Fuel tank pajero 4 3.2 diesel

Fuel tank Pajero 4/3 - important element the vehicle's fuel system, which serves to store fuel. The presence or absence of leaks and vapors of gasoline or diesel fuel depends on the condition of the fuel tank.

Usually in passenger cars this part placed outside the area of ​​possible deformation of the body during an accident. It is secured with tape clamps. Some damage requires either repairing or replacing the tank.

Fuel tanks are made of metal, but now widespread We received tanks made of plastic (high-density polyethylene).

Among the advantages of such tanks, it can be noted that they can be made in almost any shape, which means they can fill the empty space under the bottom of the car as much as possible. In addition, plastic is not subject to corrosion. However, cracks may appear on the plastic from hitting rocks.

For the manufacture of metal tanks, stamped sheets of steel or aluminum are used.

Contacted us Mitsubishi owner Pajero 4 with possible damage to the fuel tank. The symptoms were small puddles of gasoline that were discovered after the car was parked. After inspecting the car on a lift, it was decided to replace the fuel tank.

A design feature of this Pajero is that there is a small gap between the tank and its protective casing. Over time, sand, dirt and other contaminants accumulate in it, which, together with moisture and chemicals, cause corrosive processes. This leads to rotting of the fuel lines. This “disease” is inherent in almost all Mitsubishi Pajero of this series.

The best solution to this problem is to replace the tank with an original tank and properly maintain it afterwards.

Also, with this breakdown, the fuel intake and neck often become unusable, which should also be replaced so that problems with the fuel system do not arise again in the future.
When manufacturing this fuel tank (REV.2 Reboot) for Pajero III-IV, we took into account not only all the experience we have accumulated, but also the wishes of the car owners. The fuel tank for Pajero III-IV not only began to look better, but also began to fit all Pajero since 2000. The entire structure is laser cut to our design from 2mm stainless steel, but the bottom of the fuel tank for the Pajero is cut from 3mm thick sheet , which will prevent the tank from breaking through when hitting stones, stumps, etc. The fuel tank for Pajero 4 is designed in such a way that during welding we make only ONE weld inside the tank: we weld the “cup” of the fuel intake to the bottom of the tank (but we can handle this seam with the next cut)

Partitions are inserted inside the fuel tank for Pajero to prevent the appearance of a “wave” when driving. The fuel intake is located inside the "glass" for uninterrupted operation fuel system when the car rolls

The fuel tank mount for Pajero is the same as the standard tank mount. All fuel equipment rearranged from the original tank, except for the tubes, they are already on the tank. After welding all the connections, we wash the tank to make sure there is no process dust. After washing, all openings of the tank (valves, fuel intake, fuel level sensor, supply and return pipes) are hermetically sealed and the tank is pressurized under a pressure of about 1 atmosphere.

Technical characteristics of the fuel tank for Pajero:
- width: 385 mm
- height: 250 mm
- length: 1540 mm
- weight: 31 kg
- volume: 100 liters (depending on the configuration of the tank, the volume may vary by 5-7% in any direction)

Fuel tank warranty for Pajero 4:
The entire period of ownership of the car, except mechanical damage.

Tank cost: 40,000 rub.
Installation cost: FOR FREE in our service.

You can get additional advice on any type of our work, as well as sign up for repairs, by calling:

Photos of the entire process of manufacturing a fuel tank for Pajero 4:

We insert partitions that will work as a “breakwater”

Trying on the "glass" of the fuel intake

Tank ventilation tube
Vent valve hole

Japanese model Mitsubishi SUV Pajero is rightfully considered one of the most functional, easy-to-use and reliable vehicles that have won the sympathy of millions of drivers around the world. However, of this car There are several standard “sores”, one of which is the frequent failure of the fuel tank. We will talk directly about the features of repairing the Mitsubishi Pajero gas tank.

As a rule, the list of main causes of gas tank leaks on the Japanese SUV in question includes:

  • dirt sticking to containers;
  • frequent off-road trips;
  • untimely inspection technical condition.

Initially, it should be noted that the developers of Mitsubishi Pajero placed the fuel tank too close to ground clearance, equipped with additional plastic protection. This measure, as conceived by the creators of the SUV, was supposed to effectively protect the iron container from mechanical damage, as well as extend its service life.

However, in practice, everything turned out differently: dust, dirt, and salt deposits began to accumulate in the gap between the plastic casing and the gas tank, causing rapid corrosion of the metal. As a result, the fuel tank leaks even in cars whose service life does not exceed 2-3 years.

Some owners of Mitsubishi Pajero use their SUV to travel over rough terrain or off-road, often hitting various obstacles with the bottom. Car tuning, in in this case will help to usefully modernize it.

In critical cases, plastic protection not only does not save the gas tank from deformation, but also hides traces of serious impacts. As a result, microcracks can form, through which fuel begins to leak in small quantities. The owner of the car may not notice such a breakdown until the leak becomes global.

After 5-6 years of operation Japanese SUVs Experienced experts recommend checking Mitsubishi brands at least once a year technical condition fuel tank.

To do this you need:

  • drive the car into a pit;
  • remove protection;
  • estimate appearance reservoir.

If serious deformations, cracks or signs of corrosion are detected, it is best to promptly replace this element.

Advice. You should not cover problem areas with sealing compounds in the hope of long service gas tank, otherwise it may fail at the most inopportune moment, for example, on a deserted highway far from service stations.

All known modifications of fuel tanks

Immediately before replacing the gas tank, it is necessary to select a similar container that will be identical in volume to the original. The following table shows the main characteristics of fuel tanks for Mitsubishi Pajero.

As can be seen from the table, the volume of the Pajero tank in recent modifications has decreased significantly. Of course, this does not apply, on which the manufacturer has again begun to install large fuel tanks.

The reduction in the volume of the gas tank is primarily due to a decrease in fuel consumption and an increase in standards environmental safety. The cars of this brand have become less “gluttonous”, while the amount of carbon dioxide produced during engine operation has decreased several times.

The unique video in this article shows what the accumulation of dirt in the tank leads to.

Preparing to remove the gas tank

Before you begin dismantling the fuel tank, you should perform a number of preparatory measures, in particular:

  • drain fuel;
  • remove the rear left wheel;
  • remove the protective casing;
  • unscrew the supply hoses;
  • Disconnect the fuel pump connector contacts and sensors.

It will be extremely difficult to qualitatively change even a half-full fuel tank, so immediately before removal you can “roll out” the gas tank to almost zero or drain the fuel into a previously prepared container. In the first case after sunbathing warning signal on dashboard(the so-called “gas station” icon) you can drive about 50-70 km, after which a maximum of a couple of liters of fuel will remain in the tank.

However, experienced repairmen do not recommend doing this, since small suspended particles often accumulate at the bottom of the gas tank, which can quickly clog the fuel filter. The instructions say the same. It is best to carefully unscrew the 12-point drain bolt located at the bottom of the tank and drain all gasoline (or diesel fuel).

Note. If all manipulations to replace the fuel tank are planned to be carried out on a lift, then the wheel does not need to be removed, since it will not interfere.

After removing the plastic protection, we sequentially loosen the fastening of the clamp on the drainage hose, as well as on the hose filler neck. We carry out a similar procedure on the fuel vapor control and fuel return hoses. Don't forget to also disconnect the hose. high pressure from fuel filter.

At the final stage it is necessary to disconnect electrical contacts connector of the fuel pump and current fuel level sensor. The first chip is located at the top of the tank, and the second is on the right side of the tank (with passenger side car). Having made sure that all of the above measures have been completed correctly, we proceed to the main part of the replacement.

Removing and repairing the gas tank

Removing the fuel tank on a Mitsubishi Pajero is done by unscrewing the four nuts that secure the tank directly to the car frame brackets.

Very often, these elements are subject to corrosion, so they are pre-wetted with a composition like WD40, which allows you to subsequently unscrew all fasteners without the use of unnecessary effort.

If you replace an old gas tank with a new analogue, all the described procedures are performed in the reverse order, and during the installation process, all clamps must be carefully tightened in order to eliminate the possibility of leaks in the future.

If you decide to save your own financial resources and repair the fuel tank, then it won’t hurt to listen to useful tips experts:

  • For any type of repair of the gas tank on a Mitsubishi Pajero (painting, repairing cracks, removing dents), you should definitely change the gasket of the neck through which fuel passes when pouring into the tank;
  • It would not be amiss to additionally replace the gasket of the fuel pump assembly with the fuel level sensor located on it, which, for various reasons, often fails.

To remove the mentioned element, you must first treat with WD40 all the nuts that, during the operation of the vehicle, have probably become stuck to the landing studs. Next, we take out the old gasket, install a suitable analogue in its place, tighten the fastening nuts and check the gas tank for leaks.

Repairing cracks and painting

Let us remind you that if cracks are detected on the fuel tank of a Mitsubishi Pajero, it is strictly not recommended to install it again vehicle even after carefully carried out repairs. If you still decide to fix leaks in the metal with your own hands, then this can be done either by soldering or by caulking problem areas cold welding. Do not forget to degrease and dry the surface first, after which you can begin repairs.

Painting the gas tank is carried out only after it has been cleaned of the old coating, for which fine-grained sandpaper is ideal. If corrosion is detected on the container during the process of removing paint, such places are treated with a rust converter, which slows down the destruction of the metal.

Advice. Painting is best done with acrylic enamels, which have good resistance to aggressive acid-base environments. Before installation, the fuel tank is dried and checked for leaks.

Thus, repairing a gas tank on a Mitsubishi Pajero car is a very responsible undertaking that requires a thoughtful approach, the availability of appropriate knowledge, skills and suitable equipment. The price of a Pajero fuel tank is approximately 50 thousand rubles.

Filling the tanks with fuel is carried out separately in order to fill the tanks completely: first, the main tank is refueled (during refueling, fuel is also partially poured into the additional tank), then the additional tank is refueled. Fuel is consumed from both tanks approximately equally; the tanks act as communicating vessels.

Installation requirements:

  1. Main tank cover ( without valve, access atm. there is no air into the tank through it)
  2. Lid additional tank (with valve, access atm. air into the tanks is carried out through it)
  3. Fuel inlet of the main tank (block the connection between the tank and the atmosphere, “Air” tube).
    Addition: on Scania vehicles (according to theory), the additional tank is first consumed due to vacuum, and then the main fuel tank.

System advantages:

Easy to install this connection diagram. There is no need to purchase a fuel pick-up for an additional tank. There are no additional connections to the car's fuel system - therefore, there is no chance of airing it. Simplicity and reliability of the system operation.

Disadvantages of the system:

At very low temperatures There is a possibility of fuel freezing in the banjo bolts and overflow hose, which will lead to the inability of fuel to flow from tank to tank and the pressure in the main tank to equalize with atmospheric pressure. If the main tank is closed as tightly as possible, and the pressure in it cannot equalize with atmospheric pressure, external compression of the tank will occur. The tank will shrink inward. With a large number of compression and expansion cycles, the main tank may crack. with valve To avoid this, when the hose freezes, it is enough to simply open air access to the tank: open the tank’s connection with the atmosphere through the fuel receiver (the “Air” tube) or by installing the cap from the additional tank (

, access atm. air into the tanks is carried out through it).

The Video provides tips on how to properly connect the Pajero fuel tank to different modifications of the SUV. We are talking about stainless steel fuel tanks made in the Republic of Belarus!

Pajero fuel tank. Long base. Petrol. Pajero fuel tank. Short base. Petrol Pajero fuel tank. Long base. Diesel.


The Pajero fuel tank is a real scourge of the third fourth generation these SUVs. This applies to both gasoline and diesel modifications. Despite the fact that the fuel tank is made using the same technology as the tank on the problem-free second generation Pajero. Its poor location on cars of the third and fourth generations leads to corrosion and subsequent leakage.

It leaked immediately after dismantling.

Moreover, it is difficult to seal a leak (repair a fuel tank) with a guaranteed result. Tank corrosion is usually extensive and located in different places! After cleaning the tank from rust, it becomes like a sieve. And on petrol versions it's simply dangerous!

Pajero fuel tank is original.


The second but no less compelling reason for the failure of the fuel tank, to a greater extent this applies to the third generation Pajero with a 4m41 diesel engine or, more correctly, with a fuel injection pump from ZEXEL type VRZ (these are all cars from 2000 to 2007), is detachment anti-corrosion coating inner surface fuel tank!

Few owners know that they themselves damage the fuel tanks!

Transported along with the fuel and circulating in the fuel system, zinc particles (with which the tank is coated from the inside) wear out friction pairs in the fuel pump and injectors. They have a catastrophic effect on the high pressure section. Like a sandblaster, producing dosing edges. Which in turn leads to premature failure of the injection pump as a whole. There have been cases when the mileage of Pajero 3 with a replaced with a new original fuel pump, but with the fuel tank not replaced, was 15,000 km. After which the injection pump needed repair or replacement.

No method of getting rid of metal abrasive in fuel, other than replacing the tank, is a solution to the problem!

On the fourth generation Pajero, the problem of tank detachment is not so pronounced due to greater reliability DENSO injection systems. But, premature exit out of service fuel injectors and the pressure control valve in the fuel injection pump, these are “the same words from the same song.”

We will deliver fuel tanks to any region of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Few owners know that they themselves damage the fuel tanks! From great love for my Pajero, having heard somewhere that weak point their favorite is fuel system. They add various kinds of additives, improvers, cleaners, etc. to the tank. Thus, starting the process of destroying the fuel tank, and then the fuel pump!

Tank Destroyer

For example, from our experience it is reliably known that this Castrol in combination with diesel fuel, in one or two uses it can damage the coating of the tank!

Additives must not be added to fuel!

Relying on our many years of experience in the repair and operation of Mitsubishi Pajero. We declare that if the inner coating of the tank is peeled off, you can forget about the long service life of the injection pump. No method of getting rid of metal abrasive in fuel other than replacing the tank is a solution to the problem! Be it installing additional filters, cleaning the tank, sandblasting it, painting it, welding it, followed by welding, etc. Tested!

New Pajero fuel tank.

Which one should I buy?

Tank epoxy resin fiberglass Poland.

When replacing a tank, you need to take into account that most used fuel tanks offered for sale are already problematic. The seller may not even know about the defective tank! And the owner of the diamond replaces his peeled tank with exactly the same tank, or even worse!

This is where the drain plug should be. It is NOT in plastic!

Should not be placed big hopes and on plastic tank made in Poland. They are made using handicraft methods from fiberglass and epoxy resin. Often, Polish tanks leak during installation. True, some owners are lucky and avoid problems. With almost the same cost of the original tank and the handicraft Polish one, is it worth the risk?

Contact us. You will receive advice on how to properly buy a fuel tank for a Pajero!

Tanks from China deserve special mention! Not only are they not processed from the inside at all (bare iron)! Already upon purchase, pockets of corrosion are observed. So they are also different geometric dimensions from the original ones. They are 40mm lower. Hence the impossibility of installing the original fuel intake.

Fuel tank China. The washer on the large hole is clearly visible, compensating for the small height of the tank

It should also be remembered that gasoline and diesel tanks different. The tanks from the long and short versions of your Pajero are not interchangeable either.

Pajero fuel tank.

Stainless steel tank. Belarus.

This fuel tank incorporates design solutions and materials designed to relieve the problems of Mitsubishi Pajero owners. When designing a stainless steel fuel tank for a Pajero, we used many years of experience in the repair, operation and maintenance of Pajero.

The ideal tank for Pajero is a stainless steel fuel tank.

Below are several advantages of our tanks compared to others on the market.

First advantage

And the main thing is resistance to corrosion! Our fuel tank will never rust! In fact, a stainless steel tank is eternal. That's why we offer a lifetime warranty on the tank's resistance to corrosion. Neither aluminum nor, especially, iron can compete with stainless steel in oxidation resistance. The material from which our tank is made is used in the food and chemical industries.

Fuel tank Pajero 4. Stainless steel. Lifetime Warranty from corrosion.

Second advantage

Increased volume 97 liters. Compared to the original, this is a significant increase. The remaining tanks are smaller.

Third advantage

With a wall thickness of 1.2 mm. The strength of our fuel tank on all modifications of Pajero is one and a half times higher than the strength of the original tanks. And if you compare the strength of stainless steel from which our tanks are made and aluminum, the difference reaches THREE TIMES!This gives a stainless steel tank an undeniable advantage when operating an SUV in heavy conditions. road conditions and off-road.

Fourth advantage

Fuel tanks of Pajero diesel modifications do not require the installation of a native fuel intake. Our fuel tank comes with a high alloy steel fuel pick-up and it won't rust either!

Fifth advantage

The fuel tank is installed at all points standard mount Pajero.

Sixth advantage

The fuel supply and return pipes are made of the same material as the tank. And they don't rust either!

Seventh advantage

The design of the fuel intake prevents the fuel supply from being blocked when the tank is deformed as a result of impacts on the tank by foreign objects. (curbs, logs, stones, etc.)

Eighth advantage

Correct fuel gauge readings.

Pajero fuel tank made of stainless steel. Its strength is one and a half times greater than the strength of the original.

Ninth advantage

Our The fuel tank is equipped drain plug. This makes it easy to drain and replace. low quality fuel got into the tank.

Pajero fuel tank Stainless steel petrol long wheelbase version

Tenth advantage

Partitions are installed inside our fuel tank of any modification. They are designed to reduce disturbances from inertial forces in the fuel when the tank is partially filled.The second function of the partitions is to increase the rigidity of the tank. The original Pajero tank lacks this due to production technology.

Fuel tank made of stainless steel on a Pajero 4 diesel 5 door. Original protection installed.

Eleventh advantage

On our Pajero 3-4 tanks, of all modifications, it is possible to install original protection. To install the original protection, it must be trimmed!

tank Pajero Sport stainless steel.
An exact copy of the original.

Twelfth advantage

Our tanks are not banal copies. This is an independent product designed and manufactured for harsh climatic and operating conditions. Their design eliminates all the shortcomings of both the original and other tanks.

Due to the above characteristics, the stainless steel fuel tank takes a leading position among the entire variety on the market.

The entire range of fuel tanks is in stock.

We will simply keep silent about tanks from other cars that are supposedly suitable for Pajero!

Pajero fuel tank is stainless steel.


We deliver our fuel tanks to any region of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus.

Enter in the form below:

Minsk – Destination city.

Volume 0.3 m cube

Weight 20kg.

Delivery to Moscow 1 day. European Russia 2-4 days.

You can contact us and get detailed advice on our stainless fuel tanks, as well as the delivery method to your city, for free using mobile applications:

Or by calling one of the phone numbers on the page

Pajero fuel tank is stainless steel. Owner's review.

Stainless steel Pajero tank. Review from the owner.

More detailed photos of our stainless steel fuel tanks can be found in

Pajero owners who, in addition to the fuel tank, also need to repair the fuel injection pump should read the next page of our website. Here we describe in detail the malfunctions of the Pajero 3 fuel pump and the reasons for their occurrence. And also methods of struggle.