Hybrid car. Volvo brings mass-produced hybrid buses to city streets Hybrid bus

At the international congress transport companies UTP in Helsinki Neoman Bus Group and department MAN buses Nutzfahrezeuge AG presented their new bus concept. Launch of the first presented hybrid MAN Lion's City in mass production scheduled for 2010.

The new bus is based on serial hybrid technology. Inline 6-cylinder MAN engine DO836 LOH (MAN Pure Diesel), which complies with EEV exhaust gas regulations without the use of special additives, drives a powerful electric generator, which in turn powers two electric motors.

Through a summing gearbox they rotate rear wheels. Rear axle designed specifically for low-floor buses, wide-profile tires are used. Electricity is stored in a roof-mounted “energy storage system” that includes 12 high-capacity capacitor modules.


The developers believe that capacitors store braking energy more efficiently than traditional batteries, making them ideal “electricity storage” for urban shuttle buses. The entire power plant is controlled by an electronic unit.

Electric motors can be powered either from a diesel generator and capacitors, or only from capacitors. From stops and, more importantly, due to the excess of transport, from bus stations, Lion’s City drives away on pure electric power without emitting any exhaust gases. Then, as it accelerates, it starts and starts working. "main" diesel generator. Electronics and auxiliary electrical consumers are powered by supercapacitor batteries. Both the air conditioning and power steering operate solely on electric power.


When driving, electrical consumers switch to the generator. The excess energy is used to charge the capacitor bank.

For braking under normal conditions, exclusively electric motors are used, switching to generator mode. The energy they produce (up to 150 kW) also recharges the battery. The traditional braking system is only used in emergency situations. Since city bus stops are usually located within a few hundred meters, the battery discharge and recharge modes (recuperation) alternate almost every minute.

Modern capacitors (MAN specialists call them supercapacitors) differ from other means of storing electricity due to their high power dissipation density, larger capacity, reliability, ability to absorb and release more power, no moving parts, no leaking fluids, and no need for maintenance.

A hybrid bus equipped with supercapacitors is significantly lighter than its battery-powered counterpart and is almost comparable in weight to city buses powered by compressed natural gas.

Less internal resistance ensures reduction of energy losses during its storage. New system air cooling increases the service life of the capacitor bank to that of the production bus itself. Even after prolonged inactivity, electric motors produce a total torque reaching 800 Nm.


The interior of the bus is practically no different from the interiors of ordinary buses, but for accommodation additional equipment engine compartment slightly increased in size. Some of the units are located on the roof. Payment for technical progress- reduction in number seats by two. Two- and three-door modifications are possible. It is likely that in preparation for serial production some changes will be made to the design of the bus.

MAN Lion's City- perhaps the first economically viable hybrid city bus project. Apart from relatively low price, it is distinguished by significant benefits during operation. Power hybrid installations comply with all current and a number of future environmental protection requirements.

Both the very principle of their operation and the set of additional measures taken by German engineers to reduce energy costs made it possible reduce fuel consumption by 20–25%. The developers promise cost savings and reduced labor costs for Maintenance, increased service life of units and equipment.


Work on a hybrid bus was carried out as part of the project IDEAS(Innovative diesel-electric hybrid systems for city buses), supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics by MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG and Siemens A&D and part of the national research program Mobilitat und Verkehr. The buses developed during the implementation of the IDEAS project are undergoing trial operation in the Bavarian Nuremberg, carrying passengers on city routes.

I would never want to be behind a bus when it's stuck in traffic. Horrible, bad smell, the smoke and exhaust are simply unbearable. And while some designers are making green concept cars, others are working on creating an environmentally friendly bus.

After all, without public transport In general, we won’t be able to live - cities are developing, a trip from one end to the other sometimes takes long hours, and the metro does not always suit us. Can we survive without buses? No. But without pollution - we simply must! After all, cities are full of buses and other types of public transport, and significantly worsen our environment.

Volvo company, which created the project for the first green hybrid Volvo bus 7700, proposes to fight this. The designers promise that this bus will reduce fuel consumption by 30%. And this is an excellent solution in connection with the constant increase in gasoline prices. Well, compared to other buses, emissions harmful substances into the air is reduced by as much as 40-50%. Why is the bus called a hybrid? And because it can be used with electric motor, equipped braking system, or maybe with diesel fuel, which can be used separately or simultaneously.

Fuel consumption is reduced by more than 80% and overall energy consumption by more than 60%. These are the stunning results from a field test of a Volvo hybrid bus taking place in Gothenburg.

“Our results are even better than we expected. The hybrid consumes less than 11 liters of fuel for every 100 kilometers. This is 81% less than the equivalent diesel bus“says test manager Johan Hellsing. In addition, the data on overall energy savings turned out to be higher than planned. A plug-in hybrid bus consumes 61% less energy than diesel buses.

Field trials in Gothenburg, involving three hybrid buses, began in June 2013. Moving along established city routes, the buses periodically recharged their batteries at stops using a connection to charging buses.

The charging rods placed on the roof are somewhat reminiscent of the pantographs on trolleybuses or trams. To charge, they automatically rise and come into contact with the electrodes charger while passengers board and disembark.

A scheme with periodic battery recharging allowed hybrid buses to travel most of the route on electric traction. In addition to providing such significant savings, this technique causes less damage to the environment, provides passengers and the driver with greater comfort due to reduced emissions and noise.

Drivers operating the vehicles during testing report a quiet and comfortable ride without vibration. The diesel engine was switched on very rarely, despite the fact that the routes are full of climbs. The total duration of operation on electricity was about 85% of the total time spent by buses on routes.

The test project in Gothenburg is not yet completed. His program includes 10 thousand hours of work and will continue for most of next year. Another similar project will begin in Stockholm, where 8 hybrid buses will be deployed on routes.

A number of European cities are showing keen interest in introducing hybrids into the scheme passenger transportation. Contracts for the supply of hybrid buses were signed by the authorities of Hamburg and Luxembourg in 2014 and 2015. In 2015, Volvo plans to begin commercial mass production of such machines.

The drive of the Volvo hybrid bus consists of a small diesel engine and an electric motor, powered by a lithium battery. The bus can travel exclusively on electricity, without noise or emissions, for about 7 kilometers. Charging the batteries takes 5-6 minutes.

Initially, the idea of ​​​​organizing the principle of “electric gearbox”, that is, replacing a manual gearbox with electric wires, was implemented in railway transport and heavy-duty mining dump trucks. The reason for using such a scheme is due to the enormous difficulties mechanical transmission controlled torque to the wheels of a powerful vehicle. This is due to the fact that the internal combustion engine has a certain load characteristic (the dependence of the output power on the shaft speed), which has optimal performance only in a narrow interval, usually shifted to the side high speed. This disadvantage is partially compensated by the use of a gearbox, but it worsens the overall efficiency due to its own losses. In addition, the internal combustion engine cannot change the direction of rotation to ensure reverse. The electric motor is free from these disadvantages, provides instant starting and stopping, and does not need idling, which makes it possible to eliminate clutch from the design. The electric motor does not require any transmission, and can be placed directly in the wheel (motor-wheel).

The essence of the new principle is that an engine running on conventional fuel drives an electric generator, and through a control system required quantity electricity is transferred to electric motors, driving vehicle. This is similar to the power plant of an electric car, generating energy for its own propulsion. The essence of the operation scheme of a hybrid car is similar, but significantly modified, primarily by the addition of a rechargeable battery, only, unlike an electric car, it has a smaller capacity and, therefore, weight.

A hybrid car combines the advantages of an electric car and a car with an internal combustion engine (ICE). This is a higher coefficient useful action electric vehicles (80-90% for an electric vehicle versus 35-50% for an internal combustion engine) and a large range on one refueling of a car with an internal combustion engine.

Typical schemes

  • According to the method of connecting the motor and drive to the drive:
    • Parallel. The engine and drive are connected by a differential, which is connected to the wheel drive. Used in vehicles with Integrated Motor Assist (Honda). It is characterized by simplicity (can be used together with a manual transmission) and low cost.
    • Consistent. The main current source (the most common solution + an electric generator) is connected only to the storage device, which in turn is connected to the traction motor. IN passenger cars so far rarely used (E-mobile). A similar principle is used in electric transmission, which is used in cases where it is necessary to transfer large torque from the internal combustion engine to the wheels, for example, in railway transport or mining dump trucks.
    • Series-parallel. The system can operate either sequentially or in parallel, depending on the operating mode. Implemented in vehicles with Hybrid Synergy Drive (Toyota), for example, Toyota Prius.
  • By storage type:
    • Electrical:
      • Based on electrochemical batteries
      • Based on inertial drives
    • Mechanical:
      • Based on pneumatic accumulators, hydraulic accumulators with pneumatic storage.
      • Based on inertial storage devices.

The most used scheme for implementing a sequential hybrid is “internal combustion engine - electrical energy storage device (not necessarily large capacity) - electric motor." In the case of a large-capacity storage device, it can be powered by both fuel and electric battery charge (an example of an implementation is the Chevrolet Volt). It is worth noting that other secondary current sources, such as capacitors and ionistors (supercapacitors), can be used as a storage device. The main advantage of a hybrid car is reduced fuel consumption and harmful emissions. This is achieved by complete automatic control operating mode of the engine system using on-board computer, starting from timely shutdown of the engine during a stop in traffic, with the ability to continue driving without starting it, solely on battery power, and ending with a more complex recovery mechanism - using the electric motor as a generator electric current to recharge batteries. In addition, in the case of using the internal combustion engine-generator combination as the primary current source, the mode internal combustion engine operation is selected as optimal according to one or another criterion. In some cases, a microturbine may be used (due to the ratio of dimensions, weight and power) Gas turbine locomotive, also used on some types passenger transport-due to better environmental friendliness and low level noise ECObus

Reasons for starting development

The main reason for the start of production of passenger hybrids was the market demand for similar cars, caused by high oil prices and the constant increase in environmental requirements for cars. At the same time, improved technology and tax incentives for hybrid manufacturers make these cars, in some cases, even cheaper than conventional ones. In some countries, owners of hybrids are exempt from paying road tax and do not pay for municipal parking. The use of electric vehicles, despite many advantages, and even their well-established production, has a number of disadvantages:

  • the need for long-term battery charging;
  • large mass of batteries;
  • insufficient range;
  • inaccessibility of gas stations;

It was necessary to seek compromises and eliminate shortcomings. And such a compromise was the development of a hybrid car.

History of development

Lohner-Porsche is considered to be the first car with a hybrid drive. The car was developed by designer Ferdinand Porsche in 1901.

IN THE USA hybrid cars Victor Vouk began developing it in the 60s and 70s.


In the Soviet Union, work was also underway to develop hybrid cars. Thus, the work of the Soviet scientist Nurbey Gulia led to the creation of a prototype of a hybrid car based on the UAZ-450 truck, where the energy storage was the flywheel, the transmission was special variator. This was one of the first "hybrids". In 1966, fuel savings of up to 50% were achieved.

In Kursk in 1972-73, N.V. Gulia tested city buses with flywheels hybrid units and variators. In addition, hybrid power units for buses based on hydraulic drive. In the latter, cylinders with compressed nitrogen and oil played the role of energy storage. Despite various principles the actions of these “hybrids”, their efficiency turned out to be close to each other - fuel consumption was reduced by approximately half, and exhaust toxicity by several times. But these technologies are Soviet Automotive industry haven't started using it.


Economical operation

The main advantage is economical operation. To achieve it, it was necessary to seek balance, that is, to balance everything technical indicators car, but at the same time retain all the useful parameters of a regular car: its power, speed, ability to accelerate quickly, and many other very important characteristics, embedded in modern cars. Moreover, the ability to accumulate energy, including not wasting the kinetic energy of movement during braking, and to charge batteries, in addition to the main ones clear advantages, brought some side “small joys” to car enthusiasts, for example, less wear on the brake pads.

How the savings were achieved:

  • reduction in engine volume and power;
  • engine operation in an optimal and uniform mode, much less dependent on driving conditions;
  • complete stop of the engine when necessary;
  • the ability to move only on electric motors;
  • regenerative braking with battery charging.

This whole system is so complex that it became fully possible only in modern conditions, using rather complex algorithms for the operation of the on-board computer. Even correct and effective (from a safety point of view) braking is controlled by the on-board computer.

Ecological cleanliness


High difficulty

Hybrid cars weigh relatively more, are more complex and more expensive traditional cars with engines internal combustion. Rechargeable batteries have a small operating temperature range and are subject to self-discharge. In addition, they are more expensive to repair. US experience shows that auto mechanics are reluctant to repair hybrid cars. The United States is trying to solve the problem of high prices with tax breaks.

Porsche has abandoned its attempts to independently produce a hybrid car. Mitsubishi did not initially try to create a hybrid car, but concentrated all its efforts on developing electric vehicles. The most successful serial development to date (2008) is the Hybrid Synergy Drive (pronounced [ hybrid sinedzhi drive]) Toyota company.

No transmissions

The most promising mechanical hybrids cannot compete with electric hybrids at this stage. The main problem is the inability to create adaptive transmissions capable of working in wide range gear ratios (more than 20).

Battery recycling

Although to a lesser extent than electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles are subject to the problem of battery disposal. Impact of discarded batteries on environment, apparently no one has explored. Some hybrid cars do not have batteries (for example, the e-mobile).

Interior heating

High efficiency determines low side generation of waste heat. IN regular cars V winter time this heat is used to heat the interior. In hybrid ICE cars does not stall until the interior is heated to the required temperature, which naturally increases fuel consumption. IN American models Toyota Prius also uses electric heating elements, which are powered by a high-voltage battery. They not only provide heat without unnecessary work of the internal combustion engine, but also allow you to heat the interior immediately after a cold start of the car.

Danger for pedestrians

American Institute for Highway Damage Assessment Highway Loss Data Institute) published a study showing that hybrids are more dangerous for pedestrians than internal combustion engine cars. Reason increased danger The advantage of hybrids for pedestrians is their quietness when operating from an electric motor. According to published accident statistics, hybrid vehicle collisions with pedestrians occur 20% more often, and the degree of damage is higher. To solve this problem, it is proposed to equip hybrid cars with a generator. sound signal, which at low speeds (up to 30 km/h) will simulate the sound of a running internal combustion engine. A similar generator has been installed on the Toyota Prius since 2010. Currently, the requirements for the presence of a sound generator for hybrid and electric machines legalized only in Japan. At the end of 2011, US President Barack Obama instructed the National Security Administration traffic solve this problem in the United States within the next three years.

Cost of the car, appearance and interior arrangement

A hybrid car is no different in appearance from its “gasoline” counterparts. Issued different kinds, ranging from ordinary city cars to off-road jeeps and sports models. And the unique filling only adds special pride to the owner. At the same time, the price remains almost at the same level. The display, which displays the operation of the system and the direction of energy flows, has already been dubbed by some owners the term “Tamagotchi for big boys.” But still, manufacturers do not recommend using SUVs in difficult geoclimatic conditions.

Plug-in hybrids

This car, also called English. plug-in hybrid electric vehicle or PHEV, it is not necessary to plug it into a power outlet - but the owner has this option. As a result, the driver gets all the benefits of an electric car without its biggest drawback - the limited range per charge. The car can be used as an electric car most of the way, and as soon as the charge drops below a certain level, a small petrol or diesel engine and your car goes on like series hybrid activating the electric motors and charging the storage devices, after charging them the engine turns off and the cycle repeats. Charging will occur mainly at night, during hours when electricity is cheaper.

An example of a PHEV is, for example, the Chevrolet Volt model produced by the concern General Motors since 2010.

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