What is prohibited for seniors? Military driver: duties, requirements, training. Traffic lights and traffic controller signals

conditions. During maintenance, if necessary, filters and other replacement parts are replaced, and identified faults are eliminated. It is prohibited to reduce the scope and time of work to the detriment of the quality of machine maintenance.

A machine that has undergone maintenance must be in good working order, filled with the required operating materials, clean, adjusted, and lubricated. All units, assembly units, mechanisms and devices must be securely fastened, operate normally and comply with the requirements of the machine’s operating instructions.

The engine should start easily and run stably at different speeds crankshaft, and the pressure in the lubrication system meets the standards. Filters must ensure normal filtration of fuel, oil and air. Electrical and air system starting, as well as starting aids ( preheater, heater boiler, electric torch air heaters, etc.) must ensure quick and reliable engine starting at low temperatures.

Free play of the steering wheel, clutch and brake pedals, lever travel parking brake, camber and toe-in of the front wheels of the car, adjustment parameters drives of the turning mechanism (on-board clutches), brakes must comply with the standards.

The brakes must ensure simultaneous smooth braking of the wheels and stopping the machines at the established braking distance. Braking the car with hydraulic drive brakes should be provided with one press of the pedal.

The clutch (main clutch) should disengage completely, ensuring easy and quiet gear shifting, and should not slip when the pedal is fully released. When the car is moving, there should be no self-switching of gears and no increased noise in the gearbox, transfer case, bridges, in main and final drives.

The wheel tires must be properly mounted, the wheels must be properly installed, and the tire pressure must be within the specified limits.

The battery must be charged, the density and level of electrolyte must be normal. The ignition must be installed in accordance with the requirements of the machine's operating instructions.

Stop signal, sound signal, windshield wipers, external lighting devices And control devices must be in good working order, the blackout device is correctly connected and adjusted.

There should be no leakage of fuel, oil, coolant, brake or other fluids, or air leakage from the pneumatic system.

The winch and towing device of the machine must be in good working order and reliable in operation.

The quality of the performed machine maintenance is checked using diagnostic tools and measuring tools

personally by the head of the maintenance and repair point (commander of the repair unit). Appropriate entries are made in the book of maintenance, repair of machines, units and consumption of spare parts about the performed technical services No. 1 and 2.

Responsibility for timely and high-quality technical maintenance of vehicles rests with the commanders of military units and subunits. They are obliged to ensure that it is carried out within the established time frame, providing time, funds and materials for this purpose. Maintenance is organized by the deputy commander for technical matters (head of the automotive service). The time for carrying out maintenance of vehicles is provided for by the daily routine, and in case of their mass use in exercises (classes) - by the combat training plans of military units (unit training schedules).

9.4. Safety requirements when working with hazardous automotive materials and security environment.

The most common hazardous materials when operating a car are antifreeze and leaded gasoline. Everyone working with hazardous materials must be instructed about their properties and trained safe practices when working with these materials and must use personal protective equipment.

To prevent spills, splashes, leaks, and contact with the body or clothing, it is necessary to: ensure complete sealing of production and spillage; have separate, serviceable containers with appropriate warning labels in indelible paint; have tightly closing lids and plugs with appropriate gaskets; fill tanks to 90% volume; ensure the cleanliness of the container (antifreeze containers should not contain petroleum product residues); have local ventilation suction in production (especially in case of heating); use appropriate personal protective equipment (for leaded gasoline, suit GOST 12.4.111-82 or GOST 12.4.112-82, shoes GOST 12.4.137-84, gloves TU 38.1068346-79, sleeves, apron, underwear and clothing made of cotton fabric , filtering gas mask, grade A; for antifreeze, suit GOST 12.4.028-76, gloves TU 205 USSR104-82; respirators of the “Petal” or “Astra-2” type).

The procedure for transportation, storage, release, and expenditure is regulated.

And delivery of used or unused hazardous materials, which exclude the possibility of their use for other purposes: responsible persons, specially equipped warehouses and storage facilities, prohibition of transportation with people, animals and food products.

IN places of storage, loading, unloading and work with hazardous materials must be in sufficient quantity means for their neutralization

And neutralization: kerosene, bleach solution, monochloramine, dichloramine, active manganese dioxide, rosin or household

soap for leaded gasoline; 2-3% and 5-10% solutions of soda and ethyl alcohol for antifreeze.

Everyone working with hazardous materials must be trained and instructed what to do in the event of a spill, contamination of the floor, site, surfaces with these materials, as well as if harmful materials get on clothing, the body or inside the human body, i.e. be able to carry out neutralization, neutralization, decontamination of the place, clothing and measures for pre-medical medical care for victims.

Protecting the environment from the adverse effects of transport. Throughout the world, transport ranks first as a source of air pollution and in the top five pollutants as a source of water and soil pollution. Annual emissions into the atmosphere from transport in Russia amount to about 35 million tons harmful substances, with 58% of this amount coming from road transport. This impact represents a serious environmental problem, especially in large cities.

The direct negative impact of road transport on the environment is associated with emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and further into water and soil, thermal pollution of the environment, noise and vibration. The indirect impact of road transport on the environment is due to the fact that car roads, parking lots, service enterprises occupy an ever larger and annually increasing area necessary for human life. Significant damage to fields, meadows and forests is caused by cars vehicles, driving off the road. Water contaminated as a result of car washing has a harmful effect on the living world of the hydrosphere. Sludge from car wash treatment plants is also harmful to nature.

Toxic engine emissions internal combustion vehicles are exhaust and crankcase gases, fuel vapors from the carburetor and fuel tank. As analysis shows, exhaust gases from both carburetor and diesel engines contain more than 200 types of harmful substances and compounds. The exhaust of carburetor engines is the most toxic due to the greater emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, benzopyrene, etc. Diesel engines emit large quantities of soot, which pure form non-toxic. However, soot particles, having a high adsorption capacity, carry on their surface particles of toxic substances, including carcinogens such as 1, 2-benzapyrene. Soot can remain suspended in the air for a long time, thereby increasing the time of exposure to toxic substances for humans and other objects of the biosphere.

Reducing the negative impact of road transport on the human body is possible in several ways. First direction does not require significant capital investments. It lies in organizing

And monitoring the composition and standard values ​​of exhaust gas components vehicles. Reducing the amount of harmful substances entering the environment with exhaust gases can be achieved by improving the technical condition of the rolling stock, adjusting the carburetor and ignition system, and eliminating fuel and oil leaks. Improving the professional skills of drivers and using rational driving techniques can achieve a reduction in fuel consumption by 5 - 10% and a reduction in emissions of harmful substances. A significant reduction in harmful emissions by reducing the vehicle warm-up time before leaving the park is achieved by equipping military units with systems for heating vehicle engines and having warm parking lots. Calculations show that by rationally controlling the speed of traffic on the roads, increasing the uniformity of the movement patterns of individual vehicles, reducing the spread of speeds in the traffic flow and delays at traffic lights, it is possible to reduce emissions of harmful substances from vehicles by 15-2 0%. Rationally planned transportation routes reduce the harmful impact on the environment, correct selection by carrying capacity (passenger capacity) of rolling stock, rational placement of motor transport organizations

And their divisions, reducing unproductive runs.

Second direction requires more significant costs. Dieselization leads to a reduction in toxic emissions car park, especially if you improve the quality diesel fuel. Improving the quality of traditional motor fuels, for example, the use of low-sulfur fuels - no more than 0.05% sulfur by weight. Improvement can provide a significant reduction in environmental pollution fuel equipment and operating modes of internal combustion engines (changes in the design of combustion chambers, increasing the turbulence of the supplied mixture - in carburetor engines; increasing the fuel injection pressure, choosing the optimal number and direction of fuel jets - in diesel engines; introduction of microprocessor electronic circuits fuel injection and ignition control).

The content of harmful substances in exhaust gases can be significantly reduced through the use of neutralizers. Currently greatest distribution got catalytic converters, in which rare earth elements are used as a catalyst - platinum, palladium, radium. These substances can significantly reduce the energy threshold at which redox reactions begin.

To protect against the direct negative impact on the environment and people from the noise of a running internal combustion engine, the following are used: soundproofing casings-hoods and cabins (from noise of mechanical origin), mufflers (from aerodynamic noise during air intake and exhaust gases).

Third direction involves more significant changes in road transport. First of all, this is a replacement of traditional petroleum fuels, so-called alternative types of motor fuels, primarily gas fuel. In this regard, liquefied propane-butane gases and compressed natural gas. According to experimental estimates, the use of gas fuel reduces emissions of carbon monoxide by 2-4 times, nitrogen oxides by 1.1-1.5 and total hydrocarbons by 1.4-2 times. However, the transition to the use of compressed gas fuel, according to a number of estimates, is combined with disadvantages, in particular a reduction in engine power by 20% and a reduction in load capacity by 14% (due to the significant mass gas cylinders), a decrease in the range of cars at one gas station to 180-220 km (twice compared to cars running on gasoline), the need for significant costs for the re-equipment of cars, motor transport organizations, and the construction of gas filling stations. In addition to the indicated types of fuel, attempts have been made and are being made to use ethanol, methanol, hydrogen, alcohol, etc. as fuel.

All of the listed areas for reducing the impact of emissions of harmful substances from motor vehicles require their own further development, by improving the system of state control, applying methods of economic regulation, and conducting scientific research in the field of creating new generations of cars.

9.5. Responsibilities of drivers and senior vehicles.

The driver of a motor vehicle is obliged to:

Carry with you and, upon request, hand over to police officers for inspection:

- driver's license for the right to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category, and in case of seizure in in the prescribed manner driver's license - temporary permit;

- registration documents and a certificate of passing state technical inspection for this vehicle, and if there is a trailer

And on the trailer;

- a document confirming the right to own, or use, or dispose of this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer - in case of driving the vehicle in the absence of its owner;

- in specified cases waybill, license card and documents for the transported cargo, and when transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods- documents provided for by the rules for the transportation of these goods;

- insurance policy compulsory insurance civil liability of the vehicle owner in cases where the obligation to insure one’s civil liability is established by federal law.

IN in cases expressly provided for by current legislation, have it and hand it over to employees for inspection Federal service for supervision in the field of transport, a license card, waybill and shipping documents.

Before leaving, check and ensure that it is in good working order on the way. technical condition vehicle in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the Responsibilities of Safety Officials traffic.

Movement is prohibited if the operating brake system, steering, coupling device(as part of a road train), non-lit (missing) headlights and rear side lights V dark time days or in conditions insufficient visibility, the driver's side windshield wiper does not operate during rain or snowfall.

If other faults arise along the way, for which the appendix to the Basic Provisions prohibits the operation of vehicles, the driver must eliminate them, and if this is not possible, then he can proceed to the place of parking or repair, taking the necessary precautions.

At the request of officials who are granted the right state supervision and control over road safety and operation of vehicles, undergo an examination for alcohol intoxication and a medical examination for intoxication. Driver of a vehicle of the Armed Forces Russian Federation.

IN in established cases, undergo a test of knowledge of the Rules and driving skills, as well as a medical examination to confirm the ability to drive vehicles.

Provide a vehicle:

Employees of the police, federal state security agencies and federal security service agencies in cases provided for by law;

Medical and pharmaceutical workers for the transportation of citizens

to the nearest medical and preventive institution in cases that threaten their lives.

Persons using a vehicle must, at the request of the driver, issue him a certificate of the established form or make an entry in the waybill (indicating the duration of the trip, the distance traveled, their name, position, service ID number, the name of their organization), and medical and pharmaceutical workers - issue a coupon of the established form.

At the request of vehicle owners, federal state security authorities and federal security service authorities shall compensate them in accordance with the established procedure for losses, expenses or damage in accordance with the law.

Employees of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport of the Russian Federation must wear uniforms and use a disk with a red signal or a reflector to stop the car. They can use an additional whistle to attract the attention of drivers. Persons who have the right to stop a vehicle are required to present an official identification card upon the driver’s request.

In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to:

- immediately stop (do not move) the vehicle, turn on the emergency light signaling and put up a sign emergency stop, do not move objects related to the incident;

- accept possible measures to provide first aid to victims, call an ambulance medical care", in emergency cases, send the victims on a passing one, and if this is not possible, take them in your vehicle to the nearest medical facility, provide your last name, register sign vehicle (with presentation of an identification document or driver's license and registration document for the vehicle) and return to the scene of the incident;

- release roadway, if the movement of other vehicles is impossible. If it is necessary to clear the roadway or deliver victims in your vehicle to a medical facility, first record in the presence of witnesses the position of the vehicle, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all measures to preserve them and organize a detour to the scene of the incident;

- report the incident to the police, write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and wait for the police to arrive.

The driver of the vehicle is prohibited from:

- drive a vehicle while intoxicated (alcohol, drugs or other), under the influence of medications that impair reaction and attention, in a sick or tired state that jeopardizes traffic safety;

- transfer control of the vehicle to persons who are

V in a state of intoxication, under the influence of medications, in a sick or tired state, as well as to persons who do not have a driver’s license to drive a vehicle of this category or, if it is confiscated in the prescribed manner, a temporary permit;

- cross organized (including foot) columns and take a place in them;

- consume alcoholic beverages, narcotic, psychotropic or other intoxicating substances after traffic accident,

in which he is involved, or after the vehicle has been stopped at the request of a police officer, before an examination is carried out to determine the state of intoxication, or before a decision is made to exempt from such an examination;

- drive a vehicle in violation of the work and rest regime established by the authorized federal executive body, and when carrying out international road transport- international treaties of the Russian Federation;

- use a telephone that is not equipped while driving technical device, allowing for hands-free negotiations.

When two or more vehicles are sent on a trip, a convoy leader is appointed. When transporting people and dangerous goods, both as part of a convoy and as single vehicles, a vehicle foreman is assigned to each vehicle. In other cases, senior officers are appointed if necessary by the decision of the commander of the military unit. A vehicle foreman may not be appointed if the driver of the vehicle is a military serviceman performing military service under a contract, or from among the civilian personnel of the Armed Forces with at least two years of work experience.

Heads of columns and senior vehicles are appointed annually by order of the commander of a military unit from among the officers, warrant officers or sergeants serving in military service under a contract, who have undergone appropriate training in military units, who have passed tests at the garrison VAI in knowledge of the duties of a senior vehicle, traffic rules and received driver's license.

Persons designated to perform the duties of a machine foreman must carry a machine foreman's identification card. The validity period of the senior vehicle's certificate, which is annually re-registered with the garrison military aviation authority after passing the test, is three years (regardless of the place of service or work of the senior vehicle).

The machine manager is obliged to:

- on the eve of the departure day, receive instructions from the commander (chief of staff) of the military unit;

- before leaving the park, make sure that the car is in good condition, the driver is ready for the trip, that he has the required documents, and study the features of the route, dangerous places routes and familiarize the driver with them;

- accept the car from the park attendant;

- know and accurately follow the traffic rules, procedures for use automotive technology, rules for transporting people and various goods;

- know and strictly observe the norms for boarding people on a car, the norms for loading transported cargo onto a car and the rules for securing it;

- be able to use a map, route diagram and navigate the terrain;

- stop using the machine and take necessary measures in case of illness or overwork of the driver, as well as in case of his alcohol or drug intoxication;

- At the end of using the car, sign the waybill, write down the speedometer readings, the time and place where the car was released, and hand it over to the park duty officer.

List of violations for which the driver's license is confiscated:

1. Drinking alcohol while performing a task.

2. Deviation from the route or use of the car for personal (selfish) purposes.

3. Giving commands (orders) to the driver that contradict the requirements of the Traffic Rules, orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and other regulatory legal documents defining the procedure for using automotive equipment.

4. Driving the car instead of the driver (removing the driver from controlling the car).

5. Violation of traffic rules that led to a traffic accident or the creation of an emergency situation due to the fault or connivance of the driver of the car.

Questions for self-monitoring of students' knowledge

1. What cars are used medical service military unit for the evacuation of the wounded and sick, transportation of medical and sanitary equipment?

2. What is the operation of automotive equipment?

3. List the responsibilities of the driver and foreman of the vehicle.

4. What is the purpose of car maintenance?

5. List the measures that must be observed when working with hazardous automotive materials.

Test tasks

Select one or more correct answers.

1. UAZ-452A

1) 5 on stretchers and 1 sitting; only sitting - 7

2) 4 on stretchers and 1 sitting; only sitting - 7

3) 3 on stretchers and 2 sitting; only sitting - 7

4) 2 on stretchers and 1 sitting; only sitting - 8

5) 1 on a stretcher and 1 sitting; only sitting - 9


1) 9 on stretchers and 4 sitting; only sitting - 15

2) 8 on stretchers and 4 sitting; only sitting - 16

3) 7 on stretchers and 4 sitting; only sitting - 17

4) 6 on stretchers and 5 sitting; only sitting - 18

5) 5 on a stretcher and 5 sitting; only sitting - 19


1) check of the car before leaving the park

2) daily maintenance (ETO);

3) maintenance No. 1 and No. 2

4) semi-annual maintenance

5) routine maintenance


1) antifreeze

2) leaded gasoline

3) machine oil

4) wiper

5) kerosene


1) increasing the human body's immunity

2) carrying out explanatory work among drivers

3) monitoring the composition exhaust gases vehicles

4) dieselization of the vehicle fleet

5) use of gas fuel

375. When two or more vehicles are sent on a trip, a column leader is appointed. When transporting people and explosive cargo, both as part of a convoy and as single vehicles, a vehicle foreman is assigned to each vehicle. In other cases, senior vehicles are appointed if necessary by the decision of the regiment commander. The head of the column (senior vehicle) is appointed from among the officers, warrant officers or sergeants, who know the rules road traffic. He is responsible for completing the assigned task and correct use vehicles (vehicles), for the discipline of personnel located in the vehicles (vehicles), and their compliance with safety requirements. Head of the column (senior vehicle) must: - before starting the movement of vehicles (vehicles), check compliance with the standards for boarding people and loading cargo; control the order when boarding (loading), disembarking (unloading) and placing personnel (cargo) on vehicles (vehicle); - during the movement of vehicles (vehicles), monitor compliance with the route, the established speed, compliance by drivers (drivers) with traffic rules, and by the personnel in the vehicles (vehicles) with military discipline and safety requirements. The head of the column (the leader of the car) is prohibited from taking control of the car or forcing the driver to transfer control of the car to anyone; give commands forcing the driver(s) to violate traffic rules and exceed set speed movements. The heads of columns (senior vehicles) and drivers are instructed about the purpose, procedure, timing of the task and the fulfillment of traffic safety requirements by the officials organizing this transportation or their direct superiors. Car drivers, in addition, are instructed by unit commanders on compliance with the rules for operating cars, traffic rules and behavior during the trip. Drivers are strictly prohibited from transferring control of the car to anyone else..

376. The preparation of vehicles for departure is carried out under the leadership of unit commanders or their deputies for weapons (chiefs of technical units, heads of automobile service, battalion technicians, senior technicians or company technicians). Control over the technical condition of vehicles released from the park and returned to the park is carried out by the head of the control and technical point.

377. The internal order and work schedule in the park are announced in the order for the regiment (Appendix 11). Admission to the park and work in it at times not established by order are made only with the permission of the regiment commander.

378. At the times established for work and training in the park, personnel are allowed into the park only in formation under the command of officers, warrant officers or sergeants. Military personnel of their regiment who are serving under a contract are allowed into the park at the designated work hours using their identity cards. Sergeants and soldiers arriving at the park on official business alone are allowed into the park with military ID cards with the permission of the deputy regiment commander for armaments, of which the latter informs the park duty officer. Crews (drivers) arriving to withdraw vehicles are allowed into the park upon presentation of waybills. Persons who are not members of the regiment are allowed into the park only with one-time passes signed by the deputy commander of the regiment for weapons, and accompanied by a specially appointed serviceman. The military personnel to whom they are assigned are allowed access to vehicles and other military equipment located in the park with the permission of persons authorized to open storage facilities and park premises. The procedure for access to vehicles and other military equipment in case of alarm is established by the regiment commander and is set out in the relevant instructions.

379. The procedure for storing and issuing keys to ignition locks, car hatches, park premises and park gates should ensure the timely exit of cars from the park, and also exclude cases of unauthorized use by personnel. Keys are stored: - for ignition locks and car hatches: one set - with the park duty officer; the other - with the company duty officer (battalion, support units) in a sealed box along with waybills in case of alarm; - from park premises and park gates: one set - from the park duty officer; the other is with the regiment duty officer in a sealed box.

380. To maintain internal order in the park, a park duty officer, orderlies and driver mechanics (drivers) of duty tractors are appointed. The orderlies are posted by the park duty officer at the entrances to the park, and during the period of work, also on the territory of the park. Permanent and field parks are guarded around the clock with sentries posted. When equipping the park with reliably operating technical means they can be guarded by guards without posting sentries.

381. The procedure for sealing (sealing) all storage facilities, sites with weapons and military equipment, as well as the procedure for protecting weapons and military equipment that arrived at the park after it was handed over to guard protection, are established by the regiment commander.

Park attendant

382. The park duty officer in a regiment is appointed from officers or warrant officers, and in a separate battalion may be appointed from warrant officers or sergeants. He answers behind internal order in the park and for performing service in the park. The park duty officer is subordinate to the regiment duty officer, in the order of internal service in the park - to the deputy regiment commander for weapons, and where this position is not provided for by the state - to the head of the automobile service or the head of one of the technical services of the regiment. Subordinate to him are park attendants and driver mechanics (drivers) of on-duty tractors.

383. The new park duty officer arrives at the appointed time to the deputy regiment commander for weapons for instruction. After the divorce, the new park duty officer accepts documents and property from the old duty officer (Appendix 10), walks with him around the park territory and all park premises and accepts, according to the inventory, sealed park premises, storage facilities, as well as weapons, military equipment and equipment located under awnings and on open areas. In the book of acceptance and handing over of duty, he writes down those shortcomings that cannot be eliminated when accepting duty. The old and new duty officers report to the deputy regiment commander for weapons and the regiment duty officer about the surrender and acceptance of duty.

384. Park duty officer must: - be in the room allocated for him; when going on business with the permission of the regiment duty officer, leave a free shift orderly behind you and inform him where you are going and for how long; - carefully check all persons arriving at the park for passes and identification documents, and make a note on one-time passes about the time of arrival and departure from the park; after your shift, hand in your passes to technical part shelf; - allow persons given orders from the regiment to open park premises and storage facilities, making an entry about this in the appropriate books, and be present at their opening; - personally give permission to leave the park and to allow vehicles to move inside the park; - keep a log of the departure and return of vehicles in the prescribed form; - monitor the timely return of vehicles from flights to the fleet, and if they are delayed, report to the regiment duty officer; - control the export (import) of property from the park (to the park) in accordance with the entry in the waybill, and also ensure that unauthorized persons are not allowed into the park territory; - monitor the implementation of the daily routine in the park and know what work, which departments are performed in the park, do not allow work in the park that is not related to the maintenance and repair of machines and other equipment or with the equipment of the park; - constantly know the availability, consumption, as well as the number of serviceable and faulty cars, other equipment and weapons; - monitor the cleanliness and order in the premises and on the territory of the park, as well as compliance with environmental protection rules; - during the cold season, monitor the timely and correct firing of stoves in the park premises and the water-oil heater and maintain the set temperature in all rooms, in unheated storage facilities and in open areas of the park, check whether the water has been drained from the engine cooling systems, and in very coldy, in addition, whether they were removed from the cars rechargeable batteries and whether appropriate signs are posted; - monitor compliance with fire safety requirements (Appendix 16) and check the availability and condition of fire extinguishing equipment, fire alarm, as well as the readiness of on-duty tractors in case of fire; - take measures for timely maintenance cars and other equipment returned to the park; - do not allow unfuelled cars to be parked; - ensure that in the evening, after all work in the park is completed, the lights in the premises are turned off and only emergency lighting is left on, and the exterior lighting of the park is turned on; - check the presence and serviceability of locks and seals on the doors of premises (fenced areas) intended for storing toxic substances technical fluids; - upon arrival at the park, direct superiors from deputy regiment commanders and above, as well as the regiment duty officer, meet them and report to them. For example: " Comrade Major. No incidents happened while I was on duty.(or something happened). Park duty officer Lieutenant Petrov" After the report, the duty officer accompanies the arriving commander (chief) around the location of the park. In the case when the arriving commander (chief) is met by the regiment commander or his deputy for weapons and reports to him, the park duty officer does not report, but only introduces himself.

Amend the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2004 No. 450 “On the procedure for using automotive equipment in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Peaceful time» according to the attached List.


army General

S. Shoigu


changes made to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2004 No. 450

In the Guidelines on the procedure for using automotive equipment in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime (appendix to the order):

1. Add paragraph 3 with the following paragraph: “When checking the procedure for using these cars, drivers, at the request of an official of the VAI (hereinafter referred to as VAI), hand over to them for verification: a driver’s license for the right to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category, and in case of withdrawal in the prescribed manner driver's license - temporary permit; registration documents, diagnostic card for this vehicle, and if there is a trailer, also for the trailer; an insurance policy for compulsory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner in cases where the obligation to insure one’s civil liability is established by federal law; documents for the transported cargo, and when transporting large-sized, heavy and dangerous goods - documents provided for by the rules for transporting these goods; in addition, a document confirming the right to use or dispose of this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer - in the case of driving the vehicle by a driver of a third-party organization and other documents provided for regulations Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

2. In paragraph two of paragraph 6, the words “garrison” and “military district, fleet” are replaced with the words “(territorial)” and “(regional)”, respectively.

3. In paragraph 7:

In paragraph four, replace the word “garrison” with the word “(territorial)”;

Paragraphs five to seven should be worded as follows:

“Persons appointed to perform the duties of a foreman must have with them and, at the request of VAI officials, hand over to them for verification the certificate of a foreman (Appendix No. 2 to this Manual). The driver's license is valid for three years (regardless of the place of service or work of the driver). The certificate is annually re-registered in the Military Aviation Institute (territorial) after the military personnel have passed the appropriate test.

Forms of certificates for senior vehicles are prepared in the prescribed manner by the Military Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and are issued to the troops (forces) of the Military Aviation Inspectorate (territorial).

Costs associated with the purchase (production) of senior vehicle license forms are made at the expense of and within the funds allocated according to the consolidated estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Military Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the maintenance, operation and current repair of weapons, military equipment and property."

5. Paragraph eleven of clause 9 should be stated as follows:

“drivers who have not passed a medical examination and do not have with them: a driver’s license for the right to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category, and in case of withdrawal in the prescribed manner, a temporary permit; registration documents, diagnostic card for this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer; an insurance policy for compulsory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner in cases where the obligation to insure one’s civil liability is established by federal law; documents for the transported cargo, and when transporting large-sized, heavy and dangerous goods - documents provided for by the rules for transporting these goods; in addition, a document confirming the right to use or dispose of this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer - in the case of driving the vehicle by a driver of a third-party organization and other documents provided for by regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

6. In paragraph four of paragraph 46, replace the word “garrison” with the word “(territorial)”.

7. In paragraph 107, delete the word “VAI”.

8. Paragraph 113 should be stated as follows:

"113. VAI Armed Forces:

Carry out constant monitoring of the order of use of vehicles on traffic routes, as well as the movement of automobile convoys and single vehicles used over a distance of over 200 km;

Regularly check the use of machines after working hours, on weekends and holidays;

Periodically check the legality and correctness of the use of machines;

Conduct technical inspection vehicles with a set frequency: vehicles equipped for the systematic transportation of people, with more than 8 seats (except for the driver’s seat), as well as vehicles and trailers for them, intended for the transportation of large, heavy and dangerous goods - every 6 months; other cars, regardless of year of manufacture - every 12 months.

In the event of a traffic accident, a gross violation of the procedure for using automobile equipment established by this Manual, officials VAI is given the right to stop using the machine until the identified deficiencies are eliminated.

Deficiencies identified as a result of inspections of the use of vehicles are reported in accordance with the established procedure to the commander of the military district troops and military police officials.”

9. In the first paragraph of paragraph 114, replace the words “VAI of a military district, fleet, group of forces” with the words “VAI (territorial), in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility of which the military unit is stationed.”


S. Postnikov


The driver is responsible for maintaining the vehicle assigned to him, ensuring that it is in good condition and ready for use.

He is obliged:
- have a firm grasp of the device, technical capabilities and rules for operating the machine assigned to him;

Be able to operate the assigned vehicle day and night in various road conditions In any weather;

Know and strictly follow the Traffic Rules, commands, regulation and control signals;

Know the frequency and scope of maintenance work, the service life (between repairs) and the service life (working life) of the machine assigned to it, tires and batteries;

Perform maintenance work and current repairs, as well as carry out special processing of the machine assigned to it;

Know the types and consumption rates of fuel, lubricants and other substances used on the machine assigned to it operating materials, prevent their overexpenditure and achieve savings;

Know the causes of major operational faults, be able to detect and eliminate them; prevent vehicle breakdowns, report them to the commander and fix them immediately;

Before leaving the car park, check the technical condition of the car and monitor it on the way, paying attention to Special attention for serviceability of brakes, steering, tires, towing device, external lighting devices, windshield wipers, on correct installation rear view mirrors, cleanliness and visibility of license plates and identification marks;

When driving a car, have a driver’s license, driver’s identification document, and a waybill with you; The driver of the transport vehicle must also have a license to operate it;

Know and comply with the norms for loading a vehicle, the rules for boarding and transporting people, placing, stowing and securing cargo in the back of a vehicle;

Deliver the cargo safely and in a timely manner to the specified location;

Be able to use a route map and navigate the terrain;

Timely prepare and submit waybills to the technical unit or department;

Observe safety precautions when operating, repairing and evacuating the machine.

Platoon No.____


accounting for driving training on simulators, vehicles and practical work on vehicles of category “C” (VUS-837)

Rules for maintenance and storage

1. The book is issued to the cadet upon enrollment in educational institution and is kept with him until the end of his studies.

2. Without presenting a book, the cadet is not allowed to take classes.

3. At each lesson, the book is presented to the master of industrial driving training, who writes down the time of actual training and the assessment of the student in the appropriate columns, and puts his signature.

4. When training vehicle drivers, sections 1-5 are filled out in the individual book; when training specialists for vehicles with special equipment installed (mounted) on it, sections 6-7 are additionally completed.

5. The cadet must take care and carefully maintain the book.

6. Upon completion of training, the book is handed over to the educational part of the educational institution.

Stage 2 Practical Exam


Route number

Penalty points





Route number

Penalty points


Route number

Penalty points

5. Total time spent on training ______ hour.

Of them:

on auto simulators ________ hour.

to drive a vehicle ________ hour. , including:

freight _______ hour.

ATMZ-5-4320 _______ hour.

Internal driving test: passed / failed

ALLOWED for traffic police exams

Deputy Head for Human Resources Management of the Volzhskaya Driving School DOSAAF

Russia" _____________________________________________________

(signature) (first name, surname)

"_____" _________________ 201__

1. Accounting for training on simulators and driving vehicles


Exercise no.



by program




By program






Landing, familiarization with controls, instrumentation










Vehicle control techniques










Driving with gear shift












Stopping at a given place, turning around












Maneuvering in restricted passages














Difficult maneuvering













Test lesson No. 1



(name of educational institution)


(last name, first name, patronymic of the student)

Training platoon No. _______

Training started “____” ________ 201__

Training completed "____" ______ 201 __

Master of Industrial Driving Training

(surname and initials)

Master of Industrial Training

_________________________________________________________________(surname and initials)

Automobile simulator: brand ________________, type ____________

Training vehicles:

brand _____________________, grz. №________

brand _____________________, grz. №________

Deputy Head for Human Rights Management I. Mikulchin



The control inspection is carried out by the driver in order tochecking and preparing the vehicle before a battle, march, lesson, exercise, transportation,at rest stops, before overcoming a water obstacle.

The driver must check:

Appearance of the car, condition and mounting of the left front wheel, steering rods, bipod;

The condition of the front suspension, whether there are any leaks of oils and special fluids;

Car front;

Engine condition, oil level in the lubrication system and coolant level in the cooling system;

Condition and fastening of the right front wheel;

Condition and fastening of the right cab door, rear-view mirror, spare wheel;

Condition and fastening of the right rear wheels;

Car from behind;

Condition and fastening of the left rear wheels;

Condition and fastening of fuel tanks and pipelines;

Condition and fastening of the left cab door, rear view mirror;

  • free travel of clutch and brake pedals;

  • operation of the engine, lighting and alarm devices, windshield wiper, glass washer, readings of instrumentation, refueling;

  • angle of free rotation of the steering wheel and parking brake action;

  • availability, serviceability and stowage of spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA).



Driving on routes with low traffic volumes





















Test lesson No. 2




Driving on routes with high traffic volumes























Test lesson No. 3




Improving driving skills in various road conditions













Test lesson No. 4










- internal


- Traffic police










2. Accounting for maintenance work


Control inspections, daily maintenance

Number of hours



According to program



k - t



KO before leaving the park

KO before leaving the park

KO on the way


Time: 30 minutes

Stage 1 practical exam


Exercise numbers




№ 4

№ 5


Penalty points

Penalty points

Rights, responsibilities and responsibilities of the senior vehicle for violating the rules of operation of military vehicles

, colonel, head of department automotive training Military University.

IN modern conditions military service is directly related to daily operation various types military equipment. The use of machines in accordance with their intended purpose presupposes strict adherence to the procedure for their operation established by the relevant legal regulations.

In the conditions of the Armed Forces and other military formations provided for by law, an additional guarantee of ensuring the safety of driving and operation of combat, special and transport vehicles is the performance of the functions of a senior machine, appointed in accordance with current regulations.

The rights and responsibilities of the senior machine are determined by the Manual on automobile service SA and Navy (put into effect by order of the USSR Minister of Defense of September 1, 1977 No. 000), as well as the Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

According to the Manual on Automobile Service (Article 23), the senior vehicle is appointed by the commander of a military unit (unit) from specially trained officers, warrant officers (midshipmen) or sergeants (foremen) when transporting personnel, explosive cargo, as well as when sending war machine on long-distance flights and in other cases. The foreman of the machine is responsible for carrying out the task assigned to him. All personnel traveling by car, including the driver, are subordinate to him. The foreman of the vehicle is responsible for the correct use of the vehicle and the safety of the cargo, for the driver’s compliance with the Traffic Rules, as well as discipline and safety measures for all personnel in the vehicle.

If his immediate or direct superior is on the trip with the driver, then the senior vehicle is not appointed, and his function is performed by the superior.

After issuing an order to appoint a machine manager, he must be instructed by his immediate superior.

In accordance with the above acts senior machine obliged:

– accept the car in the park from the park duty officer;

– before leaving the car park, make sure it is in good condition, the driver is ready for the trip and has the required documents, study the features of the route, know the dangerous places on the roads ( sharp turns, settlements, railway crossings, steep descents and climbs, etc.), familiarize the driver with them;

- know and comply with the rules for loading transported cargo onto vehicles and the rules for securing it, and when transporting ammunition, explosives, fuel and other dangerous goods - the rules established by Art. 259 of the above-mentioned Manual;

– be able to use a map, route diagram and navigate the terrain;

– remove from control a driver who is ill or overtired, as well as in the event of his alcohol or drug intoxication, and take the necessary measures to complete the task in a timely manner, and in the absence of such an opportunity, report to the senior superior about the current situation and act on his instructions;

– upon completion of work, make a note on the waybill about the completion of the task, sign the waybill and hand over the car and the waybill to the park duty officer;

– know the traffic rules;

– when transporting people, explain to personnel the safety rules and the procedure for observing them, know and accurately follow the landing standards and transportation rules, guided by the relevant articles of the Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Seniors are strictly prohibited from driving: take control of the car or force the driver to transfer control of the car to someone else, give commands forcing the driver to violate traffic rules and the set speed.

The commander of the military unit in the order and the commander of the unit during briefing may determine additional responsibilities for the senior vehicle, based on the characteristics of the task being performed.