Is it possible to mix different oils in the engine? Motor and transmission oils, is it possible to mix different types? What international standards say

Even experienced motorists often disagree: is mixing motor oils good or bad? In this article we will reveal some of the nuances of servicing your car’s engine.

1 What types of motor lubricants are used in passenger cars?

Engine lubricant must comply with the parameters specified by the manufacturer. There are several classifications of this consumable. Motorists are familiar with the American API system, European ACEA, international ISLAC and some others. The classification that focuses on the type of oil base is closer and clearer to us:

  • synthetics - completely artificial consistency;
  • mineral – made from natural products, most often oil;
  • semi-synthetics - a symbiosis of the first two categories of motor oils.

Engine lubricants

Synthetic products have increased protective properties, they are resistant to the processes occurring in the engine. Such consumables work well with increased loads and allow you to start the car without any problems severe frost. The packaging of synthetics always indicates that it is made from substances obtained artificially. Fully Synthetic.

Synthetic car engine oil

Mineral oils are made from natural ingredients. This type lubricants are less resistant to stress. He does not like high temperatures, frost and requires increased attention. The only advantage of a mineral consumable is its low cost. Semi-synthetic products have the properties of synthetics and mineral components. Often used in such lubricants special additives, which improve the quality of the product. Semi-synthetic, for example, includes Zik motor oil, a South Korean company SK Corporation.

2 To mix or not - what to do?

Let's say right away that different types of oils used in the engine can be mixed. But in order not to harm the engine, this must be done following certain rules. Mineral lubricant is best diluted with semi-synthetic products or synthetics based on polyalphaolefins (PAO). Consumables made by hydrocracking are also suitable.

Semi-synthetic product If necessary, add mineral to synthetics. There's nothing wrong with that. However, look at what type of lubricant you use. These should be polyester, glycolic or silicone oils. If possible, do not be lazy and search on the Internet which product can be mixed with your synthetics.

Adding mineral engine oil Currently, leading motor oil manufacturers have developed special API standards and ACEA, which allow mixing various lubricants without the slightest risk. If the packaging contains this abbreviation, then feel free to add the contents of the bottle to your engine, even if the product is produced by another company. Semi-synthetics can also be mixed with synthetics. Successful combination it turns out when there is more in the oil Low quality pours in consumables High Quality.

3 Special attention to different manufacturers

Mixing often various types Lubrication is not critical for the engine. But if possible, do not use automotive consumables from different manufacturers to top up the engine. Such products may have additives that conflict with each other due to differences in composition and manufacturing technology. IN in rare cases additives are put into action chemical reactions, which lead to foaming of the main product and the formation of sediment.

Adding an Automotive Additive

Even with a complete oil change, some old lubricant remains in the engine. There is a possibility of additive incompatibility.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to add synthetics to synthetics, then try to mix products made by the same company. With this replacement, most components motor lubricants will contain a minimum of different additives and will not cause negative processes.

Mixing motor lubricants From all of the above we can draw a conclusion. Can be mixed motor oils, but don't forget about simple rules. Dilute synthetics with a semi-synthetic product, semi-synthetics with a mineral analogue, and mineral consumables with semi-synthetic ones. The best option would be if the oils were manufactured by the same company. And don’t forget to have a small supply of lubricant recommended by your car manufacturer.

Is it possible to mix motor oils?

What happens if you mix 5w30 with another oil?

It often happens that engine oil runs out completely suddenly, and there is simply no such thing at hand as was filled in. The most difficult thing in this situation is for those who find themselves on the highway, where it’s still a long drive to the nearest store... What to do? In fact, everything is not as terrible as it might seem at first glance, and here's why.

We should start with theory. We will look at the main reasons that cause “ headache” from car owners, and we will prove why most of these problems are nothing more than myths.

First.“I have low-viscosity oil 0w20, and you can only add the same, otherwise the engine will break.” Engine oil in modern engines performs not only lubricating functions, but also works as hydraulic fluid. For example, the same VTEC valves or VTC gear. Normal operation of the mechanism is impossible without oil pressure at the appropriate point. And if the conversation turns to pressure, it means that the oil is subject to requirements not only for “film thickness”.

Most likely, this is why the vast majority of modern engines recommend low-viscosity oils that have increased fluidity to operate as a hydraulic fluid. For example, in most modern Honda engines 0w20 oil is recommended. In addition, modern oils must have sufficient alkaline activity to wash out traces of dirt from such thin places eg VTC valve. You don't change the oil on time, or you don't use it well good oil- you will get dirt and problems with the motor.

In the long term, incorrect choice engine oil may cause serious problems. But, in the short term, everything is not so scary. Fresh oil even with a viscosity of more than 0w20 it will be able to properly perform its functions. This can last for quite a long time, which will be enough to drive 2000-3000 km along the highway. Next, it would be advisable to replace the oil with the one required in the catalog. In the city it would be easier and more correct to use the prescribed oil to avoid the need to change the oil after 2000 km.

Second.“Different oils have various additives and the engine can be damaged if the oils react with each other.” The quality of lubrication of all motor oils, except for very bad ones, or very expensive and good ones, in modern world became approximately the same. Yes, every manufacturer tries to add some of its own additives to the engine oil to ensure it is “smooth and silky.” Naturally, every manufacturer believes that only its motor oil can help get rid of all engine problems. In fact, believe me, there is no motor oil that can cure engine problems. Each oil can either “reveal” these problems, or “hammer” them deeper for the time being, so that they are not visible. Then they will come out anyway and will have to be repaired. This means that it is almost impossible to spoil the engine by filling it with “the wrong oil from another manufacturer.” If the oil was, say, Mobil 5w30, but you had to add Castrol 5w30, the maximum that will be negative will disappear positive sides“Mobile” and “Castrola”, which were in the oil in the form of additives. But It is impossible to “kill” an entire engine by adding the “wrong” oil.. We declare with full responsibility that if the engine “broke” due to another oil, it means it only had 2000 km to live.

Third.“If the engine had 5w40 oil, then you need to add 5w40 and nothing else.” Ideally, yes, it is better that at least the viscosity is the same. On the other hand, short-term driving (no more than 3,000 km) at full speed will also not do much damage to the engine, which, in principle, is still doing well, but the leak occurred, for example, due to damage to the sump. That is, you can fill in 5w50, 0w20, and 10w40. Nothing terrible will happen, nothing will jam, and nothing will shoot into the air. If the engine consumes such an amount of oil into the atmosphere that you have to add different types of oil, you don’t have to worry either, the capital is closer than ever, and the engine won’t “play the violin” anyway. Relax and drive on, simply adding any oil at all.

Fourth."Was Honda oil 5w20, Honda offers 5w30 (or even cooler - 0w20), is it possible to mix?” Here it is worth remembering a simple rule - almost all oils of the same line from the manufacturer can be “crossed” with virtually no serious consequences. That is, all Castrol Magnatek in as a last resort can be mixed with each other. And also with the entire line of Mobile, or Motul. So you can mix it.

Fifth.“I have synthetic oil, but they offer me semi-synthetic.” This is the most common oil selection brake. The problem most often is that a person does not know how to determine what is real synthetics and what is not, and believes the stickers on the canister. Majority modern oils are not synthetic and can be mixed without any problems at all.

But what happens if you still mix real synthetics with “non-synthetics”? Our answer: NOTHING scary. Here, as in the old joke, you need to choose “Do you want checkers, or do you go?” If you don’t organize races in the red zone, then you can drive half of Russia using a mixture of “synthetics” and “non-synthetics”. When you arrive at the end point of your journey, change it to what you need, and that’s it. If you are in the city, of course, it makes sense to look for oil similar to what is poured into the engine, but if there is no such oil in the city, then you will have to go with “raznosol”.

Conclusion. If you look at all the above factors, you can find a simple solution to the question that a person faces at the beginning of our article. What should you do if, in the middle of the highway, you find that there is very little oil on the dipstick, but you still need to drive? The easiest option is to stop any passing car and ask them to sell you any oil. Absolutely anyone.

Remember one simple rule - it is better to drive with different grades of oil than without it at all. When you get to your destination, drain this “compote”, get rid of the problem and fill in the oil that you consider necessary for your engine.

In other cases, if oil is available (for example in the city), it is still better to add oil of the type that is filled in the engine of your car. Don't forget that in modern engines, oil is not only a lubricant, but also a hydraulic fluid for some systems.

P.S. We still do not recommend flushing the system even after “multi-grade oil”. Better change your oil more often.


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Any novice car enthusiast will definitely ask the question: “Is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers if they have different categories and viscosity classes?”

Possible incompatibility of oil bases

Each oil has a base and consists of additives, thanks to which it obtains its basic properties and characteristics.

Manufacturers are engaged in the production of motor oil base different ways and technology. This means that each basis has its own physical characteristics will differ from the competitor's production base. With synthetic foundations this will be even more noticeable. Thus, with the same name of oil, but from different manufacturers, there is a pitfall - these oils have different bases. In addition, various additives are added to the oil.

Example. Two 10W40 standard oils from different manufacturers can meet all the requirements and standards that apply to this type. But due to the fact that different technologies are used when using bases, and then additives are added to them, which can be activated upon contact with other oils, the end result when mixing them can cause a lot of trouble for the car enthusiast.

No one can specifically explain what can happen to an engine when oils from different manufacturers are mixed in it. The market offers many options that differ significantly from each other, divided into categories depending on the worker temperature regime engine and viscosity.

Category incompatibility

Oil categories are divided into synthetic and mineral. When they are mixed, the effect can be very negative. Since the viscosity of these categories of oils is completely different, mixing them should be strictly avoided. Even if this is not noticeable at the beginning, it is unknown how the additives will behave in the future, mixing with each other, and what the reaction of the engine parts will be.


  1. A dirty engine means slag deposits, ring coking, etc.;
  2. The additives will most likely precipitate, the result is low coefficient their work;
  3. Too much high viscosity oil, and as a result, complete curdling of the oil and clogging of the oil channels.

This is already enough to prepare the engine for major renovation.


  1. Car oils of different categories (for example, synthetic and mineral) should never be mixed;
  2. In case of forced addition of oil to the engine, choose one manufacturer, for example, synthetic Mobil oil 5W40 and synthetic Mobil 5W30. Subsequently, it is advisable to replace oil filter and oil;
  3. If it is impossible to add oil from the same manufacturer and you have to mix it, then continue driving at low engine speeds and change the oil at the nearest service station. When mixing oils of different categories, it is recommended to flush the engine when replacing it later.

Almost all car enthusiasts know that technical condition The car depends entirely on the quality of the engine oil and the frequency of its replacement. According to the instructions, the car needs it every 7-10 km. A newly purchased car is sold with pre-filled service center oil, which is recommended by the manufacturer and is ideal for the power unit. In this case, a product of one brand is changed at a service station without preliminary rinsing, since it is recommended by the vehicle manufacturer and does not cause concern. This scheme is the best for preserving the “health” of the machine. But in practice everything looks different.

Should I mix with different technical characteristics? Is it possible to mix oil in the engine or not? Will this affect the operation of the motor? Is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers? Eternal questions, which is the subject of constant debate among car enthusiasts.

Some believe that this absolutely cannot be done, since the stage of flushing the engine will be completely eliminated. Others assure that there is nothing wrong with this, and it will not affect the operation of the engine in any way.

Both sides are right in their own way. In fact, oils can be mixed, but wisely, following certain rules. Otherwise, there is a possibility of damaging the engine, which will result in its repair.

Is it possible to mix different oils? Reasons why this is allowed:

Is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers? What do experts think about this?

  • Mixing is permissible only for oils of the same category. This is the only way to avoid negative consequences with internal combustion engine.
  • Mixing is permissible only if the driver does not plan to drive for a long time.

The main point of this procedure is the formation of a new chemical composition, the effect of which cannot be predicted.

When mixing oils from different manufacturers, it should be remembered that even with thorough removal of the oil, some part of the waste remains. The result is that it is combined with fresh lubricant with which they are not fully compatible. Many car enthusiasts fear that such a formula will not ensure 100% engine operation.

Mixing theory

As mentioned above, combining different oils is possible, but only taking into account certain factors that must be taken into account special attention. In order to understand this issue in more detail, you should know what types of oils there are.


This is an oil that is based on artificial chemicals.


  • low volatility;
  • good fluidity at low temperatures;
  • its viscosity reacts little to temperature fluctuations;
  • high durability;
  • Requires fewer additives.


Its most important component is oil. Some call this type organic.


  • Environmentally friendly - the amount of chemicals is kept to a minimum.
  • Budget cost, which is sometimes the deciding factor when choosing.
  • Versatility.
  • Availability. Available in all auto stores.


The name itself suggests that this is a combination of the first two types of oils.


  • Low cost. The price is second only to mineral oils.
  • Compatible with vehicles running on any fuel.
  • Low volatility.
  • Prevents the formation of limescale.

Acceptable oil combinations:

  1. Mineral water with semi-synthetics. If previously used in the motor mineral lubricant, then mixing with semi-synthetics is acceptable. Synthetics with a polyalphaolefin base are also suitable. The following types of oils can also be infused: polyester, silicone, glycol. In this case, one should take into account such a nuance as the chemical composition of the synthetic product.
  2. Synthetics and their mixing. Is it possible to mix oil with other oils if we're talking about about synthetics? Almost all of today's product manufacturers develop products according to European standards. This allows them to be mixed. But this is not a fact that the result will be positive. In some cases, the following troubles may occur: sedimentation, the appearance of foam. They are simply kept to a minimum compared to other types of oils. The minimum number of flaws indicates that you have purchased high quality product. Before mixing oils, it is necessary to take into account that you must carry out the first maintenance with the oil recommended by the manufacturer, having previously flushed the systems.
  3. Mixing synthetics and semi-synthetics. If at the time the oil level dropped in your car you had synthetic in it and only semi synthetic oils, you are saved. You can safely mix products such as 5W40 and 10W40. This viscosity will range from 6W40 to 8W40. The most the best option combination is considered existing oil with better quality. In other words, semi-synthetic oils can be diluted with synthetic ones. Mixing synthetics with semi-synthetics is allowed only in critical cases.

  4. Products from one manufacturer. According to many experts, it is possible to mix motor oils of the same brand. This statement is true, since oils from the same manufacturer are very similar in chemical composition. In other words, they have the same base, and their chemical composition contains an identical set of additives. Based on this, mixing oils of the same brand is quite acceptable. In addition, car enthusiasts should know that sometimes situations arise when the same oil is sold under different brands.
  5. Oils from different manufacturers. Is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers? One of the risky mixing options, since no one guarantees 100% effectiveness due to different technological processes manufacturing. But this does not mean that the result will immediately be negative. It happens that when combining such oils, minimal foaming and an unnoticeable sediment are observed. Unfortunately, this happens quite rarely.
  6. Mixing 5W30 and 5W40 oils

    5W30 and 5W40 oils can be mixed. For example, if you have a sharp drop in fluid level on the road and there is no supply of 5W40 synthetic, but there is a similar fluid with a similar label and markings, but from a third-party manufacturer, in this case 5W30 oil from your manufacturer will help you. If you add the specified fluid to the engine, there will be no problems with engine operation. The maximum that can happen is a slight decrease in viscosity. When using all-season fluid 5W30 or 5W40, the engine starts at a temperature of 35 degrees. The result of this mixing will be minor changes temperature viscosity coefficient. This result is also not critical, since the negative side will only be visible when the engine is running at elevated temperatures. The driver will just have to take a little care of the car and not overload it.

    1. It is recommended to add only the oil that was originally poured into the engine.
    2. If it is possible to use this type of liquid, products of a similar brand should be used.
    3. When purchasing a product, you must take into account that the same manufacturer is capable of producing oils under different brands.

    Is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers in in case of emergency? Critical cases involve the use of other types of products. In this case, it is necessary to minimize the amount of load and correct the situation as quickly as possible by replacing it with the recommended oil.

    Little tricks about transmission lubricants

    Can be mixed transmission oils or not, let's take a closer look. This problem only arises when the conversation is about the car engine. This happens rarely, but it happens when the lubricant level in the gearbox decreases. The answer is quite simple: transmission fluids can be mixed, but only under the conditions specified for motor oils. They must be similar and practically identical in chemical composition. This mixture will allow any motorist to safely drive several thousand kilometers in a gentle mode. After completing the journey, the fluid will have to be drained and replaced with that recommended by the manufacturer.

    Mixing is strictly prohibited motor products and transmission. Ignoring this recommendation will result in loss of engine performance. You will learn a simply killer mixture.

    In any case for efficient work engine, after mixing the oils, you will have to return to the oil recommended by the manufacturer. Before this, it is necessary to carry out the engine flushing procedure:

    1. Drain the outdated product. Allow the car to sit for a little while to allow it to drain as much as possible. If possible, tilt the vehicle alternately in both directions. This will allow more liquid to drain.
    2. Install new filter and fill with oil recommended by the manufacturer.
    3. For three days, try not to overload the machine while the motor gets used to the different type of product.
    4. The next oil change procedure should occur after 10 thousand km.

    The engine flushing procedure is completed. If you doubt the cleanliness of the engine, reduce service interval and take the car to the service station.

    Let's look at the characteristics motor vehicles different manufacturers.

    Castrol Magnatec 5W-40 A3/B4

    Castrol oil is widely known among car enthusiasts for its high degree of reliability and quality. Majority fast cars use oils from this brand.

    When operating a car, motorists should remember that large percentage Engine wear occurs as a result of its starting. A3/B4 oil allows you to protect it from the very beginning.

    Simple oil does not linger on the engine when the engine is not working, thereby exposing the most important parts power unit. Oil Castrol Magnatec 5W-40 A3/B4 flows around every part of the engine, covering it with a heavy-duty oil film, which is additional protection at the time of starting the engine. The result of use is to minimize the risk of engine wear.

    Where are Castrol Magnatec 5W-40 A3/B4 oils used?

    1. Cars running on gasoline and diesel fuel.
    2. Engines in which the manufacturer has approved the use of this type of oil.
  • envelops and lingers on the smallest parts of the engine;
  • forms a dense oil film, allowing you to protect the engine from first to last minute starting, thereby reducing its wear;
  • when combined with synthetic technology, it protects the engine at different temperature conditions;
  • 100% engine protection regardless of operating conditions and types of driving;
  • the products of this brand are demi-season;
  • it cannot be faked, since the manufacturer took care of protection.

A distinctive feature is the glow in the ultraviolet spectrum. This development of the manufacturer allows consumers to easily distinguish the original from the fake.

"Lukoil Lux SN/CF 5W-40"

Synthetic, all-season. Belongs to the premium class.


  • vehicles running on diesel fuel;
  • supercharged gasoline engines that are installed in cars, minibuses and trucks.

Domestic oil "Lukoil Lux SN/CF 5W-40" is synthetic. Judging by reviews from car enthusiasts and tests, this is by far one of the most reliable lubricants in its price category.

Is officially registered Russian product. Provides maximum level protection and meets all necessary technical specifications.

  • prevents the formation of lime deposits in the cylinder and piston at high temperatures;
  • prevents sludge formation at low temperatures;
  • has a beneficial effect on seals;
  • The chemical composition of the oil makes it easier to start the engine in extreme conditions.

Education protective film on details contributes maximum protection when starting the engine.

Advantages of Lukoil Lux SN/CF 5W-40:

  • reduces fuel consumption;
  • minimizes the presence of noise;
  • is better protection engine in any conditions;
  • prevents the formation of deposits on the engine.

Lukoil Lux API SL/CF 5W-30 oil

Main scope of application - Cars and light trucks vehicles for whom the use of low-viscosity lubricants is recommended. Designed for engines of Ford and Renault cars. Positive characteristics similar to the previous brand.


And in conclusion, it is worth noting that the purchase of motor lubricants must be made in a trusted specialized store, which, at your first request, can provide a document guaranteeing the quality of the product. And it's best to do this in stores at car gas stations. It is unlikely that anyone will answer you for the quality of products purchased at the market or just on the side of the road.

So, we found out whether synthetic oils can be mixed. We hope you find this information useful.

What happens if you mix motor oils in one engine? This question arises for many motorists in situations where the level of the engine mixture has reached a critical value, and there is no appropriate fluid for topping up.

There are several reasons why motor oils have to be mixed with each other in one engine:

  • during a scheduled replacement, up to 1 liter of the used mixture remains, which is mixed with new oil;
  • replacing fluid from one manufacturer with another;
  • increased mileage of the power unit, increased gaps in friction pairs - the need for a thicker fluid;
  • force majeure situations leading to oil leakage, while there is no similar liquid for topping up.

Answering the question: “What will happen if you mix motor oils in one engine?”, you first need to familiarize yourself with the composition of motor fluids, understand the differences in basic basis and additives of various automobile mixtures.

The base can be:

  • synthetic;
  • semi-synthetic;
  • mineral.

Synthetic oils are produced using the synthesis of carbon compounds from polyalphaolefins (PAO), esters or glycol compounds. Mineral liquids are a product of petroleum refining. Polysynthetic motor mixtures are obtained by mixing mineral and synthetic fluids in a certain ratio, which is not strictly regulated: each manufacturer can choose its own proportions to create semi-synthetics. The base base cannot adequately protect the engine from wear, so chemical elements are added to it - additives that provide the oil with certain properties to protect the power unit.

Each motor oil manufacturer develops a unique additive composition for its products. It can mix up to 30% of various additives into the base without entering into conflicting chemical reactions with each other.

Mixing correctly

Within the same brand, mixing synthetics is allowed based on PJSC with mineral or hydrocracking mixtures. Hydrocracking products are obtained by processing a mineral oil base.

Synthetic polyester, silicone, and glycol oils can be mixed with mineral water only after obtaining permission to mix from the dealer of the specified products.

It is allowed to mix synthetics and semi-synthetics, taking into account the viscosity of the product. For example, if you add 10w - 30 to a mixture of 10w - 20, the high-temperature indicator of the motor oil, which is responsible for protecting the power unit from overheating, will change. At the same time, the fluidity of the liquid will decrease, take this fact into account, especially if in your car the oil also acts as a hydraulic mixture. An increase in the thickness of the engine oil may lead to the fact that it will not be able to penetrate the friction units of the drive elements and will not protect the engine from wear, plus hydraulic system will cease to cope with its functions.

If, on the contrary, you pour a more fluid mixture into a sufficiently thick liquid, then the oil film formed by the mixing product will not be dense enough and will rupture with increasing load or temperature - this will lead to dry friction of the drive parts. Based on all of the above, when mixing synthetics with semi-synthetics, it is better not to use the mixing product for a long drive, but when you reach your destination, change the engine oil.

Products of various brands

Mixing oils from different manufacturers is a rather risky undertaking, which can lead not only to a major overhaul of the engine, but also to sending it for disposal. The fact is that different brands receive their base from different raw materials using different processing schemes. For synthetics, there are many compounds that can be used to produce synthetic motor oil with good characteristics. Mineral mixtures are purified from oil fractions in several ways; different manufacturers can choose the most cost-effective schemes for their production. When producing semi-synthetics, manufacturers can choose different proportions for mixing synthetics with mineral water. Obviously, it is impossible to predict the qualitative composition of the mixture obtained by mixing, as well as to say how much it can protect the engine from wear.

The greatest danger when mixing oils different brands represent additives added to the base base. Each brand uses its own composition of additives, so when mixing motor fluids they can react - this will lead to the following consequences:

  • increased carbon formation;
  • foaming the engine mixture;
  • change in viscosity to a critical value;
  • rapid aging of oil;
  • clogging of engine channels and lubrication system.

In addition, there are hydrocracking products on the market, which manufacturers sometimes pass off as pure synthetics. If you mix it with a synthetic base of another brand, you cannot be sure of the compatibility of the liquids: some additives are used for synthetics, and others for hydrocracking oil.


If you need to mix motor oils, follow these rules:

  • mix liquids of the same brand;
  • choose oils for mixing whose viscosity difference is not critical;
  • be careful when mixing synthetics whose base is not PAO;
  • Having reached your destination, drain the engine fluid and fill with oil recommended by the car manufacturer;
  • You can add up to 10% of the volume of the entire engine mixture without noticeable harm to the engine;
  • use certified products that have proven themselves in the market brands, with corresponding markings on the canister.

Engineers from API and ACEA have developed classifications of motor oils. If absolutely necessary, you can mix without noticeable harm to the power unit liquids that have the appropriate markings of the specified organizations. In this case, no pronounced conflict reactions will occur between the oils, but no one claims that the labeled motor fluids According to API and ACEA, they are fully compatible; it is unknown how the mixing product will behave after several thousand kilometers.

Choosing motor oil: synthetic or semi-synthetic?