Types of hybrid vehicles. Hybrid engine. History of creation and principle of work. Serial-parallel communication scheme

Why did we touch on this issue on our portal? And why do we want to educate you about how hybrid engines work? Everything is extremely simple and straightforward. The fact is that many spheres of our life are literally permeated with the interaction of all kinds of technologies, which in their symbiosis give rise to much more effective methods, gadgets and mechanisms. And, of course, they did not dare to put aside the engines for our four-wheeled favorites. And it is precisely about such units, their positive and negative sides, how they work, and we will talk in this topic. In the meantime, let's take a short excursion into history. Go!

A bit of history

Cars with hybrid "hearts" are not a new invention, as it might seem at first glance. A Jesuit priest named Ferdinand Verbiest. In 1665, he began working on plans for a simple four-wheeled carriage powered by steam and horse-drawn vehicles. But the first production models with hybrid engines saw the light already at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. For ten years, starting in 1887, the French Compagnie Parisienne des Voitures Electriques released a series of cars with hybrid motors. And in 1900, General Electric created a hybrid car with a four-cylinder gasoline engine. The Walker Vehicle Company of Chicago produced hybrid trucks until 1940.

Of course, at that time, the production of such cars was limited to small batches and the creation of various kinds of prototypes. However, in our time, an acute shortage of oil resources and a constantly progressing economic crisis prompted automotive designers and developers to return to basics and resume production of cars with hybrid engines.

How a hybrid engine works - in simple words about new technologies

Well, now is the time to figure out what kind of hybrid engine unit is and why is it so zealous to produce cars with such hearts? A hybrid engine is a system of two interconnected engines: gasoline and electric. Two motors can work both in conjunction and separately, it all depends on which operating mode is used at the moment. The process of redistribution of "powers" is controlled by a powerful computer, which at one time or another decides which of the engines should now work. For movement in the suburban mode, all the work is taken over by the fuel engine, because the battery on the highway does not last long. To move around the city, an electric motor is turned on.

If the car is subjected to heavy loads or it has to accelerate frequently and quite intensively, then both engines already work together. An interesting fact is that while the car is moving on a fuel engine, the electric one is being charged at this time. A car with a hybrid engine emits 90% less substances into the atmosphere than our usual fuel engines, and this despite the fact that it also includes a gasoline unit. Also, the consumption of gasoline in the city can be reduced to zero, which, of course, cannot be said about country trips.

Let's take a look at how a hybrid vehicle pulls away. At the very beginning of the movement and at low speeds, only the battery and the electric motor work. The energy that is stored in the battery feeds the energy center, which then distributes it to the electric motors, which already start the car from a place noiselessly and very smoothly. After the maximum speed for the electric motor has been reached, the gasoline unit is also connected. The torque to the drive wheels is already supplied by two engines overnight. In the process of such work, the internal combustion engine gives off a part of the generated energy to the generator, which further feeds the electric motors, unloading the battery, while the excess energy is transferred to the battery, replenishing it, the reserve lost at the beginning of movement.

If the car is moving in normal mode, then only front-wheel drive is used by the automatic, in other cases, the distribution of torque is already supplied to two axles. In the acceleration mode, the torque to the wheels comes mainly from the internal combustion engine, and if it is necessary to increase the dynamics, then electric motors are already used to complement the internal combustion engine. But the more interesting point is still braking. The electronic "brain" of the car keeps control of switching on and off When it is necessary to connect the hydraulics, and when it is regenerative braking, but the second is still preferred. That is, when the HV driver presses the brake pedal, the electric motors enter the generator mode, thereby creating a braking torque on the wheels, which also generates electricity, which feeds the battery through the power distribution center. This is what hides the whole essence of the "highlight" of the hybrid engine.

In the classics we are used to, the energy released during braking is wasted, simply being lost in space like heat from brake discs and other parts. The use of braking energy is very effective in urban environments where frequent braking at traffic lights is common. The VDIM system, which is the driving dynamics control system, manages the operation of all active car safety systems, combining them into a single “organism”.

Perhaps the first successful specimen equipped with a hybrid engine, released to the masses, was the now well-known Prius from company Toyota. This miracle car consumes just over three liters of gasoline for every hundred kilometers in city mode. The Japanese company also went further with its Lexus RX400h luxury hybrid crossover. But the cost of this car is on average within 70,000 USD. Note that the first generation Toyota Prius was inferior to cars of the same class with internal combustion engines in terms of speed and power characteristics, in contrast to the Lexus RX400h, which initially competed well in its class.

After Toyota, the world's leading automobile concerns also paid attention to the use of hybrid engines, as this was seen as a solution to the global problem of environmental pollution and fuel economy. And so followed the announcement of the creation of a hybrid truck and transport vehicle from the Volvo Group. According to their calculations, the release of these products over time will reduce fuel consumption by as much as 35%.

But with all the great desire and calculations of automobile concerns, cars with hybrid engines are not yet sold out around the world like hot cakes. The popularity of hybrid vehicles is gaining momentum only in Canada and the United States. The demand for hybrids among the American population has increased due to the sharp rise in fuel prices, which were mercilessly fired before. After all, the American auto industry has always been famous for its "muscle cars" with incredibly powerful engines and a huge consumption of flammable liquid. European car enthusiasts were generally neutral about hybrid vehicles. It is run by a fairly environmentally friendly and more economical, trustworthy veteran - diesel.

Most of Europe's cars are fueled by diesel, which is not the case for the United States. Moreover, cars with diesel engines are much cheaper than hybrid ones, moreover, they are simpler and more reliable in their design. After all, everyone knows this postulate: "the more complex the system is designed, the less its reliability." It is this factor that determines the number of hybrid vehicles in our country. Officially, such cars are not supplied to us, and the problem of a service station is simply inevitable in the event of a breakdown. There are simply no specialized service stations for the repair of hybrid engines in our country. And on their own such a device, we think, is unlikely that someone will undertake to repair it.

Hybrid engine device - circuit description

So, we briefly reviewed what a hybrid engine is and why its use is not as widespread in the world as we would like it to be. Now I would like to "dig" deeper and consider the scheme of its structure. But there are three of them. We suggest starting with the simplest circuit that we are least interested in - the sequential hybrid engine.

Series diagram of a hybrid engine

In this scheme, the car is started from an electric motor. The internal combustion engine is in conjunction with a generator that powers the battery pack. Plug-in Hybrid vehicles are often available with an end-of-trip electrical connection. The presence of this function implies the use of high-energy storage batteries, which significantly reduces fuel costs for using an internal combustion engine, which in turn reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. These cars include the Chevrolet Volt and Opel Ampera. They are also called wide-range electric vehicles. These cars can only run on battery power at a speed of 60 km / h and using the energy of a generator that powers a gasoline engine for as many as 500 kilometers.

Parallel circuit of a hybrid car

In this scheme, a parallel-connected internal combustion engine and an electric motor are installed in such a way that they can work both separately from each other and together. This effect is achieved due to the design of the unit, in which the gasoline engine, electric motor and transmission are connected by automatically controlled couplings. A car with this hybrid engine design uses a low power electric motor, about 20 kW. Its main task is to add power to the internal combustion engine during acceleration of the vehicle.

In most of these constructions an electric motor is installed between the combustion engine and It also serves as a generator and starter. The most famous representatives among the cars with a sequential hybrid engine are BMW Active Hybrid 7, Honda Insight, Volkswagen Touareg Hybrid, Honda Civic Hybrid. This scheme appeared thanks to the manifestation of the initiative of the Honda company with its Integrated Motor Assist - IMA system. The operation of this system can be divided into several characteristic modes:

- work from the electric motor;

Joint work of an electric motor and an internal combustion engine;

Operation from the internal combustion engine with parallel charging of the battery by means of an electric motor, which acts as a generator;

Recharge the battery during regenerative braking.

Series-parallel hybrid circuit

In this scheme, an electric motor and an internal combustion engine are connected using a planetary gearbox. This makes it possible to simultaneously transmit power from each of the motors to the driving wheels in a ratio from 0 to 100% of the rated power. The series-parallel circuit differs from the previous one in that the first is equipped with a generator, which creates energy for the operation of an electric motor.

Famous representatives of cars with such a hybrid engine scheme are Toyota Prius, Ford Escape Hybrid, Lexus RX 450h. Toyota is leading in this segment of the hybrid market with its Hybrid Synergy Drive - HSD. The powertrain of the Hybrid Synergy Drive system is represented as follows:

- ICE communicates with a planetary gearbox;

An electric motor that is connected to the ring gear of the planetary reducer;

The sun gear of the planetary reducer is connected to the generator.

The internal combustion engine operates in the Atkinson cycle, which means it produces low power at low revs, which results in better fuel efficiency and less exhaust gases.

Hybrid car - pros and cons

Positive aspects of hybrid engines

1. The most important benefit of hybrid vehicles is their economy. The fuel consumption of these cars is 25% less than that of classic cars with an internal combustion engine. And in our situation with constantly increasing gasoline prices, this is a very important factor.

2. The next important point The next most important point among the positive aspects of hybrid engines is environmental friendliness. Hybrid cars do much less damage to our environment than classic ones. This is achieved thanks to more efficient fuel consumption. And when the car comes to a complete stop, the internal combustion engine stops working, transferring the reins to the electric motor. Consequently, when the hybrid vehicle is stopped, the atmosphere is not polluted by CO2 emissions.

3. Hybrid batteries are recharged by a gasoline engine, which is not the case with electric vehicles, which makes the fuel engine's range much longer. And it can also go longer without refueling.

4. Modern hybrid cars are in no way inferior to a similar class of traditional cars in all basic characteristics. So let's dispel this myth, which many are likely to believe.

5. In an urban setting with frequent stops, hybrid vehicles operate like electric vehicles.

6. Standing still, the hybrid vehicle is completely silent as it only runs on the electric motor.

7. Filling a hybrid is done with gasoline and in the same way as a traditional car.

Cons of hybrid cars

Nothing is perfect in the world, which means that hybrid engines also have their disadvantages.

1. And the main disadvantage is expensive repairs. Since the design of such engines is very complex, it is very difficult to find a specialist who will deal with the elimination of problems. This explains the high cost of maintaining hybrids.

2. Batteries installed on hybrids are susceptible to self-discharge. They also do not tolerate sudden temperature changes. And their service life is very limited. But until now, we have not yet figured out what effect the batteries have on the environment, which is why it is a problematic task to dispose of them.

It is obvious, of course, that hybrid engines have more pluses than minuses, but they have not taken root in our country so far. The first reason for this is price. The cost of the popular Toyota Prius in Ukraine is from UAH 850,000. But it is not only the most popular in its popularity, but also the cheapest. Also in Russia it was planned to launch a hybrid called "Yo-mobile", but the project was canceled. The most powerful hybrid vehicle to date is the BMW ActiveHybrid X6.

The fight for the environment in our time is in full swing and very zealous, in connection with which motorists are encouraged to purchase cars with hybrid engines. So in America, the owners of such cars are provided with certain benefits and free parking spaces. Similar laws are also planned to be introduced in our country, in particular, import duties on cars with hybrid engines will be reduced. Gasoline engines are already slowly receding into the background, losing their positions. And hybrid engines are one of the main steps that are being taken to achieve this. But as long as the price category of these cars remains at the same level, the demand for them will be small.

About prices for cars with hybrid engines

Like everything new, unusual and interesting, cars with hybrid engines differ from their classic counterparts in greater cost. Today, hybrid cars are much more expensive than cars with similar characteristics, but with gasoline engines. For example, the hybrid Toyota Camry is almost $ 7,000 more expensive than its petrol counterpart. The hybrid Honda Civic is up $ 4,000 over its traditional model. Lexus GS 450h is an excellent dynamic (from 0 to 100 in just 5.9 seconds) car, which is also much more economical than similar in power sedans with eight-cylinder engines. The fuel consumption of this vehicle is approximately 8 liters per 100 kilometers on the combined cycle. The average retail price for this car in Ukraine will average about $ 80,000.

On the topic of the introduction of hybrid cars, of course, you can talk for a long time and take certain positions and defend your points of view, but one thing is clear - the future is not far off and soon this leap will be made. The changes in the automotive industry are imminent! And we hope this will be what we all need.

The increase in the number of vehicles in the world and a number of environmental problems that humanity has faced over the past couple of decades have led to significant changes in the automotive industry.

They are dictated, first of all, by significantly toughened environmental standards and the increased price of fuel, in connection with which automakers are forced to look for ways to reduce the amount of toxic emissions and the total fuel consumption in cars.

At the same time, despite the emergence of electric vehicles, the development of vehicles with fuel cells, the only effective way today is the creation of cars with hybrid engines - the easiest way to "fit" into the economy and offer the consumer a product that is convenient to use.

We will try to tell in this article about what the market of "hybrids" cars is today, because today many potential buyers do not know what a hybrid car means and what advantages it offers.

Hybrid cars - what are they?

The principle of a hybrid vehicle is very simple. It is based on the principle of a conventional gas generator, when the power unit of the vehicle rotates the generator and charges the traction battery.

Video - how a hybrid car works:

In turn, the energy of the battery allows the car to move for some time solely on electric traction with "zero" amount of toxic emissions. After the energy in the batteries runs out, the gasoline engine is switched on again, which allows you to continue driving and at the same time replenishes the charge in the batteries.

I must say that along with this scheme, there is another one called plug-in hybrid. In it, the battery is charged not only from the motor, but also from an ordinary household power supply, and its capacity is sufficient for trips over short distances (as a rule, about 30-40 kilometers). In fact, this means that you can drive to and from work without using a gasoline engine at all (and, accordingly, without wasting fuel).

Advantages of Hybrid Cars

Surely many will ask themselves the question, why bother to “fence a garden” with batteries, electric motors, batteries and an internal combustion engine at all? What does the hybrid powertrain scheme give?

Before answering this question, it is worth remembering when a “traditional” car uses the most fuel. It is known that the maximum consumption (and, accordingly, the toxicity of emissions) falls on the stage of acceleration to cruising speed, as well as in urban driving with frequent acceleration and deceleration.

Video - how you can improve a hybrid car:

Thus, the electric drive in vehicles with a hybrid power plant comes into effect in these modes. When the battery is fully charged, the "hybrid" starts to move on electric traction, and when a certain speed threshold is reached (depending on the model, it ranges from 20 to 40 kilometers per hour), the internal combustion engine comes into action.

At the same time, the widest range of "hybrids" from Toyota is presented directly in Japan and the USA. In the domestic Japanese market, cars are sold under the Toyota brand, and in America, by tradition, Lexus is the most popular (in Russia, I must say, most of the hybrid cars are also sold under this brand).

The most saturated in terms of the number of hybrid cars from Toyota is the Japanese market. The company displays all the latest models on it, on which it "tests" technologies that should go into series on "global" models.

A car should not be a luxury, but a daily means of transportation, this truth has long won the hearts of drivers. To realize this dream of Ostap Bender, the owners make great efforts to minimize the cost of their beloved "friend". You can influence something yourself: drive carefully - it will be less, buy high-quality parts - you will have to change less often, refuel with expensive, high-quality gasoline - engine breakdowns are minimized. But the most expensive part of the operation is still refueling. Prices do not depend on us. That is why the hybrid engine in cars is now beginning to gain great popularity.

There are several reasons for this, and motorists can be divided into two camps. For the former, the main and most common reason is the price of fuel. We do not live in Venezuela, Saudi Arabia or Kuwait, where gasoline is cheaper than water. And the four-wheeled "friend" needs to be "fed" regularly. For the latter, the protection of the natural environment and everything connected with it is vitally important.

Why did you come up with the idea of ​​creating such engines? Consider the principle of operation, the advantages and disadvantages of cars powered by, and. Internal combustion engines are more powerful, but at the same time, developers cannot completely eliminate carbon dioxide emissions into the environment. This factor is a reduction in world oil reserves and, as a result, a regular and systematic rise in the price of such an energy source.

Electricity has its undeniable advantages, first of all, it is environmentally friendly and cheaper. But at the same time, electric vehicles currently cannot become very popular, since, figuratively speaking, "infrastructure" is needed: stations for charging cars, specialized service stations focused on the repair and maintenance of this type of engine. But the most important factor is power, which is significantly inferior to internal combustion engines. And as a result, the speed is poor (there are simply not enough "horses" under the hood).

These factors have prompted manufacturers to consider alternatives and develop hybrid vehicles that combine the advantages and nullify the disadvantages of the two vehicles.

Features of hybrid cars

The developers have come up with a comprehensive approach to this issue. In this case, several tasks were solved: reduced to a minimum, which has a positive effect on the ecological situation not only in cities, but also on the Earth as a whole; due to the combination of two types of energy, operating costs are reduced; the disadvantages of the electric motor (low power) are compensated by the advantages of the gasoline engine upward. In fact, such cars in high-speed mode do not differ from gasoline ones. Unlike the ones described above, cars with a hybrid engine have two power sources, consist of two power units and several elements:

  • Fuel tank. Gasoline, in contrast, has a high energy density. To understand, let's give an example - the energy of 1 liter of gasoline is equated to a storage battery weighing about 450 kg;
  • Gasoline engine. They are generally smaller and have been upgraded with the latest technology, which significantly reduces the overall weight of the vehicle and increases power;
  • An electric motor - not only more powerful, but also designed to work in conjunction with a gasoline one. It can also work as a generator to charge the battery;
  • Batteries, the main function of which is to store energy for the electric motor, which, in turn, can mutually feed them;
  • Generator - working on the principle of an electric motor, but for generating electricity.
  • Transmissions - the functions are almost the same as those of conventional cars. But at the same time, depending on the type of hybrid, they can be different. The Toyota transmission is characterized by the power flow forking. In this case, the motor operates in the most comfortable range of loads and rpm. This, in turn, contributes to significant fuel savings.

Principle of operation

The word hybrid itself means crossing. In our case, two different technologies and two energy sources are combined to perform one task - moving forward. The work of a hybrid engine is that the internal combustion engine rotates and provides energy to the electric motor, which, in turn, rotates the transmission, which helps its "partner" to work optimally, creating additional force. As a result, sharp fluctuations and loads are eliminated, and productivity is significantly increased.

There are several options:

Parallel... The petrol engine is powered by a fuel tank and the electric motor is powered by batteries. As a result, both motors rotate the transmission, which in turn drives the wheels.

Microhybrid. This principle was developed by Toyota. The hybrid runs at low speeds and starts solely thanks to the electric motor. When switching to a higher speed, the internal combustion engine (internal combustion engine) is connected. But at the same time, during ascents, driving on difficult sections of the road (sand, mud), increasing other loads, the electric motor is additionally powered by a battery for parallel operation and increasing traction. All this is electronically controlled and does not require driver intervention.

Medium hybrid. Such a car with a hybrid engine has its own characteristics - driving on an electric motor is impossible. But at the same time, electric traction significantly increases the efficiency of the heat engine due to the generation of a voltage slightly higher than the batteries can give, which, in turn, increases the power of the main engine.

Full hybrid. In this option, electricity comes first. The movement goes only at his expense. The high-voltage battery is charged thanks to recuperation. The existing separate clutch between the two types of engine ensures the decoupling of these systems. As a result, the DVS is connected only if necessary.

Separated. Has an engine-generator and gasoline. Through the planetary gear, the torque is transmitted to. Part of the power is used directly to drive the car, while the other is accumulated in the high-voltage battery in the form of clean electrical energy.

Consistent. The work of a hybrid engine is that a gasoline engine drives a generator, which charges the batteries, and they, in turn, provide energy to the electric motor, which turns the transmission and, as a result, the wheels.


If you analyze the prices for hybrids, you will notice that they are more expensive than the usual cars. Should you be afraid of "biting" amounts? It is necessary, first of all, to analyze what you get in the end when buying such an option. And only after that they decide whether they are ready to invest capital (even if it is a purchase on credit), which will eventually turn into daily savings. And the more gasoline prices rise, the more your net income will become.

But let's start with something else. A car with a hybrid engine contributes to a tenfold reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, city life becomes more comfortable and you contribute to a healthier planet. In addition, save on fines for exceeding emissions into the atmosphere.

The batteries are recharged from the on-board power plant, as a result, an external source is not needed for constant charging, as in electric motors. Basically, you are acquiring an additional source of energy, which increases the efficiency of the internal combustion engine.

Thanks to the development of experienced specialists, the weight of the gasoline engine is significantly reduced, as a result, and the total weight of the car. Every car enthusiast knows what this means. The consumption of gasoline per 100 km of the "Oka" cannot be compared with. And it depends primarily on the mass. As a result, there is a comprehensive savings due to refueling and the use of electricity.

For the manufacture of all parts, including the body, lightweight materials are used. At the same time, they are durable and reliable: made of metals (aluminum alloys, magnesium), as well as carbon fiber. For general information: the Insight engine with a volume of 1 liter weighs only 56 kg, while the power is quite decent (67 horsepower) and rpm (5 700). The "help" of the electric motor at the start allows acceleration from 0 up to 100 km / h.

In such cars, the need for a gearbox has disappeared. There is an automatic change in the traction force of the drive wheels, which is provided by the electric motor.

Thanks to the constant development of designers, aerodynamics are improved. This is what all designers are fighting for. It is the resistance to the force of air and wind that does not allow to “eat up” significant resources of the inner “heart”, multiplied by the help of a parallel system of energy.

Another resource for saving is the installation of special, more rigid, in comparison with conventional tires. They are inflated under relatively high pressure. This helps to reduce the resistance of the road surface.

Prospects for the development of this direction of mechanical engineering are possible only with an integrated approach: the development of lightweight bodies, capacious, but at the same time compact batteries (so that they do not take up much space under the hood); improvement of simpler, faster and more affordable battery charging; improvement of the system of "re-use" of energy.

Having considered all the features of a car with a hybrid engine, one can come to the conclusion: of course, this is not a perpetual motion machine that any motorist and fighters for the cleanliness of the environment dream of. Rather, it is another step towards the modernization of motors, a struggle to save depleting natural resources. But they help to significantly save money at each gas station. Therefore, if you are faced with choosing a new car, think about the fact that buying such a model will eventually bring significant bonuses: in fact, every hundred kilometers of travel will "save" additional money in your wallet in comparison with internal combustion engines.

Hybrid cars have recently become especially popular, they apply to all classes of cars, many manufacturers are bringing these cars to the mass level. Hybrids are currently showing impressive performance. We have compiled a rating of hybrid cars, which will allow lovers of universal cars to choose a vehicle that are suitable both for the city and for off-road driving.

A hybrid car is a car that uses not only a conventional internal combustion engine that runs on gasoline or diesel, but also an alternative source in the form of an electric motor.

The second engine starts to run at low revs, which can significantly save fuel, for example, with busy traffic on the road. Also, hybrid cars are more environmentally friendly, which makes them more popular.

Advantages and disadvantages of hybrids

The advantages of hybrid cars:

  • A noticeable reduction in fuel consumption. Hybrid fuel consumption is up to 30% lower than conventional vehicles. Burning less fuel at the same time reduced the toxicity of the hybrids. It turns out that hybrid cars are more economical and environmentally friendly compared to analogs that are equipped only with internal combustion engines;
  • Reducing noise during operation;
  • Long service life of brake system parts;
  • Hybrid cars, in comparison with electric vehicles, have a long range and are versatile in daily use. The hybrid does not need to be charged from the mains, it can be refueled with gasoline. After the fuel is burned, part of the energy is collected in the battery, thanks to which the electric motor starts to work. An additional source of power for charging the battery is the conversion of the kinetic energy of a moving car into electricity;
  • Also, hybrids have a number of design solutions and auxiliary systems for great savings and reduction of harmful emissions: a start-stop system, etc.

The disadvantages of hybrid vehicles include a high initial cost, as well as some difficulties in the repair and maintenance of these models. Another disadvantage is the possible critical discharge of the battery and its quick failure at large temperature drops.

Rating of hybrid cars 2018-2019

The modern car market offers a large selection of hybrid representatives. Choosing the right vehicle among all the variety is not easy. We present to your attention the top hybrid cars, among which you will find representatives of most of the world's brands.

Best Hybrid Hatchback - Chevrolet Volt Hybrid

Chevrolet Volt Hybrid. This car is a front wheel drive four-seater hatchback. The main advantage of this model is that electric motors with a capacity of 149 hp. enough for 60 km when driving around the city, without fuel consumption and while maintaining characteristics. However, the big drawback of the Chevrolet Volt is its high cost.

If you are interested in the future of this and other vehicles of this brand, we recommend that you read the latest news from Chevrolet.

One of the best hybrid cars - Ford Fusion Hybrid

Ford Fusion Hybrid. This car has a well-thought-out athletic form and a spacious interior. The hybrid Ford Fusion has a 2.5-liter four-cylinder hybrid engine. This is a good option for an electric vehicle with a hybrid engine if you want to buy an affordable car and save fuel in the future. It can be called a midsize sedan for the whole family.

The Ford Fusion Hybrid is supplemented with an electric power steering, multi-link suspensions with an anti-roll bar - the car passes skids well. Hybrid handling is stable. Thanks to the suspension, shocks are muffled, and the movement of the car is controlled by the driver.

One of the best hybrid sedans - Toyota Camry Hybrid

Toyota Camry Hybrid. This model provides not only good fuel economy, but also has a high level of safety. The car has an attractive design, an engine capacity of 2.5 liters and high technology. The interior uses high-quality materials that add comfort to the interior. Toyota Camry accelerates from zero to one hundred kilometers in 7.4 seconds, which is an excellent result for a hybrid car. The official fuel consumption of the car is 4.4 liters per 100 km on the highway and 4.6 liters in the combined cycle.

Best Hybrid Estate - Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrid

Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrid. The hybrid setup includes a 2.4-liter diesel engine producing 215 hp. and a strong electric motor, which is enough for about 50 km of movement. It is important that the car has an all-wheel drive function: when you press a button on the control panel in the passenger compartment, the electronics synchronizes the action of the engine and the electric motor for the simultaneous rotation of the wheels.

Legendary Japanese hybrid - Toyota Prius

Toyota Prius. This model is known as an economical hybrid car at an affordable cost, therefore it is in high demand. The hybrid is equipped with a 1.8-liter petrol engine with 98 hp. Together with a pair of electric motors, the power reaches 134 hp. In the city, a car consumes approximately 8 liters of fuel, and outside the city - 5.5 liters.

The principle of operation of the car determines a high level of control automation. The on-board computer independently adjusts the parameters of the engine, ensuring an optimal battery charge.

One of the best hybrid cars 2018-2019 - Honda Insight III

Honda Insight III. It is a front-wheel drive hybrid sedan that combines solid design, modern technical solutions and rich equipment. In motion, this car is driven by a 1.5-liter gasoline engine and two electric motors. The total power is 153 hp. It should be noted that one motor closely interacts with the internal combustion engine and plays the role of a generator, and the second turns the axle wheels at low speeds. At high speeds, the petrol engine is connected. Thus, a significant part of the time a car drives on an electric motor.

In order to have the latest information on this and other vehicles of this brand, we advise you to read the car news from Honda.

Most Economical Hybrid Vehicle by Fuel Consumption - Hyundai Ionid Hybrid

Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid. The car is based on a new platform. In the future, it is planned to produce many hybrid cars and electric cars on its basis. The new Hyundai has an engine capacity of 1.6 liters and a total power of 141 hp. To assist the driver, there are two operating modes - Sport and ECO. The car accelerates to 100 km in 10.8 seconds. It is the most fuel efficient hybrid vehicle. The model has a maximum speed of 185 km / h and a consumption of approximately 3.4 liters. The car has the most balanced suspension, tuned steering and an almost silent interior.

Comfortable American hybrid - Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid

Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid. This is a large, comfortable and roomy sedan, which has an expressive design and a high-quality interior with modern technology and rich equipment. According to experts, the car is well suited for those customers who like free space. The hybrid unit includes a 1.8 liter engine and a pair of electric motors. The average fuel consumption of this model is 5.2 liters per 100 km. There are ten airbags and a rear view camera for the car, which makes it safer.

TOP hybrid SUVs

Best Hybrid SUV - Lexus RX 450h

Lexus RX 450h. It is a reliable crossover that has a solid and solid build. Outwardly, this model is not much different from its predecessors. But he has elements of personality. The crossover is equipped with LED head optics. In addition, a sports body kit is available for this car. Thanks to him, the appearance of the hybrid becomes more aggressive. The car interior is made of genuine leather in light and dark colors. This model has a 2.5 liter 4-cylinder engine. The total output of the hybrid power plant is 299 hp. Lexus can accelerate in 6-7 seconds to 100 km per hour. Fuel consumption is 9-10 liters per 100 km. This car rightfully claims to be in.

Korean hybrid crossover - KIA Niro

Dear compatriots, today we will talk about what a hybrid engine is in a car, how it works, what it consists of, the pros and cons of new developments.

In most cases, an internal combustion engine is used as a power plant, but given the depletion of oil reserves and the increasing requirements for the environmental friendliness of engines, auto corporations have begun to develop new technologies that would make it possible to abandon hydrocarbons as the main fuel or at least reduce their consumption.

Instead of an internal combustion engine, it is not yet efficient to install electric motors, because the energy intensity of the batteries is associated with their high weight and, accordingly, their high cost.

However, almost all of the world's largest auto manufacturers have begun to produce their own hybrid car models. They combine an internal combustion engine and an electric power plant.

Toyota remains the recognized leader in the development and production of hybrid vehicles. This concern launched the first hybrid in a series back in 1997 and continues to produce several more models of reliable cars.

Hybrid - translated into Russian as crossing. The combination of these two different technologies successfully fulfills the main task - the movement of the car.

The function of a hybrid engine is to drive an internal combustion motor, which gives energy to a power plant: a battery-electric motor. And the power plant, in turn, transmits torque to the wheels through the transmission.

In this way, an optimal driving mode is achieved and an additional force is created. In addition, peak loads and fluctuations are smoothed out, as a result of which productivity and efficiency increase.

Hybrid engine. Device

There are several options for a hybrid engine:

  • Parallel. The gasoline engine is powered by the fuel tank and the electric motor is powered by the battery. As a result, two motors rotate the transmission, which then transmits torque to the wheels.
  • Microhybrid. This option was developed by Toyota specialists. Their hybrid car starts and runs at low speeds using electric power alone. But at an increased speed, the internal combustion engine starts to work. At the same time, on difficult sections of the road - ascents, sand, mud, other loads, the electric motor is also powered by a battery for parallel operation and increased traction. All these modes are controlled by electronics.
  • Medium hybrid. Such a car has its own characteristics - driving on an electric engine is not provided. But electric traction significantly increases efficiency, due to obtaining a higher voltage than the battery gives, and this accordingly increases the power of the power plant as a whole.
  • Full hybrid. Here, electricity comes first - it provides movement. The battery is charged by recuperation. And the separate clutch between the two engines makes it possible to decouple these systems. As a result, the petrol engine is only switched on when absolutely necessary.
  • Separated. Contains a pair of engine-generator and a gasoline engine. The planetary gear drives the torque to the gearbox. Some of the energy is used to drive the car, while the rest is sent to the high-voltage battery.
  • Consistent. Here the scheme is as follows: the gasoline engine rotates the generator, which charges the storage battery, and from it the energy goes to the electric motor, which turns the transmission and, in fact, the wheels.

Pros and cons of a hybrid car engine

Of course, the pros outweigh, but there are also disadvantages, as in all new products. For example, a gasoline hybrid engine is more common, although not in doubt.

But it just so happened - the technology was developed in America, and diesel fuel is not held in high esteem there. Yes, and a hybrid diesel unit would cost more, and given that the price is already far above average, the question can be considered closed.

Most of all car enthusiasts are confused by the hybrid engine because of the battery. This is a very capricious component, since it requires constant operation, otherwise its service life will be significantly reduced.

Also, batteries are afraid of temperature extremes, self-discharge. Plus, the high cost of spare parts and repairs. Moreover, it is unlikely that you will be able to make it yourself.

But let's talk about pleasant things. One of the main advantages of a hybrid engine is low fuel consumption and minimal emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, and all this is due to:

  • coordinated work and electric motor;
  • the use of a high-capacity battery;
  • the use of braking energy (regenerative braking), which converts the kinetic energy of motion into electricity.

In addition, the hybrid engine has collected a host of other innovations that will save fuel and save the atmosphere. Among them:

  • change in valve timing;
  • stop start;
  • recirculation of exhaust gases;
  • antifreeze heating with exhaust gases;
  • electric drive of the water pump, climate control and;
  • tires with improved rolling.

A noticeable effect is observed when using a hybrid vehicle in an urban cycle, when frequent stops occur, the engine idles.

But on the track, when driving at high speeds, the hybrid engine is no longer as efficient.
On the other hand, the same battery makes it possible to drive for a longer time without refueling. Moreover, the battery can not be charged, and the car can only be filled with fuel.

The engine, thanks to computer control, always runs at its optimum, no matter how hard you try to overload it.

Often, these hybrid vehicles can run without fuel. And they also differ in that the motor is barely audible.

I hope this article will help you find the right solution if you are faced with the question of choosing a car with a hybrid powertrain.

Until next time.