Short description. City Bus Museum. Model range of the Lviv Bus Plant. Brief description of USSR buses Laz 695 and its modifications

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Archive of LAZ brand models

History of the LAZ / LAZ brand

Lviv Bus Plant (LAZ) is a Soviet and Ukrainian automobile enterprise. Founding day of Lvov bus plant is May 21, 1945. For about ten years the plant produced mobile benches, mobile cranes, car trailers. In 1956, the experimental workshop of the plant produced the first LAZ-695 bus and from that moment they began serial production. To develop this bus, LAZ purchased samples of the most modern European buses - Magirus, Neoplan, Mercedes. They were studied, tested, considered from the point of view of production technologies at LAZ, as a result of which the design of the Lviv first-born was practically developed by the end of 1955. The starting point for its design was the design of the bus “ Mercedes Benz 321”, and the external stylistic solutions were taken from the Magirus TR-120 bus.

Since the 1960s last century, LAZ was the main manufacturer of specialized buses serving the Cosmonaut Training Center. Yu. A. Gagarin and the Baikonur Cosmodrome. In 1994, Open Joint-Stock Company Lviv Bus Plant, a controlling stake in which belonged to the State Property Fund of Ukraine. It started in the same year mass production trolleybuses LAZ-52522. Since 2001, the plant received the status of a private enterprise with a collective form of ownership. In 2002, production of four completely new bus models began: commuter and tourist Liner 9, 10, 12, as well as especially large city LAZ-A291. The large urban model LAZ-5252 was adapted to market requirements. In August 2003, the one-and-a-half-story tourist LAZ-5208 was released - the first bus from a family of completely new models, which was called NEOLAZ. In May 2004, two following models NEOLAZA: city bus with low level floor LAZ-A183 "City" and platform bus with low floor level LAZ-AX183 "Airport". The lineup buses are equipped with Yaroslavsky engines motor plant(Russia), Deutz (Germany) and Raba rear axles (Hungary).

In 2007, the production of the holding company "LAZ", which includes the Lviv Bus Plant, as well as the Dneprovsky Bus Plant (Dneprodzerzhinsk) and the Nikolaev Machine-Building Plant (Nikolaev), amounted to 471 units (buses and trolleybuses). On March 30, 2010, in Lviv, a memorandum was signed between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Lviv Bus Plant on the production of 1,500 buses and 500 trolleybuses for the cities hosting Euro 2012 (ultimately, these buses were never delivered). In 2013, the LAZ plant is going through difficult times. The plant's owners announced bankruptcy proceedings. A year later, the bus production line in Lviv completely stopped; the lack of export orders and the debt for completed deliveries of equipment finally aggravated the situation. In March 2015, all plant premises and remaining equipment were put up for auction.

Full title: CJSC "Lvov Bus Plant"
Other names: "Plant of Municipal Transport" (ZKT), CJSC "Lviv Automobile Plant"
Existence: 1945 - present day
Location: (USSR), Ukraine, Lvov, st. Stryiskaya, 45
Key figures: Churkin Igor Anatolyevich - top manager
Products: Buses, trolleybuses
The lineup:  692:

LAZ-695 "Lviv"

LAZ-695D "Dana"
LAZ-695D11 "Tanya"


LAZ Liner 10

History of the LAZ enterprise.

Decree on creation car assembly plant in Lvov it was adopted on April 3, 1945. Literally a month and a half later, on May 21, the main issues for its construction were identified.

By a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers in 1949, the still unfinished plant was ordered to master the production of buses and electric vehicles, while the plant itself received the name “Lviv Bus Plant named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR.” Then, even before the end construction work, the process of manufacturing spare parts for truck cranes is being established.

LAZ took pride of place in the USSR as a manufacturer of buses intended for tourist, intercity and suburban transportation. The plant became the leader in bus production throughout the Soviet Union.

Some time later, the Council of People's Commissars decided to begin manufacturing the defense industry, which is why the LAZ program was radically changed. The new task looked like this: per year the plant must produce truck cranes AK-32 in the amount of 3,000 and weighing three tons each (their production was transferred to the plant from Dnepropetrovsk), ZIS-155 buses in the amount of 2,000, as well as 1,000 electric vehicles.

The plant begins to master the production of ZIS-150 truck cranes.

A few years later, the plant was entrusted with the production of new vans. This was the result of a government decree in 1953: “O further development Soviet trade". The plant was supposed to start producing LAZ-150F - vans, as well as LAZ-729; LAZ-742B; LAZ-712; 1-APM-3 – groups of trailers, and set up the release of trailers-bench shops. By 1955, the range of products produced by the Lviv Automobile Plant had expanded significantly. Although the bulk of production remained in cranes (production of which doubled in just 5 years of operation of the plant), the plant also began making grain trailers, spare parts and chassis for trailers, different types trailers

On August 17, 1955, an extended meeting of the plant’s technical council was held. At the meeting, a new technical policy plant, and also developed the type of future Lviv buses, which will have to meet the needs National economy. New policy provided for the production of medium-capacity buses, which were maximally adapted for Soviet operating conditions.

At the same time, the organization of a new, young design team was underway, the leadership of which was taken over by V.V. Osepchugov (at that time the new plant). Initially, they planned to produce the ZIS-155 bus at the Lviv Bus Plant. This prospect did not suit the young team of the design bureau. The new leader Osepchugov “infected” the young designers, who had recently graduated from a higher educational institution, with the “bus disease”, which he himself successfully suffered from.

A group of young designers created their own bus model and sent it to the “tops” for consideration. This model proved successful and was approved. For LAZ we purchased samples of the most modern buses Europe: Magirus, Neoplan, Mercedes. These samples were studied, tested, examined. The result of these tests and studies was new design Lviv “first-born bus”, “born” by the end of 1955. The design of the Mercedes Benz 321 was taken as the basis for the bus, and the external style was taken from the West German Magirus bus.

For the first time in the USSR, a layout with a longitudinal rear engine and a load-bearing base was used on a bus produced in Lvov: the LAZ-695 body had a load-bearing base, presented in the form of a spatial truss made of rectangular pipes. Also new was dependent suspension spring-type wheels. The suspension was developed jointly with specialists from NAMI. As the load increased, the stiffness of the suspension increased, which ensured comfortable conditions in the cabin. Especially while driving. Thanks to this, LAZ cars have won high praise from consumers.

At LAZ in 1967, GSKB was created - the Main Union Design Bureau.

In the same year, one of the Lviv cars won the “Best European Bus” nomination in Brussels. Two years later, LAZ products received another Grand Prix in Nice. At the same festival in the same year, LAZ received gold medal for the most better design bus body, the driver of this bus, S. Borim, test engineer, received gold for the best driving performance presented at the competition. In addition to those mentioned, LAZ received prizes from the President of France, as well as two Grand Prizes of Distinction.

The buses produced by the Lvov plant were rated simply and succinctly - “The best in the USSR.” The machines were reliable in operation, unpretentious in maintenance, had high cross-country ability. And not only that, they were comfortable! LAZ products could be seen in any part of the Former Union.

From 1969 to 1973, the plant produced several samples of two bus models - LAZ-696 and LAZ-698. The producers were hopeful. That 1974 would be the year the first industrial batch was released, but this did not happen. Despite the fact that samples of new bus models were in many ways superior to the existing LAZ-695: they were more suitable for passenger transportation in major cities, but they still never made it into mass production. The main products of LAZ did not change - LAZ-695 buses. The main reason for the refusal to release new models was the purchase of Hungarian Ikarus. Due to the presence of a number of obligations to the countries of the socialist camp Soviet Union stopped its design development of buses with increased capacity.

The construction of the new main building of the plant was completed in 1979. The area of ​​the hull exceeded all production area at least doubled. Such a scale made it possible to launch the production of new LAZ-4202 city buses at the plant.

The 80s were “golden” for LAZ - the plant became the largest European manufacturer buses. Up to 15 thousand cars were produced here every year.

In 1981, the plant celebrated its 200,000th bus.

1984 – the plant produces the 250,000th bus. In the same year, the production of the secondary school begins commuter bus LAZ-42021, equipped with a diesel engine.

The year 1986 was marked for the plant by the start of production of LAZ-695NG buses, which use gas fuel.

In 1988, a record number of buses was produced for USSR factories - 14,646 units.

In 1991, production of LAZ-42071 new intercity buses began.

Due to the collapse of the USSR after 1991, Lvov plant Production volumes were greatly reduced. Over the 10 years of its operation (from 1989 to 1999), the plant began to produce 60 times more fewer cars. During the entire period of the crisis, the plant made countless attempts at new versions of basic buses.

1992 – serial production of LAZ-5252 began.

The current state of affairs.

In 1994, OJSC Lviv Bus Plant was created on the basis of an existing enterprise.

October 2001 was marked by a change in ownership - a controlling stake in LAZ, which included 70.41%, was put up for auction and acquired on a competitive basis by the Ukrainian-Russian JSC Sil-Avto. It is worth noting. That the buyer received the plant at a very difficult time - for the entire first quarter of the year the plant was completely idle. By the end of 2001, the plant produced only 514 cars, which is 45% less than what was produced in the previous year.

With the new owners, the life of the plant began to change: the products were updated, the obsolete models of LAZ-699 and LAZ-695 buses were discontinued. In May 2002, the plant took part in the Kiev international motor show, where he presented a family of updated buses. Since that time, the company has completely retrained to produce standardized buses of different lengths: 9, 10 and 12 meters. The result was the buses: “Liner-9” (9 meters long), “Liner-10” (10 meters long) and “Liner-12” (12 meters long). These buses were mostly supplied to Kazakhstan and Russia. The company also produced the A-291 articulated bus, which was successfully tested.

At the end of 2002, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine signed a resolution on possible creation JSC LAZ company. The main specialization of the newly created enterprise is the production of trolleybuses, buses, as well as special vehicles and trucks.

It is worth noting that in December of the same year, LAZ CJSC received a UkrSEPRO certificate and an international TUV CERT certificate.

In May next year two types of urban transport were presented: “Airport” - apron LAZ-AX183 and “City” - low-floor bus LAZ-A183.

In 2006, on June 7, LAZ CJSC was renamed the “Plant of Municipal Transport.” This year became even more significant. Because it was then that the plant first used licensed packages for three-dimensional modeling “3-D” during the development and construction of buses. Also in 2006, they carried out an update for the first time technological processes at the factory, they updated their production equipment not after the creation of a new model. As was customary to do before, but before its creation.

Today, the Lviv Bus Plant has retained its status as a leader in the production of passenger airliners, which covers the entire territory of the former USSR.

Nowadays, LAZ is a large enterprise that occupies more than 70 hectares. The total area of ​​the plant buildings reaches 280 thousand sq.m., 188 thousand sq.m. of which are direct production areas. The company employs 4,800 pieces of equipment (both domestic and imported), which makes it possible to create up to 8 thousand buses and trolleybuses (of all sizes and for any purpose) per year.

LAZ is trying to meet the requirements modern world. One of the innovations that has long been used in European countries was the introduction into operation of the plant new technology for body assembly: previously assembly was carried out by welding, today welding has been replaced by gluing. In addition, most of the processes have been mechanized; from now on, priming, sanding, and applying glue are performed by modern machines. It is worth noting that adhesive mixtures, mastics and sealants used when installing glass and panels are also additional elements noise protection. Also present at the plant laser systems that cut metal. Thanks to the availability of precise programs, the entire process occurs as accurately and economically as possible. The body frame is phosphated, which significantly increases the level of corrosion resistance of the metal. The plant provides a ten-year warranty on its buses.

The enterprise also operates more than a dozen mechanical flow lines, hundreds of semi-automatic and automatic equipment, various CNC machines. The total length of the production conveyor reached 6000 m. Each bus, before release, is tested at a unique diagnostic station.

It is worth noting the modern method of applying paint, which is used at the factory. This is a powder method that not only provides high quality and the brightness of the colors, but also their durability.

In any case, it can be argued that Lviv bus manufacturers have made a considerable leap forward: very short terms plant workers developed and launched new bus models.

Only last years Seven completely new and unique models rolled off the factory assembly line: the suburban Liner-10 and the tourist Liner-12, the articulated city bus A-291, the LAZ-5252J - a large city bus, the one-and-a-half-story city bus NeoLAZ, the airport LAZ SkyBus and the large low-floor CityLAZ.

Since its foundation, the plant has produced more than 364 thousand buses. Of this amount, 39 thousand cars were created and sold over the past two decades. Every year LAZ develops more and more and again becomes the main flagship of the bus industry. A considerable part of its products already satisfies not only the Ukrainian market, but is also exported to the Russian market.

Bus general purpose middle class. Produced by the Lviv Bus Plant since 1976. Body - carriage type, with a load-bearing base, 3-door (two 4-leaf doors for passengers and one single-leaf hinged door for the driver). The seating layout is 4-row. The engine location is rear. The driver's seat is sprung and adjustable in height, length and backrest angle. The heating system is air, using heat from the engine cooling system. Previously, the LAZ-695M bus was produced (1970-1976).


LAZ-695NE and AAZ-695NT - buses for export to countries with temperate and tropical (dry and wet) climates, respectively, LAZ-695NG - a bus whose engine runs on compressed air natural gas or gasoline.


Maud. ZIL-130YA2N (aka ZIL-508.10), petrol, V-engine, 8-cyl., 100x95 mm, 6.0 l, compression ratio 7.1, operating order 1-5-4-2-6-3 -7-8; power 110 kW (150 hp) at 3200 rpm; torque 402 Nm (41 kgf-m) at 1800-2000 rpm; carburetor K-90; air filter- inertia-oil.


The clutch is single-disk with peripheral springs, the release drive is hydraulic. Gearbox - 5-speed, gear. numbers: I-7.44; II-4.10; III-2.29; IV-1.47; V-1.00; ZH-7.09; synchronizers on II-V gears. Cardan transmission consists of one shaft. The main gear is double spaced (bevel and planetary). Send number 6.98.

Wheels and tires

Wheels - disc, rims 7.5-20, fastening with 10 studs. Tires 10.00-20 mod. OI-73A, NS - 12, tread pattern - road, front and rear tire pressure 6.0 kgf/cm. sq. Number of wheels 6+1.


Dependent, front - on semi-elliptic springs with correction springs, two shock absorbers; rear - the same, without shock absorbers.


The working brake system is dual-circuit, with a pneumatic drive, drum mechanisms (diameter 4-20 mm, lining width: front 70, rear 1-80 mm, cam release. Parking brake- on mechanisms rear wheels, drive-mechanical. The spare brake is one of the circuits of the working brake system. The pressure in the pneumatic brake drive is 6.0-7.7 kgf/cm. sq.


Maud. ZIL-124, globoidal worm with a three-ridge roller, gear. number 23.5. Steering wheel play up to 150.

Electrical equipment

Voltage 12 V, ac. battery ZST-150EMS (2 pcs.), generator G287-K with built-in integral voltage regulator YA112-A, starter ST130-AZ, distributor P137, transistor switch TK102, ignition coil B114-B, spark plugs A11.
Fuel tank - 154 l, gasoline A-76;
cooling system - 40 l, water; engine lubrication system (with oil cooler
) - 8.5 l, all-season M-8V, or M-6/10V, winter DV-ASZp-10V;
steering housing - 1.2 l. TSp-15K or TSp-10;
gearbox - 5.1 l, TSp-15K or TSp-10;
drive axle housing and wheel gearboxes - 14 (8+6) l, TSp-15K or TSp-10; hydraulic clutch drive system - 0.95 l, brake fluid
shock absorbers - 2x0.85 l, AZh-12T;

windshield washer reservoir - 2 l, NIISS-4 liquid mixed with water.

Weight of units (in kg)
Engine with equipment and clutch - 502,
gearbox - 120,
cardan shaft - 16,
front axle - 316,
rear axle - 665,
body - 3080,
wheel and tire assembly - 110,

radiator - 35.

Capacity: 34
number of seats 67
total number of places 1
number of service places 6800
Curb weight, kg
Including: 2200
to the front axle on 4600
rear axle 11630
Curb weight, kg
Including: 4100
Total weight, kg 7530
to the rear axle 86
Max speed, km/h 40
Acceleration time to 60 km/h, s 25
Max. climbability, % 1100
Coasting from 60 km/h, m 32,1
Braking distance from 60 km/h, m 33,9
Control fuel consumption at 60 km/h, l/100 km
Turning radius, m: 8,5
on the outer wheel 9,6


1994 LAZ-695N LAZ-695 "Lviv"

- Soviet and Ukrainian middle-class city bus of the Lviv Bus Plant. The bus has undergone modernization more than once, mainly with changes in body, but the overall size and layout of the body and the main components of the bus remained the same. The most significant change relative to the basic first generation 695/695B/695E/695Zh was the modernization of the front and rear parts in two stages - first in the second generation 695M it was changed rear end(with the replacement of one large “turbine” air intake at the rear of the roof with two side “gills”) with an almost unchanged front mask, and then the third generation 695N/695NG/695D also received a modernized front part (“slicked” shape was replaced by a “visor”) . In addition, the factory emblems and the space between the headlights on the front end changed (both from generation to generation and within generations; for example, in the third - from an aluminum false radiator grille to the same black-plastic one and then its complete removal), headlights and sidelights , front bumpers, wheel covers, etc.

There is reason to believe that a small batch of buses was produced with automatic transmission(LAZ-695E).

Not without a number of disadvantages (crowded interior and doors, frequent overheating of the engine of buses of the 2nd and 3rd generations, etc.), the bus was characterized by simplicity of design and unpretentiousness in operation in all categories highways. In the post-Soviet space, both 21st-century and 30-year-old LAZ-695 buses are still used. Even without taking into account custom assembly in small batches at DAZ, mass production LAZ produced buses for 50 years. The total number of LAZ-695 buses produced is about 250 thousand vehicles (only 695M - more than 52 thousand and 695N - about 176 thousand vehicles).


In 1949, the plant began to produce car vans, trailers, truck cranes and (pilot batch) electric vehicles. With mastery automotive production A design team was formed at the plant under the leadership of V.V. Osepchugov. At first, they planned to transfer the production of obsolete ZIS-155 buses from the Moscow Stalin Plant to the plant, but such a prospect did not inspire the young staff of the plant and its design bureau. With the support of the first director of LAZ, B.P. Kashkadamov, Osepchugov literally infected young designers and production workers who had just left the institute classrooms with the “bus dream.”

The initiative to develop and produce a new bus model was supported “at the top” and samples of modern European buses were purchased for LAZ: Magirus, Neoplan, Mercedes. They were carefully studied from the point of view of design and production technology, as a result of which the first-born Lviv bus was practically developed by the end of 1955. When designing its design, the experience of the Mercedes Benz 321 was most taken into account, and external stylistic solutions were made in the spirit of the bus “ Magirus."

Construction of the first LAZ-695 began in 1955.

LAZ-695N (1974-2006)

Having received a new front body panel with higher windshields and a large visor on top, the car began to be called LAZ-695N. On this model, the rear and front doors became the same. The instrument cluster and speedometer have become slightly smaller in diameter. The first prototypes were demonstrated in 1969.

In 1974, the plant began serial production of the LAZ-695N.

LAZ-695N cars from the late 70s - early 80s. had small windows on the outside above the doors to the cabin with illuminated “Entrance” and “Exit” signs; on later cars they were removed. Also, later LAZ-695N buses differ from more early cars shape and location of front and rear lighting equipment. On early buses, rectangular headlights made in the GDR, the same as those on the Moskvich-412 car, and an aluminum false radiator grille were installed in front. Since the mid-80s. The aluminum grille was eliminated, and the headlights became round.

In 1978, on the basis of the LAZ-695N, a special training bus was developed for driver training, equipped with an additional control kit and a set of fixing equipment (speedometer SL-2M, tachograph 010/10, mode meter, three-component overload recorder ZP-15M and tape recorder).

For the 1980 Olympics and for export, a small number of buses of the LAZ-695R modification were produced with more comfortable and soft seats and double doors (which were previously also on prototypes of the LAZ-695N, but were not put into production). After the Olympics, buses of this modification were used as excursion buses.

Until 1991 in mandatory LAZ-695N buses had a large opening hatch in the front wall of the body - in the event of military mobilization, these buses were converted into ambulances, and the hatch was intended for loading and unloading stretchers with the wounded (it would have been impossible to carry stretchers through the narrow doors). After 1991 this " extra detail" was quickly abolished.

In the first half of 1990, power steering appeared on the LAZ-695N. Then they stopped installing rear axles“Slave” and again, like many years ago, they began to equip the car with double final drive(without wheel reducers).

Based on the LAZ-695N bus, the LAZ-697N “Tourist” and LAZ-697R “Tourist” buses were produced.