Which is better, antifreeze or antifreeze: the right choice of product. Antifreeze or antifreeze: the difference. Antifreeze, antifreeze - characteristics, application features What is poured into the cooling system

A rainbow of different bottles are offered on the shelves in an auto store: dozens of markings, brands and approvals.

How to find out what exactly your car needs: antifreeze or antifreeze, red or green, Mobil or Polarnik?

If the instructions for your car indicate a clear specification: for example, Ford WSS-M97B51-A1, aka BASF Glysantin G05, aka Mazda 0000-77-507E-02, then there is no problem. Look for the treasured jar (canister) with a similar tolerance, and don’t bother with the color, the question “what’s in it, what’s in it?”, and taking a taste test: sweet or not.

Why was a branded coolant (from the car manufacturer) used as an example, or a product from a well-known chemical concern? Because the packaging contains main characteristic for the buyer: vehicle manufacturer approval for specific car(as in the maintenance instructions). This means that this antifreeze or antifreeze can be poured into the radiator, and at a minimum it will cool well, and at a maximum it will not harm your car.

What is the difference between antifreeze and antifreeze, and why do you need to adhere to the factory specifications?

Let's figure out what coolant is and what it is needed for.

Because the engine internal combustion During operation, it generates a lot of heat and must be removed into the atmosphere. For low-power applications (moped, compact car, lawn mower), it is enough to cut the radiator fins on the cylinder head and ensure good airflow. When the intensity of the load increases, the direct air flow is no longer sufficient. It is necessary to remove heat using a coolant (for example, water), which in turn is cooled by the same air, but in a separate radiator.

This is how the cooling system works modern car. Around the cylinders there are so-called cooling jackets. Water pump ensures circulation (constant renewal) of liquid through the radiator, which is intensively blown with air from the oncoming flow and fan.

Which fluid cools the engine most effectively? This question usually transforms into: “what is better antifreeze or antifreeze?” We will answer the second part of the question later. The main secret of the cooling system is that the best coolant is ordinary water. More precisely, not just water from a river or tap, but distilled. Many people remember scenes from old Soviet films: the engine of an old GAZ-51 boiled, the driver with a bucket runs to the nearest river, and the problem is solved.

For cast iron cylinder blocks and thick-walled radiators, this is acceptable, with the exception of operation in winter period. Water at sub-zero temperature it will simply freeze and “tear” the radiator, or even the cylinder head. Remember the “water drained” signs on the radiator?

On modern engines Plain water cannot be used. Why?

  • Salts and calcium dissolved in water leave a “fur coat” on the walls of the cooling jackets. This layer disrupts heat transfer;
  • Freezing of water in winter time. It’s hard to imagine a car owner pouring water onto the asphalt in the office parking lot and then pouring it back in before driving home. Yes, and the design of the cooling system in modern cars more complex, simply unscrewing the plug is not enough;
  • Internal boiling (so-called cavitation). Small air bubbles gradually destroy the metal, the pump impeller is especially affected.

In addition, the coolant (which still consists of 50% distillate) contains many additives. How are they different and what are they needed for?

Chemical composition of antifreeze (antifreeze)

Water is still a solvent for the concentrate. The basis of any coolant is chemical elements.

  • Regular mineral salt lowers the freezing point. However, it is a corrosion catalyst, so it is practically not used in engines;
  • Ethylene glycol, or dihydric alcohol. Excellent resistance to freezing, but promotes corrosion. Moreover, it is when diluted with water that aggressive qualities appear: aluminum parts become covered with shells, and eventually the radiator leaks. IN worst case– the aluminum cylinder head corrodes. In addition, ethylene glycol is far from the cheapest product;
  • Glycerol. It resists freezing well and is quite cheap to produce, but there is a serious problem: water-glycerin solutions are viscous, so circulation of liquid through the radiator honeycomb is impossible. The mixture is diluted with methanol - a monohydric poisonous alcohol, but this component is unstable: at 90 ℃ it boils away, when it gets into engine compartment may ignite. In addition, it is aggressive towards aluminum. Water-glycerin antifreezes (antifreezes) are common among Russian manufacturers. The cost is extremely low; the packaging, as a rule, does not contain car manufacturer specifications;
  • Inhibitors. These are mineral or organic additives that protect metal from corrosion. They make up from 3% to 10% of the mass of the coolant, and essentially determine its compatibility with types of engines. The same specifications of the automaker.

Organic or inorganic, what's the difference?

Mineral inhibitors simply cover the metal walls of the system with a thin layer of protective film. It may be uneven, and corrosion still appears, although it is spotty.

This “chemistry” works effectively; the aggressive effects of antifreeze are practically reduced to nothing. However, the film conducts heat poorly; as a result, it is not removed by the liquid from the heating zone. Over time, heat exchange becomes worse and the motor overheats, and this is fraught increased wear details, more early changing oils, increasing fuel consumption.

The chemical composition of such inhibitors: nitrates, borates, silicates, phosphates, amino acids.

Organic inhibitors created on the basis of salts of carboxylic acids. Carboxylates do not “stick” to the metal, so there are no obstacles to heat transfer. The molecules of these substances block only pinpoint corrosion. They act as if targeted, leaving most of the area free from film.

Inhibitors are based on carbonates – organic acids that are neutral to metals. The cost is significantly higher than that of mineral water.

Hybrid additives contain carboxylates (usually more of them) and mineral additives. By using the right combination, coolant manufacturers compensate for the shortcomings various types additives without reducing the positive effect.

And finally, the answer to main question: What is the difference between antifreeze or antifreeze? In fact, the name does not contain information about the composition or compatibility with different types engine. Reasoning that antifreeze is poured into carburetor engines, and the injector works exclusively on antifreeze, are groundless.

History of coolant names:

As we noted earlier, initially ordinary water from a nearby pond was used to cool the engines. Then more technologically advanced internal combustion engines appeared, and accordingly the need for high-quality coolant arose. Foreign manufacturers combined all coolant options under the definition of “antifreeze”. That is, not freezing.

Simultaneously soviet government instructed scientists to develop a similar drug for domestic cars(so as not to buy expensive liquid abroad). One of the chemical research institutes quickly developed (or simply copied) the technology. Foreign and domestic liquids were absolutely identical in properties and composition. Domestic development the department “Organic Synthesis Technology” was called the abbreviation of this division; "TOS". The suffix used in the names of alcohols (ethanOL, methanOL) was added, resulting in TOSOL. This name has become as common a name as “copier”. Despite the fact that the composition of domestic antifreeze and foreign coolants changed from year to year, the common names stuck.

The simplest compositions based on glycerin or ethylene glycol with mineral additives are usually called antifreeze. Although abroad there is antifreeze with the same components. Both names can be found on the packaging, fundamental difference No.

How to determine whether the coolant is suitable for your car or not?

Serious manufacturers certify their technical fluids at car factories. On the same principle as motor oils, so you can always check compliance with catalogues. For example, compatibility table for BASF antifreezes:

This is where the catch lies. There are no universal specifications “for all Fords” or for any diesel VW. Each car is designed for a certain type of antifreeze, and mixing them is strictly not recommended. When silicate and carboxylate additives come into contact, dense clots are formed. They clog the radiator honeycombs, interfering with water circulation.

Some alloys inside the engine or radiator can actively corrode precisely under the influence of a certain mineral additive, so look for the only correct answer in the instructions for your car.

Specifications G11, G12, G12+, etc. for Volkswagen cannot be used in the selection of antifreeze for KIA. Some car owners simply buy fluid of the same color as in the expansion tank. Color has nothing to do with the composition of the coolant. This dye is a marking.


How can you find out what type of antifreeze was poured in if the color cannot be determined by eye? The answer is clear: look for information from the car manufacturer and buy the “correct” fluid. The brand doesn't matter. The main thing is the specification for your car. When replacing, flush the cooling system with distilled water.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them

An article about antifreeze and antifreeze - what are the similarities and differences between these liquids, tips and recommendations for choosing. At the end of the article - interesting video about what will happen if you mix antifreeze with antifreeze.

The content of the article:

When conducting Maintenance car, you can hear from service station technicians two names for the cooler - “antifreeze” and “antifreeze”. But few car owners know what their differences are. There is also no clear understanding of whether these liquids can be mixed and which one is better. A thorough, in-depth study of these issues will help you understand everything.

Both words mean the same thing - coolant; the differences lie in the composition, characteristics and origin:
  • antifreeze is a general name for coolants used internationally;
  • Antifreeze is actually an abbreviation that stands for “Organic Synthesis Technology”; OL indicates that the liquid belongs to the group of alcohols. This product was developed by a domestic research institute.
This abbreviation appeared in the early 70s of the last century and since it was not patented, many cooler manufacturers use it today. This is done for marketing purposes to attract buyers to the promoted name.

But this is not a critical criterion when choosing a cooler. The thing is that over time, production technologies and requirements for such liquids have changed.

Antifreeze, as defined by Western experts, is a coolant that is a mixture of additives, an alcohol base and water circulating in the car system to regulate temperature.

It prevents it from freezing in winter and overheating in the warm season. In fact, antifreeze manufacturers different countries

have their own standards for the production of liquids following the example of domestic GOST. To streamline this system, it was decided to use the classification of coolers Volkswagen concern

  1. , according to which liquids are divided into the following classes: G11
  2. – traditional or silicate technology is used for production. Such antifreezes include combinations of organic compounds such as nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, and amines. They prevent corrosion and effectively protect the system from negative impacts and destruction. This class is designated: Traditional coolants, G11, Conventional coolants, IAT (Inorganic Acid Technology).– organic acids – carboxylic compounds – are used in production. Their difference from the previous class is their focal effect on individual areas. This technology is considered more progressive. This class of liquids has an extended service life of 3–5 years, designated G12, Carboxilate coolants, OAT (Organic Acid Technology).
  3. G12+– hybrid compositions containing organic and inorganic compounds. And for different markets has a certain specificity. For example, European manufacturers use silicates, Japanese use phosphates, and Americans use nitrites. On containers this class is designated Hybrid coolants, HOAT (Hybrid Organic Acid Technology).
  4. G12++– this class of antifreeze began to be produced in 2008. It is distinguished by its composition, which includes organic elements (base) and mineral compounds, designated Lobrid coolants, SOAT coolants.
  5. G13– the most advanced technology, eliminating the use of aggressive chemical compounds. They have been replaced by environmentally friendly and safe propylene glycogen formulations. This class appeared on the market in 2012.
Based on the above, antifreezes can be divided into mineral G11 (these include antifreeze), organic G12, G12+, lobrid G12++, G13 - environmentally friendly compounds of the new generation.

The compositions are also divided according to the following parameters:

  • boiling and freezing points;
  • lubricating characteristics;
  • degree of anti-corrosion protection.
Antifreeze belongs to the class of mineral coolers, its average service life is 2 years or 50,000 km. It is designed for cars domestic production.

Attention! There is no gradation of coolers by color; their protective characteristics do not depend on this.

Initially, all classes of liquids are transparent; dyes are added to them so that people working at service stations, as well as car owners, can distinguish them from other compounds and determine the operating temperature range.

You also need to know that all coolers have the same base. It consists of:

  • ethylene glycogel – 90%;
  • distilled water up to 5–7%;
  • improving additives – 3–5%.
Ethylene glycogel is a two-component alcohol with an oily structure and a boiling point of +200 and a freezing point of -12 degrees Celsius.

That is, the compositions differ only in additives. Regarding the color of antifreeze, it is worth making an amendment - it determines the working. The composition of domestic production is blue or red. In the first case, the liquid ensures the car’s performance down to -40, and in the second, up to -65 degrees Celsius.

Foreign manufacturers, as a rule, use green dyes for G11 class coolers. The compositions of other generations are colored red, pinkish. This is done in order to actually distinguish silicate antifreezes from the rest.

So, when choosing a cooler, you can focus on its color:

  • red is fully compatible with copper and brass;
  • green antifreeze It is recommended to fill it into radiators made of aluminum alloys.
At the same time, antifreeze does not provide sufficient protection for aluminum when working on high temperatures. A rational alternative here would be carbonic acid compounds. These are classes: G12, G12+, G12++. They also increase the service life of the water pump (pump) by 50%.

Foreign and domestic experts argue that choosing the “right” antifreeze is as important as motor oil. The right choice will help maintain the technical characteristics of the car for a long time. high level, protect the engine from damage.

Antifreeze is perfect for engines with cast iron elements.

One more important point When choosing a cooler, use the manufacturer's recommendations. The downside of antifreeze is its relatively low thermal conductivity. Reason – protective layer, formed on the surface of the metal, which reduces heat transfer.

Another disadvantage is the reduction protective properties at temperatures exceeding +100 degrees Celsius. As a result, a coking deposit forms on the surface of the cylinder liners and in the pump. This process is called hydrodynamic cavitation. Antifreeze protects against it better. At the same time, compounds containing phosphorus contribute to the formation of sediment, which clogs the radiator, reducing heat transfer, and preventing the thermostat from working properly.

It should be noted right away that color is not an indicator of compatibility, and for this reason coolers cannot be mixed. Car and cooler manufacturers recommend that they be free of particulate matter. Mixing different classes antifreeze with antifreeze can provoke their formation.

Compositions of the same classes, but from different manufacturers and colors, are compatible. Their characteristics do not change, but there is a risk of suspension formation high viscosity when heated, approaching a temperature of +100 degrees Celsius.

In order to exclude possible risks, it is advisable to use one class of coolers from a specific manufacturer. When changing antifreeze, it is recommended to flush the system with special compounds. Practice shows that it is relatively safe to mix the G12++ class with G11 and G12.

If you are not sure what kind of liquid is poured into the car, you should add only G12++ or G13 compounds, which are compatible with other classes and are universal.

Important! To determine the density of antifreeze and antifreeze, various hydrometers are used.


When choosing a coolant, you should not be guided by speculation or myths, but take into account practice and actual characteristics. So, antifreeze is perfect for domestic classics. You should not overpay and buy more expensive foreign antifreezes of the G11 class, since they are identical to the composition of domestic production.

It is better to fill foreign cars with fluids of a higher class. They provide better heat transfer and long term operation. Manufacturers of G13 compounds promise intervals between replacements of up to 650,000 km, which is an average of more than 5 years.

You should not assume that thoroughly flushing the system of a VAZ or another brand of domestic car and pouring expensive antifreeze will significantly improve driving performance and dynamic indicators. Antifreeze and foreign analogues do not provide an increase in power, but only provide stable work car at different temperature conditions.

Expensive foreign coolers will provide resistance to temperature effects, more reliable protection and long service life. Conclusion - antifreeze after all better than antifreeze.

Video about whether it is possible to mix antifreeze and antifreeze:

Cars have long ceased to be luxury items. Many people have them. Proper care maintenance of the machine extends its service life, and the cooling system ensures the safety of the engine. Car owners rarely think about what is better antifreeze or antifreeze. It is at their expense that the cooling system works. Each remedy has its pros and cons.

Antifreeze characteristics

Before deciding which is better to use - antifreeze or antifreeze - you need to understand general characteristics funds. Antifreeze is a coolant. It does not freeze at low temperatures. It includes:

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  • ethylene glycol;
  • water;
  • inhibitors.

This combination gives the product anti-corrosion properties. It is available in two forms: ready-mix and concentrate. The latter needs to be bred independently. The liquid is also distinguished by color. The best option considered red antifreeze. It consists of an organic base that effectively performs its tasks. A small addition of carboxylic acid prevents the formation of films. The liquid removes small areas of corrosion.

The green mixture is a combination of organics and chemicals. It is less efficient, reduces heat dissipation and contributes to the appearance of plaque, although its cost is much cheaper.

Basic properties of antifreeze

In order to do right choice- antifreeze or antifreeze - you need to study the properties of each product. Antifreeze is a type of coolant. It is poured into a special system. Its task is to prevent the engine from overheating and help it start at low temperatures. . Antifreeze contains:

  • ethylene glycol;
  • additives;
  • inorganic acids.

This product protects parts from corrosion. Antifreeze is not subject to fire, boiling, does not form foam, and during operation and storage does not change its chemical properties. Him high performance thermal conductivity and heat capacity. The peculiarity of the liquid is its low viscosity.

It is available in two forms: diluted and concentrated. In the second case, preliminary dilution is required. Comes in two colors: blue and red.

Choice of product

It is impossible to clearly decide what is better to fill, antifreeze or antifreeze. The first difference is the price. Antifreeze is cheaper. Such a difference in cost does not make one product or another worse. Another difference is the country of manufacture. Antifreeze is produced only foreign companies , antifreeze is prepared in Russia. Hence there is a belief that the first product is suitable for foreign cars, and the second - for products of the domestic automobile industry.

The composition of liquids also differs. Antifreeze has not changed its recipe at all. It contains chemical additives - borates, silicates, etc. The composition has not changed for about 40 years. This is main drawback products, since more advanced additives have appeared over such a period. They more effectively prevent the occurrence of corrosion and preserve the engine cooling system.

It is impossible to clearly determine why antifreeze is better than antifreeze. Each fluid is designed for specific engines. If you choose green antifreeze, it has a composition of additives similar to antifreeze. They protect the radiator and parts from corrosion, but at the same time the film reduces heat dissipation. This leads to the engine heating up more in the summer, and after two years of operation the fluid is completely changed. Each car enthusiast decides for himself which type of cooler to choose.

Antifreeze has more differences with red antifreeze. The imported product has organic additives that do not form a film inside the system, which increases the cooling rate. Additives begin to actively work the moment rust forms. Carboxylic acid effectively destroys it. Therefore, in choosing what is better to fill - antifreeze or red antifreeze - the second candidate wins. This product has a high degree of cooling and a longer service life (about 3-4 years).

Liquids latest generation consider - G12 (antifreeze purple). There have been dramatic changes in their composition: harmful ethylene glycol has been replaced with propylene glycol. The new substance is safer to use. The additives have also changed: they have become hybrid. This combination made it possible to combine the protection of parts from rust and effective fight with pockets of corrosion.

There is a myth that antifreeze can only be used in domestic cars. But the latest generation antifreezes will also work. Green liquids are well suited for radiators made of aluminum alloys, and red - for copper and brass.

When choosing a product, you cannot save money. A bad “coolant” or a fake mixture will harm the engine and cause breakdown. Car repairs will cost more.

The operation of an internal combustion engine is impossible without cooling it. To obtain mechanical energy, even in the most modern models engines use about 30% (in diesel engines 45%) of the useful energy of the total amount released during fuel combustion. The rest goes with exhaust gases and is spent on heating the motor itself. To prevent such heating, and especially overheating, from occurring in cars, they use special systems cooling systems, which are filled with appropriate coolants (coolants). These refrigerants allow unnecessary heat to be removed from the area of ​​the internal combustion chambers to the external environment.

If you do not use coolers, the car will, of course, start and even drive for some distance, after which the engine will overheat and seize. It will be possible to continue driving such a car only in tow or with the help of a tow truck. By the way, 2 out of 10 breakdowns occur precisely due to engine overheating. Therefore, experts recommend that you always fill the coolant, especially since one canister of such liquid will last for hundreds of kilometers, and it costs between 500-600 rubles.

When choosing a coolant, almost everyone has a logical question - is there any difference between antifreeze and antifreeze? Let's try to figure it out.

How is antifreeze different from antifreeze?

First of all, it is worth saying that the word “TOSOL” is actually an abbreviation meaning “Technology of Organic Synthesis of a Separate Laboratory” (according to some sources, the last two letters are an alcohol compound). This coolant appeared when the USSR learned about a foreign innovation called antifreeze. But the “foreign” coolant could not be allowed on domestic market, and the Soviet luminaries developed their own composition, which was given the familiar name antifreeze. Based on this, it would be logical to say that these two liquids are not much different from each other. That is, by and large, antifreeze is a type of antifreeze or one of its brands. And in fact, the basis of any of these coolants is ethylene or less toxic polypropylene glycol and water. But not everything is so simple, since some differences still exist.


Antifreeze uses additives made from salts of inorganic acids (phosphates, silicates, nitrates, nitrites). It is worth noting that silicates behave quite aggressively. On the one hand, they are used to protect the walls of pipes and other elements from corrosion, but at the same time, this component has a detrimental effect.

Antifreeze contains additives based on salts of organic acids. In addition, antifreeze also has anti-corrosion, anti-cavitation and anti-foam properties. Silicates are not used in the manufacture of these refrigerants.

Protective layer

Antifreeze forms a special protective film thickness no more than 0.5 mm. The disadvantage of this protection is the low heat transfer, or more precisely, the fact that such a coolant quite quickly loses its ability to cool (after 30 - 40 thousand kilometers). As a result, the engine wears out faster. In addition, antifreeze contains inorganic salts, which cause the formation of sediments that can clog the radiator. This refrigerant boils at a temperature of 105 degrees.

Antifreeze also forms such a film, but only on the walls, where corrosion most often appears, while the remaining metal surfaces remain clean. Thanks to this, heat transfer is not disrupted. In addition, antifreeze does not lose its qualities when high mileage, exceeding 250 thousand kilometers. The organic salts contained in antifreeze do not form any precipitation, and the coolant itself operates in the system up to a temperature limit of 115 degrees.


There is an opinion that antifreeze and antifreeze differ from each other in color. But this is just a myth that has no basis. In fact, any refrigerant can be green, blue, yellow or grey-brown-crimson, it all depends on the creativity of the manufacturer and the dyes used. Mostly blue and green“mark” liquids based on salts, and red - based on acids, but again this is not a rule, but rather a pattern.

If we talk about whether it is better to fill in antifreeze or antifreeze, then the latter composition has a large number of advantages. Coolant based on organic acids is different greater efficiency, long service life and performs better at high temperatures. The service life of the water pump also almost doubles if you use antifreeze.

As you can see, despite their similarities, both compositions have significant differences, so it’s worth saying a few words about whether antifreeze can be mixed with antifreeze.

What happens if you mix antifreeze with antifreeze?

There are several reasons for mixing different coolants. For example, if a leak occurred and the refrigerant began to leak. In this situation, the car owner is forced to buy any liquid that happens to be in a store nearby.

Also, some “experienced” people decide to make such a “cocktail” in order to obtain a larger number of additives of different directions. In their opinion, various components will be able to better protect the system from various harmful formations. In fact, if it were possible to create a universal mixture capable of coping with all conceivable and inconceivable adversities, then manufacturers would have long ago adopted such “know-how” into service. The fact is that different liquids may contain additives that have various properties, as a result, such a mixture will change its chemical composition and it is not a fact that this will have a beneficial effect on the operation of the car’s systems.

Therefore, you can mix antifreeze with antifreeze, liquids of different colors and in different proportions, but only if the properties of these refrigerants are similar.

Healthy! There are refrigerants that are absolutely insensitive to any mixing. Such liquids can be distinguished by the markings G12, G12+, G11.

It is worth considering that different manufacturers equip their compositions not only with anti-corrosion and anti-foam additives, but also with many other components (for example, additives that prevent the effect of antifreeze on rubber parts cooling system). There are a huge number of types of additional components, so be sure to carefully read the compositions of the coolant being mixed before combining them.

If you do not take into account some features, but nothing critical for the operation of the car’s systems will happen, it is better to refrain from unnecessary “mixes” if possible, and if you switch to another type of liquid, flush the cooling system. By the way, about mixing different compositions.

What happens if you mix antifreeze with water?

Since the coolant contains about 70% water, you can easily create such a “cocktail”. This is especially true in the warm season. In addition, if your car boils on the road and you urgently need to top up the coolant, and there are no auto parts stores nearby, then you can use water for this purpose without fear. But after this you should still add antifreeze to the cooling system.

The fact is that in summer, the water in antifreeze evaporates faster, as a result, only “bare” additives remain in the liquid, accordingly the composition becomes more concentrated, so adding water is not only possible, but even necessary, in order to slightly dilute the coolant in the heat.

If we are talking about whether it is possible to dilute antifreeze with water, then it is worth noting that such a cocktail should be made only in the warm season; before the onset of winter, the liquid must be changed, because:

  • at sub-zero temperatures, water will simply freeze;
  • from severe frosts the expansion tank may crack if ice forms in it;
  • there is a risk that the cooling system pipes will crack.

The last problem is the most difficult to identify, since cracks form at the joints, so the “surprise” will indeed be unexpected.

In custody

As you can see, antifreeze has a more gentle and durable composition, so it is better to use it. If in some unforeseen situation you need to add coolant, then you can use domestic antifreeze for this.

The purpose of the refrigerant is to provide high-quality cooling power unit machine and prevent it from overheating. If the system uses fluid that does not meet engine specifications, it will cause serious problems. We will tell you below how to find out whether antifreeze or antifreeze has been filled, and why the driver needs it.


Why do you need to know this?

Finding out what is filled, Antifreeze or antifreeze, is useful for several reasons:

  1. The car was recently purchased second hand. It is logical to find out from the previous car owner what is used in the cooling system and when it was last changed consumables. This will allow you to find out when to make a replacement.
  2. There has been a malfunction in the cooling system. The heating device has become worse and sometimes the power unit overheats. Such problems are often caused by the use of low-quality refrigerant. It is useful to find out what exactly is poured into the system so that you never use such a product again.
  3. Even if everything works fine and there is no engine overheating, the car owner still needs to know what is used in the cooling system. At a minimum, so that if there is a shortage of refrigerant volume, you can understand what liquid to buy to add.

What is the difference between antifreeze and antifreeze?

Distinguish regular antifreeze Antifreeze in the car is not so easy. After all, both types of consumables have a certain composition and technical characteristics, which we will consider below.

Find out which fluid is appropriate to use in a machine engine from a video filmed by user Alexander Skripchenko.


Composition of working fluids and their technical features- the main difference between refrigerants.

Antifreeze - product Russian production. It is based on ethylene glycol and distillate; the proportions of mixing liquids are determined by the manufacturer. The composition of the liquid is supplemented with additives based on inorganic acids.

As for antifreeze, in addition to ethylene glycol and distilled water, the base substances are propylene glycol and alcohol. The main role in the operation of the substance is played by additives belonging to the organic type. Their presence in the composition is especially important for liquids, since they prevent the formation of corrosion on the internal walls of the cooling system components and foam.


Antifreeze poured into the car cooling system on the surface metal elements forms a protective layer for the radiator and motor. Its thickness, as a rule, is no more than 0.5 mm. The formation of a layer can affect the quality of heat transfer. In some engines, this increases fuel consumption and reduces the service life of the power unit. The service life of the coolant is on average about 30-40 thousand km.

As a result of the presence of silicates and other inorganic acids in the liquid base, the refrigerant may turn into a gel state over time. A sediment will appear in the system, which will remain on the walls. Due to the appearance of deposits, the radiator unit may become clogged, which will lead to its failure. The same problem will cause the internal combustion engine to overheat.

Basic information about the characteristics and compositions of various consumables is given in the video filmed by the Inflated Wheels channel.

Thanks to technological additives in the antifreeze composition, the liquid forms a film to protect against corrosion only where pockets of rust are already detected. As a result, heat transfer in the system is not disrupted. The use of antifreeze has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the engine as a whole.

How to determine what is flooded?

It will not be possible to check and recognize using color what is in the car. Antifreeze is always colored blue. But modern antifreezes are also available in blue.

If you don’t know what’s in the car, you can determine the type of consumables based on several factors:

  1. Smell and taste. Antifreezes are usually odorless, and if you touch the liquid, it will be more oily, unlike traditional antifreeze.
  2. Determining the type of liquid can be done by diagnosing the compatibility of the refrigerant with ordinary water. We must take from expansion tank a little substance and mix it with tap water in a 1:1 ratio. Afterwards, the container with the refrigerant is placed in the freezer for about one hour. If, as a result, the liquids separate, the mixed substance becomes cloudy and sediment forms at the bottom, then you use Antifreeze. If the cooling system of your car is filled with high-quality antifreeze, then such problems will not arise.
  3. Another factor is resistance to negative low temperatures. Pour a small amount of refrigerant into a separate bottle and place it in the freezer. When using Antifreeze, the liquid will quickly freeze, but if a good refrigerant is added, this will not happen.
  4. Using a hydrometer, you can diagnose the density indicator of a substance. The test should be carried out at an air temperature of 20 degrees. With this condition, the refrigerant density parameter should be about 1.073-1.079 g/cm3. If so, then you are using antifreeze.

Hydrometer for diagnosing density levels Parameter check

For diagnosis, you can resort to the old “old-fashioned” method:

  1. You will need a plate or other metal device. It will also be required rubber product, for example, a piece of hose from the cooling system.
  2. Take some fluid from the reservoir under the hood of your car. You need to pour it into a jar or bottle, where you should also place a plate and a piece of hose.
  3. After 20 minutes, look at the result. Russian-made consumables create a protective layer on all components of the cooling system. Accordingly, you will see a barely noticeable film on both the plate and the piece of hose. If the metal is corroded, and a film has formed only where rust is present, then you use antifreeze. Remove the products from the container and check them by touch.

How can you tell what kind of antifreeze is in your car from the factory?

To understand what brand of refrigerant to add to the refrigeration system, you need to know what is initially added from the factory. You won't be able to determine this on your own. An accurate conclusion can only be given by the results of laboratory tests. Alternatively, you can contact your dealer or read service book manual. It indicates which standard of refrigerant should be used.

You can learn about mixing refrigerants and the results from the video filmed by the Avto-Blogger.ru channel.

Is it possible to fill something in if you don’t know?

If the situation is urgent, for example, while driving you had to stop because the engine overheated, then you can also pour water into the cooling system. If this happens during the cold season, we recommend that you do not ride on water for a long time, but rather drive to the nearest service station or garage to solve the problem. Even when adding fluid in the warm season, after using the car, the cooling system is flushed. In cold weather, water will quickly freeze, and it has the property of expansion, so freezing will damage the expansion tank and pipes.

It is possible to mix only those refrigerants that correspond to each other in composition and standard. not allowed. This will lead to chemical reaction, as a result of which the liquid will lose its properties and will not be able to perform its duties. Precipitates form in the cooling system, which prevents the normal circulation of consumables through the lines. Due to the loss of properties on internal parts radiator device will experience corrosion, which over time will lead to serious damage unit.

If you had to mix Antifreeze with antifreeze, then do not delay the replacement process. It is necessary to drain consumables. When changing, the engine is flushed, and the procedure is repeated several times. This is done until clean water without deposits or traces of scale begins to come out of the cooling system. Then we can assume that the cleaning was completed successfully. For washing it is allowed to use special means. When filling, take into account the engine specifications and the manufacturer's recommendations for the use of antifreeze.