The location and numbering of the engine cylinders: just about the complex. How to determine the cylinder number. The order of operation of the cylinders of the internal warping engine Defective parts of the engine cylinder head

An important warning for drivers who are just learning the principles of a car, and are trying to repair components and mechanisms with their own hands. Do not confuse concepts such as cylinder numbering and ignition order.

What determines the numbering of engine cylinders

However, it is important to know that whatever the layout of the engine and the arrangement of cylinders, in cylinder number 1 - master cylinder, candle number 1 is always located.

Naturally, this is the order in which the cylinders of any engine are numbered. What determines the location and numbering of the engine cylinders:

  • drive type: front or rear;
  • engine type: in-line or V-shaped;
  • engine installation method: transverse or longitudinal;
  • motor rotation direction: clockwise or counterclockwise.

The arrangement of cylinders in multi-cylinder engines is as follows:

  • vertically - that is, in one row, without angular deviations;
  • obliquely - at an angle of 20 °;
  • V-shaped - in two rows. The angles between rows can be 90 or 75 degrees;
  • opposite (horizontal) - the angle between the cylinders is 180 °. This arrangement of cylinders is used in engines for buses, which allows you to place the engine under the floor of the passenger compartment, freeing up usable space.

Numbering of cylinders on different types of engines

As such, there is no strict international system for the location and numbering of engine cylinders. And that's bad. Therefore, before embarking on any type of engine or ignition system repair, plunge headlong into the Instructions for Use and Repair of your particular car.

RWD 4 and 6 inline engines in the USA they have the main cylinder No. 1 from the radiator, the remaining cylinders are numbered towards the cabin. But, there is also a reverse numbering, when the one that is closer to the cabin is considered the main cylinder.

For French engines, the numbering of the cylinders occurs from the side of the gearbox. And the numbering of the cylinders is V-about different engines comes from the right half-side, i.e. from the torque side.

V-shaped multi-cylinder engines have the master cylinder on the driver's side in a row that is closer to the passenger compartment. Then come the odd engine cylinders, and with opposite side(closer to the radiator) - even.

Therefore, so that you do not get completely confused due to the lack of a single international standard for the location and numbering of engine cylinders, use the manufacturer's Operation Manual.

Good luck in learning the numbering and location of the engine cylinders.

The order of operation of the cylinders in different engines is different, even with the same number of cylinders, the order of operation may be different. Let's see how they work serial engines internal combustion different location cylinders and their design features. For the convenience of describing the operation of the cylinders, the countdown will be made from the first cylinder, the first cylinder is the one in front of the engine, the last, respectively, near the gearbox.

3 cylinder

In such engines, there are only 3 cylinders and the operation procedure is the simplest: 1-2-3 . Easy to remember and fast.
The layout of the cranks on the crankshaft is made in the form of an asterisk, they are located at an angle of 120 ° to each other. It is possible to apply the 1-3-2 scheme, but manufacturers did not begin to do this. So the only sequence of work of three cylinder engine is the sequence 1-2-3. To balance the moments from the forces of inertia on such engines, a counterweight is used.

4 cylinder

There are both in-line and boxer four-cylinder engines, their crankshafts are made according to the same scheme, and the order of operation of the cylinders is different. This is due to the fact that the angle between the pairs of crankpins is 180 degrees, that is, the 1st and 4th journals are on opposite sides of the 2nd and 3rd journals.

1 and 4 necks on one side, 3 and 4 on the opposite side.

In in-line engines, the order of operation of the cylinders is applied 1-3-4-2 - this is the most common scheme of work, this is how almost all cars work, from Zhiguli to Mercedes, gasoline and diesel. Cylinders with crankshaft journals located on opposite sides work in series in it. In this scheme, you can apply the sequence 1-2-4-3, that is, swap the cylinders, the necks of which are located on the same side. Used in 402 engines. But such a scheme is extremely rare, they will have a different sequence in the operation of the camshaft.

The boxer 4-cylinder engine has a different sequence: 1-4-2-3 or 1-3-2-4. The fact is that the pistons reach TDC at the same time, both on the one hand and on the other. Such engines are most often found on Subaru (they have almost all the opposites, except for some small cars for the domestic market).

5 cylinder

Five-cylinder engines were often used on Mercedes or AUDI, the complexity of such a crankshaft lies in the fact that all connecting rod journals do not have a plane of symmetry, and are rotated relative to each other by 72 ° (360/5 \u003d 72).

The order of operation of the cylinders of a 5-cylinder engine: 1-2-4-5-3 ,

6 cylinder

According to the arrangement of cylinders, 6-cylinder engines are in-line, V-shaped and boxer. A 6-cylinder engine has many different cylinder sequence schemes, they depend on the type of block and the crankshaft used in it.


Traditionally used by a company such as BMW and some other companies. The cranks are located at an angle of 120° to each other.

The order of work can be of three types:



The angle between the cylinders in such engines is 75 or 90 degrees, and the angle between the cranks is 30 and 60 degrees.

The sequence of operation of the cylinders of a 6-cylinder V-shaped engine can be as follows:



6-cylinder boxers are found on cars brands Subaru, this is the traditional engine layout for the Japanese. The angle between the crankshaft cranks is 60 degrees.

Engine sequence: 1-4-5-2-3-6.

8 cylinder

In 8-cylinder engines, the cranks are installed at an angle of 90 degrees to each other, since there are 4 strokes in the engine, then 2 cylinders work simultaneously for each stroke, which affects the elasticity of the engine. 12-cylinder runs even softer.

In such engines, as a rule, the most popular uses the same sequence of cylinders: 1-5-6-3-4-2-7-8 .

But Ferrari used a different scheme - 1-5-3-7-4-8-2-6

In this segment, each manufacturer used only the sequence known to him.

10 cylinder

A 10-cylinder engine is not very popular, manufacturers rarely used such a number of cylinders. There are several options for ignition sequences.

1-10-9-4-3-6-5-8-7-2 - used on Dodge Viper V10

1-6-5-10-2-7-3-8-4-9 — BMW charged versions

12 cylinder

The most charged cars were equipped with 12-cylinder engines, for example, Ferrari, Lamborghini, or the more common Volkswagen W12 engines.

The order of operation of a 4-cylinder engine is denoted as Х—Х—Х—Х where Х is the number of cylinders. This designation shows the sequence of alternation of cycle cycles in cylinders.

The order of operation of the cylinders depends on the angles between the cranks crankshaft, from the design of the gas distribution mechanism, and the ignition system of gasoline power unit. At diesel seat the ignition system in this sequence is occupied by the injection pump.

To drive a car, this is, of course, not necessary.

The order of operation of the cylinders must be known by adjusting the valve clearances, changing the timing belt or setting the ignition. Yes, when changing wires high voltage the concept of the order of working cycles will not be superfluous.

Depending on the number of cycles that make up work cycle, internal combustion engines are divided into two-stroke and four-stroke. Two stroke engines do not put on modern cars, they are used only on motorcycles and as starters for tractor power units. Four-stroke cycle gasoline engine internal combustion includes the following cycles:

The diesel cycle is different in that only air is sucked in during the intake. Fuel is injected under pressure after air is compressed, and ignition occurs from the contact of a diesel engine with air heated from compression.


The numbering of the cylinders of an in-line engine begins with the one farthest from the gearbox. In other words, from the side or chain.

Priority of work

At the crankshaft of an in-line 4-cylinder internal combustion engine, the cranks of the first and last cylinders are located at an angle of 180 ° to each other. And at an angle of 90° to the cranks of the middle cylinders. Therefore, to ensure the optimal angle of application driving forces to the cranks of such a crankshaft, the order of operation of the cylinders is 1-3-4-2, as in the VAZ and Moscow internal combustion engines, or 1-2-4-3, as in gas engines.

Bar alternation 1-3-4-2

It is impossible to guess the order of operation of the engine cylinders by external signs. This should be read in the manufacturer's manuals. The easiest way to find out the order of operation of the engine cylinders is in the repair manual for your car.

crank mechanism

  • The flywheel maintains the inertia of the crankshaft to remove the pistons from the upper or lower extreme positions, as well as for its more uniform rotation.
  • The crankshaft converts the linear motion of the pistons into rotation and transmits it through the clutch mechanism to input shaft Checkpoint.
  • The connecting rod transmits the force applied to the piston to the crankshaft.
  • The piston pin creates an articulated connection between the connecting rod and the piston. Manufactured from alloyed high carbon steel with surface hardening. In fact, it is a thick-walled tube with a polished outer surface. There are two types: floating or fixed. Floating freely move in the piston bosses and in the sleeve pressed into the connecting rod head. The finger does not fall out of this design thanks to the retaining rings that are installed in the grooves of the bosses. The fixed ones are held in the connecting rod head by a shrink fit, and rotate freely in the bosses.

An important warning for drivers who are just learning the principles of a car, and are trying to repair components and mechanisms with their own hands. Do not confuse concepts such as cylinder numbering and ignition order.

What determines the numbering of engine cylinders

However, it is important to know that no matter what the layout of the engine and the arrangement of the cylinders, in cylinder number 1 - the master cylinder, there is always candle number 1.

Naturally, this is the order in which the cylinders of any engine are numbered. What determines the location and numbering of the engine cylinders:

  • drive type: front or rear;
  • engine type: in-line or V-shaped;
  • engine installation method: transverse or longitudinal;
  • motor rotation direction: clockwise or counterclockwise.

The arrangement of cylinders in multi-cylinder engines is as follows:

  • vertically - that is, in one row, without angular deviations;
  • obliquely - at an angle of 20 °;
  • V-shaped - in two rows. The angles between rows can be 90 or 75 degrees;
  • opposite (horizontal) - the angle between the cylinders is 180 °. This arrangement of cylinders is used in engines for buses, which allows you to place the engine under the floor of the passenger compartment, freeing up usable space.

Numbering of cylinders on different types of engines

As such, there is no strict international system for the location and numbering of engine cylinders. And that's bad. Therefore, before embarking on any type of engine or ignition system repair, plunge headlong into the Instructions for Use and Repair of your particular car.

RWD 4 and 6 inline engines in the US have the #1 master cylinder from the radiator, the other cylinders are numbered towards the cabin. But, there is also a reverse numbering, when the one that is closer to the cabin is considered the master cylinder.

For French engines, the numbering of the cylinders occurs from the side of the gearbox. And the numbering of the cylinders of V-shaped engines comes from the right side, i.e. from the torque side.

Front wheel drive vehicles usually have transverse installed engine. Here the numbering cylinders goes on one side, and cylinder No. 1 is located on the side of the passenger seat.

V-shaped multi-cylinder engines have the master cylinder on the driver's side in a row that is closer to the passenger compartment. Then come the odd engine cylinders, and on the opposite side (closer to the radiator) - the even ones.

Therefore, so that you do not get completely confused due to the lack of a single international standard for the location and numbering of engine cylinders, use the manufacturer's Operation Manual.

Good luck in learning the numbering and location of the engine cylinders.

How is the numbering of car engine cylinders - just about the complicated

Hello dear car owners! Let's understand from the very beginning that such concepts as "the order of operation of the cylinders" and "the numbering of the engine cylinders" are different in essence. But, the relationship that exists between them we need.

For what? And in order to know how the numbering of the engine cylinders is assigned and where the numbering of the engine cylinders begins, we calmly operate with the order of operation of the cylinders for: thermal gap valves, correct connection wires to spark plugs, etc.

Information to think about! Regardless of the layout of the engine, regardless of the order of operation of the cylinders, which you will learn from the owner's manual, cylinder # 1 is always the master cylinder, and spark # 1 is always located in it.

What affects the numbering of engine cylinders

3D operation of an internal combustion engine

The numbering of engine cylinders, unfortunately, does not have a single international standards. Therefore, the first and main recommendation before starting to repair the engine of your car is a deep study of the Instructions for the operation and repair of your particular car.

Factors affecting the numbering of engine cylinders:

  • rear or front type engine drive;
  • engine row: V-shaped or in-line. The location of the cylinders can be: vertical, inclined, V-shaped in two rows, horizontal (opposite) - this is when the angle between the cylinders is 180 degrees;
  • engine layout in engine compartment: transverse or longitudinal;
  • direction of rotation: counterclockwise or clockwise.

Numbering of cylinders of engines of different types

This information is useful primarily for those who are starting to repair engines of foreign cars. As a rule, all front-wheel drive standard cars have a transverse motor. In this case, the numbering of the engine cylinders is on one of the sides, and the main cylinder No. 1 is located on the side of the passenger seat.

Multi-cylinder V-engines have the location of cylinder No. 1 in the near row to the passenger compartment on the driver's side. Odd-numbered cylinders are next, and on the radiator side, even-numbered cylinders.

AT American engines There are two options for the location of the cylinders. 4 or 6 inline American engines can have the main cylinder 1 from the radiator, while the rest are numbered in the direction of the cabin.

The second option with reverse numbering, in this case, the main cylinder No. 1 is the one located closer to the cabin.

French automakers also offer us two options for numbering engine cylinders. This is either the numbering on the side of the gearbox, or on the right side of the torque side, for V-shaped engines.

Therefore, taking into account such different, and sometimes conflicting information, do not neglect the study of the instructions of the manufacturer of the engine - car. Alternatively, it does not hurt to submit a similar request to the target forum specifically for your car.

Good luck in studying the material and technical part of the engine, its structure and features.

How to find out the engine model by vin code?

There are many situations when it is simply necessary to find out the engine model. For example, when buying a car or just spare parts. And then the question arises: how and where to get this information? Next, it will be told how to determine the engine model in the following ways: find the number on the motor using the engine compartment plate and the VIN code.

On the engine itself

Let's just say that looking for a number on the engine is not the easiest way. Although, it would seem: he opened the hood, found the engine, found the number and entered it in a search engine. But not everything is so simple.

Where is the engine number

First, the number can be stamped on a variety of places on the engine. It all depends on the make and model of the car. Although more often it can be found on the upper part, the one that is closer to windshield. And secondly, the room itself can be in such a state that without a rust remover and a brush it is impossible to figure it out, or even completely destroyed by corrosion.

Interesting fact! In some cars made in the USA, there is simply no number on the engine. This only applies to older models.

What information is written there

As soon as you managed to find the engine number, you can begin to parse the information that it indicates. Although, depending on the brand, there are some differences, but basically the markings are 14 characters. They are conditionally divided into two blocks: descriptive (6) and indicative (8).

Notice the first one. The first three digits in the descriptive block indicate the base model index. This is followed by the modification index (if there is none, put zero), the climatic version and either the Latin “A” (meaning diaphragm clutch) or “P” (recirculation valve). In the index part, the year of issue is first indicated (by a number or letter of the Latin alphabet), then the month (by the next two digits). The remaining 5 characters indicate sequence number.

Remember! Numbers from 1 to 9 indicate 2001-2009 years of production, Latin "A" - 2010, B - 2011, C - 2012, etc.

Label under the hood

How to find out the engine model by wine, we will tell further, and now we will pay attention to the plate on which this is also indicated. It is located under the hood of most cars and is called the engine compartment. With the help of numbers and letters, all the necessary information is provided here (car model, engine type, cylinder size, frame number or identification number, color code and trim code, drive axle, manufacturer's plant and transmission type). Depending on the brand of the car, it can be applied in a different sequence. To decrypt, you will have to use special literature or relevant resources.

Did you know? The project of the first internal combustion engine was presented in the 17th century by the Dutch inventor Christian Huygens.

Check engine by vin code

The third method will explain how to find out the engine model by the VIN code. Vehicle Identification Number (vehicle identification number), abbreviated as VIN. This number began to be assigned to cars in America and Canada. This is a unique identification number consisting of 17 numbers and letters. With it, you can learn almost everything about a particular car. And, of course, there is information about the engine model. It is enough to look into the vehicle registration certificate to find out the data (from the year of modification to the code) of the engine by vin.

Although you can do without it by looking at the code on the machine itself. Since there are no strict rules for the location of the VIN code, it can also be seen near the passenger seat. But more often it is located between the windshield and the engine.

The VIN code is divided into 3 parts of three, six and eight characters. Only numbers and Latin letters are used (except for I, O, Q due to their similarity with numbers). The first speaks about the manufacturer, the second describes the vehicle, the third is distinctive.

The first or third characters indicate the country, manufacturer and type of vehicle, that is, this is the world code of the manufacturer. In order to find out the modification of the engine by the VIN code, you need to pay attention to the second part. It will indicate the type of body, engine and model. Next, there will be a variety of information that can indicate both the type of body, chassis, cab, and the series of the car, the type brake system etc. The ninth digit of the code is a test.

The third part also contains useful information. For example, the first character of this part (the 10th character of the code) indicates model year, the second is the assembly plant.

Important! AT without fail check the vin-code on the car and in the technical passport when buying. If inconsistencies are found, then you should not only refuse the transaction, but also report it to law enforcement agencies.

If you need to find out the engine model, then you can easily use the three described methods (by the number on the engine itself, on the engine compartment plate or by the VIN code). Whichever method you choose to self decryption symbols, you should use special literature or online services.

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Numbering of cylinders of an automobile engine - STO "Tandem"

First of all, we draw your close attention to the fact that the concepts of “cylinder numbering” and “cylinder operation order” (there are also options for “engine operation order”, “ignition operation order”) are not the same thing. These concepts are related, but not equivalent. The ignition sequence in the cylinders of automobile engines, as a rule, does not coincide with the numbering of the cylinders. A hard rule to remember is that the first cylinder (No. 1) is always considered the main one, and the No. 1 spark plug is always installed on it.

Factors that determine cylinder numbering

Cylinder numbering in automotive engines depends on:

  • engine design
  • drive designs
  • engine layout options - longitudinal (mounted along the direction of the vehicle) or transverse
  • direction of rotation of the motor

We remind you that in automobile engines, cylinders can be located:

a) in a row vertically;

b) in a row obliquely;

c) in two rows obliquely;

d) in two rows opposite each other (the so-called boxer engine used in Subaru vehicles).

Numbering of cylinders in the most common types of vehicles

Unfortunately, there are no generally accepted rules for numbering cylinders in automobile engines - each automaker uses its own system, which often differs even for different engines of the same automaker. Therefore, the most authoritative source in this matter for you should be the manual for the repair and operation of your specific car, or, in its absence, the knowledge of car repair professionals.

In in-line 4 and 6-cylinder American engines that are installed on vehicles with rear wheel drive and are located longitudinally, the first cylinder is usually located at the radiator, and the rest are numbered in order from the radiator to the passenger compartment. However, there are also exceptions to this rule.

AT V-shaped engines installed transversely in american cars, the main (first) cylinder is usually located in the row closest to the passenger compartment, from the edge closest to the driver. Behind him in the row closest to the cabin are odd cylinders, and in the row closest to the radiator, there are even cylinders. That is, in the row closest to the cabin, counting from the driver, cylinders 1-3-5-7 go, and in the row closest to the radiator, counting from the driver, cylinders 2-4-6-8 go. Such numbering of cylinders can be found, for example, on Jeep Cherokee.

On inline 4-cylinder French engines front wheel drive vehicles mounted transversely, the cylinders are usually numbered from the flywheel, i.e. from the driver's side. In the case of V-shaped 6-cylinder engines (for example, on the Peugeot 607), the cylinders are numbered as follows - in the row closest to the radiator, from the driver to the passenger - 1-2-3, in the row closest to the passenger compartment, from the driver to the passenger - 4-5-6.

As you can see, information on the numbering of cylinders in engines different cars very contradictory, so we remind you that the ultimate truth in this matter should be technical documentation to your vehicle.

How to measure a lock cylinder. How to determine the cylinder size

The measurement of the key cylinder, also called the larva, insert or core, is urgent need when replacing it. After all, you see, it is much easier to measure the length of the cylinder, and then call the stores, having learned about the availability of the desired model, than to run around the same stores with the same cylinder with an unknown result, wasting your time.

Measuring the larva is not particularly difficult (the cylinder can even be left without removing the lock) - the main thing is to know what to measure and what numbers to call in the store.

how to measure cylinder size

To determine the length of the cylinder, professionals use special devices which, for obvious reasons, we do not have. Therefore, measurements can be made with a regular ruler - the measurement accuracy is quite enough to buy or order a new larva. For measurements, a tape measure or caliper will also work.

How to determine the length of a cylinder

Any cylinder has a mounting hole with which the larva is attracted to the lock body. Together with the edges of the cylinder, the center of this hole is one of the reference points for the size of the larva. The dimension of the cylinder (also called the symmetry of the cylinder) is determined by three quantities, in most drawings denoted by the Latin letters A, B and C (or L), where:

  • A - distance from the outer edge of the cylinder to the mounting hole
  • B - distance from the mounting hole to the inner edge of the cylinder
  • C (or L) - overall length of the cylinder

It is clear that the sum of the first two points is the total length of the cylinder. Cylinders in which the distances from the edges to the hole are equal are called symmetrical. In principle, you don’t need to remember the letters, the main thing is to understand what’s what in the designations of cylinder lengths on websites and in descriptions. Cylinder symmetry can be denoted as follows: C(AxB), C(A/B) or simply A/B C. Units of measurement are millimeters.

92 (31x61) - a cylinder with a total length of 92 mm. The distance from the outer edge to the hole is 31 mm, from the hole to the inner edge is 61 mm.

102(41/61) - cylinder with a total length of 102 mm. The distance from the outer edge to the hole is 41 mm, from the hole to the inner edge is 61 mm.

61/41 102 mm - the same cylinder with a total length of 102 mm, but the distances have changed: from the outer edge to the hole - 61 mm, from the hole to the inner edge - 41 mm.

Concluding the examples, let's consider the real designation - let's take the Italian cylinder Mottura Champions С38Р71 / 31. In an intricate set of characters, you can see a suspiciously familiar pair of numbers, separated by a slash - 71/31. That's right, the characters behind the letter D are the dimension of the cylinder. The total length of the cylinder mechanism is not indicated, because it is obvious.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the notation of symmetry, dimensions and lengths of cylinders. is not particularly difficult and self definition the size of the larva - you just need to measure the three indicated values ​​\u200b\u200bwith a ruler or tape measure.

Measuring a cylinder with a ruler

Cylinder measurement with special tool.

There are no difficulties, the cylinder can even not be removed from the door, but there are several points that you should pay attention to.

    You should be aware that some sites have a different order for indicating the symmetry of the cylinder: A - inner side, B - external (i.e. vice versa). Such designations are extremely rare, they are found only on foreign sites, but when communicating with store managers, it is better to clarify this point and use the terms “outer side” and “inner side”.

    If you decide to change the cylinder yourself (for a craftsman, such work is not particularly difficult), then you should know that for some equilateral cylinders, parameters A and B are not the same thing. Yes, their length is the same, but the outer, outer side can be additionally reinforced to increase the burglary resistance of the cylinder mechanism.

    Of course, in cheap versions of cylinders and Chinese consumer goods, it does not matter which side to install the cylinder, but when dealing, for example, with a high-quality branded Abloy Protec2 cylinder, this factor must be taken into account. It is hard to imagine that the key-handle cylinder can be installed with the handle out, but when the key-key cylinder is executed, an error is quite possible. Typically, manufacturers of high-end cylinders mark the outside of the larvae in some way. This point is not directly related to measuring the cylinder, but you must admit that knowledge of this kind will not interfere.

    The cylinder can also be selected directly from the door leaf by measuring from the end of the leaf. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the thickness of the elements of the outer and interior design doors, including hardware thickness.

There is nothing more to add. Measuring a cylinder, unlike reading an article, will take you immeasurably less time. Especially if special accuracy is not needed and the cylinder is not removed from the door during measurement.

How to determine the cylinder number on KAMAZ

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How to find out the engine size: determine the working volume of the internal combustion engine

As you know, the displacement of the engine for many motorists is directly associated with power and speed. In practice, this often happens, because when it comes to cars, and not about special equipment, then the larger the volume of the engine, the faster, more powerful and more dynamic the vehicle turns out to be.

Note that the exception to this unspoken rule can only be considered aggregates with mechanical compressor or turbocharging, where the displacement can be relatively small, but the power of such a motor is quite high compared to atmospheric counterparts.

Drivers also know that generally accepted designations like 1.5, 1.8, 2.0, 3.5, etc. may differ slightly from the actual volume of the internal combustion engine. For example, a 1.5 liter engine may physically have 1497 cubic centimeters, but a 4.4 engine actually has a whopping 4499 "cubes" of volume.

For this reason, some owners have a desire to know the real volume of the power unit. This may be necessary to calculate certain taxes on the maintenance of the vehicle, etc. Next, we will try to answer the question of how to determine the volume of the engine.

Engine size: how to find out

Primarily, this characteristic can be determined by examining technical certificate vehicle. You can also use the VIN code of the car to determine, which is actually unique. identification number TS and contains a lot useful information about the complete set of the car, the country of its production, etc.

The VIN code of the car can be located in different places, on the rack between the driver and passenger back door on a special plate, closer to the wheel arch, under back seat, on the dashboard closer to the windshield, under the hood in the engine shield area, etc.

Note that if a car is purchased that has already been in use, then the data on the registration certificate and VIN code may well differ from the real ones. Simply put, a motor swap (engine replacement) is far from always carried out on exactly the same unit. Usually, when replacing an engine, the motor itself is often put more powerful than the standard one, although there are cases when a less productive solution is intentionally installed.

To get accurate information, you need to find the engine number, as well as other designations on the internal combustion engine. Based on the data obtained, you can then find this motor in the manufacturer's catalogs and find out its working volume, as well as other characteristics. Please note that not always the engine number can be easily found.

Various manufacturers mark in certain places, so you need to be able to look at the cylinder block from behind, you may need to look from below (need viewing hole, lift or overpass), unscrew the fender liner in the wheel arches, etc.

However, it may also be that the engine number is not readable (rusted, sawn off, etc.). In this case, it is much more difficult to reliably determine which internal combustion engine is under the hood, especially for someone who is not a specialist.

Of course, in such a situation, you can turn to official experts, but for obvious reasons, you should not do this, especially if the car is registered, and there are no legal problems with it. Also, do not advertise the discovered problem by providing the car for inspection by a private independent experts.

If the issue of determining the actual volume is very acute (for example, when selecting spare parts as part of a repair, etc.), then you need to separately stock up on knowledge on how to find out the engine volume by cylinder volume. In other words, you should learn how to find out the volume of an internal combustion engine cylinder.

How to determine the volume of an engine cylinder

So, in order to find out the volume of an engine cylinder, it should be understood that in fact the cylinder is a container, like household items of a cylindrical shape (cup, can, etc.). Knowing the radius and height, the volume is calculated quite easily. If these parameters are not set, then the task becomes more complicated. You also need to take into account the fact that the internal combustion engine cylinder is not always ideal in circumference.

Let's get back to measurements. To calculate the volume, you need to multiply the height by the number “Pi” and by the square of the radius (Volume is B times π times P². The letter B in this formula is the height of the cylinder, P is the radius of the base, and the number π is approximately equal to 3.14.

The volume of the cylinder itself is measured in cubic units corresponding to the radius and height. Usually, cm3 (cubic centimeters) are used to measure volume in an internal combustion engine, but if the parameters are set in meters, then the volume data is reflected in cubic meters (cubic meters), etc.

It is important to understand that this formula is suitable for measuring the volume of a right circular cylinder, that is, the base is a circle, and the guide is strictly perpendicular to it.

By the way, if instead of the radius of the cylinder in the source data there is a diameter, then the calculations should be made according to the formula, where the volume is B times π times (D/2)². Another formula for calculations is the following: Volume is ¼ times B times π times D². In this case D is the diameter of the base of the cylinder.

As for practical measurements, it is somewhat easier to measure the perimeter, that is, the circumference of the base of the cylinder, than to measure the diameter or radius. It turns out that you can calculate the volume, if the perimeter of the base of the cylinder is known, using the formula where the volume is ¼ times B times P² / π. The letter P is the perimeter