Ceramic car coating: pros and cons, reviews. Car polishing - pros and cons

The Auto Gadgets store helps customers weigh all the pros and cons of polishing car body.

Professionals believe that car body polishing should be carried out immediately after purchase. The procedure gives the car shine and protects from minor damage:



Atmospheric precipitation;

Solar radiation.

Pros and cons of car body polishing

However, it is worth keeping in mind the type of polishing. Abrasive polishing is not necessary at all in the first few years. Let's look at the types and their features in more detail:




Restorative (abrasive);


Protective polishing
necessary to restore shine and protect the car from dirt and minor damage. It does not remove the previous layer of paint and dirt. The care product does not contain abrasive ingredients. Its purpose is to protect paintwork auto. Service life is six months. When to do it: you can do it right after you buy the car.

Teflon polishing adds extra shine to the car's surface. It effectively protects the car from the negative effects of moisture. Teflon polish has a short lifespan. The protection period does not exceed 4 months - this is a minus. The price of the service is not high - this is a plus. Another disadvantage: there is an opinion that a Teflon-coated surface is less repairable. It is better to check with your master to find out whether this statement is true.

Epoxy polishing provides deep penetration into the paintwork. Environmentally friendly product contains epoxy resin. The level of protection is high. It protects the body not only from dirt and aggressive environments, but also from mechanical damage. The service life reaches 9 months.

Restorative polishing applies to vehicles with long term services. The product contains abrasive ingredients. Polishing machines are used to carry out the procedure. At the same time, they are liquidated small scratches and clouding of the varnish. The effect of the procedure is stunning. The car looks like it came off the production line. However, many experts do not recommend doing this polish on your car, as a thin layer of paintwork is removed.

Nano-ceramic polishing provides high resistance to negative influences environment, provides protection from road reagents, scratches and chips. Abrasives, salts and acids will not harm your car after treatment with nanopolymers. The structure of the polish reliably protects the body from dirt. It is enough to rinse the car with plain water, without using detergents. The service life of the coating exceeds 2 years.


On to the pros protective polishing Car body protection includes protecting the car’s paintwork from various types of damage. And the terms of protection, up to 2 years, are impressive.

The disadvantages include the price of the service and, if you decide to abrasive polishing, deterioration protective properties LCP.

Important! Entrust your machine to be processed only by specialists. High-quality polishing requires proper application of products using special equipment.

The problem associated with constantly split ends of hair worries almost all representatives of the fair sex. Because of the flaking scales, the hairstyle looks dull, lifeless, and unkempt. The hair polishing procedure - with all its pros and cons - has become a real salvation for many women. It allows you to get rid of it with minimal damage to your hair.

The essence of polishing

The reason why the strands split can be due to various factors. Most often, ladies suffer due to the constant use of hair dryers, curling irons and straightening irons. Negatively affects hair health poor nutrition with the resulting lack of vitamins and nutrients.

The pros and cons of hair polishing began to be actively discussed because the procedure really gives positive effect. It consists of processing the ends with an ordinary clipper, but with a special polishing attachment installed on it. The latter contains a row of very sharp blades. After cutting the hair, it leaves a neatly sealed, smooth edge. Only the lagging scales are cut off, while healthy curls are not exposed to any impact.

Benefits of hair polishing

The advantages of the method are profound. That's why they fell in love with polishing:

  1. After the procedure, the result is visible instantly, and the well-groomed appearance of the hair lasts for a long time - up to three to four months.
  2. Polishing is suitable for everyone, even those with complex multi-level haircuts. Regardless of hair length, the machine removes up to 90% of all split ends.
  3. The procedure does not take much time at all. Even at home it can be done in an hour. Professionals can get their head in order even faster – in 30-40 minutes.
  4. Polishing is a way to remove split ends without cutting off a few precious centimeters. The machine cuts no more than a couple of millimeters of hair, a centimeter - in the most complex and advanced cases.
  5. After treatment, the curls become more manageable and do not get tangled.

Disadvantages of hair polishing with a machine

  1. One of the biggest disadvantages of polishing is the price. The procedure is one of the most expensive. And although the results fully justify the costs, not everyone can afford it.
  2. The procedure can harm women suffering from too active. Therefore, it is advisable for them to refuse treatment with a polisher.
  3. If you don’t have the right attachment at home, you won’t be able to polish your hair yourself.
  4. After treating hair with a polisher, some people lose volume in their hair.
  5. It is difficult to distinguish the result of the procedure on very curly and curly hair.

We often hear about the disadvantages of hair polishing from people who simply did not properly care for their hair after the procedure:

It is quite possible that if all these conditions are met, your opinion about the method will change radically.

It’s difficult to say unequivocally whether you should be for or against hair polishing. The procedure has an impressive number of fans. But to understand whether it is right for you, you still need to test it personally.

Everyone knows that body polishing is best friend car enthusiast when microcracks and scratches appear on the paintwork. But not everyone is familiar with the details and advantages of this procedure. Let's find out more about its benefits. To do this, we have collected 6 important facts that will help you understand what car body polishing is and how it is useful for every car owner.

Polishing the body prevents corrosion

Cracks in the coating not only worsen the appearance, but also threaten the appearance of rust. If not removed for a long time minor defects, they will lead to corrosion, and subsequently you will have to completely paint the car. To avoid large-scale corrosion of the paintwork by reagents, we advise you to apply for restoration and protection in a timely manner.

Car polishing can be comprehensive or local

Complex polishing is the most popular option, which means that all elements of the body are processed. Local polishing is convenient when it is necessary to eliminate defects on a certain part of the car. An experienced master will listen to your wishes, and after the procedure the car will regain its shine and rich color.

Body polishing helps you save on washing costs

It's no secret that frequent car washes scratch your car. Polishing creates a fine protective layer, which fills cracks and prevents dirt and varnish-destroying substances from entering them. Therefore, the car gets dirty less often, and at the same time the number of washes is reduced. Accordingly, there is not only cost savings, but also the preservation of the car’s coating.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the intensity of use of the car and the conditions of its maintenance. But with an average mileage of 20 thousand kilometers per year, it is recommended to polish once every 6 months. Best before you start winter period and after it. If the mileage is over 50 thousand kilometers, then the period of implementation is reduced to 3-4 months. Before polishing, be sure to consult with a specialist about your situation.

Polishing a new car is also necessary

Fresh paintwork is susceptible to scratches and also needs protection. It is believed that polishing new car worth 5-7 months after purchase, when the paint is well fixed on the body. After this, you can polish the car 2 times a year, taking into account the degree of wear of the paintwork, as we discussed in the previous paragraph.

Manual polishing is dangerous for paintwork

Quality Russian roads leaves much to be desired. This fact is very frustrating for drivers and car owners, because even if the car was purchased in a new stylish showroom from, after some time of operation it will require care and minor restoration work. In order to vehicle constantly pleasing to the eye with its brilliance and novelty. The car body needs polishing. We will consider whether such a procedure is worth doing below.

Polishing allows you to update the appearance of the car, remove minor defects and scratches, small chips that appeared due to various reasons. This procedure also provides reliable protection from rust. Therefore, if the car has been subjected to damage, then polishing is a must.

Most car owners know first-hand what car body polishing is. The process itself can be of a different nature and classified according to its functions and purpose. Thus, polish as protection with compounds containing epoxy resin or liquid glass. There is also abrasive polishing, which is used for a deeper impact and eliminating significant chips and scratches.

Is polishing a car body harmful?

Should I polish my car? This question is asked by many motorists who have had to face the need for such a procedure. And the answer here may be ambiguous. It all depends on the type of polish that is used. Eg deep polishing It is not recommended to carry out more than three times during the entire period of operation. Since this procedure leads to the body becoming thinner. Perhaps these are all the disadvantages that body polishing has. Disadvantages may still arise if the work is carried out poorly. Therefore, polishing the car body should be carried out by professionals, and not by amateurs and independent craftsmen. Of course, there is nothing complicated in the process itself, but there are many nuances that the masters know from their own experience.

Polishing a car body has different pros and cons. The pros outweigh the benefits. Because thanks to this simple procedure, there is no need for expensive repairs, small scratches, defects and other troubles can be sanded down and polished so that no one will know about them. And this significantly increases when selling, and again managing new and beautiful car much nicer.

Polishing a car, the pros and cons of which are obvious, is a rather expensive procedure. Despite the fact that there is nothing complicated in the process itself, the availability of tools, paste and free time determines its cost. Therefore, if you doubt whether polishing a car body is harmful, you should study this issue on a motorists forum or ask a competent master to highlight all the nuances that polishing a car has. The pros and cons of this process directly depend on who does it, what and why. It is necessary to polish the car, otherwise in a short time it may lose its attractive appearance and then require more serious restoration and.

Is it worth polishing the body?

If you want to drive a car with an impeccable appearance, you cannot do without polishing. In addition, if you do not neglect and notice small scratches in time, you can polish the surface of the body yourself. Even toothpaste can be used for this. Whether it is worth polishing the body or not is up to the car owner to decide. But 99% of drivers know the need for this technique to protect the body and its external transformation.

In order not to wonder whether body polishing is necessary, whether it is worth doing it or whether you can do without it, you should analyze all the positive/negative aspects. In this case, the benefits will be obvious. After all, polishing is an excellent means of protection against corrosion and negative external influences. That is why, to enhance the protective properties of the body, polishing is recommended in the spring and summer.

You can carry out such work yourself. If this concerns ordinary non-deep polishing, then there is nothing difficult in the process itself. You just need the tools and time. Polishing the body with a machine is more difficult process, but effective, it helps solve the problem of deeper damage.

Few drivers do not know what car polishing is and what significance it has for its operation. After all, thanks to it, the car can remain new, beautiful and without visible defects longer. All this is possible, because if you understand exactly what kind of procedure it is - body polishing, why it is needed and how important it is, then there will be no doubt about whether to do it or not. The main thing is correctly selected polishes, materials, scrupulousness and compliance technological process.

Car owners know that Maintenance Car maintenance is not the only type of car care. Appearance is very important, and in order for you to be proud of your car, you need to take care of high-quality paintwork. It will protect the car from corrosion and make it beautiful and attractive. However, over time, scratches and chips may appear on the coating. Polishing the body will help save your car, which can be done either at a car dealership or with your own hands.

Exist different kinds polishing of paint and varnish coatings, they are distinguished from each other by their purpose and the materials used in the technology.

Types of polishing.

Wax polish. This method is the most unstable; the coating will be washed off after two or three washes. However, this polish is the cheapest, so many car owners still prefer it.

Teflon polish. It is created on the basis of synthetic polymers and, when applied, forms a durable coating that has water-repellent properties. After this polishing, the color of the car becomes brighter and acquires an attractive wet shine. Teflon polish will protect your car from UV rays, metal corrosion and oxidation. Can withstand 6-8 washes.

Epoxy polish. It contains polymers and epoxy resins. This polishing has dirt-repellent properties and will not allow aggressive compounds to penetrate under the paintwork. Epoxy polish will protect your car from six to nine months. Working with this type of processing is quite complicated, and its price is much higher than other varieties, however, all this is completely justified.

Preservative varnish. This coating is intended for particularly harsh operating conditions of the machine. It has the most high performance water repellency and resistance to aggressive substances. Preservative varnish creates protective film, which is quite elastic and can withstand mechanical stress. This coating can last from one to two years.

Abrasive polish. During the application of such polishing, pastes can be used to renew the car's paintwork. It is used when there are cracks, chips and scratches on the surface of the body. This type of processing is quite complex and requires adherence to the technological process and a large amount of time. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the paintwork: remove the top oxide layer and smooth out all abrasions.

Abrasive paste adds gloss to the treated surface and is used to remove marks that may remain after grinding with coarse polishing wheels. Using this paste you can also remove small traces of oxidation and scratches, including those that may appear on the original coating when washing the car. Abrasive paste is used for machine polishing with wool pads and hard polishing sponges. This process can also be called restorative. First, the damage is treated with sanding pads, the size of which can be selected depending on the depth of the cracks. After cleaning, the surface is already treated abrasive pastes and then polished according to the type of protective polishing. This method is usually done in detail and applied by professionals to achieve the most effective and high-quality results.