The new Russian limousine of the cortege project. A new Russian limousine for the president has been declassified. Vatican - Mercedes-Benz M-Class $524,990

In Russia, the next presidential elections will be held in 2018, and at this inauguration ceremony, the head of state will be taken in a Cortege limousine domestic production.

As the media found out, funding for the creation of the Cortege project has been saved, within which 3.7 billion rubles are allocated from the state budget alone. An assembly site for limousines for the first persons of the state is already located in Moscow.

Thus, Denis Manturov, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, recently admitted that the budget financing "has not been frozen." “I don’t remember what name it goes under (a line in the budget), but we haven’t frozen anything - 3.7 billion rubles, as planned, it is. All plans remain not only in force, they are being implemented,” he said . Moreover, the prototype, which will not be shown to anyone to maintain intrigue and secrecy, will be ready in January 2016.

“We should ship the first pre-production batch to the FSO at the end of 2017, respectively, you will see it at the inauguration,” the minister shared, referring to the inauguration of the Russian president after the elections in 2018.

"Until now, it is not known exactly what displacement the engine will have - 6.0 liters or 6.6 liters. But the power this motor should be within 800 Horse power", - the press has already written. The journalists added that there are other cars in the project - "a sedan, an SUV and a minibus", which will receive turbo engines "with a smaller displacement."

By the way, the SUV and sedan from the Cortege project will be mass-produced - at least 5,000 units per year and will be sold even to private (of course, very wealthy) individuals. It is clear that private cars of the "Cortege" series will not be equipped with "presidential" armor and special communications (unless, of course, they are purchased at state auctions for the leadership of government bodies).

"The Russian government in July 2013 banned state and municipal procurement cars of foreign production,” the publications said, explaining that we are not talking about Russian complete or “screwdriver” assemblies of foreign cars. However, for top managers, all cars, their components, assemblies and the smallest details are checked by the FSO and the FSB for “bookmarks” and vulnerabilities .

Experts, including world experts in the automotive industry, already recognize that the Cortege brand (or "a car like the president's") will be very popular with wealthy businessmen and government officials. However, this is not about a commercial project - after all, for the first time since the Soviet era, Russia will have its own supercar, which the head of state will drive - and his escort cars.

"As you know, the Cortege project includes the development of a limousine for the President of the Russian Federation, support vehicles in the bodies of SUVs and minibuses for accompanying persons," experts confirm.

"The styling of the Stalinist ZIS-115 limousine can be considered quite successful: on the one hand, its motives are unmistakably recognizable in the prototype of the Cortege project, on the other hand, they do not have a single exterior detail similar in shape," the media share, analyzing the leaked data about the project "Cortege".

“Naturally, in vehicles of this level there is an armored capsule, communications and special communications systems, multimedia systems, means of protection against listening and intercepting communications, evacuation systems, electronic and power defense, as well as all kinds of special “gadgets.” Tires that even after heavy shelling work , a system of disks on which a limousine can drive without tires, a special gas tank," says the person who had a hand in the creation of Soviet and post-Soviet limousines for the country's leadership.

He added that even without the territory cleared by the FSO and security vehicles, “which does not happen in reality,” those in the limousine “should be fully armed with the appearance of a hostile helicopter, drone, grenade and machine gunners.

Of course, the specifications of the Cortege project, as well as booking details presidential limousine, special communications systems and other subtleties, he did not report.

“The exact information about the design of the “armored cars” is kept in the strictest confidence. Each car is assembled on special order, but it is known that special tires are installed on the car, allowing it to continue moving despite punctures,” experts write.

"Self-sealing fuel tank and an automatic fire extinguishing system. According to experts, the limousine has cylinders with a supply of air, which will withstand a gas attack, hidden loopholes, compartments for storing a variety of weapons," they add.

Some experts even report that " american car president is good if you're in a bit of trouble, but ours is ready for war." They explain that "passengers in a car can survive a small nuclear explosion, but at a certain distance."

"It will be power, greatness, strength, technology and safety - probably, these words can describe the lead limousine of the Cortege," one of the participants in the development of the Cortege project shared with one of the participants in the development of the Cortege project, adding - any more detailed description is a violation of state secrets.

"The FSO and the GON should receive cars of the Cortege project in advance for their development, for training all drivers, security - each presidential limousine or minibus has its own dynamics, acceleration, weight, skidding, road behavior. Every moment must be taken into account for a comfortable and safe passage of routes, in case of emergency, and so on," he explained. "Of course, it is possible that someone will "merge" in the media the appearance of the project "Cortege" in 2016, this will appear in the media and will be discussed - but no one will know the "stuffing" for sure.

In the meantime, we have to shrug our shoulders with regret: yes, most of the leaders of the leading world powers move around in cars made in their countries - the President of China, the presidents of the United States and France, the prime ministers of Great Britain, Japan and Italy, the German chancellor, although in favor with Angela Merkel not a Mercedes, but an Audi.

Are there tanks, are the cars tight?

Armored "ZIL 41052" Boris Yeltsin changed to the German Mercedes in 1994. The ZIL, developed in the late 70s, although it was updated, was morally obsolete by 1990. His armored capsule unique design withstands even the explosion of a hand grenade placed, for example, on the roof. But in terms of engine power and speed with modern cars"ZIL" could no longer compete. They say that Garage specialists special purpose(GON) offered the choice of the first president of Russia several foreign cars, Yeltsin opted for a Mercedes. But by the way, this was not the first armored representative German car industry in GON. General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev famous for his love for good cars, they were a frequent gift to the Soviet leadership (read - personally to Brezhnev from foreign colleagues). Some of them were also used to meet foreign delegations. For example, the armored six hundredth Merc in a modification that was produced from 1963 to 1981.

Meanwhile, almost until the end of the life of a foreign car domestic cars preferred and Joseph Stalin. Most of all he liked the American "Packard". There were several armored vehicles this brand. However, in the absence of their own car industry, the tsar also traveled on foreign cars Nicholas II, and the first head of the Soviet state, Vladimir Lenin. First - on what was inherited from the king, later they began to purposefully buy cars abroad. For example, at the beginning of 1937, the Special Purpose Garage had 9 Rolls-Royces, 6 Cadillacs (it's funny that at that time their name was pronounced Cadillac), 10 Packards, 5 Lincolns, 1 " Plymouth, 1 Dodge, 8 Fords. From the domestic - only three trucks: 2 "GAZ" and 1 "ZIS" (produced by the Moscow plant named after Stalin, later - the plant named after Likhachev, ZIL).

the first domestic car executive class in the USSR they made a ZIS in 1936 - "ZIS 101". Some parts for it were purchased in the West. But in 1945 it turned out, one might say, almost completely domestic limousine- seven-seater "ZIS 110". On its armored version - "ZIS 115" - Stalin also moved.

The armor of the ZIL was strong, but in the early 90s the car did not answer everyone modern requirements. Photo: AiF / Valery Khristoforov

Were able to make machines

A real leap into domestic automotive industry became the ZIL 111 limousine, which went into series in 1958. Plus "GAZ 13" - "Seagull" for the regional leadership. It is interesting that the still luxurious ZISs, as new cars arrived, began to be transferred to National economy and use as ambulances and fixed-route taxis. Some cars that had served their time in the GON were transferred to other departments later. Then the cars were bought and restored by collectors. By the way, many rare cars from the special garage today you can see at the annual auto exhibitions: Stalin's armored "ZIS 115", various "ZILs" and "Seagulls", the green SUV "Mercedes", on which B. Yeltsin was taken hunting, etc. One of the interesting exhibits is "ZIL 111G", which in 1969 came under fire at the Borovitsky Gate. The bullets were intended for Brezhnev, but the criminal dressed in police uniform Victor Ilyin did not know that Brezhnev's car was not in the convoy. With two hands from pistols, he shot the car with the astronauts, whom they met that day. The driver of the car died, the motorcyclist of the motorcade of honor, who directed the motorcycle at the terrorist, was injured. No one else, fortunately, was hurt. The damaged body parts of that ZIL were immediately replaced, but now it is clear that in vain: at exhibitions, such a “wounded” car would attract special attention.

What's in the new tuple?

The decision that the country needs to make its own executive class car again was made in 2013. Actually, it was just in time: the Kremlin is now at great risk with the Mercy. If Western sanctions are tightened, they may stop selling us armored limousines under the guise of a ban on the supply of weapons. And unlike armored cars for the army, we ourselves do not make similar cars for the “citizen”.

Meanwhile, the designers were given the task not to limit themselves to a limousine for the first persons of the state, but to make a platform on which it would be possible to put and different power engines, and different bodies- executive class sedan, SUV and minibus. As told recently Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, the cars will arrive in open sale. .

The sedan and limousine are already being tested and crash tested. Soon the turn will reach the minibus with a jeep. The design of the machines may still undergo minor changes, but in in general terms already clear. “It is clear that the car was a success,” a source in the Ministry of Industry and Trade told AiF. appearance managed to maintain continuity with the ZIL, and give a reference to the aristocratic features of the Rolls-Royce, primarily due to the vertical grille. Among other things, such a grille effectively directs the oncoming air flow to cool the engine radiator. The engine itself, like some other components, was developed with the help of German engineers. But everything will be produced in Russia. There is nothing shameful in this: for the same ZISs, at first foreign ideas and entire units were also used ... "

By the way, ground clearance the new limousine will be slightly larger than the current German one. Is it not to avoid embarrassment, like with a limousine Barack Obama in 2011? "The Beast" - such a nickname for this car - then hung on the "belly" at the gates of the American embassy in Ireland, it seems, having also broken the hydraulic hoses. The immobilized "speed bump" car was bashfully blocked from onlookers by a minibus, and the US President was forced to leave in a second limousine through another gate ... Now it is clear why we have an empty motorcade driven along the route before the president's visit. “In any case, an armored limousine is larger than an ordinary passenger car and 3-4 times heavier,” a source in the Federal Security Service explains to AiF. - Therefore, you need to check everything in order to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of some bumps in the road or an unreliable hatch. By the way, for the "secret service" that protects the American president, there is another comical story: in Israel, an American limousine stalled in the middle of the road - allegedly, instead of gasoline, it was filled with diesel fuel.

The Special Purpose Garage claims that they have never had anything like this in the entire 95-year history of GON. And they are preparing to "adopt" a new Russian limousine for the head of state

MOSCOW, July 6 - RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin tested the latest Russian car executive class, which is being developed as part of the Cortege project. According to the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, the head of state personally drove a prototype of the future limousine.

The President was pleased

The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, told Izvestiya that the president personally examined the Cortege.

"Vladimir Putin has already familiarized himself with the project, he saw its different stages. He even drove "prototype A", they did not have time to show "prototype B," the minister said.

According to the official, the result of the work of domestic developers satisfied the president.

Manturov added that the president had tested "prototype A" - a batch of just such machines should be made available to the FSO by the end of 2017. Tests of cars for reliability and safety will last until the spring of 2018.

There was no testing

At the same time, the Kremlin denied the reports of some media, which reported that Putin personally tested the Cortege.

“No, he didn’t drive a prototype. He started off on it, drove a little, but didn’t drive,” Peskov said.

Last Tuesday, Denis Manturov denied media reports about the curtailment of funding for the Cortege project.

“I didn’t even understand who said it. Everything is according to plan, the work is going on,” the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade told RIA Novosti.

Then the official explained that the prototype of the new car will be commissioned in 2018, and full-fledged production will begin in 2019. According to the minister, the president elected in 2018 will arrive at the ceremony in a new car.

What is a "tuple"

Work on the Cortege project started in 2012. It is planned that four types of cars will be created: limousine, sedan, crossover and minibus.

The development of a new car is carried out by employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific Research automotive institute"(NAMI). By the way, the project itself is not called "Cortege" (as journalists called it), but "United modular platform"(EMP).

It is planned that new car will serve not only the president, but also other top Russian officials.

According to open data, foreign partners are also participating in the project: Porsche Engineering has developed one of the two engines that will be equipped with cars, and Bosch Engineering.

Employees of "Russian automotive design", one of the divisions of NAMI. There are several options appearance"Tuple", but the final decision has not yet been made.

The media is also discussing the place of assembly of the "Cortege". In 2014, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that crossovers would be assembled at the facilities of UAZ in Ulyanovsk. As for limousines, according to journalists, they will be produced by bus factory LiAZ in the Orekhovo-Zuevsky district of the Moscow region (belongs to the GAZ group) and at KamAZ in Naberezhnye Chelny.

Not only for the first persons

In April last year, Manturov said that the cars of the Cortege project would be delivered not only to officials. So, the military showed interest in new cars.

“We are planning to start deliveries for the Ministry of Defense, but this is based on the SUV (SUV - off-road vehicle of the Kortezh project. - Ed.),” Manturov said.

According to the minister, we are talking about a light armored vehicle.

At the same time, Manturov said that by 2020 the Ministry of Industry and Trade expects to reach the annual production of up to five thousand cars of the Cortege project of all types.

"Five" for safety

By 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Trade wants to increase the production of cars of the Kortezh projectBy 2020, Russia will produce 4-5 thousand units of cars of all types - limousines, sedans, SUVs and minivans, Denis Manturov, head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, told RIA Novosti.

Crash tests, traditional for all new cars, "Cortege" passed last year. In early June, the car was tested in Berlin.

"This is a frontal crash test, there are different tests, there are overlapping tests, there are side ones, there are with a rear impact. This is a whole series of tests in accordance with world standards. The first attempt, at the very first test of the frontal crash test - the highest score", Alexei Borovkov, Vice-Rector for Advanced Projects of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, said.

What do presidents drive?

Heads of state traditionally drive luxury cars. Some countries buy cars from abroad, and some prefer the national auto industry.

For example, Chinese leader Xi Jinping uses the FAW Hong Qi HQE and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe uses the Toyota Century.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also prefers "his" car - Audi A8. True, her car is very different from the serial ones - an armored vehicle was created for the politician vehicle and the thickness of the glass is almost five centimeters. As a result, the sedan can withstand firearms and a grenade explosion under the bottom.

Standing apart is the limousine of US President Donald Trump, who received the nickname "The Beast" (The Beast). The weight of the vehicle exceeds eight tons, it has 20 cm of door armor and 12 cm of window armor.

The car, which costs $1.2 million, is able to withstand direct shots from large-caliber weapons.

At the inauguration of the President of Russia, who will be elected in 2018, citizens will see the new superlimousine of the head of state. It became known how it will look and how it will become better than Obama's "megacadillac". Now the Russian leader will not drive a special version of the Mercedes "Pulman", but a limousine Russian production- the so-called "Project Cortege", the most protected, armored, equipped with all types of communications.

3.7 billion rubles are allocated for the creation of the Cortege project. An assembly site for limousines for the first persons of the state is already located in Moscow.

"Cortege" will be mass-produced - at least 5000 units per year and will be sold even to private individuals.

Naturally, in machines of this level - an armored capsule, communication and special communications systems, multimedia systems, means of protection against listening and intercepting communications, evacuation systems, electronic and power defense. Tires that work even after heavy shelling, a system of discs on which a limousine can ride without tires, a special gas tank.

Even without the territory cleared by the FSO and security vehicles, “which does not happen in reality,” those in the limousine “should be fully armed with the appearance of a hostile helicopter, drone, grenade and machine gunners.

Published on 07/06/17 13:01

Putin was shown his new VIP limousine "Cortege". A batch of such vehicles should be made available to the FSO by the end of 2017.

Russian President Vladimir Putin got acquainted with the latest limousine for senior officials of the state, developed within the framework of Russian project Cortege, Izvestia writes, citing a statement by the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov. According to him, the result of the work of domestic developers satisfied the leader of the country.

Putin tested the "prototype A" - a batch of just such cars should be available Federal Service security until the end of 2017. "Prototype B" did not have time to show him.

The Cortege project has been implemented in Russia since 2012. He intkbbee involves the creation model range executive class cars - limousine, sedan, SUV, minivan - for the highest officials of the state. The “debut ride” of these vehicles is due to take place at the presidential inauguration after the 2018 elections.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergey Subbotin and NAMI

The Central Research Automobile and automotive institute"US". On its site will be able to produce up to 300 cars a year. At the same time, in the future, VIP-cars are planned to be made available to other citizens - mass production will be launched in 2018-2019. In 2016, 3.7 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the Kortezh project.