Chinese copy of bmw x3. Chinese counterparts BMW X5, X6 and Infiniti: photo. Design and Specifications

Chinese manufacturers produce a variety of cars - both in quality and in their appearance. It's no secret that some models Chinese car prom are able to compete with the flagships of famous brands. The undeniable advantage of these cars is low price with relatively good quality. But the so-called “clones” of models of world brands are especially popular today. One of these is a car with an unsound name: Shuanghuan Sceo, which has become a copy German BMW x5.

This model was launched in 2006. During this time, she was awarded a variety of expert reviews. But, obviously, she managed to achieve such publicity not because of the outstanding technical properties or unsurpassed appearance: they talk a lot about it only because it is an “analogue” of the BMW flagship. By the way, the Bavarian concern has repeatedly tried to contribute to the introduction of a ban on sales Chinese model, but this did not bring results.

Despite the fact that the model officially received the “status” of an illegal copy, it continues to be produced in China and to this day delight car owners from all over the world. But, in reality, not everything is so smooth. Shuanghuan Sceo has whole line significant shortcomings that confuse many potential buyers, even despite the low price category for its class.

Shuanghuan Sceo – appearance features of the Chinese BMW X5

Visually chinese car This model is very reminiscent of the "format" appearance of the BMW X5. At first glance, it may seem that they have more similarities than differences. But it is not so. Just the same distinctive features of these cars allow us to judge the presence significant shortcomings from the Chinese Shuanghuan Sceo.

First of all, it is worth noting that the Chinese “clone” of BMW has unusual body dimensions and a very strange interior in terms of technical parameters. And of the body parts that make Shuanghuan Sceo as different as possible from a German car, is the presence of atypical headlights and a completely different radiator grille. Considered as a whole, the Chinese model has the following features:

  • Shuanghuan Sceo has obvious problems with the interior. Despite the fact that its external parameters are relatively adequate, specifications characterized by utter primitivism. Not every car owner will be comfortable in such a vehicle.
  • Door handles do not fit into the overall exterior of the car. They are endowed with low quality, even by "Chinese" standards.
  • By appearance rear optics almost identical to the BMW X5, but the front one has significant differences. Some experts even talk about their absurdity.
  • On the side, the Chinese model also resembles the predecessor of the Bavarian flagship, the X3.
  • Model not responding modern requirements ergonomics. Many items are outdated.

And in order to evaluate the features of the driver's zone, it is not necessary to take a car for a test drive. Just look at the detailed photos of the salon. In particular, the car is equipped with a strange steering wheel and extremely uncomfortable seats. All the shortcomings are visible to the naked eye, and already, in themselves, are a kind of anti-advertising of the Chinese “clone” of BMW.

These and many other shortcomings did not become for foreign buyers a significant obstacle to the acquisition of a Chinese model, because in contrast to them there is a low price that cannot be compared with the price of a car of a German concern.

On the secondary market Shuanghuan Sceo 2006-2007 release can be purchased for only 400-450 thousand rubles. Now this car is sold in many countries of the world - however, with varying degrees of success. But there is an official ban on the import of the model into Germany.

Shuanghuan Sceo - technical features: are there any similarities with the BMW X5?

The unfulfilled expectation of many car owners is the fact that Chinese "clones" usually inherit only the appearance of world-famous flagships, while the filling remains "Chinese". Shuanghuan Sceo is no exception in this regard: from the BMW X5 - it has only external parameters. BUT technical features it has the following:

  • Several vehicle options are offered. The maximum of them is endowed good features that fully meet the requirements of modern motorists - climate control, cruise control, reliable system distribution braking force, 4 airbags, power seats and more.
  • The car is equipped with an in-line 4-cylinder Mitsubishi engine, not very modern.
  • Engine capacity - 2.4 liters (for BMW - 3 liters), power - 110 hp. (BMW has 231 hp). Of course, the difference between auto basic configurations is very significant.
  • Many owners complain about excessive consumption fuel for models with a diesel engine;
  • Those who are accustomed to the comfortable driving of a reliable car are unlikely to "taste" the Shuanghuan Sceo operation features.

Despite imperfection technical parameters Chinese model, the car has managed to gain its popularity in the overseas market. Most wanted uses the basic equipment of the car, equipped with engines licensed by Mitsubishi. The materials used, although not of the highest quality, but the assembly, in general, meets all the current requirements.

What is the result?

Shuanghuan Sceo has a number of significant shortcomings, but, nevertheless, this does not prevent the model from being produced for the tenth year in a row and being sold very successfully in many countries around the world. In terms of quality, it is far from its prototype - the Bavarian BMW X5. But the appearance, along with the price, are the parameters that just attract potential buyers of a modern Chinese SUV.

Original VS copy. TOP 10

To be honest, in Chinese auto industry about 10 years ago, few believed. After all, earlier they not only produced clone cars of models famous brands, but the quality of the buckets left much to be desired. The Chinese are successfully getting rid of the last disease and are beginning to reach the level of quality of world automakers, which, by the way, is largely helped by the fact that they, without bothering, buy factories, licenses and technologies entirely, for example, Volvo ( concern Geely bought a Swedish car from an American Ford Volvo in 2010) or MG (since 2007).

But not everyone can get rid of the temptation of the first ailment - the love of imitation of the famous. For example, Great Wall models often look like cars from Toyota, Nissan; Lifan likes to be inspired by Chevrolet and BMW. The Chinese generally idolize BMW - at least they will borrow something ... Therefore, Chinese auto products, by the way, are quite popular in last years in the markets of the CIS, Asia, Africa, the attitude remains biased.

Is it worth it to be so skeptical? Let's find out who looks like whom, and why?

In general, the love of making copies probably came to the Chinese when they captured the world of sneakers and technology. But over time, instead of mending the familiar and beloved by everyone “Abibas”, “Adibas”, Pawasonic, they decided to raise the bar - to make cars. And in this case, as in the case of sneakers, they did not bathe - they licked off the designs of models of other cars. But their works were cheap, and from the original brothers there was only a similarity in appearance. As for the materials of manufacture, technology, safety - all this left much to be desired. The appearance of the Chinese shocked the Europeans and the Japanese - in many "Chinamobiles" they recognized the features of their developments.

And although there are quite a few examples, so to speak, stolen, few have sued the Chinese. The reason is that their legislation is such that it will protect its manufacturer to the last and by any means, by hook or by crook, will get the “copiers” dry out of the water. For example, about ten years ago, the guys from Honda discovered Chinese clone their CR-V. "Double" from Shuanghuan Automobile cost three times cheaper than its original, and the Japanese began to resent this. But the State Intellectual Property Office of China found a loophole - in the court decision they wrote that Honda's patent for the CR-V design had already expired, so there could be no claims, "we don't know anything."

Another well-known precedent is the scandal with the BMW X5 clone named Shuanghuan SCEO. The Bavarians were outraged by such impudence and were able to ensure that the German court banned the sale of Chinese cars of this brand in Germany. And in Italy, the Chinese still won a similar trial and sold their zakos under X5 there.

Well, let's see our selection - originals VS Chinese copies. Who looks like whom and why?

It is often called the Chinese BMW 5. Outwardly and in the interior trim of the M2, there are many elements similar to the “five”. Is it worth it to roll a barrel that they stole the design? Not! The thing is that Briliance does everything honestly. Their cars have been assembled at the same plant with sedans of the 3rd and 5th series in the city of Shenyang (in the northeast of China), since 2003. BMW has been cooperating with Brilliance Automotive Holdings Limited for 11 years (has more than 50% of the shares Chinese concern) and speaks of this manufacturer as a very reliable partner. They have several joint factories, they make BMW cars for the Chinese market at their facilities, and in various models from Briliance you can catch notes and motifs (and this is done with the permission of the partner shareholder).

As for the M2, this is a mid-range bucket, not only more modest in size, but also very far from the BMW 5 in terms of dynamics and handling.

We have already talked about this car. And the Bavarians tried to sue the Chinese. And some experts note that SCEO is simultaneously similar to the BMW X5 or X3, there is inspiration from the exterior Toyota Prado, and inside from Mitsubishi Pajero Sport or Isuzu Rodeo.

The creators of BYD F6 proudly declare that the exterior and interior of their business sedan is the result of the work of their own studio. They say, "We didn't look anywhere." There are no claims from other automakers to the F6, but there are similarities with other premium cars. And most of all BYD F6 looks like a Camry, agree. Just look at the optics! And in the trunk rear lights Chinese can be recognized as a Mercedes S-class. Inside, this car is a mix of Toyota Camry and Honda Accord.

For this similarity, GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Co filed a lawsuit against Chery Automobile Co in 2004. During the trial, it turned out that Matiz and QQ have a lot of interchangeable components. For example, Matiz doors fit QQ model and QQ hood fits Matiz. The purpose of GM Daewoo in filing a lawsuit was to stop Chery from selling the QQ model in China and to prohibit the export of QQ to other countries. Well, as you can see, QQ-shki have not disappeared anywhere.

Technically, by the way, the machines are completely different; engines, despite almost the same volumes, QQ has its own, native, domestic ones.

Well, it looks like, and it looks like, no one dealt with these. Although even from the photo it can be noted that the implementation of the China version is cheaper and simpler.

This Chinese borrowed a lot from the Mazda 3 and Mazda 323. And he has every right to do so! The fact is that Chinese and Japanese corporations work closely together. Haima 3 is, as it were, a cheaper version of the Mazda 3. Here, even the badge on the grille looks like a Japanese “seagull”. And not easy. Translated from Chinese, Haima, like Mazda from Japanese, means “seagull”.

As you already understood, Shuanghuan loves to make copies. In 2007, the Shuanghuan City Mini minicar appeared (aka Shuanghuan Noble, Shuanghuan Bubble, Martin Motors Noble, Martin Motors Bubble) and representatives of Mercedes-Benz tried to sue this company and stop sales of copies Smart ForTwo in Europe. After all, the Chinese also brought this creation to the Frankfurt Motor Show, so that everyone would check it out! Mercedes-Benz executives were shocked and stated in an interview that "City Mini is a vulgar copy of a cult product that is intellectual property." Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel was aware of the matter. Some time after the scandal at the car show, she visited China. There, she spoke at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and called the Chinese propensity to copy "a big problem" for economic partnerships. “If suddenly you see a car that looks like Smart, and then it turns out that in fact it is a copy produced not quite legally, this is very bad,” Ms Merkel said diplomatically.

But the matter was somehow hushed up ...

Here, too, there were no trials, and even the Chinese manufacturer has repeatedly noted that their creation is much better than the American Hummer.

In the city stream, a fleeting glance can be indistinguishable. Motives from the “mini” are present on the 320th, but if you look closely, there are many differences: the shape of the headlights, much larger overhangs, other body panels, five doors, it looks more massive ... The manufacturers themselves say that the Lifan 320 is more like Japanese than European cars, so they don't see the resemblance to the Mini. And you?

In 1999, Chery licensed the Toledo chassis from Seat. Seat Toledo, which, in turn, is a descendant Volkswagen Golf, produced in Spain and Mexico. Hence the similarities Chery Amulet and Seat Toledo.

There are many such examples. In general, everything that is done is done in China (popular wisdom says).

  • , 04 Aug 2014

New Chinese crossovers up to 1,000,000 rubles are stylish, modern and at the same time available model Hanteng X5 from the fledgling Hanteng Autos under control. In our review, the new inexpensive Chinese crossover of 2017-2018, the Hangteng X5, is a photo, price and equipment, technical specifications of the novelty of the Chinese market. The new Hanteng X5 is offered in China with a pair of 1.5-liter gasoline engines (atmospheric 112 hp and turbocharged 156 hp) with a very rich equipment for price from 59,800 to 106,800 yuan (approximately 530-944 thousand rubles).

The new Hanteng X5 is a great addition to the young Chinese brand's first crossover.

I would like to note right away that the compact crossover Hunteng X5 is built on a simple budget platform (rear suspension with an archaic beam on torsion bars) and is offered exclusively with front-wheel drive. A crossover shared a trolley with a new product from Hanteng Autos, the X5 model, and acted as a platform donor for the larger Hanteng X7. We also want to add that the Hanteng novelties are positioned by the manufacturer as luxury versions of Zotye models with a more stylish appearance, better interior trim materials and a rich set of modern equipment.

It is possible that in 2018 Jiangxi Hanteng Automobile Corporation (Hanteng Autos) will try to enter the Russian market with a couple of its crossovers. At least the leadership of the new Chinese automaker announced such intentions.

New body exterior design Chinese crossover The Hanteng X5 is made in the corporate style of the new brand, if, of course, this is the collective image borrowed from many modern SUVs. However, the Hanteng X5 compact crossover has its own “face” and is not a reduced copy of the older Hanteng X7 model.

The front end is attractive, organic and stylish. There are stylish and original headlights with a fashionable pattern of LED daytime running lights (a pair of half rings in each headlight), a compact trapezoidal false radiator grille with a chrome frame and two horizontal bars, a large but neat bumper with a large-scale lower air intake and stylish foglights, housed in trendy sections and accentuated by chrome boomerangs.

Side view of the body of the Chinese compact crossover shows a full range of modern trends automotive fashion: moderately swollen anterior and rear fenders, circular cutouts of the wheel arches, a charismatic rib at the level door handles, organic stamping on the bottom of the doors, a domed roof falling to a coma with a floating rear pillar, a neat feed.

The rear of the body is also not devoid of style and attractiveness, as they say, everything is in its place, and at the same time it is pleasant to look at the crossover from behind. Tidy and compact LED marker lights with 3D graphics, large door luggage compartment with compact glass, a stylish bumper made almost entirely of scratch-resistant black unpainted plastic, complemented by original fog lamp sections.

Despite the fact that we have a pseudo-crossover with front-wheel drive and a modest ground clearance, the bottom of the car body is generously protected by plastic lining (the lower part front bumper, wheel arch edges, sills, door panels and the entire rear bumper).

  • External dimensions The body of the 2017-2018 Hanteng X5 is 4501mm long, 1820mm wide, 1648mm high, with a 2600mm wheelbase and 165mm ground clearance.
  • Front wheel track - 1560 mm, track rear wheels- 1558 mm.
  • Weight of the car in running order depending on the used engine, gearbox and availability additional equipment is 1381-1497 kg.
  • The fuel tank is designed for 48 liters of fuel.
  • For the crossover, only 16-17 inch alloy wheels with 205/65 R16 and 215/55 R17 tires are offered.

The five-seat interior of the new car makes a good impression, even taking into account the hard, tactilely unpleasant plastic present in some places and some flaws in the assembly. The interior is roomy and allows you to comfortably accommodate both the driver and front passenger, and the three sitting in the second row. However, in the rear of the cabin, especially for people with height above average, there will be problems with placement - the ceiling of the roof falling to the stern literally presses on the head (a fee for a stylish and dynamic crossover body profile).

The photo shows the salon itself rich equipment Hanteng X5 with 1.5 Turbo engine and CVT: climate control, leather seats and door cards, electric driver's seat, heated front and rear seats, electric parking brake, 6 airbags, ABS with EBD and BAS, ASR and ESP, front and rear parking sensors, system keyless entry with engine start/stop button, tire pressure sensors, panoramic surround view system, factory anti-theft system with alarm system, rear view camera, panoramic glass sunroof.

Also available in multifunctional wheel with leather trim, digital instrument panel, cruise control, advanced multimedia system with color 9" touch screen(navigation, Bluetooth), 6-speaker audio system, platform for wireless charging smartphones, xenon headlights head light with LED DRL, LED taillights, rear-view mirrors with electric adjustment, heating and automatic folding function, power windows on all doors.

Separately, we want to note the presence of a mass of electronic security systems: a system for monitoring the blind spots of rear-view mirrors, a traffic control system in the lane, an assistant when starting uphill and an automatic parking attendant.

The initial basic configurations of the Hanteng X5 are not as richly equipped as top equipment. Seat upholstery in fabric or artificial leather, 2 frontal airbags, ABS with EBD, central locking with remote control, a simple instrument panel with a monochrome screen on-board computer, audio system with 4 speakers (radio, AUX, USB), air conditioning, halogen lamps in the headlights, power windows and rear-view mirrors.

Specifications Hanteng X5 2017-2018. At the heart of the new Chinese crossover is a budget front-wheel drive platform with a front fully independent suspension(McPherson strut) and rear semi-independent suspension (torsion beam), all-round disc brakes, electric power steering.

For the novelty, two four-cylinder gasoline engines are offered.

  • The initial (model TLE4G15) 1.5-liter atmospheric (112 hp 143 Nm) is paired with a 5 manual transmission.
  • A more powerful (model TLE4G15T) 1.5-liter turbocharged (156 hp 205 Nm) works in tandem with a CVT variator.

We are already accustomed to the fact that many so-called clones come to Russia from Chinese manufacturers. Today we will consider one of these copies of the flagship of the Bavarian concern - the BMW X5. This is an amazing Shuanghuan Sceo car, which has been produced from 2006 to the present day, despite being officially recognized as an illegal copy. Today, the import of this car is prohibited only in Germany, in other countries Chinese brand may well supply its clone.

BMW Corporation has repeatedly tried to challenge the right of this concern to international sales of the car. Despite the obvious similarities and obvious cloning of the appearance from the X5 crossover, the Bavarians failed to ban production and sales. True, and Shuanghuan Sceo could not become successful car in its class, even if sold in some countries to this day. The reasons for such problems with sales and positioning will be discussed below.

We look closely at the photo - features of the exterior of the BMW clone

If you carefully consider the appearance of the Chinese BMW X5, it becomes clear why in most countries the company was defeated in the market. Despite the analogue of some parts to the original Bavarian SUV, the Chinese car has a lot of unpleasant moments that are visible to the naked eye.

Shuanghuan Sceo has a very strange body dimensions and has a surprisingly repulsive interior. The only part of the body that does not resemble a BMW is the front part - the radiator grille and optics in a very strange shape.

In other parameters, the car is identical to the Bavarian prototype:

  • rear optics completely repeats the shape of the X5;
  • Chinese door handles look terrible and make you unwilling to open the door;
  • stiffening ribs on the body lined up exactly like the German prototype;
  • complete chaos reigns in the cabin, the ergonomics of the car have not been worked out;
  • interior taken from different premium cars, but it is not arranged very competently;
  • some moments inner world Chinese jeep look very outdated.

In the cabin, the steering wheel immediately catches the eye, which has very strange characteristics of appearance and ergonomics. It is inconvenient to hold on to it, and even in the photo you can clearly see all the significant shortcomings of the driver's area. Shuanghuan Sceo seats are also not very comfortable.

But buyers in Russia made allowances for these shortcomings, because the car turned out to be very cheap, with at the price of BMW the price tag of a Chinese clone was not even close. But it cannot be said that chinese bmw X5 has become really popular. The car was sold in our country only in 2006 and did not become a cult offer.

Technical part - no trace of BMW engines

Many motorists regret that clones Chinese made take as a basis only the appearance of BMW and other European premium brands. It would be better if they made analogues of engines with the same characteristics, with increased reliability and a large supply of horsepower.

But a copy of the BMW SUV called Shuanghuan Sceo clearly did not take as a basis technical part Bavarian flagship. Under the hood of this car, offered in Russia back in 2006, there were only two power units with dubious specifications. Clone X5 had the following data:

  • power unit basic configurationold engine Mitsubishi for 2.4 liters and 110 horses;
  • the forced unit is also 2.4 liters, but with a potential of as much as 230 horses (the engine turned out to be terrible in operation);
  • a 2.8-liter diesel unit and 115 horses with terrible traction and high consumption;
  • poor dynamics on any engine makes the Shuanghuan Sceo an unsuccessful BMW clone;
  • driving is uncomfortable, so there is no need to talk about the safety of the trip.

The Chinese car turned out to be a very dubious offer for buyers in Russia. Nonetheless, base engine, which the car got from the Mitsubishi concern, was very reliable. The unit comes with japanese box gear, recreated by the Chinese from not too reliable materials, but working quite normally.

Exactly basic version Shuanghuan Sceo has received great feedback from customers. Many have already changed their attitude towards Chinese transport and began to look for profitable opportunities among offers from the Middle Kingdom. But in general, the analogue of the BMW X5 for the Chinese turned out to be very exemplary, to talk about it high quality and popularity is not necessary.

Summing up

Despite the outright failure of the company's initial aspirations, the Shuanghuan Sceo is still produced today. Perhaps soon another generation of this car will come to Russia, which will force many buyers to change their attitude towards Chinese SUVs in better side. Shuanghuan Sceo, with certain modifications, may well become one of the successful market participants.

However, today the car is sold only in China and some Asian countries, where it enjoys relatively low popularity. The main factor in buying a clone is its attractive price. Buy on the secondary market this model in our country it is possible at a cost in the range of 450-500 thousand rubles, which indicates the preservation of the price of Shuanghuan Sceo for a long time.


The Chinese crossovers of the novelty of 2017-2018 were replenished with the new Dongfeng X5 SUV, and in our review of the photo, price and equipment, the technical characteristics of the Dong Feng X5. Official premiere stylish car took place as part of the Guangzhou Auto Show in November 2016 under the hard-to-pronounce name Dongfeng Fengxing Jingyi X5. Sales of the new Chinese car DFM X5 in the Chinese market will start on December 17, 2016 at price 90-120 thousand yuan (835-1150 thousand rubles) for cars with petrol 1.6 (122 hp) and 2.0 (147 hp) engines, front-wheel drive and very rich equipment.

Dongfeng Motor's marketers seem to really like the combination of the number 5 and the letter X in the model name. It is simply impossible to explain in another way the presence in the model line of the Chinese manufacturer of so many cars where these letters are found: Dongfeng Fengxing Joyear X5, also known as Dongfeng Jingyi X5, and in addition new Dongfeng Fengxing Jingyi X5.

How can one not get confused in such a variety of manufactured models is most likely clear only to Chinese manufacturers and motorists. Model line Dongfeng Motor, which includes the brands Dongfeng, Dongfeng Fengxing, Dongfeng Fengshen and Venucia, has about 50!!! cars, many of which are practically twin brothers, and in last resort co-platformers.

This is the case with the new Dongfeng X5 SUV, which is the closest relative Dongfeng crossovers MX5 and Dongfeng AX5. Interestingly, while the appearance of the new Chinese SUV DongFeng X5 is very similar to the exterior design of the body ... no, of course, we are not talking about frank copying, rather imitation of the image german model.

In the presence of rectangles of headlights with a dotted line of LED daytime running lights along the lower edge, a compact false radiator grille, a bumper with pronounced air ducts, a characteristic rib that prescribes the sidewalls of the body at the level of the door handles, the design of marker lights and rear bumper similar to the German.

  • External dimensions Dongfeng body The 2017-2018 X5 is 4515mm long, 1812mm wide, 1725mm high, with a 2720mm wheelbase and 190mm of ground clearance.
  • Standard new SUV equipped with 17" alloy rims with tires 215/60 R17, for a fee large 18-inch wheels with tires 215/55 R18 and light alloy wheels with original design.

The interior of the new Chinese crossover DonFeng X5 is fully 5-seater and can easily accommodate not only the driver and his four companions, but also provide for the transportation of a significant amount of luggage. By the way, there are enough places in the first and second rows to comfortably accommodate five people with a height of more than 180 cm.

The dimensions of the luggage compartment will please 850 mm in height, from 1020 to 1330 mm wide and from 820 to 1690 mm long. The useful volume of the trunk, depending on the position of the split backrest of the second row, varies from 790 to 1690 liters, subject to loading under the ceiling.

The interior is made of budget, but high-quality materials (soft plastic with a pleasant texture, artificial leather) with stylish decorative wood and aluminum inserts.

Equipment modern equipment The new Chinese SUV is traditionally rich for a car from the Middle Kingdom: a multifunctional steering wheel, a dashboard with a large on-board computer screen, an advanced multimedia system with an 8-inch touch screen (music, telephone, navigation, rear view camera), climate control, burnt front and rear seats, power driver and passenger seats, electric hand brake, keyless entry system and engine start button, electric sunroof, parking sensors, LED DRLs and taillights and other nice little things. For example, the 360-degree panoramic view system, the system for tracking objects in the blind spots of the rear-view mirrors and the parking assistant are available as an option.

Specifications Dongfeng X5 2017-2018

The suspension of the SUV is completely independent with MacPherson struts at the front and multi-link at the rear, front-wheel drive by default, all-wheel disc brakes, electric power steering.
Under the hood of the Chinese novelty, it is possible to install one of two four-cylinder naturally aspirated gasoline engines.

  • 1.6-liter (122 hp) paired with a 5 manual transmission or an optional CVT variator.
  • A more powerful 2.0-liter (147 hp) works in tandem with a 6 manual transmission.