Fuel service day of the Russian Armed Forces. Quality of fuels and lubricants and efficiency of their use

TO category:

Automotive operating materials


Quality of fuels and lubricants and efficiency of their use

One of the main reserves for increasing the reliability and efficiency of vehicle operation is the use of fuels, lubricants and special liquids(TSM and SJ) High Quality. The quality of fuel and lubricants must meet the requirements imposed on them by the rolling stock of road transport and its operating conditions. The quality of FCMs is understood as the totality of their physicochemical, motor and operational properties. The degree of suitability of FCM and fluid is determined by the level of their quality.

The level of quality of fuel and oil products should be understood as a quantitative assessment of the degree of satisfaction of consumer requirements. However, the quantitative expression of these requirements has an optimum. The optimal level of product quality should be understood as a level at which consumer requirements are maximally satisfied minimum costs ah on its production and consumption (Fig. 1). The optimal level is found both for the totality of all properties included in the concept of quality, and for the individual most important properties. The quality level of TCM and fuel oil is formed taking into account consumer requirements, technical capabilities and costs in the oil refining industry, the economic effect of their use in the national economy. A modern assessment of the national economic effect should be carried out taking into account the recoupment of costs during their production and subsequently during the operation of the equipment.


Rice. 1. Dependence of costs on the level of product quality: 1 - manufacturing costs; 2 - satrates during operation; H - total costs

For example, the main indicator of gasoline quality, which has greatest influence on the efficiency of the engine is its detonation resistance. Increasing the octane number of gasoline by 10 units. allows you to reduce it specific consumption when the engine is running at 5...8%. However, increasing the octane number will require deepening oil refining processes, which is associated with both additional costs and increased consumption oil fractions. In this regard, in order to ensure an optimal effect at the national economic level, the requirements for the octane numbers of gasoline are somewhat reduced while simultaneously reducing the nominal performance of engines.

TO category:

Automotive operating materials


General requirements for automotive fuels and lubricants

Development automotive technology and improvements in the production technology of fuels and lubricants place ever-increasing demands on their quality.

The quality of fuels and lubricants is a set of properties that characterize their suitability for use. The degree of suitability and the associated efficiency of application determine the quality level of the TCM. Usually, a distinction is made between the physicochemical and operational properties of FCM. Physico-chemical properties include properties of fuel materials that characterize their composition and condition, while operational properties include properties that determine the nature of the operation of engines, machines and their units, as well as the features of transportation and storage of the product.

Increasing the level of quality is associated, as a rule, with additional costs that do not always pay for the resulting effect. Therefore, each product for a specific purpose (for example, fuel and oil for a certain type of engine) has optimal level quality, ensuring the highest degree of suitability with minimal costs for production and use.

The optimal level of quality of FCM is established based on consumer requirements, technical capabilities and costs of producing the product, as well as the economic efficiency of its use. The solution to this complex issue is addressed by the applied branch of science - chemotology.

Chemmotology is the theory and practice of rational use of FCM in technology. Its name is derived from the abbreviation of three words: chemistry, motor, logos (science). Chemmotology studies fuels and lubricants in their relationship with production, design features equipment and its operating conditions.

Applied to road transport chemmotology reveals patterns that determine the interdependence between the quality of FCM, engine design, and operating conditions (Fig. 1). At the same time, the effect of rational use of fuels and oils can be achieved both by improving their quality and by modernizing the engine design, or by simultaneously changing the quality of fuel and lubricants, modernizing the unit and ensuring optimal operating conditions. The chemotological approach makes it possible to theoretically substantiate the optimal level of quality of fuels and oils, taking into account design features automotive equipment and operating conditions. This makes it possible to obtain comprehensive solutions to the problem of ensuring the rational use of automotive fuels and oils, including requirements for their quality and unification, the creation of new varieties, improving the design of engines and mechanisms, and the development of scientifically based operational standards consumption, etc.

Rice. 1. Main objects and relationships of the chemotological system:

The founder of chemmotology is the prominent Soviet scientist Professor K. K. Papok. Chemmotology is based on such fundamental sciences as chemistry, physics, heat engineering, mechanical science and economics. Practical solutions to chemotological problems are carried out by chemotological centers created in industries that operate equipment and are large consumers of FCM. These centers develop requirements for the quality of fuel materials, conduct operational tests of their new types, develop measures for the rational use of fuel materials and protect the interests of the consumer in matters of their quality.

From a chemotological point of view, the following requirements apply to automotive fuels and lubricants: General requirements:
— technical, in which indicators of the quality of fuel and materials are formed, aimed at increasing the reliability and durability of vehicles, ensuring the standard motor resource and minimal costs for Maintenance, compliance of the quality level of TCM with international requirements;
— energy, providing for a reduction in energy consumption, primarily of petroleum origin, when performing road transport. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only direct costs when operating vehicles, but also indirect ones associated with energy costs when obtaining fuel and materials, producing automotive equipment, etc.;
— environmental, which provide for the absence of toxic effects of FCMs during their production, transportation, storage and use in order to ensure the preservation of cleanliness environment;
— economic, determining the need to reduce the cost of a product to ensure its economic efficiency during transportation, storage and use by reducing operating costs;
— resource-based, aimed at providing raw materials for the production of a product recommended for use to fully satisfy the needs of the relevant industries National economy.

IN last years the role of resource requirements has increased. The main source for obtaining automotive fuel materials is oil. The ever-growing number of cars “eats” ever-increasing amounts of oil (Fig. 2). Suffice it to say that if the world’s population tripled in the 20th century, then the “car” population increased by more than 10 thousand times! As a result, already in 1960, world oil production exceeded 1 billion tons and reached its highest level - 2.9 billion tons in 1980. However, high level oil production, its share in the world's reserves of fossil energy resources is relatively small and amounts to only about 10%.

Rice. 2. Structure of consumption of produced oil

The dynamics of oil and gas condensate production in the USSR is characterized by the following figures, million tons: 1955-70; 1965-243; 1970-353; '1980-603; 1985-595; 1986-614. Since 1974, our country has taken first place in the world in oil production. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to extract oil: we have to drill ultra-deep wells, extract oil from the bottom of the seas, and go to the harsh uninhabited areas of Siberia to get it. Oil production is becoming more and more expensive, causing savings petroleum fuels and oils are playing an increasingly important role in ensuring the smooth and economical operation of road transport.

One of the main areas of saving motor fuel is equipping cars with diesel engines, which consume 30...40% less fuel compared to carburetor ones. Dieselization car park Much attention is paid in our country. Thus, in recent years, the production of new trucks with diesel engines: Ural-4320, ZIL -4331, KAZ -4540; created diesel bus LiAZ-5256, under development diesel engines For passenger cars. Therefore, changes in the structure of petroleum fuel production in the future are associated with a constant increase in the share diesel fuel.

At the same time, due to the limited and non-renewable nature of oil, there is an intensive search for its substitutes for the production of oil all over the world. motor fuels. Such fuels, wholly or partially of non-petroleum origin, are called alternative and are beginning to be increasingly used in various countries.

Today, perhaps, no one doubts that the engine internal combustion, naturally more and more advanced, will remain the main type power plant car until the end of this century and the beginning of the next. The debate is mainly about what automobile fuel will be like in the future. With many diverse opinions, most scientists are unanimous in one thing: the gradual displacement of conventional oil fuels by new types of fuel is inevitable, main feature which should be possible to obtain from energy sources other than oil.

In Fig. Figure 3 shows one of the forecasts for changes in the structure of global production of fuel and energy resources. According to this forecast, the maximum consumption of petroleum fuel is expected in the period 2000...2010, after which it will begin to fall sharply. The emerging energy shortage will be covered with the help of alternative fuels, the volume of production and use of which will continuously grow at this time.

Thus, in the future, in the structure of automobile fuels, a decrease in gasoline consumption and an increase in the consumption of diesel fuel and alternative substitutes for petroleum fuels are expected.

Rice. 3. Projected production of fuel and energy resources: 1 - all types of fuel and energy resources; 2 - alternative fuels; 3 - petroleum fuels

At the same time, the composition and quality indicators of traditional petroleum fuels will also change towards ensuring the possibility highest yield(resource expansion) from refined oil. The solution to these issues is increasingly associated with the development of lubricants and the creation of “energy-saving” oils.



1.1 Fuels, properties and combustion

1.2 General information about oil and obtaining petroleum products

1.3 Performance properties and use of motor gasoline





6. OIL CLEANING STATION SO 6.1-50-25/5 ME-200



Fuel and lubricants are widely used in all sectors of the national economy. One of the main consumers of petroleum products produced in the country is Agriculture, equipped with a large number of tractors, cars, combines and other agricultural machines.

The main goal of studying the discipline “Fuels and lubricants” is to acquire knowledge about operational properties, quantity and rational use in tractors, cars and agricultural machinery fuels, oils, lubricants and special liquids.

You should always remember that one of the main types of expenses when operating tractors and cars is the cost of fuel and lubricants. The quality of the fuels and lubricants used must correspond to the characteristics of the machines. Incorrectly selected fuel and lubricants lead to excessive consumption of petroleum products, and most importantly, reduce the durability, reliability, efficiency of machines and mechanisms, and sometimes lead to emergency breakdowns.

According to the physical state, fuel is liquid, solid and gaseous. Each of them can be natural (oil, hard and brown coals, peat, shale, natural gas) and artificial (gasoline, diesel fuel, coke, semi-coke, charcoal, generator gas, liquefied gas, etc.). Used in agricultural production different types fuel, but in cars equipped with internal combustion engines, the main one is liquid fuel.

Fuel consists of combustible and non-flammable parts. The combustible part of the fuel consists of various organic compounds, which include carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and sulfur (S).

Carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) release large amounts of heat when burned. In small quantities, the fuel contains sulfur (S), which during combustion forms sulfur oxides that cause severe corrosion and is therefore undesirable integral part. Oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) are contained in small quantities in the form of internal ballast.

The inorganic part of the fuel consists of water (W) and mineral impurities (M), which upon combustion form ash (A).

The thermal value of fuel is estimated by its heat of combustion, which can be higher (Qv) or lower (Qn).

The specific heat of combustion of solid and liquid fuels is the heat released when complete combustion one kg of fuel mass.

The heat of combustion (kJ/kg) is usually calculated using the formula D.I. Mendeleev:

Higher: Qв = 339С + 1256Н - 109(О-S);

Lowest; Qн = Qв - 25 (9Н + W)

The elemental composition of the fuel is expressed as a percentage; numerical coefficients show the heat of combustion of individual elements divided by 100. The subtracted 25(9H + W) represents the amount of heat expended to convert fuel moisture into steam and carried away into the atmosphere with combustion products.

Combustion is a chemical reaction of fuel oxidation with oxygen and air, accompanied by the release of heat and a sharp increase in temperature. The combustion process is very complex; chemical reactions in it are accompanied by physical phenomena, such as mixing of fuel and air, diffusion, heat exchange, etc.

The bulk of fuel and lubricants are produced from oil. Depending on the physical and chemical properties of oil, the most rational direction for its processing is selected. The properties of the resulting petroleum products depend on the chemical composition of the oil and the methods of its processing.

Oil contains three main classes of hydrocarbons: paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic. When studying modern methods To obtain fuel and oils from oil, you need to understand that the methods for producing gasoline can be physical and chemical, oils and diesel fuel - only physical. At physical ways The hydrocarbon composition of the oil is not disturbed, but only the various distillates are separated according to their boiling points. With chemical methods, the hydrocarbon composition changes and new hydrocarbons are formed that were not in the original raw material.

A responsible and important part in obtaining fuel is the purification of petroleum products. The purpose of purification is to remove harmful impurities from the distillate (sulfur and nitrogen compounds, resinous substances, organic acids, etc.), and sometimes undesirable unsaturated, polycyclic hydrocarbons, etc.). There are different cleaning methods - sulfuric acid, hydrogenation selective treatment with adsorbents, etc.

One of the main requirements for gasoline is its resistance to detonation. The speed of propagation of the flame front during normal fuel combustion is 25 - 35 m/s. Under certain conditions, combustion can become explosive, in which the flame front propagates at a speed of 1500 - 2500 m/s. In this case, detonation waves are formed, which are repeatedly reflected from the cylinder walls.

During detonation, sharp ringing metallic knocks appear in the engine, engine shaking, black smoke and yellow flames are periodically observed in the exhaust gases;

Engine power drops and its parts overheat. As a result of overheating, increased wear parts, cracks appear, pistons and valves burn out.

The detonation resistance of gasoline is assessed by a conventional unit called the octane number, which is determined by two methods: motor and research. These methods differ only in the engine load conditions when assessing knock resistance.

Define octane number on a single cylinder motor installation With variable degree engine compression by comparing the tested gasoline with a reference fuel at the same intensity of their detonations. The reference fuel is a mixture of two paraffinic hydrocarbons: isooctane (C8H18), whose knock resistance is taken as 100, and normal heptane (C7H16), whose knock resistance is taken as 0.

The octane number is equal to the percentage by volume of isooctane in an artificially prepared mixture with normal heptane, which is equivalent in its knock resistance to the tested gasoline.

For various car engines select gasoline that provides knock-free operation in all modes. The higher the compression ratio of the engine, the higher the requirements for the knock resistance of gasoline, but at the same time the higher the efficiency and specific powerful performance of the engine. Effective way Increasing the knock resistance of gasoline is the addition of antiknock agents, such as tetraethyl lead, in the form of ethyl liquid. Gasoline to which ethyl liquid has been added is called leaded. Some brands of gasoline use manganese antiknock agents.

Fractional composition is the main indicator of the volatility of motor gasoline, the most important characteristic its qualities; The ease of starting the engine, its warm-up time, throttle response and others depend on the fractional composition of gasoline. performance indicators engine.

Gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons with varying volatility. The speed and completeness of the transition of gasoline from liquid to vapor state is determined by its chemical composition and is called evaporation. Since gasoline is a constant complex mixture of various hydrocarbons, they boil away not at one constant temperature, but at wide range temperatures Motor gasoline boils away from 30 to 215 °C. The volatility of gasoline is assessed by the temperature limits of its boiling and the boiling temperatures of its individual parts - fractions.

The main fractions are starting, working and end. The starting fraction of gasoline consists of the lightest-boiling hydrocarbons, which are included in the first 10% of the distillate volume. The working fraction consists of distillates distilled from 10 to 90% of the volume, and the end fraction - from 90% of the volume until the end of the gasoline boiling. The fractional composition of gasoline is standardized by five characteristic points: temperature and the beginning of distillation (for summer gasoline), distillation temperatures of 10, 50 and 90%, the end boiling point of gasoline, or the volume of evaporation at 70, 100 and 180 ° C.

In accordance with GOST 2084-77 motor gasoline summer look must have a distillation start temperature of no lower than 35 °C, and 10% of gasoline must be distilled at a temperature no higher than 70 °C. For winter-grade gasoline, the starting temperature for distillation is not standardized, and 10% of gasoline must be distilled at a temperature not exceeding 55 °C. Thanks to this, commercial summer gasoline produced ensures a cold engine start at ambient temperatures above 10 °C; in the hot summer they do not form vapor locks. Winter-grade gasoline makes it possible to start the engine at air temperatures of -26 °, -28 °C; the appearance of vapor locks in the engine power system under these conditions is practically excluded.

The working fraction (volume of distillates from 10 to 90%) is normalized by the distillation temperature of 50% gasoline, which characterizes the warm-up speed and acceleration of the engine.

The throttle response of an engine is its ability, when warm and under load, to quickly move from low to high speeds when the throttle valve is opened sharply.


Fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) are one of the main cost items when operating vehicles. Receipt of fuel and lubricants into the organization and their receipt by the financially responsible person is carried out on the basis of a document issued by the supplier. First of all, such a document can be a consignment note, form TTN-1, or a consignment note, form TN-2.

It is recommended to organize registration and accounting of the movement of fuel and lubricants within the organization in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the procedure for recording the receipt, storage and consumption of fuels and lubricants, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated May 15, 2002 No. 74* (hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 74) (despite the fact that that this document is mandatory for execution by state organizations, other organizations that have a share of state property, as well as collective farms).

Let's consider the procedure established by Regulation No. 74 for registering the movement of fuel and lubricants, which is advisable to apply in the case when an organization centrally purchases fuel for refueling Vehicle, stores and issues them as needed for use.

Reception, storage and delivery of fuel and lubricants is carried out in this case by financially responsible persons specially appointed in the organization to perform these functions.

Fuels and lubricants and their role in meeting technological needs

Fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) are necessary for technological needs, operation of facilities, energy generation and for heating buildings. Accounting for fuel and lubricants is kept in account 10/3 “Fuel”.

Fuels and lubricants are recorded in storage areas on cards or in warehouse books separately for vehicles and financially responsible persons. Write-offs are carried out on the basis of limit cards or invoices and requirements for the release of materials. Petroleum products supplied to the driver are reflected in accounting statements and waybills. Based on the waybills, accumulative cards are kept for recording fuel consumption throughout the month. At the end of the month, fuel measurements are taken in the tanks and a fuel measurement report is issued. Then, based on the reconciliation of fuel consumption accounting data from savings cards and the fuel metering report, the actually consumed fuel is determined by quantity and cost. Then the actually consumed fuels and lubricants are compared with the established consumption rate and deviations are identified. If actual fuel consumption is less than normal, the driver is paid a bonus based on the amount of fuel saved. If there is an overspend, it is deducted from the driver. If organizations receive services gas station and the dispensing is carried out on the basis of electronic cards, then the consumer organization makes an advance payment and the gas station dispenses fuel for this amount. At the end of the month, the gas station provides the consumer with a certificate, which provides an explanation of the use of fuel and lubricants, indicating the amount of fuel used and the total cost. If the driver purchases fuel and lubricants for cash, he is given cash under the report, for the use of which he reports with an advance report and attaches waybills confirming fuel consumption.

To purchase fuels and lubricants (hereinafter referred to as fuels and lubricants) using coupons, the enterprise enters into a sales agreement with the fuel and lubricants seller, who organizes the supply of fuel through a certain network of gas stations. The list of gas stations where refueling can be done is given in the contract. Having paid for the amount of fuel of the appropriate brand specified in the contract, the organization receives coupons with which drivers will refuel cars at gas stations.

If an enterprise purchases liter coupons (the type of fuel and displacement are indicated on them), then the price change that occurs after paying for the coupons will not in any way affect the assessment of fuel and lubricants in accounting, and the fuel will be reflected at the price of its purchase.

Accounting for coupons for fuel and lubricants at an enterprise should reflect information about coupons available in the organization and issued to drivers for reporting, about the brands of fuel sold under coupons, and other data.

Accounting for coupons is maintained by a financially responsible person appointed by order of the head of the organization, who, as a rule, receives coupons from suppliers and issues them to drivers. If other persons receive fuel refueling coupons, they are obliged to hand them over to the financially responsible person on the day they receive these coupons for their receipt and storage. Having received the coupons, the financially responsible person, based on the supplier’s shipping documents, draws up a receipt order in form M-4 in accordance with the Instructions on the Procedure accounting materials approved by Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated July 17, 2007 No. 114, and submits it along with other incoming documents to the organization’s accounting department.

The problem of saving petroleum products is very relevant and multifaceted, since it affects various aspects of creative and production activities. Of course, creating a car with good performance fuel efficiency is laid down already at the stages of design development and production of automotive equipment. During the operation of road transport, an important role in saving fuel and lubricants is played by the adopted strategy for maintaining the vehicle fleet in working condition, the organization of the transportation process, and the qualifications of performers involved in the operation, maintenance and repair of vehicles. We should also not forget about those industries that supply construction and operating materials for road transport. The quality of supplied automotive fuels and lubricants has a particularly significant impact on resource conservation. In order to systematize the analysis of ways and sources of saving fuel and lubricants, all factors influencing the efficiency of their use are combined into three groups:




Design factors

As you know, the fuel efficiency of a car depends largely on its weight. Therefore, an important direction in the design of rolling stock is reducing its material consumption and weight, of course, while maintaining the main technical characteristics (carrying capacity, passenger capacity, productivity). Reducing the weight of the engine, other units and components of the car without compromising their quality characteristics is a serious complex problem that is being solved in various industries. The widespread use of alloy steels and cast irons, light aluminum and magnesium alloys, synthetic materials, and the improvement of the scientific level of design work have made it possible to significantly reduce the vehicle's own weight per unit of its power, load capacity or performance. Thus, the material consumption of domestic gasoline vehicles per ton of carrying capacity over the past 60 years has decreased from 1280 (AMO-15) to 714 kg (ZIL-130-76), or 1.8 times.

A promising direction for increasing the fuel efficiency of engines is improvement of work processes by improving mixture formation, increasing the compression ratio, creating and implementing electronic control units for ignition and fuel supply (injection) systems. The implementation of the listed measures makes it possible to increase efficiency. engine and reduce fuel consumption per unit of power by 12...15%.

Significant fuel savings can be achieved by increasing the level dieselization car park. Expanding the use of diesel and gaseous fuels makes it possible to reduce operating costs for the vehicle fleet, as well as reduce environmental pollution from exhaust gases. Further improvements in this area can be achieved through the development and application of promising and alternative types of fuels (hydrogen, biofuel, etc.).

Designers and automakers are solving the problem of increasing fuel efficiency by also increasing efficiency transmission, reduced rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag.

Scientific and technical developments to create electric vehicles and reliable energy sources for them.

When transporting, storing and distributing fuel, it is necessary to comply with all existing rules, thereby ensuring a minimum of possible losses.

TO technological factors relate measures to improve technology and organization of the transportation process, aimed at increasing the productivity of rolling stock and helping to reduce specific fuel consumption per unit of transport work. Such measures include expanding the scope of use of trailers and semi-trailers, reducing empty runs and improving the use of the carrying capacity of rolling stock.

To the group technological factors also apply measures to improve the quality of maintenance and repair rolling stock. High-quality implementation Maintenance and repair, primarily of the engine and its power supply, ignition, gas distribution, and cooling systems, is of paramount importance. A significant increase in fuel consumption indicates the presence of serious deviations in the technical condition of vehicle components and systems. In fact, from the point of view of fuel economy, there are no secondary mechanisms in a car. For example, a malfunction of the hand brake, windshield wiper, windshield washer, headlights, turn signal, brake light, horn, speedometer, although not directly related to fuel consumption, under certain conditions will inject fuel into it, because it forces the driver distracted from driving and using less than optimal driving techniques and driving modes. You can only fight for fuel economy with a technically sound car. An enterprise with a good production and technical base, equipped with the necessary equipment for diagnostics, maintenance and repair, devices, tools, relevant technical and technological documentation, can fully solve this problem.

TO organizational factors include activities aimed at increasing the professional level of drivers, workers and engineers, improving moral and material incentives for enterprise employees for saving petroleum products. This group also includes the actions of the relevant bodies and services for organization of road transport traffic on streets and roads in order to optimize traffic conditions.