Polishing car panels from scratches. A “folk” remedy for removing scratches in the interior. Types of plastic damage

Own car is perceived by most drivers as Small child, which you need to constantly monitor - what if it gets bumped, scratched or gets sick? Fortunately, the car does not require such close attention: it is not able to hit itself, and spontaneous illnesses are quite rare. All that remains is the element of chance, from which no one is safe.

A very common random problem is scratches on the plastic parts car interior Ordinary plastic does not belong to the category of hard materials, so careless handling of keys, falling of various objects in the cabin, even entering and exiting the cabin - all these actions can lead to scratches on the surface of the plastic.

For many drivers, this situation is extremely unpleasant, because the smallest damage is still noticeable and an eyesore, constantly being in plain sight. If we are talking about a serious and deep scratch that runs across the entire front panel, the gloomy look of the car owner will complement this picture. To prevent this from happening, this article will answer the question of how to remove scratches on plastic in the car interior.

Types of plastic damage

First of all, it’s worth figuring out what types of damage to plastic can occur – perhaps not everything is as dangerous as it seems at first glance. Damage to plastic parts in the interior can be classified as follows:

  1. Minor scratches. This type of damage is one of the most common and insidious. A seemingly minor problem can turn out to be much more serious. Yes, a couple of small scratches is a trifle, but when the entire part is covered with such scratches, the interior deteriorates considerably. The good news is that eliminating Not deep scratches can be done cheaply and reliably, even if they cover a significant area of ​​interior plastic.
  2. Deep scratches. A deep scratch cannot be easily removed, so you will have to use more radical methods (we will discuss them further). However, when dealing with this type of damage to plastic, you should not despair - deep scratches can be repaired, and there is no need to replace the entire part to eliminate them.
  3. Damage from sun rays. This type of damage is especially unpleasant for several reasons: firstly, it is not always possible to protect against it, and secondly, ultraviolet radiation causes plastic elements to fade, and work to restore them will require serious effort.

Very often situations occur when different damages are adjacent to each other, creating a very unpleasant picture.

If there are a lot of scratches and faded areas, you should think about major renovation plastic part. In addition, it is worth paying attention to this point: the corrugated surface is practically impossible to quick repairs, and in the case of such plastic there is only one way out - complete renovation damaged surface.

Basic ways to remove scratches

There are several ways to remove scratches from plastic interior parts. The most common of them are:

  1. Removing scratches with a hair dryer.
  2. Smoothing damaged area open fire.
  3. Removing scratches by polishing.
  4. Masking damage with special means.
  5. Major repair of a plastic part.

It is worth talking about each method in more detail.

Removing scratches with heat

We remove scratches from plastic in the car interior! Delete small scratches You can use a regular hairdryer.

The point of such repairs is this: heating the plastic part leads to self-tightening of small defects, as a result of which they become almost invisible.

The process for removing scratches with a hairdryer is as follows:

  • first, the damaged surface is thoroughly washed with detergents;
  • after the panel has dried, a running hair dryer is directed at it, turned on at minimum power;
  • when heating the plastic, you need to monitor its reaction (if the scratches do not heal, then you need to increase the power of the hair dryer or bring it closer to the panel).

If everything was done correctly, then small scratches will disappear quickly enough, and this can be determined visually.

Removing scratches with open fire

You can also eliminate scratches on plastic in the interior using an open flame (most often a regular lighter is used). The process is simple, but requires some skill:

  • to remove a scratch, an open fire is passed along it several times;
  • the scratches will gradually heal, but until the surface cools down, you should not touch the plastic with your hands in an attempt to feel the damage;
  • after exposure to fire, a little soot will appear on the plastic, which is subsequently removed with cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

This method allows you to quickly remove small plastic defects, but it has one caveat: if you can’t eliminate the scratch the first time, then you shouldn’t try again - long-term exposure to open fire on the panel can lead to its deformation and complete loss of its good appearance.

Polishing a plastic part

If you want to restore a plastic part without the risk of damaging it, you can polish it. For this, a special abrasive paste is used, which allows you to painlessly process the plastic part. The process of removing scratches using this method looks like this:

  • first, the damaged surface is washed well with detergents and dried;
  • After this, an abrasive paste is applied to the area to be restored, after which the plastic is polished manually or using a grinding machine.

For polishing, do not use products that are intended for paint coatings. In addition, under no circumstances should you polish a plastic surface. high speed grinding machine - the part may simply melt.

Masking scratches with special pencils

One of the most simple ways To eliminate minor defects on plastic, you can disguise them using special pencils. Of course, the cost of such pencils is quite high, but in this case this factor is fully justified by the result obtained.

The principle of masking scratches in this case is very simple: it is enough to apply the composition to those places where there are defects. As a result, the scratch is filled throughout its entire depth with a special compound, after which it will be impossible to detect it visually.

The main nuance when restoring a plastic surface in this way is that you need to very carefully select the color of the pencil, otherwise a noticeable stain of a different shade will appear on the panel.

Overhaul of plastic

Finally, we cannot fail to mention the most expensive, time-consuming and in a reliable way restoration - major repairs. The difficulty is that for repairs the plastic part must be removed from the interior. The repair is carried out in several stages:

  • after removal, the panel is traditionally washed from dirt and dried;
  • the next step is grinding the surface (unless it is corrugated);
  • Next, the plastic panel must be coated with a primer, and after it dries, use a fine abrasive to bring it to a smooth state;
  • The last step will be painting, and the top layer of paint should be varnished for maximum reliability.

Video: how to remove scratches on plastic in a car


The appearance of scratches on the plastic inside a car is a rather painful topic for many drivers, but it does not pose any particular danger. You should always remember that any damage plastic surfaces can be eliminated- you just need to pick the best way getting rid of scratches and implementing it efficiently. Now we have answered the question of how to remove scratches on the plastic of a car.

It can be a shame when a recently purchased car has scratches and shabby appearance on the plastic elements of the interior. The car is only a few months old, but because of a couple of scratches in a visible place, it seems that the car has been in service for ten years. But there is no need to rush into despair or go to the store to order new plastic; there are a couple of simple methods that allow you to remove or well disguise the results of careless use.

Of course, not everyone cares about scratched plastic in the cabin, and in general, what’s going on in it, the main thing for them is that the car drives. But for many, especially those who bought new car, such things really piss me off. The easiest option is to take the car to a service station and into the hands of professional craftsmen. They will either restore or replace damaged plastic elements. However, this option is also the most expensive. But for aesthetes, such a sacrifice is justified, especially if the plastic originally had a pattern or complex texture, corrugation, then restore the original appearance will not work.

How to disguise scratches

For corrugated plastic elements, there is one way to restore the appearance yourself - using a special masking pencil. But this is only if the scratches are small. A pencil does not sound like what the instrument actually looks like. Essentially, this is a container with special liquid. The difficulty in using a pencil is precise selection colors, it can be difficult to guess and get into tone. This liquid fills the scratch, solidifies in it, and merges with the background of the plastic. That's it, the scratch doesn't catch the eye.

Masking scratches on plastic with a hairdryer

Before starting the procedure, be sure to wash and degrease the area that is planned to be restored.

If the plastic is smooth and the scratches are shallow, you can use a hair dryer to remove them. A powerful household device will do, but it’s better, of course, to get hold of an industrial model. The restoration process using a hairdryer is quite simple; the mechanics of this action are based on the property of plastic to soften when heated and, like water, to independently tighten small irregularities. The main thing here is not to be too zealous in heating, so that the plastic does not accidentally leak. It is better to have a magnifying glass through which you can carefully observe how the plastic softens.

Removing scratches with a lighter

If you are extremely economical and your self-confidence is off the charts, then you can perform this operation using a regular lighter. The principle is the same, we heat the plastic, it softens and heals scratches. But you should take into account the specifics of the method, since an open flame has a slightly different effect on the surface. It’s better to practice on similar pieces of plastic first to be more confident. Just in case, move a fire extinguisher from the trunk to prevent a tragedy from happening.

Every car enthusiast wants his vehicle to look respectable and attract the attention of others. To this end, cars are regularly washed and cleaned, but is this always enough or is more serious intervention necessary?

If the car is new, then it should not have serious damage, but over time, the same interior gets worn out, and scratches appear on the plastic trim elements. Eliminating them is easy, just have them on hand necessary tools and materials. You will learn in just a few minutes what these include and what methods exist for restoring plastic.

Removing scratches using a hair dryer

There are several ways to remove scratches from the inside of a car, including plastic, but when choosing the option that is most suitable for you, you should always take into account the depth of the damage. So, for example, to eliminate minor scratches A construction hair dryer is perfect, but if you don’t have one on your household, you can also use a regular household appliance for drying your hair. The operating principle of this method is extremely simple: under influence high temperature outgoing air, the edges of small defects melt a little and stick together, thus tightening the scratch.

If you don’t know how to remove scratches on a car dashboard, then this will come in handy in this case too. hair dryer. However, before heating the area of ​​interest, the plastic must be washed thoroughly, thereby removing all contaminants (it is better to use detergents). Preliminary cleaning will remove scratches from accumulated dirt and dust, which will facilitate their rapid healing under the influence of heat.

After the panel is dry, turn on the hair dryer at minimum power and point it at the area in need of restoration. If after some time you do not see any changes, then you need to increase the exposure temperature by switching the device mode.

Note!When repairing scratches on the plastic of a car using a hair dryer, you should not hold the tool at only one point, as this can cause overheating of the plastic and will only worsen the situation.

Having performed all the steps correctly, you will see how minor damage quickly heals, and if the scratches were deeper, then in the future it will be easier to remove them using a special polish. You can touch the surface only after it has cooled completely.

We use a lighter

Another way to remove scratches on plastic by heating the damaged surface is the “open fire” method, which involves using lighters. However, in this case, all actions are performed doubly carefully, since there is a serious possibility of damage to the coating.

What is required of you? Briefly hold the lighter to the plastic and run the flame along the scratch several times, observing the condition of the material. After this, wait until the plastic has cooled completely, and then find a cotton pad, soak it in alcohol and remove the soot that the flame left behind. If after the first procedure the damage does not disappear, then it makes sense to look for another way to repair scratches on plastic.

Important!The described method of dealing with scratches on plastic interior elements will be effective only when you are dealing with a smooth surface. If we are talking about a part with a “bumpy” texture, then it is better not to use it, since there is a possibility of its distortion, which will negatively affect the appearance of the plastic.

The simplest and in a safe way eliminating defects in the interior vehicle is polishing the damaged area using special abrasive compounds. In this case, to remove scratches from plastic parts of the car, you should use only products specifically designed for working with soft plastic. Pastes intended for paint and varnish coatings cannot be used.

Polishing can be done either manually or using a grinding machine, while ensuring that the minimum speed is maintained. There is nothing complicated here, and even a fragile woman can cope with the task.

Repairing damage to plastic parts of the car takes place in the following sequence:

1. Wearing rubber gloves, wash the work surface thoroughly, Special attention areas with old dirt stains and a lot of dust.

2. Dry the material and apply abrasive paste to small scratches.

3. Now take a small sponge or piece of foam rubber and start rubbing the product into the damage. In order for the paste used to work, it must be left for some time (the exact timing is described in the instructions for use).

After the composition turns white, you can begin direct polishing. Leftovers abrasive paste cleaned in a circular motion with periodic removal of accumulated dust.

At the end of this “plastic operation”, you need to wash the plastic panel again. Only this time act even more carefully so as not to contribute to the appearance of new damage and scratches.

It should be noted that polishing plastic will not completely remove all scratches, but will only refresh the appearance of the material. In addition, it is completely inappropriate on a rough and matte surface, and thresholds and door holdings cannot be repaired (they are immediately replaced with new parts).

Did you know? The history of plastics begins in 1855, when the English metallurgist and inventor Alexander Parkes created a new substance called “parkesine” (later “celluloid”). The opening was presented to the general public at the Bolshoi International exhibition, held in London in 1862.

When looking for an answer to the question of how to remove scratches from car panels and other plastic parts of the vehicle, it is worth considering the option of masking them. Modern market can offer you quite a lot of tools to achieve the desired result, but one of the most popular is a special pencil. Of course, it cannot be called the cheapest way to deal with damage to plastic interior coverings, but you always have to pay for quality. Moreover, one such pencil will be enough for you several times, so once you spend the money, you will get a rather profitable purchase in the future.

A similar product for removing scratches from plastic is a small container with a special composition inside, which, when applied to the damaged area, completely fills the scratch, making it invisible to others.

Note!When choosing a pencil, special attention should be paid to its color, since it must completely match the shade of the panel. Otherwise, you will not be able to get the desired result, and it is likely that existing damage will become even more noticeable.

If the panel of your vehicle has a standard color (black or gray), then there is nothing to worry about, because choosing the right marker is not a problem. As for the repair actions themselves, they are performed in the following sequence: after thoroughly cleaning the damaged areas, the scratches are covered, and after the applied composition dries, the excess product is removed using the above polishing. This will help further hide defects by perfectly leveling the surface.

Scratch removal wipes

You can polish a plastic coating either using abrasive compounds or using special wipes that perform several functions at once. Firstly, they perfectly clean the surface, and secondly, the special polish that is included in the product makes them a manual analogue polishing machine . In addition, there are wipes that work on the principle of heating and polishing: the surface plastic element

heats up and the scratch heals. Interesting! First in the world plastic car appeared in 1942, thanks to the efforts of Henry Ford. The developer received an official patent for his brainchild, which, according to his idea, was supposed to become a cheaper analogue of a car with a metal body. This idea was never realized in mass production

, but this does not in the least prevent various automakers from periodically presenting concepts or even test batches of models made from such an unusual material.

While everything is more or less clear with minor damage, not everyone knows how to remove deep scratches on the plastic of a car. It will no longer be possible to get by using only the methods described above, and for a high-quality result you will have to prepare additional materials. First of all, you will need a small piece of plastic that is ideally suited to the characteristics of the area being repaired. It can be taken from inner surface

plastic (from partitions), so you will not cause any damage to the design of the parts.

Then the resulting part of the material should be dissolved in dichloroethane or any other similar solvent (the choice depends on the type of plastic). The resulting solution is carefully applied to the scratch, and while the surface being repaired has not hardened, it is given any desired shape and texture. Removing scratches yourself is not the only possible variant

their elimination, since in many workshops and even car washes the grouting of such damage is done much better, and you don’t have to pay a lot of money for it.

Subscribe to our feeds at Everyday use of plastic objects inevitably leads to the appearance of defects on their surface. To eliminate scratches, chips, abrasions, and other damage to the material, it is worth finding out how to polish the plastic. With the help of simple and accessible methods it is quite possible to cope with the problem on our own

without seeking help from specialists.

Selecting Plastic Polishing Solutions

To choose a suitable remedy for eliminating defects on the surface of plastic, it is worth assessing the complexity of the damage. Depending on this, in the future you will need to give preference to one or another polishing method.

  • Work can be done in the following ways:
  • mechanical;
  • thermal;

chemical If the plastic is covered with small scratches, a delicate touch will help. hand polishing

using chemical abrasives. This is where special substances for polishing coarse and fine grains come in handy. When you have to deal with fairly deep damage, thermal effects on the material, as well as rough mechanical grinding, will eliminate the problem.

grinding wheel

If you need to save a little money, a piece of felt can serve as an alternative to a special sanding attachment. A piece of material must be rolled into a roller and inserted into the drill chuck. felt is quite effective. The only thing required to achieve the expected result is reliable fixation of the material. Otherwise, the felt will jump off the drill, causing a whole lot of trouble during the work process.

Using toothpaste

To polish plastic, it is not at all necessary to spend money on purchasing specialized chemical compositions or resort to surface treatment using an electric tool. Using ordinary toothpaste as an abrasive can eliminate tarnishing of the material and remove small scratches from its surface. The use of such an affordable household product makes it possible to restore plastic products to their former shine. As practice shows, it is especially effective

The polishing process involves the following:

  1. Surfaces are cleaned of dust and dirt. Any household item is used here detergent, which has a neutral chemical composition.
  2. The plastic is degreased, rinsed and dried.
  3. Toothpaste is applied to a clean flannel cloth. Surfaces are polished in a circular motion in one direction.
  4. The resulting slurry is washed off. The operation is repeated.
  5. Remains of toothpaste are removed with a damp sponge. The plastic product is wiped dry.

Heat treatment

How to polish plastic whose surface contains enough deep defects? To do this, it is worth heating it with a hairdryer, which will greatly simplify the subsequent grouting of damage.

To ensure uniform cleaning of plastic products, large areas are treated with a hot air stream. As the material melts, the scratches will gradually heal. You should use the hairdryer carefully so as not to overdo it, because excessive heat can cause the plastic to become deformed.

Resorting to this method, you should not expect complete, rapid disappearance of defects. It is enough to heat until the edges of the scratches on the plastic begin to melt slightly. Then you must immediately proceed to grouting them using a grinding wheel or manually using abrasives.

Plastic polishing paste

Ideal for removing abrasions, chips and scratches on the surface of plastic. There are several types of this product. Each of them has a different grain size. Therefore, the main thing here is to choose the correct number of the substance, based on the nature of the existing defects.

For rough, rough grinding, a substance with index 4 is suitable. This GOI paste, the price of which is about 200 rubles for a container of 100 grams, will allow you to remove large damage to the material. In this case, you will have to resort to surface treatment mechanically using

To eliminate medium damage, a product with index 3 is suitable. The presented GOI paste, the price of which is up to 180 rubles, is ideal solution If grouting is necessary, textured scratches are sufficient.

As for final polishing, it is worth using a paste with an index of 1 or 2. These products are the least abrasive and are an ideal solution for finishing surface grouting.


How to polish plastic to perfect condition? To do this, you should use a special polish designed to work with the presented material. It is recommended to apply the substance to the surface in a thin, uniform layer. To make the surfaces smooth and shiny, just rub the polish thoroughly with a piece of flannel cloth or a soft sanding attachment. Such a seemingly insignificant nuance will allow you to consolidate the result obtained, regardless of the method that was used to eliminate defects from the surface of the plastic.

It is worth noting that polishes do not protect against moisture and water. Over time, they simply wash off. Therefore, if tarnishing of the plastic is noticed some time after treatment with polish, the surfaces should be wiped of dirt and re-coated with the substance. This approach will avoid the appearance of new defects and preserve the shine of the product for a long time.


So we figured out how to polish plastic with my own hands at home. As you can see, to do this you just need to use ordinary available tools, as well as available means, which can easily be found on sale. Thanks to a combination of polishing methods and a competent approach to the task, you can bring back to life any plastic object that has noticeable defects on its surface.

Polishing products yourself allows you to save a decent amount. With a little practice, based on the above methods, you can learn how to efficiently restore plastic items not only for yourself, but also for friends and family.

Plastic in modern world surrounds us everywhere, be it car panels, window sills, sunglasses or mobile phone. The distribution is due to the fact that it is light in weight and easy to handle. Nevertheless, it is susceptible to damage, so sooner or later the question arises of how to remove scratches from plastic on this or that thing.

Most often, damage can appear on car parts, for example, the dashboard or doors, this may be due to the careless placement of keys, phones and other objects on it. It's also quite easy to scratch glasses that have a plastic base when they are carelessly placed on a table or in a bag.

How to remove scratches from glossy plastic at home

To remove scratches on plastic, use one of the following express methods:

  • Apply a few drops to the damaged surface machine oil, then thoroughly polish it using flannel cloth. It is worth noting that the plastic should not be painted, otherwise this type of polishing is unlikely to give significant results.
  • An indispensable product in every household is GOI paste; it can also help in solving this problem. It is enough to apply it to the fabric and thoroughly rub the substance and the plastic base.

GOI paste copes with almost all scratches on plastic surfaces.

  • Good results are obtained by using special felt-tip pens that can mask a scratch on a painted surface; in addition, you can use textile paint for this purpose. Finally, the damaged area must be treated with a paste containing wax.
  • Hardware stores have a special dye that removes scratches on glossy surfaces. It is applied to the desired location using a thin brush or toothpick, and after drying, polished with a cloth soaked in machine oil.

If you cannot remove the scratch, try other methods:

Heating with a hairdryer. Quite a simple solution to the problem, hot air quickly levels the plastic surface and eliminates even the smallest defects. Removing scratches occurs as follows:

  • remove debris and dirt from the part of the plastic being processed;
  • clean using sandpaper with a not too coarse mesh;
  • remove dust with a damp cloth and degrease the surface;
  • then heat the plastic by pointing the hairdryer turned on at it to a temperature of 300 degrees;
  • it is important to move the device in the direction of the scratch, without stopping in one place, to prevent streaks from appearing;
  • when the surface heats up, leave it alone for 15–20 minutes;
  • Finally, priming and painting of the plastic element is required.

Polish using a special product that can be purchased at an automotive supply store.

  • First, clean the areas where the scratch is located using a soapy solution.
  • Dry the element.
  • Apply the paste using a sponge and leave to act for the period specified in the attached instructions.
  • After waiting for the paste to acquire a light shade, proceed directly to polishing. It is allowed to use both a special device and ordinary sandpaper;
  • After shaking off the dust from the surface, evaluate the result of the work.

Pencils used to paint over scratches on a plastic surface can fill in the damage and make them invisible to the eye:

  • first carefully select the shade of the pencil so that the scratch becomes truly invisible;
  • then wash the plastic and dry it;
  • Now shade the scratch with a pencil, and after drying, remove the excess and polish the surface.

How to remove deep scratches on plastic

To remove deep scratches on plastic that completely spoil the appearance of any thing:

  • melt a small piece of plastic that will be exactly the same as the area being repaired;
  • dissolve it in White Spirit;
  • now that the substance has taken liquid form, rub it into the crack;
  • Finally, polish the surface.

Special products hide deep scratches.

Large damages on the plastic base can be removed by applying special remedy Displex, which is sold in hardware stores, packaged in tubes.

It is worth noting that this substance contains microparticles of a plastic nature, so they most accurately fill deep scratches and make them invisible to others.

As a rule, Displex copes well with deep damage, but in the case when all influences are ineffective, it makes sense to turn to specialists. For example, if the scratch is inside the car, use a special damage removal service that most car washes offer.

How to remove scratches on a plastic window sill

COSMOFEN 10 perfectly restores the shine of glossy plastic surfaces.

A plastic window sill, of course, is in many ways superior to its wooden counterparts, but scratching it is easier than ever. There are often cases when damage is caused by an awkwardly moved flower pot or by a housewife who cleans it using a brush with stiff bristles. It is worth noting that scratches can become a source of additional dirt that gets into them, and removing it will not be too easy.

Of course, the ideal option would be complete replacement window sill to a new one. But if this method does not work, try to remove the damage yourself:

Using sandpaper you can remove all uneven surfaces from the windowsill.

  • if you plan to treat small scratches, then you can immediately apply this product to them;
  • in cases where deep damage requires removal, their surface must first be cleaned with sandpaper.

It is worth noting that waxing gives excellent results, because it tolerates sunlight and water well. It also has the ability to repel dirt, protecting the surface of the window sill.

How to remove scratches from transparent plastic

Transparent plastic is no less susceptible to scratches than matte or colored plastic. As a rule, there may be many objects in the house that have a surface made of such plastic. Quite often the plastic lenses of glasses, most often sunglasses, get scratched. It should be noted that such damage can impair vision and simply make their use uncomfortable.

Small scratches on transparent plastic can be removed using available means:

  • Jewelry polish. Apply to glass and then polish with a microfiber cloth.
  • Mixing Vaseline and wood polish can remove scratches from clear surfaces. It is important to continue polishing until all traces of Vaseline have disappeared.
  • A paste that removes scratches from computer disks works well; it is applied to the surface of glasses using a microfiber cloth.
  • Glass cleaner and glass abrasives do a good job of dealing with this kind of damage. In addition, they will perfectly help solve the problem of fogging.

Removing scratches from plastic surfaces is a task that every person faces sooner or later, because objects made from this material fill every home and surrounding area. It is worth emphasizing that removing minor damage is quite possible at home, while deeper damage is best removed using professional means or the help of specialists.