Mechanical gearbox, device, principle of operation. Manual transmission: the principle of operation of Vick on the gearshift lever

Manual transmission, she's the same Manual Transmission, sometimes, in circles of auto mechanics, you can hear it as a “box” or “box” - it is a device made up of a set of gears that mesh with each other in various variations, forming gears with different gear ratios.

Each gear is designed for a specific speed mode and engine load; their alternate use allows the engine to be used as efficiently as possible with minimal risk of overloading it. The more gears a car has, the better its adaptability to different conditions movements.

Gearbox device

Design and principle of operation of the gearbox

Mechanical box arranged this way:

  • At the bottom of the box there is a crankcase (structurally this is the gearbox housing);
  • Inside there are shafts with gears - primary, secondary and intermediate shafts;
  • Also in the manual transmission there is an additional shaft and gear reverse gear;
  • Synchronizers;
  • On top of the box there is a gear shift mechanism () with locking and locking devices;
  • There is a gear shift lever in the cabin.

Carter together with the entire body contains all the main components and parts. Carter is half full transmission oil which is needed for lubrication internal mechanism. Because during operation, the gears of the gearbox are subjected to heavy loads and must be lubricated in order to eliminate friction and cool the parts.

Shafts rotate in bearings that are pressed into the crankcase. Gearbox shafts have a large set of gears with different numbers of teeth.

Synchronizers are needed to change gears smoothly and silently by equalizing the angular speeds of the gears.

Gear shift mechanism designed to change gears and control it from the cabin using a lever. Locking device, at the same time, does not allow two gears to be switched on at the same time, and the locking mechanism keeps the gear from spontaneously switching off.

Since the gear ratio is determined through the ratio to the number of gear teeth that interact. All manual transmissions are divided into types according to the number of stages. There are 4, 5 and six speed gearboxes. In addition to the steps, manual transmissions are also divided into types according to the number of shafts.

Types and design of manual transmission

Manual transmission can be done using one of two common concepts: three-shaft or twin-shaft. Boxes of the first type are installed mainly on rear-wheel drive cars, while the latter are used on rear-engine and front-wheel drive cars. Box diagram each type of gear has its own fundamental differences

, so they should be considered separately.

Manual transmission diagram.

Three-shaft gearbox The gearbox design of this type assumes the presence of three shafts, called driven, intermediate and driving. The drive shaft is connected to the clutch through splines.

Intermediate shaft

, located parallel. The moment is transmitted to it by a rigidly fixed gear.

The driven shaft with a number of gears rotates independently of the drive shaft. The gears of this shaft are not rigidly attached. Rigidly fixed synchronizer couplings are installed between them, allowing only longitudinal sliding along the shaft. Job

mechanical transmission In any modern manual transmission, all three shafts are constantly in contact through gears. When the neutral gear is engaged, the driven shaft is not fixed by anything and rotates freely.

Engaging the gear leads to longitudinal movement of the synchronizer until it docks with the gear, which ensures a rigid connection of the driven shaft and the entire gearbox with the engine.

This allows you to begin transmitting the selected torque directly to the wheels. To enable reverse

a separate shaft with its own gear is used. Typically three-shaft manual gearbox

has helical gears, which guarantees their strength, noiselessness and wear resistance.

Twin-shaft gearbox is not the only, but the most common type of gearbox.

It has both obvious advantages and obvious disadvantages, of which there are still much fewer.

Repairing a gearbox is a rather complicated procedure and should only be entrusted to a specialist.

  • So, the advantages of manual transmission can be called:
  • minimum cost and weight; good dynamics
  • acceleration;
  • simplicity and clarity of design;
  • reliability;

low cost of maintenance. Mechanical step box gears hard wires power unit

to the leading pair, which allows you to achieve maximum driving efficiency on icy conditions and in off-road conditions.

only step change of gear ratios; relatively low clutch resource. For these reasons today

mechanics box

is the main, but not the only popular gear shift system.

Common manual transmission faults A manual transmission can have a wide variety of transmissions, being a complex system with a large number of moving parts..

  1. Most often the box fails due to:
  2. To extend the service life, in addition to a gentle driving regime, it is recommended
  3. change the oil promptly

wear of certain components; stable lack of oil in the box;:

  1. loosening the fastening of the box elements.
  2. The causes of these breakdowns may be
  3. the following factors improper operation;;
  4. poor quality mechanisms;


operational wear

poor quality repair or lack of .

No matter how simple and reliable a manual transmission is, it also periodically fails, especially with improper care or driving style, and you need to be prepared for this.

How to use a manual transmission

Operating a car with such a gearbox requires certain skills and abilities, so many, especially women, find it difficult to change gears on a manual transmission.

How to change gears

Gear shift

The first thing you need to remember is the position of the gearshift lever for each gear. Secondly, learn to choose the speed mode and operating range of each gear.

Speed ​​modes:

  • In 1st gear 15-20 km/h;
  • In 2nd gear 30-40 km/h;
  • In 3rd gear 50-60 km/h;
  • At 4th up to 80 km/h;
  • 5th for speeds over 80 km/h.

But it’s best to focus on the tachometer when changing gear. Switch to increased speed you can spin the engine speed 1500 - 2000 rpm diesel engine, or if it is gasoline, then up to 2000 - 2500 thousand.

Before starting to drive, always make sure that the shift lever is in the neutral position. Then depress the clutch with your left foot and move the gearshift knobs to the position corresponding to first gear. In order to start moving without jerking and roaring of the engine, you need to smoothly release the clutch and also lightly press the accelerator (gas) pedal. Further upon reaching speed threshold, switch to second gear, pressing the clutch again and releasing the gas pedal, then smoothly repeat everything.

When switching on speeds, they cannot be skipped, only switched one by one.

When slowing down by pressing the “brake” pedal or when braking the engine, the gears are lowered in the same way, only engage not the next one down in order, but select the most appropriate one according to the speed limit.

Even though the manual transmission reliable unit, if it is not used correctly, the box can very quickly fail. Therefore, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  1. Shift gears smoothly and carefully, more than half of manual transmission failures are associated with failure of gears and synchronizers due to careless gear shifting.
  2. Monitor the oil level in the box. The quantity and replacement lines are regulated in the repair manual.
  3. Protect the gearbox housing. The sump is very fragile and can be accidentally damaged by getting caught on some obstacle, therefore, as a rule, I protect the engine crankcase and gearbox from mechanical damage with an additional screen.

Related terms

Sometimes a motorist is faced with the question of why the gear shift lever dangles, but before answering it, you should clearly understand what this gearbox element is, its structure and what functions it performs.

Gear shift knob, or what is the design of the system?

A feature of all manual gearboxes is the need to manually operate the lever. We can assume that this is exactly what he does the most important function in determining the speed limit of your movement. This means that without it, control vehicle becomes simply impossible. The principle of operation of the lever is quite simple: by tilting it in the longitudinal and transverse directions, you set it to a position that corresponds to a certain speed.

The gear shift lever handle is connected to the synchronizer via a fork, the position of which transmits information about the number of the selected speed. gearbox so that the generated engine power allows the car to move at a given speed. When the position of the lever corresponds to neutral gear, it is held in place by springs. The gear shift pattern is often depicted on the head of the lever.

How can the gear shift lever be positioned?

The location of the gearbox levers can be either floor-mounted or steering column mounted. And despite the fact that the latter is considered more convenient to use, nevertheless, in most cases, car manufacturers prefer the first option. This is due to some disadvantages of the steering column arrangement, including: low speed and clarity, the likelihood of incomplete engagement of gears, rods wear out much faster, sometimes they may jam, as well as “knocking out” of the gear.

But in both cases, the design of the gear shift lever remains the same. The only differences can be in length, and if previously it could reach even 30 cm, today manufacturers strive to make it as small as possible, eliminating too much travel of the gear lever. Therefore, with a floor arrangement, nothing will change significantly in the design, but there will be noticeably fewer breakdowns.

Shift lever squeak and other problems

From all of the above it is clear that this part is one of the most important in all, and if it fails, then driving such a vehicle becomes life-threatening. The most common reasons why such an emergency can occur are either mechanical damage, or the consequences of incorrect operation. Here are a few breakdowns that you can easily detect on your own.

You should know that The gear shift knob should move freely without jamming. In the event that difficulties arise in performing of this action, most likely the spherical washer has failed or spherical bearing. They need to be replaced urgently. The creaking of the gear shift lever also indicates a malfunction. If it happens spontaneous shutdown, which means you should definitely check the spring; it is quite possible that it simply slipped off.

How to repair a gear shift lever?

In any case, no matter what happens, Gear shift lever repair involves replacing failed parts, and without completely removing it it will be impossible to do this. For this purpose, the plastic protective plate is dismantled and the hinge cage is released. Then you need to move it aside jet thrust and remove the entire lever. But in order to free up access to all the plastic bushings and axles, it is necessary to remove the cover for the gear shift lever.

Check how the axle moves. If it is loose, then you need to change all the bushings, and do not forget to lubricate the new spare parts with special lubricant before installing them.

To replace the spring, it must be pulled out, and for this you need to dismantle the retaining ring and the hinge with the lever. If you cannot do without replacing the ball joint, you should carefully push the spherical washer apart with your fingers and remove the worn part. At the same time, when installing a new one, lubricate it.

The thrusts change as follows. There is a clamp at the bottom of the car; you should loosen it. Next you need to disconnect it from the hinges and, by unscrewing the fastening nut, you can freely pull out the rod. Installation of the new one is carried out in the reverse order. Thus, having replaced all damaged elements with new ones, you can drive safely. At the same time, do not forget that periodically it is necessary to adjust the gear shift lever.

Almost any modern car (except electric cars) is necessarily equipped with a gearbox. The most popular types of gearboxes are:

  1. Automatic transmission;
  2. Variable speed drive;
  3. Robotic box transmission

The most common in Russia is a manual transmission. In boxes of this type Almost all are equipped domestic cars and most of the foreign cars.

Purpose and design of a manual gearbox

A manual gearbox is needed in a car to change gear ratio from the engine to the wheels. Gear shifting occurs due to the driver’s muscular strength, his mechanical efforts in relation to the manual transmission. That is why such a checkpoint is called manual box transmission The driver himself controls when to switch the manual transmission selector to a higher or low gear. Modern manual transmissions There are 5, 6 and even 7-speed. Most often in modern cars A 6-speed gearbox is used.

In addition, each manual transmission has reverse and neutral gears. Rear allows the car to move backwards, neutral gear– this is when there is no rotation from the motor to the drive wheels.

Operating principle of a manual transmission

The mechanical gearbox includes:

  1. The box itself, which is a multi-stage gearbox;
  2. Clutch;
  3. Various shafts and gears.

If we explain the principle of operation of a manual transmission for dummies, then we can form it like this:

  1. Gears change the speed of rotation between the shafts. By changing the size of the gears, switching to an up or down gear occurs;
  2. Without a clutch, changing gears on the move is impossible. Its job is to separate the engine and transmission. This procedure Helps you change gears without breaking the gears and shaft.

Each manual transmission (if it is not an innovative model) has a similar design. Toothed gears are located on the shafts (on their axes). Manual transmissions come with two or three shafts, and the housing is called a crankcase.

Three-shaft system design

The three-shaft system is equipped with three shafts:

  1. Drive shaft;
  2. Intermediate shaft;
  3. Driven shaft.

The principle of operation of mechanics is that there are splines on the drive shaft, and the shaft itself is connected to the clutch. The clutch disc moves on the splines, and the axis itself transfers its energy to the intermediate shaft, which is connected to the drive gear.

The driven shaft of a manual transmission is connected to the drive shaft using a bearing inside the first shaft and is positioned in such a way that the driven and drive axes are related to each other. In turn, this structure allows them to rotate independently of each other. The gears of the driven axle are not rigidly fixed in relation to the driven shaft, and the gears themselves have special delimiters - a synchronizer-clutch. Such delimiters, unlike gear blocks, are firmly attached to the driven shaft. However, this does not prevent them from moving along the Spitz along the axis.

The ends of the synchronizer clutch are shaped like toothed rims, which allows them to come into contact with the rims at the ends of the driven shaft gears. Currently, the gear unit is equipped with such synchronizers in all forward gears.

In neutral mode, which is characterized by smooth rotation of the gears, the clutch delimiters are disengaged. At the moment the lever switches to one of the possible stages when the clutch is fully depressed, the fork in the gearbox directs the synchronizer clutch to contact its pair at the end of the gear. This engagement provides rigid fixation of the gear with the shaft and, as a result, transmission of force and rotation.

With a rear-wheel drive type of car, the transmission of torque and speed to the drive wheels occurs through cardan shaft, and with front-wheel drive - using CV joints and a gearbox. If there is no gear and the clutch directly engages the driven and drive shafts, the gearbox gives the maximum possible coefficient useful action. For reverse gear, the gearbox device is equipped with a gear that allows you to change the direction of rotation in the reverse order.

Recently, manufacturers of manual transmissions have given preference to helical gears. Unlike spur gears, such gears produce minimal noise during operation and are more wear-resistant. The shelf life of such gears is determined by the material from which they are made: high-alloy steel, current-hardened high frequency and normalized to relieve tension.

Double-shaft box device

The operation of a manual transmission equipped with a two-shaft gearbox follows the same principle as a three-shaft gearbox. The only difference is the gear arrangement. Instead of one on the drive axle, there is a whole block of gears. The intermediate shaft is missing, but the two remaining shafts run parallel to each other.

In general, a two-shaft system has a high efficiency, but the gear ratio on such systems is quite low. It is for this reason that twin-shaft gearboxes are installed only on passenger cars. For trucks size gear ratio should be higher.

What is the synchronizer used for in a manual transmission?

Majority passenger cars, both domestic and foreign cars, have manual transmissions that have a synchronizer. This element helps to equalize the speed of the gears, which leads to lower noise levels and easier gear shifting, which cannot be achieved if the gearbox does not have a synchronizer.

How does the gear shift process occur?

It doesn’t matter what kind of drive your car has, front or rear, a special lever is always responsible for the gear shifting process. If you look at a cross-section of a manual transmission, you will notice that the location of the lever on front-wheel drive is significantly different from its location on rear-wheel drive.

Cars with rear wheel drive have more simple diagram location of the gearshift lever, which simplifies their repair and Maintenance. The lever is located directly on the gearbox housing, the shift mechanism is hidden inside the housing. This location has many advantages, but, unfortunately, is not without disadvantages.

Design advantages:

  1. A very simple solution, which greatly simplifies the DIY repair process;
  2. Gear shifting occurs very clearly;
  3. Due to the absence of “extra” nodes, this design very durable.

Design disadvantages:

  1. Unable to install this system for cars with front-wheel drive;
  2. If a car with rear-wheel drive has an engine located at the rear, then this also makes it impossible to use this design (there are very few such cars).

On front-wheel drive vehicles, the gearshift lever may be located in the following locations:

  1. On the floor, in the space between the front seats;
  2. Directly on the steering column;
  3. Near the instrument panel.

This feature leads to the fact that the multi-stage manual transmission on front-wheel drive vehicles operates only remotely, using rockers or rods. This design feature also has its pros and cons:

  1. The lever is located more comfortably for the driver, since its position does not depend on where the manual transmission is located;
  2. The vibration that is created in the gearbox is not transmitted to the gearshift lever;
  3. Opens up a wide field of activity for automotive designers, who can place the gearshift lever in any place convenient for them.

The disadvantages of this design are as follows:

  1. A more technically complex system requires more attention and is less durable;
  2. After long-term operation backlashes often appear;
  3. There is no such clarity of gear shifting as in the version with a gearbox on a rear-wheel drive car;
  4. From time to time it is necessary to adjust the thrust, which may require qualified intervention from car service specialists.

Advantages and disadvantages of manual transmission

Any system, including a gearbox, has several various designs with various pros and cons. Let's look at how manual transmission differs from other types of transmission:

  • The main advantage of using a manual transmission is its price. Majority budget cars are equipped with mechanics. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a six-speed manual transmission or the latest seven-speed manual transmission (such boxes are sometimes mistakenly called seventh-generation gearboxes) to be installed on a public car;
  • If we compare a manual transmission with hydromechanics, then the manual transmission will be much lighter in weight and have higher efficiency;
  • Manual transmissions do not require the same cooling as automatic transmissions;
  • Simplicity and reliability of the design (even in the version with a manual transmission for cars with front-wheel drive);
  • Cars with manual transmission are more economical than those with automatic transmission (this does not apply to the latest models Automatic transmissions, which can be more economical than manual transmissions);
  • Repairing a car with a manual transmission is not difficult and can be done independently;
  • Manual transmission is more suitable for sports cars, allowing the use of techniques extreme driving, controlled drift and so on;
  • A car equipped with a manual transmission can be started by pushing, and if that doesn’t work, then it can be towed to any desired distance.

The disadvantages of manual transmission are as follows:

  • Changing gears takes longer than when using an automatic transmission, since the engine and transmission are disconnected at the moment of shifting;
  • To change gears smoothly, driving skills with this type of gearbox are required;
  • The clutch often fails and needs to be replaced;
  • When driving a car with a manual transmission, the driver gets more tired, as he is forced to constantly change gears. This problem is especially relevant in big cities.

Gradually the world Automotive industry reduces the number of cars with manual transmission, especially for markets in countries with high level life.

Manual transmission maintenance

Maintenance for a manual transmission usually consists of checking the oil level in it. It is necessary to monitor for leaks on the crankcase, joints and filler and drain plugs.

Vehicles equipped on-board computer, can signal to the owner about problems with the manual transmission unit. Each computer signal is decrypted, after which appropriate measures are taken. The decryption can be in the manual for your car or in a special program on a laptop that can be connected to on-board system car. In most foreign cars, the oil in the box is not changed unless there are any problems. It is only necessary to check its level occasionally (if there are no signs of leaks).

Manual transmission is a fairly simple and repairable system. If you need a simple and reliable car, then choose a car equipped with a manual transmission.

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Existing types of gearboxes are essentially a response to the demand of car enthusiasts. The box together with the steering wheel makes it possible to effectively control the capabilities of a modern car. Some people like comfort, some quickly get tired of control, others don’t know how to do anything at all and are afraid of everything. IN modern classification There are three main types of gearboxes and their variants:

  • mechanical system, manual gear shifting method;
  • automatic multi-speed gearbox;
  • continuously variable variator system;
  • robotic box.

Despite the fact that the latter type is considered a variant of a manual gearbox, the existing differences from the classic scheme make it possible to highlight it in a separate line. You can safely define it as a separate type of gearbox.

Engine internal combustion unable to work effectively the widest range rotation speed, therefore, various types of gearboxes are used that reduce the rotation speed of the transmission working shafts. This happens either with the help of a set of gears and wheels, as in the main types of gearboxes, or with the help of pushing belts and pulleys - in a CVT gearbox design.

A CVT transmission best suits the lifestyle of a modern person and allows you to completely abandon transmission control. The first requires maximum driver participation in controlling the speed and torque of the wheels. The automatic transmission has greatly simplified the life of a person behind the wheel, but requires careful attention to its work.

Before answering the question - which type of gearbox is better to choose, you should determine your attitude towards the car and the degree of your participation in driving the car.

Simple and reliable manual systems

Mechanical system shift, also called “mechanics” or “handle”, is the most common and simplest type of gearbox. In modern cars it is presented in two types:

  • multi-shaft, in which the gears are located on two or three parallel shafts and mesh alternately depending on the required gear ratio;
  • planetary, in which gears and gear wheels are in constant engagement in several rows; the selection of a pair with the required gear ratio is carried out using clutches or friction packs.

In wheeled vehicles, the planetary type of mechanics is used only in automatic transmissions, mountain bikes and military equipment. The planetary gear is more compact and lighter than the multi-shaft type of mechanism, but is much more expensive to produce.

Modern Cars with front wheel drive, they have a two-shaft design and at least 5 gear stages for moving forward and one in reverse. More expensive models cars can be equipped six-speed gearboxes transmission At the same time, the 5th and 6th are overdrive - the output shaft of the gearbox rotates with more high revs engine crankshaft. This is more than enough for manual control.

The main problem of a manual transmission is that, when shifting at the command of the handle, smoothly and shocklessly engage pairs of helical gears that have different angular velocities. To equalize the speed in the box, each pair of gears is equipped with a synchronization ring made of bronze.

When changing gear, the driver disengages the clutch, thereby allowing the synchronizers to equalize the gear rotation speeds. After which the shift knob either directly or through a rod system or cable drives, move the gear coupling inside the box body, thereby engaging the required pair of gears. All that remains is to release the clutch pedal and continue driving.

Such mechanical boxes are called synchronized. Operating them is quite simple and convenient if you have a certain driving skill. True, incomplete disengagement of the clutch, slipping or other problems with disabling the transmission lead to the fact that the synchronizers of the mechanics begin to wear out intensively, to the point of the impossibility of engaging the gear without intermediately setting the handle to neutral position. Go to next transmission occurs after pressing the clutch again. This switching method was widely used previously and is now used on freight transport with mechanics not equipped with a synchronizer system.

Important! Worn synchronizers, in addition to making it difficult to engage the gear, lead to intense wear of the gear rims and local chipping of individual sections of the teeth.

A manual transmission is the most reliable and economical; it requires the driver to have sufficient qualifications and hard work to constantly change gears in tandem with working on the clutch pedal. But, oddly enough, many drivers consciously make a choice in favor of mechanics. In their opinion, mechanics, even with increased physical activity, provide greater pleasure from driving a car than robotic or automatic transmissions.

Sequential gearbox, as the highest point in the development of mechanics

It would be more accurate to call this box a manual gearbox with a sequential or in-line shift method. The idea came from the field of development for sports fast cars. The modern sequential gearbox is built according to the scheme of a conventional manual gearbox with electronically controlled clutch drive and hydraulic drive gear shift. A special feature of the sequential gearbox is the observance of a strict sequence of gears.

Of the advantages sequential mechanism you can note:

  • highest gear shift speed;
  • compliance with the switching sequence makes it possible to work “painlessly” with very high speed engine and power;
  • The control method using steering wheel paddles allows you to control the movement quite comfortably even at high speeds or in difficult road conditions.

IN similar boxes use spur gears and do not use synchronizers. Alignment of the rotation speeds of the gear and wheel is carried out by a computer using a speed sensor. Instead of a gear coupling, there is a cam gear shift mechanism. Thanks to this, the speed activation time is approximately 70-80% less than that of conventional mechanics. To operate hydraulic drives, a separate unit is used - the battery. working fluid high pressure.

Robotic transmission systems

Unlike sequential systems, the robotic type of box has an electromechanical drive that engages a pair of gears. The basis of the scheme is a manual gearbox, built on a system of two working shafts-rows of gears. Even numbers are collected on one shaft, odd numbers on the other. Each shaft has its own clutch disc and can be turned on and off independently.

This type of box uses a preselective mode. The trick of the design is that the computer, using data about the operating mode of the transmission in advance, calculates the next gear most suitable for inclusion. Using a solenoid, it engages in the opposite row of gears when the clutch is disengaged. At the moment of switching, all that remains is to engage the clutch and continue driving. Thanks to this, switching occurs with very high speed.

In their way, robot boxes occupy an intermediate position between automatic boxes and mechanics. Moreover, in terms of the functions performed and the degree of computerization, this type of box can be called more automatic than existing hydromechanical systems.

The most famous and advertised robotic type of gearbox is the seven-speed DSG gearbox, installed on VW models with a small engine capacity. Reviews about the work range from advertising and laudatory enthusiasm to openly negative ones.

If you are thinking of buying a car with similar system transmissions, it is worth considering the following:

  1. A robotic gearbox is a very complex mechanism; least of all, this type of gearbox is intended for high-speed burning of rubber in crazy races. The boxes are difficult to operate, maintain and repair.
  2. You should get used to driving the DSG for at least two weeks. To fans of mechanics, this type seems slow and unpredictable, to drivers who have moved from hydromechanical boxes- jerking inappropriately.
  3. Already now the quality of robots allows us to provide 5 one year warranty and 150 thousand mileage.

Interesting! Despite all the criticisms, robots are cheaper to manufacture, have more high efficiency and, according to experts, perhaps this particular type will displace outdated hydraulic mechanics from the passenger car market.

The most complex type of transmission is automatic and CVT

The more functions a gearbox performs, the more complex its production, the lower its reliability and the higher its cost. All types of automatic car transmissions have always been and remain the most expensive and uneconomical. The design of this type is represented by hydromechanical and adaptive gearboxes. The scheme is based on two main units - a torque converter and a planetary gearbox.

In modern automatic transmissions, the torque converter plays the role of a compensator, increasing or decreasing the main gear of the planetary mechanism by a small amount. Thus, collaboration two units provides the optimal transmission gear number in specific conditions.

Large losses in hydraulics forced engineers to somewhat improve the operation of this type of machine. Now the operation of the torque converter at speeds above 20 km/h is blocked by the clutch, and torque is transmitted directly through the clutches to the planetary gearbox.

In some cases, instead of connecting a torque converter, its functions in transient modes are provided by slipping of friction lining packages, which is simpler and more efficient.

One of the varieties automatic transmission is an adaptive automatic transmission in which computer unit control selects the most suitable gear ratio in the planetary gearbox.

This kind automatic transmission remains unrivaled in auto transmission for now all-terrain, SUVs and cars with large engine volumes. It is difficult to maintain and repair and requires high qualifications and high-quality Supplies.

CVT systems

As a result of 30 years of evolution of the first variators for low-power strollers and scooters, technologists managed to bring the level of reliability and durability of the push belt (the main element of a continuously variable variator) to a completely acceptable mileage of 150 thousand km. The push belt itself is an engineering marvel. It is made from a large number of absolutely identical metal elements, thanks to which the belt can be flexible and rigid at the same time.

In operation, it interacts with two pulleys - input and output, providing almost any gear ratio of the gearbox. Modern CVTs have received an acceptable high efficiency and the ability to work with engines up to 100 hp. The CVT can be called the first of the systems truly capable of continuously changing the transmission ratio.

This type of automation does not like slipping and is extremely vulnerable if the quality is low hydraulic fluid. In most cases, the variator is equipped with a torque converter.

Advantages - very precise selection required transmission ratio. This type of box is capricious, expensive to manufacture and maintain, and is unlikely to come out of the niche in the near future small cars.

More information about various types Checkpoint on video: