Leasing companies. What is car leasing – practical meaning, benefits and advantages. Parties to the leasing transaction

What is car leasing in simple words Glad to welcome you!

I told my friend so many times that he shouldn’t get married after a month of dating. I didn’t listen and got married.

We lived with my wife for six months, during which time we managed to get loans, but the marriage fell apart and a divorce followed.

They started to divide the car, but that was not the case. It was not purchased on credit, but on lease.

As a result, he gets to work by minibus - the car was returned to the salon. Are you wondering why this is so? Then I recommend reading up on what leasing is and how it differs from a car loan.

What does Leasing mean? In the car market, you can often hear that a car was purchased from the seller not under a regular sales and purchase agreement, but on lease.

This type of purchase is more common for law firms. Simply put, leasing means long-term rental of a car with subsequent acquisition of ownership.

One of the main roles here is played by organizations such as leasing companies, which are essentially intermediaries between the vehicle seller and the buyer.


If you need to buy a car or other equipment, for example, an excavator, but do not have the full amount of money, then a leasing agreement will be a convenient option. Using this service, you can buy not only a vehicle, but also various expensive equipment.

In the majority European countries Buyers buy about 33% of all cars on lease - this is approximately 10 times more than in Russia. This option is possible and common not only for legal organizations, but also for private individuals. Let's look at this in more detail in this article.

An incomprehensible English word has appeared in our vocabulary for quite some time. Until now, many people do not fully understand the difference between a leasing agreement, a loan and a long-term lease of a car.

Indeed, these concepts are quite close to each other, but there is a significant difference between them:

  • Credit - the bank transfers property to the buyer in installments, the buyer undertakes to pay the entire cost of the goods plus interest on the loan over a certain period of time, which in Russia is quite high and can range from 15 to 30% per annum, while the buyer becomes the actual owner of the property;
  • Lease is a transfer for temporary use, the owner sets his own prices and obliges the tenant to make regular payments, and after the expiration of the lease agreement, the property is returned to the actual owner, that is, the tenant.
  • Leasing is a hybrid form of these two types of property relations; in addition, not only the lessor and the lessee are involved, but also the car supplier.

Leasing scheme

  1. The lessor is a commercial financial structure that has a certain amount of funds in its accounts;
  2. The lessee turns to this structure with the desire to draw up a leasing agreement for one or another type of equipment - no matter what: car, special equipment, industrial equipment and so on;
  3. The leasing company finds this equipment from the manufacturer, pays for it and puts it on the balance sheet of its company;
  4. An agreement is signed with the customer, while the leasing company remains the formal owner of the property.

It is worth noting that today several forms of leasing are common:

  • Financial - the scheme described above, when, at the customer’s request, the company searches for the necessary equipment, purchases it with its own money and transfers it to the lessee;
  • operational - essentially this is the same lease, when the agreement does not provide for further repurchase, that is, the lessee uses the property, and after the end of the agreement returns it to the leasing company;
  • reverse leasing - more common in the real estate industry - a company acquires assets, then sells them to another party and leases them from it (this method is used to reduce taxation).


In most cases, individuals and small businesses primarily use only the first two types of leasing for cars.

Leasing for legal entities Most often, leasing agreements are used by companies that buy both cars and various special equipment.

This method, unlike a loan, is much more profitable.

For legal entities, this form of property relations is beneficial for a number of reasons:

  1. all questions of search and delivery automotive technology is handled by a leasing company;
  2. the property is not on the balance sheet of a legal entity, therefore there is no need to pay property tax for it;
  3. leasing payments include all associated expenses - VAT, pension fund, insurance, etc., that is, less paperwork falls on the shoulders of the accounting department;
  4. accelerated depreciation - the residual value of the vehicle decreases faster, and when it is completely transferred to the balance of the lessee, it will have to pay significantly less property tax.

List positive sides maybe for a long time. The most interesting thing is that the state is also interested in such a scheme, since the products are quickly sold, and preferences can be created for domestic manufacturer, offering more profitable terms for the purchase of locally produced cars and equipment.

There are, however, also negative aspects, the most important of which is that the lessee has a minimum of rights to the equipment he purchased, and if for some reason he is unable to pay the required amounts on time, then the leasing company has the opportunity to return the property transferred under the contract without compensating for any expenses - that is, all funds paid earlier are not returned.

Leasing for individuals

An ordinary person can also buy a car and arrange it under a leasing agreement. Let's say right away that this method will be beneficial when purchasing very expensive foreign cars.

First of all, we note that leasing for individuals is not as profitable as it is described on the websites of leasing companies. A careful reading of the contract shows that any noticeable benefit is possible only when leasing quite expensive cars - from a million and above.

Typically this is expensive foreign cars, which are beyond the means of the average Russian citizen. The majority of ordinary Russians hope to become owners of budget cars.

The conditions are, in principle, the same as when applying for a bank loan:

  1. mandatory confirmation of solvency - a corresponding certificate from the employer;
  2. provision of documents - passport, tax number, driver's license or any other document to confirm identity, consent of spouse, guarantors;
  3. down payment - 10-20 percent.

The only one positive point- the car is listed on the leasing company’s balance sheet, so there is no need to pay transport tax. All other payments - CASCO, OSAGO, registration, fines for traffic violations- although formally they fall on the lessor, in reality they fall on the shoulders of the individual.


In a word, leasing and car loans for individuals have minimal differences.

Moreover, the bank, if the client is unable to service the loan, confiscates the car, but returns the difference - everything that was paid, minus depreciation and services. The leasing company will not return the money, since according to the documents it was the owner of the vehicle.

source: http://avtopravilo.ru/

How to buy a car on lease for individuals

buy a car on lease for individuals What is leasing in simple words? This word hides a long-term lease agreement for a car, with a subsequent possible right to purchase it.

The purchase-purchase process is carried out in several stages simultaneously with the payment of rental fees.

The process of acquiring any property under leasing agreements on the territory of the Russian Federation is regulated by the legal act “Federal Law No. 194”.

The act itself appeared in 1998 and related to the field of activity of enterprises - legal entities. In 2010, changes were made to the law to make it possible for individuals to lease a car. In addition to the car, they can now lease any movable and immovable property.

How does leasing work for individuals?

Drawing up a leasing agreement is possible for any private person. Leasing terms:

  1. the person must be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. he must be an adult (at least 18 years of age);
  3. with permanent registration at the place where the leasing agreement will be concluded.

List of documents for purchasing a car on lease for individuals:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (make copies of all pages of the document).
  • Another document confirming the identity of the owner. Such a document is a driver's license, pension certificate ( required condition, the presence of a photograph in the document).
  • A document confirming the availability of income (work book, contract).
  • Certificate of income in form 2NDFL.

What is better - taking out a loan or leasing a car?

leasing for a car The contractual relations of car leasing and car loans are partly similar. In both situations, there is a down payment and a schedule of cash payments according to the plan.

The main difference between these documents is that in a credit relationship, the car immediately becomes the property of the person who borrowed the funds, although it remains collateral for the financial institution that provided cash.


When concluding leasing agreements, the equipment remains the property of the company. According to the terms of the leasing agreement, the car changes ownership upon expiration of the document.

Registration of a car under leasing can be done in two options:

  • Leasing with transferable ownership of a car.
  • Leasing without transfer of ownership.

The differences between these options for concluding a deal are in the down payment. In the first option, it is from 20 to 49 percent of the cost of the car. In the second option it is slightly less, from 10 to 49 percent.

To compare all the possibilities for an individual to purchase a car on credit or lease, we will give a practical example.

1. Car on credit:

The cost of the car is 1,200,000 rubles.
Loan for 24 months.
Advance 20 percent.
The annual rate is 15.5 percent.
As a result, the expenditure portion will amount to 1,362,000 rubles. Down payment 240,000 thousand. Monthly payment 47 thousand rubles.

2. Car lease with transfer of ownership rights:

Cost - 1,200,000 rubles.
Payment amount - 42,711 thousand rubles
The total amount is 1,241,000 thousand rubles.

In the second version of the leasing agreement, the cost part is even less.

Car leasing without down payment for individuals

In addition to the options described above, there is also the possibility of purchasing a vehicle on lease without a down payment for individuals.

In this case, the person purchasing a car on lease for individuals. persons provide a security deposit in the amount of ten percent of the contract amount.

These funds are returned to the client after the end of the contract. Recently, leasing used cars has become very popular in Russia.

Is it possible to buy a used car on lease Today, leasing companies provide the sale of used cars.

The process of purchasing such equipment is practically no different from buying a new car.

The company provides only verified used cars for leasing, the service life of which does not exceed ten years at the end of the contract.

In addition, the organization providing equipment on lease, in the event of any malfunctions, carries out all maintenance work at its own expense. By providing an equivalent car in return, either for the time necessary to troubleshoot problems, or completely as the subject of a contract.

To buy a car on lease, an individual just needs to comply with a few simple rules:

  • Select a leasing company.
  • Collect the necessary package of documents.
  • Decide on the make of the car and its condition (new or used).
  • Get acquainted with the package of offers of the leasing company either on the organization’s Internet resource or in the company’s office.
  • Submit an application.

If these simple rules are followed, an individual will be able to freely purchase a car under a leasing agreement.

source: http://youandcredit.ru/

Today it is almost impossible to imagine the existence of an economy without lending services.

This form of interaction between the buyer, seller and credit institution significantly boosts the turnover of funds. At the same time, lending is always associated with certain risks that have to be covered by interest rates.

Nowadays, competition between banks and other credit institutions forces us to look for more and more new ways to attract customers. But no one wants to lose profit, so the emphasis is not on reducing the loan rate, but on convenience for the client.

So, just recently, not many people knew about car leasing, and several years ago it was not at all available to individuals. Today, most credit institutions can provide any client with this opportunity. What is car leasing in simple words?

Leasing is a financial operation, named from the English. “to lease”, which can literally be translated as “renting out”. However, in essence, leasing is another type of lending that only includes rent as an element of the contract.


Everyone, one way or another, has heard about car loans, but car leasing provides much more ample opportunities for a client of a leasing organization than a traditional loan.

The lessee can obtain for use almost any vehicle available on the market - cars, trucks, special purpose and so on. It also doesn’t matter whether the car is new or used, whereas car loans almost always deal with new cars.

An individual or a company that decides to lease a car simply receives it for rent.

The owner of the equipment remains the leasing organization, but after paying a certain amount under the contract, the car can be purchased at its residual value, taking over full ownership. Essentially, by making monthly payments, you are simply leasing the car and not owning it.

Psychologically, this can be depressing for an ordinary car enthusiast, but this is perhaps the only disadvantage of this approach. Since the lessee is not the owner of the car, the organization that provided the leasing risks practically nothing.


If you stop paying the lease, the car is simply confiscated from you. Thus, leasing does not require any collateral, the consent of the spouse, a mandatory guarantee, certificates from the place of work, and often even a down payment is not required.

The registration procedure lasts only a few days - a leasing application is submitted, you choose the car model, seller, Additional services, provide the necessary documents, the lessor makes a positive decision, an agreement is drawn up, registers the car in his name and transfers it to you for use - by proxy.

To summarize what car leasing is in simple terms, it is opportunities. For an ordinary car enthusiast, leasing provides the opportunity to drive any model of car without having a large income. The amounts of monthly payments are small, since they are determined not from the entire cost of the car, but only from its part.

You can maintain your image without actually owning a car. You can often exchange one car for another, since it is not necessary to buy it, and the cost of such a lease is much lower than a traditional lease, without the right of purchase.

For an organization, leasing is an opportunity to painlessly renew its fixed assets. Enter new technology to your car park in this case, it is possible with a minimal reduction in working capital.

There is no need to pay 100% of the cost of the equipment, nor do you need to pay large credit bills. Leasing allows an enterprise to save significantly on taxes - property tax is paid by the lessor, and motor vehicle tax is already paid by the lessee; profit tax is reduced, since leasing payments are considered expenses.

Leasing allows a company to get any car, and also allows it to be replaced with another if the need for it is no longer necessary. In addition, the contract has the opportunity to stipulate even the schedule and amount of monthly payments, depending on the seasonal profit of the enterprise.

source: http://autogrep.ru/

What is the difference between leasing and renting

Differences between leasing and renting Leasing, to put it very simply, is a long-term lease with the right to purchase. Translated from English, the word “leasing” is translated as rent.

It would seem, why create confusion? Well, rent, and let it be rent! But it turns out that not everything is so simple.

Lease is a general name for a type of legal relationship. Leasing is a type of rental with its own differences and limitations. (Like, for example, cars are a general category, and cars are a variation of this general category).

  • When leasing, the property that will be leased and the seller of this property are chosen by the lessee (for example, you). And the leasing company then acquires this property and transfers it to you for temporary possession and use for a certain period.
  • Leasing provides certain tax benefits for business.
  • After the end of the leasing agreement, the leased asset is transferred to your ownership.

The given differences 1 and 2 are the prevailing practice in Russia (although the leasing agreement may provide otherwise). For more information about the differences between leasing and renting, read the article “How is leasing different from renting?”


Leasing is considered (of course, conditionally, not legally) one of the forms of purchasing equipment and cars for enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. Actually, leasing in Russia was introduced as a tool for business development and renewal of fixed assets of enterprises.

Only in May 2010, the restriction on the use of leasing exclusively “for business purposes” was removed from the leasing law. Thus, restrictions on leasing for budgetary institutions and ordinary citizens (individuals), and on leasing residential real estate were lifted. Although, to be honest, the benefits of leasing for individuals are still not obvious (see the article “Disadvantages of leasing for individuals”).

Classic example of leasing

Let’s say your company’s volume of orders is growing, and the existing equipment can no longer cope. You decide to purchase additional equipment to expand production. And in order not to withdraw turnover from the business (usually there is not enough of it anyway), purchase equipment on lease.

  1. Choose necessary equipment, agree with the seller on all its characteristics, price and contact the leasing company.
  2. You enter into a leasing agreement and pay an advance of 20% of the cost of the equipment. You put the equipment into operation and start producing products. Pay monthly lease payments.
  3. Your customers are happy that they receive orders on time. You are happy that the equipment earns you additional profit.
  4. After the lease ends, you receive ownership of the equipment.

This is, of course, a very simplified diagram. We will cover all the stages and questions in more detail below. So ask questions! Good luck to your business! And leasing helps!

source: http://leasing-help.ru/

What is leasing? In simple words about the main thing

Lending to individuals today in many banking structures is represented not only by the usual types of loans, but also by a relatively new financial product called car leasing.

For Russians, this concept is just coming into use, while residents of the European Union are acquiring in a similar way more than a quarter of all cars. So what is it and what are the features of leasing transactions?

Alternative to credit - what's the point?

Alternative to a loan The main points of leasing contracts are regulated by Law No. 194-FZ, according to which two parties enter into an agreement to purchase property.

The peculiarity is that the product is chosen by the lessee (tenant), and the purchase of property, for example, a car, is carried out by the lessor (lessor) at his own expense.

Then the object is given for temporary use (rent) to an individual for a fee and with the right of subsequent redemption.

Simply put, leasing is a rental agreement with the possibility of phased acquisition of goods.

What then is the difference between a regular lease and a financial lease? Regular rental of property involves temporary use for a set fee. financial leasing(translated from English the word “leasing” means rent) implies the final transfer of ownership at the end of the validity period.

Leasing payments (about 5.5% of the total cost of the goods) consist of two parts - fees for the services of the lessor company and fees for the property itself. Another interesting point: what is better – a car loan or a leasing purchase program?

The similarity of the options is obvious - the down payment, the interest rate, and the need to make monthly payments. The key difference is that when lending, the property immediately becomes the property of the borrower, while simultaneously acting as a guarantor (collateral) for the execution of the transaction.

In a leasing transaction, the object remains the property of the lessor and will become the property of an individual only after full redemption. Relatively recently, after the adoption of amendments to the law, car leasing became available to individuals.


Previously, only legal entities and entrepreneurs had the right to use and evaluate the benefits of this financial instrument. And many leasing companies even now, even after the passage of time, prefer to work according to classic programs aimed at organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

But over the past year, there has been a tendency towards the development of the retail business to work with ordinary citizens. From the client’s point of view, this product is also beneficial because leasing applies to vehicles different manufacturers, and you can choose any car at the official dealership.

There are also Additional features in the form of special discounts (up to 10-15% of the total retail price) from car dealerships when purchasing a car through leasing.

Where should you apply for car leasing?

First, you need to decide on a specific brand of car and notify the dealer about your choice of financial institution. By the way, the object can be not only passenger models, but also cargo, as well as boats, yachts, airplanes, helicopters and other expensive property, including real estate.

Then you should find a reliable company that provides services to individuals. This could be a credit institution that directly cooperates with car dealerships. The second option is a company created by banking structures or an insurance institution.

Leasing programs are presented:

  1. In banks - in this case, seized cars are also sold.
  2. In car dealerships there is an advantage in providing good discounts under leasing programs.

To get acquainted with the detailed terms of car leasing, it is better to contact the financial institution directly. The main thing you need to know is a simplified transaction procedure, the possibility of purchasing vehicles costing from 400,000 to 6,000,000 rubles, for a period of 1 to 4 years. Leasing is the most profitable for purchasing expensive property.

There are two types of car leasing offered on the financial market today:

  • With the transfer of ownership at the end of the term, the client buys the object at its residual value, and the down payment amount is from 20%. The residual value is determined individually depending on the make, cost, condition and configuration of the car model and reaches up to 80% of the total cost.
  • Without transfer of title to the property - as a result, the client does not buy the property, but returns it to the lessor; the amount of the down payment varies from 10%.

Once a financial institution has been selected, you will need to fill out a standard package of documents. If approved and a decision is made to sign the contract, the desired car is transferred to the use of the lessee.

Remember important details

  1. The car enthusiast becomes the user, but not the owner of the car.
  2. Lease payments are usually tied to the dollar exchange rate (according to the terms of the contract).
  3. How and where to carry out insurance, repairs and maintenance is determined by the owner of the car, and the lessor pays the costs in the amount of lease payments.
  4. The vehicle must not be tuned, damaged or significantly modified.

In conclusion, we note that leasing is also good for individuals because it is legitimately included in state program measures to stimulate demand for cars in Russia. This means that financial organizations, in turn, will take measures to improve the efficiency of their products and make the mechanism of leasing transactions more accessible and profitable for a wide range of consumers.

Experts predict sales growth to 1 million cars per year. Despite the fact that most citizens are accustomed to standard schemes for purchasing property, the number of applications for new leasing programs continues to grow, and the agreement finance lease is increasingly replacing standard lending.

Until recently, only entity. But the laws have changed, and now the service is available to everyone. About what car leasing is for individuals, as well as the most detailed information You can read about the procedure for drawing up a contract in this article. All the pros and cons regarding this procedure are discussed here.

Car leasing

The concept of “leasing” has come into use relatively recently. And in Russia, most of the population is just beginning to learn about it. Many people confuse it with a loan or lease and want to know what car leasing is for individuals. Although it is close to the above concepts, its essence is different. In simple words, this is a combination of two ways to purchase a car: renting and buying. By concluding a car leasing agreement for an individual, you thereby undertake to pay a certain amount every month. And at the end of the contract, you get the opportunity to purchase the car as your own. Those citizens who, due to circumstances, do not have the opportunity to purchase a car right away, resort to this service and do not want to take out a loan.

There is also a more formal definition of leasing in Federal Law No. 194, according to which leasing is nothing more than an agreement between the lessor and any citizen. The leasing company takes ownership of the car you like and leases it to you. With one caveat - at the end you can buy it back.

Although the system of purchasing a car through leasing appeared in the 70s, it is just beginning to develop in Russia. According to statistics, in Europe, 30 percent of cars purchased were purchased through leasing companies. Our compatriots distrust a foreign word, and the regulatory system at the legislative level is not so well developed.

What is car leasing for individuals?

More and more people are realizing that this type of service is more profitable than the same loans. After all, when there is no opportunity to purchase a car right away, many know only one way out - to go to the bank for the required amount at an extortionate interest rate. The concept of leasing is better known and widespread in Europe, but companies providing such services have recently begun to appear in Russia.

There are two types of car leasing for individuals:

  • After the end of the contract, the car becomes property. This type of leasing is called financial leasing with full payback. The contract usually stipulates the following conditions: the company providing the service undertakes to buy the car from a third party and lease it to the recipient of the service. The recipient is obliged to pay full cost car until the end of the contract. The amount is usually calculated from the price of the car and depreciation expenses.
  • The car remains the property of the lessor. In this case vehicle is not purchased by the leasing recipient, but remains the property of the company.

Thus, car leasing for individuals is a compromise solution for those who do not want to take out a loan or installment plan from a bank. Many payment options and their flexible schedule help almost anyone choose any car, get in and go. The main thing is not to forget that if obligations are not fulfilled, the contract can be terminated and the car returned.

Car leasing conditions for individuals

As with any agreement, all participants must comply with a number of requirements. The conditions for leasing a car for individuals are as follows:

  1. A mandatory document is a certificate of ability to pay the monthly payment. An extract from the place of employment in 2NDFL format is suitable for these purposes.
  2. A citizen seeking to enter into an agreement with a leasing company must be of legal age and legal capacity.
  3. Insurance is also a mandatory element of the contract. As a rule, this is compulsory motor liability insurance, which must be issued every year. Thus, the rental company seeks to protect itself from harm to the car, because there are many accidents on the roads.

Getting a loan from a bank is now quite problematic. The number of borrowers is increasing, and the interest rate is growing with them. Leasing can be used by those who, for some reason, were unable to get a loan for a new car. Bad credit history, age, and lack of savings are often reasons for refusal of a loan, but not leasing. It is also useful because you do not purchase the car, i.e. it is not indicated in the ownership, which greatly simplifies life for many people.

Difference between leasing and loan/rent

After the question of what leasing is, another question follows - how does it differ from a loan or lease? If you enter into a car rental agreement, it does not become your property at the end of the agreement. Yes, in the end the payments are smaller, but this option is only good as a temporary measure. In addition, when you rent a car, you are responsible for maintaining, repairing and insuring the car. Leasing involves transferring all these concerns to the company that owns the car. This does not mean that they will pay for compulsory motor liability insurance from their wallet, but the payments will be included in the total amount and spread out over time, so they will not be so noticeable.

It is much easier for an individual to lease a car than to take a loan. The differences between these types of purchases are small, but still there. By taking out a loan from a bank, you immediately receive ownership of the car. But with leasing, you can register the property in your name only at the end. For some this is a plus, for others it is a minus. But what interests consumers most is the final difference in the final purchase price. For maximum benefit It makes sense to choose a premium car. For budget models leasing will most likely not make sense. To better understand the benefits of leasing compared to a loan, let's give an example.

Taking a car worth about 1,200,000 rubles from a bank with a minimum interest rate, you make a down payment of 240 thousand rubles. In this situation, the monthly payment will be 47,000 rubles, and the overpayment will be 162,000 rubles. In addition, you will immediately have to pay for expensive insurance and maintenance yourself. If you lease a car of the same cost, your monthly payment will be 42 thousand rubles. At first glance, not much less, but in the end you can save more than 120,000 rubles. And it is completely logical that the lower the cost of the car, the less the benefit. Having learned about what car leasing is for individuals, many decide to opt for long term rental, not a loan.

Step-by-step instruction

How to lease a car for individuals? This procedure practically no different from buying on credit. First you need to choose a car. Currently, residents of large cities have big choice leasing companies. Some work with major suppliers, others deal in used cars - you just have to choose the right car.

After choosing a company and a car, it’s time to sign a car leasing agreement with an individual. You need to familiarize yourself with it in advance and clarify all unclear points. As a rule, the contract for the provision of leasing services is tripartite. By agreement of the parties, you will have to pay a set amount for a period of 6 to 60 months. The first payment (advance payment) is usually the largest. During the entire rental period, the buyer agrees to properly care for the vehicle. A necessary element is compulsory motor liability insurance, which protects all parties from unexpected losses in the event of damage to the car.

Used cars

A truck can be leased for individuals according to the same scheme as a passenger car. Used cars are especially in great demand. Is it realistic to lease such a car, since the risks are significantly higher?

The procedure for purchasing a used car on lease differs little from the standard one. Most likely, you will be offered to choose a car in a trusted showroom, where all cars undergo maintenance and pre-sale preparation. It makes sense to buy a car that has been used for no more than 10 years. Individual entrepreneurs take advantage of this opportunity and quite often lease freight transport for the needs of the enterprise. If you also want to buy a used car, we advise you to pay attention to some details:

  • Choose high-quality salon with good reviews.
  • Check the vehicle's VIN, which will show specifications cars and accidents.
  • Legally correctly draw up all the details of the purchase agreement.

Having completed all the points, you can be sure that your car will not let you down. Buying a used car on lease can be more profitable than purchasing new car on credit.

Benefits of leasing

What is the convenience of leasing? Why are more and more people resorting to it? The advantages of leasing a car for individuals include:

  • More convenient payment schedule. Unlike fixed loan payments, the leasing company can choose a more convenient schedule and amount. The lease term is 1-5 years, but can be extended by agreement. Leasing companies provide the opportunity to make the first payment (advance) in an increased amount, or make it equal to the remaining payments.
  • To conclude an agreement, you need fewer documents: you will not need to run around for months trying to collect all the necessary certificates.
  • You decide for yourself whether to make a down payment or not, and how much it will be.
  • You do not need a guarantor or collateral.
  • The application will most likely be reviewed very quickly.
  • Leasing is convenient for individuals who work in the service sector.
  • You can choose several leasing options: both with and without transfer of ownership.
  • Leasing a car is not subject to tax, unlike purchasing a car as property.

Disadvantages of leasing

Leasing is very convenient for buyers. It saves not only money, but also time. But leasing a car for individuals also has disadvantages:

  • It is profitable to lease cars only over 1 million rubles.
  • The buyer does not have the right to dispose of the car as his own property: rent it out, sell it.
  • Until the final purchase, the car remains the property of the company.
  • If the terms of the contract are not met - late payments, damage to property - the car will be confiscated.

Is car leasing really profitable? It is possible to answer this question only if you carefully understand each specific case. If you are going to sign a car leasing agreement with the transfer of ownership, after the end of the agreement you can sell it and minimize the cost of use.

Where to go to lease a car?

Choosing a leasing company is a very important step. What criteria should be followed in this case?

There are many car leasing companies for individuals in Minsk. The choice is great. Here are some of them:

  • "Infoleasing": Mayakovskogo street, 176;
  • "AutoTradeLeasing": Nemiga street 3, office. 405;
  • "Activleasing": Logoisky tract, 22A;
  • "IdeaBank": Z. Byaduli street, 11;
  • "Leasing of construction vehicles": Tashkentskaya street 6A.

They all receive exclusively positive reviews. A car leasing company for individuals in Minsk should be chosen in the same way as in other cities. The most important thing is to choose a company that you can trust.


When you want to lease a car to an individual, you need to decide on the purpose of the purchase. If you buy budget car or if you want it to be your property, it is better to take it on credit. If you choose a car worth over a million rubles in order to maintain your status, then it is better to turn to the services of leasing companies. When purchasing a truck due to its high cost You may also need the services of such a company. Are you used to changing your car every 5 years? Most likely, it makes no sense to acquire ownership of a car - and leasing can help out here. In other cases, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons before entering into a car rental agreement with subsequent redemption.

What is car leasing in simple words? How profitable is it to buy a car on lease? How to choose a reliable leasing company for a beginning businessman?

Good afternoon, dear readers! This is Eduard Stembolsky, a regular author of the publication.

Subjects new publication– car leasing, a type of financial service that is gaining popularity in our country.

This article will be useful to everyone who wants to buy a car and chooses the most profitable purchase option.

So, let's go!

1. What is car leasing – practical meaning, benefits and advantages

Many people want to buy a car, but not everyone is sure that such a purchase in a time of crisis will be a profitable and reasonable investment. Potential car owners are thinking different variants purchasing a car – loan, one-time purchase, lease.

Relatively recently, another type of purchase has gained relevance - leasing. This method of updating a vehicle fleet can be used by both legal entities and individuals, that is, private buyers.

In one of the articles in our magazine you can familiarize yourself with the concept of “” in more detail. A few words for those who are not at all aware of what this financial instrument is.

The most accessible ways The only way to get a car at your disposal was always to buy or rent it. But there is also a financial instrument that combines these two possibilities.

What is leasing

To give a very simple definition, leasing is a lease with the right to buy or a phased acquisition of property into ownership. That is, for some time a person or company uses equipment, buildings and other real estate, pays a certain amount for it, and in the end this property becomes the property of that person or company.

In the USA and the EU, the share of cars purchased on lease is 30% of all cars purchased (for comparison, in the Russian Federation - less than 3%). Another approximately 30% is purchased in cash and 40% on credit. At the same time, car leasing by individuals provides different countries up to half of all transactions with passenger cars, when companies and enterprises use the tool in Russia. Most often, financial lease of passenger cars by private individuals in the West ends with the return of the car and the conclusion of a new contract. This practice has been a common part of mass consumer culture for several decades.

In Russia, this financial instrument is regulated by Federal Law No. 194 “On Financial Lease (Leasing)”, adopted back in 1998, which gives the following definition: “ Leasing— a set of economic and legal relations arising in connection with the implementation of a leasing agreement, including the acquisition of the leased asset; leasing agreement- an agreement under which the lessor (hereinafter referred to as the lessor) undertakes to acquire ownership of the property specified by the lessee (hereinafter referred to as the lessee) from a seller specified by him and to provide this property to the lessee for a fee for temporary possession and use. The leasing agreement may provide that the choice of the seller and the purchased property is carried out by the lessor; leasing activity- a type of investment activity for the acquisition of property and its transfer to leasing.”

What is the difference between leasing and renting and buying?

Renting is the temporary use of a car for a certain amount. Almost the same thing happens when concluding a leasing agreement. In both cases, the real owner of the car makes a profit from the fact that other people use the car. But leasing car at the end of the period of use it becomes the property of the lessee and does not return to the owner. In a practical sense, renting is more expensive, but requires fewer expenses because there is no down payment like leasing, but only a small deposit. It is most often used if the car is needed for a short period of time (from several hours to several months), so the renter does not have to worry about obtaining an MTPL policy, undergoing maintenance, seasonal tire changes and other vehicle maintenance. It is only spent on fuel. Rental rates depend on the period for which the car is rented. When leasing, the payments are always the same.

When purchasing a car, it immediately becomes the property of the buyer. Along with the right of ownership, the new owner bears all responsibilities for the maintenance and servicing of the machine. And it’s good if you immediately found the entire amount needed for the purchase. But, according to statistics, in our country about half of new cars are purchased on credit, for which interest and other obligatory payments are paid.

Leasing and car loan

Most modern leasing programs are similar to lending when buying a car. They are united by the required down payment and monthly payments. But with a conventional loan, the car becomes the property of the individual and immediately becomes collateral securing the repayment of the loan. When leasing, the car continues to be registered with the company and changes ownership depending on the terms of the contract.

Leasing for individuals

When the Leasing Law was created more than 15 years ago, it included the wording “for the purposes of commercial use", which excluded the possibility of its use by private individuals for domestic use. But in 2010, a change was made to eliminate this phrase. This measure did not add popularity to leasing, but now ordinary citizens can use financial leases.

At the initial stage, leasing can be used by a client - an individual who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, has permanent registration in Moscow and Moscow Region, and is over 18 years of age.

Documents required to apply for leasing:

  • A completed application form;
  • Russian passport (copies of all pages);
  • a second document with a photo (ID, international passport, etc.);
  • document confirming the source of income (copy of work book, employment contract, agreement for the rental of property (apartment, for example), etc.);
  • a document confirming the amount of income (personal income tax certificate 2, a free-form certificate, an act of accepting the transfer of money for renting an apartment, etc.).

Mikhail Bakhtiarov, president of the auto holding Major Auto, suggests that leasing can be used by those who have not received a car loan due to the inability to prove their income, age (for example, after 60 years), the presence of another credit obligation, or for any other reasons. Due to the growth of debts and non-repayments, banks began to treat borrowers more strictly, and the percentage of refusals increased to 60. “We save families,” says Bakhtiarov and explains: “When leasing, the car remains the property of the company. This may be useful for officials and people who do not want to show in their declaration that they have a premium brand car. Now they won’t have to get a divorce.”

Mathematics of leasing

Leasing programs currently apply to new cars and commercial vehicles foreign production, including those assembled in the Russian Federation, costing from 300,000 to 6,000,000 rubles.

The program duration can be 12, 24 or 36 months. If the client wants to buy the car earlier, this can be done after 6 months.

Today two types of product are offered:

  1. leasing with transfer of ownership (at the end of the leasing term, the client can acquire ownership of the car for a redemption fee);
  2. leasing without transfer of ownership (at the end of the leasing period, the client returns the car to the leasing company and can choose and conclude an agreement for another car).

In the first case, the down payment should be from 20 to 49% of the cost of the car, in the second from 10 to 49%.

The residual value of the car on the date of return (how much it will cost after 12, 24 or 36 months) is determined by experts individually, depending on the make, model, configuration and lease term, and can be up to 80% of the cost of the car.

Monthly payments range from 5.5% of the cost of the car. They include wear and tear on the vehicle and “rental” payments.

Vice President of the Major Auto auto holding for economics and finance Yaroslav Bobrovich gave this example to compare leasing and car loans.

Let's take the following typical loan option as a basis:

The cost of the car is 1,200,000 rubles. Term 24 months, advance 20%, rate 15.5% per annum.

In this case, the monthly payment will be 46,775.56 rubles, the advance payment will be 240,000 rubles, and the total cost of purchasing a car, taking into account debt servicing costs, will be 1,362,613.46 rubles over 24 months.

When purchasing a similar car on lease, you have two options:

1) leasing with transfer of ownership. In the case of leasing a car, it is possible to receive a discount (let’s take it at an average level of 10%). In this case, we will have: an advance payment of 216,000 rubles, a monthly payment of 42,711.25 rubles, and the total cost of purchasing a car under a leasing agreement for 24 months will be 1,241,070.00 rubles.

In comparison with a car loan, there is a benefit both with the down payment (24 thousand rubles), monthly payment (more than 4 thousand rubles), and in total costs - by 121,543 rubles. leasing is cheaper.

2) leasing without transfer of ownership. In this case, it is also possible to receive a discount on the car (let’s take it at an average level of 10%). The residual value will be indicatively 70%. In this case, we will have: an advance payment of 216,000 rubles, a monthly payment of 13,662.46 rubles, and the total cost of owning a car under a leasing agreement for 24 months will be 543,899.44 rubles.

To compare with a loan, let’s assume that we will sell the car after repaying the loan - this will equalize the conditions with leasing without transfer of ownership. Having sold the car on the same terms for 70%, we will receive expenses for the period of owning the car using credit in the amount of 522,613.46 rubles. (1,362,613.46 - 840,000).

In comparison with a car loan, the down payment is lower by 24 thousand rubles, monthly payments are almost 4 times lower - 13,600 per month instead of almost 47 thousand rubles.

From these examples, the advantages of both products are clearly visible: 1) with comparable monthly payments, it is more profitable overall; 2) comparable to a loan with significantly lower monthly costs.

Insurance, taxes and penalties for leasing

All additional costs required normal use of the vehicle is ultimately borne by the lessee. This could also be a purchase. additional equipment, and insurance (compulsory and voluntary, however, it is also mandatory, since the car is the property of the company), and transport tax. Simply, these expenses are included in the final amount of the leasing agreement, and payments for them are divided over the entire period of its validity.

As for the fines that come from photo and video cameras, they will be paid by the tenant. The resolutions come to the owner, and he forwards them to the client. In this case, payment of fines becomes the main payment, and until it is made, incoming monthly payments will not be counted. Or rather, the debt on fines will be paid off from these amounts, and then accepted as payment under the contract.

Problems and prospects of leasing for individuals

General Director of CARCADE Alexey Smirnov says that there is whole line factors complicating active development leasing for individuals in Russia. “These are shortcomings in the existing regulatory framework regulating the leasing sector in general, and the lack of a culture of financial leasing of cars by private individuals. To a certain extent, the development of leasing for individuals is also hampered by the uncertain economic situation. At this stage, car leasing in our country is still more focused on the needs of entrepreneurs and organizations.

At the same time, I believe that the prospects for the development of leasing for individuals in our country are quite good. Leasing for individuals in Russia can compete with car loan products, provided that leasing operators bring to the market sufficient quantity variable leasing offers for individuals.

Each product - leasing or credit - must have its own unique advantage and be aimed at its target segment. Our company’s experience currently successfully confirms this, offering different groups of clients a suitable financial solution for purchasing cars.”

Mikhail Bakhtiarov hopes that with maximum development of the Russian leasing program he will sell up to a million cars a year.

Today, more and more people want to afford to buy a car. But not everyone has this opportunity. The state and all kinds of financial organizations are trying to help as much as possible ordinary people in the acquisition personal car, creating and developing various financial services. One of these services is leasing.

What leasing is becomes clear if you translate this word into Russian. To lease – translated from in English- rent out. The essence of this financial service is lending for the acquisition of fixed assets.

Classic leasing scheme: the leasing company buys what it then leases. Next are the people who will use the services of the leasing company. During the established period, the tenant pays the full cost of the property, plus leasing fees, after which the former tenant becomes the full owner of the property. One of the main differences from a loan is the complete absence of collateral.

Leasing is a harmonious combination of a financial loan and property rental.

Car leasing is the rental of a car and its subsequent purchase. Car leasing has long ago gained well-deserved popularity in the USA and European countries. Leasing, as a financial service, reached Russia relatively recently and is only beginning to gain popularity.

Leasing in the transport sector is popular in Russia: in 2014, it accounted for more than thirty percent of all leasing transactions concluded. What is the reason? Passenger cars and not only cars are in demand goods. Both individuals and companies of any size and type of activity need passenger cars. For organizations involved in leasing, this is also a profitable type of activity with the least risk. A car is a highly liquid item. The purchase and sale market in Russia is quite well developed. The likelihood that the tenant will take the car without the knowledge of the company is minimal - all cars are registered, and the tenant is also unlikely to refuse to pay or go bankrupt.

A similar situation has developed in the market trucks and in the special equipment market.

Difference between leasing and loan

These services are similar in many ways. Both credit and leasing are popular financial services for purchasing a car. The question arises: what is more profitable? Here is a small comparative analysis

Car loan:

Not all Russians have the amount necessary to purchase a car. Credit is a great help in this matter;

If they expand financial opportunities, the choice is expanding. You can buy a car that you like, and not one for which you managed to scrape together the funds;

Various credit programs make car loans a flexible and convenient tool.

A lot of paperwork;

Not everyone is given a loan. The borrower is subject to serious requirements;

Interest is extra payments;

Car leasing:

Payments are much more convenient and lower than they would be on a loan under the same conditions;

Much less fuss with papers;

It is easier to change a rented car after the lease period expires.

The leasing organization remains the owner of the car for the duration of the rental, which means picking it up from the temporary owner will not be difficult;

The user of the car is not its owner, and therefore cannot rent it out;

Individuals do not have tax preferences for car leasing.

So, a small verdict:

Leasing is a convenient financial instrument. But precisely as a rental method. When renting for long term with subsequent purchase, car leasing for individuals

becomes an expensive and inconvenient procedure, in this case significantly inferior to a car loan. You can verify the correctness of this judgment using simple arithmetic calculations - all information about interest and pledges is openly provided on the company’s website.

Leasing is perfect for those who want to regularly update their car every 2-3 years. If you need reliable car for many years of service, then your choice is a car loan.

Leasing programs and conditions for individuals for a car

1. No down payment. This program allows new entrepreneurs to find transport for their business in a simplified manner. Typically, this type of leasing is provided directly from the car dealer and at a certain brand, a series of cars.

2. No increase in price. Under this program, the cost of a leased car is equal to the cost of the car if the entire amount is paid at a time at a car dealer. This becomes possible due to the fact that leasing companies are usually provided with special discounts when purchasing large quantities of equipment.

3. Without assessing the financial condition of the tenant. When leasing a car, a financial company risks almost nothing - ownership in any case remains with the company. That is why leasing companies often have little interest in the financial condition of their client.

Leasing procedure

Step 1. Agreeing on conditions. To begin with, the parties must determine the basic terms of the transaction: lease term, advance amount, leasing program. At the same stage, the individual to whom the car will be temporarily registered is determined.

Step 2. Submission of documents to the leasing organization. Plastic bag necessary documents may vary depending on the organization to which you submit documents, but the general list is always the same:

Constituent documents;

Financial documents;

Documents confirming the authority of the manager.

Step 3. Signing the contract. When the documents have been collected and the leasing company has approved the transaction, the time comes for the parties to the transaction to sign the agreement. The contract stipulates the details of the delivery of cars.

Step 4. Advance payment and delivery of cars. When the contracts are signed, the tenant transfers the agreed advance funds to the landlord's account (unless this is a leasing program without an advance payment). The leasing company undertakes to deliver the equipment “into the hands” of the recipient. From the moment the equipment is transferred to the lessee, he bears all responsibility for it.

Step 5. Validity of the contract.

During the term of the agreement, the lessee uses the vehicles for his own purposes, taking full responsibility for the safety of the vehicle, as well as concerns about maintenance

Step 6. Expiration of the contract. After the period specified in the contract has expired, the car goes to the lessee at the residual value.

However, the leasing agreement can be terminated before the end of the term. This is possible if the lessee violates its obligations. Then the leasing company takes the vehicle for the purpose of selling it on the secondary market.

Video: car leasing for individuals

Bottom line

Car leasing is a useful service that can be useful not only to large companies for purchasing special equipment in large quantities, but also to frequent clients who are planning to purchase a car for personal use. And even though the leasing market in Russia is still young, judging by the rapid growth and extensive experience of Western countries, a great future awaits it.