Diagnosis of VAZ yourself?! - It's simple! Diagnostics of malfunctions of the electronic automatic engine control system of a VAZ. options for complete sets of the electronic automatic engine control system (ESAU-D) of VAZ cars Read error codes in

Pursuit improve produced cars led the engineers and developers of the Auto VAZ concern to the idea of ​​​​the need to introduce such an innovation as an on-board computer. Its purpose is to identify vehicle malfunctions and report them in coded form.

But in order for the car owner to independently figure out what the problem is, he will need to know how deciphered codes . It makes sense to consider the issue in more detail, using one of the VAZ models.

DIY on-board computer VAZ 2115 (step by step)

To detect the reasons why the on-board computer issues error codes, diagnostics will be required.

This can be done in different ways:

  • contact the experts specialized ONE HUNDRED
  • try to diagnose it yourself

Let us immediately note that the codes obtained by independent diagnostics and when checking at the station maintenance will not match.

If necessary, VAZ2115 car owners will be able to carry out diagnostics themselves guided by recommendations containing a list and order of all actions:

  • find the odometer button on the instrument panel and hold it down
    Next you will need to turn the ignition key to position “1”.
  • The odometer button can now be released
  • this action will cause the arrows on the dashboard to move
    after pressing the odometer button again, a code will appear on the speedometer, indicating the version of the standard firmware of the on-board computer
  • By pressing the odometer button a third time and returning it to its original position, we get a fault code.

What do error codes look like when diagnosing yourself? This will be a two-digit combination of numbers when performing diagnostics using professional equipment that service stations are equipped with - the combination will consist of four digits.

What error codes look like when diagnosing at a service station

During computer diagnostics at a service station, an external computer is connected to the connector available on the on-board computer. The procedure carried out in this way can be considered computer diagnostics and differs significantly from the usual “reading errors”.

Different service stations differ significantly from each other in terms of equipment, including - diagnostic. Naturally, it is very difficult for a non-specialist to judge how advanced it is by the appearance of this equipment. For example, a device for reading errors, equipped with a large screen and a printer, is only capable of reading codes, and even then not from every brand of car, and there is no guarantee that the codes will be deciphered correctly.

But a completely inconspicuous attachment to a laptop can easily convert the code language used by the instrument panel of your car into one that is accessible to the average person, or register a new key.

As a rule, service stations are equipped with scanners that allow you to read error codes, transform information in graphical form, process information received from sensors. More complex professional the equipment allows you to control mechanisms and adapt new ones, installed instead of faulty ones, blocks to working equipment.

To read an error code, you don’t have to be a professional, because the scanner will give it out, and in some cases, it will decipher it itself.

The problem is that issuing an error “carries responsibility» control unit, its functions include receiving a signal from the sensor and analyzing it. But he is not able to see either the sensor itself or the wires leading to this sensor. That is The error code can only indicate the most likely cause of the error.

To find out what really happened you will need:

  • make sure the wiring going to the sensor is intact
  • correct mounting of the sensor itself
  • check the correctness of the sensor readings

All this information will allow you to determine how efficient the sensor is. Here you will already need special knowledge, i.e. specialist with relevant level of training, as well as special equipment: gas analyzers, pressure gauges, oscilloscopes, vacuum gauges, motor testers, etc.

The practical experience of the technician who will carry out the diagnostics is also important.

Decoding codes independent diagnostics in the form of a table (combination - breakdown breakdown)

Since the goal of diagnostics is to obtain a code and decipher it, it is worth considering in more detail what error codes look like when diagnosing yourself and what exactly they mean. To make it more clear, let’s format them as a table.

1 The appearance of this code testifies about the presence of a malfunction in the microprocessor. To resolve the error, you may need to flash the device.
2 This code transmits information that the gasoline level sensor located in the fuel tank is malfunctioning. The same code can inform about problems with electrical wiring.
4 ,8 Code testifies about low or high voltage in car electrical circuits
12 Shows that diagnostic The warning light circuit is not working correctly
13 This code encrypts information about problems with the oxygen monitoring device, namely, that signals from it have stopped flowing to the computer.
14 , 15 The antifreeze temperature sensor of the cooling system sends an incorrect signal to the control unit, lower than the actual one or much higher.
16 , 17 The appearance of this combination warns of the need to check the on-board network for breaks and short circuits due to unrealistically high or low voltage.
19 Code testifies that there is a need to check the circuit comes from the device, controlling the crankshaft position is incorrect.
21 , 22 This means that the VAZ 2115 car control unit receives too low, or, conversely, high, signal emanating from the device, controlling throttle valve. To eliminate the malfunction, you will need to make sure that the device is working stably, and then start diagnosing electrical wiring.
23 , 25 May indicate a malfunction of the device sensor, controlling intake air temperature. Since the incoming signal is not correct, you will need to check the circuit and the sensor itself.
24 The code may appear if the vehicle speed sensor stops sending signals to the on-board computer.
27 , 28 Such combinations testify that the CO sensor is sending an incorrect signal to the driving side of the car. It is necessary to check the circuit for any short circuits or breaks; if they are not found, the sensor will need to be replaced.
33 , 34 The code means that the sensor equipped with the device that controls the mass air flow is receiving incorrect signals. This situation can arise either in the event of an open circuit, or in the event of a breakdown of the sensor itself, in which case it will definitely need to be replaced.
35 This combination of numbers is evidence of a detected malfunction of the idle air regulator. To correct the situation, you should replace the sensor; this procedure will allow you to resume normal operation of the device.
41 The issuance of such a code is the result of receiving an incorrect signal from the phase sensor.
42 Testifies about the appearance of a malfunction in the control unit of the electronic ignition system, in particular in its electrical wiring. It should be remembered that the ignition itself may be working properly, but diagnostics of the circuit will definitely be required.
43 Concerns the receipt of an incorrect signal from the knock sensor. It will be necessary, again, to check the circuit for an open circuit and the device itself for proper operation.
44 , 45 Evidence of detection of a malfunction in the injection system, or more precisely, the on-board computer has recorded violations consisting of a too rich or lean composition of the combustible mixture. In such cases, the engine may trip, jerks may be observed when trying to change gears, and rare cases engine Maybe stall.
51 , 52 Codes connected With identifying errors V work operational memory or devices PROM.
53 Testifies O termination receipts signal With COsensor. Required make sure V in good working order work devices.
54 Code Can observe V volume case, If will disappear signal, incoming With sensor octaneproofreader.
55 Code Maybe testify, What at elevated on motor car is happening impoverishment flammable mixtures. Signs malfunctions can be similar those, which are encoded How 44 And 45 .
61 Message O violation functioning sensor oxygen. To restore normal system operation required replace sensor on serviceable.

Decoding errors controllers V form tables

At diagnostics car VAZ 2115 can arise specified below combinations errors V work controllers.

P0101P0103 Testifies O emergence malfunctions sensor mass consumption air. Signal at this Maybe have overpriced readings, or vice versa, understated. IN like this case required execute replacement devices.
P0112P0113 Reports O volume, What arose breaking sensor, answering behind control temperature intake air. Necessarily should check Availability contact V points postings, which were re-soldered, Maybe, message onboard computer is warning O volume, What arose a short short circuit or break postings.
P0116P0118 Codes can to appear at availability breakdowns sensor, controlling temperature antifreeze V system. IN first queue recommended make sure V integrity postings, If she V okrequired execute replacement himself sensor.
P2138, P2122, P2123, P0222, P0223 Crash V work devices, controlling position pedals accelerator.
P0201P0204 Message O volume, What one from injectors works with failures. Sometimes shows Availability cliff chains V system or Availability short circuit.
P0201P0204 Message O volume, What one from injectors works with failures. Sometimes shows Availability cliff chains V system or Availability short circuit.
P0130 - P0134 Such combination Maybe warn O violation functioning manager sensor oxygen. Required examination chains on Availability cliffs, If They Not discoveredto come replacement devices.
P0136P0140 This signal O faulty work diagnostic sensor, carrying out control behind level oxygen V system injection. Error Maybe be tied With availability cliff V chains or incorrect work himself devices.
P0217 Code signal O overheating engine internal combustion. Malfunctions can come to light V work motor, except Togo: too much high temperature cooling liquids V system, use motor oils low quality or spent cooling liquids.
P0326P0328 Detection breakdowns sensor detonation. But this same code Maybe be designated situation, When With him on block management arrives incorrect signal.
P0340P0343 Data code served signal O malfunctions sensor, controlling position distribution shaft car. Error Maybe be signal O volume, What at working engine Not is happening change signal With devices, A Also, What on throughout time, When is happening some rpm crankshaft on block management arrive Very high or vice versa, low, signals With distribution shaft.
P0351, P0352, P2301, P2304 At help these combinations are designated deviations V work coils ignition. More preciselyO incorrect signal, incoming from them on onboard computer. These same codes denote Availability cliffs electrical wiring or Availability V chains short circuit.
P0422 Combination deciphered How malfunction neutralizer.
P0691, P0692 Combination informing about detection breakdowns V system cooling, more specifically - exit from building first relay fan.
P0693, P0694 Signal o breakdown second relay fan systems cooling. The malfunction cannot be ignored - if the fuse is not replaced in a timely manner, the temperature of the coolant may rise to the point of boiling.
P0485 Notifies O volume, What cooling fan served unfaithful signals voltage on BOO.
P0560P0563 Signal O volume, What voltage V networks, registered BOO, It has too much low or high indicators.
P0627P0629 Such code Maybe decipher twofold, He Maybe mean, What With fuel pump arrives incorrect signal, or same report O malfunctions relay, which answers behind work fuel pump. Necessary notice, What breaking relay fuel pump Maybe bring To that, What commit launch engine it turns out impossible.
P1602 Error meets enough often, is certificate violations functioning controller, established V system management engine.

How put away from memory onboard computer discovered malfunction (step by step)

Messages O volume, What V system control car discovered malfunctions Nothing good For owner car Not portend. Most important task V such moment Maybe turn out to be solution question With delivery auto on station maintenance. Naturally, Can take advantage phone And call tow truck. Note, price such services far Not penny.

Several variants of Samara cars with VAZ-2111 engines are rolling off the assembly line of the Togliatti AvtoVAZ plant. These engines are equipped with a multipoint distributed fuel injection system, which has several options.

The first version of the system is the result of joint work between AvtoVAZ and the American company GENERAL MOTORS (GM), which is intended for export only. Vehicle matches environmental standards Euro-2, it has a neutralizer installed, the injection system has an oxygen concentration sensor (OCS) installed in the exhaust gas flow (FOG). But the engine must run only on unleaded gasoline, otherwise the named elements will fail. Components for such an injection system are supplied by GM.

The second option is intended for the domestic market. Its feature is the electronic unit control unit (ECU) own development January-4, the system components are Russian, it does not contain a neutralizer and DCC, the use of leaded gasoline is allowed. Parts for the second version of the system are produced in small batches at various domestic enterprises. The contact connectors of the nodes and blocks in the systems of the first and second options are the same, some of them are interchangeable.

The third option appeared thanks to cooperation with the German company BOSCH. The 2111 engine was given five extra powers - now it develops 57 kW (77 hp) of power. New installed intake manifold, and a camshaft with “wider” phases. Two control units have been developed: the cheaper EBU-M1.5.4, which meets Euro-2 toxicity standards, and the promising EBU-MR 7.0, which is more expensive, but meets more stringent Euro-3 requirements. The third version of the system has original contact connectors, and the system is not compatible with the first two.

You can determine what type of injection system the engine of a particular car is equipped with by looking at the inscription on the ECU, which contains the VAZ catalog number, name, serial number and the date of manufacture of the block. The ECU is also called a controller. Data for various types controllers are given in table. 1-3.

ESAU-D controllers operate under the control of a program embedded in the ECU memory device. Different versions of the programs allow you to create modifications of controllers to work with different models engines and ensure compliance with various environmental regulations.

Version information software(software) for ESAU-VAZ, its correspondence to the type of controller and their interchangeability are given in table. 4. In the table, the numbers of interchangeable blocks and programs are combined into groups.

Decoding the designation of software developed by VAZ

As an example, consider the designation: M1 V 13 O 54.

First category

- letter and number (in the example - M1) - indicates the type (family) of the controller:
J4 - family of control units January-4;
J5 - family of control units January-5;
M1 - family of BOSCH Motronic M1.5.4 control units;
M7 - family of BOSCH Motronic MP7.0 control units.

Second category

- letter (in the example - V) - indicates the type of car, state of development or topic code:
V - all front-wheel drive VAZ cars of the 2108, 2110 family;
N - family all-wheel drive models VAZ cars.

Third category

- two digits (in the example 13) - indicates the conditional configuration number (00...99):
03 - Euro-2 toxicity standards, engine 2111;
05 - Euro-2 toxicity standards, engine 2112;
07 - Russian toxicity standards, engine 2112;

08 - Euro-3 toxicity standards (EOBD), engine 2112;

13 - Russian toxicity standards, engine 2111;
16 - Euro-3 toxicity standards (EOBD), engine 2111.

Fourth category

- letter (in the example - O) - indicates the software level (A...Z); The further the letter is from the beginning of the alphabet, the higher the software level.

Fifth category

- two digits (in the example - 54) - indicates the calibration version (00...99); the higher the number, the newer the calibration.

Thus, the given software example stands for:
M1 - control unit (controller) BOSCH Motronik M1.5.4;
V - family front wheel drive cars VAZ;
13 - 8-valve 1.5 liter engine 2111, Russian toxicity standards;
O - software version - O;
54 - calibration version no. 54.

Some improvement can be achieved by changing the calibrations dynamic characteristics engine, reducing fuel consumption and toxic emissions into FOG. To change calibrations, there are special programs and devices for their implementation, and for different types controllers, various methods have been developed for replacing “CHIP tuning” (adjusting the ECU control program). As an example in table. 5 shows tuning firmware for ECU BOSCH M1.5.4 1411020-70.

Component composition, functions, arrangement of ESAU-D elements using the example of a VAZ-2111 engine with an MP7.0 BOSCH controller

ESAU-D, equipped with an MP7.0 controller and installed on a VAZ-2111 engine, is similar in principle and design to the Motronic BOSCH system and belongs to ESAU-D with the integration of injection and ignition functions.

In addition to controlling injection and ignition, ESAU-D controls speed idle move, electric fuel pump, purging the adsorber of the gasoline vapor recovery system (VAP), warning lamp " Check Engine", cooling fan and air conditioning compressor clutch (if installed). In addition, ESAU-D generates signals proportional to vehicle speed and fuel consumption for the trip computer, as well as a signal about the engine speed for the tachometer. The controller provides interaction with an external diagnostic device through a special connector located in the vehicle interior. The domestic ESAU-D has a self-diagnosis function, which allows you to record emerging malfunctions, identify them, record them in memory, and inform the driver by turning on the “Check Engine” warning lamp. Diagnostic information can be output from the ECU RAM via the diagnostic connector to an external scanner.

It should be noted that turning on the “Check Engine” lamp while driving does not require an immediate stop of the engine, as, for example, in situations with an emergency loss of oil pressure in the lubrication system or emergency overheating of the engine, but only indicates the need to check the engine in soon. The ESAU-D controller has emergency modes that ensure engine operation when many faults occur, with the exception of the most severe ones, for example, when the crankshaft position sensor fails. You can connect a car theft protection system to ESAU-D.

Structurally, ESAU-D consists of a set of sensors, an ECU, a set of actuators and a wiring harness with connectors.

Electronic control unit (controller)

The ECU is central device ESAU-D. It receives analog information from sensors, processes it using analog-to-digital converters and implements control of actuators using a program embedded in ROM. Communication between the ECU and electrical diagram carried out via a 55-pin plug connector. The ECU is located under the instrument panel console (see Fig. 1).

The purpose of contacts and some data for control are given in table. 6.

Sensors ESAU-D (VAZ)
Mass air flow sensor (MAF)

The GM and BOSCH mass air flow sensors used in VAZ ESAU-D differ in the shape of their housings and output signals. The GM sensor (HFM-5) generates a frequency signal for the GM and January-4 controllers, and the BOSCH sensor (HFM-5SL)
- analog signal for BOSCH and January-5 control units.

Typical fault Mass air flow sensor - a break in the wires from the sensor or a break in the platinum thread of the sensor itself. With such malfunctions, the idle speed rises to 2000 rpm. While driving in certain modes, detonation is possible.

When a sensor fails, it may occasionally produce an incorrect signal (typical of frequency sensors), and this does not lead to a fault code being entered into the controller’s memory. In this case, even when driving without acceleration, large “dips” occur and the idle speed becomes unstable, which can lead to the engine stopping. ESAU-D, in the event of a failure of the mass air flow sensor, switches to the reserve mode, calculating the air flow based on the signal from the crankshaft position sensor DPKV (the signal contains information about the engine speed) and on the signal from the TPS. The malfunction is recorded in memory by the corresponding error code (P0102-P0103) and is indicated by the “Check Engine” lamp.

Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)

The sensor is designed to determine the position of the throttle valve.

When the damper is closed, the signal produced by the sensor is 0.5...0.6 V, and when the damper is open - 4.5...4.8 V.

Data on the throttle valve position is necessary for the control unit to calculate the duration of electrical pulses to control the injectors and determine the optimal ignition timing.

Potentiometric TPS of VAZ injection engines usually fail due to wear of the conductive paths of the resistive plate and incorrectly selected spring force pressing the resistive plate to the connector contacts.

Often you come across defective Russian-made sensors; they produce an unstable signal with a voltage of 0.25...0.7 V when the throttle valve is closed.

Sign faulty sensor are increased or floating idle speeds. If the DPS fails, ESAU-D replaces it with a signal calculated from the crankshaft rotation speed and the mass air flow sensor signal. The malfunction is recorded in memory by the corresponding error code (P0122-P0123) and is indicated by the “Check Engine” lamp.

Coolant temperature sensor (DTOZH)

The temperature sensor is a thermistor with a negative resistance coefficient (R = 470 Ohm at 130°C and R > 100 kOhm at -40°C). The ESAU-D controller calculates the coolant temperature based on the voltage drop across the DTOZH, using its value in most engine control functions. If the DTOZH fails, ESAU-D calculates the temperature based on the engine operating time and the MAF readings. A DTO fault is recorded in memory by the corresponding error code (P0115, P0117, P0118) and is indicated by the “Check Engine” lamp. In table 7 shows data for checking the temperature sensor using a digital tester.

Knock sensor (DS)

The DD uses a sensitive piezoceramic element that generates alternating voltage during vibration. The amplitude and frequency of the signal depend on the level of detonation in the engine, which allows the ESAU-D controller to adjust the ignition timing accordingly to dampen the resulting detonation. You can check the DD using an oscilloscope: a properly working DD generates a sinusoidal signal with a duration of 4...6 ms and an amplitude of 2.5...3 V (detonation can be caused by sharply opening the throttle on a running internal combustion engine). A malfunction in the DD path is recorded in memory by the corresponding error code (P0327, P0328) and is indicated by the “Check Engine” lamp.

Oxygen concentration sensor

Modern injection systems come in two versions - with feedback and without her. Feedback assumes the presence of a DCC (lambda probe) in downpipe and exhaust gas catalytic converter. When the ratio of air and fuel in the air-fuel (AF) mixture is 14.7: 1 (this ratio is called stoichiometric) catalytic converter most effectively reduces the amount harmful substances(CO, CH, NOX) emitted with exhaust gases. To optimize the composition of exhaust gases in order to increase fuel efficiency and achieving the greatest efficiency of the neutralizer, closed-loop fuel supply control is used with feedback using a signal to the DCC. The oxygen concentration sensor, the sensitive element of which is located in the exhaust gas flow, generates a signal in the form of an abrupt change in voltage from 0.1 to 0.9 V (value 0.1 V - lean TV mixture; 0.9 V - rich TV mixture), with a transition through the average value of 0.45 V, when the TV mixture is stoichiometric. The ESAU-D controller, based on the data received from the DCC, changes the composition of the air-fuel mixture, maintaining it close to stoichiometric.

Serviceable and heated to operating temperature(more than 300°C) DCC generates a signal with a frequency of 1...5 Hz. A malfunction in the DCC path or a failure of the sensor itself is recorded in memory by the corresponding error code (P0130, P0132, P0134) and is indicated by the “Check Engine” lamp.

Vehicle speed sensor (VS)

The DSA consists of a stator with a Hall element and a rotor with a magnet. While the vehicle is moving, the DSA produces a signal with a frequency of 6 pulses per 1 m of movement. The ESAU-D controller determines the speed based on the DSA pulse repetition rate. A typical malfunction of the DSA is mechanical damage to the sensor, while the speedometer does not work and the “Check Engine” lamp lights up. One of the codes is stored in memory - P0500 or P0503. It should be noted that this failure does not affect the operation of the engine in any way, which is sometimes taken advantage of by unscrupulous owners by turning off the DSA in order to hide real mileage car. Using the example of operating a VAZ-21102 car, the average time between failures DSA domestic production does not exceed 1.5...2 years (or 20...30 thousand kilometers).

Crankshaft position sensor (CPS)

On VAZ-2110, 2112 cars with distributed gasoline injection, the DPKV is controlled from a special disk (sensor rotor) with 60 teeth, which are placed in 6-degree increments. Two teeth are missing for synchronization. The start of the synchronization count for the ESAU-D controller is the first tooth after two missed ones, the crankshaft is in position 114 degrees before top dead points (TDC) of the 1st and 4th cylinders. The toothed disc is located on the pulley crankshaft to drive the generator, and the DPKV is on the cover oil pump. With a gap between the sensor core and the disk tooth of 1 ±0.4 mm and a frequency of 30 ±5 rpm, the minimum amplitude of the alternating voltage at the DPKV output must be at least 0.28 V. The resistance of a working sensor is 500...700 Ohms. There are cases of loss of contact in the connector and breakage of the supply wires. The supply wires are shielded to protect against interference; a break in the shield can also lead to failures in the DPKV path.

A malfunction in the DPKV path or a failure of the DPKV itself is recorded in memory by the corresponding error code (P0335, P0336) and indicated by the “Check Engine” lamp; the engine will not work.

Executive elements ESAU-D (VAZ)
Electric fuel pump (EPN)

The ESAU-D (VAZ) uses a turbine-type EBN (Fig. 9, 11).

The EBN is switched on by the controller via a relay. It is also possible to turn on the EBN through the diagnostic connector (by connecting pins G and H). The ESAU-D program ensures automatic shutdown of the EBN if, 2 seconds after turning on the ignition or starter, the engine crankshaft does not rotate. Samara cars are equipped with different instrument panels with fuel level indicators that differ from each other. In this regard, fuel level sensors (located on the gas pump monoblock) also exist in two versions:
21083 (from high panel devices), sensor resistance 0.25 Ohm - at empty tank and 20 kOhm - at full;
2112 (for cars with “torpedo” 2108, 2110 and 2115). The EBN assembly with the sensor for VAZ cars with a high panel has a yellow reference mark in the area of ​​the arrow (when installing the EBN, the arrow should point backwards) and for low - without a mark or with a black mark. The EBN themselves are the same, and if they are accidentally mixed up, the fuel level readings will be incorrect, but the engine will operate normally.

Fuel injectors

Fuel injectors (see Fig. 10, 11) are electromagnetic devices and are used to inject gasoline into intake valves amount of fuel calculated by the ECM. The MP7.0 BOSCH controller uses an injector driver with a self-diagnosis function. It detects faults such as open circuits, short circuits to ground, or defects in the power supply of the injector control circuits. In this case, error codes P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204 are generated and the “Check Engine” lamp turns on. A malfunction of this nature can be easily diagnosed using a multimeter by checking the winding resistance of each injector (11...15 Ohms), the connecting harness - less than 1 Ohm.

Injectors various manufacturers(BOSCH, GM or domestic) are interchangeable in terms of internal resistance and seats. It is better to change the injectors as a set, since their fuel sprayers are different. Injectors from Russian manufacturers and BOSCH are less susceptible to corrosion and, accordingly, last longer. Over time, hard tar deposits appear on the injector seats and at the ends of the shut-off elements, which is the main cause of injector failure. As a result, the following symptoms appear: difficult starting, unstable idling, failures during acceleration, increased consumption fuel, loss of power and engine tripping. Therefore, especially for engines with mileage of more than 100 thousand km, it is recommended to clean the injectors. Specialists from the Inomotor company carried out comparative analysis the effectiveness of various solvents and devices for cleaning injectors and came to the conclusion: all devices are similar in design, in their capabilities and differ only in price. But cleaning solvents have different effectiveness. The best solution was the solvent concentrate from the American company Carbol Clean. According to reviews from companies from Angarsk, Krasnodar, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Tolyatti, this concentrate is noticeably (on average 15...20%) more effective than others. Accordingly, its consumption is less and cleaning is faster.

Ignition module (IZ) with spark plugs

The ESAU-D (VAZ) ignition system uses an MZ, consisting of a 2-channel electronic switch and a pair of two-terminal ignition coils (see “Repair & Service” No. 6, 2003, Fig. 11 on p. 62). The ignition system provides detonation damping according to a special algorithm using DD. The ignition system has no moving parts and therefore requires no maintenance. In the event of a malfunction of any element of the MH, it is necessary to replace the entire assembly. Signs of a malfunction of the engine are varied: from interruptions in engine operation in certain modes to its stopping. The control lamp does not light up. To diagnose a malfunction in the ignition system, it is necessary to check the presence of power supply to the ignition system (pin “D” - +12 V power supply, pin “C” - common), the presence and serviceability of the connection between the controller and the ignition system (pin “B” MH - pin 1 controller and pin “A” MZ - pin 21 of the controller) and the resistance of high-voltage wires (approximately 15,000 Ohms).

The domestic MZ 42.3705 consists of two ignition coils with two high-voltage leads and a 2-channel switch, assembled in one monoblock and filled with compound (Fig. 12).

Until April 1999, modules were filled with silicone compound, which did not adhere well to the parts and was not flexible enough. When heated, the silicone peeled off from the body of the monoblock and moisture got into the cracks that formed, after which the module failed.

Since April 1999, polyurethane has been used instead of silicone compound. After this, the number of MOH failures decreased by 80%. MZ, produced by the Moscow plant MZATE-2 (formerly ATE-2), is used with BOSCH and January-5 controllers. This module is not suitable for control systems with GM and January-4 units.

The ignition system of the VAZ-2111 engine is equipped with A-17DVRM spark plugs (or an analogue) with a noise suppression resistor with a resistance of 4...10 kOhm and a copper core. The gap between the electrodes is 1.00...1.13 mm. The VAZ-2112 engine is equipped with AU-17DVRM spark plugs, which can also be used on the VAZ-2111 engine. Based on the operating experience of VAZ-21102 vehicles, the average time between failures of domestically produced spark plugs is 1-1.5 years (or 20-30 thousand kilometers).

Idle air control (IAC)

The IAC (Fig. 13) is installed in the bypass (bypass) air supply channel of the throttle pipe and regulates the crankshaft speed at idle when the throttle valve is closed (see diagram in Fig. 11), while it helps reduce toxicity exhaust gases. When braking by the engine, when the throttle closes sharply, the IAC increases the amount of air supplied bypassing the throttle, thereby ensuring a leaner mixture. This also reduces exhaust emissions.

It should be noted that improper engine idle operation is not always associated with IAC failure. Impaired engine idle speed can be caused by:
over-lean TV mixture;
over-enriched TV mixture;
defective throttle pipe;
improper operation of the crankcase ventilation system;
clogged air filter;
air leaks in the intake manifold.

Only after eliminating all these problems should you deal with the IAC. Checking the IAC in the absence of a special tester is very problematic. The only thing that can be done is to ring the IAC windings for open circuits and short circuits (winding resistance should be 40...80 Ohms) and inspect it for obvious defects. Based on the operating experience of VAZ-21102 vehicles, the average time between failures of domestically produced IACs (2112-1148300-82) is 1.5-2 years (or 40...50 thousand kilometers). An IAC failure detected by the diagnostic system is recorded by error codes P0506, P0507 and the “Check Engine” lamp turning on.

Diagnostics ESAU-D (VAZ)
Self-diagnosis function

ESAU-D (VAZ), like the Motronic system, has a built-in self-diagnosis function, through which the ECU compares the signals generated by the sensors and the signals received by the actuators, with the standard values ​​of these signals, which are stored in the permanent memory of the ECU. Detected faults and the corresponding operating parameters are entered into the controller’s memory. This data can be analyzed during Maintenance using diagnostic equipment attached to a standard diagnostic connector.

To promptly inform the driver about errors in the operation of the ESAU-D, the VAZ instrument cluster has a “Check Engine” warning lamp. If this error occurs in the system for a short time, and then does not appear for a long time, then after some time the lamp goes out (however, the diagnostic trouble code is stored in memory). If the error does not disappear, the lamp is constantly on, reminding you of the need to carry out diagnostics. Clearing the memory of recorded error codes is done either by disconnecting the controller from the power source for at least 10 s, or using special diagnostic equipment.

Diagnostic code (DC) of malfunction, code tables

AvtoVAZ strives to maintain compatibility of fault codes with the ODB-II (SAE/MFG) standard. Although not all codes are supported, their number is gradually growing.

The ODB-II error code format is as follows:
The first letter in the code indicates the vehicle system in which the malfunction occurred: B - Body (body), C - Chassis (chassis), P - Powertrain ( power unit), U - Network (on-board network).
The first digit in the code indicates the authorship of the error: if “0”, then it is SAE (J2012); if "1", then it is MFG (a specific code that is required by the car manufacturer).
The second digit in the code means the subsystem and is deciphered as follows:
1 - engine fuel-air subsystem (Fuel and Air Metering);
2 - engine fuel-air subsystem (injection circuit) Fuel and Air Metering (Injector Circuit);
3 - ignition and failure subsystem (Ignition Systems or Misfire);
4 - auxiliary emission control subsystem (Auxiliary Emission Controls). Should appear in the VAZ ECU with the transition to Euro-3 emission standards;
5 - subsystem for regulating engine speed, speed and idle speed (Vehicle Speed ​​Control and Idle Control System);
6 - Computer Output Circuit;
7 - transmission.

The last two digits mean the fault code itself.
In table 8 are given diagnostic codes faults that are supported in controllers
AvtoVAZ (codes used by the BOSCH MP7.0 controller are highlighted in bold).

Methods and practical techniques for reading diagnostic codes (DC)
Reading DC using the “Check Engine” lamp

This method is applicable to GM and January-4 controllers. BOSCH controllers can only be interrogated using diagnostic equipment.

In order to read fault codes using a warning lamp, it is necessary to close contacts A and B of the diagnostic connector (see Fig. 11) and turn on the ignition without starting the engine. At this point, the Check Engine light should flash code 12 three times in a row. The sequence of code indication is as follows: the lamp turns on, a short pause, two turns on in a row, a long pause, and so on two more times. Code 12 is not a fault code, it indicates that the self-diagnosis system is operational. If code 12 is not present, the self-diagnosis system is faulty.

After code 12 is issued, the Check Engine lamp will begin to display previously detected and stored in RAM fault codes in ascending order of their number. Each code is issued three times. And so on in a circle. If no faults are detected, only code 12 will be issued.

Reading DC using special diagnostic equipment

1. Tester DST-2 or a similar foreign-made tester.

The scanner-tester of the Samara Research and Production Enterprise “New Technological Systems” DST-2 and its modifications, which appeared in 1995, provide ample opportunities for diagnostics of ESAU-D (VAZ). In addition to monitoring the current parameters of ESAU-D, checking sensors and actuators Scanner-testers of the DST family allow you to monitor and record the state of the ESAU-D over time, which helps in finding intermittent faults. The only drawback scanner-testers of the DST family - high cost.

2. Trip computer (MC) with diagnostic function.
There are many variants of MK, however, only on-board computers of the Kursk OJSC "Schetmash" have an AVTO-VAZ certificate and are supplied to the assembly line for luxury vehicles. This is AMK-211000 for cars of the tenth series and AMK-211500 - for installation on all VAZ cars small cars. The existing MKs are not much inferior in their capabilities to scanner testers, for example, DST-4M, but the cost of these devices is even higher.

3. Personal computer with a special (software and hardware) communication interface.
This method of reading codes, both in terms of the cost of implementation and the diagnostic capabilities provided, is most applicable in “home” conditions. Indeed, diagnostic programs distributed free of charge on the Internet (the author used “Mytstr R12”) and adapters (see website http://www.autoelectric.ru/) provide ample opportunities for diagnosing ESAU-D (VAZ). The main advantage of a computer over a tester is the ease of saving test results. In order to save the results, just click on the “Record” button, set a file name and, if necessary, add a comment. In the future, it is enough to compare the obtained parameters with the standard parameters of a working ESAU-D and draw the necessary conclusions.

Upon completion of the repair and to control the reappearance of the DC, it is necessary to clear the controller memory. There are two ways to erase fault codes from the ECU memory. Codes can be erased using diagnostic equipment, as well as by disconnecting the control unit from the battery for 30 seconds.

General approach to troubleshooting in ESAU-D

The condition for the normal operation of all components of ESAU-D is the working condition of all mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems engine. Therefore, before starting diagnostics of ESAU-D, it is necessary to check:
operating condition of the cylinder-piston group (compression measured on a warm engine in all cylinders must be at least 10 kg/cm2);
tightness of the intake and exhaust manifolds;
correct installation of valve timing;
serviceability of the fuel system (normal pressure in fuel system should be 2.5...3.5 bar);
state of power supplies (voltage in on-board network when the engine is running it should be 13.2...14.7 V and when starting it should not fall below 8 V).

ESAU-D has a number of operating parameters, compliance standard value which determine the performance of the system as a whole. They are checked using an oscilloscope, digital multimeter and strobe. Please note that checking some of the parameters is only possible with the engine running. Therefore, at the first stage of diagnosis, it is necessary to start the engine and correctly assess the condition of all components of the ESAU-D.

The ideal prerequisite for correct diagnosis of ESAU-D is the appearance of a diagnostic trouble code. Although the DC does not always accurately indicate the root cause of the malfunction. More often, the DC indicates the consequence of what happened. And only a detailed analysis and checking of the questioned parameters of the ESAU-D help to find the fault.

A large number of electronic devices in a modern car requires the owner to have special knowledge and techniques in operation and maintenance. You need to know the following features of operating a car with ESAU-D in order to properly maintain and repair your car.

1. You can de-energize the ECU no earlier than 30 seconds after turning off the engine, otherwise the information from the RAM will be erased. In order to restore lost information, you need to start the engine and let it warm up to operating temperature. After starting the engine, the Check Engine indicator light will light for some time, which is not a malfunction.

2. On all VAZ injection engines, after an unsuccessful start attempt (more often this happens at air temperatures below -25°C), the “flooded” spark plugs can be dried by turning on the purge mode. To do this, you need to smoothly press the gas pedal and turn on the starter for 5...10 seconds. For the ECU, such actions will be a signal to turn off the fuel supply.

3. All controllers are designed in such a way that at ambient temperatures up to +25°C they remain operational at a supply voltage of 18 V for two hours. At a voltage of 24 V, they are guaranteed to remain operational for at least five minutes. There have been no recorded cases of controller failure due to increased voltage in the on-board network, even in the event of a voltage regulator failure.

4. Car controllers of the “tenth” series are compatible with on-board computer 2111-3857010 (16.3857). The control units that are installed on the Samara-2 vehicle are compatible with the on-board computer 2114-3857010 (15.3857).

5. In order to block engine starting when installing a security alarm on injection engines of VAZ cars with controllers of the M1.5.4 or “January 5.1” type (inapplicability to MP7.0 is marked with *), it is permissible to “break” any of the following wires:
ignition module control;
fuel pump control;
injector control;*
wire connecting the 15th terminal of the controller (ignition signal to the engine management system) with the 18th terminal block;
“positive” or “mass” wire of the fuel pump relay;*
short to each other or short to ground the wires of the inductive sensor. In addition, you can short-circuit the wires (signal and power) of the throttle position sensor through a resistor rated 680 Ohm - 1 kOhm.*

If the conductors supplying the ignition module or injectors are broken, it is necessary to use circuit breakers that can withstand a current of at least 3 A, and the wires of the fuel pump power circuit - at least 10 A.

Troubleshooting using the example of a VAZ-2111 engine with a BOSCH MP7.0 H controller

It is first necessary to check the operating parameters of ESAU-D, which can be measured on engine not running(see Table 8).

To start the engine you must:
presence of fuel in the tank and a normally working fuel pump;
proper ignition;
that the DPKV is in good working order;
so that the injectors work (failure of all injectors is unlikely);
so that the controller is in working order (although its failure, even for domestic cars, is unlikely).

The electric fuel pump (EFP) is checked by its characteristic sound. Also, when the computer is turned on, gasoline pressure should appear in the fuel line (2.5...3 bar). After turning off the pump, the pressure in the system should not drop quickly. If it drops, then the fuel pressure regulator valve is most likely faulty. For a short time it can be turned off without completely squeezing the tube (for example, with a suitable clamp) of the return gas line, thus creating required pressure in system. If the EBN is “silent”, check for the presence of +12 V on the pump block and further along the circuit (see Fig. 11).

Ignition can only be checked if the spark plugs are securely connected to ground, otherwise the control unit can easily be damaged. To diagnose a malfunction in the ignition system, it is necessary to check the presence of power supply to the MZ (pin D +12 V, pin C - common, see Fig. 11), the presence and serviceability of the connection between the controller and the MZ (lines B - pin 1 of the ECU and A - pin 21 ECU), check the resistance of the high-voltage wires (about 15 kOhm).

First, you should inspect the DPKV for damage to the wire and screen. DPKV is the only component in ESAU-D without which the engine will not operate. The resistance of a working sensor is 500-700 Ohms. The amplitude of the alternating voltage measured at the DPKV (pins 48, 49 of the ECU, see Fig. 11) when cranking the engine with the starter is 1...2 V. There are cases of loss of contact in the connector and breakage of the supply wires. The supply wires are shielded to protect against interference; a break in the shield can also lead to malfunctions in the operation of the MH. The crankshaft pulley design has a rubber damper; due to poor vulcanization, the rubber sometimes peels off from one of the pulley disks, and they become dislodged. As a result, the impulses to the injectors and ignition arrive at the wrong time. In this case the engine will also not work.

The electrical resistance of the injectors is checked with an ohmmeter. It should be 12...15 Ohms in each injector. The wire resistance in the connecting harness is less than 1 ohm.

The controller (ECU) is checked for the presence of power at the switchable and non-switchable inputs (pins 18 and 37, see Fig. 11). If there is no power, the main relay, fuse link and fuses X, Y and Z are checked.

If the engine does not start well in cold weather (at an ambient temperature of less than -20°C), you can crank the engine with the starter with the gas pedal pressed (in this case, fuel will not be supplied), which will allow the cylinders to bleed. Then, by releasing the pedal, you can try to start again. If this succeeds, then either the IAC or one of the sensors is faulty (most likely the DTOZH). But the reason bad start There may also be low fuel pressure due to a malfunction of the fuel pump or fuel pressure regulator valve.

The throttle position sensor (TPS) can also prevent starting. If the voltage on it is about 3.4 V, then it will probably not start. It can be turned off or bypassed, providing a voltage of 0.1...0.2 V.

In some cases, an emergency option for starting the engine is possible, when all sensors except the DPKV are disconnected from the ECU and the attempt to start is repeated. In this case, the engine can start if the initial position of the gas pedal is determined experimentally.

If it starts, then it is now necessary to check the parameters of the ESAU-D and its elements (see Table 9).

Using diagnostic codes (DC) when troubleshooting ESAU-D

After starting and warming up the engine using any of the available ways read diagnostic trouble codes after first checking the functionality of the diagnostic circuit. How to do this is described in the operating instructions for the specific tester. If this is a scanner-tester or an IBM PC-software tester, then it is possible to check the entire ESAU-D periphery (actuators and sensors) and conduct various dynamic tests. The resulting DCs must be analyzed in order to establish the cause-and-effect relationship of what is happening in the ESAU-D.

Before checking, the following conditions must be met:
the engine is warmed up to operating temperature;
the engine runs at low idle speed;
diagnostic contact is not shorted to ground;
the DST-2 (or similar) device is not connected;
air conditioning (if equipped) is turned off;
The negative terminal of the digital voltmeter is securely connected to ground.

In table 10 shows diagnostic codes, possible faulty ones electrical circuits, as well as additional manifestations of identified faults.

In the “voltage” and “possible signs of circuit malfunction” columns of this table, the following notations are used:
(1) - below 0.1 V during the first two seconds after turning on the ignition without cranking the engine;
(2) - below 1 V or above 10 V depending on the position of the drive wheels standing car. When driving, the voltage varies depending on the speed;
(3) - varies depending on temperature;
(4) - varies depending on the vibration level of that part of the engine on which the knock sensor (DS) is installed;
(5) - varies depending on the engine speed;
(6) - voltage on the battery (B+) when the engine is warm;
(7) - break;
(8) - open circuit/short circuit;
(9) - the circuit is shorted to ground;
(10) - the circuit is closed to +12 V;
(11) - varies in the range from battery voltage to voltage less than 1 V, depending on the duty cycle of the pulses;
(12) - when the relay is on, less than 0.1 V, and when the relay is off - equal to the battery voltage;
(13) - when switched on control lamp voltage less than 0.5 V, when turned off, battery voltage appears on the contact;
(14) - decreases with increasing duration and frequency of injection pulses;
(B+) - must be equal to the battery voltage.

The color of the wire (2nd column), designated P (purple), corresponds to the designation KR (red).

The concept of hidden faults of ESAU-D

Some ESAU-D malfunctions may be implicit or hidden. This may be due, for example, to a short-term change in the characteristics of the ESAU-D components, which leads to errors in the system. Some motor testers have a special mode that allows you to record changes in ESAU-D parameters over a certain period of time to clarify the source of the “floating” fault. In DST-2, for example, this mode is called “data collection”.

In table 11 shows the parameters of ESAU-D (VAZ) with a BOSCH MP7.0 controller (removed using DST-2), which can be used for diagnostics in the absence of a DC malfunction.

No. 6 “Repair & Service” June 2003

Electrical repair

We will tell and show the self-diagnosis mode of the instrument panel of the VAZ 2110 2112 2111, we will decipher the error codes of the VDO panel. In order to start the self-diagnosis mode of the instrument panel, you need to turn the key in the ignition and simultaneously hold down the daily mileage reset button. When the mode is turned on, all the arrows must reach “the end” and return back, in this way you can check the functionality of all sensors, instruments, light bulbs, and the arrows themselves. Then we press the mileage reset button once again, the firmware version will be written in the information window, in our case it is 1.1, we press our button again and see the error codes. To reset errors, press the button and hold for a while:

The number “0” that appears on the screen indicates that all errors have been reset. We repeat the entire procedure again from the very beginning to make sure that we have no errors.

Decoding VDO error codes:

0 means there are no errors at all.
1 microprocessor is faulty.
4 means that the on-board supply voltage has increased above 16 Volts
8 error, on the contrary, shows low voltage, less than 8 volts.
The following errors may appear: 6, 10, 12, 14 - they mean several malfunctions at the same time, i.e. are summed up, 6 (this is 2+4), etc.

To be honest, these readings are of little use; the simplest diagnostic device will show much more and in all details. The additional on-board computer also displays all the main errors; we take readings from all systems.

Video of the self-diagnosis mode of the instrument panel VAZ 2110 2112 2111:

To carry out a full diagnosis, you need to know the error codes of VAZ 2114 and 2115. This will make it easier to find the problem. In fact, without knowing the decoding, there is no point in starting a diagnosis. Having received the result in your hands in the form of a set of numbers, you will only scratch the top of your head, and the problem will remain unknown.

As a rule, the error code is the same for one type of controller. Several similar models may have the same on-board computer installed. The VAZ 2113 and Samara-2 also have the same controllers with models 14 and 15.

Information about the installed controller is available in the technical documents of your vehicle. Information about this can also be found on the Internet. In any case, before diagnosing, find a detailed list of errors.

Most common indications

Error codes VAZ 2114 and 2115 are of two types. Some are common. Others are somewhat less common. First, let's list the most common indications:

  • P1602- indicates problems with the engine controller. Happens quite often. It is treated by replacing the problem node;
  • (-P0343)- failure of the crankshaft position sensor or its unstable operation;
  • P0217- may indicate two malfunctions. The first is the need for replacement motor oil, second engine overheating.
    These problems occur most often. But in reality there are many more error codes.

Other combinations

The errors described above are not the only ones. And in practice you can find a large number of different codes:

  • P0101-P0103 These codes are related to the fuel flow sensor. Most often the device needs to be replaced;
  • P0116-P0118- . There may be a problem with the wiring, so it is advisable to first check the power circuit to the sensor;
  • P0112-P0113 This code occurs when the sensor indicating the intake air temperature is faulty. Often occurs when there is a short circuit in the wiring;
  • A number of errors (P2122, P2138, P0222, P2123, P0223) indicate problems with accelerator position control;
  • P0130-P0134- the oxygen level sensor in the mixture should be replaced. Before doing this, check the condition of the wiring supplying power to this sensor;
  • P0201-P0204- problems with injectors. Possible blockage or short circuit. Be sure to check the wires supplying power to them;
  • P0136-P0140, such codes indicate a malfunction in the sensors that control the formation of the mixture in the injection system;
  • P0326-P0328- breakdown of the detonation detecting device. Occasionally may appear when the engine control unit fails;
  • P0351-P0352, P2301, P2304 all these readings indicate incorrect operation of the ignition coils; usually with these errors the engine stalls;
  • P0691-P0692- failure of the first fan relay operating in the cooling system;
  • P0485- erroneous voltage signal coming from the cooling fan;
  • P0693-P0694, the second cooling system relay has failed. With such a breakdown, the antifreeze may boil and the engine overheats. To avoid a more complex breakdown, you need to fix the problem;
  • P0422 the neutralizer has failed and the unit needs to be replaced;
  • P0560-P0563- faulty voltage in the on-board network, check the condition of the battery;
  • P0627-P0629- erroneous signal from the fuel pump sensor. If the engine starts, then the problem is in the sensor. A malfunction of the fuel pump itself makes impossible to start motor.
These are the most basic error codes. More detailed information can be found in the file that usually comes with the diagnostic program. All identified defects must be repaired. After which the errors are reset and a recheck is performed.

Reset errors. To reset the controller readings, disconnect it from the power supply. To do this, you need to turn off the engine by turning off the ignition. After which the positive terminal is removed from the battery, after 10-15 seconds it is put back in place. All errors have been cleared. You can start the engine and carry out control diagnostics.

Other diagnostic methods

If you don’t have a scanner or laptop at hand, you can conduct a mini-diagnosis. To do this, you need to hold down the odometer button (located on the dashboard). At the same time, the ignition is turned on. After which the button is released. At the same time, the instrument needles begin to jump. Next, press the odometer once. The display will show the firmware number. You should press and release the button again.

This way you can see the two-digit error code. However, it should be noted that not all faults can be diagnosed in this way. Therefore, this does not replace a full diagnosis.

Conclusion. Engine management problems are not uncommon. Therefore, the skill of independently diagnosing problems will not be superfluous. To do this, you need to know the error codes for VAZ 2114 and 2115. You will also need a scanner or laptop with the program installed. There are usually no difficulties with using this equipment.

Thanks to the equipment domestic cars On-board computers have made it easier for car owners to find faults in their cars. To identify the problem, a person only needs to carry out diagnostics, which will show error codes. This material will allow you to find out what errors can occur in the VAZ 2114 and how to deal with them.


Car self-diagnosis

Before we begin to decipher the error codes of the on-board computer on the VAZ 2114 and 2115, we will talk about self-diagnosis. It must be taken into account that checking the vehicle independently and using special equipment at a service station can give different results. The equipment available to professionals will allow you to more accurately detect problems than diagnosing problems using a dashboard. Combinations of breakdowns will also be different. Nevertheless, self-diagnosis of malfunctions of the eight-valve “four” is useful.

How to view and learn about breakdowns that the control unit has recorded independently:

  1. First you need to sit in the driver's seat and hold down the odometer button on the speedometer.
  2. Then insert the key into the ignition and set it to the first position.
  3. After turning the key, you must release the pressed button. This will lead to fast movement pointer on the speedometer, tachometer and other sensors.
  4. Then you need to press the odometer key again and release it. An inscription with the firmware version will appear on the device.
  5. After the third press of the odometer button, the VAZ 2114 error codes will start to light up on the display.

How to reset errors yourself

After self-diagnosis of errors and elimination of their causes on the carburetor or injection engines, a fault message may remain on the standard panel. If the problem has been deleted, this means that the code combination remains in memory. We'll look at the description of the faults below, and now we'll tell you how to remove the code from memory. To remove it after testing the device, when VAZ 2114 errors appear, the codes themselves must be written down. After this, the daily mileage reset button is pressed again, this will clear the fault from the control unit’s memory.

Resetting the "Check Engine" error

It often happens that the instrument panel 2114 8 or 16 valves displays a check error - engine malfunction, the orange icon is on. Self-diagnosis does not always allow you to accurately check and determine how to fix such a problem. To fix the problem and find a solution, you should perform more detailed diagnostics of the car using a computer and additional equipment. Perhaps, during diagnostics, an unknown error indicates a malfunction in the microprocessor, on-board network or sensors. After the problem is fixed, the receipt may remain.

The "Check Engine" indicator indicates a problem with the engine.

How to reset the fault code:

  1. First, turn on the ignition; you do not need to start the car engine.
  2. Then open the hood. Use a wrench to loosen the bolt on the negative terminal of the battery.
  3. Wait about one minute, after which the battery terminal must be replaced.
  4. Close the hood and turn off the ignition.
  5. After that, turn it on again and start the car engine. If the check remains, it should go out on its own after some time. If the instructions given did not work and the solution did not help, then you need to look for the cause of the problem and fix it.

Meaning and interpretation of error codes

To read the faults, first consider the list with a table of UEr errors that self-diagnosis produces (the author of the video is Ivan Vasilyevich).

1 Problems with the functioning of the microprocessor.
2 Self-diagnosis of the VAZ 2114 detected problems with the electrical wiring of the fuel level indicator controller. The signal level coming from the sensor may be too high or low. It is necessary to test the controller and check the wiring.
4 Increased voltage in the on-board network.
8 Low voltage. What to do: in this and in the previous case it is subject to verification accumulator battery and a generator.
12 There is a problem with the diagnostic indicator circuit on the instrument panel.
13 The control unit cannot detect the signal coming from the oxygen controller.
14 An increased signal is received from the refrigerant temperature controller.
15 There is a problem with the operation of the DTOZH () - the on-board computer records reduced level signal.
16 There is increased voltage in the car wiring.
17 Reduced voltage in wiring.
19 Problems have been recorded in the operation of DPKV (). An incorrect signal is sent to the control unit.
21 Problems with the operation of the TPS controller (throttle position sensor). There may be problems with the throttle valve. Check the connection circuit and sensor.
22 A reduced signal is sent from the TPS.
23 The intake air temperature controller gives an increased signal.
24 There are problems with the speed controller. Its failure can be diagnosed by a non-working speedometer.
25 Reduced signal from the incoming air temperature controller.
27,28 Incorrect signal coming from the CO sensor.
33,34 Malfunctions of the mass air flow sensor (mass air flow sensor). Check the flow meter connection circuit and its functionality.
35 The ECU has detected a deviation in values idle speed. The sensor may be faulty.
41 Incorrect pulse coming from the phase controller.
42 Problems with the electronic ignition wiring.
43 An incorrect pulse is supplied from the detonation controller.
44,45 Problems with the composition of the combustible mixture. It can be depleted or over-enriched.
49 Check for vacuum loss.
51,52 Problems in the functioning of the PROM or RAM.
53 There is no CO controller pulse. Open circuit or sensor failure.
54 No impulse is received from the octane corrector controller.
55 When the load on the power unit is reduced, the ECU detects depletion.
61 Problems with the oxygen controller.

These codes can add up; if you see the number 6, this may indicate errors 2 and 4, or if the number 9 is displayed, errors 1 and 8.

In order to immediately read and decipher problems when diagnosing, it is advisable to download and always carry with you a printout with a description. When diagnosing using a computer, codes on engine 21124 may differ depending on the car model. To read the codes, you need to know how they are supposed to be deciphered. Errors must be reset after they have been deleted (the video was filmed and published by the KV Avtoservis channel).

p0102, p0103An incorrect pulse is supplied from the mass air flow sensor controller. This means you need to check the wiring.
p0112, p0113112 or 113 - the incoming air temperature sensor needs to be replaced.
p0115-p0118Errors from 0115 to 0118 - the antifreeze controller sends an incorrect impulse. There may be problems with the wiring or the sensor itself.
p0122, p0123TPDZ. The controller is sending an incorrect signal. If the wiring is damaged, interference may occur.
p0130, p0131The lambda probe requires diagnostics and replacement.
p0135-p0138Error 0135 and higher - the lambda probe heating regulator needs to be replaced.
p0030The ECU reports problems in the electrical circuit in the area from the lambda probe heater to the converter. If error p0030 occurs, you need to test the electrical circuit and the sensors themselves.
p0036P0036 - a break in the wiring of the heating device DK-2 was detected.
p0300, p0302When codes 300 and 302 appear, the ECU reports a misfire.
p0301Gaps were detected in the cylinders of the power unit. Compression needs to be checked.
p0325The knock sensor is not working correctly. In particular, we are talking about a break in the connection wiring.
p0335, p0336P0036 error VAZ 2114 or 10335 - the DPKV has failed or its connection circuit is damaged. If the wiring is intact, then the sensor is replaced.
p0340Phase sensor malfunction.
p0341Error VAZ 2114 0341 means a problem with the camshaft controller.
p0342, p0343Problems with the phase controller. With such an error, detonation of the car engine is possible. Most likely, only replacement will solve the problem.
p0346P0346 VAZ error - also a problem with the phase regulator.
p0363P0363 - misfire of the combustible mixture was detected. In cylinders that refuse to work, the fuel supply is cut off.
p0422Failure to operate the neutralizing device.
p0443, p0444, p0445Malfunctions 0443, p0444 and 0445 - adsorber regulator, purge is not carried out.
p0480The engine cooling fan device has failed. The power unit may overheat when untimely replacement. Before replacing, you need to check the contacts connecting to the wiring.
p0501-p0504Error 0501 VAZ 2114 and error code 0504 - the speed controller refuses to work. The device needs to be replaced.
p0505, p0506, p0507The idle speed sensor does not work or does not work correctly. Its failure can lead to floating idle speed. Possible engine tripping. The controller itself is tested and the wiring is checked.
p0607The knock controller operates intermittently.
p1135Error 1135 VAZ 2114 - you need to test the oxygen controller.
p6060Processor failure. If the fault remains after resetting the code, then the controller must be replaced.
p2020It is necessary to test the intake flap position sensor.
p1617Error 1617 - Rough road controller, wiring damage.
r1513There is a short circuit in the wiring of the idle speed sensor. It is necessary to test the electrical circuit and check the contacts.
p1602Failures in the voltage supply are detected in electrical network auto.
p0560Incorrect voltage level in the on-board network. This parameter can be overestimated or underestimated. The car battery, as well as the generator unit, are subject to testing.
p1514, p0511The appearance of these errors indicates a problem with a break or short circuit in the IAC (idle speed regulator) wiring. First of all, diagnose the sensor contacts, and then test the circuit, if possible. The sensor itself may also be damaged.
p1303P1303 - A detected misfire of the air-fuel mixture in the third cylinder is reported. The malfunction must be corrected as quickly as possible, since it can be critical for the neutralizer.
p1578Throttle valve malfunction. Literally, the problem stands for “zero adaptation parameter is outside the permissible value.” There are several options to solve the problem. The first thing you need to do is clean the throttle valve. If this does not help, then the throttle is adapted. To do this, you need to activate the ignition, and then start the engine after 40 seconds. Alternatively, you can test and tighten the contact terminals on the throttle.
p1621Malfunction of the RAM, memory problems in the control unit. Detailed testing of the computer is required.
p0650Problems in the control circuit of the on-board computer error code indicator State.
p2135P2135 - operating problems throttle assembly. If replacing the sensor and cleaning the damper did not help, then the problem may have to be solved by flashing the on-board computer.
p2187Lean mixture in internal combustion engine cylinders. Need to get busy detailed diagnostics Problems.

Diagnostics using special equipment

4. Running software for testing

The diagnostic process using special equipment consists of checking the car using a laptop. To connect to the diagnostic connector you will need a cable with an adapter. Using this cable, we connect the computer to the connector via USB output. For testing, you will also need software; the power of the computer used is not important. There are many versions of different testing programs on the Internet.

Diagnostics is performed as follows:

  1. Before starting the inspection, it is recommended to inspect vehicle. Check the volume Supplies- motor oil, brake fluid, refrigerant.
  2. Find the diagnostic connector and connect your laptop to it. If you have a special scanner, then that's even better. But since finding a scanner is not so easy, and buying one is not cheap, you can use a laptop. Before testing can begin, the ignition must be activated. There is no need to start the power unit.
  3. After connection, the testing utility starts. The software interface may vary. When you launch the software, graphs or a list of parameters with numbers may appear. This information will allow you to draw conclusions about the operation of the power unit.
  4. The scan starts. Fault codes will appear on the laptop screen. To decrypt, use the information provided in this article. We could not describe all the codes, but we deciphered those that occur most often. Usually, when downloading a program to a computer, users are provided with a separate file describing the faults.
  5. After decryption, the problem is repaired.