unit will be perceived by the system as something extraneous. Starting the engine will inevitably force the security sensors to work, and a conflict with the immobilizer often does not even make it possible in principle to set automatic start.

Starline, Pandora and other autostart models - system rating

Based on reviews from motorists, you can make an approximate rating of autostart modules in terms of price and quality ratio. It will look something like this:

  1. StarLine A94 is one of the best options. Reliable, easy to install, relatively cheap.
  2. Pantera SLK-675RS. A little more expensive and more problems with installation, but quite a worthy thing.
  3. Scher-Khan LOGICAR 1. Here the opinions of users are somewhat divided. Some praise this system, others note that it makes no sense to buy a module separately: it shows all its advantages only when combined with full installation alarms
  4. StarLine A91. “Budget”, but quite reliable model.
  5. Pantera SLK-868RS. The main advantage is compatibility with almost any car model.

Is it possible to make the device yourself?

Remote engine starting without an alarm is a convenient thing, and therefore many car owners are interested in the question: is it possible to somehow do it with their own hands? Yes, this is possible - however, this option will require considerable knowledge in both electronics and car mechanics. Nowadays you can find many ready-made parts on the market, with correct installation which will result in a pretty decent remote start of a car engine.

The simplest option is to install an additional GSM unit on an existing autostart for a car without an alarm system. In this case, you only need mobile phone. It will need to be disassembled and connected in such a way that the signal from the phone’s vibration motor goes to the backup automatic start input. However, before this, you will have to carefully configure the phone, adding all numbers to the “black list” except the car owner’s number, and prohibiting the reception of SMS from short numbers. In addition, you will need to somehow solve the issue of powering the phone from the vehicle's on-board electrical system.

In the same case, if autostart without a car alarm is done “from scratch,” a number of fundamental points must be taken into account:

  • If the car has an automatic transmission, the system must be connected before the automatic transmission circuit breaks. It is better to use an 8-pin power connector.
  • An additional power input is usually not needed.
  • Be sure to use fuses! The best option is 25 ampere fusible. Without this, there is a risk of ruining the system at the first start: the current from the car’s battery is quite high.
  • The leads from the ignition system must be connected in such a way that the starting system does not block the lock. This issue is especially relevant for cars without an alarm system.
  • Careful timing of work is required mechanical systems car. Otherwise, the engine may not start.


In general, it should be noted: you can use a homemade system, but it is much easier to buy and install a ready-made one.

With auto start, this is an excellent means of protection for any car. A lot of similar products have been created. On this moment Various models are produced that have certain functions. Many companies are trying to add something original to the device in order to make the product stand out from the crowd. So what is a car alarm with auto start? How to choose the best? What nuances does such an alarm have and what should you pay attention to when purchasing it?

What is autorun for?

First, it’s worth understanding why car alarms with auto start are so popular. How to choose suitable system protection for your vehicle? First of all, you need to figure out what functions the alarm should have. In fact, an autostart system is practically no different from a regular one. The only difference is the feedback. It is she who performs the autorun function. This add-on allows you to start the vehicle while being at a certain distance. You don't have to sit in the cabin to do this. This function is very relevant in the cold season. The driver has the opportunity to warm up the vehicle without leaving home. You just need to press a button on a special key fob. After about 15 minutes, the interior will be warmed up and the car will be ready to start.

What to pay attention to

Many car owners are attracted to car alarms with auto start. How to choose a system and what to pay attention to? In essence, this is a regular car alarm, which is equipped with an additional function. Therefore, when choosing a protection system with feedback should be approached in the same way as choosing a conventional system, but with certain additions. To commit the right purchase, you should pay attention to certain criteria:

  1. Signal coding ability.
  2. Engine starting method.
  3. Availability of additional functions.

How the engine starts

A car alarm with auto start, the prices of which depend on several indicators, can start the engine in several ways. This can be done by pressing a button on the key fob, or automatically at a certain temperature, or at a certain time. When using the first method of starting the engine, there are certain restrictions. This is due to the range of the signal.

The second option is the most convenient. Especially if the vehicle is parked far from home. In such situations, it is necessary to provide a certain amount of time in advance. This will allow you to come to the parking lot and get into an already warmed-up car.

Coding method and functions

What features does a car alarm with auto start have? How to choose suitable model? In addition to the method of starting the vehicle, you should pay attention to the method of encoding the signal. It is very important. Experts recommend using systems with interactive coding, as well as with GSM modules. It is worth noting that such alarms are more reliable and protect the vehicle well from theft.

As for all the possible functions of the system, they depend on the specific model and manufacturer. Some car alarms are equipped with many sensors that allow you to monitor everything important nodes car. Other models have a more flexible interface, as well as a larger number of modes that allow you to more accurately customize the system. Therefore, when choosing an alarm system with auto start, you should decide in advance which functions are important to you.

Installation nuances

Installing a car alarm with auto start has some features. This should also be taken into account when purchasing such systems. The safety of a vehicle depends on the effectiveness of the alarm system. Therefore, installing such systems requires certain knowledge and skills. You shouldn't try to do this yourself. There is no need to save money on alarms. If you do not have experience, then you should turn to specialists. Even minor errors can degrade system performance. Besides incorrect installation may present an unpleasant surprise.

Must be carried out by professionals. main feature its installation - a conflict with standard immobilizer. Not everyone knows how to fix this. And for this it is enough to install additional block immobilizer Most car owners ignore such recommendations. Most often, they simply remove the communication chip with the standard immobilizer, which is built into the key, and then place it inside the vehicle. As a result of this, one of the levels additional protection it just turns off.

Additional functions

A good car alarm with auto start has additional functions. It could be:

  1. Launch at a certain interval.
  2. Launch at a specific time.
  3. Start at certain temperatures.
  4. Starting the engine in pager mode.

Relatively inexpensive model: Pantera SLK-868RS

So, which car alarm with auto start should you choose? If price matters to you, then you should pay attention to the Pantera SLK-868RS model. Advantage of this device lies in the stability of the operation of the electronic unit. IN in this case applies intelligent system filtering common industrial and urban noise. The system perceives all commands at a fairly large distance. The vehicle may be a kilometer away from the key fob. You only need to press once. The system works flawlessly.

Keychain Pantera SLK-868RS

This car alarm with auto start is sold inexpensively. The cost of the Pantera SLK-868RS model ranges from 6.5 to 7 thousand rubles. But if you want you can buy this system even cheaper. A car alarm with one shock sensor costs only 4 thousand rubles. Despite this low cost, the system works flawlessly

In the keychain Pantera car alarms SLK-868RS installed enough strong sensor, which can reach a vehicle located in an underground parking lot. However, this greatly drains the battery. The power source in such situations will have to be changed approximately every 12 months.

The key fob of this car alarm displays all the information that may be of interest to the user: the operation of the autostart system, the presence of any problems, the status of the car engine, and so on.

StarLine A91 system

On Russian market The StarLine A91 system has become widespread. This car alarm with auto start, the prices of which are relatively low, allows you to start the engine of a vehicle located at a distance of 1.5 kilometers. However, the operation of the system cannot be affected outside sources radio signals.

Cost of car alarm StarLine autostart A91 ranges from 7-10 thousand rubles. It all depends on the configuration. The cheapest option contains an engine auto-start unit and a two-stage shock sensor. This is quite enough to protect against theft. If desired, you can purchase a system that includes additional sensors.

IN StarLine system A91 uses block-stream encryption, which is resistant to in various ways hacking However, there are cases where attackers with professional-level code grabbers were able to hack the system.

Keychain StarLine A91

The car owner can start the car engine by simply pressing the corresponding button on the key fob or entrusting the operation to the electronic timer. Such an alarm is convenient for those who adhere to a certain daily routine. Besides keychain StarLine The A91 is very comfortable. After all, it is not overloaded with unnecessary data and provides necessary information to the user in the form of completely understandable icons.

It is worth noting that the StarLine A91 key fob is equipped with a fairly large display. It may display the following information:

  1. Engine operation status.
  2. Current settings of the electronic unit.
  3. Condition of doors, hood and glass.
  4. Triggering of shock sensors.

Such a control panel can withstand even a fall from a height, as well as strong pressure. If you step on the key fob, its functionality will remain intact.

The best car alarms

In addition to the above models, systems that cost 13.5-18 thousand rubles are very popular. This list includes:

In conclusion

The rating of car alarms with auto start allows you to make right choice. If you don't want your vehicle to be stolen, you should install a quality system to protect it. Some car alarm models have additional functions that allow you to warm up the car when severe frost, as well as create comfortable conditions in the cabin. The main thing is to make the right choice.

In the alarm settings there is important feature, the engine can be started without the presence of the owner of the car.

Pros of an alarm system with auto start

An expanded variety of types gives the car owner the right to choose, and you can choose this alarm system specifically for your type of car;
- alarms with low prices, compared to other types of security and anti-theft systems;
- all settings are very easy to perform, you can do it yourself;
- accessible service;
- with the help of this alarm the driver saves personal time;
- feeling of comfort and reliability;
- in the frosty season, the car will be greeted with a warm, prepared engine and interior, which will please the driver and passengers.

Disadvantages of alarm systems with auto start

When using alarm systems with auto start, owners experience the following disadvantages:

In terms of reliability, such alarms are no different from ordinary ones: neither better nor worse; superiority of anti-theft systems with auto start only in increased comfort and service;
- an alarm system with auto start can greatly drain the battery; You need to be careful in winter, constantly monitor the battery charge, otherwise there is a chance that one day you won’t be able to start the car.

Also, an alarm system with auto start has its own requirements that must be presented to the car before installing it:

The car engine must be fuel-injected. The transmission must be automatic. If the car has a manual transmission, then for proper and normal operation you will have to follow the list of actions specified in the instructions.

Each autostart system has its own individual advantages and disadvantages. However, the main advantage that all users note is the usefulness of such an alarm in winter.

The alarm system with auto start in the car is controlled both from the key fob and from the timer. With their help, the starter and locking mechanisms are started. The system reports when the engine starts, according to how the settings are set. Mainly sound signal or flashing headlights.

Even with certain shortcomings and negative nuances, car owners prefer alarm systems with auto start. In some new models Vehicle such