A story about the French car brand Renault. How did the history of Renault begin, and what was the cost of the company's first-born? Renault models: who has what address

An automobile plant in the capital of the state just eight kilometers from the Kremlin is nonsense in modern world. Rent, utilities, and salary costs in Moscow are a priori higher than in the regions. However, the Renault enterprise, located on the territory of the former AZLK, is not yet in danger. This winter, the Moscow government extended the plant’s previous tax rates and rental payments until the end of 2020. The reorientation of the site to the production of crossovers, the added value of which is higher than that of passenger cars(the last first-generation Logans were assembled here back in 2015). And in addition, the beginning of preparations for the production of another model speaks of the plant’s bright future. I managed to visit the workshops on the last excursion - after that, a special confidentiality regime was introduced at the enterprise, which will last until the start of production of the new machine.

The current director of the Moscow Renault plant, Jean-Louis Theron, previously worked in India and was involved in organizing the production of a budget SUV

What do we know about her? So far, alas, not much. Last September, Renault chief designer Laurens van den Acker spoke about a new crossover that will be a “true Renault,” that is, it will not be a variation of any Dacia. The company calls this car a C-SUV, that is, a C-class crossover, and they promise to show it at the upcoming Moscow Motor Show, which will open in August. During the excursion we also managed to find out that the basis Russian car the next iteration of the B0 platform (aka Global Access) will come - and it will become longer and wider; The factory workers did not disclose any other differences from the current version.

Still from last year's Renault presentation

The new crossover will appear not only in Russia. According to , the same version on the B0 trolley will be in Brazil and China, and for South Korea the car will be transferred to a more expensive platform. By the way, in Europe new model will not appear due to the danger of competition with the current Renault Kadjar SUV (analogue Nissan models Qashqai). Based on this statement, it’s easy to imagine that we are waiting for some kind of “simplified Kadjar,” that is, a crossover slightly larger than the Qashqai.

Renault Kadjar for the European market

However, Laurens van den Acker has nothing to reproach: there really is no such car in the Dacia brand range and there never will be, and the B0 platform, let me remind you, was originally developed for the second generation Renault Clio hatchback.

Modernization of the plant for the new crossover has already begun. And the first thing the French did was to eliminate the second welding line, where they prepared bodies for the Fluence and Megane models. This suggests that cars of this class will no longer be produced in Moscow and now the entire production process at the plant can only proceed in one stream.

In the first quarter of this year, 46 additional Fanuc robots were installed on the welding line, almost doubling the total number. The expansion of automation affected mainly the welding area of ​​the front body modules. In general, robots here are now responsible for both welding the floor elements and connecting it to the sidewalls: for this operation, replaceable conductors are installed (one for each model), which automatically set the correct body geometry. Workers with manual welding tongs on Renault plant over the past few years it has become much less, but the degree of automation of the welding line still only reaches 24%.

By the way, the workers themselves are recruited at the enterprise according to the 50:50 principle: half of the employees are residents of Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region, and the other half are migrants from the southern republics. My own observations in the workshops confirm this proportion. This does not bother the plant management: of course, because newcomers are not so demanding in terms of wages and related employment conditions. The main thing, they say, is that all applicants undergo the same three-month training process, only after completion of which they are allowed onto the assembly line.

Ahead of the plant is the modernization of the painting complex: it will be adapted to a larger model and robots will also be added. By the way, forced dismissals of those workers who are replaced by robots on the line are not practiced at the Renault plant: people are retrained and transferred to other positions (of which there are about a thousand), and staff reductions are ensured due to the natural outflow of personnel.

Automation of the 700-meter-long assembly line is not yet planned, but additional equipment for the new SUV will, of course, appear here. In the meantime, there are three models on the conveyor belt: Renault Duster, Renault Captur and Nissan Terrano(they will remain after the start of production of the C-crossover). And I hasten to dispel the established myth: there is no additional quality control and selection of components when assembling Nissans. The plant has a uniform quality control standard Renault-Nissan Alliance, which applies to all models. Once again for the most naive: by throwing 50-70 thousand rubles for a Terrano compared to a similar Duster, you are paying extra exclusively for a different brand and a modified design.

All three models are moving along the conveyor belt interspersed, in accordance with the series of orders received from dealers at the plant: the white Duster in the basic configuration with unpainted bumpers and stamped wheels may be followed by a two-tone Kaptur with all-wheel drive And " full minced meat" The required order of supply of components is observed by electronics, and containers are transported around the workshops mainly by drones.

Their widespread implementation at the Moscow Renault plant began three years ago along with the optimization of supply chains. Now the park is like this Vehicle exceeds 110 copies - they have almost completely replaced the usual loaders and conveyors with operators behind the wheel from the workshops. Moreover, the first 90 copies were purchased in Japan, and since last year the plant began producing its own drones, 50% consisting of Russian components! Although it is clear that the most expensive and critical electronic components are still imported. In addition, 12 of these trolleys were sent to the Lada Izhevsk plant, and this year Renault will ship another 15 copies.

The drones themselves are small tractors with electric drive and software control. They communicate with the central computer via Wi-Fi, hook up large carts with components and drive along magnetic lines laid along the floor. These things crawl slowly, accompanying the process with a melody from the old Super Mario console toy. But, as plant workers assure, the main advantage of such self-propelled guns over manned transporters is safety: they have an automatic braking system, and the number of collisions at the plant has been reduced to almost zero.

The doors are removed from the bodies immediately after they enter the assembly line. They are taken for assembly to a separate workshop and hung on cars at the final stage of assembly.

As for the localization of manufactured cars, the company does not disclose the figure for cars assembled in Moscow, limiting itself to the overall corporate result of 66%, which also takes into account the production of Logan and Sandero models at AvtoVAZ. But this is a very solid indicator! For metropolitan crossovers, the dashboard and all plastic interior panels are localized, climate control systems, seats, bumpers, tires, wheels, radiators, fuel tanks... 1.6 engines come from Togliatti, and the lion's share of stamped parts is supplied by the Kaluga plant Gestamp Severstal and the Moscow company AAT (Alpha Automotive Technologies). This is a joint venture between ZIL and the Japanese company IHI, which was previously located on the territory of ZIL itself, but last year the workshop was forced to move to the Biryulyovo district of Moscow. Some of the hardware comes from Romania and Turkey.

The new crossover will also have a high degree of localization. Moreover, even prototypes for sea trials will be manufactured not in France or Romania, where Renault’s main development centers are located, but here in Moscow. Factory workers already have similar experience in industrialization, because two years ago the Russian enterprise became the main one for Renault crossover Kaptur. The organization of production was then successful, and Russian specialists were then invited to lead the launch of Captyur at factories in and.

Modernization and increased automation will not in any way affect the capacity of the Moscow plant, which is 190 thousand cars per year. There is simply no need for more yet, because last year only 99 thousand cars rolled off the assembly line. Now the enterprise operates in a two-shift mode, but not five, but four days a week; it takes 25 hours to produce one car. Preparations for the release of the new crossover will be lengthy: although the car will be presented in August, mass production, according to Autoreview, will begin only in 2019. And only after this will it reach Russia. So you'll have to be patient.


Once on the territory of the plant, you begin to understand where most of the first generation Koleos sold in Russia went. Now these cars have been removed from the corporate fleet and are being put up for sale. And the fight against costs can be seen at all levels.

A time when a vehicle was considered a luxury, and car enthusiasts had only a few at their disposal domestic cars, are a thing of the past.

The modern automobile market offers dozens various brands, including foreign manufacturers. One of them is Renault.

This brand has earned popularity in the CIS countries due to its reliability, solid appearance and low price.

With the advent of factories in Russia, Renault cars have become even more accessible to domestic car owners.

Where are these cars made? What factories operate in Russia today? How to determine the country of origin by VIN code? These issues require detailed consideration.

General information about RENAULT

The Renault Group company is a well-known French corporation that sells its cars in more than 200 countries around the world.

Renault's headquarters are located in the city of Boulogne-Billangcourt, located near Paris.

Renault Group controls several branches at once - Nissan Motors and Renault Samsung Motors, and also owns shares in Dacia (Romania), Volvo, AvtoVAZ and other companies.

In addition to its main activity, Renault produces engines for different manufacturers, including for some Mercedes-Benz models.

In Russia, cars of this brand appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Thus, in 1916, the activities of Russian Renault JSC were launched, which includes two plants located in Rybinsk and Petrograd.

The main activity was the production of tractors, cars and airplanes.

After the revolution, the work of the factories was stopped due to nationalization, and work resumed only in the 60-70s. It was during that period that an official representative office was opened and many agreements were concluded.

In the early 90s, offices appeared in Moscow, and in July 1998, a strategic agreement was drawn up to open the Avtoframos company. A year later, the first workshop for assembling Megan models began work, and then Simbol.

Since 2005, a full cycle of car production has been launched, and a year later Renault was recognized as the best-selling car in Russia.

By 2012, Renault's share in the Avtoframos company reached 100%, and in 2014 the name changed - it was transformed into Renault Russia CJSC.

Renault hatchbacks have been produced in Russia since 2009 (test assembly), and a full-fledged production started a year later. In 2010, about 160 thousand cars were produced. Another year later, the assembly of Renault Duster was established.

The history of Renault and AvtoVAZ deserves special attention. In 2008, Renault acquired a quarter of all shares of the company, and in 2014 the number of securities in the hands of the French exceeded 50%.

This rapprochement is caused by the desire to revive domestic auto industry, increase its competitiveness in the domestic and global arena.

Speaking generally about Renault producing countries, we can distinguish several main factories:

  • Romania. Cars are produced here mainly for Europe, although some of them also end up in Russia.
  • Brazil is one of the largest producing countries for Renault. The only thing is that Brazilian versions of cars do not reach the Russian Federation.
  • India. Here production is focused mainly on the domestic market, countries in Africa and Asia.
  • Russia. On the territory of the Russian Federation, Renault cars are produced near Moscow and at AvtoVAZ.

In which countries and where is Renault Logan assembled? Are there factories in Russia?

This vehicle has increased ground clearance (19.5 cm without load) and more powerful chassis elements.

In addition, the appearance of the vehicle has also undergone changes - the shape of the bumpers has changed, plastic sills have been installed, powerful wheel arches and roof rails have appeared.

In terms of equipment, the package here is somewhere between Expression and Prestige.

The production of the car in Russia started already in the year of its appearance at the Avtoframos plant, near Moscow.

Renault Duster

On the territory of Russia, Duster is assembled in the same place - near Moscow, at the Renault Russia plant.

Each year, more than 150 thousand cars are produced, which fully covers the needs of the domestic market. A certain volume of vehicles is also supplied to neighboring countries.

Renault Captur

Another model worthy of attention- which can be classified as new. This small crossover, which is based on the 4th generation Renault Clio.

The car was first presented in Geneva in 2013. The start of production in Spain falls on the same year.

In the spring of 2016, a new version of Renault Captur was presented, characterized by high ground clearance and increased size body It is based on the well-known Duster.

The car is equipped with two types of engines (1.6 and 2.0 liters), manual transmission, automatic transmission or. Sales of the new model began in the summer of 2016.

Renault Captur is assembled at two factories - Renault and AvtoVAZ (including the new model).

Due to the similarity with Duster cars, there was no need to change the production process.

In 2016, about 15,000 Renault Captur cars were produced at the Renault plant near Moscow, but the existing reserves are enough to increase production to 18-20 thousand cars annually.

Renault Megane

Renault Megane cars are considered one of the oldest representatives of the French brand. The car appeared back in 1996 and replaced the rather outdated Renault 19.

Over the 22 years of production, Megane has “survived” three restylings, which almost completely changed its appearance.

Over the years of its existence, the car was produced in the following countries (just a few are given):

  • France. The first generation Megane was produced exclusively on the territory of the “native” plant. At the same time, cars for the Russian Federation were assembled in the northern part of France, at the Daewoo plant.
  • Spain (Palencia). First and second generation cars were produced here.
  • Türkiye. The Oyak-Renault plant produced sedans of the 2nd and 3rd generations.
  • Russia. In the Russian Federation, the 3rd generation Renault Megane was produced in 2012-2013, and since 2014, production of a restyled version has been launched near Moscow.

Renault Fluence

Renault Fluence ( Renault Fluence) is a compact car, which in 2009 replaced Megan, which was already outdated by that time.

The platforms of several cars are used here - Nissan S, as well as two Renault models - Scenic and Megan.

Sales of the first cars started in the spring of 2010, first with a 1.6-liter engine, and then with a 2.0-liter engine. Today, a diesel engine has been added to the main range.

The car appeared on the Russian market in 2010. It was then that the production of the vehicle was established at the Avtoframos plant (today Renault Russia).

Simultaneously with the machines Russian assembly Cars from another manufacturing country, Turkey, appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation, and in 2013, assembly started in South Korea.

How to determine the country of origin by VIN code?

VIN code is a special digital designation, which in some way is a car passport.

Using 17 digits, you can find out the history of the car, determine the date of manufacture, country of origin and other parameters.

The code is based on 17 characters consisting of numbers and Latin letters. “O”, “Q” and “I” do not take part in the code.

It was decided to remove these letters due to the risk of confusion with zero and one.

In addition, a number of other symbols can be made from the letter “I,” which was also one of the reasons for its exclusion.

The structure of the VIN code is divided into three components - WMI, VDS and VIS. From the first part, you can draw a conclusion about the country of origin, in the second - about the characteristics of the vehicle (body type, configuration, model range, etc.), and the third part - about the year of manufacture of the car and serial number.

By the way, the information in part 3 is individual in nature and depends on the car model.

In Renault cars, the VIN code can be found in the following places:

  • On the surface of the cylinder block;
  • Under the carpet of the front passenger seat;
  • Bottom of the arch (near the driver's seat). To see the inscription, you will have to open the doors.
  • On the passenger seat pillar (between the hinges).

Now let’s take a closer look at how the VIN code is deciphered for Renault cars.

The first “trinity” of characters shows the country of origin. For example, if the VIN starts with VSY or VS5, the car was made in Spain.

Turkey is designated VF1, and Madagascar is designated GA1.

If the country of origin of Renault is Russia, it also has its own code - X7L.

Other symbols speak of French assembly, namely VF1 and VF2, MTU, VNE, VF6 and VF8.

Based on the next symbol, you can deduce the body type. Thus, all-wheel drive vehicles are marked with the letter V, rear-wheel drive vehicles with P, and front-wheel drive vehicles with T.

Designations may vary on some machines. For example, if we are talking about a van, the fourth position will have the symbol F. If the vehicle has three doors, the letter G will be written in this place.

If you need to decipher other body types, there are two types of specifications - new and old.

In the first case, station wagons and hatchbacks, distinguished by the presence of three doors, are designated by the letter A and the number 3. If the car has five doors, the designation is different - 5, 6 and the symbol N.

The new type of sedans have the numbers 2 or 4 in the VIN, and the pickup truck is designated by the symbol H.

In older cars the classification is as follows:

  • For a hatchback with three doors - C;
  • For a three-door station wagon - K;
  • For the 5-door station wagon and hatchback - J and B, respectively;
  • Minivan - J and so on.

Using the following symbol, you can draw conclusions about the model range. For example, in Renault Megane cars of the 1st and 2nd generation, the symbols A and M are placed at this position, for Clio 2 and Laguna 2 - B and J, respectively, and Twingo is completely marked “zero”.

The sixth and seventh positions have symbols that can be used to determine the engine code.

The eighth character is the country where the plant is located (the place where the car was produced). Only letters are used here. For example, if a car was made at a plant in the USA, the letter Z is put, Turkey - R, Flins (factory in France) - F, Spain - E or V, and so on.

The following sign allows you to find out the type of gearbox. So, “one” and “two” indicate the presence in the car automatic transmission gears having three or four speed positions.

If the car is equipped with a five-speed manual transmission, the symbols C, D, 4, 5, 8 are indicated.

In 2001, the letters end and the designations in the form of numbers begin. In 2010, letters appear again.

The last group of numbers is the series.

The final designation may look like this - VF14SRAP45XXXXXXXX.


As can be seen from the article, Renault is produced in many countries. At the same time, some manufacturers work not only for the domestic market, but also for export.

To summarize, let’s highlight the states where Renault cars are produced, in relation to a specific model:

  • Duster - Russia;
  • Clio - Türkiye (since 2012) and France;
  • Escape - country of origin: France;
  • Cenggu - France;
  • Fluence - Russia, South Korea (since 2013), Türkiye;
  • Koleos - country of origin: South Korea;
  • Logan - Russia, AvtoVAZ, Renault-Russia, France, Türkiye;
  • Master - France;
  • Laguna - country of origin: France;
  • Latitude - South Korea;
  • Scenic - France;
  • Megan - country of origin: Russia (from 2012 to 2015), Turkey (from 2002 to 2014), France (from 1996 to 2014);
  • The symbol is France (from 1998 to 2002), as well as Turkey (since 2006).

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The history of Renault is, first of all, the story of a man with an unusual destiny. It all started on December 24, 1898, when Louis Renault accepted the challenge of driving his Voiturette A-Class up the steep Rue Lepique in Montmartre in Paris.

The history of Renault is, first of all, the story of a man with an unusual destiny.
It all started on December 24, 1898, when Louis Renault accepted the challenge of driving his Voiturette A-Class up the steep Rue Lepique in Montmartre in Paris. Thanks to this feat, he received his first 12 orders. The company continued to grow when Renault began to win victories in auto rallies: Paris-Berlin, Paris-Vienna...

Louis Renault was born into a family of typical Parisian bourgeois in February 1877. He was the youngest child in the family; besides him, two brothers and two sisters were growing up in the house. His father Alfred was a successful businessman, and his mother Louise was the daughter of wealthy store owners who loved entertainment and art. Louis was a spoiled child.

From an early age, the boy showed interest in all kinds of mechanical objects and devices, including motors and electricity. The Renault family owned a house in Billancourt, near Paris. In the garden of this house there was a barn in which young Louis set up his first workshop. Studying was not his favorite pastime, and he was more than happy to complete his undergraduate degree. However, despite the lack of outstanding academic success, the silent teenager had two extremely important qualities in order to succeed in life - intuition and hard work.

At the age of 20, Reno brilliantly entered the emerging automotive world. He converted his three-wheeled De Dion-Boton into a small four-wheeled car, into the design of which Renault added one of his inventions - it was soon to push the car to another quality level and mark the beginning of a new automobile era. This invention was the “direct drive,” the first gearbox, which instantly rendered previously used gears and chains useless.

On December 24, 1898, Louis celebrated Christmas with friends. Confident of the success of his invention, he proposed a bet, saying that his new car could overcome the Rue Lepic in Montmartre, which had a slope of 13 degrees. His friends, who initially treated this idea with distrust, were soon forced to believe their own eyes. Having accomplished this feat of its kind, Louis not only won the bet, but also received his first 12 orders along with a cash deposit. This event was the beginning of his dizzying career. A couple of months later, he registered a patent for the gearbox, and soon Renault's invention was adopted by all automobile factories of the time.

The history of the Renault company began with the first car assembled by Louis Renault (Louis Renault) in 1898, a lightweight voiturette (from the French Voiturette - cart, cart), with a power of only 0.75 hp. This voyeurette, even at a time when any car was considered a sports equipment, did not in any way attract an athlete. The Renault brothers did not consider it such, but they also did not fundamentally share the prevailing opinion, according to which a real racing car must be a multi-displacement monster with a power of seventy. In their opinion, a light and maneuverable car with a relatively small engine should have a speed higher than that of heavy, clumsy structures. And they proved the correctness of their philosophy by winning many competitions over the course of three years. However, these were, as a rule, fights of local importance, although they gave good advertising returns. For example, victory in the Paris-Bordeaux race brought 350 orders. Before this, both competitors and the racing public were very skeptical of the French, believing that they would not see a great international triumph.

The brothers' next car, known as the Model A, was powered by a 1.75 hp De Dion engine. on tubular frame It turned out to be very successful, and Louis, together with his older brothers, organized the Renault Brothers company (Renault Freres).

As early as 1899, they made and sold 15 Model A's. For his car, Louis designed a gearbox in which torque was transmitted to the rear wheels not by chains, but by a shaft with universal joints. This final drive design has remained unchanged to this day for rear-wheel drive vehicles. The brothers were fond of car racing, and racing and sports models occupied an important place in their early business.

Since 1900, the company switched to producing large and powerful machines. These are AG1 models with elegant and comfortable various bodies “capuchin”, “double-phaeton”, “landau”, closed limousines, rare at that time. 179 cars were produced.

1901 This year Renault expands the lineup, mastering models D and E. enters into an international licensed contract with an assembly plant in Belgium.

1902 The 3750 cc/cm engine with 4 cylinders, 20-30 hp is built for the first time. to participate in the Paris-Vienna auto race, in which Renault emerged victorious. Renault receives patent for development of super-charger system.

1904 Renault develops its commercial network, which now amounts to 120 dealers in France and abroad. Production reaches 948 vehicles.

In 1905, the Renault Brothers were one of the first to produce taxi cars with a Landaulet body. These cars, nicknamed "Brownings" because of their black color and their shape, became famous during the First World War, when 600 Parisian Renault taxis were mobilized to as soon as possible to transport 5 thousand soldiers to the Marne River. The taxis were named “Marne” after the famous battle. There is even a monument erected to this car. For the needs of the French army, the company supplied other equipment, ships, aircraft engines(the first aircraft engine was assembled in 1908). Louis Renault even designed tanks that were quite successful for that time.

In 1906 on car show In Berlin, the company presented its first bus.

The Renault Brothers actively collaborated with Russia in the pre-war years. A Landaulet limousine was created for the Emperor on a Renault chassis. For the heir to the throne, a Renault Bebe was purchased, a lightweight car that was extremely easy to drive and operate.

Renault taxis were also purchased for the new socialist Moscow, equipment and Renault technologies became the basis of the KIM plant, known to us as AZLK.

It is also worth noting the remarkable achievement of 1923 - the first crossing of the Sahara Desert by a six-wheeled prototype. Model "Juva 4" with independent front-wheel drive.

1910 Renault employs 3,200 people, including the 25CV type BM.

1913 5200 employees work on Renault cars, raising their total production to 10,000, including the 40CV Type DT.

1919 Louis Renault is recognized as the first industrialist of France, and a modern equipment, opportunities are constantly being sought to reduce production costs, the main strategy is affordable products.

1925 The diamond symbol becomes the Renault logo, and is first installed on the 40CV, which brings a number of records for range, fuel economy and wins the Monte Carlo race.

1926 From this year, brakes on all four wheels were standard on all Renault cars. Renault NN model presented, reliable and strong car. George Estienne chose a Renault NN for his trip across the Sahara Desert in January 1927. Estienne's trip—almost 17,000 km (10,000 miles)—was completed without any mechanical faults. A patent was received for a device for storing luggage (trunk).

1929 The first assembly line at the new plant under construction goes into operation. The Renault brand is represented in 49 countries.

In the 1930s, the original Renault buses with an open platform appeared.

The Second World War brought significant damage to the company. Factories in Billancourt were destroyed by Allied bombing, Louis Renault himself was accused of collaborating with the Nazi occupiers and died, disgraced, in prison.

1936 A patent was received for the invention of folding seats.

In 1945 the company was nationalized and became a state enterprise, which received its modern name.

1946 The year of the start of production of private cars of the post-war period. The plant produced 8,500 cars, most Juvaquatres, and their interior-modified versions. They were equipped hydraulic brakes and hydraulic shock absorbers. The model was produced until 1949, and its versions until 1959.

By 1949, the reconstruction of the factories was completed and by 1954 500 thousand 4CVs were produced.

1954 A sea of ​​champagne was drunk to celebrate the release of 1 million vehicles after nationalization and 2 million since the company was founded in 1898. Dreyfus and Picard, traveling around the United States, studying the car sales market, were invited to lunch with the governor of Florida, where they came to an agreement and stipulated the terms of creation produced by Renault. On February 11, Pierre died in a car accident, and Pierre Dreyfus became the new director (he was good friend and advisor to Lefaucheux). Release begins in December.
In 1958, a new plant for the production of Renault engines was put into operation in Cleon (Normandy). Front-wheel drive Renault 4 becomes popular "small" people's car"(the production of this model amounted to over 8 million units). Renault 16, front-wheel drive, with a one and a half liter engine, in 1965 became a pioneer in introducing the hatchback body into production, such as we see it today. This car with a versatile and comfortable interior, a characteristic French soft wheel suspension has become elegant and practical car For French middle class.

1959 102,000 Dauphines and 15,000 4CVs were sold in the USA. 41,000 in Germany and 19,000 in Italy. At the end of this year Renault became the 6th largest automobile manufacturer in the world. In the USA, production of the Floride car began under the name Caravelle.

In 1966, Renault signs a merger agreement with Peugeot and Volvo technical resources. This year Renault delivered 738,000 vehicles, of which 333,000 were sold abroad.

1967 Renault had factories on every continent. 5 assembly plants in Europe excluding France, one in Canada, nine in Latin America, five in Africa, one in Australia, one in Asia, and were preparing to open in Romania and Malaysia.

1969 More than 1 million vehicles are assembled and more than 500,000 are exported. Project 117 Renault 12 is demonstrated at the Paris Motor Show: the idea of ​​the project was that the car would be economical, spacious, have large trunk. In Romania the R12 was called Dacia, and in Brazil Corcel. Creation of a Renault branch in Turkey.

The 1970s began a period of rapid growth for the company: new factories appeared in the north of France, joint ventures between Renault and Peugeot. Renault 5 and Renault 12 become the best-selling models in the world French cars.

In 1979, the company began moving into the promising American market by concluding an agreement with American Motors Corporation. Renault, in turn, undertakes to promote American Motors Corporation cars in the European market.

1982 Renault 9 is produced in the USA under the name Alliance and becomes the car of the year there (this car became James Bond's faithful companion in one of the films in this series).

The Renault Espace minivan was first presented in Brussels in the summer of 1984. In 1988, the Quadra all-wheel drive version was demonstrated.

In March 1986, another Renault generation under the index 21 (factory body index of the sedan L48, station wagon -
K48). Station wagon, which appeared six months later under own name Nevada, had a body lengthened by 150 mm. In Europe, the Renault 21/Nevada was produced until 1995, when it was replaced by the Laguna model.

In the summer of 1988, Renault strengthened its position in the most popular European class “C” compact cars, introducing the Renault 19 hatchback.

In 1990, the production of the Clio model began, which throughout
has been one of the best-selling models in France for many years. The second generation Clio appeared in 1998 and immediately gained popularity. A version of the Clio Symbol is produced especially for the markets of so-called third countries, in particular for Russia. In the fall of 1999, a modification of the Clio Sport with a 2.0/16 engine was released.

1991 - title year: Clio is awarded the title of "Car of the Year", Renault Ligne - AE "Truck of the Year", Renault FR1 - "Bus of the Year" and Raymond Levy is awarded the title of "President of the Year". IN
in the same year appeared, which immediately became one of the most popular in the class open cars Renault 19 Cabriolet. In the same year, the Scenic concept model was shown in Frankfurt.

On March 31, 1992, the Renault Twingo was born and the Renault Safrane model was released. The Zoom model was presented at the Paris Motor Show.

In November 1993, a high-power Biturbo version with a 268 hp engine was demonstrated. With. with two turbochargers and all-wheel drive.

In September 1995, the first show of the Megane model (successor Renault models 19). The car has several modifications - Classic, Cabriolet, Coupe and Estate. In the spring of 1999, a modification with a station wagon body was released.
Since 1996, the Renault 19 Europa sedan has become one of the bestsellers domestic market new imported cars.

In 1996, a new generation of the model with transversely mounted engines appeared, and the body dimensions increased.

In the fall of 1997, Grand was released with an extended wheelbase. Since 1998, the car has been equipped with new engines. The new Renault Kangoo cargo van is being launched.

In 1998, Renault's centenary is celebrated with the release of the new Clio. The Zo project is shown in Geneva, with the first in Europe. gasoline engine direct injection and project Vel Satis.

1999 Conclusion of a cooperation agreement with Nissan. First display of the Avantime model at based on Renault Espace. With this car, the French were really ahead of their time, and this is how the name of the car is translated, having decided to make a car out of a minivan executive class.

2000 The Koleos all-terrain vehicle is shown in Geneva.

2001 Renault Laguna II is the first car in the world to receive the highest rating for safety, five stars out of five, according to the results of tests by the independent organization EuroNCAP.

2003 Renault Megane II receives the title "Car of the Year". Patrick Le Queman, Renault's chief designer, was named Designer of the Year. EuroNCAP declares Renault Megane II, Renault Vel Satis and Renault Espace IV the most safe cars On the market.

2004 Renault Megane is the best-selling car in the European market. The Renault team takes 3rd place in the Formula 1 Championship Constructors' Championship. The highest EuroNCAP safety award goes to the Renault Scenic, Renault Megane C+C and Renault Modus.

2005 Production of Logan, the new “World Car”, begins.

Main activities Renault Russia– this is production at sites in Moscow and Tolyatti, sales of finished products at domestic market and its export.

The world premiere of the Renault ARKANA crossover coupe is an important milestone in history Russian market SUV. This is the first Renault car that was created specifically for Russia with clean slate taking into account customer preferences and based on in-depth market analysis. Mostly Russian specialists took part in the creation of ARKANA at all stages - from concept and design to testing, optimization of settings and production line.

The company's strategy is the development of local production and suppliers.
The company's goal is to make the highest quality products and service available to everyone.

1998 Creation of a joint venture between Renault and the Moscow Government on a parity basis

2005 Opening of a plant in Moscow.
Logan production launch

2008 Start of partnership with AVTOVAZ

2011 Start of production of Renault Duster

2015 Production of the millionth car at the Moscow Renault plant

2016 Start of a project for the export of welded and painted bodies Russian production to Algeria

2017 Start of a project to export Renault Duster cars to the Gulf Cooperation Council countries

2018 Show car presentation
new global model Renault Arkana


5170 employees

35 years Average age

5 years Average length of service



24% internal
movements per year

+20% Engagement Index
from 2010 to 2017

Five basic operating principles

A shared commitment to creating compelling and innovative products and services is what unites all employees Renault Groups. We strive to meet our clients' expectations and do everything possible to achieve outstanding results. We strive to take full advantage of the Alliance's synergies. We are proud to be part of the Renault Group within the Alliance.
In our work we follow the principles of the Renault Way:

We care about the client

We operate in a culture of excellence and collaborate effectively within the company for the benefit of our clients. Managers motivate their employees to take utmost care of the client.

We do our part

Our priorities are maximum results, sustainable growth and profit. Each employee makes his personal contribution to the overall result. Managers provide employees with the opportunity to independently make the necessary decisions in accordance with the company's strategy. They encourage initiative and the desire to innovate.

We take into account everyone's opinion

In our activities, we rely on facts and objective data and take into account different points of view. This helps to build trusting relationship and helps improve operational efficiency. Managers create all the conditions for mutual respect and constructive communication, which allows them to make prompt and clear decisions.

We are constantly developing

We value diversity as a source of effective teamwork. We take every opportunity for development and self-improvement for the sake of the Group's growth and success. Leaders help develop employees and the team as a whole. They inspire, motivate and provide regular and constructive feedback.

We work simply and efficiently

We strive for simplicity and efficiency. We do not create difficulties for our colleagues. In the current environment, managers actively use a flexible approach to working with teams and support timely decision-making at the proper level.

Working at Renault, you will be able to gain invaluable knowledge and experience working in a large international company, and non-standard tasks will allow you to fully realize your creative and professional potential.
Together we can achieve goals that will lead each of us to the pinnacle of success!

Mobility implies that a person shows initiative and flexibility, and strives for constant self-improvement.

Passion means the ability to quickly get involved in processes, anticipate consumer expectations, anticipate trends and find new ideas for business.

Autonomy speaks of an employee’s ability to take responsibility while working in a team and not be afraid to try new things. Such people are constantly developing and changing the world for the better.

Reviving mobility for everyone. Contribute to the complete transformation of the automotive industry.

We provide global career development opportunities through a unique Alliance. Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi largest automaker in the world.

Interesting and meaningful tasks. A strong culture conducive to achieving goals.

An internship at Renault Russia is an excellent opportunity for 3-6 year students to work in a flexible schedule, while:

apply in practice the knowledge gained during training;

gain invaluable experience working in an international team;

become a full-time employee upon successful completion of the internship and the availability of a suitable vacancy.

The core values ​​of Renault, a company open to new things and close to people:
Humanity – we are open to everyone.
Reliability – you can rely on us.
Enthusiasm – we instill confidence and optimism.

Career management Building a career at Renault Russia is an open dialogue between an employee and his manager, during which the employee’s wishes are discussed and an individual development plan is drawn up.

Cultural life Interest in modern culture is an integral part of the company's policy, which is open to everything new.

Renault actively supports various art projects, and in May 2016 it signed a strategic partnership agreement with the Russian Chess Federation.

Women@Renault* One of Renault's priorities is the gender diversity of the team. The company encourages its employees to develop not only professionally, but also personally.

The Women@Renault* community is a tool to achieve this goal, which in particular helps in creating a comfortable working environment, motivation and maintaining a balance between work and personal life.

TRAINEE@RENAULT** The community of interns is a new trend in the company. It unites all trainees at Renault Russia and provides them with the necessary conditions for comfortable and interesting work.

SPORT@RENAULT*** Renault Russia strives to be a leader everywhere, including in sports.
Our corporate football, volleyball and basketball teams regularly participate in the Business Champions League, taking prizes.
And we are not going to stop there! In 2019, Renault Russia added a sailing team; participants enjoy preparing for competitions under the supervision of experienced instructors. Employees also actively support the company’s sports and charitable initiative “Run with Renault Russia”, and the most active of them annually get the chance to prove themselves at the Paris Marathon.

Renault - for children Renault Russia is a socially-oriented company that strives not only to help children from charitable organizations, orphanages and boarding schools, but also to take part in career guidance work, providing schoolchildren with support in choosing a future profession.

* Women at Renault ** Trainees at Renault *** Sports at Renault

Today, Renault is one of the most famous car brands not only in Europe, but throughout the world. The company produces and sells over 2.5 million cars per year. How did the French automaker appear and achieve such success? You will learn about this on the Renault history page on our website.

The emergence of the Renault brand

The history of the Renault brand begins in 1898. It was then that a young engineer named Louis Renault created the first car in his life, which he called the Voiturette. He developed a 4-wheeled car based on a 3-wheeled one and equipped it with the first gearbox in history.

Already on next year Louis, along with his brothers Fernand and Marcel, registered a company called the Renault Brothers. The products of the new company quickly became popular, and already in 1905 the brothers received an order from the authorities of the French capital itself - 250 Renault cars were ordered for Paris city taxis.

History of Renault in the post-war years

Like many automakers, during the world wars in the first half of the 20th century, Renault had to produce freight transport. When Europe returned to peaceful life again, the French company resumed work on the production of passenger cars. The first post-war model in the history of Renault was the famous Renault 4 CV. The entry of a compact and relatively inexpensive car into the market marked the arrival of new era, when personal transport became available to absolutely everyone.

Renault 4 CV was a truly revolutionary development that changed automotive industry. The use of the system made it possible to make it as accessible as possible rear wheel drive, small, but powerful motor volume of 0.7 liters, as well as the abandonment of the frame structure. The model was produced for 15 years, and during this time it sold over 1 million.

The 1950s and 1960s in the history of Renault became the time of entry into international markets. It was then that the company's factories were opened in Spain, England, South Africa and Japan. Released in the mid-20th century, the Renault Dauphine became popular in the United States and became a triumphant 1962 Tour de Corse, taking all 3 podium places.

The history of the Renault brand probably would not have been so interesting if another legendary car had not been created in 1065 - the Renault 16. It was this front-wheel drive car with torsion bar independent suspension on all wheels that became the model of a family vehicle for many years.

Throughout its history, Renault has also produced commercial vehicles. At different times, real bestsellers were cars such as Estafette, Espace and many others. We also cannot forget about the sporting achievements of the French brand. It was in the second half of the 20th century that it gained a permanent foothold in Formula 1, developing turbocharged engine, capable of accelerating the car to an unprecedented speed of 210 kilometers per hour.

Modern history of Renault

Countdown modern history Renault has been running since 1990, when it was transformed into Joint-Stock Company and launched a model that a year later became the European “Car of the Year” and is still one of the most popular cars in the world - Clio.

Since 1999 Renault brand is part of the Group of Companies of the same name, under whose wing the Dacia and Renault Samsung Motors brands also operate. Also since 1999, French automakers have been cooperating with Japanese Nissan. The alliance allows both companies to reduce vehicle development, logistics and other costs.

Today, the Renault-Nissan alliance is the third largest manufacturer in the world in terms of the number of cars sold.

History of Renault in Russia

The history of Renault in Russia begins in pre-revolutionary times - then cars from the French manufacturer were supplied to our country by the company Frese and Co. It is known that Renault cars were part of the fleet of Emperor Nicholas II and many other noble persons.

Renault was a participant in the first and last automobile exhibition in Russian Empire- IV International Automobile Exhibition, which took place in 1913 in St. Petersburg. In 1916, the company even began construction own factory in Russia, but after the revolution it was nationalized.

Renault returned to Russia by the 1980s. Since 1998, Megane, Renault 19, Clio Symbol models have been assembled in our country. And after concluding an agreement with the Avtoframos plant in 2005, Renault began producing popular model Logan. Now Sandero, Megan, Fluence and are also produced in Russia.