Is it possible to add oil to diesel fuel and if so, what kind and how much? Adding two-stroke oil to diesel fuel What experts say

Surely every owner of a car with a diesel engine will be interested to know whether it is necessary to add oil to diesel fuel and why they do it in general. In most such cases, motorists use two-stroke oil, but how does it differ from regular car oil?

Why is it common to add oil to diesel fuel?

Experienced motorists have heard that tough work diesel engine indicates a violation of the injection timing adjustments or problems with the equipment. IN in this case you will have to go to a service station so that the technicians can diagnose and, if necessary, repair the engine.

Critical consequences of adding oil to diesel fuel

Another reason for rough engine operation can be refueling with diesel fuel with a low cetane number. This parameter indicates the ability of diesel fuel to ignite, that is, at low values, ignition will be greatly delayed. As a result, by the time the diesel fuel ignites, almost its entire volume will be injected into the chamber. This will cause the mixture to flare up too actively, and there will be high blood pressure, as a result of which the motor will work too hard.

A reduced cetane number occurs as a result of diluting diesel fuel with kerosene or gasoline, which is sometimes practiced in the cold season to prevent the fuel from freezing. Another reason is considered to be the dishonesty of gas stations that sell low-quality diesel fuel. By adding oil to diesel fuel for diesel engines, the central frequency indicator will increase and the engine will begin to operate more smoothly. But is everything so simple or are there still some side effects?

What do the experts say?

Experts have their own opinions as to whether it is possible to pour oil into diesel fuel? Those who speak out against this initiative motivate their opinion with the following features:

  • Automakers prohibit diluting diesel fuel with anything, even with special additives from third-party companies.
  • Each oil contains resinous substances and heavy hydrocarbons, detergents and anti-foam additives. After all of them are burned, soot or even ash remains.

On the right is the piston after adding oil to diesel fuel.

Typically, owners of diesel engines pour two-stroke oil into diesel fuel, explaining this by the lower content of additives in it. In this case there is also one by-effect: due to incomplete combustion of the lubricant, its products coke the injectors, clog the EGR valves, turbocharger parts and the particulate filter.

As for the experts who speak out against adding oil to diesel fuel, there are also quite a lot of them. This is especially true for older diesel engines with pin injectors. As for engines with multi-hole atomizers, they also do not recommend adding oil to the fuel for them, but there are those who are not against such an initiative.

What does mixing oil with diesel fuel do?

On forums dedicated to different models cars, you will find many car enthusiasts experimenting with adding 2-stroke oil to diesel fuel. They are sure that this way they increase the lubricity of diesel fuel. There are also many on such forums who doubt the benefits of such a solution.

Clogged particulate filter

Before adding oil to diesel fuel, you should consider certain features:

  • If the engine has a particulate filter, adding oil to diesel fuel is not recommended, otherwise the life of the filter element will be significantly reduced.
  • When burning two-stroke oil Ash substances settle on the nozzles. Regardless of the minimum concentration of the lubricant in diesel fuel, modern injectors can fail.
  • Ash substances formed when burning oil in diesel fuel lead to glowing ignition of spark plug tips.
  • Flashes occur in the cylinder due to hot ash, and the spark plug stops functioning normally. This happens rarely, but such a possibility cannot be ruled out.

It should be noted that not every motorist notices an improvement in performance diesel engine after adding oil to the fuel. The fact is that lubricant can lead to the formation of sulfuric acid. The additive contains sulfur, so it is better to avoid experiments on modern machines.

Why did they start adding oil to diesel fuel?

Adding oil to diesel fuel for diesel engines began many years ago. This was explained by the quieting down of the unit, the disappearance of vibrations and knocks, so there was a feeling that the oil was really giving a positive result.

Clogged diesel injectors

In reality, more quiet operation motor is easily explained. Wear of the unit leads to the appearance of extraneous noise during operation, as gaps arise between the rubbing parts.

When oil is added to diesel fuel, its viscosity increases, that is, the work of the plunger pair is softened and the knocking noise disappears. Due to the increase in fuel density, the pump experiences more high loads for pumping fuel, which is harmful for it.

Therefore, we do not recommend that you add oil to your diesel engine, otherwise you will only make the situation worse. Typically, this procedure is performed by unscrupulous sellers of used cars who need to make the engine quieter and more stable.

I want to talk about what turns out to be a popular topic - adding oil to fuel diesel car. The topic is quite popular among owners diesel cars and very controversial, since there are both supporters of this “life hack” and opponents.

Let me start by saying that I learned about such a “trick” relatively recently, from one of my friends, who was fiddling around at a gas station for several minutes near fuel tank. When I asked what happened, he answered with a smile that he had poured in “the People’s Commissar’s 100 grams...” I became interested and began to ask about what, and how, in general, I was privy to the essence of the matter and, to be honest, I was a little shocked by what I heard. Fill the tank with two-stroke oil in a diesel car? For what? The last time I saw this was when my dad poured oil into the gas tank of his JAVA. But diesel oil? Yes, even in the tank modern car? Unclear! So, I decided to look into this. I didn’t argue with my friend, but to be honest, I didn’t believe what he was saying, despite the fact that an experienced motor mechanic advised him to pour two-stroke oil into the diesel fuel.

So, after studying this issue, rummaging around on the Internet for several days and sifting through several hundred articles, I came to the conclusion that I decided to present in this article. If you are interested, continue reading, if you are too lazy to read, watch the summary right away...

So where do legs come from?

A long time ago, when diesel fuel or diesel fuel still existed of proper quality, paraffins contained in diesel fuel, when subzero temperatures ah thickened, turning the fuel into jelly. Despite the fact that the solarium was supposedly winter with a snowflake “*”, owners of diesel cars had quite a few problems. The paraffins settled, and the diesel engine itself became “fat-free” or something, as a result of which the injection pump (fuel pump) suffered high pressure). Why did you suffer? The fact is that the lubrication of this same fuel injection pump, as planned by the designers, should be done by the fuel itself, which should be “greasy” due to the presence of paraffins in it. However, due to sub-zero temperatures, as I already said, there is a shortage of lubrication, which significantly affects the condition of the fuel pump and leads to its premature failure.

Craftsmen experimentally came to the conclusion that adding additional lubricant to diesel fuel in the form of oil or kerosene, which had a beneficial effect on fuel injection pump operation and the entire engine as a whole. At the same time or a little later on the market automotive chemistry Various fuel additives, “antigels” and similar preparations began to appear that performed the same function. The only difference was the price... Those who had financial opportunity they began to buy additives to “feed” the engine of their car, and those who did not have such an opportunity continued to pour oil into the diesel engine.

Time has flown, everything has changed, generations of drivers, engines and technologies, but despite the high-tech nature of modern ones, some traditions are still relevant. Moreover, the situation is aggravated by the gas stations themselves, which, instead of adding special additives that prevent diesel fuel from thickening, simply remove large percentage paraffins from fuel. As a result, they get savings and supposedly “winter diesel fuel,” while drivers get a lot of problems and a faulty high-pressure fuel pump.

Lack of fuel injection pump lubrication leads to its inevitable failure, a harbinger of which is loud work this node. Due to the large output, the gaps in the parts of the high-pressure fuel pump increase, which lead to the fact that during operation the injection pump makes a lot of noise, which is familiar to all “diesel drivers”.

How will the motor react?

Opponents of such “infusions” into the tank question this method protection of the fuel injection pump, since it is allegedly not recommended by the car manufacturer; moreover, the compatibility of 2T oil with diesel fuel and its effect on the diesel unit have not been tested.

Argument 1 . Precisely for those who doubt it, I specially visited several service stations, where I had a conversation with specialists who, in principle, were of the same opinion. In their opinion, two-stroke oil does not have a detrimental effect on a diesel engine; on the contrary, it makes the engine run more smoothly, lubricates the fuel injection pump, prolonging its “life”. Moreover, observations have shown that after adding oil to diesel fuel.

Argument 2 . One of the respondents is engaged in repairing fuel equipment; he did it at all sensational statement. He not only confirmed the fact that adding oil has a beneficial effect on the injection pump and the engine as a whole, but also spoke about his own tests. He experimentally found out that fuel injection pumps that “ate” diesel fuel with the addition of oil were less likely to fail.

How much and what kind of oil should be poured into diesel fuel?

The ideal ratio, according to the majority of supporters of using 2T oil, is the proportion: 1:100, this is the “dose” that, according to owners of diesel cars, does not violate the fuel assembly ( fuel-air mixture) and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the engine and fuel equipment. The fuel injection pump and engine operate smoothly, without loss of dynamics.

As for the brand, there is no definite opinion, the main thing is that it is 2T oil, preferably not cheap. Also, according to the observations of some forum users, it is better to pour semi-synthetic oil in diesel fuel, since it has similar tolerances and standards" low smoke" (the translation will be something like: little smoke or faint smoke...). Due to the similar parameters of the ash content of these oils and the ash content of diesel fuel, the appearance of soot or a change in the color of the exhaust is almost impossible!

Let's sum it up

As practice and numerous positive reviews from understanding people show, pouring 2T oil into diesel fuel is a completely working way to prevent the breakdown of expensive fuel equipment. Using a small amount of two-stroke oil will not damage the power unit, but will only improve its condition.

Minuses . Among the disadvantages voiced by some car owners: (by about 3-5%), a slight decrease in dynamics, as well as oil costs and the need to constantly get your hands dirty and bother with pouring this oil into the tank. But it seems to me that if you compare the cost of repairs and the discomfort associated with it, then all these disadvantages simply look ridiculous.

Alternative . If you don’t want to pour 2T oil, but want to keep the engine and fuel injection pump, buy it special additives in diesel fuel, which will provide a similar effect, albeit at a higher price. As a result, the use of such additives will be cheaper than expensive repairs fuel equipment and premature exit failure of one of its most expensive parts. As I have said more than once: “Prevention is always cheaper than repair!”

If you don’t want to tinker with all this, then I recommend using the first or second method at least winter time, when the diesel fuel becomes “dry and fresh” and the fuel pump operates practically without lubrication. Such measures will ensure correct work Injection pump will extend its service life, and will also allow you to avoid troubles and waste associated with repairs.

That's all I have, thank you for your attention. Leave your thoughts on this matter in the comments, tell us which option you use and how you feel about adding oil to diesel fuel. Bye everyone, take care of yourselves!

Two-stroke oil is added to diesel fuel to lubricate engine parts. 2T standard oil for 2-stroke engines has the same characteristics as oil for different types of internal combustion engines. The main difference is the base of 2-stroke oils.

Standard 2T oil has mineral base, and the composition of semi-synthetic ones is based on mixing mineral oil with synthetic, the latter uses synthetic substances as its base. To provide the required properties to standard 2T oils, manufacturers introduce the necessary additives.

Consequences of adding 2T oil to diesel fuel

Adding 2T oils to diesel fuel causes it to color in the appropriate color, which is similar to the color of the additive. This characteristic allows you to know about its presence in the fuel. This technique helps prevent emergency situations possible as a result of using pure fuel instead of 2-stroke mixtures. If the diesel engine operates too harshly, we can conclude that there are violations associated with adjusting the injection timing process or possible problems, which may include fuel equipment.

First you need to consult with a specialist in the field of this type of machine. The second reason for harsh engine operation is refueling with fuel that has too low a cetane number (CN). It allows you to characterize the property of the fuel associated with its possible ignition. Too low a central frequency is characterized by a delay time of the ignition process that is too long.

For this reason, at the moment the fuel-oil mixture ignites, a larger proportion of the fuel is injected into the engine chamber, where it is burned. The combustible mixture distributed throughout the chamber burns, which causes a sharp increase in pressure in special cylinders. At the same time, engine operation becomes harsh. The central frequency can be reduced by diluting diesel fuel with kerosene or gasoline. This is often practiced in winter, which reduces limit level filterability temperature of diesel fuel.

Another reason may be the low quality of diesel fuel sold at gas stations. As a result of adding 2-stroke oil to diesel fuel, the CN of the resulting composition increases. The question related to the need for a fuel additive may come down to softening the operation of the engine, to which many experts give a positive answer, which does not depend on the type of engine (2-stroke or 4-stroke).

Difference the first internal combustion engines from the second is associated with the lack special system allowing the use of 2T oil. It is not typical for them to have oil filters, pumps or crankcase. The lubrication system in a 2-stroke engine is associated with the introduction of additives into the fuel.

For certain models diesel additive is carried out different ways, that is, two-stroke oil can be added manually, but often there is a process of automatically adding it to diesel fuel before the mixture is fed into the chamber where it will be burned. The two-stroke oil needs to get into the cylinder so it can burn with the fuel. This creates a fuel-oil mist that lubricates all parts.

Properties of 2T oils and their positive characteristics

2T oil is characterized by the property of excellent solubility in gasoline, having excellent anti-corrosion, anti-wear, lubricating, and temperature properties. It is necessary that 2T oil burns completely, then the volume of ash formed will be minimal. 2T oil decomposes when it gets into water.

The purpose of 2T standard additives is related to their use in engines air cooling various equipment, for example, chainsaws, walk-behind tractors, agricultural machinery, etc. Modern technology with small dimensions is associated with the use of separate supply of 2T oils and fuel to the engine, and liquids must be poured into tanks.

The supply is made using a special pump, but can also be carried out in the presence of pressure. Separate feeding is associated with combustion of the mixture. 2T oil is mixed with fuel in ratios from 1:20 to 1:50, which is determined by the type of substance, as well as the operating instructions for the equipment. When preparing the mixture, you must take into account every instruction in the instructions.

What problems in engine operation are caused by the presence of oil in the fuel?

Since there is not enough oil in fuel mixture can cause severe engine wear, its overheating or jamming is associated with excess mixture. As a result, there is increased level smokiness of the exhaust, carbon deposits form, covering the spark plugs, pistons and injector. This can negatively affect the operation of the motor.

If the ignition and fuel supply systems are faulty, the mixture in the engine cylinder may not burn completely. The reason for this is the oil used, which is part of the 2-stroke mixture. Its quality may be unsatisfactory, or it is possible that the fuel and additive may have been mixed in the wrong proportions. The consequences of such use of a 2-stroke mixture will certainly negatively affect the condition of the engine, which will cause its breakdown.

When preparing the mixture by mixing 2T oil with diesel fuel, you must strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer. Two-stroke engines are very sensitive to fuel quality, and a violation of the oil-fuel ratio in the mixture or the use of unregulated additives, as well as oils whose origin is unknown, will worsen engine performance.

It should be borne in mind that 2T oil is characterized by its pour point. Too much low level ambient air temperature causes a decrease in the quality level of the 2-stroke mixture. At the same time, the packaging of 2T oils does not indicate their pour point, that is, such information is available only in the technical literature.

What effect can be obtained by mixing two-stroke oil with diesel fuel?

Adding two-stroke oil to diesel fuel can be considered at the level of experiments that can be carried out by car enthusiasts who believe that this can improve the quality of diesel fuel by improving its lubricating properties. At the same time, many drivers do not think about whether such mixtures are beneficial or not. The additive to diesel fuel is associated with certain contraindications.

In fact, it is not always possible to detect the effect associated with improving the performance of the engine mechanism when adding two-stroke oil to diesel fuel, since sulfuric acid can form in the fuel. This additive contains sulfur, so it is better not to experiment with mixing.

The result will be associated with the selection along with exhaust gases toxic sulfur oxides, the increased content of which in the oil used in diesel engines can contain harmful acids in large quantities. This will require using detergent additives in significant quantities. At the same time, alkalines will also be needed in large volumes to neutralize acids. If you do not change the oil in a diesel engine often, this can lead to the appearance of acids in it.

How does oil affect engine wear?

The spread of this method is associated with the quieting of the diesel engine after adding two-stroke oil to diesel fuel. Drivers note the disappearance of knocks and vibrations, so it may feel like 2T oil actually helps to significantly improve the performance of a diesel engine.

Quiet operation in practice power unit is explained quite easily. Since wear on the diesel engine led to extraneous noise during its operation, a mixture of two-stroke oil and diesel fuel was needed. In general, constant operation of the engine, which allows the car to travel tens and hundreds of kilometers without using a mixture, leads to the formation of gaps, which can cause knocking in the engine.

After introducing the additive into diesel fuel, it becomes more viscous, and the operation of the plunger pair becomes softer, and knocking begins to disappear. Since the mixture thickens the fuel, the pump will also work harder. with the greatest effort to pump fuel. No performance from worn out engine, running on diesel fuel, it is impossible to get, only losses.

If there is wear in a diesel engine, all problems can be eliminated only through repair, that is, 2-stroke oil or any other oil will not have a positive effect here. In fact, not only will there be further wear on the engine, but also failure of the pump.

Will the engine run smoother after adding oil?

If the diesel engine operates too harshly due to injection advance, or if there are problems in the fuel equipment, the car must be shown to a specialist. When the additive is added to the fuel, there is an increase in cetane number mixtures, as mentioned above. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether the engine will run not hard, but softly after adding two-stroke oil to diesel fuel, can be unequivocally positive.

It does not matter what kind of engine it is: two-stroke or four-stroke. Some experts object to using 2-stroke oil for mixing with diesel fuel, motivating their own opinion with the following arguments.

  1. The instructions from the car manufacturer contain instructions that the fuel used in modern engines should not be allowed to be diluted with any substances, including additives, kerosene, oils or gasoline.
  2. The composition of the oil is characterized by the presence of heavy hydrocarbons, resinous substances, and additionally it contains anti-foam additives, detergents, etc.

In the first case, if the temperature is not high enough for the substances to burn completely, carbon deposits may form. In the second case, ash formation occurs. 2-stroke diesel engines are filled with oil containing a minimum amount of additives, so its ash content is the lowest.

Due to the difference in temperature conditions, the intensity of soot formation increases and the rate at which the oil burns out decreases. It is also possible that smoke may increase when oils are added due to an increase in the fuel concentration and a drop in engine power. This increases fuel consumption.

Among experts who believe that mixing 2T oil and diesel fuel is acceptable, there is also no unanimous opinion.

Some experts are not against adding oil to the fuel if it is poured into older engines equipped with pin injectors. Meanwhile, these experts may express doubts about the use of oil in engines with injectors that have multi-hole nozzles, due to which injection occurs.

The opinion of others is related to the addition of oil solely for the purpose of using fuel in winter, when during operation it is diluted with gasoline or kerosene. Other experts prove that the addition of two-stroke oil to fuel may not depend on the type of diesel engine, and the mixture can be used in any season.

Among car enthusiasts, there are supporters and opponents of the idea of ​​adding two-stroke oil to diesel fuel. Both positions are not unfounded, they have a sensible explanation, on whose side is the truth, let’s try to figure it out.

According to the new standards, the requirements for diesel fuel have been tightened: the sulfur content must be 0.05%. In addition, the composition of the fuel must include additives that increase the cetane number, as well as depressant-dispersant chemicals. This allows you to reduce the amount of sulfur in diesel fuel, reducing its harmful effects on environment. But unscrupulous manufacturers produce fuel without adhering to all the necessary standards; diesel fuel often contains various impurities that reduce its quality - this affects the operation of power units.

The reason for the rough operation of the diesel drive may be the use of fuel with insufficient cetane number. This parameter affects the ability of the mixture to ignite. If the cetane number is insufficient, the ignition period becomes too long; before combustion begins, a large amount of fuel enters the combustion chamber - the fuel ignites throughout the entire volume of the combustion chamber, the pressure increases very sharply, and harsh engine operation occurs. Adding motor oil to diesel fuel increases the cetane number, the drive begins to work better, motorists note the following changes:

  • Fuel consumption is slightly reduced;
  • the power unit is quieter and smoother;
  • exhaust gases become cleaner.

Adding oil to diesel fuel makes the engine run smoother, but there are other factors that need to be taken into account. Watch a video about adding motor oil to fuel:

Adding oil is necessary

Modern standards reduce the proportion of sulfur in fuel; many motorists believe that a decrease in this chemical element will lead to a deterioration in the lubricating properties of the fuel. Chemists took this fact into account and added a package of additives to the fuel composition. But most drivers add two-stroke diesel fuel to improve lubrication. engine oil.

2 stroke oils burn inside the power unit completely, without the formation of soot and soot. Car enthusiasts were determined how much oil needed to be poured to improve engine performance - the proportion was 1:200.

If you are filling in diesel fuel of dubious quality, then adding 2-stroke motor oil in such an amount is justified. Do not be afraid of contamination of the spray nozzles - specified oil Designed to burn instantly.

There is another problem - there are fuel injection pumps with a separate lubrication system and those that are lubricated directly with diesel fuel. The second type is set to passenger cars. To lubricate the pump elements, diesel fuel with great content sulfur, reduction mass fraction This chemical element reduced the lubricating properties of the fuel mixture to European standards. Therefore, it is necessary to add two-stroke oils to diesel fuel when the engine is running, especially at low temperatures. Please note that imported diesel fuel does not contain paraffin; it contains oil. Domestic diesel fuel has paraffin due to its low cost and lubricating properties. Adding 2-stroke motor oil to diesel fuel domestic production, you prevent paraffin from crystallizing when low temperatures, ensure a quick start of the engine, increase the low-temperature threshold for pumping fuel through the filter.

Opponents of topping up

Manufacturers of diesel fuel do not indicate the possibility of adding lubricants to the composition of the fuel they produce. The use of two-stroke oil contradicts the recommendations of dealers of cars with modern engines, manufacturers of such drives indicate that diluting the fuel with any substances is unacceptable.

Most experts adhere to the position that adding motor oil to a diesel engine is acceptable in older engines equipped with panel injectors and is unacceptable in new power units with multi-hole nozzles.

In drives with a decent mileage, wear of the engine elements is observed, the gaps between the friction pairs increase, adding oil will lead to an increase in the density of the fuel, the amount of fuel leaking into the combustion chamber will decrease, the worn pairs of engine elements will stop ringing, and the illusion of improved engine performance arises. In this case, you can do without general repairs motor. But this effect is short-lived; the engine will fail over time.

Adding two-stroke oil to diesel fuel is unacceptable due to the difference temperature conditions diesel and motorcycle operation. 2-stroke oils burn completely in motorcycle engines, and in diesel engines they form products of incomplete combustion - carbon deposits form, the injectors become coked, and sediment settles on the particulate filter, turbocharger parts and so on. An excessive increase in the cetane number causes a decrease in drive power, leads to an increase in fuel consumption, and an increase in smoke.


The addition of motor oil to diesel fuel is very common among car enthusiasts; such actions allow the use of diesel fuel at fairly low temperatures, improve engine performance, increase the lubricating properties of the mixture, and eliminate dry friction of drive elements.

For modern engines These manipulations can be disastrous; the engine design is not designed to change the viscosity by adding oil. And in old, worn-out drives, the effect of improving the performance of the power unit is illusory; the driver is simply playing for time until overhaul, but the reasons for the rough operation of the motor are not eliminated. In addition, 2-stroke motor oils are designed for the operation of a motorcycle, not a diesel engine; doubts arise: will the mixture burn completely inside the engine or will lead to an increase in carbon formation.

The car enthusiast must decide which opinion to listen to, because the service life of the engine depends on his choice.

Is it possible to fill diesel engine oil into a gasoline engine? What kind of oil should be poured into a diesel engine?

Here are some characteristics domestic oils 2T

Special motor oil for all types of two-stroke engines with combined or separate lubrication systems.
Exceeds or meets the latest engine manufacturer requirements.
The use of a special additive package guarantees the cleanliness of engine parts and excellent protection against wear and corrosion.
When using M-12TP oil, the content of toxic substances in exhaust gases is sharply reduced.
Apply in proportion 1:50
SAE 30
Kin. viscosity at 100°C (mm2/s) 11.5
Base number(mg KOH/g) 2.3
Density at 20 °C, no more (g/cm3) 0.89
Sulfate ash content, no more (%) 0.3
Flash point (in an open crucible), not less (°C) 160

Multi-purpose motor oil suitable for year-round use.
Semi-synthetic oil for two-stroke engines with air or water cooling, operating in harsh conditions or at high speed modes.
The use of a special additive package guarantees the cleanliness of engine parts and excellent protection against wear and corrosion.
When using SUPER 2T oil, the content of toxic substances in exhaust gases is sharply reduced.
Recommended for use: for all types boat motors and personal watercraft with a combined or separate lubrication system, in accordance with the recommendations of the engine manufacturer. In its absence, the recommended concentration is 1:40.
SAE 30
GOST has no analogues
Kin. viscosity at 100°С (mm2/s) 12.0
Base number (mg KOH/g) 2.5
Density at 20 °C, no more (g/cm3) 0.870
Sulfate ash content, no more (%) 0.25


Application area LUKOIL-MOTO 2T

Intended for use as a component of the fuel-oil mixture of two-stroke gasoline engines of motorcycles, scooters, snowmobiles, chainsaws, boat engines and garden equipment.
It is also used for lubrication of gas engine compressors and gas engines.

The low ash content of the oil ensures a long service life of the spark plug. Has high lubricating anti-wear properties.
Basic physical and chemical parameters of LUKOIL-Avangard oil
Name of indicators Norm
Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, mm2/s 13.5-15.5
Viscosity index, min 90
Flash point in open crucible oC, min 215
Pour point oC, max -15
Base number, mg KOH/1g oil, min 2.0
Mass fraction of sulfate ash, % mass, max 0.25
Cleaning properties according to ELV, point, max 0.5
Oil for two-stroke engines
TNK 2T universal oil for two-stroke engines, intended for
use in boat engines, chainsaws, motor cultivators and other equipment,
equipped with two-stroke gasoline engines domestic and foreign
TNK 2T is manufactured on the basis of high-quality mineral base oil With
by adding an improved balanced ash-free package of imported
additives TNK 2T is intended for mixing with gasoline in a ratio of 1:50, however
engine manufacturer's recommendations should be followed if required
high dosage. The oil is self-mixing. Add to the tank before refueling.
TNK 2T series oils have the following advantages:
the oil-fuel mixture burns completely and without residue
the highly effective additive included in the oil helps remove carbon deposits
from the combustion chamber
even during the period winter downtime the oil perfectly protects the engine and the entire fuel system
anti-corrosion system
fully compatible and interchangeable with oils of similar quality levels
TNK 2T corresponds API standard TC and viscosity class F/M 3 according to SAE classification
J 1536. Designation according to GOST – M-8TP(i). TNK 2T successfully passed testing at the plant named after.
Chernyshev in the “Mole” motor-cultivator and the “Neptune” outboard motor.
Kinematic viscosity at 100 °C, mm2/s 8.0-9.0
Sulfate ash content, % 0.15
Base number, mg KOH/g 0.75
Flash point in an open crucible, °C 200
Pour point, oC -25
Density at 20°C, g/cm3 0.9

Lawn SAE F/M 3, FB, TC
Semi-synthetic motor oil Spectrol Lawn is intended for use in air-cooled two-stroke engines motorcycles, mopeds, snowmobiles, chain saws, boat motors, motor cultivators, etc. working volume from 50 cm³ to 500 cm³ and is used for pre-prepared mixtures of fuel and oil, as well as oil injection systems.
Temperature range of use from -25°С to +40°С
TU 0253-025-06913380-99
Complies with standards:


Viscosity index, not less than 100

Pour point (°C) -25

Mineral motor oil Spectrol MGD-14 is intended for two-stroke engines of motorcycles, chainsaws, and boat engines. Has excellent lubricating, cooling and protective properties. Economical and reliable when operating engines, including gasoline engines Low quality. Low carbon formation during oil operation is achieved through the use of predominantly low-ash components in its production. Compared to similar lubricants When using MGD-14 oil, the toxicity of exhaust gases is significantly lower.

Directions for use: Mix Spectrol MGD-14 oil with gasoline in an amount of 1/30 of the volume of gasoline being filled. For a new engine that has not been run-in - in the amount of 1/20 of the volume of gasoline. To completely dissolve the oil in gasoline, it is recommended to mix the components before refueling the fuel tank.

Temperature range of use from -15°С to +40°С

TU 0253-024-06913380-2001
Kinematic. viscosity at 100°C (mm2/s) 13.5 – 15.5
Viscosity index, not less than 90
Base number, not less (mg KOH/g) 0.2
Pour point (°C) -15
Density at 20 °C, no more (kg/cm3) 900
Sulfate ash content, no more (%) 0.3

Extreme SAE F/M 4, FB, TC
Spectrol Extreme semi-synthetic motor oil is intended for use in air-cooled two-stroke engines of motorcycles, mopeds, snowmobiles, chain saws, boat engines, motor cultivators, etc. working volume from 50 cm³ to 500 cm³ and is used for pre-prepared mixtures of fuel and oil, as well as oil injection systems.

Temperature range of use from -42°С to +40°С

TU 0253-025-06913380-99

Complies with standards:

Kinematic. viscosity at 100°С (mm2/s) 10.0 – 11.0
Viscosity index, not less than 105
Base number, not less (mg KOH/g) 1.0
Pour point (°C) -42
Density at 20 °C, no more (kg/cm3) 900
Sulfate ash content, no more (%) 0.12

Which of these oils is better to pour into the tank???
I want to try and write about the results