Effective fuel saving methods. Tricky ways to save fuel - technical devices and driving style, choice of gasoline, gas station and additives. Technical preparation for economical driving

High price fuel is prompting motorists to look for ways to reduce transportation costs. There are ways to save on gasoline, despite the ever-increasing prices.

Basic saving methods

You can reduce fuel consumption different ways. Some of them are legal and safe, but some involve some risk, which must be kept in mind.

  • participation in special programs from gas stations. All existing networks gas stations offer attractive bonus programs. They consist of providing customers with discounts in the amount of 1-3% of the amount spent on gas station services. By purchasing a company bonus card, the client will be able to save a small amount monthly, which is approximately 2-3 thousand rubles in year;
  • the use of oils and additives that reduce gasoline consumption. These products are sold to specialized stores and reduce fuel consumption by reducing friction of parts. This way you can save up to 10% on gasoline costs. Over the course of a year, the savings here will be approximately 4 thousand rubles;
  • using tires with maximum level pressure. To reduce gasoline consumption, it is better to choose summer tires with a pressure of 2.5 atmospheres and winter ones with an indicator of 2.2. By simply replacing your tires, especially on smooth roads, you can save money. thousand rubles in a year;
  • improving your own driving style. As you know, with a smoother ride and a soft start, noticeably less fuel is consumed. The same applies to braking - the fewer jerks that occur at these moments, the lower the cost of gasoline will be. Warming up the car for a long time will also help reduce gasoline consumption when you start driving. In the cold season, it costs at least 3-5 minutes to warm up the car. By constantly adhering to this rule, you can save about 7 thousand rubles.

By using the methods listed above, you can achieve annual savings of up to 10 thousand rubles. Compliance with these rules does not carry any risks and is available to any car owner.

How to save on gasoline: additional tricks

A not very reliable, but popular way to reduce the cost of using a car is to buy so-called “left fuel”. It is offered for sale illegally: gasoline allocated for work needs is drained and then sold by truckers, truck drivers and other persons who have access to fuel. By purchasing such a product, car owners save up to half of their costs - they can cut costs by 30-40 thousand rubles per year. The risk in this case will be very high, since when purchasing gasoline from hand, you can get low-quality or diluted fuel, which is very harmful for the car. In this case, only the owner will be responsible for possible breakdowns.

If the cost of refueling your car is increasing, it may be worth checking its technical condition. Increased fuel consumption is often the result of a malfunction of one or more parts.

Replacing spark plugs or gaskets, installing new meters or repairing the chassis helps reduce consumption. Of course, savings can only be achieved if a breakdown has occurred. The main risk in such a situation is high costs for inspection and maintenance, which will cover the resulting savings.

Reducing the weight of the transport itself by ridding the car of any kind of rubbish will also help to slightly reduce costs. The function of passive economy will also be provided by refueling at a certain time of the day - pouring fuel into the tank at the coldest time of the day will ensure slightly lower fuel consumption.

Savings for legal entities

For legal entities accounting for the fuel used is not a matter of economy, but of principle. A company with a large or small fleet may well encounter the fact that employees “save” in the way described in the previous section. You can automate the accounting of gasoline expenses, while receiving special conditions from fuel companies, using fuel cards.

A fuel card is a plastic card, the principle of operation is no different from a debit card, but the units of calculation for payment are gasoline, calculated in liters. Like a bank card, a fuel card has a PIN code to confirm transactions.

A fuel card, as a tool for controlling gasoline costs, allows you to get rid of the preparation of separate documents - transactions on the card will be displayed in Personal account client on the website of the fuel program supplier, where you can also find the addresses of the gas stations where drivers refueled their cars.

Total savings on fuel costs when using fuel programs (in our case from leasing companies) it can reach a third of their amount.

  • You can save up to 6 rubles per liter thanks to a VAT refund.
  • Up to 5% savings thanks to fuel consumption control.
  • You can save up to 3% by searching among the nearest gas stations with the lowest price.
  • 2-3% discounts are provided by partner gas stations.

When leasing a car, any leasing company will prompt you to use the fuel program.

A vehicle is quite an expensive item to maintain. If troubleshooting and periodic inspections are something that cannot be avoided, then the only way to reduce car costs is to save fuel. More on this later in the article.

By using a number of methods, car owners can reduce gasoline consumption by 15-60 percent, and we are not talking about chip tuning. As practice shows, most of the fuel is burned in vain. Let's consider what needs to be done to ensure that gasoline is used only for its intended purpose. True, the recommendations below are relevant only for those motorists who are confident in good technical condition your car. The bottom line is that many undetected faults provoke increased consumption fuel, so they must be eliminated.

don't accelerate

Each sharp press on the gas pedal increases gasoline consumption tens of times. And it doesn’t matter - in the city or on the highway, when accelerating, starting or reaching the highest speed. A motorist can drive powerful cars for many years and never press the accelerator pedal to the floor. And on the contrary, quite often, when driving cars with a weak 1.2-1.6 liter engine onto a normal highway, we begin to press the pedal to the floor, go close to the “maximum speed” in order to get to our destination faster.

If you often go into this mode and drive hundreds of kilometers in this style, then the consumption of any car increases catastrophically - up to 17-18 liters of fuel per hundred kilometers. Speed ​​generally sharply increases fuel consumption, and this is understandable - air resistance increases. Moreover, its increase does not occur in direct proportion, but in fact in geometric proportion.

It is worth noting that the economy mode for modern car- in fifth gear, naturally - depends on power and volume power unit. On average it is 60-90 kilometers per hour.

correct gearshift shifting

When driving an automatic transmission, only one thing depends on the driver - press the gas pedal as smoothly as possible, and the box switches itself. It is worth saying that the fuel consumption of cars with an automatic transmission is 10-15 percent more than that of cars with a manual transmission.

Many drivers ask and even write it down on paper and stick it on the “dashboard” - at what speed, what gear to engage? “At 20 kilometers per hour the second, at 40 - the third and so on.” This is all nonsense, since these figures depend on the power unit, car brand, road slope and other factors.

It is better to use a universal formula, which is much easier to remember: we use the first gear for starting, the second for acceleration, the third for overtaking, the fourth for driving around the city, the fifth for driving on the highway.

tire pressure

Automotive scientists have calculated that reducing the pressure in all tires by at least 0.1 atmospheres increases fuel consumption by 2-3 percent. As you know, there are no tires that will not wear out over time. Even on Rolls-Royce and Ferrari. The only difference is that “Bridgestone” on “super rims” needs to be pumped up on our roads once a month, and “Taganka” on rims of VAZ cars - once a week.

But to distinguish a tire with a pressure of 2.0 atmospheres from 1.2 atm. Not everyone can see it by eye, but a car owner with such flat tires will spend an extra 150 rubles at each gas station. If you wish, you can save more on tires by keeping the pressure at 2.5 atmospheres, but then the movement will be slightly uncomfortable: minor irregularities on the road will be felt more. At a pressure of three atmospheres or more braking distances increases sharply.

Increasing tire pressure is very dangerous on slippery and wet roads. IN winter time this method is simply unacceptable, since the cost of restoring a car after an accident will be several times higher than the savings on fuel.

car energy unloading

Air conditioning increases fuel consumption by approximately 15%. Rear window heating is approximately 5%. Included far, near, additional light, “stove” - by another 10-15%. Only one low beam can give an increase in consumption of up to one hundred grams of fuel per hundred kilometers.

choose the weather for travel

If you have the opportunity not to drive in rainy weather, do not drive, since water resistance consumes fuel a little less than oncoming air flow. Especially puddles, even minor ones - they generally slow down the car as if it were in rear bumper someone is holding. Therefore, if you are planning to travel somewhere far in the rain, be prepared that you will have to pay 15% more for fuel than usual.

reduce idle speed

Ask a mechanic at a car service center to reduce the engine idle speed from the standard 900-1000 to 500-600. It is advisable to do this after running the vehicle, that is, after 15-20 thousand kilometers. This will not cause harm to the power unit, but it will significantly reduce consumption. And in big cities, where you constantly have to stand in traffic jams, this is very important. The main thing is that the power unit works stably at idle speed and did not stall during sudden release of the gas, turning on the air conditioner or other powerful electrical load, during braking and squeezing the clutch pedal.

When driving, the car windows must be closed

If you are really interested in saving fuel, then remember that lowering the windows creates air turbulence, which increases the rolling resistance of the car, and therefore fuel consumption. Not much, about one and a half percent, but if such driving is practiced every day... Therefore, if your car works effectively forced ventilation, blowing and there is no particular need to expose your face to the wind, keep the windows up.

load the car correctly

On a long journey, every extra kilogram luggage compartment- This is approximately one extra kilometer. Well, as for the roof rack, it generally increases fuel consumption by 10-15%.

Fuel saving devices

It seems that technological progress has reached the most incredible areas of our lives. Just recently, it was difficult for us to even imagine that the market would be crowded the widest range various kinds of technical tricks that are responsible for reducing the car’s appetite.

One popular know-how that has emerged in the last few years is the engine ionizer. According to the developers, the design in the shape of a small cylinder improves the performance of the power unit and reduces the amount of harmful impurities, thereby reducing fuel consumption. But experienced car enthusiasts claim that the engine ionizer is a new, expensive, interesting, but very dubious thing.

Some people notice that after installing the ionizer, the motor, even at low speeds, begins to work better. True, this does not affect the savings. In addition, if the ionizer is installed incorrectly, a short circuit and even a vehicle fire may occur.

The ignition amplifier is an older device. And its use is questionable precisely because the invention is so old. Ignition boost did indeed occur on older cars. However, modern automotive industry leaves no need to use of this device. If you decide to try it anyway this device, then it must be selected carefully. Certain models They overheat very quickly and cannot stand the voltage. As a result, the engine stalls every 15-20 minutes.

Another fashionable automotive “gadget” is a cavitator. Cavitators are capable of breaking down the fuel composition, thereby improving the performance of the power unit. Splitting with the help of a cavitator occurs as follows - an alternating change in pressure makes it possible to turn liquid into vapor only in certain zones. As a result, the fuel burns completely and the engine power increases. However, you can only talk about real savings if you drive at least a thousand kilometers by car every day. Otherwise, the purchase of the cavitator itself will take a very long time to pay off.

Saving fuel on a car with magnets

Neodymium magnets have become a fairly common tool recently. The principle of their operation is that a magnetic field is capable of splitting the fuel composition into elementary particles that burn better in the engine, allowing fuel consumption to be saved by 20 percent. In practice, at best, a neodymium magnet will turn out to be a useless device, and at worst, it will seriously damage the car’s electronics.

How does the quality of gasoline affect its economy?

Try to use high-quality fuel. This is a very important saving factor. For example, it is not recommended to use 92-grade gasoline; it is advisable to give preference to 95-grade gasoline. Of course, the latter is about five percent more expensive, but at the same time it makes it possible to save 10-15 percent on fuel. It is also not recommended to visit unverified gas stations, as they may fill you up with low quality fuel. This may lead to breakdown and the need for repair of the vehicle. Consequently, consumption will also increase.

What are the benefits of a diesel engine?

The advantage of diesel engines is their low fuel consumption. It is actually 30 percent smaller compared to gasoline power units. You will immediately notice that you have become a rare guest at the gas station.

From 15 to 60% savings on gasoline. This is exactly how much you can get if you apply all the methods I listed in this article. It's amazing how much gasoline we burn in vain literally out of the blue.

Find out how many extra liters YOU spend!

Method number 0: Visit the service

Out of competition.

Increased fuel consumption can be caused by a number of breakdowns. Everything written in this article assumes that your car is in good working order.

Visit the service regularly.

Method No. 1: Reducing Cx

Cx is the coefficient aerodynamic drag. How bigger car It looks like a bar of soap, the smaller it is.

For example, Gelendvagen, Cx=0.55:

Lada Priora, Cx=0.32:

Toyota Prius, Cx=0.25:

Racing car: Cx=0.16:

“Well, okay, I see. What should I do with my Gelendvagen? Should I use a sledgehammer to hit sharp corners?”

We won’t tap the corners, but removing some of the unnecessary stuff is a good idea. Here is a useful sign:

If you've forgotten the last time you used your roof rack, why not remove it?

And why every third person damages their car with a fly swatter, I will probably never understand. You can try to “enlighten” me in the comments.

Method No. 2: Reducing vehicle weight

Well, this is understandable: less mass - less consumption.

Check if you are carrying unnecessary things with you ( Baby chair, winter tires and cylinders with “anti-freeze” in summer).

Have you decided to install additional sound insulation? Remember that it will increase the weight of your car by 50-100 kg and consumption by 0.4–0.7 liters. That is, you will pay for sound insulation for the entire service life of the car.

In countries with excellent roads, it is wise to remove the spare tire. True, I heard that new cars there are not equipped with it anyway. In Russia, such a “trick” can hardly be called successful. I don’t know how the roads are in Ukraine.

Method #3: Change your driving style

For some, there are endless savings opportunities here (and according to the boring German Traffic Safety Council - up to 25%).

What is the most economical driving style?

Ask your grandfather: smart speed selection, smooth acceleration and braking. You also need to take into account the operation of traffic lights and the road situation in general. In a nutshell: the less often you use the brake, the less consumption.

Method #4: Choose your travel time wisely

If you're stuck in a traffic jam, you're wasting gas.

Maybe it makes sense to go with a reserve? Maybe even at 6 am? Yes, you will arrive earlier, but you will save time and fuel, and the remaining hour can be devoted, for example, to reading Lifehacker.

I also don’t poke my nose into the center on weekdays. I save up all these things and do them in one fell swoop on Sunday, when the roads are much clearer.

Method #5: Choose your route wisely

Lifehacker regularly publishes articles about navigators. Many navigators are equipped with a traffic jam warning function. On other days, this can save you several hours of time and a couple of liters of gasoline.

By the way, friends, it will be great if you write your favorite service in the comments. I'm just looking at this topic.

Method #6: Use cruising speed on the highway

Cruising speed is the speed at which fuel consumption is minimal. Most often it is achieved by last transmission at a speed of 2-2.5 thousand rpm.

The more powerful the car, the higher the cruising speed. For my “asphyxiated” Ford Fiesta (83 hp), this speed is approximately 90 km/h.

An increase in speed above cruising speed will inevitably lead to an increase in consumption. How much? Let's take the VAZ 2105 as an example:

  • 80 km/h - 7 l per 100 km
  • 100 km/h - 11 liters per 100 km (.

Very often the cruising speed is indicated in the car’s service book. Look, maybe you have it listed there too.

Method #7: Choose the right gears

As I already said, fuel consumption is minimal when the tachometer shows 2-2.5 thousand rpm. Try to always choose a gear so that you can move at exactly these speeds.

IN modern cars Sometimes a special prompt is installed, which signals when it is necessary to switch up or down. At the end of the trip, such a car can even give you an “environmental rating.”

If you have an automatic, then, of course, you don’t have to think about the selected speed.

Method number 8: Selecting tires

Some tires consume more fuel, others less. The difference can reach 0.5 liters per 100 km. Agree, a lot?

Choosing economical tires, rely not on the manufacturer’s data, but on real tests conducted by all leading auto publications.

Method number 9: Do not install wheels with a larger radius

Many people put larger radius wheels on their cars, for example, R16 instead of R14. Of course, we can agree that the car looks “cooler” this way:

But, unfortunately, you will have to pay for this by increasing costs.

How long?

I have not found reliable data, but there is a belief that 1 cm of radius adds 1 liter per 100 km to the consumption. Quite a lot.

Method #10: Correct tire pressure

I won't advise you to overinflate your tires. Yes, this will reduce consumption, but at what cost? It makes more sense to inflate them to the highest level recommended by the manufacturer.

It says that reducing pressure from 2.0 kg/sq. cm up to 1.5 kg/sq. cm leads to excessive fuel consumption by approximately 3%.

Monitor your tire pressure. Or pay in rubles.

Method No. 11: Buy a heated garage

Warming up your car in winter is not easy, and while it is warming up, precious gasoline is burning. A heated garage can solve this problem at its root.

Method No. 12: Get a discount card

You will laugh, but I’ve been stopping at the same gas station for years, and I thought of registering there discount card only recently. It took me 5 minutes. Now I save 3% on each refill. I'm sure most major chains have something similar.

Bad Method #1: Turning off electrical appliances

Of course, if you turn off the air conditioning in the heat and sweat, the consumption will decrease significantly (by about 2 l/100 km). Opening the windows is not an option. You remember that in this case the aerodynamics of the car will worsen. “Behind the Wheel” even once conducted an experiment: what consumes more fuel - air conditioning or open windows. For the life of me, I don’t remember the result. Write in the comments who also read this article and how it all ended for them.

From the same series, turning off headlights, music, heated seats.

I don't think this method of saving is successful. If you’re going to give up the comfort of a car, then you have to go all the way and get on a bike.

Bad method No. 2: Driving in the “air shadow” of a large truck

On the highway, you can sit tightly behind a crawling truck and ride in its “air shadow”. They say that this way you can save as much as 3% of gasoline.

I would like to see a person who cares so much about the environment that he is ready to “swallow” Kamaz exhaust for a long time. And the truck driver, it seems to me, will not tolerate such a “hare” for long and will try to do something. And you can forget about “Keep your distance.”

In short, a method for freaks.

Bad Method #3: Engine Additives

I mean “miracle additives” that are poured into the gas tank or into the crankcase and which promise fuel economy. I followed this topic at one time, but not a single automobile publishing house has ever been able to identify any significant savings.

For myself, I put an end to this topic. Or do you have a different experience? Write in the comments.

Bad way #4: Driving in neutral

When the car is rolling down a hill or coasting towards a traffic light, you can put the gear lever in neutral position. The car stops engine braking, which means we save. Here's the theory.

However, it is proven that even fuel economy cannot be achieved. At the same time, driving in neutral can be dangerous - in right moment you just won't be able to get up to speed quickly. And this may be necessary, for example, in the event of a skid.

To tell the truth, I sometimes drive like this myself. I will survive!

Bad way #5: Buying an electric car or hybrid

Electric cars have great benefits in some countries: tax breaks in Japan and Norway, free parking space in London, dedicated lanes in Norway.

Owners of hybrids, and even more so electric vehicles, are wonderful people who make our air cleaner. But I just can’t consider buying an electric car a success just as a means of saving money. Even in the USA, the hybrid begins to pay for itself only after 90,000 km. I wouldn’t be surprised if in Russia it doesn’t pay off in principle. No benefits for you, and the prices for these cars are skyrocketed.

What ways have I missed to save?

Write in the comments!

I will also be happy to laugh at bad ideas with you.

There are many ways you can save on fuel purchases. If you follow a few recommendations, you will be able to save on the monthly costs of servicing your car from several hundred to a couple of thousand rubles or more. At the same time, you need to understand that saving fuel on cars with manual box Models with automatic transmissions need different gears. Some drivers even prefer gas equipment (LPG), because... The rise in prices of traditional fuels has led to an increase in the commercial attractiveness of gas.

What affects fuel consumption

Familiarize yourself with the factors that affect fuel consumption to varying degrees. If you are planning to purchase gas equipment in order to save money, then keep in mind that to install this equipment you need to find appropriate place– often it becomes the trunk. In addition, there will be a smell of gas in the cabin, which is dangerous. Although, with high-quality modern gas equipment from reliable manufacturers, this is excluded. It’s better to take into account the nuances that will help you pay less for every 100 km of travel. Factors that affect fuel consumption, regardless of the model and brand of car:

  • Warming up the engine. All drivers know that before traveling to cold weather The car needs to be warmed up for at least a few minutes. The engine must run for this time Idling. This is especially true for those who own old domestic cars. There is an opinion that modern cars (no older than 10-12 years) can be driven in winter without pre-warming the engine. Electronic system In this case, the ignition control will adjust the working mixture, but at the same time, gasoline consumption will increase. On average, gasoline consumption when driving on a cold engine increases by 8%.
  • Energy load of the car. This factor seriously affects fuel consumption. For example, if you use a heated rear window, fuel consumption may increase by 5%. If you simultaneously turn on the heater, low beam headlights at night and additional lighting, then the car will become “more voracious” by another 10%. Driving with low beams on can increase fuel consumption by 0.1 l/100 km.
  • Driving with windows open. The increase in fuel consumption in this case can be 4% at a speed of 50 km/h. This is due to the fact that air masses penetrate inside the cabin and create additional resistance. If you move into the wind, especially with a full trunk, the car will consume more fuel to overcome the resistance of air flow.
  • Low tire pressure. Every car enthusiast should know about this factor. You need to constantly monitor the condition of your tires - the optimal pressure for most modern cars is 2 atm.
  • clogged air filter. This element needs to be changed every 10-15 thousand kilometers. If this is not done in a timely manner, then the passage of air through dirty filter will generate strong resistance. The combustible mixture in this situation contains a large amount of gasoline, but little air, which will increase fuel consumption.
  • Using a trailer, installing a roof rack. Both elements are convenient for transporting large items, but their use increases fuel consumption by up to 30-40% (especially for a trailer). The more the trailer is loaded, the more fuel is consumed. It also depends on the cargo itself. If it does not rise above the sides and does not extend beyond the dimensions of the trailer, then the excess consumption of gasoline is insignificant, but if the load is high and wide, then while driving it will begin to provide significant resistance to the oncoming air flow. Even an empty trunk on the roof of a car increases fuel consumption by 2-5%. “Bells and whistles” in the form of protruding parts also do not contribute to economical driving.
  • Vehicle weight. Another important factor on which the operating efficiency of the machine depends. The higher the load (taking into account not only the body, but also the weight of the cargo and passengers), the higher the fuel consumption. Overspending sometimes reaches 20%.
  • Movement speed. While accelerating, the motor operates in high speed, for this reason, acceleration is considered the most uneconomical driving option. There is a pattern: the higher the gears, the lower the fuel consumption, and vice versa. Although, even when moving high speed and herself high gear fuel consumption increases – with driving fast(above 80-90 km/h) aerodynamic resistance increases, which increases the “appetite” of transport. As speed increases, the resistance of oncoming air flows increases not in arithmetic progression, but in geometric progression.
  • Driving in traffic jams. This factor also leads to excessive consumption of fuel, so it is recommended to avoid traffic jams, because drivers constantly have to resort to braking and gas. This is especially true for cars with powerful engines with 8-12 cylinders. Many motorists try to save money this way: while standing on the road for a long time, they begin to turn off the engine, then start it again when the opportunity arises to drive further. This method is not always justified, because starting the engine requires more fuel than its stable operation at idle.

Basic consumption rate

Similar standards are established for each individual make, model and modification of cars. They correspond to certain operating conditions of vehicles in accordance with their classification and purpose. The standards depend on the dimensions of the machine, weight, etc. They are indicated in the factory specifications of each individual machine, which are provided by the manufacturers. Consumption table for some models:


Fuel consumption (l/100 km)

Acura MDX 3.5i (5 automatic transmission) AWD

Acura MDX 3.7i (5 automatic transmission) AWD

Bentley Continental GT 6.0i (6 automatic transmission)

Daewoo Kletn 1.5i

Daewoo Damas 0.8i

Honda Accord 1,6

Honda Civic 1.5i

Infiniti FX35 3.5i (7 automatic transmission) AWD

Mercedes Benz 100D

Porsche Cayenne 3.0TDi (6 automatic transmission) 4WD

Porsche Cayenne Turbo S 4.5Ti 4WD

Skoda Fabia 1.2i 47

Subaru E10 1.2 AWD

Toyota Auris 1.4i

Volkswagen Caddy 1.9SDi

VAZ-1111 (door VAZ-1111)

VAZ-21044 (door VAZ-21073)

VAZ-11184 (engine VAZ-11194, 1.4i)

Moskvich-2141 (Ford 1.8D engine)

UAZ-22069-04 (UMZ-4218OA engine) 4WD

What speed is economical?

This or that fuel saving measure will give top scores, if you pay attention to how slow or fast you drive. The most economical driving mode is driving along a country road in calm weather at a speed of 80-90 km/h in the highest gear - for many cars it is fifth. This is due to the fact that under such conditions the vehicle moves not so much due to the motor, but due to inertia.

How to save fuel on a car

Saving fuel on a car will help reduce monthly costs, but it is important to take into account that any chosen method should not affect the comfort and, especially, driving safety. There are ways that help save a couple of liters per month, but at the same time they affect the engine, disabling some components. To replace them, you will need to invest significantly more money saved. In addition, there is no need to turn off climate system in very cold seasons or in the summer heat, but giving up unnecessary electrical appliances is not a bad idea.

When refueling a car

There are several nuances that will make refueling cheaper than usual. Check out these clever ways to save fuel:

  • Participation in loyalty programs offered by many well-known companies, selling fuel. Thanks to them, you can accumulate bonuses and spend them on the purchase of gasoline and more.
  • Use a bank card for payment, for example, Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, etc. Many banks offer cashback, i.e. Part of the cost of your purchase will be returned to you in the form of bonuses. This is very profitable, because... in some cases, cashback reaches 5-10%.
  • Visiting gas stations on a certain day of the week. It is believed that on Wednesday fuel prices are lower than on other days, because... on this day they will stabilize after some growth over the weekend.

When driving in city conditions and on the highway

When driving out on the road, consider a few points that will reduce fuel consumption. Make it a habit to follow them, because... The savings at the end of the year can be significant for your pocket:

In winter time

Separately, we can highlight ways to help save on fuel consumption in winter. Check them out:

  • Set up a heated garage, because warming up a car in the cold season is not easy. While the car warms up, precious fuel burns in the gas tank. Some people wrap the motor in blankets, felt, etc.
  • Snow. Driving on snow cover, even shallow snow, is difficult. Even short-term slipping results in excess burned fuel.
  • Bearings. Grease thickens when cold, making it difficult to turn, so check it.
  • Remove anything unnecessary from the trunk, such as a sandbag, campfire supplies, and don't be lazy about shaking off the snow.
  • Average speed. In winter, it drops, so the main blow to your pocket comes not from excessive driving, but from excessive driving. low speed on lower gears.
  • Battery The battery must be constantly recharged, because... In winter, the generator is more heavily loaded.
  • Use motor oil according to the season. For example, 10W-40 will perform better in cold weather than 0W-40.

Technical methods

There are several tricks technical nature which help reduce fuel consumption. All of them involve making certain changes to the design of the vehicle. There are no contradictions with the manufacturer's requirements. Description of methods:

  • Cleaning engine injectors. This must be done taking into account the use of gasoline of less than ideal quality. It is not necessary to carry out cleaning at every maintenance - with average fuel, one procedure is enough for 45-60 thousand kilometers. Wear of injectors also affects fuel consumption.

  • Making adjustments valve mechanism. If the valve adjustment is impaired, the engine power will decrease significantly, and excessive fuel consumption will reach 10-20%. The fact that these parts are not adjusted can be determined by ear: when starting a cold engine, you can hear a characteristic metallic knocking sound of the valves, which subsides as it warms up.

  • Carburetor adjustment (relevant for owners of cars with carburetor engines). The essence of the advice is to improve mixture formation and filling the cylinders with the working mixture using a device. To do this, find a spinner that has a freely rotating impeller and install it between the manifold exhaust flange and the carburetor. This simple technique will increase fuel savings by 5-10%.

  • Setting up the fuel pump and filter. The serviceability of the first part affects the efficiency of the car. Sometimes it is necessary to wash the pump strainer. Taking into account the low quality of gasoline, this procedure must be performed after the first 3-5 thousand km, and then every 30-40 thousand km. Removal of blockages is carried out in unleaded gasoline, after which the filter is purged. It is recommended to carry out these operations at a service station. From time to time it is necessary to diagnose the fuel pump, which must be fully operational. Leakage from it can cause the car to catch fire, not to mention increasing fuel consumption.

  • Reworking spark plugs. The essence of the method is to bring simple spark plugs closer in a number of parameters to sports spark plugs - they are significantly more expensive. First you need to shorten the side electrode, and then correctly adjust the gap on the spark plug. Such actions will expand and significantly increase the front of the electric spark. As a result, the ignition efficiency of the air and fuel mixture in the cylinders will increase. At the same time, gasoline consumption is reduced.

On a manual transmission

Proper handling of the gearbox can save up to 30% of gasoline. For car owners with manual transmission It is important to be able to change gears in a timely manner so that the car drives smoothly. The lower the gear, the slower but more powerful it is. On low gears Gasoline consumption increases and vice versa. Driving with constant acceleration and braking is also considered uneconomical. It is not recommended to move at minimum and maximum speeds, defined for a specific transmission.

The tachometer, which is designed to make it easier to determine the moment to shift to a higher gear, can help you save money. For cars with diesel unit The crankshaft should operate (in any gear) at a frequency of 1500-2000 rpm. For gasoline engines the permissible figure is slightly higher - 2000-2500 rpm. Increase gear by diesel engine necessary at a speed of 2000-2500 rpm, on gasoline - 2500-3000 rpm.

With automatic transmission

Usage automatic transmission increases gasoline consumption by about 10%. To save money, try not to use the Kick Down and Sport modes. Winter mode is more economical because... with it, the gear increase occurs somewhat earlier. When stopping at a traffic light with the engine running, move the automatic transmission lever to the neutral position. In this case, the car’s transmission will be disconnected from the engine, which will lead to a decrease in fuel consumption.

Tricky devices for saving

Among innovative solutions Hydrogen enrichment has gained considerable popularity. This fuel saving system requires input from battery 24 V. The result of the electrolysis reaction is the appearance of hydrogen and oxygen. There is a direct connection of air channels between the hydrogen enricher and the motor. The reaction product immediately enters the engine - this increases efficiency (coefficient useful action) auto work. To operate the system, ordinary distilled water is used, which turns into Brown gas.

Another fuel saving device is FuelFree. When fuel passes through the magnetic devices of this “saver,” molecular clumps of hydrocarbon are broken up. Due to this, the molecules are completely mixed with oxygen and burn better. Thanks to this process, fuel consumption and the need for it are significantly reduced. Additionally, there is a reduction in gas emissions.

Top 12 ways to save gas

To drive longer distances while using as little gas as possible, check out 12 smart ways to save fuel. In some cases you will have to think about reducing energy costs, in others you will have to look for discounts, reduce the weight of the car, etc. At the same time, you should not use fuel saving additives that are poured into the crankcase or gas tank - it is a myth that they help. Turning off all electrical appliances is also not a solution, especially on a hot day - opening the window will worsen the aerodynamics of the car.

Technical condition of the vehicle

Before you go on a long journey, visit a service center to rule out any breakdowns and check the condition of the suspension and wheel geometry. The presence of malfunctions may affect the increase in gasoline consumption. Visit the station Maintenance necessary regularly. In addition, you must follow the recommendations for operating the vehicle. All other savings methods assume that your car is in good working order.

Reduced drag coefficient

Cx is a designation for aerodynamic resistance, which affects fuel consumption. U different cars this value is different, for example, the Cx of a Gelendvagen is 0.55, a Lada Priora is 0.32, a Toyota Prius is 0.25, a racing car is 0.16, etc. Much of the small Cx's merit is its low stance. In addition, the more elements on the car, the higher the resistance. By getting rid of some of them, you will improve the Cx of your car:

Choosing engine oil

You need to refuel your vehicle only with high-quality fuel. motor oils. The higher their anti-friction qualities, the lower the losses associated with friction in the motor. To ensure the given power of the power unit, less fuel can be supplied to it. This achieves savings in terms of fuel consumption and reduces the degree of waste from combustion of the working mixture. A significant criterion that contributes to energy conservation is best viscosity oils You can save up to 5% of fuel by using oils with characteristics 5W-40, 0W-40.

Tire pressure

Many car owners continue to drive on half-flat tires, thinking that everything is fine, because... they do not visually distinguish a tire with 1.5 atm. from normally pumped to 2 atm. Such self-confidence leads to overpaying for each gas station by 50-150 rubles on average. The “gluttony” of the machine at reduced pressure increases by 3-4%. You can inflate the tires higher (up to 2.5 atm), but this will lead to significant discomfort: skidding and even explosion of the tire. Inflate your tires to the highest level recommended by the tire manufacturer.

Cruising speed and driving style

On the highway it is recommended to use cruising speed. It means the speed at which gasoline consumption is minimal - it is often indicated in the car’s service book. In most cases, it is achieved in the last gear at 2-2.5 thousand rpm. The more powerful the car, the higher this speed. Increasing the speed above cruising will lead to an increase in fuel consumption. This can be seen using the example of the VAZ 2105:

  • 80 km/h – 7 l/100 km;
  • 100 km/h – 11 l/100 km.

Driving style is of no small importance. It is necessary to take into account smooth acceleration, braking, traffic lights and the general situation on the roads of your city. The less often you use the brake, the lower your fuel consumption. Try to move at a constant speed. Driving at a speed close to the maximum speed limit and driving in cruise control mode are important conditions for saving fuel. Smooth driving without unnecessary braking and acceleration is one of the ways to reduce cash costs.

Reducing vehicle weight

Check if you have any items that are currently unnecessary: ​​a child seat, anti-freeze cylinders in the summer, winter tires, equipment for fishing, sports, etc. If you decide to make additional sound insulation, then keep in mind that it will increase the weight of the vehicle by 50-100 kg - this will entail an increase in fuel consumption by 0.4-0.7 liters. In countries and regions with good road surface It's wise to remove the spare tire.

Choosing a route and travel time

Tricky ways to save fuel - one of them is choosing a route in advance. Using various applications (for example, a GPS navigator) and web services, find out where traffic is difficult at the current moment - feel free to go around these areas to avoid getting stuck in a traffic jam. Perhaps it makes sense to leave with a reserve in order to drive at normal speed on a more or less free route. It is more economical to travel along a longer route with minimal traffic and the number of traffic lights than along a short route with congestion.

Tire specifications and sizes

Some tires increase fuel consumption more than others - the difference is up to 0.5 l/100 km. If you install tires with a larger diameter, the fuel consumption of the car will increase, because These tires are heavier in weight. There are special fuel-efficient tires, for example, some of them are marked with the Green badge (using Michelin). They are characterized by reduced fuel consumption, but only the manufacturer knows to what extent. There is no need to install wheels with a larger radius. There are rumors that 1 cm of this indicator increases fuel consumption by 1 liter for every 100 km.

Electrical appliances

Modern car equipped with a large number of electrical appliances, e.g. on-board computer, car radio, air conditioning, heated seats, fog lights and so on. The more of them work, the higher the fuel consumption. You can indeed turn off unnecessary devices, but you are unlikely to give up climate control. If you turn off the system in the summer, you will have to open the windows - there will be no benefit in terms of saving gasoline. Whether to give up comfort on the road is up to you.

High-quality gasoline at proven gas stations

Choose one gas station for yourself with good fuel. To do this, you can carry out a number of tests, because... Bad fuel will always make itself known at every maintenance. During operation, the machine will begin to produce exhaust due to accumulated fumes and unburnt fuel trapped in the pipe. During sharp pressing On gas, a momentary stupor will appear, which will be replaced by a jerk of the car - this indicates poor quality of fuel. After a few experiments, you should be able to find a gas station with high-quality gasoline.

Bonus programs and discounts

Get yourself a discount card that can be issued at almost any gas station - this one will take 5-10 minutes. Thanks to this method, you will begin to save several percent on each refueling. Most large chains offer their customers loyalty programs, thanks to which you can accumulate bonuses or points on your card. You can get them not only for purchasing gasoline, but also for goods in stores belonging to a specific chain. Cards from Shell, Gazpromneft, Neste, BP, TNK are popular.

Cashless payment by bank cards with cashback function

Another way to save on the purchase of gasoline or diesel fuel is to issue a card with a cashback function at any bank. The bottom line is that part of the amount from the purchase made will be transferred back to your account in the form of bonuses. The cashback percentage greatly depends on the bank and partner store. In some cases it reaches 10%. You can use the earned bonuses to pay for the purchase of gasoline.


Reducing gasoline consumption per kilometer is the dream of many drivers, especially lately, when the numbers at gas stations change frequently and only upward. Some techniques have been used for decades and do not lose their relevance, some become outdated, and with the advent of new cars, new options are being sought to reduce fuel costs.

Ways to save fuel

In fact, there are quite a lot of techniques for saving fuel in a car. Some of them can be called global (for example, changing a car), and some require just a little attention to your " iron horse"(for example, pump up the tires). Let's try to consider the most effective and proven methods:

  • Expense statistics. To begin with, it should be noted that important role plays a role in keeping track of fuel consumption, maintaining a kind of logbook. You can use both a traditional notepad and special ones for this purpose. mobile applications to smartphones. This process is simple, but it disciplines the driver and the effect is quite great. As soon as the car owner notices excessive consumption of gasoline or diesel fuel, this will be a signal for a technical inspection of the car.
  • Selecting a car. When purchasing, it would be more correct to give preference to more economical car. The most interesting option are hybrids equipped with electric and classic ( internal combustion) engines. They cost noticeably more, but during operation the savings will be constant and quite large. Another good solution could be a car with a turbo-diesel engine, which is more environmentally friendly and economical (by a third) than a gasoline engine.
  • Proper engine warm-up. The old habit of smoking the palate while idling should become a thing of the past. Modern high-tech lubricants much more fluid and heats up much faster. Therefore, it would be correct to start driving quietly after warming up for one minute at idle, warming up the engine while driving (5-10 minutes). At the same time, both the oil in the gearbox and the brake pads will additionally warm up.
  • Correct gear shifting. This should be done when the optimal speed is reached (2000 for diesel engines and 2500 for gasoline engines). Early switching transmission is fraught rapid wear cylinder-piston group and wasteful loss of fuel.
  • Start of movement. You need to move away smoothly, add gas moderately and keep the engine speed within 2000-2500 rpm for diesel engines and 2500-3000 rpm for gasoline engines. High and low speeds are less economical.
  • Driving at optimal speed. Experimentally, you should determine the speed range at which the energy savings on the car will be maximum, and then try to stick to it. It is advisable to calculate the speed so that you do not have to brake sharply in front of traffic lights or the car driving ahead. The less often the driver uses the gas and brake pedals, the more fuel will remain in the tank.
  • Engine braking. By correctly calculating the route and the necessary turning trajectories, you can minimize the use of the standard braking system, which consumes fuel. The torque in this case is regulated by the degree of accelerator activation. You can also take advantage of the terrain by letting off the gas on descents. The main thing is not to turn off the transmission to avoid an accident.

Saving gasoline when using additional devices

In addition, a variety of devices and devices can help in using vehicle, and hit your pocket if they are used incorrectly.

  • Cruise control. On flat sections of the road in normal road conditions, the CC limits the number of accelerations and assists the driver. At the same time, in hilly or mountainous areas automatic transmission transmission does not always adequately shift to lower or higher gears, burning excess fuel. Therefore, in such cases, you can refuse CC services.
  • GPS navigator. When traveling long distances or in unfamiliar areas, it will help you create the optimal route and reduce emptying of the gas tank.
  • Air conditioner. At low speeds (up to 70-80 km/h), it would be more rational to turn off the air conditioning and open the windows. However, more high speed this won't work because open windows air resistance will increase sharply and the effect may be exactly the opposite. In addition, some modern minibuses and minivans have two climate control systems - for the driver and for passengers. If there are no passengers, then the second air conditioner should be turned off.
  • Windshield defroster. Sometimes, when you turn it on, the air conditioner automatically starts, so you need to be careful and, if necessary, turn off the heating manually. It should not be forgotten that an icy or foggy wind or rear window may cause an accident.

How to save fuel when refueling a vehicle

It would seem that there may be some tricks when refueling a car at a gas station, but here too you should pay attention to certain nuances:

  • Octane number. Sometimes among motorists there is talk that it is profitable to use gasoline with a lower or higher octane number. The most correct thing is fuel with an octane number that matches the characteristics of the car. An overestimate leads to a drop in power due to resistance to detonation during compression, while an underestimate threatens premature engine wear.
  • Cheap fuel. Often cheaper gas stations are located outside the city, so before you go to them, calculate whether such a trip will pay off. Even if you are confident in the quality of gasoline, it will be justified to spend energy on getting there only if the filling is large enough (from 30 liters).
  • Fresh fuel at the gas station. When draining fuel at a gas station, sediment and dirt rise from the bottom of the tanks, which can lead to clogging fuel filter. Therefore, if there is a gas station at a gas station, it is better to refuel on another day or at another station.
  • Payment at gas stations using cards. Some gas station networks have agreements with banks on benefits or bonuses when paying with their cards (usually Master Card or Visa), or return part of the money spent on petroleum products.

In addition to all that has been said, we should not forget about such well-known, but no less important ways to save fuel, such as:

  • tire pressure (normal or slightly increased),
  • car inspection and timely replacement oil and air filters, spark plugs,
  • using suitable motor oil,
  • reducing vehicle weight,
  • installation gas equipment, especially for an uneconomical old car,
  • wheel balancing and wheel alignment,
  • less frequent use high beam headlights, monitoring the serviceability of the brake system,
  • study of proposals regarding technical innovations(neodymium magnets, additives).

Having this knowledge and controlling yourself and your car, it is quite possible to regularly use the car and at the same time save up to 20-30% of gasoline.