Proper use of lifts in ski resorts. Types of car lifts for car service

Construction hoist building/construction hoist, German Bauaufzug) - a means of mechanization of vertical cargo or cargo-passenger flows at a construction site. It is a kind of load-lifting machines of cyclic action and is used in the construction, mainly, of high-rise buildings and structures.

Fig.1 Freight construction hoists at the facility.

The only standard that establishes today the order and structure of the classification of lifts is GOST R 52045-2003 "Lifts with working platforms". But, it is obvious that at construction sites there are also those types and types of lifts that are not included in the list of this classifier. On the other hand, in this standard, types of lifts that are irrelevant for builders and the principles of their systematization are indicated.

Therefore, in practice, it is more often used not a classifier standardized according to GOST, but a simplified one. A simple method of classifying lifts appeals to the features and parameters actually used in the work of builders. Thus, the distribution to certain classes and groups occurs on the basis of performance characteristics and design features that are most essential for solving the problems of selecting lifting equipment that meets the specific conditions of the construction site.

The main operational technical characteristics of lifts are: carrying capacity (weight of cargo or number of passengers), maximum lifting height, lifting speed, dimensions of the load-carrying device, as well as the characteristics of the lifting mechanism drive, dimensions of the equipment in the transport position.

Types of construction hoists according to general classification systematized according to the following criteria:

1. By function.
Cargo lifts allow only the movement of goods without people. Such lifts can be additionally equipped with means for mechanized unloading of the load-carrying device, which, under certain circumstances, makes it possible to increase their throughput and improve the safety of their staff.

Fig.3 Suspended hoists at facade works

3. Drive type
Electric lifts use electric motors as a source of mechanical energy.

Hydraulic lifts can be of two types: scissor, using power elements- pusher and winch hydraulic cylinders, but using not an electric, but a hydraulic motor. In this case, the entire hydraulic drive is provided along the line by an external hydraulic pump. Such models of lifts are designed, as a rule, to work in hazardous industries with increased requirements for explosion and fire safety.

Pneumatic lifters are practically not used in construction. Devices used for special works on the supply (pumping) of dry cement in the technological chain of production concrete mixtures or mortars, although they are called pneumatic lifters and pneumatic loaders, in fact, they are pumping units.

Manual mechanical- the movement of the load-carrying body of a mechanical lift occurs due to the use of muscular strength.
Combined models use, respectively, several of the above drive types.

Fig.4 Electric cargo hoist drive.

4. By the method of transmission of movement (type of transmission).
Used in lifts rack, cable (rope), chain or screw mechanical transmissions.
Most common in construction cable models lifts, as the simplest and cheapest in production and repair. But they have a constructive height limitation associated with the stretching of the cargo rope (cable).

High-rise lifts use rack and pinion, allowing you to simply build up the supporting structure of the lift at various stages of its operation. Fragments are attached to the mast sections of the lift, which, when the sections are connected, form an extended gear rack. To provide safe work of the lift, at least two gears of a pair of drives of the load-carrying device are simultaneously engaged with this rail. If one of the gears is destroyed, the other gears are able to ensure the normal functioning of the lift. The operating costs of rack and pinion lifts are higher than those of rope or chain drive lifts.

Fig.5 Construction hoist with rack and pinion.

5. By type of load-carrying device.
Cabins are used as a load-carrying device for vertical transportation of people and goods. For the transportation of only goods, open cargo platforms, monorails, buckets, hooks and other lifting devices. When performing facade work, the movement of workers along the facade is carried out using suspended cradles (working platforms) with a special fence.

Fig.6 Cable hoist with an open loading platform.

6. By installation method.
Stationary are lifts, the position of the supporting structures of which does not change during the entire period of operation of these mechanisms at specific construction sites.

Mobile lifts have a similar design with manipulators moving on wheels or rails, and are used for transporting goods. Such a lift provides lifting and horizontal movement (along the perimeter of the object under construction) of the load-carrying device and, as a rule, provides for the performance of loading and unloading operations with limited participation.

Mobile, including self-propelled lifts, unlike stationary ones, are made with the possibility of changing their position relative to the construction object and can only be involved at certain stages of construction.

7. According to the presence of fasteners.
Free-standing lifts have their own carrier mast or boom. Typically, this configuration is used in mobile models of this class of equipment.

Leaning or fixed on the elements of the object. All main types of construction hoists, especially heavy-duty ones, are attached to the walls or ceilings of a building or structure. This significantly increases the stability and rigidity of the structure, increased strength allows you to achieve higher load capacity and performance of the lifting mechanism.

Fig.7. Stationary cargo-passenger lift fixed on the wall of the building.

8.By load capacity.
The main characteristic of construction hoists, like any lifting mechanism, is their carrying capacity. The higher the load capacity, the stronger and more massive the structure, the more difficult the installation and transportation of equipment. Mobile models of lifts, as a rule, are limited by a carrying capacity of about 500 kg, but the time spent on their installation and dismantling is minimal.

9. According to the maximum lifting height and rate of climb.
The maximum load height is technical specification and reflects design features each type of lifting mechanism. Mast and suspended structures can provide the highest working heights. At the same time, a significant limitation is the stretching of the cable (cargo rope), therefore, only rack mechanisms drive.

The lifting speed of the load-carrying device of the most common - cable mast hoists does not exceed 20-25 m / min. But their height is usually limited to 100 meters. For suspended facade lifts, a significantly lower speed of the load-carrying device is used at a maximum height of 150 m. high speed lifting: from 30 to 60 m/min, while the maximum heights can reach 300-400 meters.

Additionally lifts can also be classified depending on the number of load-carrying devices per construction hoist and the number of masts included in it; from the possibility of mechanized loading / unloading of transported goods.

Depending on the size of the cargo flow, from one to several different or the same type construction hoists can be used. When using several mast mechanisms, the so-called. "hall", which unites all lifts into a single set of equipment:

Fig. 8 A complex of high-rise mast lifts at the construction site "Federation Tower" of the Moscow International Business Center (Moscow City). The hall includes six cargo-passenger cabins, each of which is capable of carrying up to 2 tons of cargo or 27 people at a speed of up to 100 m / min, the lifting height of several lifts is more than 300 m.

Boris Damchuk

Reading time: 3 minutes



Carrying out any kind of construction, installation, facade, cosmetic and other work is impossible without the use of lifting mechanisms - especially when it comes to working at heights, which would be very difficult for a person to reach without special equipment.

Lifts, on the other hand, an incredible assortment “for every taste and color” of which are presented in the trade catalog of any manufacturer, are capable of lifting not only cargo, but also personnel to a great height without any external effort, for example, for painting walls or replacing glass in windows.

But how to choose from such an assortment one lift that will combine everything best options. You can not work - there is no such lift. Each type of device is designed for specific jobs - and although it can be used in other conditions, it will only be able to reach its full potential in its own field.

Accordingly, there are lifts for loading and warehouse work, for car repair, for moving goods to great heights in cramped conditions using a platform on the boom, stacker lifts, stacker lifts, etc.

In this article, we will consider some types of lifts and determine their functional advantages in various working conditions.

What are the types of lifts?

First of all, all mechanisms of this category are divided by:

  • type of construction - scissor, telescopic, cranked and mast;
  • the principle of operation of the drive - for electric, pneumatic and hydraulic lifts. Also a small group are devices with a manual drive;
  • characteristics: load capacity, platform lifting height, overall dimensions platform and the lift itself, the total weight and material of manufacture. The possibility of device mobility provided by the roller system is also taken into account.

Let's consider several designs of mobile lifts as an example.

Self Propelled Scissor Lift

One of the most common types of lifts due to its good working parameters, ease of maintenance and operation, speed of transportation and preparation for lifting. The self-propelled scissor lift can be used for both interior and exterior repair and decoration work. Available in various configurations with various parameters, which allows anyone to easily choose exactly the model that will serve him best.

For example, one of the most common hoist models for work at height is the 1930 ES hoist from American manufacturer"JLG", the working height of which is 8 m, and the load capacity is 230 kg. At the same time, the device is characterized by high mobility and small dimensions, which makes it easy to deliver and use it even in extremely cramped conditions.

Used in scissor lifts hydraulic drive, which is famous for its smoothness and safety of work with loads of any severity. The lift is powered by batteries, the charge of which is enough for eight hours of intensive work.

A device that operates on the principle of a hydraulic jack, well known to many motorists. The action of the drive contributes to the lifting of the working platform with a load, fixed on a telescopic rod, the base of which is located on the lift carriage. The carriage itself without fail It is supplied with a locking mechanism that prevents its accidental movement during operation.

The main advantage of a telescopic lift over a scissor lift is the absence of a large number of moving parts. So, for example, the constant extension of the “scissors” sections contributes to their rapid wear, as a result of which they need frequent diagnostic work. Telescopic devices are devoid of this disadvantage; at the same time, they are in no way inferior to them in terms of carrying capacity, and the working height can be up to 20 meters!

This mechanism is truly considered unique, because it has a type of construction unlike any other, which, in addition, is distinguished by very high functionality. Articulated lifts are used when it is required to carry out work at height in a hard-to-reach place (or several places).

This functionality is achieved thanks to the mast with several bends, controlled from the lift cabin; these bends allow you to bring the cradle as close as possible to the place of work, virtually eliminating the possibility of accidental collision with foreign objects or communications. Also, the boom can be used in a fully extended state - in this case, its working height can reach up to 30 meters.

At the same time, the lift itself is distinguished by very modest dimensions, which allow it to be used on almost any site; however, it does not have to be located under the place of work, as in previous models. To ensure additional reliability, the device is equipped with special protective systems and can be further strengthened with removable supports.

The hoist is powered by diesel or electrical network voltage of 380 V; There are also models with combined type power supplies that are able to independently generate energy and use it to carry out work.

Self-propelled mast climber

The latest model to date, featuring the greatest ease of use and very democratic price. As well as scissor and telescopic lifts, it must be located directly under the work site, since the fixed mast along which it moves working platform, can only be located at an angle of 90 relative to the ground. However, the device has a slightly greater functionality, since, having reached maximum height, the platform can extend a short distance horizontally.

In addition, the device is favorably distinguished by compact dimensions, which allow it to be used in almost any conditions. True, for indoor work, the lift mast will most likely have to be dismantled - however, this will not take much time.

What, first of all, is necessary for any car service? Of course, the lift. With its help, the master is much more convenient to carry out maintenance and diagnostics. various nodes car. In addition, the presence of service stations quality professional equipment only increases the confidence of car owners in it. It's no secret that the owners of small workshops, trying to save money, sometimes make homemade lifts. Of course, this is a serious risk of damaging the body of the car, or even worse, the health of the car mechanic.

But branded lifts meet all international standards of load capacity and safety. They are thoroughly tested by the manufacturer and therefore fully meet the declared characteristics. Plus, they have a warranty. That is why experts do not advise engaging in handicrafts and do not even recommend purchasing used installations. In their opinion, in 80% of cases, used lifts need serious repairs. Moreover, it is not known whether the previous owners served them correctly and whether they served them at all?

Before buying this unit, you need to decide on the type and necessary technical parameters. And, it should be noted, there are plenty to choose from. Car lifts differ in the number of racks, type of drive, load capacity, lifting height and other characteristics. So let's talk about everything in order.

Firstly, there are installations for cars and trucks. Their main difference, of course, is in the configuration, on which the carrying capacity depends, and on it, in turn, the cost of the lift. Today, in the equipment market for service stations, the price of car lifts varies from 30 (jack type) to 300 thousand rubles (pantograph).

Secondly, the type of drive is of no small importance: electromechanical or electrohydraulic. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. The first is cheaper, but has difficulties with maintenance. Very serious requirements are imposed on its main screw-nut assembly. The second one is more expensive, but its advantages offset this disadvantage. Service is only timely replacement oils in hydraulics. Moreover, it distinguishes low level noise, smoothness and high speed ascent / descent (for 30-40 seconds).

Thirdly, car lifts are divided into 5 types, each with different characteristics.

The simplest is considered single rack. The platform that raises the car over the thresholds is installed on one rack. The load capacity of such an installation is from 500 to 2500 kg. Perfect for a small car repair shop where only cars are serviced.

However most widespread got two-column unit. When enough compact dimensions this type of lift is capable of lifting up to 5000 kg, featuring increased stability and rigidity. With it, you can
serve SUVs, minibuses and other light vehicles. And here four- and six-post installations are designed for freight transport and are capable of lifting up to 45,000 kg. Of course, they are considered the most stable and safe in the class. By the way, in one row with them you can put scissor lift. Apart from heavy duty he is distinguished compact dimensions, the possibility of installation in the floor, as well as the versatility of the lifting mechanism, which ensures the maintenance of even individual parts.

Finally, the fifth type is rolling lift. Unlike the others, it is stationary. Each of its stands is a separate lifting mechanism with a load capacity up to 45 tons. In addition, the distance between them is adjustable to serve different-sized vehicles.

Other important parameters of car lifts include: lifting height (varies from 0.76 to 2 m), platform length (for passenger transport the optimal value is 4 m) and the mains voltage indicator (for most lifts it is 380 V with three phases).

Model overview

Each time, studying this or that equipment, one has to state the fact that the imported analogue is much better than the domestic one. However, this time the situation is different! Russian car lifts are not only not inferior in quality, functionality and reliability, but also win in price. And let this mainly concern only the so-called budget segment, but it occupies the lion's share of the market. The cost of most domestic installations does not exceed 150 thousand rubles. While imports are focused on the luxury class, where prices are already from 150 to 300 thousand rubles.

In Russia, the leaders in the production of budget car lifts are: LEMA, Sivik, AE&T and Soroinstrument. You can also meet the offers of foreign companies Wiederkraft (Germany) and Dataliner (Korea/China). Luxury lift models on the domestic market most often supplied by N.O.K. (Japan).

If there are worthy offers from domestic companies on the market of auto-lifting equipment, talk in more detail about imported analogues probably doesn't make sense. Therefore, we will focus on the most interesting Russian models.

For a small private service the best option will two post lift 17.1 from "Sorokinstrument". He ideal for all types of tinning cars and even SUVs. Thanks to the top synchronization, it can be mounted according to the “clean floor” type. Easily adjusts to service oversized vehicles due to telescopic swivel arms. Lifting safety is guaranteed by automatic locks for fixing the carriages. The cost of the lift is about 76 thousand rubles.

For larger workshops, the model is suitable "Ermak-5000" by Sivik. This is also a two-post lift, but with a load capacity of up to 5000 kg. Designed for servicing cars, commercial transport and small trucks. This is facilitated by a set of special adapters for their fastening. The security system is formed by automatic locks that capture the car at the beginning, and stoppers that work every 10 cm of lifting. You can buy this lift for 140 thousand rubles. By the way, the lineup Sivik company is competitive not only in Russia, but also in more than 10 countries of the world, including Germany and Italy.

Perhaps the best domestic four-post car lift can be considered F4D-4 from AE&T. The model is equipped with two wide driving platforms, and the car is secured not by the thresholds, but by the wheels. With such
even Sport Car with a low landing will easily call on the platforms. Rise to a height of up to 1.96 m is carried out in just 50 seconds. Thanks to the design, the possibility of the car falling is minimized. As planned by the designers, the installation can be retrofitted with various additional equipment, for example, for wheel alignment.

Complexly equipped, and the length of the tracks is calculated in kilometers. It is clear that one cannot do without special devices for moving vacationers. With the use of modern ground and air lifts, the road to the ski slope will seem exciting and fun. It's like part of the entertainment program of the resort with a demonstration of local beauties. Well, let's start!

Moving on the ground (more precisely, on the snow)

Ski lifts

Movement is carried out thanks to the T-shaped yoke or in the form of a plate. In the first case, it is possible to lift two people on one yoke at the same time, in the second, one person moves. Sitting on a round crossbar, the skier is delivered to the destination, after which he releases the yoke and moves to the side

Belt lifts

This is great option climbing steep slopes. It is a flexible moving track. Skiers, snowboarders and sled lovers move along it without any support. The "Magic Path" is especially liked by the younger generation. From such a movement, children are simply delighted!

rope lift

In some cases, a very simple method of lifting with a cable is used. A person grabs the rope with his hands and holds on until he arrives at the top. To facilitate the process, a yoke attached to the skier's clothing is used. With it, he clings to the cable at the beginning of the journey. Such movement is possible on non-steep slopes.

Air travel

Chair lifts

This type of lift is the most convenient and fastest. It can be either single or multiple. Tourists do not need to make any effort to get around. It is only necessary to sit in an armchair, enjoy the winter landscape and inhale the fresh frosty air to the fullest. The lift does not slow down on the platform.

In order to train longer and more efficiently, spending energy solely on skiing on the slopes, and not on climbing them, there are ski lifts. Using some of them for a beginner may seem difficult, but do not despair - you will quickly get used to it. Now there are several types of lifts in use in the world. At different resorts you can find different types of them. It is worth dwelling on each separately and talk about their use:
Tow lifts
The most common type of lifts for beginners. The towing lift is a continuously moving cable, to which poles are attached, at the ends of which plates are fixed. Your task is to slip the plate between your legs and ride in tow to the top of the slope.
Usage information: Fixation in tow. Take both sticks in one hand. As soon as you can take the tug, grab the pole free hand. Slip the pole between your legs and make sure your skis are parallel and wide enough apart. Get ready to be pulled by a tugboat, just don't try to sit on the plate! Upward movement. Stand loose, keep your skis parallel, let the pole tow you. We've arrived... As soon as you reach the signal for leaving the ski lift (this may be a simple "End of lift" sign), extend the pole that is between your legs with your free hand. Make sure the pole doesn't hit anyone and let it go. Leave the lift immediately. T-shaped lifts
Skiers stand in a line in twos, and when the T-bar approaches, the lifter lowers it down, passing the leg of the inverted "T" between the skiers, and places the bar below their backs. Then a couple of skiers begin to climb.
Usage information: T-lift attachment. Stand next to your partner, hold the sticks from the outside, grab the crossbar with your hand. Climb. Keep skis parallel to each other while towing. Do not push your partner's ski or boot, remember - this is your partner, not the enemy. Departure. Decide which of you will hold the crossbar while the other gets off the lift: this is more convenient for the one who is on the side farthest from the turntable. Clear the lift platform as soon as possible. Chairlifts
Such lifts, in addition to climbing the mountain, provide an opportunity to relax and enjoy the scenery for a few minutes. Very comfortable, high-speed, they move quickly on the slope and slow down warningly for skiers to board.
Usage Information:Fit. Take the sticks in your hand. Stand so that the approaching seat is directly behind you. Sit down as soon as the seat touches you. Lower the safety barrier as soon as the seat comes off the platform. In general, riding on such lifts is not particularly difficult. We get up from the seat. When you see that you are approaching, open the safety bar. Raise the ends of the skis so as not to catch on the approaching platform. As soon as the skis touch the snow, stand up and use your free hand to push yourself away from the seat. Roll quickly to the side to avoid hitting your head or back with the seat.
Funiculars and more...
There is nothing special to describe here ... Everyone, even beginners, knows how they look and how to use them. Easier nowhere! Ideal remedy climbing mountains.
Domestic unique
We are talking about the so-called drag lifts. A yoke is a specially shaped piece of iron that is used to hook onto a lifting cable. A strong belt is usually tied to this piece of iron, at the other end of which - to facilitate lifting - there is a small crossbar, which is quite convenient to hold on to with your hands. Or you can slip it between your legs and get up in tow without straining your arms.
Usage information: There is only one hint: let someone go ahead and ask the next person to tell you how to hook on the cable correctly. However, not everyone succeeds on the first try, so do not be discouraged - it will work out, and pretty quickly.
Finally, a few life recommendations: When riding tug lifts, remember that some of them have a very sharp start! If the skier in front of you is in the air, get ready to jump off. If the cable comes off the winch, stay calm, keep your feet wide, relax and follow the pole. The poles will soon begin to slide down the slope. Hold on tight to the pole, slow down the plow. If you fall, get out of the way quickly.
When using T-lifts, try to find a partner around your weight. If you're lifting alone, or if you have to flex every muscle to stay on the lift, move the end of the bar under your outer glute.
Tags: Recreation, Useful, Service, Sports, Articles, Tourism

Tags: What is the name of the lift in the ski resort

Korobitsino, March 9, 2012.

A ski lift is a technical structure in a mountainous area, .... Cable car · Alpine skiing · Ski resort... many North American ski lifts; Lift-World: Worldwide database of ski ...‎ Aerial lifts - ‎ Ground lifts - ‎ Gallery - ‎ Notes

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