History of Dongfeng Company. The history of DongFeng machines (DongFeng) Does the socialist system hinder the growth of the economy

Chinese stamp Dongfeng has been around since 1969, although the general public in Russia only recently learned about it. Perhaps this may explain the fact that the name is so often mispronounced. But it would seem: Dongfeng is written - which means we pronounce "Dongfeng". But not everything is so simple!

Of course, the problem this case practically the same as in the case, for example, with Hyundai. The whole problem here is that, of course, it was impossible to use native Chinese characters to enter the world market, and it was necessary to transliterate the name into Latin. Explaining all the nuances, features and patterns of transferring Chinese names into Latin is a difficult and even boring task for some, so we will focus only on our case. Moreover, the most important thing to remember is that Latin is Latin, and the relationship between Russian and Chinese has its own patterns, which should be followed, no matter what the British say.

So, the name Dongfeng is translated as "east wind" and is written in Chinese with two characters: 东风 (东 - "east", Dong, and 风 - "wind", Feng). Parsing a word, oddly enough, is easier to start from the end, that is, from the -feng part (hieroglyph 风). As the sinologist translator Sergei Grek explains, the letter g in the names that came from the Chinese language, in this case, is needed solely to indicate the hardness of the consonant in front of it, but it is not necessary to pronounce it. Here's an illustrative example: 风 in Chinese means "wind", in Latin it is transmitted as feng, and in Russian it is pronounced (and written) as "feng". But the hieroglyph 分 denotes the Chinese monetary unit, which in Russian is transmitted as "fen", with a soft sign at the end, and in Latin it is written as fen - without g.

As for the first part of the word, there is an exception hidden behind the letter combination -ong: what is transmitted in Latin as -ong is pronounced and written in Russian as a hard "-un", and there cannot be a soft sign in principle. Thus, the whole word Dongfeng in Russian should be pronounced as "Dongfeng". Well, the appearance of the "Dongfeng" variant is, in fact, understandable: everyone sees the inscription Dongfeng and, on a whim, reads it, as if in English.

Russian representation The brand also adheres to such pronunciation rules: if you go to the official website of the brand, you can find just such a transmission option. Although, judging by the statistics search engines, the correct version is still losing much to the wrong Dongfeng, and the official Russian website of the automaker pops up the first link precisely for the wrong request.

CORRECT: Dongfeng
WRONG: Dunfen, Dongfeng

Car company Dong Feng Motors Co. - DFMC is a leading enterprise automotive industry China. The company was established in 1969. This period in the history of China is characterized by the fact that economic ties were severed with the countries of the East, and primarily with the USSR, as well as with the leading countries of the West. Under such conditions, the enterprise was forced to develop, relying entirely on its own resources.

Today, DFMC has concentrated all the economic opportunities and technical resources China. It is the main and main strategic enterprise of the PRC military-industrial complex. Over the past 35 years, the number of vehicles for various purposes, which equipped the Chinese army, has reached 500 thousand units. At present, Dong Feng Automobile Company plays a significant role in the economic and economic life of China.

According to official statistics, every 25th person in China is somehow connected with DFMC. These are people who previously worked or work in the company's factories, who work in the company's auto service network, or those who study or graduated from Dongfeng's Automotive Industrial University. Therefore, the Dong Feng automobile company in China is rightfully called the cradle of its own automotive industry China. Automotive Industrial University has taught and educated many specialists automotive industry. Now they work as managers or technicians in various enterprises or directly in the Dong Feng Automotive Company. At some of the company's plants (for example, bus plants), the number of personnel with higher technical education is 55%. Dong Feng Automobile Company has established a closed-loop production facility for various products for its automobile manufacturing plants, thus ensuring complete independence. These enterprises, for the company's own production needs, produce more than 1000 types of products, starting with small parts, filters, oils and technical fluids, and ending with power units, components and engines.

The company's production capacity is more than 1 million vehicles per year, not including agricultural and special equipment. In terms of profitability, Dong Feng ranks 1st in the automotive industry in China and 4th in the world in terms of the number of commercial vehicles produced. A full range is produced passenger cars mobile vehicles (including at numerous joint ventures - Mitsubishi, Honda, Renault, Peugeot, Nissan, Cummins, etc.). Developed production trucks carrying capacity from 0.5 to 220 tons, special equipment, as well as the production of a full range of buses, including special ones.

As part of the Automobile Company, there are 42 factories involved in the production of cars. Of these, 10 factories are specialized in the production of engines, half of which are in the production of diesel engines. Dong Feng Automobile Company has the world's largest test site, the world's longest production line. The degree of modernization of production surprises even Western colleagues. The company's factories employ 300,000 people. According to foreign experts, the cost of the Dong Feng brand is 7 billion US dollars. The company has a good reputation in the international market. The company's vehicles are operated in 92 countries of the world.

The company's strategic partner is the American company Cummins, with which a joint design office and a joint venture were established. This joint venture is Cummins' largest overseas manufacturing base. The products of the joint venture with Honda are fully exported.

The automobile company Dong Feng has the largest design bureau in Asia, where powerful intellectual potential is concentrated in the person of 3 thousand designers. Academicians and doctors of technical sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of China work in the design bureau.

Combining the Chinese "brains" concentrated in Dong Feng and the financial and foreign exchange reserves of the Chinese government will allow the company to take a firm position in the world market, and this is the key to its success in achieving its goals. By the end of 2010, Dong Feng Automotive Company plans to take 1st place in Asia and 3rd place in the world in terms of production. At the same time, India is considered in the first place as two promising strategically important foreign sales markets, and Russia is in the second place.

Dongfeng Motor Corporation is a Chinese state-owned automobile manufacturer headquartered in Wuhan. Included in the "big four" of Chinese automakers. The Dongfeng brand produces cars and commercial vehicles, passenger transport, auto parts, Consumables, production equipment for mechanical engineering. The load capacity of trucks manufactured by Dongfeng ranges from 500 kg to 220 tons.

The company has created full cycle production, independently releasing everything from engines and transmissions to filters and oils. Now it owns 42 factories, the world's largest testing ground, and also enters the Guinness Book of Records for having the longest production line.

Dongfeng Motor Corporation cooperates with six global automakers and has more joint ventures with foreign auto companies than any other Chinese manufacturer. This allows her to sell in China Citroen cars, Honda, Kia, Nissan, Peugeot and Renault. Heavy trucks and buses are sold under the Dongfeng brand.

The name Dongfeng means "East Wind" in Chinese. The company was founded in 1969. During this period, China severed economic ties with the USSR and the countries of the East, which forced its industry to develop at an accelerated pace, relying only on its own strength. The state-backed company quickly built up a network of factories throughout the country. During the first two years, the construction of three factory complexes was completed, which began to produce automotive components, military equipment, motors and consumables.

Military truck comes out in 1975 off-road, whose carrying capacity was 2.5 tons.

Until 1978, Dongfeng did not release civil engineering, but with the advent of new management, the product range has also changed. Since 1985, the brand has received autonomy and is not controlled directly by the state.

In 1980, Dongfeng collaborated with Ulyanovsk Automobile Factory» for the joint production of trucks. More than 100 Russian specialists visited the company to train its employees and help in organizing an independent design bureau of the brand.

In 1986, Dongfeng produced 100,000 vehicles. By the beginning of the 90s, it became one of the largest enterprises in China and the largest Chinese manufacturer of trucks and their components for Japanese stamps. In 1992, Peugeot-Citroen PCA organizes joint production with the brand, and the company is renamed Dongfeng Motor Corporation. A year later, the brand begins selling passenger cars, the Chinese automaker enters into contracts with Honda, Mitsubishi and Nissan, and its annual sales exceed 220,000 units.

In 1994, Dongfeng Motor Corporation products cover 60% automotive market China. Under its own brand, not only trucks are produced, but also Cars based on Mitsubishi Colt, Honda Civic and Nissan Sunny. In addition, the company manufactures special equipment widely used in China and Thailand, as well as ambulances, fire engines, loaders and cranes.

In 1998, Dongfeng Motor suffered a loss of 396 million yuan. It is possible to overcome the crisis only two years later, when sales again reach the level of 220,000 cars.

Since 2001, Dongfeng has been manufacturing a new generation of 4-cylinder and 6-cylinder power units for french brands Peugeot and Citroen, as well as 8-cylinder engines for buses. This became possible after the purchase of several patents American company Cummins.

In 2003, Dongfeng Motor establishes a joint venture with Nissan, moves its headquarters from Shiyan to Wuhan, and takes on a new name - Dongfeng motor company Limited. This will allow the Chinese manufacturer to continue development and enter the international market.

In the same year, an agreement was signed to establish a joint venture with Kia. Cars Korean brand, manufactured at Dongfeng factories, are sold in China, Russia and India. The construction of the company's factories in Argentina and Chile begins. Since 2004, the production of Daihatsu and Hyundai commercial vehicles and trucks has started at these enterprises.

In 2006, Dongfeng uses Nissan's technology to develop its first passenger car. In 2007 he debuts as a Rich model. This is a four-door pickup truck, which is equipped with a 2.5-liter engine with 110 hp. His maximum speed is 150 km/h.

Dongfeng Rich (2006)

Two years later, the company replaces gasoline engines, manufactured under license from Nissan, own diesel engines. In addition, Dongfeng releases its own version Mitsubishi minivan Space Gear, equipped with motors developing 80 and 120 hp.

In 2007, official deliveries of brand cars to Russia begin. These were heavy duty trucks DFL 3310A, DFL 3251A and DFL4181A. Working since 2011 subsidiary Dongfeng Motor Rus.

In 2009, Dongfeng buys back 10% of the shares Volvo Trucks, expanding its design office by adding the engineering headquarters of the Swedish brand. A year later, the first truck manufacturing plant in China opens. Volvo cars sold under the Dongfeng brand.

In 2013, with the help of the Chinese government, the company buys out a controlling stake in Volvo Trucks and completely transfers the production of the Swedish brand to China.

Car sales increase in 2011 Honda Chinese assembly in the USA, which contributes to the growth of the company. In the same year, Dongfeng buys the rights to produce all Nissan models under its own brand, the brand's factories are opened in Sweden and the UK.

In 2012, the construction of the Infiniti plant in China begins, as well as the production of hybrid platforms for Toyota.

In 2014, Dongfeng enters the Russian market with passenger cars under the DFM brand - the DFM S30 sedan and the DFM H30 Cross hatchback. Trucks are represented by 6x4 and 8x4 dump trucks. Machines for Russian market are assembled from nodes that come from Europe, the USA and Japan.

Dongfeng DFM S30 (2009)

Dongfeng Motor Corporation now sells cars in 92 countries, is the main strategic enterprise of China's military-industrial complex. Its main production capacity located in Shiyan, Xiyangfan, Wuhan, Guangzhu. In 2014, it produced more than 3.5 million vehicles.

Modern transport from China has become the epitome of progress. Analysts and experts are confident that in a few years, cars from Chinese manufacturers will compete on equal terms with Japanese vehicles. But while corporations of the Celestial Empire are just beginning to establish international relations. One example of such a relationship is Dong Feng. If you look at today's Dong Feng lineup, you can unmistakably identify the roots of many of Nissan's technologies.

Cooperation with a Japanese company allows the Chinese to produce quite adequate cars with excellent technical specifications. The photos and design of passenger cars delight buyers, and the reviews of the owners make you think about the possible purchase of such a car. Also, the lineup will expand in the near future, and today we will talk about the company's new products.

Warrior - a real military jeep

Actually Dongfeng Warrior is a copy of the American military Hummer car H1. But such a relative is far from a guarantee successful sales. In the model range of the manufacturer, this Chinese military jeep is called Dongfeng EQ2050, and its original purpose was to supply the Chinese army. However, the car was not too surprised by its technology:

  • 4 liter diesel engine, its origin is doubtful, but they say that the design belongs to Dong Feng;
  • in the army, this car will definitely not take root, since the suspensions are designed for flat terrain;
  • the model accelerates to 150 kilometers per hour, but driving at such a speed is quite difficult and scary;
  • security in this design is limited to the simplest passive systems, equipment is very weak;
  • the price of the car reaches the equivalent of 3,000,000 rubles, which makes the car not very capable of competing.

MX5 - confusion in the manufacturer's lineup

Everyone knows that Dong Feng is involved in the production commercial transport, special equipment and other means of transportation and performance various work. Because cars not a priority for Chinese corporation. The company sometimes treats the release of cars in this segment carelessly, confusing buyers with false information. New Dongfeng The MX5 is just such a model, with the following features:

  • full visual and technological copy Nissan X-Trail under license;
  • similarities with MX6 - next car in the model range of the corporation;
  • very strange positioning and lack of official photos models;
  • proprietary confusion within the Dong Feng Corporation and secrecy of data;
  • reduced build quality existing models not a very pleasant change.

Of course, the Chinese, even under license, cannot release a complete copy. successful crossover, because Dongfeng MX5 has a lot of differences from Japanese crossover. However, these differences and changes have been made where they would not have been. The company changed the trim materials, and also saved on the configuration of the car to reduce the cost of the offer on the international market. But the car will still cost around 1,000,000 rubles.

H30 Cross - large hatchback with cutting edge design

Surprisingly, the corporation may well produce unitary cars, and not copy the models of world leaders. The proof of this was the Dongfeng H30 Cross, a hatchback with some crossover flair. The car has a good design, which is the main criterion for consumer interest in the model. The following features of the car are especially noteworthy:

  • the Chinese took many design details from other brands, but in general the car looks individual;
  • Dong Feng lineup does not offer more modern transport than H30 Cross;
  • under the hood Chinese car you can find a very simple 1.6-liter unit for 117 horses;
  • the engine is old, but it works quite adequately, it is paired with mechanics and a simple automatic machine;
  • the price of the car in the basic version with a good bundle is 540 thousand rubles.

Dong Feng could well count on good sales and quite positive feedback from hatchback owners in the new generation. However technical part the machine provided no surprises. The motor remained unchanged, there are no clear settings in the boxes, and driving is not very convenient. These are the features of the new hatchback.

AX7 is an amazing large crossover in the Chinese lineup

If owners' reviews about the appearance of the car were the main criterion for the sales of modern technology, the AX7 from Dong Feng would have already broken all popularity records. But this chinese car has not yet reached sales in Russian salons, so you need to wait final price. In the meantime, we can talk about the following features of the new SUV:

  • large size and spacious body make buying a car a pleasant experience;
  • the first acquaintance with transport passes under the sign of design, everything is done perfectly here;
  • plagiarism in Dong Feng is not frankly noticeable, but there are many separate borrowed details;
  • car offers good engine 2 liters and 143 horses;
  • a turbocharged engine of 1.6 liters and 160 forces may also appear in Russia, but this is inaccurate.

Chinese big crossover looks very presentable, and the description of the technique makes you think. This is one of the newest developments of the Dong Feng Corporation, because the car has every chance of becoming the flagship of the company's lineup. But only a good price of up to 750 thousand rubles will help the car to top the sales lists.

Summing up

Good model line cars from Chinese company offers everyone a great choice. Can be purchased small sedan With budget engine, as well as give preference to a modern hatchback. How more money you have to buy, order better model can be purchased.

But it must be said that the shortcomings in the machines of the lineup of this Chinese manufacturer are present. In particular, it is worth noting some shortcomings in the assembly and the use of a huge amount of manual labor at the factory. True, the Dong Feng company promises localization in Russia and the use of advanced assembly equipment.


And the alliance between General Motors and Peugeot-Citroen crumbled, long live Peugeot-Citroen plus the Chinese Dongfeng

No wonder it is believed that the elite sets the tone for their subjects. If the first ladies are changed like gloves, then what can we say about the strength of marriages of convenience?

Union "Peugeot-Citroen" (PSA) with an American partner under the big name DM lasted less than two years: it was concluded in March 2012 and now - a break, but ... by no means a maiden name. Because back in the period of American kinship, the French started relations with the Chinese automaker Dongfeng. What did not like the Americans, who are anxious about intellectual property, which could easily end up in the hands of a competitor from the Middle Kingdom.

Will it be possible for two such different teams, invested with equal rights, to find a consensus - this is the main intrigue of the new Franco-Chinese alliance!

Well, what about PSA? For him, the era of the Peugeot family business has ended: the new union involves a very close interpenetration of the participants and access to European market an enterprise that has so far built mainly army trucks for the People's Army.

Dongfeng EQ2050 HMMWV - why not a Hummer?

Of course, Dongfeng will not bring new technologies with him, but from now on, for example, in Europe German Volkswagen& Co will deal and compete not only with French know-how, but also with the almost limitless capital of a Chinese state concern! In other words, if earlier the French knew how, but did not have the means to implement their ideas, now this obstacle can be removed. And, of course, PSA will open the widest door to the boundless Chinese car market.

By the way, one does not have to look far for examples of the success of such an alliance. Here, for example, Volvo and Geely, living together since 2010. Already by 2017, the Swedes intend to double sales in China, and last year they launched their first car factory there. The Russian representative office of Geely is encouraged by the fact that in China Volvo and Geely are building engine plant, means available Geely cars will soon receive modern reliable engines, and hence an advantage in our market.

Peugeot-Citroen (PSA) also counts on benefits Chinese cooperation. Without a doubt, the French will receive permission to open their enterprises, expand dealer network, and government orders will not pass them by. Very soon products joint production- passenger cars and commercial vehicles affordable prices appear in Russia.

Dongfeng Rich is a representative of China's favorite pickup trucks. We are not yet familiar.

Interestingly, Dongfeng and the French state are now equally represented among PSA's shareholders. The latter, of course, will try to prevent the closure of factories in France and the uncontrolled leakage of know-how to China. Whereas the Chinese are interested in exactly the opposite! And therefore, whether the new marriage union, which initially carries such serious contradictions in itself, will turn out to be durable, only time will tell. In the meantime, the French "Figaro" considers the resulting "Three-Headed Lion" too complex formation and recalls that in normal car only one driver's seat.


At home, both concerns are considered the second largest: Dongfeng, of course, in China, PSA - in Europe. Before the merger, the Peugeot family owned 25.4% of the shares, and, by the way, were in no hurry to say yes at the altar. However, there was no unity on this issue. The chairman of the Inspection Committee, Thierry Peugeot, for example, resisted to the last and offered to scrape together the necessary capital by the bottom of the barrel, not surrendering to a strong partner. While his cousin Robert Peugeot, on the contrary, reacted very favorably to the proposal of the Chinese. After the completion of the transaction, the Peugeot family and the governments of both countries will each own 14% of the shares, the rest is scattered among small shareholders.

It's time, however, to get to know Dongfeng Motor Corporation better, trying not to confuse it with Dongfeng Motor Company - the latter is just a joint venture between the parent corporation and Nissan.

Translated from Chinese, the name Dongfeng means "Wind from the East". In general, it turns out that ours is no longer young - born in 1969. - the groom, one might say, is really windy: at different times he created joint ventures also with Honda, KIA and the same PSA (however, to work only on domestic market). And on a global scale, Dongfeng Motor Corporation is considered by some analysts to be the world's largest truck manufacturer, although there are no exact statistics.


Xu Ping graduated from Hefei Industrial University in 1982 with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in power plants and power systems. Has been with Dongfeng Motor Corporation since 1982. Since 2001, he was the Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy CEO Dongfeng Motor Corporation since 2001. From June 2005 to June 2010, he became the general manager of the enterprise, and then - the Chairman of the Board of Directors, remaining still the secretary of the Corporation's Party Committee. In addition, Xu Ping is a member of the 11th National People's Congress.

Zhu Fushou is President and CEO of Dongfeng Motor Corporation.

Zhu Fushou is President and CEO of Dongfeng Motor Corporation. He has the title of senior engineer. Graduated in 1984 from Anhui technical institute with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering with a specialization in agricultural engineering. In addition, Zhu Fushou studied business administration at Zhongnan Finance University and received a master's degree. Joined Dongfeng Motor Corporation in 1984 and served as a permanent member of the Party Committee. In April 2011, he was appointed director and general manager of Dongfeng Motor Corporation. In June 2011, he was appointed director and vice chairman of Dongfeng JV Peugeot Citroen Automobile Company Limited.


Carlos Tavares (pictured) is already on the Board of Directors, but so far the PSA concern is managed by Philippe Waren.

Here, too, everything is not easy: for now, Philippe Varen is in charge of the concern, but it has already been officially announced that soon (the date is not specified) Carlos Tavares, who recently and unexpectedly left Renault due to disagreements with Carlos Ghosn, will become the general director. He will have to return the concern to a profitable zone, but for now, having already entered the Board of Directors, he is just concentrating on negotiations with the Chinese.

Carlos Tavares was born in 1958. In 1981 he graduated from the Ecole Centrale de Paris and immediately joined Renault as an engineer, since 1998 he has been a Renault program director responsible for lineups Megane and Scenic, then C-class cars. In 2004 - moved to Nissan Vice President in the division of strategy and product planning, a year later he became the executive vice president there, in charge of corporate planning, marketing research, design. In 2009 he headed the North American branch of Nissan, and a couple of years later - appointed executive vice president of Renault.

Dongfeng Xing Jingyi - you can’t pronounce such a name, but it looks quite modern. It's only the beginning! And what does Carlos Tavares have to say about the new PSA-Dongfeng look?

P.S. In this country, you always see the priority of a person, his personality - in everything - this is, if we are talking about France. The priorities of the party and the state are at the head of the Chinese modern miracle. Can these two poles make up the future of the world economy? Union "Peugeot-Citroen" and Dongfeng - one of the new experiments in this direction.