Lubricant for internal CV joints on autodocs. CV joint lubrication: which one is best for your car. Is it possible to lubricate the CV joint with lithol?

Hello, dear car enthusiasts! To become an expert in the field of lubricants used in automobiles, you do not need to graduate from higher education institutions.

To do this, you only need to be interested in what type of lubricant is suitable for which unit and know the frequency of its replacement. If you don’t lubricate it, you won’t go! This old and wise truth was born at a time when horse-drawn transport They started installing the wheels.

What craftsmen have not used for lubrication. To begin with, it was animal fat. Well, the lubricants that we use, made from oil refining, have been in use for just over one hundred and fifty years.

Any component or mechanism of a car that involves the mutual influence of various elements on each other needs lubrication.

Parts are lubricated for a specific purpose:

  • reducing friction between parts and minimizing surface wear;
  • reducing the load on parts, reducing the resistance caused by the same friction force;
  • protection of elements from corrosion and aging.

Owners front wheel drive cars You should become very familiar with this type of oil refining product such as CV joint lubricant.

CV joint lubrication - let's get to know each other better

These are special mechanisms. In order to establish uniform transmission of rotational motion from one axle shaft to another, inventors and designers had to rack their brains a lot.

As a result, we have a CV joint. A reliable and durable mechanism, but its service life directly depends on the availability and quality of the lubricant.

A hinge that has an outer and inner race, as well as a set of balls between them, is very similar to bearings. Everyone knows that choosing the right lubricant for hinges is very important.

For CV joints this is doubly important, because their elements experience enormous loads. Considering the importance of the unit, specialists have developed a lubricant that is intended exclusively for these mechanisms.

On the shelves of car dealerships you can find viscous material in hard or soft packaging with the inscription “CV joint grease 4”. Every driver should know that only special lubricant and no other is used to lubricate CV joints.

CV joint lubrication - technical specifications

The special purpose of the CV joint requires that special lubricants be used for it. The hinge in its work experiences Various types loads, sudden changes in work intensity and temperature fluctuations.

In this regard, for CV joint lubrication, specifications must be such as to provide the hinge with optimal conditions in any operating mode.

The CV joint 4 lubricant on the market and other types of lubricants for joints have the following properties:

  • high strength, which allows the lubricant to be reliably held on working parts;
  • sufficient viscosity allowing the substance, even with high temperatures do not pass into a liquid state of aggregation and do not drain;
  • excellent anti-scuff characteristics that prevent the appearance of scuffing at the point of contact of parts;
  • good anti-corrosion properties to protect parts from corrosion;
  • high adhesion for a strong molecular connection of the lubricant with the working surface and water-repellent properties;
  • excellent mechanical and physico-chemical stability, which allows the lubricant to retain its properties as a result of prolonged use

What else does a driver need to know about CV joint lubrication?

One of the most hotly debated issues that concerns car repair and CV joints in particular is related to how often it is necessary to change the lubricant.

  • ease and simplicity in production;
  • CV joints provide uniform motion;
  • Excellent maneuverability on slippery surfaces.

But at the same time, front-wheel drive cars have a significant drawback - the transmission mechanism wears out quickly. To extend the service life, you should use a special lubricant for the components. Modern manufacturers offer a variety of lubricant materials. In order not to get confused and confused in the offered assortment, you need to know which lubricant for CV joints is better.

Attention! In addition, for a high-quality replacement of lubricant, you need to know how much lubricant is needed for the CV joint.

Requirements for lubricants for CV joints

The lubricant used in automotive mechanisms reduces friction of parts, which consequently prevents wear. Lubrication reduces the load on the mechanisms, makes them rotate more freely, and this allows the car to drive smoothly. Another positive aspect of lubrication is the reduction of fuel consumption and transmission losses vehicle.

Modern lubricants are an excellent rust preventative. When rust appears in the CV joints, empty cavities appear, due to which transmission efficiency decreases, and a knock is clearly audible when cornering. Thanks to lubrication, corrosion does not occur, CV joints last a long time, and the motorist does not spend money on buying new parts.

Important property The lubricant used is gentle on organic and synthetic polymers. Since CV joints are protected from dirt and dust by rubber or plastic boots, the lubricant composition should not affect them.

Variety of lubricants

Manufacturers are constantly working to improve lubrication for CV joints. Over a long period since the advent of front-line and rear wheel drive Many different formulations have been developed. Each of them did an excellent job with its main function - reducing loads and friction in transmission parts. But some of them negatively affect polymer compounds and do not have an anti-corrosion effect. What lubricant should I use for the CV joint?

Attention! To choose the optimal lubricant, you need to know what types there are and the features of each of them.

Modern manufacturers make the following types of lubricants for outer and inner CV joints:

  • lithium;
  • based on molybdenum disulfide;
  • barium;
  • mineral.

Lithium compounds

The most common and popular compounds are lithium. They are used for automotive mechanisms that are subject to increased loads, for example, for travel control. This material has a yellowish color and viscous consistency, made from a lithium solution, which is pre-foamed in an organic acid. The lower the temperature, the thicker the composition becomes and the harder it is to spread on the parts. This type of material perfectly prevents wear of parts, as it greatly reduces the load on the drive. In addition, they have a moisture-proof effect on parts and eliminate dust and dirt that gets inside.

Despite all the advantages of lithium compounds, not all of them can fight against pitting of CV joints. Auto mechanics recommend systematically checking the drive system every 50 thousand kilometers. The exception is the lithium-based product Litol-24. Experts recommend changing it after 100 thousand kilometers.

Lithium-based compounds do not affect most polymers used to make CV joints. But several automobile manufacturers Anthers are made from high-strength organic plastic. Litol and its analogues dissolve organic materials. When using such products, you should carefully read the instructions for them; it will indicate what means to use to protect them.

Today, the world leaders in the production of lithium compounds are Russian manufacturers. Abroad, preference is given to more modern technologies. Nevertheless, foreign lubricants for CV joints “XADO”, RENOLIT and others are still on sale famous brands.

Compositions based on molybdenum disulfide

The new generation of lubricants are compounds made on the basis of molybdenum disulfide. Unlike other types, these compositions provide reliable protection car mechanisms from corrosion. Tests show that after 100 thousand kilometers, CV joints do not have serious damage. But still, experts recommend replacing the lubricant after one hundred thousand kilometers or every five years.

Compositions based on molybdenum disulfide provide reliable protection of mechanisms from friction, and low content organic acids are not aggressive to the surface of polymers. Despite all the advantages, compositions of this type have one significant disadvantage - it loses its properties when moisture gets into the CV joint, and the consequence of this is destruction of the mechanism.

Therefore, when using products based on molybdenum disulfide, it is necessary to do a monthly preventive inspection of the anthers. In addition, there should be extraordinary inspections after driving on bad roads or after impacts on the bottom of the car.

Manufacturers of such compounds recommend using them in any car. When choosing a molybdenum disulfide-based lubricant, you should not be guided by price. Often, low-priced products are better than high-cost materials. An excellent option is the domestic CV joint lubricant-4, and among foreign analogues, experts recommend using Liqui Moly, ESSO, BP.

Barium-based lubricants

Barium compounds for CV joints have become an alternative to lithium and lubricants based on molybdenum disulfide. The main advantage of barium products is their high moisture resistance. You can also note such advantages of barium-based lubricant as anti-corrosion properties and a neutral chemical composition that is not aggressive towards anthers. Minus barium lubricants is low resistance to frost temperatures.

Attention! Compositions containing barium have not yet become widespread, as they have sufficient high cost. Among domestic products, we can note ShRB-4, its foreign analogues are much more expensive.

Mineral compositions

Mineral compounds for CV joints provide reliable protection against corrosion and moisture. They perform excellently regardless of temperature. The lubricant is made from synthetic substances, lithium thickener, tackifying agents and rust inhibitors. Leader among mineral compositions is a lubricant for Chevron CV joints.

How to change the lubricant

To change the lubricant in CV joints, it is necessary to dismantle chassis cars. To do this, you need to remove the supports and ties, then move them to the sides shock absorber struts and remove the part.

To press lubricant into the CV joints, it is necessary to divide them into two parts - internal and external. Immediately lubricate the internal part; to do this, it is separated from the drive mechanism. To prevent damage to the part, shallow notches should be applied to the body and support, which then need to be matched.

Then you need to use a thick rag or paper napkins to wipe the car to remove the old lubricant and apply new lubricant. After this you can proceed to lubrication external CV joint. It also needs to be cleaned of dirt.

Many motorists have a question: how to wash the CV joint from old grease? Experts recommend using by special means, and do not use soap or car shampoo for this. The washed parts should be wiped with a napkin and filled with lubricant. After that outer boot The CV joint with lubricant is installed back on the car.

Another logical question is how much lubricant should I put in the CV joint? The weight of the lubricant for the CV joint needle bearings is approximately 115 g, and for the external unit - 135 g. This can be determined visually as follows - on the outer part of the part the lubricant should slightly extend beyond its limits, and on the inner part it should not reach the edge by about 0.5 cm.

How to fill the CV joint with grease can be seen in the video:

Grease for CV joints ensures normal operation of the equal joint angular velocities, reduces the level of friction, increases the efficiency of the mechanism and prevents corrosion on the surface of individual parts of the hinge. Many drivers are interested in a natural question - what lubricant to use for CV joints? We have collected for you information and comparative characteristics of lubricants presented in stores, which we bring to your attention. The material also provides practical information on their use, as well as reviews and personal experience the use of 6 popular lubricants by some car owners.

You will learn about such aspects

  • Types of lubricants used for angular velocity joints

What is a CV joint, its functions and types

Before we move on to talking directly about lubricants, let’s take a closer look at CV joints. This will be useful to find out what properties The lubricant for the “grenade,” as the CV joint is popularly called, must have a lubricant, and what composition should be used in this or that case. The purpose of the hinge is to transmit torque from one axis to another, provided that they are at an angle to each other. This value can be up to 70°.

In the process of their evolution, the following types of CV joints were invented:

At large angles between the axes, the efficiency of the hinge decreases. That is, the value of the transmitted torque becomes less. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid significant loads with wheels that are too turned out.

A feature of any angular velocity joint is high shock loads. They occur when starting a car, climbing hills, driving on uneven roads, and so on. By using special lubricants CV joints all Negative consequences manages to neutralize.

The service life of modern constant velocity joints is quite long (provided the boot is sealed) and is comparable to the service life of a car. The lubricant is changed when replacing the boot or the entire CV joint. However, according to the regulations, CV joint grease must be replaced every 100 thousand kilometers or once every 5 years (whichever comes first).

Properties of lubricants for constant velocity joints

Due to the difficult operating conditions of the mentioned joints, CV joint lubrication is designed to protect the mechanism from negative factors and provide:

  • increasing the coefficient of friction of the internal parts of the hinge;
  • minimizing wear of individual parts of the CV joint;
  • reduction of mechanical load on the components of the assembly;
  • protection of the surfaces of metal parts from corrosion;
  • neutral reaction with rubber seals hinge (anthers, gaskets) so as not to damage them;
  • water-repellent functions;
  • durability of use.

Based on the requirements listed above, the lubricant for the outer or inner CV joint must have the following characteristics:

  • a wide temperature range, allowing the composition to be used at critical temperatures (modern CV joint greases are capable of operating at temperatures from -40°C to +140°C and above, this range depends on the specific brand of lubricant);
  • high degree of adhesion (the ability to adhere to the working surface of the mechanism, simply put, stickiness);
  • mechanical and physico-chemical stability of the composition, ensuring constant performance characteristics of the lubricant under any operating conditions;
  • high anti-scuff properties, ensuring the proper level of sliding of lubricated working surfaces.

Thus, the characteristics of the lubricant for CV joints must fully comply with the given list. Currently, the industry produces several types of such compositions.

Types of lubricants for CV joints

Lubricants are produced based on various chemical compositions. Let us list and characterize the types currently used.

LM47 lubricant for CV joints with molybdenum disulfide

Lithium CV joint greases

These are the oldest lubricants that began to be used immediately after the invention of the hinge itself. They are based on lithium soap and various thickeners. Depending on the used base oil Greases can range in color from light yellow to light brown. They are good suitable for use with medium And high temperatures. However at low temperatures they lose their viscosity, therefore the level of protection of the mechanism is significantly reduced. It is even possible for the hinges to tap during extreme cold.

CV joint grease with molybdenum

With the development of technology, the use lithium greases has become largely ineffective. Therefore, the chemical industry has developed more modern lubricants based on lithium soap, but with the addition of molybdenum disulfide. As for the lubricating properties, they are approximately the same as those of lithium analogues. However, a feature of molybdenum lubricants is their high anti-corrosion properties. This became possible thanks to the use of metal salts in their composition, which replaced some of the acids. Such compositions are absolutely safe for rubber and plastic, from which some CV joint parts are made, in particular the boot.

Usually, when purchasing a new boot, it comes with a disposable bag of lubricant. Be careful! According to statistics, there is a high chance of running into a fake. Therefore, before using the lubricant, check its consistency by pouring a small part of it onto a sheet of paper. If it is not thick enough or is suspicious, it is better to use another lubricant.

A significant disadvantage of molybdenum-based lubricants is their fear of moisture. That is, if even a small amount of it gets under the boot, lubricant with molybdenum turns into abrasive with the ensuing consequences (damage internal parts CV joint). Therefore, when using molybdenum grease necessary regularly check the condition of the anthers on the CV joint body, that is, its tightness.

Some unscrupulous sellers say that joint lubricants with a molybdenum additive restore the damaged joint. This is wrong. If a crunching noise appears in the CV joint, it must be repaired or replaced at a service station.

Popular products from this series in our country are lubricants "CV joint-4", LM47 and others. About their advantages, disadvantages, as well as comparative characteristics we'll talk below.

Barium grease ShRB-4

Barium lubricants

This type of lubricant is the most modern and technologically advanced today. Lubricants have excellent performance characteristics, chemical resistance, are not afraid of moisture and do not interact with polymers. They can be used as a lubricant for outer and inner CV joints

The disadvantage of barium lubricants is decline their properties at negative temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to replace it after every winter. In addition, due to the complexity and manufacturability of production, the price of barium lubricants is higher than that of lithium or molybdenum analogues. A popular domestic lubricant of this type is ShRB-4.

What lubricants should not be used

CV joint is a mechanism that works in difficult conditions. Therefore, to lubricate it, you cannot use any compounds that come to hand. In particular, CV joints cannot be lubricated:

  • graphite lubricant;
  • technical petroleum jelly;
  • “Grease 158”;
  • various hydrocarbon compositions;
  • compositions based on sodium or calcium;
  • compositions based on iron and zinc.

Use of lubricants at low temperatures

Many car owners living in the northern regions of our country are interested in the question of choosing CV joint lubricants that would not freeze in severe frosts (for example, -50°C...-40°C). The decision must be made based on the information provided by the manufacturer. This is very important, not only for lubrication of CV joints, but also for other oils and fluids used in cars in the north.

Before driving in severely cold conditions, it is strongly recommended to warm up the car thoroughly so that the mentioned oils and fluids, including CV joint lubricant, warm up and reach a working consistency. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the mechanisms will work with increased load, and as a consequence - their premature exit out of service.

According to reviews from car owners living in the far north or close to them, domestic lubricants and lubricants have proven themselves to be quite good. However, we will touch on the choice of lubricants a little later.

Replacing lubricant in CV joints

The procedure for replacing lubricant in constant velocity joints, as a rule, does not cause difficulties even for inexperienced car enthusiasts. First of all, you will need to remove the CV joint from your car. The sequence of actions will directly depend on the design and device of the machine. Therefore, it is impossible to give specific recommendations. You should also know that hinges can be internal or external. The principle of their operation is radically different. Without going into details of the designs, it is worth saying that the basis of the outer CV joint is balls, and the basis of the inner CV joint (tripod) is rollers or needle bearings. The inner CV joint allows large axial movements. To lubricate internal and external hinges use different lubricants . We will carry out an example of replacement using a tripod CV joint, as the most popular option.

Before replacing CV joint grease, you need to know how much of it you will need. You can find this information in your car's manual or on the Internet. However, these requirements are often neglected and the tripod “glass” is filled to the brim.

When the CV joint is in your hands, the immediate replacement procedure is performed in accordance with the following algorithm:

Lubricant level for CV joint in the “glass”

  • Disassembling the case. Often the body is fastened with two retaining rings (rolled). Accordingly, in order to disassemble it, it is necessary to remove these rings using a flat-blade screwdriver.
  • Removing the boot And o-ring. After performing this simple procedure, it is necessary to check the integrity of the boot. If necessary, buy a new one for future replacement.
  • Next you need get everything internal mechanisms hinge and disassemble them. Typically, the tripod itself is held on the axle shaft by a retaining ring, which must be removed to dismantle it using a screwdriver.
  • Rinse thoroughly everything in gasoline or solvent internal parts(tripod, rollers, axle shaft) in order to remove old grease. The insides of the body (glass) also need to be cleaned of it.
  • Apply some lubricant(approximately 90 grams, but this value differs for different CV joints) into a glass. We will deal with the issue of choosing a lubricant for the tripod a little lower.
  • Place the tripod on the axle into a glass, that is, to your workplace.
  • Add the remaining amount of lubricant on top on an installed tripod (usually tripods use about 120...150 grams of lubricant). Try to apply the lubricant evenly by moving the tripod axis in the body.
  • After you lay required amount lubricant for the tripod CV joint, you can begin assembly, which is done in the reverse order to dismantling. Before tightening the rings or clamps, lubricate the grooves for them with “Litol-24” or some similar lubricant.

Replacing the lubricant on the outer CV joint of the VAZ 2108-2115

Replacing the lubricant on the inner CV joint

As you can see, the replacement procedure is simple, and any car owner with basic plumbing skills can handle it. The main question that needs to be answered before performing this procedure is which CV joint lubricant is better and why? In the next section we will try to answer it.

Application of lubricants for CV joints

Due to the difference in the design of internal and external constant velocity joints, technologists recommend using different lubricants for them. In particular for internal CV joints The following brands of lubricants are used:

  • Mobil SHC Polyrex 005 (for Tripod bearings);
  • Slipkote Polyurea CV Joint Grease;
  • Castrol Optitemp BT 1 LF;
  • BP Energrease LS-EP2;
  • Chevron Ulti-Plex Synthetic Grease EP NLGI 1.5;
  • VAG G052186A3;
  • Chevron Delo Greases EP;
  • Mobil Mobilgrease XHP 222.

  • Liqui Moly LM 47 Langzeitfett + MoS2;
  • Very Lube LITHIUM LUBRICANT FOR CV joints MoS2;
  • Mobil Mobilgrease special NLGI 2;
  • BP Energrease L21M;
  • XADO CV joint;
  • Chevron SRI Grease NLGI 2;
  • Mobil Mobilgrease XHP 222;

The best lubricant for CV joints

We found reviews from real consumers on the Internet about common lubricants for CV joints, and then analyzed them. We hope that this information will be useful to you and will help answer the question - which lubricant is best to use for CV joints. Reviews are presented in the form of tables, the sequence of mentions indicates their popularity, from most to least popular. Thus we got the TOP 5 best lubricants for CV joint:

Domestic lubricant CV joint-4

Lubricant produced by several Russian enterprises. It was invented for use in the first Soviet SUV, the VAZ-2121 Niva. However, later it began to be used in front-wheel drive VAZs. In addition to use in ball bearings external CV joints The grease can also be used to lubricate carburetor parts, telescopic struts, and clutch bearings. CV joint-4 is a mineral lubricant based on lithium hydroxystearate. Her temperature characteristics: operating temperature - from -40°С to +120°С, dropping temperature - +190°С. The price of a tube weighing 100 grams is $1...2, and a tube weighing 250 grams is $2...3. Catalog number - OIL RIGHT 6067.

Liqui Moly LM 47 Langzeitfett + MoS2. The lubricant is in the form of a thick plastic liquid of a dark gray, almost black color, produced in Germany. The lubricant contains a lithium complex (as a thickener), a mineral base oil, a set of additives (including anti-wear), and solid lubricating particles that reduce friction and wear. Used in outer CV joints. In addition, it can be used in the maintenance of power tools, printing and agricultural, construction machines for lubricating threads for guides, splined shafts, highly loaded hinges and bearings. Operating temperature - from -30°С to +125°С. The price of a 100 gram package is $4...5 (catalog number - LiquiMoly LM47 1987), and a 400 gram package (LiquiMoly LM47 7574) will cost $9...10.

Positive reviews Negative reviews
Well, in general, the product is normal, I recommend it. The tube is convenient, like a hand cream, the lubricant is squeezed out easily, and does not have any specific smell.All these lubricants LM 47 Langzeitfett, Castrol MS/3, Valvoline Moly Fortified MP Grease and a bunch of other similar ones are the complete analogue of our Russian-Soviet CV joint grease, which is littered with the shelves of all stores and which, thanks to mass production, costs a penny. I would never buy any of these imported lubricants, as they are clearly overpriced.
High-quality lubricant, proven manufacturer, perfectly lubricates parts. Compared to the lubricants I had used before, I was pleasantly surprised by this lubricant.

RAVENOL Mehrzweckfett mit MoS-2. Lubricants trademark RAVENOL are produced in Germany. Molybdenum disulfide used in the lubricant allows you to extend the life of CV joints and reduce their level of wear. The grease is resistant to salt water. Use temperature - from -30°C to +120°C. The price of a 400 gram package is about $5...6. In the catalog you can find this product under number 4014835200340.

CV joint MS X5

CV joint MS X5. Another domestic representative. Consistency class according to NLGI - ⅔. Class 2 means penetration range 265-295, Vaseline-like lubricant. Class 3 means penetration range 220-250, medium hardness lubricant. It should be noted that categories 2 and 3 are used mainly for bearing lubrication (in particular, category 2 is the most common among greases for passenger transport). Grease color is black. Thickener - lithium soap. The X5 complex used reduces friction in the bearing. Even if the boot is damaged, lubricant does not leak. Temperature range from -40°С to +120°С. Dropping temperature - +195°C. The price of a tube weighing 200 grams is $3...4. You can find it in the catalog under the number VMPAUTO 1804.

XADO for CV joints. Produced in Ukraine. Excellent and inexpensive lubricant. Is used for external CV joints. Does not contain molybdenum disulfide. Color - light amber. Distinctive feature- the presence in its composition of revitalizant - a substance that can significantly slow down wear and changes in the geometry of parts operating under load. Can be used not only in CV joints, but also in other components and mechanisms. Lubricant consistency class according to NLGI: 2. Temperature range from -30°C to +140°C (short-term up to +150°C). Dropping temperature - +280°C. The price of a tube weighing 125 grams is $6...7, the price of a cylinder weighing 400 grams is $10...12. The catalog code is XADO XA30204.

Positive reviews Negative reviews
The best lubricant for CV joints and bearings today. After use and driving the first 200 km, bearing noise actually decreases. I recommend!I don’t believe in these fables... I’d rather save money for good CV joints.
There is nothing wrong with this lubricant. That's for sure that it won't do any harm!!! But don’t expect the impossible from her!!! If it doesn’t restore it, it will stop the wear!!! Proven!!!Many, many thousands more people believe that XADO will heal their bearings and joints... everything will heal and be restored... These people run to the store for lubricant. and then to the store for a new unit... At the same time, they are vigorously rubbed into their heads: well... 50/50, which will help... And the person continues experiments for his own money.

STEP UP grease- high-temperature lithium with SMT2 for CV joints. Produced in the USA. Used in both external and internal CV joints. Is high temperature grease, her temperature regime from -40°С to +250°С. Contains SMT2 metal conditioner, lithium complex and molybdenum disulfide. The price of a can weighing 453 grams is $11...13. You will find it under the number STEP UP SP1623.


Carry out the procedure for replacing the constant velocity joint lubricant in accordance with the regulations established by the manufacturer of your car. remember, that it’s much cheaper to buy CV joint lubricant than to repair or replace the hinge itself due to its damage. So don't neglect this. As for the choice certain brand, then we advise you not to chase imaginary benefits and not to buy cheap lubricants. As a rule, you can buy a quality product for reasonable money. We hope that the above information was useful to you, and now you will make the right decision on which lubricant is best to use in the CV joint of your car.

What is a constant velocity joint (CV joint)? From a mechanical point of view, it is a rolling bearing with a small number of balls. Typically there are three in small cars, and six in larger transmissions.

The fundamental difference from a conventional ball bearing is the operating conditions. Open body, freedom of movement of the clips relative to each other, different ratio of the diameters of the balls and clips.

Accordingly, the maintenance of these units differs from classical bearings. Traditionally, CV joint 4 lubricant or similar compounds are used.

This consumable is designed specifically for automotive industry, article corresponds to TU 38 201312-81. This type of grease is placed in the axle shafts on the conveyor and is offered freely for routine maintenance.

Characteristics and use of CV joint lubricant using the example of different mechanisms

Why is the usual method not suitable for constant velocity joints? liquid oil, as in gearboxes or transfer case? The design of the hinge does not allow filling this unit with lubricant even to the middle.

There is no crankcase; the outer casing is a rubber or composite boot. The tightness is ensured by clamps, and the oil will simply flow out under the influence of centrifugal force.

Despite the fact that in the gearbox (or in the gearbox rear axle) there is liquid oil, its crankcase and the CV joint cavity do not communicate with each other. Therefore, mixing lubricants is excluded.

Types of hinges:

  • ball - the most common and universal design;
  • Tripod CV joints are used in domestic (and some foreign) cars with inside, where the joint bend is minimal;
  • crackers are used on trucks: they are characterized by high torque and low angular rotation speed;
  • cam-disk joints “digest” monstrous torque and operate at low speeds;
  • CV joint replacement – ​​twin cardan shaft(lubricant is only inside the crosspieces).

During operation, the crossing angles of the shafts can reach 70°. The specifications of the grease must ensure normal joint performance.

  • reduction of the coefficient of friction on contacting surfaces;
  • increasing the wear resistance of the hinge;
  • due to antifriction additives mechanical losses inside the unit are minimized;
  • extreme pressure properties (perhaps the most important characteristic): scuffing index not less than 550 N;
  • protection of CV joint steel parts from internal corrosion;
  • zero hygroscopicity: when there is a temperature difference, condensation can form, which does not dissolve in the lubricant;
  • water-repellent properties (from moisture penetration through damaged anthers);
  • chemical neutrality towards rubber and plastic parts;
  • durability of use (lubricant replacement involves a large amount of work);
  • neutralization of the abrasive properties of dust and sand that gets inside the hinge (for obvious reasons, oil filter cannot be used);
  • wide temperature Range: from -40°C (ambient temperature) to + 150°C (normal CV joint heating temperature);
  • high dropping point;
  • strong adhesion to retain lubricant on the surface when centrifugal force splashing;
  • preservation of the intended characteristics during short-term overheating, and return of viscosity indicators after cooling to operating temperature(welding load is at least 4900N, and critical load is at least 1090N);

For the internal CV joint, the technical characteristics may be less demanding, but usually the same composition is used in both “grenades”. It's just that the outer CV joint requires more frequent oil changes.

Types of greases for joints

CV joint 4 lubricant has long become a household name, although the composition different manufacturers is different.

CV joint 4M

The most popular is CV joint lubricant with molybdenum disulfide (actually GOST or TU CV joint 4M). This additive provides excellent anti-corrosion properties due to the presence of metal salts that neutralize the acid.

This property is especially useful in case of loss of boot seal. An obvious break is easy to notice, but a loose clamp is practically not diagnosed. However, the lubricant itself begins to lose its properties when exposed to moisture.

Molybdenum disulfide does not affect rubber or plastic, and does not react with non-ferrous metals.

The notorious Suprotek lubricant for CV joints simply restores smooth surface, new metal does not increase. Lubrication with molybdenum additives tolerates low temperatures well. Even at -50°C, the hinge turns confidently and does not jam due to thickened oil.

Barium additives

The most durable and technologically advanced. There are a lot of imported (expensive) options, but for thrifty drivers there are domestic version: CV joint lubricant for tripod ShRB-4

This advanced composition is in principle not afraid of moisture. Even if liquid gets through a damaged boot, the lubricant properties will not deteriorate, and the hinge metal will not corrode. Chemical neutrality is also at a high level: the anthers do not tan or swell.

The only problem with barium additives– reduction in quality when low temperatures. Therefore, in the conditions of the Far North, use is limited. For the middle zone, during short-term frosts, it is recommended to warm up the joint at low speeds. For example, maneuvering in a parking lot.

Lithium greases

The oldest option, which arose along with the CV joint. Lithium soap is used to thicken the base oil. They work well at medium and high temperatures and have strong adhesion.

Quickly return characteristics after short-term overheating. However, when sub-zero temperatures the viscosity increases sharply, to the state of paraffin. Accordingly, the working layer breaks and the hinge begins to wear out.

Is it possible to lubricate the CV joint with lithol?

Trying to figure out which lubricant is best for CV joints in the middle lane, drivers are looking at Litol-24. Despite the lithium additives, this composition is not suitable for constant velocity joints.

The only way to use it (taking into account affordability) is to “stuff” the unit after replacing the torn boot, and go to the place of repair. Then wash the joint and fill it with the correct lubricant.

To determine which lubricant is best to use for CV joints, I recommend watching this video

The principle “you can’t spoil porridge with butter”, in in this case does not work. Information on how much lubrication is needed in the CV joint is in technical documentation no to car. The principle is as follows:

  • the hinge cavity is filled grease completely, without the formation of air bubbles;
  • then the part of the assembly that is covered by the boot is coated;
  • put the boot on and lightly squeeze it with your hands: excess lubricant is squeezed out along the axle shaft;
  • After removing it, you can crimp the clamps.

“Extra” grease when the joint heats up can tear the boot.

How to wash a CV joint from old grease - video

Some car enthusiasts do not know the names of car components. Therefore, during the repair process or during communication with service specialists, difficulties may arise. CV joint is a joint of angular velocity.

There are two types:

  • external - for rotating the wheel hubs directly;
  • internal - to transmit torque from the engine to the wheels.

Components of the unit

The unit has been known to mankind for a long time and is indispensable in cars. The design is simple and proper maintenance will serve reliably and for a long time.

CV joint components:

  • body - in the form of a bowl;
  • clip with oil - located inside;
  • separator - annular hole;
  • six balls - like in a bearing.

For trouble-free operation of the device, it is required timely service. Since the unit contains rubbing parts, they need to be lubricated for the following purposes:

  • reducing friction;
  • reduce wear;
  • reducing the load on rubbing parts;
  • protecting metal from corrosion.

Oil does not last long and should be changed periodically. But questions arise:

  1. Which mixture should you choose?
  2. How to do it?
  3. How much mixture should I fill into the CV joint?

About lubrication

Each vehicle component has its own operating and maintenance features. Before purchasing anything, you should read the instructions and find out the recommended lubricant.

Lubricant selection

If the manufacturer does not indicate which lubricant to use for CV joints, then you can use universal remedy. You should choose carefully, since the device is operated under serious loads.

For your information!

All lubricants are made from petroleum. Beware of fakes.


  • This is required to keep the substance on the surface of moving parts even at high temperatures. The oil features:
  • stability of characteristics under changing conditions;
  • anti-corrosion properties;

the ability to retain its original characteristics for a long time.

When to change the lubricant Replacement of the viscous substance in CV joints is carried out in:

  • following cases
  • with a unit mileage of over 100 thousand km;
  • when replacing the assembly boot;

when replacing the CV joint itself.

  • The amount of lubricant required when replacing is indicated:
  • in the car's operating manual - not always;

always on the packaging.

Disassembling the unit and lubricating it

Disassembly of the internal CV joint (TRIPOD)

Attention! Remember the locations of the parts of the assembly. Make marks. Everything should go back to its place, especially the balls.

  1. Parsing algorithm for replacement:
  2. Unscrew the hub nut.
  3. Discard the balls.
  4. Loosen the inner CV joint boot.
  5. Bend the posts.
  6. Get the part.

Remove the retaining ring.


Attention! Prepare materials in advance to remove old grease. Solvent must not be used.

The removed parts must be cleaned to a shine. It is advisable to use paper to remove old grease, and a towel for final cleaning and polishing.

  1. Algorithm for lubrication of parts during its replacement:
  2. Fill the bottom of the grenade with the mixture.
  3. Assemble the hinge.
  4. Install the retaining ring.
  5. Drive in the axle.
  6. Check that the TRIPOD marks match.
  7. Pour the mixture into the entire assembly.

To get the lubricant out, put a small amount of it in the boot.

  1. Disassembly of external CV joint
  2. Press down on the ball separator.
  3. When pressing tightly, you can knock through a plastic or wooden part.

Remove the retaining ring.

When taking out the balls, you need to remember their places. For this, a cardboard with holes is useful; you need to insert them there so that when you return, you don’t mix up the places.

  1. Lubricant replacement algorithm:
  2. Clean all parts from old substances.
  3. Rinse and dry.
  4. Inspect parts for damage.
  5. Place the lubricant in the glass.
  6. Lubricate the cage and insert the balls exactly into place.
  7. Insert the clip into the glass and secure the separator.

Remove excess grease.

Remember! The external unit will require 120-150 grams of oil, the internal one - 100-130 grams.

For clarity, you can use the video:

Indiscriminate replacement You can replace the lubricant in the CV joint without removing it. To do this you need:

  1. Remove the CV joint itself from the car.
  2. Insert the tip of the tube and press the oil into the assembly.
  3. Press the tube tightly and wait until the color of the substance changes to fresh.
  4. Wipe the part, removing excess substance.
  5. Put the part in place.

Attention! This method has one drawback - a thin layer of old substance remains on the walls of the parts inside.

There is no need to rush to use the lubricated unit when driving. Costs rotate the assembly in place while the car is suspended on jacks. This is necessary to evenly distribute the lubricant over the parts.

Attention! On a car with an automatic transmission, with the wheels hanging, the pressure in the system will quickly drop.

The replacement process is not that complicated and if you have a minimum set of tools and skills, you can easily do it yourself. This will save money and allow you to get a better feel for the car. And remember quality replacement CV joints cannot be lubricated without removing them. If it is not possible to remove the assembly, then it is better to go to a car service center and see specialists.