Advantages and disadvantages of road freight transportation. Advantages and disadvantages of road transport. Areas of interaction and competition with other modes of transport Automotive mode disadvantages and advantages

Big role road transport in the country's transport market is determined by its specific features and advantages over other modes of transport, which are as follows: high maneuverability and mobility, allowing you to quickly concentrate vehicles in required quantity and in the right place; the ability to provide door-to-door delivery without additional transshipments and transfers along the way; high speed of delivery and ensuring the safety of goods, especially when transporting short distances; wide scope of application by type of cargo, communication systems and transportation distances; the need for less capital investment in the construction of roads with small flows of goods and passengers (with large flows they approach the cost of railway construction).

Main technical and operational features and advantages road transport:

maneuverability and greater mobility, mobility;

door-to-door delivery of goods or passengers without additional transshipments or transfers along the route;

autonomy of vehicle movement;

high delivery speed;

wide scope of application by territorial basis, types of cargo and communication systems;

a shorter route compared to natural water transport routes.

Greater mobility, ease of movement and the ability to quickly respond to changes in passenger demand allow motor transport to often be unrivaled in passenger transportation on local lines. The average travel distance for one passenger is 9 km. Buses carry more than 60% of passengers in many Russian cities, and in some of them in rural areas - 100 %.

Relative disadvantages road transport:

high cost; (tens of times higher than by rail, water and other modes of transport);

high fuel and energy consumption, metal consumption;

low productivity of a rolling stock unit (130-150 thousand t-km per year);

the greatest labor intensity (at least one driver is required per vehicle); (vehicles employ 3/4 of all transport workers)

pollutes environment.

low level of labor productivity due to the low average carrying capacity of vehicles;

35. Main indicators of the material and technical base, the operation of the fleet and ports.

The following indicators of the material and technical base, the operation of the fleet and ports are typical for maritime transport.

Displacement vessel D- the mass of water displaced by the ship is equal to the mass of the ship in tons.

Full load capacity or deadweight vessel D B, is maximum amount cargo in tons Q, as well as fuel reserves q t, water q in and cargo supplies q sn that the ship can accept:

D in = Q + q t + q in + q n.

Vessel net tonnage D h is the maximum amount of cargo (without water, fuel and supply cargo) in tons that a ship can accept for transportation:

D h = D V - ( q t + q in + q sn).

Cargo capacity ship - the volume of all cargo spaces of the ship in cubic meters.

Register capacity vessel (vessel volume) - measurement certificate. Registered capacity can be gross or full (gross) and net (net). It is measured in a volume register ton equal to 2.83 m 3 .

Gross (full) registered tonnage vessel W br - the volume obtained as a result of measuring the premises under the upper deck and covered superstructures and deckhouses.

Net register capacity vessel W nt - the volume of commercially operated premises of the vessel. Used as an indicator for calculating fees and duties at seaports.

The relationship between net and gross registered tonnage, deadweight (deadweight) and displacement can be characterized by the formula

W nt = 2/Z W 6p = 4/9 D in = 8/27 D.

Flight vessel - the time spent by the vessel from the start of loading at the port of departure until the vessel is positioned for new loading.

The duration of a vessel's voyage includes sailing and mooring time. Running time depends on the length of the voyage and the speed of the vessel; parking depends on the performance of loading and unloading equipment, as well as the level of organization of vessel servicing in ports.

There are simple, complex and circular flights. When transporting goods or passengers between two ports, a ship's voyage is called a simple voyage. When transporting goods between several ports, each of which is loaded or unloaded, the voyage is called complex. If a ship carries cargo between two or more ports and returns to the port of original departure, the voyage is called a round trip.

Running time coefficient K x - ratio of running time t x in total voyage duration T R:

TO x = t X / T R.

Ballast mileage coefficient K b is determined by dividing the ballast mileage L b for the total mileage of the vessel L:

TO b = L b/ L.

Vessel load factor ε zag shows the degree of utilization of the vessel's carrying capacity at the time of departure from the port. Determined by dividing the mass of the cargo actually accepted by the ship Q f for the net carrying capacity of the vessel:

ε zag = Q f/ D h.

The load factor characterizes the degree of utilization of carrying capacity only in simple flights, i.e., on individual crossings. In circular or complex voyages, when ships can sail with different loads and make passages in ballast, the utilization factor of the vessel's carrying capacity is applied.

Capacity utilization factor vessel ε h is determined by the ton-mile ratio ∑ Ql to tonnage miles ∑ Dch Li.

Performance 1 ton of vessel's carrying capacity per day μ tf is a complex indicator characterizing the use of its production capacity for transportation per day. Determined by the ton-mile ratio ∑ Ql to the number of tonnage-days spent ∑ D h T e for a certain period of time:

μ ts = ∑ Ql/ D h T e.

Actual number of fleet occupied in transportation during the entire calendar period is determined by the following formulas:

by number of vessels


where T e1, T e2, ..., T en is the time during which each vessel was engaged in transportation, days;

by total load capacity

D h air = ∑ D h T e/365,

where ∑ D h T e is the time a vessel or fleet is in operation, respectively, in ship-days or tonnage-days.

Port Q cargo turnover n is the total amount of cargo passing through its berths over a certain period of time (usually a year).

Indicators characterizing the production capacity of each technological transhipment complex (TPC) of the port are throughput and installed capacity.

Bandwidth TPK P TPK is the maximum amount of cargo that a TPK can load (unload) onto ships for the corresponding period (year, quarter, month).

Installed power Q opt is optimal quantity cargo that is advisable to reload TPK given the current structure of cargo turnover. The port's actual cargo turnover may be higher than its installed capacity, but not higher than its throughput capacity.

Port P capacity n consists of throughput separate TPK.

Gross intensity of cargo operations M the shaft characterizes the intensity of processing and servicing of the vessel in the port. Calculated as the ratio of the amount of cargo loaded (unloaded) onto the vessel ∑ Q p(c) to the full time of the vessel’s stay in the port t st, i.e. from the moment of completion of mooring to the pier until the moment of departure from the port:

M shaft = ∑ Q p(c) / ∑ t Art.

Net intensity of cargo operations M h characterizes the intensity of loading and unloading operations. Calculated as the ratio of the amount of cargo loaded (unloaded) onto the vessel ∑ Q p(c) by the time of parking under cargo and other (combined with cargo) ship maintenance operations ∑ t gr op.

M h = ∑ Q p(c) / ∑ t gr op.

In addition to the general economic indicators used in all types of transport, such as the cost of transportation and loading and unloading, labor productivity during the transportation of goods and passengers, as well as during loading and unloading operations, in maritime transport one of the most important are monetary and financial indicators. These include:

- gross income in foreign currencyF in, which consists of freight charges, rent, services to passengers, trade, demurrage, etc.;

- ship expenses in foreign currencyR c, including costs associated with calls to foreign ports and time spent in foreign waters;

- net foreign exchange earnings, or net income in foreign currency F h inv is the most important indicator of a vessel’s performance on foreign voyages. Calculated as the difference between income and expenses in foreign currency:

F h inv = ∑ F in - ∑ R V;

- currency efficiency Be determined by dividing expenses in rubles ∑ R rubles on net foreign exchange earnings F h inv.

IN e = ∑ R rub / F h inv.

This is one of the most important currency indicators characterizing the results of the fleet.

36. Nomenclature of goods transported by pipeline transport.

Pipeline transport, a type of transport that transports liquid, gaseous or solid products over a distance through pipelines.

Pipeline, a structure made of pipes, most often connected by welded, less often - flanged, threaded and other joints for transporting liquids, gases, suspensions, containers, etc. under the influence of pressure differences in different sections. Depending on the type of product being transported, the pipeline receives a narrower name: gas pipeline, oil pipeline, petroleum product pipeline, condensate pipeline, coal pipeline, water supply system, ammonia pipeline, container transport pipeline, etc.

Main pipeline transport is the most important component of the Russian fuel and energy complex. The country has created an extensive network of main oil pipelines, oil product pipelines and gas pipelines, which pass through the territory of most constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

37. Material and technical base railway transport. Types of carriages.

The material and technical base of railways consists of the following elements: - track and track facilities; - power supply facilities;- management of signaling and communications; - carriages and carriage facilities;- locomotives and locomotive facilities;

38. - stations;.

Types of rolling stock

The technical basis of air transport consists of aircraft, airports, air lines (routes), and aircraft repair plants.

The aircraft fleet consists mainly of airplanes and helicopters.

An airplane is an apparatus whose flight is made possible by the interaction of engine thrust and wing lift, which occurs during movement. The aircraft consists of: an airframe, traction engines, landing gear, and a set of units and instruments that ensure the functioning of all aircraft and control systems.

Helicopter is an apparatus, the lift and flight of which is carried out using a propeller with blades mounted on a vertical shaft.

There are designs of helicopters with two main rotors, which rotate in different directions and are located along an axis or on special shafts, separated from one another.

Depending on the purpose and industry of use of aircraft, they are divided into: passenger, cargo, combined (cargo-passenger), special purpose (agricultural, sanitary, firefighting, etc.), as well as training aircraft.

Technico - operational parameters aircraft: capacity (for passengers); load capacity (for cargo); speed; range (non-stop flight).

By speed, aircraft are divided into: with speeds less speed sound, and supersonic.

Depending on the non-stop flight range, long-haul aircraft are divided into:

1) long-distance (L = 6000 km and more);

2) medium (L = 2,500 - 6,000 km);

3) close (L = 1000 - 2500 km);

4) local air lines (L = up to 1000 km).

The above parameters are closely related to the type and power of the power plant, as well as the maximum take-off mass (weight) of the aircraft, which are also important characteristics of aircraft.

Distribution of aircraft by take-off weight and classes:

More than 75 tons belong to class I;

From 30 to 75 tons belong to class II;

From 70 to 30 tons belong to class III;

Less than 10 tons belong to class IV.

The take-off mass determines the type and type of ground-based civil aviation facilities (airports, airfields).

Helicopters are divided into three weight categories:

1) light - with a take-off weight of up to 4 tons;

2) medium - with take-off weight from 4 to 12 tons;

3) heavy - with a take-off weight of more than 12 tons.

Depending on the annual volume of passenger traffic, helicopter stations are divided into three classes:

Class I - with a passenger traffic volume of more than 30 thousand people;

II class - from 15 to 30 thousand people;

III class - up to 15 thousand people.

4. Airports: classification, structure, special territories

Air connection between settlements carried on regular routes called airlines or air lines. An airline is the direction (course) of an aircraft's flight.

In the airspace, airlines define a corridor for aircraft flight, which is called an airway. Air routes are divided into: 1) international; 2) state; 3) local.

The main element of the country's air transport system, which consists of a network of air routes, is the airport.

An airport is a transport enterprise that carries out regular air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail and organizes aircraft flight services.

To ensure the transport operation of seaplanes, hydroairports are used.

Airports, like air routes, are divided into: international; government; local.

Airports are classified according to: 1) volume of transport work; 2) types of transportation services; 3) transport purpose; 4) location relative to overhead lines.

The main advantage modern cars is that they are able to quickly and comfortably transport people and cargo over long distances. At the same time, the trip requires relatively little effort (for passengers it is generally a pleasure), and is also relatively cheap (even taking into account the ever-increasing prices of fuel).

Main distinctive features modern cars are their high power, speed and ease of use. Modern cars, as a rule, have a soft suspension (especially for family-type cars), there is practically no noise in the cabin, there are many convenient fixtures, instruments and devices (air conditioning, ABS, climate and cruise control, power accessories, automatic transmission gears, etc.). Provided that the operating rules are followed, the machine will serve for a long time and reliably, without requiring large cash injections.

The undoubted advantage of a modern car is its appearance. Technologies for painting, processing, finishing and design of the body and interior of the car have reached such a level that you can’t take your eyes off the new “four-wheeled horse,” as they say. Modern ergonomic design, carefully thought-out design, shiny and iridescent body attract the attention of even those who have never thought about owning a car.

It is also important that most modern cars are economical in terms of fuel consumption. First of all, this applies to cars that have a diesel engine: nowadays no one is surprised by fuel consumption within the range of 3-5 liters per 100 kilometers.

Many modern cars can run on both traditional fuel (gasoline or diesel fuel) and gas. This is a definite advantage, since gas is a cheaper type of fuel, and its consumption is approximately the same. Please note that to operate on liquid gas, the vehicle must be equipped with the appropriate optional equipment. Some machines are equipped with such equipment already at the manufacturer, but if it is not initially available, you can make a corresponding request to the service station and install it separately.

Many beginners mistakenly believe that after installation gas equipment the car will no longer be able to run on traditional fuel. This is not true: the driver can always choose which fuel to drive by turning the corresponding toggle switch to the desired position.
However, gas equipment can be not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage of your " iron horse" Firstly, sometimes when using such equipment, you may smell gas in the cabin; This does not pose any particular danger, but, of course, it is not very pleasant either. Secondly, gas cylinder(analogue fuel tank) takes up quite a lot of space in the trunk of the car, and if you often use the car to transport large or numerous loads (this is typical, for example, for summer residents), then you will have to seriously make room.

If we talk about the disadvantages of road transport, we should talk about the negative impact of cars on the environment. Or rather, not the machines themselves, but exhaust gases, which are formed as a result of engine operation internal combustion(all modern cars run on engines of this type). Motor transport is often main reason what's above the big ones modern cities a pall of smog often hangs over. Among such cities, it is primarily worth noting Tokyo, Mexico City, Moscow, New York, etc. Of course, other factors contribute to the formation of smog, in particular the work of industrial enterprises, but the main reason is still automobile exhaust.

One more significant disadvantage Modern cars are expensive to repair and maintain. True, if you follow the operating rules, the car will serve for a long time and reliably. However, firstly, nothing lasts forever, and someday something will break anyway, and secondly, the maintenance itself also costs money. For example, a can of semi-synthetic motor oil costs from 20 US dollars, oil filter- from 5 dollars, brake pads- from 20 dollars, etc. If you add the cost of work to the necessary consumables (and we have not listed all of them), then the total cost of the simplest maintenance can be $100 or more. And you didn’t repair anything, but only kept your car in working order!

If we talk about repairs, then the prices for spare parts are quite high, and the work costs a lot of money. For example, a clutch assembly on a Ford Escort of some 1998 model will cost from 100 to 150 US dollars (depending on the quality, manufacturer, place of purchase and other factors), and the work to replace it will cost another 80-120 dollars (depending on the service station). Removing a small dent with a scratch on the body (which is formed not even from an impact, but from close contact) will cost about $100. Just removing the cylinder head to access the “insides” of the engine without repairs will cost 60-70 dollars, etc. In general, if you decide to buy a car, be prepared to invest money in it in the future.

By the way, cash “infusions” into a car are not limited to its repairs and technical maintenance. The car must be protected from intruders, which means it must be equipped burglar alarm. In addition, the car needs to be parked somewhere, therefore, you will have to buy a garage or a parking space, or rent one or the other. When purchasing, keep in mind that you will periodically have to constantly pay membership fees (similar to the usual utility bills), which include: security of the cooperative territory, garbage removal, electricity, etc. However, we note that in most cases the amount of membership fees is not burdensome for a person who could afford to buy a car.

The development of motorism has given rise to the production of a variety of automobile “gadgets,” “devices,” and “baubles,” and in some ways this can also be attributed to the disadvantages of a personal car. Why? Yes, because the owner of the car often buys a lot of all kinds of car accessories, which it is quite possible to do without. Why does he buy? Yes, simply because they sell. This may include, in particular, window curtains, fragrances, car cosmetics, all kinds of fairings, decorative trim products (wheel caps, seat covers, window toys, etc.), spoilers, etc. Estimated independent experts, in the “near-automobile” industry there is not much less money circulating than directly in automotive industry. Experienced motorists will agree: when you are at a car market or in a car accessories store, it is very difficult to resist the temptation and not buy your favorite four-wheeled friend some “cute little thing”, beautiful, but completely useless! Moreover, everywhere such rubbish is a dime a dozen, there is much more of it than really necessary and useful things.

One of the serious disadvantages of the modern car is that, according to statistics, it is the most dangerous form of transport. Note that here we are talking about all types of vehicles, and not just cars.


Transport in modern world very developed and in demand. Today, almost every organization needs to transport goods, materials or equipment. The cargo itself and the distance over which it is transported presuppose certain conditions of the transportation process. Conditions for moving cargo are created when choosing the type of transport on which the goods are transported. When choosing a type of transport for transportation, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of this type in order to choose the most optimal view transport.

Keywords: road transportation, road transport, cargo, cargo transportation, transportation, movement, transport.

Transport system The country occupies a special position, as it is a system of supply, exchange, commodity distribution, cargo transportation, and allows the development of new territories. As an industry, transport does not produce products and has its own number of features. In turn, transport is not a producer of products, does not indicate that it does not have productivity. The production of transport lies in the transportation itself, that is, transport produces transportation and produces a service. It affects the increase in the cost of goods due to transport costs generated during the transportation process. At the same time, it speeds up the process of exchange of cargo and goods.

Cargo transportation is the process of moving cargo from the point of departure to the point of destination using transport. In the modern world, cargo transportation has become not only an opportunity, but has become a necessity. Every year the demand for movement and exchange increases. The functioning of almost every organization, state, commercial or other form, requires access to orders of materials, means to ensure work and production, as well as the transfer, for example, of finished products to the point of sale. With the help of movement, you can connect remote points with each other and establish connections between organizations. Cargo transportation implements an accelerated work process for the entire population, reducing waiting time for making the right choice a method of transportation in which high-quality organization and competent planning are of great importance. This is how freight transportation creates difficult process, combining a system of interconnections.

Active territorial development, which includes a large number of different settlements and cities, expresses the most mobile method of movement, transportation, which includes movement over short and long distances. The method of such transportation requires transport that is accessible, with high maneuverability and good prospects for use; road transport has these parameters.

An important advantage of every road freight transportation is door-to-door delivery. The basis for the development of the exchange of goods and cargo is the possibility of “just in time” delivery. Thanks to road transport, two important aspects can be combined and successfully applied in practice. This can be evidenced by the presence of many transport and logistics companies on the market, existing in conditions of great competition. Despite such strong competition, the activities of organizations contribute to the successful development of the logistics network, and every year the emergence of new companies on the market reinforces the success and efficiency of activities transport enterprises, determined by the need for cargo transportation.

Road freight transportation is one of the most popular types of transportation between settlements located a short distance apart, and takes up the majority of all transportation in the country (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - “Share of road transport”

Cargo transportation by road is very mobile. At short distances, the type of transportation has high speed delivery.

Ability to carry groupage cargo. Such transportation involves the movement of several cargoes from different customers. It is promising to use consolidated cargo when all destinations are nearby or along the way. When transporting consolidated cargo, the cost of transportation is reduced.

Road transportation is very convenient when serving several points at once in one trip, due to the ability to unload and pick up cargo in a short period of time. It has the advantage of high safety of the transported cargo. Road freight has the advantage of delivering goods:

  • 1. to places of loading and unloading operations;
  • 2. to the place where the cargo is stored.

Moving cargo by road transport reduces the cost of packaging materials and does not require expensive packaging. The range of goods transported by road expands the possibilities of use, increasing the productivity of this type of transportation.

Car view transport is used to transport goods between cities and regions. For long distances, road transport is used only when the geographical location of a populated area is complex, and if it is not possible to use another type of transport. Like many other methods of transporting goods, it depends on weather conditions; as a rule, difficulties or delays in flights arise in winter period time. When weather conditions worsen, many vehicles interrupt transportation, or transportation is not planned at all on that day. Weather conditions can cause damage to the company that owns the car, in the event of a skid or traffic accident, damage to the health of the driver, as well as damage to the transported cargo. TO weather conditions can be attributed natural disasters, earthquakes, storms. Road conditions affect the speed of cargo delivery. cargo transport transportation

The organization of the transportation process in road transport can be influenced by internal environmental factors related to the organization of employee work. A disadvantage and common mistake of road transport of goods is neglect of safety precautions when loading and unloading goods. At this stage of transportation, frequent cases of damage to the cargo itself occur.

Let's consider a situation in which one company carries out transportation, and another company provides cargo storage services on its premises. warehouse. During the entire journey from the seller to the buyer, the cargo underwent the operation of loading the goods, moving and the operation of unloading the goods. All parties complied with safety standards and regulations. This was evidenced by documents confirming the good condition of the cargo. The cargo would be ordinary and would not have any special transportation requirements provided for by its category. After the cargo has arrived at the storage location, the operation of moving it to temporary storage takes place. Then the cargo goes through the operation of loading onto a vehicle and the vehicle transports the goods to the final point. However, while all transportation rules were observed, the cargo arrived damaged at its final destination. In this situation, the customer experiences inconvenience and dissatisfaction with the quality of transportation.

The question arises: - “Why, despite all the rules, was the cargo damaged?” If we consider the entire process of this situation, we can see that there were several operations for loading and unloading goods. When performing loading and unloading operations, transfer occurs transport documents, as well as the transfer of responsibility for the safety of goods from the carrier to the company providing the warehouse. Then the same operation occurs “in reverse direction" Since the process of this transportation contains several loading and unloading operations, it is very difficult to determine at what stage the cargo suffered damage. Documents confirm that the cargo was not damaged at any stage. This means irresponsibility of the parties, as well as inattention to compliance with all norms and rules of the transportation process, as well as their violation.

One of the disadvantages of road transport is the condition of the roads, along which hundreds and thousands of trucks pass every day.

The condition of the country's road network slows down the speed of goods delivery. Increases the likelihood of unforeseen circumstances: traffic accidents, car breakdown, reduction in vehicle speed in difficult areas, in areas associated with road repairs. Also, if circumstances arise related to road repairs, the vehicle’s route may change, increasing the time spent transporting cargo.

On the route of the vehicle in the event of an accident or other unfavorable conditions, a vehicle breakdown may occur, which delays the cargo, increasing transportation time. Compared to other modes of transport, cars break down more often, and then repairs are carried out on the road. This is due to the difference in the operation of modes of transport and the large number of participants traffic, which may also affect transportation.

The advantages and disadvantages of any type of transport allow us to evaluate all the capabilities of the vehicle, the possibility of using the route that transportation requires. Allows you to combine multimodal transportation, assess the possibility of accessibility of the location of the cargo arrival point. The choice of mode of transport is made by comparing the advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of road transport combine low transportation costs, accessibility, the ability to choose from a variety of companies, and the choice of the one that is closest to the task of transporting cargo required by the customer. The mobility and maneuverability of a vehicle provides advantages in moving goods in an urban network, in a region or region, between cities and towns. Road transportation is in demand when points are remote from the possibility of using another mode of transport; sometimes it is the only mode of transport that can deliver cargo. Transportation by car can be used over long distances, for example, within the country. Road transportation can be either “main” or “auxiliary”. “Main” involves the transportation of goods from the point of departure to the point of destination, “auxiliary” involves the transportation of goods from the place of unloading to the place of loading or from the place of unloading to the place of storage of goods.

Disadvantages are a very important feature when choosing a mode of transport. The disadvantages of each type of transport describe the unfavorable aspects, what should be avoided, or, conversely, paid attention to. The disadvantages of road transport are described possible risks which the parties to the transportation may encounter. Increased attention to shortcomings will warn against their occurrence, or indicate additional measures that should be organized and included in the transportation process. When comparing the disadvantages between several modes of transport, you can determine and select the transportation that contains fewer disadvantages and more advantages.

When comparing the disadvantages and advantages of road freight transportation, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. But this will not always become the basis for choosing a mode of transport, because under certain conditions, one drawback can change the choice in a completely different direction; most often, when choosing road transportation, such a situation becomes a change in weather conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages characterize the type of transportation. By comparison, a choice is achieved, a preliminary assessment of the results of road transportation becomes an opportunity, the ability to capture and use all the advantages and combine them with disadvantages, preventing the occurrence of risks.


  • 1. Batishchev I.I. Issues of ensuring safety during the transportation of goods by road / Batishchev I.I. // Transport: science, technology, management. 2011. No. 9. pp. 23-24.
  • 2. Velmozhin A.V. et al. Road freight transportation: Textbook for universities / A.V. Velmozhin, V. A. Gudkov, L. B. Mirotin, A. V. Kulikov. -- M.: Hotline- Telecom, 2006. - 560 p.: ill.
  • 3. Solomakhin Yu.V. General transport course/course of lectures/VSUES. 2014.
  • 4. Technology, organization and management road transport: collection of scientific works / Federal Agency for Education, Siberian State. Automotive and Road Acad. (SibADI). Omsk, 2009.
  • 5. Transport system of Russia. URL: (accessed May 29, 2015).

Benefits of using personal Vehicle seem obvious to many, especially if a person has owned a car for several years and actively uses it in everyday life. However, those people who are accustomed to using public transport usually think about the benefits of personal transport - minibus taxis, regular taxis, trains, etc. When thinking about buying their first car, many of them want to understand what benefits it can give them.

In this article we will clearly and completely reveal all the advantages of owning personal car, without considering any specific make or model of car. For example, consider the option with a regular passenger car (SUV). You can find out more about the features of individual car brands or even models by going to Autorio. So, let's look at the advantages of passenger cars in descending order.

In the first place is the ability to overcome long distances in directions where there is no or poorly organized railway and air transport. In second place is the transportation of goods, of course, within technical capabilities passenger car. Thus, an ordinary passenger car is unlikely to be able to handle house moving, but it can cope with various household needs “excellently”. For example, if in the spring you need to go to the dacha with seedlings, go to the supermarket once a week for shopping, and in many other cases you can use personal transport so as not to spend a lot of money on taxi services. In addition, along with your personal car, you can also buy a trailer to increase the amount of cargo transported.

A personal car means complete mobility and the confidence that you can be in the right place at the right time (ideally, the possibility of delays due to traffic jams is not considered). This is convenient and extremely important, because in cities where disruptions in public transport are frequent, people can miss and lose a lot simply by being late or not being somewhere on time, for example, at a responsible job.

We looked at three of the most important advantages use of a personal car. Now let’s look at the secondary, but no less important, advantages of passenger cars. Thus, modern cars provide maximum comfort movement. Maybe, this advantage is highly valued by all car owners. Compare personal car With public transport It’s simply pointless, since it’s obvious that your own car is more convenient, cleaner, and faster than buses, trains, and minibuses. Private a car allows you to move around the city without discomfort in any weather, with any burden. It makes its owner mobile and successful, since he manages to be on time everywhere without wasting time on a tiring journey.

A car has long ceased to be a luxury and has become a means of transportation. Modern cars make it possible to transport people and cargo over long distances quite quickly and very comfortably. Driving instructors They will talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages of vehicles of the 21st century and the features of their operation.


Almost any modern production car has powerful engine, is capable of developing high speed and has increased comfort, thanks to soft suspension, lack extraneous noise in the cabin, a large number various devices and devices, for example: ABS, air conditioning, cruise control and automatic transmission.

With proper and careful operation, the machine will serve reliably and for a long time, without requiring large injections.

The advantage of modern cars can be considered its appearance. On this moment technologies for painting, finishing, processing and interior design have reached such a level that new car like a magnet attracts the eye. Ergonomic design, thoughtful design and shiny body attract the attention of even those who have never thought about their car.


Modern cars are very economical in terms of fuel consumption, which is especially important in the context of constantly rising gasoline prices.

This applies to a greater extent to cars with a diesel engine, for which the declared fuel consumption is 3-5 liters per hundred kilometers.

The range of energy sources is increasing: and if electric cars or cars powered by biofuel have not yet become widespread, cars with gas equipment are quite often found on our roads. Gas, at approx. equal flow to gasoline, it is a cheaper fuel, which ensures its popularity. Therefore, on some machines, the equipment necessary to operate on gas is installed immediately at the manufacturer. Many auto repair shops and service stations also provide a similar service.

Many novice drivers mistakenly assume that after installing gas equipment, the car will not be able to run on traditional fuel, but this is not at all true.

By simply switching the toggle switch, the driver can choose which fuel to use. The disadvantage of using gas can be considered the periodic presence unpleasant odor in the cabin. And although there is nothing dangerous about this, sometimes it can greatly reduce comfort. In addition, the gas cylinder, which acts as a gas tank, takes up quite a lot of space in the trunk, so when transporting cargo you will have to make a lot of room.

Let's watch a video about gas fueled cars:


Environmentalists consider motor vehicles to be the main source of air pollution in large cities. Therefore, cars cause two main problems for any metropolis: traffic jams and the smog that we breathe.

The second disadvantage of a modern car can be considered the high cost of repairs. Even careful operation cannot serve as protection against unnecessary spending. Any maintenance will cost less than three thousand rubles (this includes the cost of work and Supplies). If the car needs serious repairs, you can safely add at least one more zero to this price.

Even simple elimination small dent with a scratch that did not even appear from a collision, but simply from contact, will cost at least two thousand.

In addition to injecting cash directly into the car, be prepared to invest in protective measures. This includes installing an alarm system, purchasing a garage (in which case you will have to pay a small membership fee each year for the use of utilities), or paying for parking.

A major cost factor for many motorists is the cost of purchasing various car baubles and gadgets.

According to statistics, the car accessories market has an annual turnover equal to the sales of the cars themselves. Any car owner will confirm that when you are in a car shop or car market, it is difficult to resist buying some cute trinket for your favorite car.

A serious disadvantage of cars is that, according to statistics, they are the most dangerous transport. However, to be completely honest, we are talking about all types of vehicles, not just cars.

Good luck and be careful on the roads!

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