How you can restore the wiper blades: we are considering different methods. Replacing motor brushes in a washing machine What you should pay attention to when choosing a brush repair company

20 May 2017

It may happen that the wiper blades need to be replaced more often than you expected. Weren't they replaced last year? But they again leave stripes, no longer clean the windshield efficiently and make annoying sounds. Although "wipers" are not the most expensive element in car maintenance, the cost adds up every time they need to be replaced, which, in general, can be quite expensive.

A clean windshield is not only pleasant to drive, but also has a significant impact on safety, increasing visibility and control over the road situation. The main signs that the car wipers have deteriorated are:

  • the appearance of the line / stripes. The rubber element of the wiper blade can harden or become damaged with age or repeated wiping of foreign objects on the windshield;
  • noise. Noisy wipers are usually a sign that the wiper has hardened, which will cause the wiper blade structure and attachments to wear out faster;
  • vibration. Hardened rubber elements usually cause the cleaner to vibrate.

Do you have such signs? Don't rush to buy new wiper blades right away. In order to save money, you can try to restore them at home. But, first of all, it is worthwhile to deal with the reasons for the rapid deterioration of the wipers.

Restoring the wipers on your own

There are several main ways to restore car wipers and extend their lifespan:

  • Hot water... The easiest way to bring the rubber parts of the wipers to a satisfactory condition is to put them in hot water for half an hour or an hour. This manipulation will help soften the rubber and remove fat deposits on its surface. This method will not bring long-term effect, it should be combined with other options.
  • White Spirit (white spirit)... White Spirit, a popular gasoline-based solvent, will help to effectively remove grease from the surface of the working part of the wipers. This oily liquid also has lubricating properties, which will greatly facilitate the sliding of the brushes on the windshield. The way to use white spirit is to wet a piece of cotton cloth or synthetic washcloth with liquid and wipe the rubber surface of the wiper blade.
  • Petrol... If you put the rubber bands of the windscreen wiper for a while in gasoline, the effect of softening the rubber is achieved, which significantly increases its elasticity. The effect of restoring the properties of windshield wipers is also increased by the degreasing properties of gasoline.
  • Glycerol... To soften the hardened rubber of the brushes, glycerin will help. You can buy this remedy at a pharmacy. To achieve the greatest positive effect, the working surface of the wipers should be cleaned of dust and dirt, washed and dried. The essence of the method is to apply glycerin to the surface and let it soak into the rubber. This method can be combined with degreasing with gasoline or white spirit.
  • Mechanical restoration... If the rubber bands on the wipers are damaged and have irregularities on the surface, you can try to level them. In this case, it makes sense to use fine sandpaper to eliminate defects. Subsequently, it is recommended to degrease and soften the brushes using the methods presented above.

Important! All manipulations with chemicals are recommended to be carried out in well-ventilated areas and use rubber gloves to protect the skin of the hands

Here are five easy ways to get the most out of your wiper blades:

  1. Raise or remove the wiper blades when it snows. It may seem like an unnecessary step, but, in fact, you are saving yourself from potential headaches and additional costs of replacing wipers. The thing is that repeated thawing / freezing can destroy the structural integrity of rubber. The inclusion of wipers frozen to the windshield is also a potential danger.
  2. Do not use windscreen wipers to remove icing from your windshield. This will inevitably damage the rubber from the sharp edges of the ice crust.
  3. Wipe down and clean the wiper blades. Together with water, dirt, sand, small debris gets on the windshield. It can jam into the grooves of the rubber, gradually destroying it.
  4. Park your car in the shade. Ultraviolet radiation destroys the rubber structure of the wiper blades, making it hard and brittle. To avoid the negative effects of sunlight, you should park your car in the shade whenever possible.
  5. Do not use "dry" windshield wipers. The wipers are designed to clean extremely damp surfaces. In dry weather, their use is possible only in combination with the operation of the windshield washer.


Wiper blades will last much longer if you follow the basic rules of operation. But, failures in the work of the janitors are not a sentence. The simplest ways to resuscitate them will help to significantly extend their service life. An important factor is the correct choice of the manufacturer. Buy only high-quality brushes, trusted brands, provide high-quality care, and the wipers will last more than one season.

Windshield wipers are popularly called wipers for a reason: they ensure the cleanliness and transparency of the windshield and rear windows of the car. If the windows are clean, it means that the driver perceives everything that happens on the road without distortion, in full. The adequacy and speed of his reaction in the event of a dangerous situation depends on this. The view through the cleaned glass allows the driver to not strain their eyesight. Only unlike real wipers who work with a broom in the yards, mostly early in the morning, car wipers are responsible every second in any weather, if the car is on the way.

In spring, autumn, in summer rain, windshield wipers are constantly in demand. They come to the rescue in snowfall and blizzard. However, the cold winter season, all the ensuing consequences on the wipers themselves have an extremely negative effect. The rubber from which the windshield wipers are made hardens, ice forms on top, and as a result, the cleaning task becomes beyond the power of the "wipers", and sometimes they can even scratch the glass with the sharp edges of ice floes. Such windshield wipers do not clear the required view well.

What if there is no way to purchase and install new ones?

Experienced drivers offer to carry out resuscitation measures with old wipers using glycerin, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The windshield wipers must be carefully removed, and having disconnected their rubber part, thoroughly rinse from dirt and clogged dust. After waiting for the gum to dry, they are treated with glycerin on all sides. After that, the rubber should lie down so that the glycerin is absorbed. The procedure for impregnating the rubber bands can be repeated, again wait until the compound is absorbed, and then wipe dry, removing all residues. The rubber elements can then be returned to the wiper and placed on the glass.

After the treatment with glycerin, the rubber will soften significantly and will remove dust and debris from the glass without any "dips". But this method of restoring the original qualities of the "windshield wipers" is suitable only for non-cracked rubber that does not have breaks. This is a fairly effective way. After processing, the wipers do not freeze to the glass, do not leave traces.

Disadvantages of glycerin treatment of windshield wipers

However, this method of resuscitation of windshield wipers has a number of disadvantages. For example, glycerin is washed out by an anti-freeze liquid, which is plentifully poured over glass in cold weather. In addition, the savior itself, glycerin, over time can become the culprit for cracks and tears on the rubber parts of the wipers. So the method of resuscitation of windshield wipers with glycerin can be considered one-time for use in conditions when it is impossible to fix the work of the wipers in any other way.

When the windshield wipers do their job extremely badly, it makes no sense to try to restore them, and more than once. This can lead to unforeseen situations, after which the wipers themselves may not be needed. Moreover, the worn-out rubber components of the windshield wiper can leave small cracks and scratches on the windshield, which significantly reduces visibility, and, accordingly, affects the safety of the car, especially at night, when microcracks give glare from the lights of cars moving in the opposite direction.

Right choice

In order for problems with windshield wipers to occur as rarely as possible, you need to choose them very carefully. Of course, you can first ask the neighbors in the parking lot: what kind of wipers they bought and how long they serve them. The varieties can be found on auto sites on the Internet. You should pay attention to the cost of the proposed options and at the same time remember that there is not much difference between expensive and relatively cheap wipers.

The fact is that among the expensive windshield wipers there are those that car owners were unhappy with, and worthy ones can also be found among inexpensive options. Some mid-range wipers are even heated.

When choosing wipers, be sure to pay attention to moving elements. Make sure they do not make sounds when operating. They must be set in motion without any effort or jerk. It is necessary to inspect the rubber: the tightness of its adhesion to the very structure of the wipers should not be in doubt. The rubber components of the new wipers, of course, should not have distortions, scratches and burrs.


Usually, having bought and installed new windshield wipers, car owners consider the job done and forget that they need the same care as for all other elements of the car. But the service life of the wipers can be significantly increased! For example, it is suggested to regularly spray the rubber wipers with silicone spray. It is not as harmful to rubber as glycerin. To improve the sliding of the wipers on the glass, it is advised to add dishwashing detergent to the liquid in the washer reservoir. The detergent improves the cleaning of the glass from dirt. And the car owner will feel the smooth movement of the wipers "like clockwork" right away.

Also, the wear of the wipers is reduced by special chemicals such as Anti-Rain. The glass is thoroughly washed with detergent, wiped dry, and only after it is completely dry, the Anti-Rain applied to the velvet cloth is spread over the glass. After that, the glass is washed again using detergent. "Anti-rain" fills all microcracks of the glass and creates an invisible film, which minimizes the area of ​​contact with the glass and the raindrops falling on it. Contamination is significantly reduced, and with it the load on the wipers is reduced. A method of making "Anti-Rain" at home has already been invented. Ordinary candles are crushed on a grater, mixed with white spirit (1x20) and the resulting solution is distributed over the glass. It turns out no worse than the composition made in the factory.

And finally - recommendations for car owners who do not want to change windshield wipers every season. Windshield wipers should not scrape off ice on glass. For this, scrapers were invented, which cost mere pennies. It is not recommended to use windscreen wipers without washer fluid, because the "dry" operation of the rubber affects its quality. In severe frosts, the wipers do not need to be left on the glass - they will freeze, and tearing them off can damage the rubber. Better to take them home in the warmth. Windshield wipers require maintenance: they need to be cleaned of dirt all the time, at least as often as the glass itself. These simple truths will help extend the life of any wipers. Well-groomed windshield wipers lend themselves to restoration, and maybe even multiple times.

In bad weather conditions, traffic safety directly depends on the operability of the glass cleaning system. Therefore, if the brushes leave stripes on the glass, it's time to think about restoring the performance of the wipers.

There are several ways in which you can restore the performance of the "wipers". The simplest, but costly, is the installation of new brushes. It is more affordable for finance to restore the supporting frame and replace the rubber element of the old brushes.

Criterias of choice

The range of wiper blades on the Ukrainian auto parts market is quite large. Such brands as Bosch, Champion, Trico, SWF DuoTec, Valeo, Klaxcar, Aldi, Alka, etc. are represented. Moreover, almost every brand can meet the needs of a large fleet of cars. Brush blades are available in silicone, graphite-silicone, Teflon, and just rubber. All materials have different coefficients of friction and elasticity, therefore the characteristics of these products differ. Silicone ones retain their elasticity better at subzero temperatures, so they work well in winter and wear out less. Graphite and Teflon provide a low coefficient of friction, which makes these brushes durable and quiet.

Rubber elements (blades) are rare on the market. But if it is not possible to buy good "wipers", then using such a "repair kit" is the most optimal way to solve the problem. It should be remembered that by installing new blades, a noticeable improvement in the quality of cleaning may not be achieved. This is due to the loose hinges of the supporting frame of the brush. The operability of metal hinges can be restored by eliminating the backlash on their own, but plastic ones are not repairable. This should be taken into account when buying new "wipers".

The resource of brushes depends not only on their quality, but also on compliance with the rules of operation. If they are violated, the durability of the "wipers" can be reduced by two or three times, that is, they will last not two or three years, but only a year.

In the hinges of some cheap windshield wipers, the backlash is increased even before installation, so it is advisable to check their "rigidity" upon purchase. If the question arises: to buy cheap new brushes or restore old ones with a good frame, the second option should be preferred.

Required adjustments

There are situations when even expensive brushes do not clean glass efficiently. This is because other factors, for example, the correct adjustment of the washer nozzles, affect the operation of the wipers. For normal operation of the wipers, the supplied stream of liquid must lie vertically, capturing 80 - 90% of the width of the cleaning sector. The nature of wetting is influenced by several factors - the angle of inclination of the windshield, the pressure of the jet and the angle of its supply. And since these indicators are different for all cars, individual adjustments to the washer nozzles are necessary.

In "Soviet" cars, the angle of inclination of the windshield relative to the vertical is small, and the pump is low-power. Therefore, when the car is at a standstill, adjust the washer jet so that it is directed above the center of the glass. When moving, the air flow will knock it down below, which will ensure normal working conditions for the wipers. In streamlined foreign cars with powerful washers, the jet should be applied below the middle of the glass, since when moving, the air flow will begin to "lubricate" the liquid that has fallen on the glass upwards, and thus the entire cleaning sector will be wetted. If the glass of a foreign car has a small angle of inclination, the water will be blown away not upwards, but to the sides. To avoid this, the jet must be directed to the center of the glass.

In some vehicles, the cleaning sector does not provide the driver with good visibility - for example, one of the sides of the glass is not sufficiently covered. This can be corrected by reinstalling the lever one or two splines. Cleaning is also impaired if the brush arm spring loses its elasticity. In this case, you can slightly bend the lever itself, making sure that its cross-section is parallel to the glass. In this case, it is impossible to "bend the stick", since excessive pressing force leads to deformation of the blade and deterioration of the cleaning quality.

Sometimes, when the wipers are working, the blade does not "shift", that is, it remains as it was directed in one direction. However, when moving in the other direction, it begins to experience great resistance, so its movement is accompanied by "jumping" and vibration. The reasons for this behavior can be the loss of elasticity of the blade, which is "frozen" in one position after prolonged inactivity, or helical twisting of the brush arm when its tip is not parallel to the glass.

We hope this article will help you to feel confident behind the wheel in any weather, having complete undistorted information about the traffic situation.

Causes of accelerated wear of brushes
switching on the wipers when the glass is dry and dirty
incorrect adjustment of the washer
long stay of the brush in one position
switching on the wiper in cases of freezing of the brushes
cleaning iced glass
contact of fuel and oil on the rubber of the brushes
Helpful hints
If you are removing the brushes while stationary, slide a piece of suitable plastic or rubber tubing onto the levers. They will protect the glass from scratches if the wiper is accidentally turned on.
Regularly clean the windshield and rubber bands of the brushes to remove dirt and grease.
Periodically (once a week) turn on the wiper for a few minutes to self-clean the motor manifold (with the brushes raised).
When leaving the car for a long time in the garage, place the levers on stands, which can function as matchboxes, bottle caps, etc. The lift height should provide a 5-20 mm gap between the blade and the glass. In this way, deformation of the blade due to aging under the influence of different temperatures will be excluded.
If the car is on the street for a long time, it is better to remove the brushes altogether in order to exclude accelerated aging under the influence of the environment - the sun, humidity, temperature.
Get in the habit of manually removing the ice from the brush, and if it's frozen, turn on the wiper only after the ice on the glass has melted.
Some brushes require a preliminary “run-in”. The quality of glass cleaning improves after some running-in time.

Alexander Landar, Yuri Datsyk
Photo by Andrey Yatsulyak and Sergey Kuzmich

For safety, it is important to have a good view on all journeys by car. And the wipers play an important role in this, or rather, their serviceable work. Why is it worthwhile to carry out preventive maintenance and cleaning of the wiper mechanism in a timely manner. But if it so happened that the wipers refused, you can try to fix the problem yourself. But not every car enthusiast has such skills; help in this situation will be provided by a qualified specialist - a car electrician.

The design of the wiper mechanism.

The modern glass cleaning system was invented in 1903 and many different designs have been invented over the years. But the tandem scheme, which is more practical and efficient, has won great popularity among car manufacturers. In the structure of the wipers, a common technology is used:

- An electric motor attached to the gearbox is responsible for a clearer movement of the wipers,

- The trapezium, with the help of a system of levers, creates a reciprocating movement, and regulates the synchronization of the operation of the brushes.

- The operating mode controls the wiper relay, which is controlled using the steering column switch or the on-board computer. And if a rain sensor is included in the package of the car, it becomes possible to provide the adjustment of the wipers to the automation.

- Only the brushes are replaceable in the design of any wipers, which is attached to the lever with a latch. The adapter can be either a non-removable part of the brush or a separate one. For greater efficiency in the operation of the wiper, it is necessary that the brushes are pressed against the glass with a certain force. This function is performed by the correct adjustment of the drivers, which is performed when replacing the wiper.

Also, the wiper system can be vacuum or mechanical. They are usually used to control the rear wiper.

It is simple or difficult to repair the wiper mechanism.

Initially, it is worth checking if the fuse has blown, since very often the wipers refuse to function precisely because of this. If all is well, use a tester to ring all contacts, thereby eliminating the possibility of an open circuit in the wiper mechanism.

You're in luck if the cause of the breakdown can be fixed by simply replacing the wipers or fuse. But as practice shows, repairing the wiper mechanism is not an easy task. Only a qualified auto electrician can deal with a serious malfunction. This applies to the repair or complete replacement of the trapezoid, or the rear wiper in general. The specialists of our company will help to cope with problems of varying complexity, to repair wipers with any drive system, providing a high-quality and fast repair service.

There are many reasons for the incorrect functioning of the windshield or rear window cleaning system, and only a competent auto electrician can help to eliminate them. Let's talk about this in more detail:

  1. The appearance of longitudinal stripes on the glass indicates dirt that has got under the rubber bands of the brushes. If the problem persists after flushing, the wiper needs to be replaced.
  2. Small stains are most likely caused by a deformed elastic band. Such a breakdown also leads to a complete replacement of the unit.
  3. If the wiper motor does not work, there may be several reasons for this:

- deformation of the trapezoid

- finding foreign objects in the mechanical elements of the wiper

- short circuit of the winding in the electric motor

But it happens that situations arise when a breakdown occurs on the road, or there is simply no way to deliver the car to the service. In this case, on-call auto electrician services are very convenient. A specialist of our company in the shortest possible time will drive up to the location of your car, diagnose the causes of the breakdown and make the necessary repairs. Then he will advise on how to avoid what happened next time.

Never try to repair such problems yourself. This can lead to more serious consequences, since there are many nuances and peculiarities in the repair of a car's electrical system.

Operating the car in poor visibility conditions is something that vehicle drivers are constantly faced with. Depending on the weather conditions (snow, rain, etc.), the view of the space in front of the car's windshield can be significantly impaired, which contributes to the creation of an emergency on the road. At the same time, the cleanliness of the windshield, which is provided by the windshield wipers of the car, wipers in everyday life, is of no small importance and largely depends on the state of the latter.

Reasons for poor quality wipers

Having found that when the wipers are working, there are stains on the windshield of the car, it is necessary to check their condition and determine the reasons for poor-quality glass cleaning.

Quite often, the reason for the appearance of streaks on the windshield of a car are:

  • oily windshield that even the best windshield wipers can't clean;
  • loose fit of elastic brushes to the windshield;
  • malfunctions of metal parts of the wiper drive;
  • wear of the cleaning edge of the elastic element of the brushes.

The reasons that caused the poor-quality work of the wipers may be due to:

  • prolonged contact of stationary brushes with the windshield of the machine (deformation of elastic parts) under the influence of direct sunlight or in severe frost;
  • ingress of dirt into the grooves of the elastic band of the wiper;
  • water getting into the grooves of the brush with its subsequent freezing;
  • changes in the chemical structure of elastic parts under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (direct sunlight);
  • wear of the working edge of the elastic band;
  • the appearance of traces of corrosion on the blades of the tape.

Restoration of wipers

Noticing that the brushes began to clean the windshield of the car poorly, motorists, as a rule, try to replace them with new ones. However, this is not always justified, since in some cases it is not difficult to restore the performance of the wipers on the car. For example, if during the operation of the machine it was found that the working edge of the brushes is badly worn out, then you can restore its shape using sandpaper.

For this:

  1. Take a sheet of non-bending material (multilayer plywood, a fairly thick sheet of metal, etc.).
  2. Glue a strip of fine-grained sandpaper on it.
  3. Carrying out the cleaning blade of the wiper over the sandpaper, they restore the shape of the tape, giving the working edge a rectangular shape.

Important! Care must be taken to ensure that the restored working surface of the wiper is uniform along the entire length of the tape. The presence of dips on it will lead to the fact that during operation, wide, uncleaned stripes will remain on the windshield of the machine.

If the elastic band of the wiper has hardened, gasoline can be used to restore it. Having dipped the tape in gasoline, it is then washed in warm water and a thin layer of silicone grease is applied to the working surface. These procedures will restore elasticity to the tape and make it softer.

Advice! Using silicone grease, it is possible for a short time to restore the performance of the wipers, which have minor cracks on the working surface, which cause a grinding or squeaking during operation.

The working surface of the wiper is covered with an oily film, then you can restore its properties (degrease), for example, using white spirit... White spirit will easily remove grease and other dirt from the brush surface. After this procedure, it is advisable to apply a thin layer of silicone grease to the working surface of the wiper belt. Thus, its performance will be restored. How experienced motorists restore wipers on a car can be seen on:

In the same way, it is possible to remove traces of corrosion from the working surface of the wiper.

Attention! When working with white spirit, basic safety rules must be observed (ventilated room, gloves, etc.).

Caring for your wipers

Car wipers, like other parts of your car, require regular maintenance. In order to extend the "life" of wipers on cars, experts recommend:

  • regularly clean the windshield of the car and the working surfaces of the wipers from dust, dirt and fat deposits, and in the winter season from snow and ice;
  • remove the wipers if the car is left outside for a long time;
  • leaving the car in the garage, raise the wipers in such a way as to exclude contact of elastic surfaces with the windshield (the distance to the windshield must be at least 5 mm);

It is extremely important in the winter season to turn on the wiper only after the ice on the windshield of the car has melted.