Special transport. Specialized cargo transportation What applies to specialized transport

is the distribution various cars into groups, classes and categories. Depending on the type of design, parameters of the power unit, purpose or features that certain vehicles have, the classification provides for several such categories.

Classification by purpose

Vehicles vary in their purpose. Passenger cars, trucks, and vehicles can be distinguished special purpose.

If with passenger and truck everything is very clear, then special transport is not intended for transporting people and goods. Similar cars transport the equipment that is attached to them. Thus, such means include fire trucks, aerial platforms, truck cranes, mobile benches and other vehicles equipped with one or another equipment.

If a passenger car can accommodate up to 8 people without a driver, then it is classified as a passenger car. If the vehicle capacity is more than 8 people, then this type of vehicle is a bus.

The transporter can be used for general purpose or for transporting special cargo. General purpose vehicles have a body with sides without a tipping device. They can also be equipped with an awning and arches for installation.

Special-purpose trucks have various technical capabilities for the transport of certain goods. For example, the panel carrier is optimized for convenient transportation of panels and building slabs. The dump truck is used for mainly bulk cargo. The fuel tanker is designed for light petroleum products.

Trailers, semi-trailers, spreader trailers

Any vehicle can be used with additional equipment. These can be trailers, semi-trailers or dissolutions.

A trailer is one of the types of vehicles used without a driver. Its movement is carried out by means of a car using towing.

A semi-trailer is a towed vehicle without driver participation. Part of its mass is given to the towing vehicle.

The spreader trailer is designed for transporting long loads. The design includes a drawbar, the length of which may change during operation.

The vehicle doing the towing is called a tractor. This car is equipped with a special device that allows you to couple the car and any trailer. In another way, this design is called a saddle, and the tractor is called a truck tractor. However, the tractor unit is in a separate category of vehicles.

Indexing and types

Previously, in the USSR, each vehicle model had its own index. It designated the plant where the car was produced.

In 1966, the so-called industry standard OH 025270-66 “Classification and designation system for automotive rolling stock, as well as its units and components” was adopted. This document not only made it possible to classify types of vehicles. Based on this provision, trailers and other equipment were also classified.

According to this system, all vehicles whose classification was described in this document had four, five or six digits in their index. Using them, it was possible to determine vehicle categories.

Decoding digital indices

By the second digit one could find out the type of vehicle. 1 – passenger vehicle, 2 – bus, 3 – general purpose truck, 4 – truck tractor, 5 – dump truck, 6 – tank, 7 – van, 9 – special purpose vehicle.

As for the first digit, it indicated the vehicle class. For example, passenger vehicles, classified by engine size. Trucks are divided into classes based on weight. Buses were differentiated by length.

Classification of passenger vehicles

According to the industry standard, passenger wheeled vehicles were classified as follows.

  • 1 – especially small class, engine volume was up to 1.2 liters;
  • 2 – small class, volume from 1.3 to 1.8 l;
  • 3 – middle class cars, engine capacity from 1.9 to 3.5 liters;
  • 4 – large class with a volume above 3.5 l;
  • 5 – top class passenger vehicles.

Today, the industry standard is no longer mandatory, and many factories do not adhere to it. However domestic producers autos still use this indexing.

Sometimes you can find vehicles whose classification does not fit the first digit in the model. This means that the index was assigned to the model at the development stage, and then something changed in the design, but the number remained.

Foreign cars and their classification system

The indices of foreign cars that were imported into our country were not included in the list of vehicles according to the accepted norm. Therefore, the Certification System for Motor Vehicles was introduced in 1992, and its modified version has been in effect since October 1, 1998.

For all types of vehicles that came into circulation in our country, it was necessary to draw up a special document called “Vehicle Type Approval.” It followed from the document that each vehicle must have its own separate brand.

To simplify the certification procedure in the Russian Federation, they use the so-called International Classification System. In accordance with it, any road vehicle can be classified into one of the groups - L, M, N, O. There are no other designations.

Categories of vehicles according to the international system

Group L includes any vehicles with fewer than four wheels, as well as ATVs:

  • L1 is a moped or vehicle with two wheels that can reach a maximum speed of 50 km/h. If the vehicle has an internal combustion engine, its volume should not exceed 50 cm³. If as power unit an electric motor is used, then the power ratings must be less than 4 kW;
  • L2 – three-wheeled moped, as well as any vehicle with three wheels, the speed of which does not exceed 50 km/h, and the engine capacity is 50 cm³;
  • L3 is a motorcycle with a volume of more than 50 cm³. Its maximum speed is higher than 50 km/h;
  • L4 – a motorcycle equipped with a sidecar for carrying a passenger;
  • L5 – tricycles whose speed exceeds 50 km/h;
  • The L6 is a lightweight quad bike. The weight of the equipped vehicle must not exceed 350 kg; Maximum speed no more than 50 km/h;
  • L7 is a full-fledged quad bike with a weight of up to 400 kg.

  • M1 is a vehicle for transporting passengers with no more than 8 seats;
  • M2 – vehicle with more than eight seats for passengers;
  • M3 – vehicle with more than 8 seats and weighing up to 5 tons;
  • M4 is a vehicle with more than eight seats and a weight of over 5 tons.
  • N1 – trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons;
  • N2 – vehicles weighing from 3.5 to 12 tons;
  • N3 – vehicles weighing more than 12 tons.

Classification of vehicles according to the European Convention

In 1968, the Convention on Road Traffic was adopted in Austria. The classification provided in this document is used to indicate various categories transport.

Types of vehicles under the Convention

It includes several categories:

  • A – these are motorcycles and other two-wheeled motorized equipment;
  • B – cars with a weight of up to 3500 kg and a number of seats of no more than eight;
  • C – all vehicles, except those belonging to category D. Weight must be more than 3500 kg;
  • D – passenger transport with more than 8 seats;
  • E - freight transport, tractors.

Category E allows drivers to drive road trains that consist of a tractor. You can also include here any vehicles of classification B, C, D. These vehicles can operate as part of a road train. This category is assigned to drivers along with other categories, and it is added when registering the car in the vehicle certificate.

Unofficial European classification

In addition to the official classification, there is also an unofficial one, which is used quite widely. It is quite popular among vehicle owners. Here we can distinguish categories depending on the design of vehicles: A, B, C, D, E, F. This classification is mainly used in reviews by automotive journalists for comparison and evaluation.

Class A contains small vehicles of low cost. F - these are the most expensive, very powerful and prestigious brands auto. In between are classes of other types of machines. There are no clear boundaries here. This is a wide variety of passenger cars.

With the development of the auto industry, new cars are constantly being produced, which subsequently occupy their niches. With new developments, the classification is constantly expanding. It often happens that various models can occupy the boundaries of several classes, thereby forming a new class.

A striking example of this phenomenon is a parquet SUV. It is designed for paved roads.

VIN codes

Essentially this unique number TS. This code encrypts all information about the origin, manufacturer and technical specifications one model or another. Numbers can be found on many integral components and assemblies of machines. They are mainly located on the body, chassis elements or special nameplates.

Those who developed and implemented these numbers have introduced the simplest and most reliable method, which greatly simplifies the process of classifying cars. This number allows you to at least slightly protect cars from theft.

The code itself is not a jumble of letters and numbers. Each sign carries certain information. The cipher set is not very large; each code has 17 characters. These are mainly letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers. This cipher provides a position for a special check number, which is calculated based on the code itself.

The process of calculating the control number is a fairly powerful means of protection against interrupted numbers. There is no need to destroy the numbers special labor. But making a number so that it falls under the control number is a separate and quite complex task.

In conclusion, I would like to add that all self-respecting automakers use general rules for calculating the check digit. However, manufacturers from Russia, Japan and Korea do not adhere to such protection methods. By the way, using this code it is easy to find original spare parts for a particular model.

So, we found out what types of vehicles there are and looked at their detailed classification.

Specialized vehicles

Such vehicles are adapted for the transportation of one or more homogeneous goods, differing in the specific conditions of their transportation, and are equipped with various devices and devices that ensure the safety and quality of goods delivered to construction sites and the comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations. The use of specialized transport helps improve the efficiency and quality of construction, reduces the cost of transportation, and minimizes losses building materials and semi-finished products, as well as damage to building products and structures, which are very significant when using general purpose vehicles. Currently, without the use of specialized transport, it is almost impossible to deliver many goods to construction sites. Most specialized vehicles are interchangeable trailers and semi-trailers trucks, pneumatic wheeled tractors and tractors, which allows more efficient use of the base machine.

In urban construction conditions, specialized automobile transport is widely used. Modern specialized vehicles for construction are produced in accordance with the “Type of specialized vehicles for construction” approved by the State Construction Committee and are designed for transporting soil, bulk and blocky cargo (dump trucks), liquid and semi-liquid (bitumen trucks, lime trucks, concrete and mortar trucks), powder ( cement tankers), small-piece and packaged cargo (container trucks), long cargo (pipe trucks, metal trucks, timber trucks), reinforced concrete structures(panel trucks, farm trucks, slab trucks, beam trucks, block trucks, plumbing trucks), technological equipment and construction machines (heavy trucks).

Dump trucks transport construction materials to metal bodies with trough-shaped, trapezoidal and rectangular shape cross-section, forcibly tilted when unloading using a lifting (tipping) mechanism back, to the sides (one or two) sides, to the sides and back. According to their purpose, there are special mining and universal general construction dump trucks. In urban construction conditions, universal dump trucks are used (Fig. 2.7) with a lifting capacity of 4... 12 tons, intended for transporting soil, gravel, crushed stone, sand, asphalt, concrete mixture, mortar, etc. Modern universal dump trucks are manufactured on the chassis of general-purpose flatbed trucks (sometimes with a shortened wheelbase) and are equipped with the same type of hydraulic systems that ensure quick lifting and lowering of the body, high reliability and job safety.

The main components of such systems are an oil tank, a hydraulic pump driven by the vehicle's power take-off, one or more (depending on the load capacity) single-acting telescopic hydraulic cylinders directly acting on the body, a distributor or control valve, connecting pipelines and safety devices. Hydraulic cylinders of lifting mechanisms can have a horizontal, inclined and vertical arrangement and are installed on the car frame under the front part of the body or on its front side (Fig. 2.7, a). The separator or control valve directs the flow working fluid from the pump to the hydraulic cylinder (or synchronously operating hydraulic cylinders) when the body is tipped, connects the cavities of the hydraulic cylinders with the drain tank when the body is lowered, limits the pressure in the system and ensures fixation of the body in certain positions (extreme or intermediate).

The most common in construction are dump truck trains consisting of a dump truck and a dump truck trailer or a truck tractor and a dump truck semi-trailer (Fig. 2.7, b).

Rice. 2.7. Dump trucks

The dump truck is unloaded to the sides, and the dump trailer is unloaded to the sides and back. Dump trailers can have detachable (double) bodies, the front of which is unloaded on two (side) sides, and the rear - on three (side and back) sides. Modern dump trucks and dump trailers have standardized bodies, chassis, lifting mechanisms and are equipped with a system for automatically opening and closing the sides controlled from the driver’s cabin.

To transport expanded clay and other bulk materials with low density, specialized trailers and semi-trailers are used - expanded clay carriers with a carrying capacity of up to 12 tons, i.e. dump trucks with increased body capacity.

When transporting small-piece and containerized cargo to construction sites (sanitary and ventilation equipment, finishing, insulating and roofing materials, bricks, window and door blocks, prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of small weight and size, etc.), containerization and packaging. For the delivery of containers and packages, flatbed vehicles, general purpose trailers and semi-trailers and specialized vehicles - self-loaders and container carriers - are used.

Self-loader vehicles, along with performing transport functions, can load and unload transported containerized cargo, reload cargo onto nearby vehicles and trailers using hydraulic loading and unloading devices installed on the vehicle itself. Self-loading vehicles are equipped with on-board manipulators, swinging portals, lifting sides and mounted lifting devices.

Self-loading vehicles with a swinging portal (side or rear position, Fig. 2.8, a) are designed for transportation, loading and unloading containers weighing up to 5 tons. The working body - the swinging portal is hingedly connected to the platform for installing containers and can be rotated in a vertical plane by angle up to 120° by two synchronously operating long-stroke double-acting hydraulic cylinders. Swinging portals are also used for loading and unloading interchangeable container bodies. For transportation, loading and unloading of containers heavy lifting capacity(20 tons or more) semi-trailers equipped with side hydraulic loaders are used (Fig. 2.8, b).

Self-loading vehicles and container carriers are equipped with retractable and folding hydraulic supports 3, which operate during loading and unloading operations and ensure the stability of the machine and unloading of its chassis.

Self-loader vehicles with on-board hydraulic manipulators carry out self-loading and self-unloading of the base vehicle and trailer, loading and unloading of other nearby vehicles, and can also be used for small-scale construction and installation work.

A manipulator with a lifting capacity of 2.5 tons consists (Fig. 2.9) of a rotating column, articulated boom equipment, two hydraulic outriggers, a boom rotation mechanism in plan, two control panels and a set of replaceable working equipment.

Rice. 2.8. Self-loaders and container carriers

Rice. 2.9. Self-loader vehicle with on-board manipulator

The boom equipment is mounted on a rotating column mounted on the chassis support frame and consists of a handle, a lever, a telescopic boom with a main and extendable sections, control hydraulic cylinders, a hook suspension or a rotator. The rotator provides manipulation of the load in the horizontal plane through a rack and pinion transmission and a double-acting hydraulic cylinder, the rod of which is the rotator rack, which meshes with the gear.

The set of replaceable working equipment for the manipulator includes a boom extension that can be extended manually, a fork lift, a pincer grip for packaged cargo and a grip for containers. Rotation of the boom equipment in plan at an angle of 400° is ensured by a rack and pinion rotating mechanism, which includes two alternately operating hydraulic cylinders, a rack and a gear, rigidly fixed to the shaft of the rotary column. The drive of the axial piston pump of the manipulator hydraulic system is carried out from the vehicle engine through the power take-off box. The manipulator can be controlled from any of two control panels located on both sides of the vehicle.

The designs of domestic onboard manipulators are made according to a single schematic diagram and differ from each other in load torque, lifting capacity, height of lifting and lowering of the hook, weight, overall dimensions. Layout diagrams for placing onboard manipulators on vehicles shown in Fig. 2.10.

Rice. 2.10. Placement of on-board manipulators on vehicles

To transport liquid binding materials (bitumen, tar, emulsions) in a heated state from manufacturing plants to places where road, roofing and insulation works are carried out, bitumen trucks and asphalt distributors are used. They are elliptical tanks mounted on car chassis or on semi-trailers for truck tractors, and are equipped with heating systems (to maintain the temperature of the transported material at least 200°C) and mastic dispensing systems. The capacity of asphalt distributor tanks is 3500...7000 l, bitumen tanks - 4000...15000 l.

To transport pipes 6...12 m long with a diameter of up to 1420 mm and welded sections of pipes (braids) 24...36 m long, special road trains are used - pipe carriers and braid carriers. The pipe carrier consists of a tractor unit, a single-axle trailer with a rigid drawbar, or a semi-trailer. The traction force on a loaded trailer is transmitted in pipe carriers through the towing device and drawbar, in whip carriers - directly by pipes (lashes) attached to the tractor and the two-axle trailer. The number of simultaneously transported pipes is determined based on the load-carrying capacity of the road train. When laying multi-row pipes, they are tied with a safety rope. To transport insulated pipes in urban environments, specialized pipe semi-trailers are usually used with hydraulic unloading mechanisms that ensure the safety of the insulating layer and pipe ends prepared for welding during transportation, loading and unloading.

Rice. 2.11. Road train for transporting pipes

In Fig. 2.11, a shows a truck tractor with a semi-trailer-pipe carrier with a carrying capacity of tons, equipped with two (front and rear) hydraulic unloading mechanisms 2. The frame of the semi-trailer is made sliding and there are wooden support planes and side racks on the front and rear parts. The semi-trailer is equipped with front and rear metal safety shields 5, which prevent axial movement of pipes during transportation. The unloading mechanism consists of a telescopic boom (Fig. 2.11, c), extended by a built-in hydraulic cylinder, and two telescopic hydraulic cylinders for rotating the boom with a cargo grip for pipes in a vertical plane. In Fig. 2.11, b, c show the positions of the boom, respectively, before unloading and at the end of unloading. The stability of the road train is ensured by folding supports 6. The control panel for the unloading mechanisms is located in the front part of the semi-trailer. Pipe carriers and whip carriers are equipped marker signals. The carrying capacity of automobile pipe carriers is 9…12 tons, and that of whip carriers is 6…19 tons.

To transport large-sized reinforced concrete structures and parts from manufacturing plants to construction sites, specialized trailers and semi-trailers are used: panel trucks, truss trucks, beam trucks, slab trucks, block trucks and plumbing trucks. The choice of vehicle type is determined by the dimensions, weight and conditions of transportation of products.

Panel carriers (Fig. 2.12, a) are made in the form of semi-trailers for tractor-trailers and are intended for transporting wall panels, ceilings, partitions, slabs, flights of stairs, etc. in a vertical or steeply inclined position. There are truss and frame semi-trailers-panel carriers. The supporting metal frame of truss panel carriers is made in the form of a spatial truss (“ridge”) of trapezoidal (Fig. 2.12, b) or rectangular section or in the form of two flat longitudinal trusses connected to each other by front and rear support platforms and horizontal connections (Fig. 2.12, V). The spinal truss is located along the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the semi-trailer, and the transported panels are in cassettes on both sides of it at an angle of 8... 12° to the vertical. The front and rear platforms of the truss have handrails for riggers. For panel carriers with flat load-bearing trusses, the panels are arranged in several rows vertically in a cassette between the trusses. Some designs of panel carriers also have additional lateral inclined cassettes for transporting shortened panels in one row (Fig. 2.12, d), which makes it possible to better use the carrying capacity of the road train. To fasten the panels, screw clamps, clamping strips and ropes are used, tightened using a hand winch.

Frame panel trailers (Fig. 2.12, e) have a frame that carries a cassette and takes the main load. The panels are installed inside the cassette on a wooden floor and are held against lateral movement by clamping screws. The front part of panel semi-trailers rests on the fifth-wheel coupling device of the tractor, and the rear part rests on a single-axle or two-axle bogie with steered or unsteered wheels.

Rice. 2.12. Panel carriers

In cramped urban conditions, panel carriers with steerable rear bogies are usually used, which improve the maneuverability of the road train. Modern panel semi-trailers are equipped with separately controlled hydraulic supports with double-acting hydraulic cylinders operating from the vehicle's hydraulic system and have automatic hitch with a tractor, which allows installation directly from panel carriers (installation from “wheels”), more efficient use base car, which can serve several replaceable semi-trailers (shuttle operating method) and load and unload a panel truck on uneven areas. Loading capacity of panel semi-trailers is 9…22 tons.

Truss and frame panel carriers can be converted into platform semi-trailers and used to transport slabs, beams, foundation blocks and other cargo. This increases their versatility and mileage utilization due to the ability to load the machine when moving in the opposite direction.

Long-wheelbase semi-trailers-farm carriers are designed for transporting farms with a length of 12...30 m, installed and secured in a position close to the working one. Farm semi-trailers have a truss or beam structure with a cassette platform and two-axle steered and unsteered bogies with twin wheels. In conditions of cramped construction sites, farm semi-trailers are used with hydraulically controlled bogies, in which each wheel rotates to the appropriate angle depending on the angle of “folding” of the road train.

In Fig. Figure 2.13 shows a farm truck train for transporting farms of any design with a length of up to 24 m and a height of up to 2.5 m. The frame of a cassette-type semi-trailer with a truss design rests with the front part on the fifth-wheel coupling device of the tractor, and the rear part on the fifth-wheel device of a two-axle rear steered bogie 4. The trolley wheels are controlled automatically by a tracking system with hydraulic drive. The front mobile support of the semi-trailer is installed along the frame depending on the length of the trusses being transported and moved using a hand winch. The truss rests on the frame's load pads and is secured in its upper belt with clamping screws. Loading capacity of farm semi-trailers is 10…22 tons.

Rice. 2.13. Road train-farm truck

Semi-trailers-sanitary cabin carriers and block carriers are designed for transportation of volumetric elements of residential and industrial buildings (unified sanitary cabins, block rooms, flights), technological equipment (sections of elevators, transformers, boilers, bunkers, tanks, etc.) and containers. By design, they have much in common with frame-type panel carriers and are distinguished by a low loading area and the absence of special fastening means.

Rice. 2.14. Plumbing truck

The plumbing semi-trailer (Fig. 2.14) is a cassette-type frame welded from bent and rolled profiles, the front part of which rests on the fifth-wheel coupling device of the tractor vehicle, and the rear part on a one- or two-axle bogie with steered or unsteered wheels. They are equipped with mechanical or hydraulically controlled support devices. Load capacity 4…30 t.

Slab semi-trailers are used for transporting floor slabs and coatings in a horizontal position, as well as beams, columns, crossbars, lumber, etc. The load-bearing part of the loading platform of a slab truck is a spinal frame with consoles for flooring and retractable side racks. Semi-trailers have a single or double axle rear bogie. Some designs of slab trucks are made with a sliding telescopic frame. Loading capacity of slab trucks is up to 22 tons.

To transport heavy, large-sized equipment and construction machines, three-, four- and six-axle multi-wheel trailers and heavy-duty semi-trailers with a lifting capacity of 20...120 tons with a low platform are used. Trailers are transported by ballast truck tractors, and semi-trailers are transported by truck tractors. Heavy-duty trailers and semi-trailers are equipped with hydraulic lifting mechanisms to lower the platform when loading and raise it when transporting goods. To load and unload cargo, a winch is installed on the tractor, driven from the vehicle’s power take-off.

The main directions for the development of specialized vehicles are: expanding their mass production and range with a simultaneous reduction in the number of standard sizes, creating multi-purpose vehicles, improving cargo securing mechanisms, supporting, clamping and loading and unloading devices, increasing unit load capacity and broad unification cars

The need to create specialized vehicles is associated with the variety of goods transported. This applies primarily to the transportation of construction cargo: large-sized building structures of various configurations, bulk non-metallic materials and other types of cargo necessary for industrial and civil construction. For the transportation of industrial, commercial and agricultural goods, a variety of specialized rolling stock is required: container ships, container carriers, timber carriers, pipe carriers, metal carriers, cars equipped with self-unloading devices, etc. Inventors and innovators of Leningrad automobile enterprises and auto repair plants, as well as designers and developers are constantly improving and create new models of specialized vehicles that contribute to the mechanization of loading and unloading operations and ultimately increase labor productivity in road transportation.

The T-325A dump trailer is designed to work as part of road trains with Tatra-148SZ, Tatra-815SZ dump trucks and is used for transporting bulk materials. The trailer consists of a welded frame made of channels No. 14 and 12. A coupling device is located in the front part of the frame, brackets for mounting a hydraulic lift are mounted in the middle part, and rear axle suspension brackets are welded in the rear part of the frame.

The trailer platform is a welded structure made of rolled and bent sections, its internal dimensions are 3224X2350X618 mm. The platform tilts on its sides. The side boards are suspended on upper hinges, the side locks are of a lever type. The suspension of the trailer axles is made on longitudinal semi-elliptical springs. The wheels are discless, with side and lock rings.

The pneumatic drive is carried out using single-wire (“Tatra”-148SZ) and two-wire (“Tatra”-815SZ) circuits. Parking brake It has a manual mechanical drive only on the rear axle pads; a ratcheting device is used to fix the drive.

The trailer is equipped with a telescopic hydraulic lift from a MA3-503 dump truck.

The A-978 model sanitary cabin semi-trailer (Fig. 1) is designed for transporting sanitary cabins with overall dimensions of no more than 2700X1600XX2600 mm, as well as silt, blocks and containers. This low-bed semi-trailer has three loading platforms (one cabin is installed on the front and rear, three cabins are installed on the middle).

The semi-trailer platform is a welded, stepped structure with longitudinal load-bearing beams. The support and wheel frames have a three-sided guard. The axle with wheels and springs assembly is borrowed from the MA3-93801 semi-trailer. The pneumatic drive of the brakes is carried out using a single-wire circuit.

The main truck tractor is the MAZ-5429 (MAZ-504) car or the K.AMAZ-5410 tractor.

The cassette-type semi-trailer model A-490-P2 (Fig. 2) is used for transporting construction reinforced concrete flat wall panels and volumetric products. The frame of the semi-trailer has a welded structure, made of channel No. 20, in the upper part along the entire length it is closed by an upper chord of trusses, and in the middle part by a lower chord of trusses. The side trusses form a cassette in the middle part of the semi-trailer.

Rice. 1. Semitrailer-suncabin carrier model A-978

Rice. 2. Cassette semi-trailer model A-490-P2

Rice. 3. Semi-trailer dump truck model 84A2-PS-2

Rice. 4. Semi-trailer dump truck model 84A2-PS-3

The supporting device, suspension and axle are borrowed from the MAZ-5245 semi-trailer. The supporting device consists of two screw jacks, pivotally mounted on the frame of the semi-trailer. The suspension is made on two longitudinal semi-elliptical springs. The ladders and upper platforms of the semi-trailer have guards for safe work of riggers. The main tractor of the semi-trailer is the MAZ-504A truck tractor.

The cassette-type semi-trailer was manufactured at the auto repair plant of the Lenavtoremont production association according to the drawings of the design and technological bureau of Glavlenavtotrans.

The dump semi-trailer model 84A2 is available in three modifications: 84A2-PS-1 - for transporting bulk construction materials with a high specific gravity; 84A2-PS-2 (Fig. 1.3) - for transportation of ordinary bulk construction materials; 84A2-PS-3 (Fig. 1.4) - for transportation of long construction products and materials.

The supporting device of the semi-trailer is unified with the supporting device of the A-483 and A-490 semi-trailers and consists of two screw jacks hinged on the frame. The axle with wheels and suspension assembly are borrowed from the MA3-93801 semi-trailer.

The semi-trailer is equipped with two hydraulic cylinders from a ZIL-MMZ-555 dump truck. It is possible to install hydraulic cylinders from ZIL-MMZ-4502 and MAZ-5549 vehicles.

The main tractor of a semi-trailer-dump truck is a MAZ-5429 model truck tractor with hydraulic equipment or a KamAZ-5410 tractor with hydraulic equipment.

A tractor with a lifting fifth wheel based on the ZIL-130 model A-824 is used in the territories of transshipment depots, freight stations and other cargo-generating facilities, where there is a constant need to transport semi-trailers over short distances to loading and unloading sites. To perform these operations, automobile enterprises use shunting tractors with a lifting fifth wheel based on standard car ZIL -130. The design of the tractor, made at the suggestion of the innovators of the design and technological bureau of Glavlenavtotrans, eliminates the need for mechanical lifting of the semi-trailer road wheels and frees linear vehicles from unproductive work on cargo areas.

Converting a standard ZIL-130 vehicle into a shunting tractor is not particularly difficult and can be carried out in the conditions of an automobile enterprise. To do this, a lifting frame is installed on the frame of the ZIL-130 vehicle, the front end of which is hingedly connected to the bracket, and the rear end to the hydraulic lift rods. Hydraulic lifts (2 pcs.) are used from the ZIL-MMZ-555 car. A fifth wheel borrowed from a ZIL-130V1 tractor is attached to the lifting frame. The saddle lift height is 300 mm. The frame spars are connected to each other by a base plate, in the front part of which guide slides are installed to facilitate coupling of the tractor with the semi-trailer.

The fifth wheel is connected to the lifting frame by a brake chamber, which serves to open the fifth wheel lock. The lifting frame in the raised position (to unload the hydraulic cylinders) is held by support shoes; the shoes rotate through a second brake chamber mounted on the cross member of the lifting frame. The brake chambers are controlled via pneumatic drives from the vehicle cabin.

The entire installation of the lifting coupling device is carried out without disassembling or any modification to the chassis of the ZIL-130 vehicle. Electrical wiring of signal and lighting devices is carried out according to electrical diagram tractor ZIL -130V1.

Rice. 5. Potato truck

The potato truck shown in Fig. 5, made on the basis of the GAZ -53 car.

Existing methods of transporting potatoes (in on-board vehicles, vans, containers, pallets, various containers) do not ensure proper mechanization of loading and unloading operations and the preservation of potatoes in the cold season New design The potato truck is used for bulk transportation of potatoes from vegetable warehouses to city retail outlets.

The main equipment of the potato transporter is a special hopper body with a retractable belt conveyor. Bunker body frame type It has

U-shaped base. The outside of the bunker is lined with sheet iron. The inside is lined with wood, protecting the potatoes from impacts and at the same time serving as a heat insulator. The vertical walls of the bunker are covered with heat-insulating material, lined with plywood.

There is a loading hatch in the roof of the bunker, which is opened and closed using a handle through a system of blocks on the rear wall of the bunker. The unloading hatch is covered with a slide valve, above which a agitator lever is mounted in the socket. The lever is driven by a handle on the left side of the hopper. To allow the potatoes to roll freely, the unloading hatch is covered with an aluminum sheet on top of the casing. To monitor the loading and unloading of potatoes, an observation window is provided in the left wall of the bunker.

The belt conveyor has drive and tension drums. The drive is an electric motor with a power of 1.3 kW. The electric motor is powered from a 220 V city network.

The electric motor with the drive drum is located in the front part of the conveyor under the hopper. The rear part of the conveyor with the tension drum in the transport position partially protrudes beyond the hopper. When unloading, it can be raised to the required height (up to 2300 mm) from the surface level of the car parking area. In the working and transport positions, the conveyor is secured with a locking device. The conveyor control panel is located in a cabinet on the rear wall of the bunker.

When unloading the bunker, the potato carrier is installed with the rear end of the conveyor against warehouse at a distance of no closer than 2 m from the wall of the building, the conveyor is raised to the required height to the place where the cargo is received and the power to the electric motor is turned on using a connecting cable. Upon completion of unloading, the conveyor is placed in the transport position, then the power to the electric motor is turned off. With the loading hatch and slide valve closed, the vehicle is ready to move.

The potato carrier is equipped with air heating of the bunker due to heat removal from the exhaust pipeline. Air circulation is carried out by a fan of the driver's cabin heating system.

The technical documentation for the potato truck is located in the design and technological bureau of Glavlenavtotrans.

The A-483 backbone semi-trailer-panel carrier is designed for transporting house-building panels up to 7.5 m long. The panel carrier is a welded frame structure that ensures the transportation of panels in an inclined position. The panel semi-trailer works in conjunction with a MAZ-5429 tractor.

The semi-trailer was developed in the design and technological bureau of Glavlenavtotrans.

Semi-trailer for transporting construction products to vertical position(Fig. 1.6) provides transportation of various types of construction products, including structures that need to be transported in a suspended state, such as T-frames. The semi-trailer consists of a welded frame made of two longitudinal trusses. The trusses are connected by crossbars, forming a closed cassette in the middle part, which is used for transporting wall panels. To transport structures such as T-shaped frames in a suspended state, movable transverse beams with rollers and locking devices are installed on the upper chords of the longitudinal trusses. To prevent lateral movement of building structures, the movable beams are equipped with lateral vertical rollers.


Rice. 6. Semi-trailer for transporting construction products in a vertical position

The semi-trailer is towed by a truck tractor based on the KrAZ vehicle.

The van model 84A15 is designed for transporting industrial and food cargo. It is installed on the chassis gas vehicles GAZ -52-28 or GAZ -53-27. The van is made of metal, its frame is made of a rectangular section profile, the outer casing of the frame is made of steel sheet 0.8 mm thick. There are lattice-type wooden bars on the front and side walls of the van. In the rear wall there is a double door, securely locked with a special rod lock with a device that ensures the safety of the seal from damage. For ease of entry and exit from the van, back door there is a retractable folding ladder, which in the transport position is attached under the floor of the van.

Model 79A2 van body designed for transportation bakery products in containers, installed on a GAZ -52-01 car. The body has a welded frame made of rectangular pipes. The outside of the frame is covered with sheet metal 0.8 mm thick, inside the ceiling and walls are covered with plywood, the floor is made of boards 25 mm thick, and the frame is covered with galvanized sheets on top.

For the convenience of loading and unloading containers, there are two unequal angle guides with stops, attached with pins to the base of the van, and two clamps that press the containers to the front wall of the van and protect them from longitudinal displacement.

The van has five doors - four doors with right side and one at the back. The doors are welded, double-leaf, equipped with internal upper and lower locks, sheathed on the outside with sheet steel and plywood on the inside.

The van has natural ventilation, fenders and a drain. Ventilation hatches are located in the front and rear walls of the van.

Rice. 7. Trolley for towing faulty light vehicles

The van body was developed by the design and technological bureau of Glavlenavtotrans and manufactured at the auto repair plant of the Lenavtoremont production association.

The trolley for towing defective light-duty vehicles (Fig. 7) is designed for towing cars NYSA, ZHUK, ErAZ, UAZ, etc. The axle of the trolley is made of a thick-walled pipe with a diameter of 130 mm. The hubs from the NYSA -522 car are mounted on the axle. The trolley wheels are used from a UAZ car. The wheel track width is 1400 mm.

The bogie axis passes through a box-section drawbar made of 10 mm thick sheet steel. A towing eye is welded to the front of the drawbar, rear end The drawbar is a supporting platform on which a hydraulic jack with a lifting capacity of 5 tons is installed. Two vertical posts 240 mm long are welded to the middle part of the drawbar, connected to each other by a steel jumper. The parts are made from channel No. 10.

TO category: - Transporting and loading and unloading machines



Adjective special was first recorded in N. Yanovsky’s New Word Interpreter in 1806. Like many other adjectives of an abstract nature, it was borrowed from the Latin language. In all explanatory dictionaries of our time (starting with Ushakov’s Dictionary), this word has two meanings. Let us give the interpretation contained in BAS and MAS (in parentheses, as before, we indicate the nouns used with this word in these two dictionaries):

1. Intended exclusively for something; having a special purpose, special ( S. machines, suit, train, task, order and etc.).

2. Related to some. a separate branch of science, technology, art; designed for industry professionals (S. articles, education, educational institution, terms).

The above interpretation seems to us as a whole somewhat cumbersome, and the selection of the second meaning is insufficiently justified and artificial, since the boundary between these meanings is very arbitrary. In our opinion, in this case we can rather talk about highlighting the shade of the main lexical meaning. Based on this, we propose to formulate the meaning of the adjective special as follows: “Special, intended for smb. a specific goal; relating to a particular area, branch of something, inherent in a particular specialty.” This interpretation, in our opinion, is more accurate and compact and fully corresponds to the modern use of this word.
The adjective in question combines with a very wide range of nouns, both concrete and abstract: bus, brigade, carriage, hotel, group, diet, magazine, task, order, law, tools, research, business trip, commission, correspondent, suit, course(currency exchange), treatment, event, mechanism, observation, service, clothing, operation, organization, department, train, clinic, room, assistant, order, rules, representative, device, invitation, program, project, pass, section, permission, flight, plane, machine, parking, training, farm, company, foundation, school, expedition; education, educational institution, literature, course of lectures, seminar, symposium, methodology, terminology etc. Here are some examples:
Special Commission has not yet revealed all the military secrets of Baghdad (Today. 1994. June 16); For the full functioning of the agency it is necessary special law(Itogi. 1999. No. 10); Participants in the performance were given special passes (G. Vishnevskaya. Galina); Parked the car on special parking lot, we entered a huge hall ( T.Polyakova. I am your troubles); Were sent special expeditions to search for people in little-known places of the Karakum Desert (Arguments and Facts. 1994. No. 27); Muklevich had special maritime and technical education(Today. 1994. June 7); Sinitsyn's office was filled with shelves of specialized literature and folders with documents ( M. Serova. To spite everyone).
As can be seen from a comparison of the examples given, there is no clear, “impenetrable” boundary between the main meaning of the adjective special and its shade does not exist, since the latter, as it were, overlaps the first, dissolves in it. Essentially, here it would only make sense to talk about clarification in a number of cases of the indicated general meaning and about updating some of its hidden nuances.

It is interesting to note this phenomenon. Many adjective phrases special, as well as combinations with the word tourist(see our article in the newspaper “Russian Language” No. 31/2000), due to semantic contraction they turn into complex words, the so-called univerbs. However, if the education of universities with the word tourist(For example, travel agency, travel application) is an active process characteristic of our days, then the emergence and functioning of numerous universities with the morpheme specialist. (special rations, special buffet, special shop, special clinic, special prison, special storage and many more etc.) is a bright sign of the Soviet era. Most of these Sovietisms have moved from an active vocabulary to a passive one and become historicisms. The only exceptions are words in which the morpheme specialist. has the following meaning: “special, designed to perform special tasks or particularly difficult tasks.” This meaning is still relevant today. This includes, for example, such complex words: special group, special squad, special forces(special forces unit in the system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB), special forces, special flight, special services. All these words are widely used in modern media mass media. In addition, in modern colloquial speech the following very familiar abbreviations are often found: special course, special seminar(in universities), special training(training students at military departments of universities), special clothing, special school(a school with in-depth study of a foreign language or other school disciplines, as well as a school for children with mental or physical disabilities).
Unlike the adjective special his nickname specialized(a participle used as an adjective) appeared in the Russian language relatively late - it was first registered in Ushakov’s Dictionary in 1940. BAS gives the following interpretation to this word: “Intended for work or use in some kind of business.” one narrow area, industry; having a special, special purpose." The range of nouns combined with this word is much narrower than with the word special: agency, atelier, brigade, bakery, exhibition, magazine, publication, clinic, store, workshop, enterprise, sanatorium, transport, academic council, farm, firm etc. For example:

Specialty bakeries They work, as a rule, from implementation (Mosk. Komsomolets. 1997. December 2); It is necessary to carry out specialized exhibitions Siberian cats with a large number of participants (Drug. 1999. No. 1); "Expert" at first was more of an economic magazine, specialized publication(The World in a Week. 1999. No. 11); In 1993, five trading companies already had specialty stores(Itogi. 1999. No. 44); photographs of our pet (the cat Lelik) were printed in specialized magazines(Worker. 1998. October).
Despite some inevitable similarities in the interpretation of the paronyms under consideration, there is nevertheless a significant difference between them both in terms of their meaning and compatibility. Adjective special unlike his nickname specialized has a very wide compatibility with nouns (see above) and is used to distinguish a person, object (in the grammatical sense of the word) or action from a number of similar ones. This refers to their intended purpose or belonging to a specific (but fairly broad) area of ​​human activity.
What about the paronym? specialized, then it, having significant restrictions in lexical compatibility, acts, as a rule, as a definition for nouns denoting the scope of a person’s work activity (for example, shop, studio, magazine etc.), and in this case the specified activity is necessarily characterized by a very narrow focus, i.e. specialization. That is why nouns that easily combine with the word special(For example, suit, device, article, mechanism, pass, correspondent, permission), cannot be used with an adjective specialized.
At the same time, another pattern should be noted: nouns combined with the word specialized, can usually be used with the word special, thus forming paronymic phrases. Let's compare several such phrases, the semantic difference between which is quite noticeable. So, for example, when we use the phrases special store, special sanatorium, special studio, then we mean that these institutions are closed and intended for a select, privileged circle of people. On the other hand, phrases special shop And specialized studio mean that only a certain type of product is sold or sewn there - men's outerwear, women's dress, fur products, shoes, hats, etc. And the combination specialized sanatorium is used when it comes to the treatment of diseases of a particular group - cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, urological.

In a similar way, we can differentiate between phrases (and, naturally, the concepts behind them) special magazine(meaning: “periodical publication”) and specialized magazine. Special magazine usually addressed to a wider audience than specialized magazine. Each reader chooses one or the other for himself. special magazine based on your interests and hobbies, and not narrow professional needs. Yes, they are published special magazines for children (“Murzilka”), for women (“Woman’s World”, “Worker”), for men (“Men’s Club”, “Andrey”), for family reading (“Brownie”, “Voyage and Rest”), for lovers of the Russian language (“Russian Speech”), for lovers of dogs and cats (“Friend”), etc. But there is also specialized magazines: “Issues of linguistics”, “Dentistry”, “Metal science”, etc., intended for a relatively narrow circle of specialists.
Due to the semantic similarity of the adjectives under consideration, there are cases of erroneous use of the word specialized instead of special. Consider three examples from periodicals: “Children suffering from these rare diseases need specialized nutrition either for many years, or all my life” (Izvestia. 1994. June 28); "In the West there are specialized institutes for the deaf, but they don’t have the same practice as we do” (World in a Week. 1999. No. 10); “I tried to get a job with the help of specialized publications publishing information about vacancies" (Itogi. 1999. No. 10).
In these sentences it would probably be more correct to write: “need special nutrition"(by analogy: "need special diet"), "there are special institutes"(by analogy: "there are special schools") and "with the help special editions, since the publications in question are not scientific and publish information not for specialists in any one narrow field, but for representatives of different specialties looking for work. However, the line separating such cases is very thin and not always obvious at first glance. We hope that the principles we have proposed for distinguishing these paronyms will help avoid such mistakes.

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IN modern world Vehicles can be tasked with a wide variety of tasks. They are not always limited to just the transportation of passengers and cargo, but often require a whole range of additional functions. To solve such problems, special vehicles or special vehicles are used. Today this category of vehicles is represented by a wide variety of types and models.

What is special transport

Most of the cars presented at modern market, designed to solve traditional problems. Typically, cars are used to transport people or transport goods, and can also combine these functions. In addition, some cars are designed to delight owners with comfort and functionality, high speed performance and perform image-related tasks.

However, in some areas the vehicle is tasked with combining the function of a vehicle with other specialized functions. For these purposes ordinary cars are not suitable, and it becomes necessary to use special vehicles.

Special vehicles, as a rule, are manufactured on the basis of serial models. Typically, commercial vehicles - trucks, minibuses, vans, etc. - are used as chassis. Re-equipment is carried out by installing attachments, special devices and fittings in the passenger compartment or cargo compartment of the vehicle. Certain changes may also be made to the design of the suspension, body, brake system and other vehicle systems.

Special vehicles are indispensable in the work of a variety of services, performing important functions, which often have high social significance. They can also be used in solving problems of medical, fire and rescue services, law enforcement agencies, the army, etc.

Thanks to special transport, the daily operation of these services can be ensured. It is also possible to use these vehicles to solve emergency problems in emergency situations. Therefore, the quality, reliability and functionality of vehicles in this category are of extremely high importance.

Types of special vehicles

Special vehicles are produced today in extremely wide range, which allows you to select a machine for a wide variety of tasks. The most common types include the following types of special vehicles:

  • Police cars. This category unites patrol vehicles manufactured on the basis passenger cars, special forces vehicles, transport for transporting prisoners, etc.
  • Cash collection vehicles. Armored vehicles with a compartment for carrying cash.
  • Fire trucks. Machines that provide fire extinguishing in the most different conditions.
  • Medical cars. A broad category of vehicles, the most typical representatives of which are ambulances. This also includes special vehicles for transporting patients in serious condition, mobile operating rooms and other types of machines.
  • Vehicles of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the military - mobile headquarters, recreational vehicles for rescuers and service personnel, mobile video surveillance stations and much more.

In most cases, cars from leading Russian and foreign manufacturers are used to create special vehicles, which are distinguished by high quality, reliability and cross-country ability.

Modern special vehicles are equipped with advanced technological solutions.

Vehicles are devices designed to move people, various loads and various equipment installed on the vehicle from one place to another. Types of transport are classified depending on the environment in which the vehicle operates and transportation is carried out. There are water, land, air, underground and space vehicles. There are also combined vehicles capable of moving in several environments - amphibians, airplanes, and some types of hovercraft.

Types of water vehicles

Water transport includes vehicles that carry out transportation by water - rivers, oceans, canals, seas, reservoirs and lakes. The main mode of transport for water is a ship. Depending on the depth of the reservoir, water transport is divided into the following types:

  • river - ferries, barges, river trams, hovercraft;
  • marine - cruise ships, heavy carriers, tankers, container ships.

The disadvantages of water vehicles include their low speed, seasonality of navigation and the possibility of direct intercontinental communication, while the advantages include large capacity and low minimum transportation costs.

Types of cargo vehicles

A freight transport can be considered a vehicle that moves in any environment. There are cargo planes cargo ships, freight trains and a variety of land wheeled freight transport. The following types of ground trucks are distinguished:

  • Trucks combined with a body - flatbed trucks, vans, vans;
  • Self-propelled tractors designed for towing trailed equipment and trailers;
  • Trailers without their own engines, which are designed for coupling with a tractor as part of a road train;
  • Semi-trailers with a coupling device - tilt, flatbed, platforms, trawls, refrigerators, dump trucks.

Types of special vehicles

The category of special vehicles includes vehicles used for purposes other than civilian ones or having special equipment. There are the following types of special vehicles:

  • Cars, motorcycles and buses of operational police services;
  • Ambulances;
  • City cars public utilities- snow removal equipment, watering machines;
  • Military transport (armored personnel carriers, combat vehicles, etc.);
  • Emergency vehicles, fire trucks;
  • Intra-production transport used in large enterprises.

Main types of vehicles

In addition to the medium of movement, transport differs in functional purpose. Highlight general transport(public), personal transport and special purpose transport (technological and military). Vehicles can also be classified into several different types according to the energy sources used into the following categories:

  • electric vehicles;
  • thermal engine transport;
  • vehicles with a hybrid engine;
  • transport without own engine- sailing and driven by muscular force.

Modern and promising types of transport include magnetic levitation vehicles and automatic transport without a driver.