How to register a new engine on a car. How to install another engine on a car, replacement options and registration methods

Any vehicle is prone to breakdowns, and the engine suffers especially often. Most malfunctions are due to long-term operation cars. Sometimes they can be eliminated, but in some situations the repair turns out to be too expensive, or resuscitation of the engine is completely impossible. The only solution to this problem is to replace the motor with new unit. Technical side this process does not raise any questions: a motorist can carry out a replacement on their own or use the services of a car service. Things are much more complicated with the replacement. After all new engine must be registered with the traffic police. Therefore, before the owner of the car there is quite reasonable question how to issue an engine replacement in the traffic police?

It should immediately be noted that when replacing the unit, two options are possible:

  • installation of a similar motor with the same technical parameters;
  • replacement with another unit that has completely different characteristics.

If the engine has been replaced by a similar engine

The procedure for registering an engine in the traffic police is clearly spelled out by current legislation. Until recently, its replacement was a rather laborious process. After all, information about car motor were designated in the vehicle. Accordingly, traffic police officers could check the number and compare it with the data indicated in the certificate. In European countries, this practice has long been abandoned. Russian legislators adopted useful experience and equated the engine with a regular spare part, the details of which do not need to be indicated in the documents for the car.

Thus, according to the regulations of the State traffic inspectorate, when replacing the motor with a similar unit, registration with the traffic inspectorate is not required. In this case, a similar unit means a motor of the same model, as well as power and volume. If the characteristics of the new motor in these parameters coincide with the old one, then the driver can use his car without registering the changes made in the traffic police.

But it must be borne in mind that the new unit may well be stolen. And it is possible that the police recorded the fact of stealing the car as a whole or removing the engine from it. If a motorist unknowingly installs such a motor on his car, then in the future he may have trouble with the police. That is why many car owners prefer to notify the inspectors about the rotation.

Before you issue an engine replacement at the traffic police in 2016, it is recommended to prepare documents confirming the purchase of a new unit. So, the entrepreneur must issue a check to the motorist to confirm the purchase. And if the motor is sold by a private person, it is recommended to draw up a written contract of sale. In the process of registering a replacement, the inspectors will definitely check the engine number in the database. And if the unit is not among the stolen ones, then the replacement will be marked in the documents. In addition, the relevant data will be entered into the traffic police database.

If the vehicle has been fitted with a different engine model

Quite often, drivers decide to install a more powerful unit on their car. Such actions are not prohibited by law. But in this case, the changes made are subject to mandatory registration, and the registration procedure is more time-consuming than in the option described above.

Before you issue an engine replacement in the traffic police for a more powerful unit, you need to obtain permission to carry out such an operation. So, Technical Specialist must document the possibility of installing the engine specific model and power for corresponding vehicle. In addition, after the completion of the operation to replace the motor, the car must undergo MOT for its serviceability, as well as safety for others.

In general, the registration procedure looks like this:

  • filing an application with the traffic police, in which the motorist notifies his intention to make changes to the design of the car;
  • its consideration by the inspector and the direction of the applicant to a certain company to receive permits to replace the motor;
  • issuance by an expert institution of a document on the possibility of rotation of the engine;
  • direct rotation of the motor. It is best if these works are performed by professional mechanics of the technical center. But the selected organization must have a license authorizing the performance of the relevant work. In principle, a motorist can replace the motor on his own, but then he will have to personally fill out all the technical documentation;
  • filling out the declaration. Its design is carried out by the masters who completed the work. If the replacement was carried out in an organization, then you must additionally submit a copy of its license, as well as a certificate. If the motorist himself replaced the motor, then he only needs to issue a declaration;
  • passing a technical inspection, according to the results of which a diagnostic card is issued;
  • transfer of papers to the traffic police. You will also need to provide a vehicle for inspection.

What documents are needed to apply for an engine replacement

To arrange the rotation of the motor in a vehicle, its owner must submit the following documents to the traffic police:

  • your passport;
  • contract for the purchase of a motor;
  • permits from an expert;
  • declaration;
  • document on passing technical inspection;
  • an application for amendments, which has a visa of a traffic police inspector.

After reviewing the submitted documents, the traffic police issues a certificate confirming the compliance with the design of the TK, and also makes changes to the car passport and registration papers.

Consequences of using a car with an unregistered engine

It should be noted right away that making a change is required only when replacing the motor with an engine of a larger or smaller volume. If a similar unit is supplied, then the motorist, at his discretion, can notify the traffic police, or do without it.

If the owner of the car has not complied with the requirements regarding the mandatory registration of changes to his car, then he will have to bear administrative responsibility under Art. 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Its sanction provides for a fine of five hundred to eight hundred rubles. In addition, if the fact of using a stolen engine is established along the way, the car will be detained and sent to a car impound. She will be on it until the innocence of the motorist is confirmed.

Many motorists are faced with the fact that an engine replacement is necessary. There's a lot to be said for replacing the engine. The process of changing the power unit itself is a rather laborious operation that will require certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Replacing the engine with another will pull along with the execution of new documents for the car.

The article will tell about all the subtleties and nuances of the process, as well as tell about the technological processes associated with replacing the motor.

The video material will tell you how to replace the engine on a car, as well as what is needed to complete the process. He will tell you about the intricacies and nuances of the procedure.

Reasons for replacing the motor

Many motorists seek to replace their engine. What could be the reasons that push motorists to take this difficult step. So, consider the main reasons, as well as factors that can affect the process:

  • The power unit must be replaced because it has become unusable due to operation. This is usually done when the engine is considered unsuitable for repair, namely: an accident, water hammer, wear of the main parts, damage to the hull, and others.
  • Replacing the engine with a more powerful one. This option can be called tuning in another way. Many young car enthusiasts seek to install a motor on a car more power to drive faster as well specifications increased.

There may, of course, be other factors that will influence the decision to replace an engine. But, it should be borne in mind that any manipulations will lead to the fact that the engine will need to be registered on a new one.

What is required to replace

Do-it-yourself engine replacement - this moment spurs many motorists. It is very easy to change a carburetor type motor, and a little more difficult with an injector. But, lately, automakers have begun stuffing cars with electronics that you can’t change in an ordinary garage, and in this case, a direct path to a car service.

So, consider the main set of tools that you need to change your power unit:

  • A set of screwdrivers, sockets and various T-marking bits.
  • A set of box and open-end wrenches.
  • Balloon wrench, several jacks.
  • Winch or hoist.
  • Elevator or pit.
  • Rollbacks.
  • Crowbars of various sizes.
  • Capacities for liquids.
  • And in without fail brain.

Along the way, you may still need something, well, this is purely individual for each type of engine.

Replacing the carburetor engine

The basis of the technological process for the replacement carburetor engine taken standard engine from VAZ 2107. So, consider the sequence of actions aimed at replacing this power unit:

  1. Dismantling the engine protection.
  2. Removing the hood.
  3. Draining coolant and engine oil.
  4. Dismantling of elements of the cooling system: radiator, pipes, thermostat.
  5. Removing the carburetor.
  6. Dismantling the ignition system.
  7. Removing fuel lines.
  8. Dismantling the intake pipe.
  9. Removing the collector.
  10. Ignition removal.
  11. Removing the cylinder head (not always applicable).
  12. Separation of the gearbox and power unit.
  13. Dismantling the main part of the engine.
  14. Installing a new motor is carried out in the reverse order.

From the list presented, it seems that the process is quite easy, but it is not. A lot of work needs to be done to complete the operation.

Replacing the injection engine

Engine replacement injection type domestic car is carried out identically to the carburetor, taking into account some nuances. Since there is no carburetor, you will have to remove the fuel rail with nozzles. Also, it will be necessary to dismantle the injectors and wiring of the bonnet compartment.

Unlike a carbureted engine, injection engine often goes down. It has more to do with design features car, but it can also be the other way around.

It is worth being careful enough when replacing an engine that has the electronic unit control, since an accidentally broken wire during the replacement process can lead to the inoperability of the motor.

For more modern cars with a bunch of electronics, it is recommended to replace the power unit only in a car service. Often even official, since only he has all the necessary tools and knowledge to carry out the process. In the case, even when they do not have the necessary skills or knowledge, they can turn to official dealer or to the manufacturer, who will send the necessary technical diagrams.

Hybrid engine replacement

Hybrid or hybrid powertrain. Engine replacement, this case, you need to carry out only at a car service, since there are a lot of electronics in this motor. detailed technical schemes, on the territory of the CIS yet, and only officials have the necessary skills and knowledge of the technological process.

In the process of researching this issue, several schemes were found and translated that tell about the main technological processes of replacement. So, let's consider how the replacement process is carried out:

  1. Dismantling the hood, engine protection and protective lower beams.
  2. Draining coolant and engine fluid.
  3. Dismantling the engine control unit and electronics.
  4. Removing wiring under the hood.
  5. Battery removal.
  6. Removing the ignition system.
  7. Dismantling of the fuel supply and injection system.
  8. Removing the block head.
  9. Pallet removal.
  10. Removing the exhaust system.
  11. Removing the engine (its main part).

Of course it's short technological process, but more detailed process can only be found at the manufacturer, although "our kulibins" will soon also change engines on hybrids.

Diesel engine replacement

Replacement diesel engine carried out almost identically injection motor. The only caveat remains fuel system, which differs in design, as well as the ignition system, which, in fact, does not exist.

For tractor and truck engines, the sequence in dismantling the engine is slightly different from passenger cars, since almost all modern cars the turbine is installed, which must be correctly removed and installed. Therefore, the replacement of a diesel engine must be entrusted to professionals who understand the process.

Engine replacement form

Since the engine has a number, the replacement of the power unit automatically entails registration with the relevant authorities. Since 2013, it is mandatory to register the change of the power unit according to the new rules.

Many motorists are wondering: how to arrange an engine replacement, and what documents are needed? Registration is carried out at the traffic police, after which the owner will receive a new vehicle registration certificate with the specified new engine number. Without fail, a certificate from a car service may be required that the motor was installed with them, but not always.

Also, the traffic police will require a document that confirms the origin of the power unit. This is to confirm that the replaced engine is not listed in the database, like removals from a stolen car.

Another innovation was the need for permission from the MREO to re-equip the car. Many motorists are outraged by such an innovation, and in 2016, it was decided that this item should only apply to cars with character tuning or a very obvious alteration of the body and engine.

If the motorist nevertheless decided to issue a replacement of the car engine, then it is worth going to the MREO and finding out what is needed in order to install a new power unit without any problems, and then register it.

Also, it is worth noting separately what to buy power units hand-held is not recommended, since it is not known what origin they are and where they can light up. There were cases when the purchased motors were from stolen cars. Therefore, it is worth being quite careful.


As you can see, for each type of motor there will be a different procedure for replacing the engine. For example, carbureted engine can be removed and installed in 1 day, but with a car stuffed with electronics you will have to tinker, because wiring is a delicate matter.

Making a car after replacing the engine is also not a very pleasant process, but if everything is done correctly from the very beginning, then there will be no problems with registration and legalization. But, as practice shows, most motorists change the engine illegally and do not even re-register the engine number until the moment of sale.

During operation vehicle occur quite often various faults. Their elimination takes a certain time and requires financial costs, especially when repairing an engine. Therefore, the owner of the car may have a desire or even the need to replace the engine with a car. Also, the motorist may decide to replace gasoline unit to diesel to reduce fuel consumption.

In order to avoid any complaints from traffic inspectors, when replacing the engine, the sequence of actions should be strictly observed and the change in the technical characteristics of the car should be correctly executed.

Replacing an engine with a car - do I need to register?

The vehicle registration certificate and passport indicate such vehicle characteristics as design, color, engine power and type, etc. That is why when changing any characteristics of the vehicle, it is necessary to reflect this in the registration documents.

If the new engine has the same power and brand, then there is no need to make changes to the documents. If installed more than powerful engine or just another brand, the design of the vehicle changes - this must be recorded in the certificate and passport of the vehicle.

How to apply for an engine replacement in the traffic police?

Registration procedure ICE replacement consists of several stages:

  1. Prepare a package of documents. They should reflect the changes planned in the design of the car: what brand of engine the owner plans to install, its detailed specifications etc.
  2. Pass an examination. Any transport that is operated on the territory of the Russian Federation must comply with the requirements technical regulation on the safety of vehicles, approved by the Customs Union. To pass the examination, the owner of the car with a package of documents should contact the organization that received permission to conduct such studies (accreditation).
  3. Apply to the traffic police to get permission to install a new engine. Together with the application, the results of the examination and the car itself for inspection should be submitted.
  4. After receiving permission from the traffic police to change technical parameters vehicle, you can put another engine on the car.

What are the documents for replacing the internal combustion engine?

After installing a new engine, it is necessary to pass a vehicle inspection and obtain new documents for the engine. First of all, you should make diagnostic card, which confirms the suitability of the vehicle for operation.

Next, you need to obtain a certificate of compliance of the vehicle with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on Safety. To do this, you again need to contact the testing laboratory. The examination of the car will be carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  • an application for an examination;
  • owner's passport;
  • a document confirming the ownership of the vehicle (contract of sale, donation);
  • technical description of the car;
  • a list of changes made to the design of the machine;
  • certificates of conformity for the engine and replaced parts;
  • design and technical documentation to the installed engine.

The next step after receiving all required documents- registration in the traffic police, where changes should be made to the registration certificate and the vehicle passport. You must first pay a state duty: for issuing a registration certificate - 500 rubles, for making changes to the TCP - 350 rubles.

For drivers who want additional clarification on how to install another engine on a car, is available.

Important: if the power of the new engine is higher than that of the previous one, then the size transport tax for the owner will increase.

Liability for an unregistered engine

It is the PTS that is a document that confirms the safety of this vehicle. If the engine data in the passport does not match real indicators, the vehicle may not be used in accordance with the General Regulations for the Eligibility of Motor Vehicles. According to Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for driving such a vehicle, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed on the owner.

Will the engine number change after the replacement?

Yes, it will change, because every detail has its own an identification number. Even if the engine is of the same brand and power, the number will still be different.

It is quite possible to change the engine in a car for another, but it will take a lot of money and time. If the owner is not afraid of difficulties, he wants to have more powerful car or tired of constantly giving the car for repair due to engine failure, then, using the recommendations received, you can begin to change the technical parameters of your vehicle.

Do I need to make out an engine replacement on a car? In which cases? What documents are needed to apply for an engine replacement?

Since April 2011, under the new car registration rules, the engine is considered one of the parts of the car that can be replaced. The engine number will not be checked during the technical inspection when the car is registered, but this does not mean that motorists will be able to uncontrollably install any engines on their car.

From November 1, 2013, to register a vehicle, we indicate the state register sign, identification number (VIN), make and model of the car, manufacturer, type and category of the vehicle, year of manufacture, chassis (frame) number and body data (color, series, number). Engine numbers will no longer be on this list. Vin and so contains all the information about the car.

Reference.Vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique vehicle identification number assigned to it by the manufacturer when the vehicle is released from the assembly line, consisting of 17 characters. The code provides information about the manufacturer and characteristics of the vehicle, and the year of manufacture.

The first three characters of the vin code show the world code (index) of the manufacturer this vehicle. The first character means the country where the car was produced, the second - the manufacturer, the third - the type of vehicle ( a car, freight car etc.).

The characters from the fourth to the eighth show the main technical characteristics of the car: model, engine type, body type, series, etc.

For example: number X7LLSRAHH5H000000:

X7L - international code of the manufacturer;

L - body type (sedan);

SR - in-house designation of the car model;

A - driver's airbag (4 - without airbag);

HH - engine 1.6 l (GH - engine 1.4 l);

5 - code model year release of the car (tab. 1.2);

H000000 - serial number body.

We all hope that the engine is not being looked at now and the replacement will go unnoticed, but not a single document, not a single order from the Ministry of Internal Affairs prohibits inspection of the license plate. So far, the tax is levied on horsepower, and these same horsepower tied to the engine model.

If you change the engine to exactly the same, determined by the VIN-code of your car, you do not need to issue anything. But installation of another engine model- This is already making changes to the design of the car. When setting up and removing, they often do not pay attention to the engine. But if they notice the fact of replacing the engine with another model, then problems may arise.

Installing an engine of a different design may entail a thorough reworking of other vehicle systems.


The vehicle must be registered!

After completing the design, forget to renew your insurance since it contains the previous data of the registration certificate and the engine. Since they will be new for you, in the event of an insured event, you may be denied the payment of a premium.

Documents required for making changes to the registration data of motor vehicles and (trailers) related to the replacement of numbered units (body, engine, chassis)

Statement of the established form on changing the color of the vehicle or making changes to its design

Identity document

A document certifying the applicant's authority to represent the interests of the owner of the vehicle (if any)

Vehicle Passport

Vehicle registration certificate

Certificate of compliance of the registered vehicle with the changes made to its design with safety requirements (if necessary)

Document on payment of the state fee for registration actions related to the issuance of a vehicle registration certificate, for making changes to a previously issued vehicle passport (provided by the applicant on his own initiative)


Reasons for production failure registration actions related to changes in the registration data of the vehicle

Grounds for refusal:

The following documents and vehicles are not accepted for registration actions:

made in Russian Federation, including from constituent parts structures, objects additional equipment, spare parts and accessories, or imported into its territory for a period of more than six months, without submitting documents confirming their certification in accordance with the rules and procedures approved by the authorized executive authorities, or the completion of their customs clearance;

the design of which or changes made to the design do not comply with the requirements of the rules, regulations and standards in force in the Russian Federation in the field of safety traffic or information specified in the submitted documents;

upon detection of signs of concealment, alteration, destruction of the markings applied to vehicles by manufacturers, or forgery of the submitted documents, registration plates, inconsistencies of vehicles and numbered units with the information specified in the submitted documents, or registration data, as well as if there is information about the location of vehicles , numbered units on the wanted list or submitted documents among the lost (stolen);

if there are prohibitions and restrictions on the performance of registration actions imposed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

if the documents submitted for registration actions are executed in pencil or have erasures or additions, crossed out words, as well as unspecified corrections.

Questions and answers on registration of an engine replacement on a car

Question. There was such a situation: they bought a VAZ 21093, the engine number is hidden under the spare parts, it is not visible. Can this cause problems when registering a car with the traffic police? What happens if the number does not match the engine number in the PTS? Currently the engine is not inspected, it is a spare part, there should be no problems. Bought a used car at a car dealership. When buying, I checked the VIN, it was not possible to check the engine number. when I came home I checked the number and it did not converge. What to do?

Answer: Submit documents for registration actions.

Question: I have an engine from a salvaged car, but there are no documents, certificates or sales contract left for it. I know that now the engine number is not taken into account, but the new engine differs in volume and power from my current engine. What actions need to be taken in the design of a new engine if there are no documents for it, and is this possible?

Answer: Documents for the engine are required, the contract of sale is one of the main ones. If the engine is distinguishable by characteristics, then it is necessary to obtain a certificate of conformity with the design of the vehicle. Without documents, you cannot register an internal combustion engine that does not belong to you.

Question: There is a "seven" with a dead motor, there is a motor from a recycled "classic" in excellent condition. Motors are similar, 1.5 liters. Can I change it? And one more question - is it possible to change engines to domestic cars, suppose the same classic from 1.3 to 1.5, given that they are interchangeable?

Answer : Change engines to domestic cars to interchangeable ones is possible, but documentary support is necessary. The engine number is not inspected, but is still taken into account.

Question: I want to write out the 1.3 engine from the car and put another one - 1.5. What needs to be done for this? If they don’t look at it, then why does the engine number remain unchanged, because the volume is different, I want there to be order in the documents.

Answer: You need to contact the traffic police department to obtain a certificate of compliance with the design of the vehicle, on the basis of which changes in power and volume will be made, no documents are required for the engine, a certificate for a released engine is also not issued, it is recognized as a spare part.

Question: I have a hard to read engine number. Is it possible to write in the TCP that the unit is without a number (numberless)? And what documents do you need for this?

Answer: It is forbidden. Operations with engines are not carried out.

Question. Specifically, the following situation is of interest: there is a GAZ 3110 car with 402 faulty engine requiring block replacement. AT TCP number the engine is inscribed in the registration certificate too, the car was issued a long time ago. At the disassembly, they offer exactly the same engine model from the same Volga, the difference is only in the number, but without documents, they motivate them by the fact that the local MREO traffic police no longer issue a certificate for the released numbered unit (engine). They offer a receipt for receiving money for the engine, with the seller's passport data. Is it legal to buy, install and operate such an engine?