Occupation Auto mechanic. Who is an Auto Mechanic. Description of the profession. An auto mechanic is a profession for car enthusiasts. The profession of an auto mechanic (auto mechanic): training, necessary qualities What is the difference between a mechanic and an auto mechanic

In our time, a fairly large number of cars have appeared, and they, like any other equipment, are capable of failing, therefore they require repair. Any motorist monitors the condition of his car, namely, he observes the passage of daily, seasonal and scheduled maintenance. Almost all this work will be carried out by a specialist working as an auto mechanic at a car service.

If this is a small car service, then, as a rule, car mechanics are employed in such an organization - generalists who perform all types of work. But for the big ones service centers, characterized by a division into specializations.

  • 1. For car tinsmiths, the following types of work are provided - straighten, putty broken car, car preparation for painting works.
  • 2. Painters carry out rough and final sanding, prepare your car, then proceed directly to painting.
  • 3. Mechanic - diagnostician. It is his responsibility to determine the cause of the breakdown. An auto mechanic with such a specialization is in demand in those workshops where they repair foreign cars.
  • 4. An auto electrician fixes electronic problems.

Auto electricians are in high demand on-board computers on cars are becoming more popular). This is only a part of what auto mechanics can do, there are more than ten specialties that are no less important (fitter, minder, gearbox repair specialist and others).

The profession of an auto mechanic is popular and in demand in modern society. If you have loved to repair your toy cars since childhood, and this attraction has not disappeared with age, then you definitely need to learn to be a car mechanic.

This profession can be obtained both in a vocational school and in a higher educational institution. Depending on where you plan to find a job in the future. Small car services willingly hire auto mechanics who have studied at a vocational school, while other, more reputable and serious firms, hire specialists with university diplomas. But after all, not everyone can become an auto mechanic, the profession may seem very simple and uncomplicated, but it is not.

Auto mechanics are people who are very thoughtful, painstaking, able to patiently approach the cause of a car breakdown. His carelessness can lead to an unwanted accident. As in many professions, in this one it is necessary to find a common language with clients, work colleagues and superiors.

For a car mechanic, knowledge of the device is important different cars, their purpose, location and principle of operation of individual components and assemblies. Be able to use control and measuring and diagnostic devices for work. The auto mechanic must be able to find any malfunctions in the car, for further elimination. Knowledge of various types of maintenance is important.

Also, this article will help prepare an essay, essay, report or presentation about the profession.

A car mechanic is a specialist who specializes in the repair and maintenance of automobiles. Vehicle.

The main purpose of the work of a car mechanic is to diagnose and repair a car.

Varieties of the profession

In auto repair shops there is always a lot of work that cannot be done by one person. That is why several specialists work in auto centers, each of which is engaged in a specific activity.

  • auto electrician- troubleshoots the electronics responsible for the basic commands of the car: start, turn on and off the headlights and air conditioning.
  • Autotinsmith– works on straightening the body in the event of dents and bumps and other defects in cars by squeezing and pulling the surface with special tools. He is engaged in puttying the car and preparing it for painting work.
  • Painter- Carries out painting work. He handles the car anti-corrosion agents and sanding the vehicle for paint application.
  • Diagnostic mechanic- Identifies the cause of damage to the car through a complete diagnosis.
  • Engine repairman- Thoroughly understands the device of the motor. Able to determine the breakdown, guided by the sounds and the main symptoms during the operation of the unit.
  • Gearbox repairman- can adjust the engine speed when switching gears.

The profession of a car mechanic is closely intertwined with the duties of an auto mechanic.

A car mechanic can do the work of any of the above specialists, but not so professionally. Such a specialist will be able to perform simple work to repair the motor, align minor chips or install a radio. However, to eliminate large-scale damage, qualified assistance from a highly specialized specialist will be required.

The history of the profession of a car mechanic

In the 18th century, the first vehicles began to appear. They broke very often, so people were needed who could fix them. The need for the work of such specialists became even more acute by the second half of the 20th century, when the production of automobiles assumed a mass character.

People who could understand the complex began to be of value. automotive device. These were auto mechanics and car mechanics. To date, these professions have been fragmented into highly specialized specialists.

professional holiday

On the last Sunday of October, all employees road transport celebrate their professional holiday - the day of the motorist.

They include not only drivers, but also repair and engineering workers and heads of motor transport organizations.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main plus of the profession: a person who understands the device of a car will never be left without a job and will always be able to have a “living penny”.

The disadvantages include:

  • injury risk of the profession (the possibility of getting burns, fractures, bruises and dislocations as a result of falling heavy objects or during welding);
  • the harmful effects of harmful fumes on vision and the respiratory system;
  • sometimes work in cold rooms.

Job Requirements

If you want to work as a car mechanic, you must:

  • V without fail have a secondary special education;
  • thoroughly understand the structure of the car and the characteristics of parts and materials;
  • be able to handle devices and tools, as well as other equipment necessary for car repair and diagnostics.

Job Responsibilities

At the car mechanic enough work.

  • He must accept the incoming vehicles, having learned from the owner the reason for contacting the service center.
  • With the help of precision instruments, the car mechanic is obliged to diagnose the vehicle.
  • Find a breakdown and repair the necessary devices, whether it be a gearbox, fuel system, chassis or other components and assemblies
  • The car mechanic also prepares the car for painting and painting.
  • The specialist's responsibilities include receiving Money for their services.
  • The employee is obliged to keep his workplace clean.
  • The car mechanic must follow the orders and instructions of the car mechanic.

The duties of a car mechanic may also include welding work.

What is the responsibility

The car mechanic is responsible for:

  • the veracity of information regarding the work performed by him;
  • performance of their official duties;
  • non-compliance with the instructions of the management;
  • violation of safety and fire regulations;
  • violation of labor regulations.


The car dealer has the right to:

  • demand from the manager tools and spare parts for car repair, as well as the documentation necessary for work;
  • interact with other units that are engaged in the same type of activity to improve their competence.

Features of the profession of a car mechanic

The complexity of automotive mechanisms has endowed the profession of a car mechanic with an extensive classification and various areas of activity.

The profession of a car mechanic involves the presence of physical exertion, therefore, only men are accepted for the position of a car mechanic.

Professional skills and abilities of a car mechanic

It is impossible to work as a car mechanic without deep knowledge of the structure of the car and possible malfunctions.

Must be able to use diagnostic equipment.

We can say that the life of car owners and passengers is in the hands of a car mechanic. Any mistake can lead to irreversible consequences on the road.

Therefore, a car mechanic must first of all be a professional in his field:

  • be able to quickly and reliably determine the malfunction of the car;
  • understand and know the scope fuels and lubricants and types of fuel;
  • know the principle of operation of devices of all car models;
  • have the skills to work with hand tools and other repair equipment;
  • A car mechanic must be able to drive a car.

Personal qualities

The position of a car mechanic requires people with:

  • good memory and attentiveness;
  • accurate eye and analytical mindset;
  • good eyesight and observation;
  • accuracy and discipline;
  • resourcefulness and scrupulousness;
  • communication and honesty.

The main qualities of a car mechanic are physical endurance and responsibility.


In the profession of a car mechanic important role plays the skill of work.

  • After graduation, graduates can go to work as an intern with an experienced car mechanic. You can become a master after a few months of internship.
  • People with a technical mindset and big ambitions Looking forward to career growth opportunities. The next stage is the position of an auto mechanic.
  • Over time, you can become the head of a workshop or a service station.

A specialist who does not strive for anything and does not want to improve his skills can work as a car mechanic all his life.

The profession of an auto mechanic has been and remains in demand. All kinds of moving technical means becomes more and more, and according to the device they become more complicated and improved every day. Any mechanism always requires proper care. And this can be done by well-trained and skilled workers.

An auto mechanic is a car mechanic who performs both maintenance of vehicles and their subsequent repairs. It is this multidisciplinary specialist who oversees technical condition different types motor vehicle technology. For the work of an auto mechanic, instruments and sophisticated equipment are needed, with the help of which any kind of defects are diagnosed and eliminated. These include autoscanners and dynamometers.

The work of an auto mechanic is as follows:

  • preliminary examination and full diagnosis;
  • performance of high-quality maintenance of the machine;
  • elimination of malfunctions in the units and components of the vehicle;
  • regulation of various machine mechanisms;
  • car tuning, repair of a restoring or cosmetic nature, replacement of failed elements and unusable parts;
  • maintaining documentation for all calculations and registration of warranty papers.

A well-done auto mechanic can significantly reduce the risk of emergencies thus ensuring the safety of the driver and his passengers. And in order to become a specialist in this field, you need to acquire certain professional skills:

  • be able to identify the cause of any defect and malfunction of the machine;
  • navigate in all types of fuels and lubricants and fuels;
  • be able to deal with various types hand tools, diagnostic and repair equipment;
  • have knowledge of the principles and devices of operation vehicles various brands and models;
  • It is also undeniable that any car service specialist must be able to drive a car.

The profession of an auto mechanic is associated with certain risks. The disadvantages of this activity include injuries such as fractures, bruises, cuts, muscle strain, blurred vision, etc. A strong vibrations and the noises coming from working tools and motors adversely affect not only hearing, but also health in general. In addition, auto mechanics often deal with chemicals in their practice. Therefore, people suffering from allergies should not engage in this kind of activity.

Since the volume of work in auto repair shops is huge, one specialist cannot handle it alone. That is why in large auto centers there is differentiation according to specializations:

  • auto electricians. Their duty is to troubleshoot any electronic problems;
  • car tinsmiths. They are responsible for straightening the body and its putty. Thus, the car is prepared for painting work;
  • painters. They are responsible for the final sanding and painting of the car;
  • diagnostic mechanics. These specialists diagnose the car and identify the cause of the breakdown.

Personal qualities of an auto mechanic

The profession of an auto mechanic is very difficult. It is not enough to have excellent hearing, well-developed visual-figurative thinking, observation, the ability to concentrate and an excellent memory. In addition, you need to be hardy and be in good physical shape. Specialists in auto repair shops have to withstand considerable loads, because many parts of the car are quite heavy. That is why there is no place for women in the work of an auto mechanic.

It is very important to be disciplined, patient and careful. Some situations in the practice of an auto mechanic require him to quickly react and be able to impeccably and unquestioningly fulfill all the requirements of the leaders. It is worth remembering that the lives of people can depend on the attentiveness, painstaking and sometimes corrosiveness of the master.

It is also necessary to be a sociable person, to be able to calmly communicate with clients, colleagues and management, to make compromises - all this will significantly improve the quality of the work performed by an auto mechanic. After all, the reputation of any enterprise is based, first of all, on the well-functioning activities of the entire team as a whole.

Auto mechanics are often in tension and stress. That is why people suffering from diseases of the heart, respiratory, nervous systems are unlikely to be hired for this job. Also, a person with visual and hearing impairments should not study to be an auto mechanic.

Education (What do you need to know?)

Currently, various educational institutions are operating, which train their pupils in the profession of an auto mechanic. Vocational schools train specialists to work at service stations; at a technical school, you can learn to be an auto mechanic. Mechanical engineers receive higher technical education.

Those who wish to gain basic knowledge of the work of an auto mechanic can attend training courses. A novice specialist of this profile will get a job in a small car service with a small salary. Large organizations prefer to hire car mechanics with higher education, where the salary will meet the requirements.

Place of work and career

Auto mechanics work at service stations. In small car services, you can often find a universal master. More than narrow profile work in large car centers.

Not a single industrial and agricultural enterprise can do without a car mechanic. The auto mechanic will also be provided with work at car depots, in bus fleets and taxi companies. High-level specialists are required not only in car services, but also in sports.

Those who want to succeed in the auto mechanic profession need to constantly work on themselves, deepening and improving their knowledge, and improve their skills. IN modern world technology is developing quite rapidly. And in order to always remain in demand in this type of activity, to earn an excellent reputation, you need to discover something new every day in your work, gaining invaluable experience. It is not enough just to master this profession by graduating from some educational institution.

The career growth of any car mechanic depends on the company or organization in which he will work directly. The more professional the locksmith's skills, the higher his salary. And high-quality work will attract more new customers.

Over time, a versatile and experienced auto mechanic may well be engaged in private activities by opening his own car service. In the future, it will be possible to create new jobs by hiring other professionals in this field. There are more and more cars with sophisticated devices on the roads, and good master it's getting harder to find.

In any case, not a single experienced auto mechanic has been left without a livelihood. A good specialist, even of retirement age, will always be able to feed himself and his family.

Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 40000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 70000 ⃏ per month

Demand for the profession

The profession is one of the most sought after. The demand for cars is only growing, and the need for repairs, respectively, in specialists is increasing proportionally.

Where to study as an Auto Mechanic in Moscow

Who is the profession for?

Important personal qualities:

  • Strength and Endurance
  • Good vision and the ability to "by eye" to determine the size
  • Developed memory, attention and reaction
  • diligence, responsibility, high level disciplines

Working conditions

The work of an auto mechanic is physically difficult and, if safety rules are not followed, is traumatic: fractures, burns, eye injuries, etc. are possible. Constant noise can also be harmful to health, loud sounds And traffic fumes. You have to work, as a rule, in a short time, sometimes even overtime.


To become professional auto mechanic and to be in demand in the labor market, it is not enough just to master this profession after graduating from college or university. You need to gain work experience, to understand in practice the principle of your specialization. An experienced auto mechanic can earn a solid income. The place of work of this specialist can be service stations, car depots and garage workshops. The profession of an auto mechanic allows you to work for yourself.


  • Communication with customers. This is an essential part of the job. It is important for an auto mechanic to be able to clearly and easily explain the essence of the breakdown and the need for repair procedures.
  • Carrying out diagnostic work. Knowledge of special equipment, the ability to properly install and configure it is far from the full range of skills necessary to accurately determine the causes of a breakdown.
  • Straightening processes. This is one of the most popular services. It requires physical strength and certain skills. Incorrect choice the method of removing the dent is fraught with the appearance of cracks and the replacement of the part.
  • Body repair. All work to eliminate damage to the car, visible to the naked eye.
  • Carrying out welding work. They are dangerous and require the possession of equipment not only for their implementation, but also for labor safety.
  • Carrying out work with electrical network car. This work includes testing, troubleshooting and re-check. The slightest inaccuracy is fraught with the failure of the entire network.
  • Carrying out work aimed at repairing a car engine.
  • Every day, an auto mechanic is faced with the selection and replacement of parts in cars with new or used ones. For execution this process good memory and skills are required.
Rate the job: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The modern world is almost impossible to imagine without a car. This machine, invented by man more than a hundred years ago, has firmly entered our lives and makes it easier for us in every possible way, solving many problems and issues related not only to the transportation of various goods, but also the transportation of people. The lineup cars today is very extensive, and the number of modifications is difficult to count. That is why the profession of an auto mechanic is becoming more and more popular every day among the youth. This specialty will be discussed in detail in this article.


Auto mechanic is a profession that is owned by highly qualified specialists in the field of repair and maintenance of vehicles. These masters closely monitor the serviceable condition " iron horses”, using special equipment and devices, but their most important weapon is, of course, their knowledge.

Historical reference

The profession of an auto mechanic, which is now being taught by many specialized educational institutions, appeared already in the 18th century, far from us, when the first cars were built in the world. The real boom in the development of car mechanic business came in the 1930s, since it was at that time that the rapid production of cars began, which, of course, led to an increase in the need for appropriate workers for their maintenance and repair. An important role was played in this by the legendary American named Henry Ford, who contributed to the creation of the assembly line and thereby gave impetus to the mass production of cars. Every year, the work of the auto mechanic profession became more complicated, and in the 1950s it began to be divided into narrow specializations.


Due to the fact that a car is, in fact, a set of complex technical point from the point of view of mechanisms and electronics, the division among auto mechanics into such areas of activity is quite understandable:

  • minder. This man works exclusively with engines. This master has all the necessary knowledge on the device and repair of any type of motors, has the skills to eliminate their breakdowns and malfunctions.
  • auto electrician. Electrical elements Machines are complex components that guarantee the performance of a huge number of functions. The car electrician, in turn, deals with all electrical diagrams his "ward": diagnoses deviations in the operation of electrical systems and brings them to normal operation. At the same time, the master very often has to work in extremely uncomfortable conditions.
  • Painter. Carrying out paint and varnish work in the automotive environment is a special, one might even say elitist activity, which literally obliges the performer to possess all the special skills for applying paint to the car body. It is important to know that each car can have different coating problems, and this is already making adjustments to the technology for eliminating paint layer defects.
  • Vulcanizer. This master carries out all the necessary vulcanization work. His skills are able to solve many issues in the repair of the car.
  • Autotinsmith. This specialist specializes exclusively in body repair. It is on his conscience to perform stretching and straightening of the body after accidents. As practice shows, these professionals are always in demand in the auto service industry.
  • Diagnostician. Another name is master diagnostic equipment. His task is to absolutely accurately identify the cause of the car breakdown and redirect it to a highly specialized specialist to fix the problem.

General Responsibilities

Despite the division into separate specializations, an auto mechanic is a profession that obliges a person to be able to:

  • Tactfully and courteously communicate with the people who contacted him, to delve into the essence of the problem with their car.
  • Pick up a wide variety of spare parts and parts. At the same time, a real professional will be able to clearly and easily decide which option is still better to choose: used or new.
  • Define a clear and understandable schedule for scheduled inspections of the customer's vehicle.
  • Check specifications cars.
  • Develop and implement measures to improve operational properties car and extending its service life.
  • Submit purchase orders for spare parts.
  • Arrange all necessary technical documentation and accompany her.


An auto mechanic is a profession that is endowed with a fairly large number of positive qualities. Among them:

  • There is a very high demand for these specialists. Firstly, this is due to the steady growth in car production, and secondly, today a lot of young people are being persuaded to choose humanitarian professions (managers, lawyers, etc.) and therefore in some regions there is an acute shortage of auto mechanics. Also, people in this profession can work in almost any enterprise where there is automotive technology requiring care. That is, to put it simply, unemployment does not threaten these masters.
  • Sufficiently high level of income, which, again, is explained by the demand for the specialty.
  • Opportunity to get new interesting acquaintances. Everything is simple here: the fame of a good auto mechanic spreads very quickly, and a real master of his craft in a short period of time can become famous not only within his place of work, but also, for example, in a whole city or even a region.
  • Potential independence from the employer. There are quite a few examples from life when an intelligent auto mechanic, thanks to his skills, earned decent money and opened his own business.
  • The curriculum of the profession of an auto mechanic contributes to the development of logical thinking and the ability to communicate with people, since in addition to repairing cars, the master also has to communicate with their owners.


However, like other types of human activity, an auto mechanic is a profession that also has some negative points. Among them are the following items:

  • Work in this specialty obliges the master to have good physical fitness and be ready to perform exhausting, monotonous tasks.
  • A variety of vapors and mixtures will negatively affect the respiratory system: gasoline, oil, diesel fuel, solvents, welding smoke and others. In addition, noise and vibration will also have a negative impact on health.
  • In some cases, perform official duties will be necessary outdoors in uncomfortable or even bad weather conditions.

And finally, the most important thing is that the auto mechanic bears a large share of the responsibility for preserving the life and health of the car owner who entrusted him with his car, because how well it will be done Maintenance, will largely depend on the safety of the client himself.

Professional risks

The profession of an auto mechanic (a description of the profession is given in the article), like any job, carries dangers. In order to save their health and even life, a specialist must strictly observe safety measures during the performance of their duties. So, for example, before lifting a car on a hydraulic lift, make sure that the lifting arms of this device are well secured under the car. Repair work must be done with the right tools. Always carry out any welding work with the engine switched off and the battery terminals open.


Of course, car repair is a business that, in practice, not everyone can do. Many people not only do not have the desire to master the skills of machine maintenance, but simply simply do not have the appropriate natural inclinations for this. However, it is hoped that after reading this article, young people will say: “My future profession- Auto Mechanic".