Why do you need a part number? Search for spare parts by number. Catalog part number. How to find out the OEM number (i.e. original number, manufacturer number) of a spare part

When a driver needs to repair and replace any part or component of his car, searching for the right part can take a long time. Developers are constantly making changes to the design of the engine or suspension, as a result the configuration of the main parts also changes.

If we look at the design of the same engine, we will notice many different elements: pistons, cylinders, valves, main and radial liners crankshaft, various gaskets, O-rings, cylinder head bolts, injectors and much more. Even the smallest of these parts must fit exactly in size and configuration. To make searching easier, they are all identified by catalog numbers.

Drivers often use a simple trick - they take the broken part and go to the auto shop. An experienced sales consultant will be able to appearance distinguish the first gear gear from the second gear or the throttle cable from the cable parking brake. However, it is much easier to find Catalogue number parts in the catalog and search it in the computer database. IN in this case The VIN code of the car comes to the rescue.

VIN code is an identification number your car, it contains the following information:

  • vehicle manufacturer and model;
  • basic characteristics of the car;
  • model year.

There are many programs to scan this code. Accordingly, knowing the VIN code, you can select any spare part specifically for your model. If you also know the car’s engine number (and this is also required to search for spare parts for some models via the Internet), then your car will be able to be identified in the most accurate way.

How to search for a part by VIN code?

There are many services on the Internet that will help you find the part you need. When you visit one of these sites, you will see input fields necessary information. For example, for a Mercedes, in addition to the VIN code, you need to enter a 14-digit engine number, for Italian cars you need to enter VIN, Versione, Motor, Per Ricambi - all this is on the engine compartment plate, for Swedish, Japanese and Korean cars One VIN is enough, for VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda - VIN and engine number. Information about the type of gearbox, the presence of power steering, etc. It will only make the search easier.

Having entered all this data, you need to write the name and catalog number of the required part - for example, a washer reservoir hose, a clutch housing or a third gear. This is where it arises main question— what is the name of this or that spare part and what is its catalog number. This is where a catalog comes to the rescue, it can be like in electronic format, and in print.

The catalog identifies all the main groups of the car: engine, clutch, differential, steering, electrical, accessories, etc.

Find the group that interests you, the groups are divided into subgroups, finding the right gasket, bolt or hose is not difficult.

If you wish, you can leave your phone number to contact the manager, who will help you if anything happens.

It is also worth noting that this method of searching for spare parts is suitable only for those people who understand something about the structure of the car and can independently determine what exactly is broken. You can, of course, go to a car service center, where specialists will replace everything for you. But the problem is that by ordering spare parts by VIN code via the Internet, you can save a lot, and you will be sure that you will receive exactly the spare part that you ordered - original, recommended by the manufacturer, or non-original. Whereas in a car service they may give you something completely different from what you asked for.

But even if you are not going to order a part, but simply find out its catalog number so that you can then purchase it at a local auto store, then searching by VIN code will significantly save you time.

It's no secret that every car has a lot of spare parts that gradually wear out and become unusable during its use. After several years of active use, they have to be replaced.

How to choose spare parts

Many machine parts different brands similar in appearance. Specialists with many years of experience, of course, distinguish between them, but even they can get confused by the variety of spare parts on the market. In order to avoid problems, manufacturers assign their own numbers to parts even at the time of production. This is done by large auto giant factories that produce original spare parts, and those who produce cheaper analogues.

The assigned codes are entered into special catalogs, where information about what exactly the part is is visible. Dealers use the catalog number of a spare part to facilitate its search, track stock availability in stores and quickly determine the price. After all, it is much easier to enter the assigned code into the program than to enter the full name of the part and the brand of car for which it is suitable. But it is important to remember that manufacturers can change the part numbers assigned to spare parts over time. So if you have enough old car, then you should not rely on the number marked on the part you want to change. But it is often difficult to find part numbers on replacement parts.

Part code classification

For experienced specialists, searching for spare parts by catalog number is not difficult. If you understand the principle of assigning ciphers, many of them are quickly memorized. So, three methods can be used to create it: by car make, by engine code and by a special VIN number.

When using the first method, the article will first contain the vehicle number, then the code assigned to a specific category of spare parts, and then the serial number the required detail. There may also be an alphabetic code at the end, which indicates a specific modification. In addition, a code specialist can not only determine which one is represented replacement part, but also talk about other nuances, down to the material or color of the part.

Assigning an article by VIN code

Few manage to figure out what each manufacturer encrypts using codes. After all, companies do not provide a description of the principle by which certain articles are assigned and what the numbers and letters in them mean. Many foreign manufacturers currently assign a spare part catalog number based on the VIN code of the car for which it is intended.

The same individual code is used to search for component parts. If you use electronic catalogs, then search by VIN code takes just minutes. You can find it in the registration certificate of each car - this is the body (frame) number.

Decoding the individual code

VIN is a special identifier that consists of 17 different characters. It is divided into several parts. The first three characters are the worldwide index of the manufacturer itself - WMI. From 4 to 9 characters the descriptive part is encrypted - VDS. Character 17 contains information about distinctive information vehicle- VIS.

WMI is a code in which the first character identifies the country of origin, the second character identifies the manufacturing plant, and the third character identifies the specific production where the car was produced. The second part of the VIN code, called VDS, carries information about the main technical specifications vehicle, it encrypts the make, engine type, body, series and other data. The ninth digit is a verification digit - it can be used to determine the reliability of the VIN code.

The meaning of the last part of the article, consisting of 8 characters, is determined individually by the manufacturer himself. There, for example, there may be information about the year of production or a specific assembly plant.

Features of searching in catalogs

Of course, if you are used to buying parts in specialized stores or on the market, then you do not need to know what the catalog number of the spare part looks like, what it consists of and how it is assigned. But if you independently search for the necessary components, for example, via the Internet, this knowledge will greatly facilitate your work.

To avoid mistakes, many online stores advise using the help of consultants who can help you determine exactly what part you need. But if you know how to search for spare parts by number, and you know the code of the part you need, then you can do it yourself. To do this, it is only important to know a few nuances. When searching, you must use only numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet. The numbers may have a different number of characters; to search in some systems, missing characters must be replaced with 0. They must be entered before the first digits. But it is better to check the specifics of the search with the dealer. It is also important to remember that when encrypting, manufacturers do not use the Latin letters I, O, Q to avoid confusion with the numbers 1 and 0.

Articles of domestic cars

While foreign production has switched to using VIN codes since 1980, such encryption is not used in our country. The catalog number of a VAZ spare part is determined based on the specific car model, the type of part required and its name. Feature domestic auto industry is that the manufacturer can offer several parts for the same brand different numbers. At the same time, the car owner must guess on his own what the differences are between them.

For example, the catalog number of a VAZ-2109 spare part, which is called the “cover gasket” and refers to the main elements of the engine, may be coded 2108-1003270-01. But the last digits in the same part may change to 10 or 11. Therefore, it is better to consult with a dealer representative before purchasing. After all, there are often cases when owners are repairing their car and cannot find spare parts that are suitable specifically for their configuration.

How to choose a part?

If you are searching on your own necessary spare parts, then you will be interested in knowing how to correctly identify the code. Some manufacturers create special catalogs that not only contain a description of the part and its number, but also a schematic image of the car indicating exactly where this spare part is located.

If you have such a publication in your hands, finding the spare part number in the catalog is not difficult. It is enough to understand the structure of the machine and know what type of components the part you need belongs to. To work with illustrated publications, you just need to open the section where the images are located. There you can find the desired section of the machine and the required part. Next to each of them the catalog number of the spare part will be indicated. Knowing it, you can already find out whether the product is in the warehouse of your choice and determine its cost.

Filter codes

If you need a specific part, the easiest way to buy it is if you know the part number. For example, one of the most popular spare parts is filters. If there are usually no problems with replacing air cleaners, then the selection of oil cleaners often raises a number of questions. Right choice guarantees long lasting performance engine, because it is the filter that cleans the oil from various solid particles, decay products and foreign impurities.

Only if you know the catalog number of the car most suitable for your brand can you select it correctly. It is also important to know before purchasing that every motorist can choose both original spare parts and more affordable analogues. But their numbers will vary, since each manufacturer creates its own specification. For example, for I, a filter with catalog number 15400PLC004 or 15400-RBA-F01 could be selected. But for the VAZ-2109, a cleaner with the code 2108-1012005 or 2105-1012005-01 may be suitable.

Selection of parts for foreign cars

As the experience of many car owners shows, selecting components for foreign cars it gets a little easier. After all, the catalog number of the spare part is tied to the individual VIN code of each car. If you are an active Internet user and prefer to shop online, then you will find information on how to search for parts using a custom code useful.

As a rule, the search algorithm is similar in all online stores. The future buyer needs to enter the VIN code of the vehicle and its make in the appropriate column and select the components that interest him. Moreover, everyone can either pick up original spare parts from the factory or focus on more affordable analogues. In this way, you can search in several online stores at once, compare their offers, prices, delivery conditions and choose the most suitable option. But immediately before purchasing, it is better to contact the seller’s representative and clarify whether the correct spare parts were selected by number.

Features of online trading

Many stores operating via the World Wide Web try to immediately get in touch with the client and contact him personally. They are not too interested in allowing the buyer to compare prices and delivery conditions. And with personal communication, persuading a client to place an order is much easier. Therefore, most of them do not post information about the cost of spare parts; they simply offer to enter all the necessary data in special forms and leave your contact information to contact the manager.

The company’s specialists, using the information provided, independently determine the part number from the catalog, select all suitable options and call the potential buyer back. They offer the client several components for different prices, it could be like original parts, and fake analogues.

Sooner or later during the operation of the car, whether domestic car or a foreign car, replacement of auto parts may be required. You can buy a part from an old car at a disassembly site, but it is better to take a new and, preferably, original spare part.

Every detail of the car, even the most insignificant, has its own unique number, which is assigned to it during production and consists of numbers and letters. Spare parts from each manufacturer are numbered differently, but they are all tied to a VIN code specific car. This standard facilitates the work of service centers by allowing them to determine the compliance of the vehicle and its spare parts. Often the unique number is stamped on the spare part itself, so the easiest way is to simply write it off the part if the part is easily accessible. Or partially disassemble the car, pull out the necessary part that requires replacement, and look at the number on it. However, one point should be taken into account: in the process of production of cars and spare parts, modernization is constantly taking place, and the article number may simply change over time.

To be sure to find out the part number, especially if your car has been in operation for several years, then there is every chance of changing the part number, you should contact a service center, a dealer or a company that imports spare parts to order. Specialists will help you make the correct cross-connection and find out the unique code of the spare part.

All numbers are entered into an electronic database and can be found by entering the vehicle’s VIN code into the search system. Also, some stores provide the ability to search by make and year of manufacture of the car. If service center or a store has its own website on the Internet, it is quite possible that it has a service for searching for spare parts, indicating their numbers and availability in stock, or on order. But you should check the information for relevance.

You can find out the spare part number yourself by purchasing an electronic spare parts database on disk. However, in this case you will not have a 100% guarantee that the information on it is fresh and relevant. And it doesn’t make much sense to buy a disk for one spare part every few years, unless you are going to open a small business selling spare parts.

Remember that non-original spare parts may also have markings and numbers. In this case, it is important to take into account the differences between non-original analogue spare parts and simply fakes. The price will compare favorably with the prices of original parts, but reliability and service life may differ significantly for the worse.


To find out, the easiest way is to dismantle the part with. But, despite the desire of many motorists to independently search for spare parts, they are still strongly recommended to seek help from certified specialists.

Such recommendations are based on the fact that in the process of spare parts there is a constant modernization of production, which entails the replacement of articles. Consequently, yesterday’s correct part code may not be relevant today, and not everyone can do the cross-linking.

Find out original number details can be obtained after entering the VIN code of the car into the search database of an online store specializing in auto parts. This method is one of the accelerated ones.

Alternatively, you can purchase a database with a set of applications on digital media and store the required details in it, but in this case there is no guarantee that the catalog is current.

It should be borne in mind that non-original spare parts also have article numbers that are assigned to them by manufacturers, and information about this must be posted on the website of the online store; usually it is published next to the original number ohm


  • find a spare part by VIN

You have to deal with replacing spare parts quite often, especially during global car repairs. However, the task of finding the right part is not always quite simple for car enthusiasts. First of all, this applies to those situations when the part is needed “original”, but the car is not new. But this problem can be solved quite simply.


Even if yours is no longer new, you can still try to find out code details official dealer. To do this, you just need to come to the salon that sells your brand. Don't forget to take your vehicle registration document with you. Here experts have something dedicated to everyone model range. By looking at your VIN number, they can easily find the part you are looking for in the catalog and tell you what it is. code.

You can also use the universal catalog, which also describes code s parts of each brand. However, here you may encounter the fact that all values ​​will be given as averages. After all, if you describe all the available details, no book will be enough.

Code spare parts You can try to find it in an online spare parts store. One such site is http://www.1001z.ru/. Again, you may not find much here precise definition code and details, but only a pointer to . But if you need a spare part urgently, then choose an analog one.

Alternatively, to search necessary details you can contact the manufacturer directly. To do this, you should send a formal letter of request to the manufacturer. You must include your VIN in your message. This will allow specialists to quickly find out necessary information. You will receive the official one through the means of communication that you indicate in your letter. By the way, you can also order the corresponding part there.

Another option is to find out through the specialists of the technical center. Since the maintenance technicians already have a trained eye, they can determine code details they can do quite easily. Again, there is a risk that they may make a mistake, which means the result will only be approximate.

Car owners search for spare parts regularly. After all, a car is a mechanism that sometimes breaks down. And consumables need to be changed constantly. Today it seems that finding a suitable spare part is not a big problem. After all, there are a huge number of both stationary stores, and outlets, and Internet points. However, car owners still wonder: how and where to find the right parts?

In some cases, spare parts need to be replaced. This includes normal wear and tear of parts due to the operation of the vehicle, lack of proper movement behind the car, and participation of the car in a traffic accident.

Naturally, the easiest option is to go to the dealer. After all, even for older models, the manufacturer must have spare parts. However, this option is not suitable for everyone, because the cost of such spare parts is usually too high, and even banal brake pads may cost 2-3 thousand more than in the regular car market. Finding spare parts is an art.

Usually, price increases are based on the name and “brand name” of the part. However, not all renovation work require the installation of dealer spare parts. The same pads, for example, can also be installed as non-original ones.

What to consider when choosing spare parts

You can choose branded spare parts, but at a price less than from the dealer, at the dealerships. And you shouldn’t be too biased towards them. After all, it happens that spare parts from a car that has been in use for only a short time end up on the scrap heap. For example, a car was involved in an accident and cannot be restored, but it has a number of intact parts that can be used for your needs.

During disassembly there are details that deserve attention. You just need to look carefully and choose the ones that are really worth it. It is better to take with you someone who understands cars.

If the disassembly option is not for you, but you don’t want to overpay, you can go to any car market. But you definitely need to take with you the documents for the car, where the VIN number of the vehicle is indicated. You just need to tell the seller this number, and he will immediately select the appropriate part for you. Naturally, you should be prepared for the fact that some spare parts are supplied only to order. For example, body parts: bumpers, doors, etc.

In this case, all you need to do is make a deposit, take a receipt and discuss delivery dates. Next, the sellers will call you back as soon as the required part arrives at the warehouse.

Alternatively, you don’t have to go to car markets, but order parts by phone. To do this, you will only need a directory with various stores selling spare parts or access to the Internet. This method is much more convenient, because... it is possible to find a suitable search option without wasting time traveling between stores. In this case, you will also need the VIN number of the car, which you can tell the sellers. They will check their computer database and confirm for you the presence or absence of the required spare part, and also name its price.

You can select spare parts yourself. There are quite a few specialized portals where you, using your VIN, can choose the spare parts that suit you. You just need to select a category (for example, headlights), enter your VIN and then see what the system offers you. If a problem arises during work, there is always the opportunity to contact a consultant.

What to consider when selecting spare parts

When choosing spare parts for yourself, you should not think that Chinese or Taiwanese ones are of low quality and unreliable. In fact, many modern car owners, even those with extensive experience, use them.

Alternatively, you can order your spare parts from abroad. But often this is a rather lengthy procedure, because... associated with passing inspections and customs.

Don't hesitate to ask and look for cheaper parts. After all, resellers often simply value them several times more expensive, because it is the markup that makes up their profit. Don't think that if a part costs less than the average price on the market, it is bad.