Auto parsing where to start. Auto dismantling business. Where to buy a car for disassembly

On the roads of the country, every day there are more and more cars. New, old, expensive and not very, imported and domestic. One nice feature unites all these cars - they break down. Why pleasant? Because you can earn money by creating your own business.

Not always the owner of the car agrees to buy a new one. spare part to replace a worn or broken one. There can be many reasons: lack of money, desire to save money, such parts are no longer produced or there is no need to buy new part. In this case, drivers go to car dismantling. A place where used cars are dismantled for parts. Here we are now and we will talk and show you an example of an auto-dismantling business plan with calculations, and show you how you can open your own business.

business concept

It could be car dismantling companies. executive class, elite, rare, or the most popular. Spare parts for some machines are in high demand, while others are not. Study the market situation, analyze and make a decision.

Car dismantling, both in our country and abroad, is called enterprises that buy cars, dismantle and sell them in separate parts. As a rule, these enterprises buy cars - used or after an accident. Low prices on such cars explain the minimum cost of spare parts. Sometimes at discounted prices stolen cars. Here, you need to be careful and check all the documents for the purchased car.

Where to buy cars for disassembly

There are many options - these are special sites on the Internet, acquaintances, car markets. It is very profitable if, along with disassembly, you open your own car repair service or at least a tire shop. This will significantly increase the profitability of the business, but it will also require additional investments.


To accommodate such a business, one or better several premises will be required in which spare parts will be stored. It is more convenient to store them on multi-tiered racks, in sets according to brands and years of production. Need a place to dismantle and store cars. It would be nice if a viewing hole is equipped on the territory.

  • safe;
  • cash register;
  • the Internet;
  • phone.

Registration documents and license to operate technical work more convenient to arrange individual- a private entrepreneur. The place of arrangement of auto-dismantling should be agreed with the authorities and a package of necessary permits should be obtained.


Starting your car dismantling business, you can work as a director, a car mechanic, and a janitor all rolled into one. But for the night guard of his offspring, one person may not have enough strength. At this point, either hire a watchman, or live right on the territory. This will save some money, especially if the budget is very tight. History knows similar examples from the biography of current millionaires.


Here, all means are good and will not be superfluous. On the Internet, use all possible placements free ads on automotive sites. Create your website or blog. Do not be lazy to put up your advertisements in places where motorists can see them. These flyers can be placed on windshield cars in car parks. Attract potential buyers. Let them know that you sell everything cheaper and you have everything. Build your client base. Hand out business cards.


Below, the table shows the main costs associated with opening an auto-dismantling:

expenditures Cost in rubles for one year
Registering a business and obtaining a permit 5 010
Rent of premises or plot of 500 m² 2 225 100
Salary (negotiable) 21 000
Purchase of broken cars (based on 15 cars) 850 000
Advertising and website content 40 000
Utilities 59 000
Total: costs 3 200 110


The most important thing at the beginning of any business is self-sufficiency. When will you be able to return the invested money?

Capital investment in business: from $50,000

Payback period of the project: 6-18 months

After all, this type of business has many important nuances which must be observed.

But if the entrepreneur is attentive and persistent enough, efforts will be rewarded.

There are several reasons for the relevance of such activities even in these times of economic instability:

  • Many car owners are very attached to their cars and are in no hurry to sell them. Even if you have to constantly repair them.
  • And those who can and would like to buy new car is not always possible.

And these reasons take place not only in the CIS countries.

Moreover, in Europe it has been developing for a long time and much more actively.

There, buyers take parts like in a supermarket products from the shelves: they just walk around the territory, look for the ones they need and take them off themselves.

So entrepreneurs in Russia have an example to strive for and follow.

The relevance of the idea to open auto-dismantling

The list of the above reasons for the relevance of the idea to open a car disassembly in Russia is even wider:

  1. If purchased broken car and sell parts from it, sometimes you can get even more than you spent on the purchase.
  2. Low purchasing power in the automotive sector is relevant for Russian-speaking countries, not only in times of crisis.
    Most of the population cannot afford to buy expensive foreign cars.
    And the situation is unlikely to change in the next 10-15 years.
    This allows us to conclude that auto-dismantling will be relevant in Russia and other countries for many years to come.
  3. Pay attention to the diagram below.
    The percentage of owners of "old" cars is quite large.
    And all of them sooner or later face the fact that parts for their brand of car are removed from production.
    But few people want to give up the usual vehicle because of just one defective element.
    Because motorists are actively using car disassembly and it makes sense to open one.

Car disassembly personnel

“We are truly drawn to do what we are destined to do. And when we start doing this, money is immediately found, the right doors open, we feel useful, and work seems like a game.”
Julia Cameron

But this is possible only when the qualification allows you to perform all the necessary tasks.

And also enough time and energy for this. When the business expands, you can no longer do it on your own.

  • the auto mechanic is the central figure, he disassembles the car into parts;
  • accountant - can be hired by outsourcing with hourly pay;
  • the manager is usually the initiator of the idea to open an auto-disassembly.

Territory for opening auto-dismantling

The size of the territory is selected based on the expected scale of the business, but not less than 500 sq.m. It is especially good if it is located near the highway and bus stop. public transport.

The site is divided into separate parts for a more successful organization of work:

  1. A place where cars will be taken apart by mechanics for parts.
  2. Warehouse where parts will be stored.
    Inside you need to install racks with signed shelves.
    This is done to speed up the search for the parts needed by the client.
    It is even better if you maintain an electronic database of available items.
  3. Office for receiving and advising visitors.
  4. Garbage storage area (scrap metal).

Car disassembly as a business needs advertising

Not every car enthusiast who decides to part with his car knows that he can be sent for auto-dismantling and get some money at the same time.

After all, it is in any case more profitable than just disposing of transport!

Therefore, the task of entrepreneurs is to inform the public.

There are several options for auto-disassembly:

  • Print a stock of flyers from brief information about auto disassembly.
    These flyers can be placed at gas stations, service stations, in the subway.
    Instead of flyers, you can print business cards and distribute them to your clients.
  • Not every car dismantling owner can afford to invest in outdoor advertising.
    But if it's possible, do it.
    Because few other ways of advertising are as effective as banners and billboards in conspicuous places.
  • A convenient check-in can be indirectly attributed to the methods of advertising.
    The fact is that if it is convenient for customers to come to you, then he will distinguish this auto-dismantling among others.
    Yes, and it will be more convenient for you to take away the excess from the territory.
  • Quality service and customer care is your The best way advertise car dismantling services.
    Strive to deserve positive reviews and you will always have new visitors.

What sources do they use to get cars for auto-dismantling?

One of the main questions for start-up entrepreneurs who decided to open a car dismantling: where to get cars for spare parts?

There are several options:

  1. The most common way is to buy broken cars from the population.
    They need to look for ads, forums, sites.
  2. You can buy cars from the parking lots of the traffic police, if the owners refused to do so.
  3. Some parts are profitable to buy abroad.
    In this case, payback is achieved through their High Quality.
    It is better to go with a prepared list of necessary spare parts.
  4. You can look for cars for auto-dismantling at specialized auctions where companies sell broken cars.
  5. But buying cars from car thieves is not recommended, no matter how fast and cheap it may be.
    Otherwise, you can get yourself in trouble with the law.

How much does it cost to open a car dismantling business?

Auto disassembly is not a business that requires minimal investment to open.

Although you can start in a small garage with 1-2 broken cars.

But for the full conduct of business, you need to purchase at least 10 cars.

Thus, the list of expenses for opening a car dismantling business will look like this:

Expense item to open auto-dismantlingSum
In total, to open you need:From 50 000$
Rent of the territory for car dismantling from 500 sq.m.,
arrangement and zoning
(average cost in Moscow - from $ 125 / meter).
From 75 000$/year
Registration of permits to open a company, documentation.
The cost will vary depending on
You will be doing the editing yourself.
Or contact intermediaries, which is easier, but more expensive.
2200-4600 rub.
Purchase of cars for autodismantling
(optimal amount- 10-15 cars).
From 500 000 rub.
Launch of an advertising campaign.From 15 000 rub.
Employee salary
(depending on state size,
some employees may also be paid by the hour).
Purchase of equipment for the office area
(mobile phones with unlimited data,
computers with internet access)
From 50 000 rub.
Expendable materials15 000 rub.
Unexpected expenses15 000 rub.

Autodismantling as a business has its risks

The main risk of auto-dismantling as a business is high costs for the purchase of broken cars that may not pay off.

There is also a threat to buy a car that is stolen, but this case is not so common.

Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on the possibility of minimizing the first, main risk.

  1. Usually, to start auto-dismantling, it is enough to buy two cars.
    But in fact, for a full-fledged work, it is better to have at least 10 stamps.
    So parts from one car may not be in demand for a week or two, and then sold out.
    To balance sales, you need to expand the range.
  2. You need to be "in the know" in order to understand which cars will most often need details.
    Such information can be obtained exclusively from the workflow itself, not from books, websites or any other sources.
  3. Except the most running models, you should buy those brands that you like.
    After all, when a person is sincerely interested in something, business is more successful, information is perceived easier.
    And customers will definitely feel it!
  4. In this business, you can not count on regular customers - they will appear only in a couple of years.
    But with clients you still need to demonstrate highest level service, as reputation is above all.

And why is it still worth paying attention to such a type of business as car dismantling,

see in the video:

The payback of the idea to open auto-dismantling

The average payback period is about 6-18 months and will depend on many factors.

For example, from the amount of initial capital investment.

And also on how passionate you are about the automotive theme.

After all, only on the basis of sincere interest can it be possible to invest all your time and efforts in business.

However, only the love of cars and the desire to earn money is also not enough.

You will need basic technical knowledge, which will need to be supplemented and improved.

Even if you completely hire staff "from the outside", in order to competently manage the business, preparation is indispensable.

Also, knowledge will help to correctly allocate capital in order to develop a business from scratch at minimal cost.

As you already understood, it is important not only how to open autodisassembler but also how to stay afloat by thinking through ways to address all possible risks.

If you are confident in your abilities, this business will bring you not only a solid income, but also a sense of self-realization.

After all, it’s not often that you have the opportunity to create a big business on your own, starting it in a small garage!

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Not every car owner has the opportunity to periodically purchase a new car, and therefore it becomes necessary to maintain the old one in working order. And since not everyone prefers Russian auto industry as a used car, for them arises whole line additional difficulties. Many parts for used foreign cars older than 8 years may not be available for ordering new ones at all, or their cost is fabulously expensive, or there is no non-original analogue, and even with an adequate cost, the original will have to wait a couple of months from Germany or Japan. In all these cases, autodismantling with a rich assortment of used parts will help out motorists. The auto-dismantling business plan below shows the complexities and nuances associated with opening this business. Using our example as a guide, you will be able to plan your investment.

Rationale for the business plan

The business is launched in a city with more than 300 thousand people. The level of market saturation can be assessed as medium. But this market is flexible: over time, the number of obsolete cars of one model that was very popular before decreases, and, accordingly, the demand for used parts for these models decreases. Instead appears high demand to newer models that are relevant for auto parsing. Yes, in last years in Russia, the number of popular models 90s: Audi 80, 100; BMW E34; Mercedes 210; Toyota Carina and others. The demand for cars manufactured at the turn of the late 1990s - early 2000s, which are now at the age of 10-12 years, has been updated: Mitsubishi Galant VIII; Ford Focus I; BMW E36, E39; Volkswagen Passat B5; Toyota Camry VIII and others. Moreover, there is a tendency to increase the percentage of cars for the European and American market on the territory of the European part of Russia and a gradual increase in the share of Asian-made cars (Japan, Korea) when moving to the East up to 90% in the Amur Region and Primorsky Territory.

To maintain a strong position in the market, it is necessary to meet the following customer requirements:

  • Maintain in stock spare parts for models that have a great need for used parts.
  • Keep a literate pricing policy appropriate to the market and customer needs.
  • Conduct a customer-oriented policy, have a large base of regular customers

To solve the first problem, you need:

  • Monitor search queries for various models.
  • Keep in touch with several car services that would report which car models in this moment often use auto repair services.
  • Keep a record of the number of customer requests for various models both on the site and by phone.

In order to comply with the pricing policy of the market, it is necessary to monitor the prices of competitors in your own and neighboring regions, as well as to have a flexible pricing policy. To meet the third requirement, it is necessary to carry out promotions, especially for stale goods, provide discounts to regular customers, maintain a database with information about them and periodically notify them of new promotions.

To take a stable place in the market, it is necessary to become a customer-oriented company that supports the demanded assortment and conduct a competent pricing policy.

Having decided on target audience, it is necessary to foresee the risks arising during the operation of auto-disassembly:

  • Lack of demand for used parts.
  • Inconvenient location for customers in the city.
  • High start-up and promotion costs.

To overcome the first risk, it is planned to conduct advertising campaigns in social networks, automotive newspapers and magazines, as well as place offers on free classifieds sites. To minimize the second risk, it is planned to rent space near large service stations, a car market or a large garage cooperative. The third risk is planned to be overcome by attracting 50 percent of the investor, the rest will be added from our own funds and consumer credit.


Funds for starting a business are supposed to be added from three sources:

  • 50% is allocated by a co-founder interested in the development of such an enterprise.
  • 25% are taken on credit for business development.
  • 25% are allocated from own funds.

For registration, the form of activity of the IP was chosen.

The simplified taxation system of 15% is chosen, since the costs of paying rent, advertising and wages are significant.

To open an IP, it is planned to use the services specialized organization, it will cost 10,000 rubles, including state duty.

Personnel search

To ensure the successful operation of auto-dismantling, first of all, you will need an auto mechanic who is well versed in parts and assemblies different cars. In order to classify, all parts must be signed: what brand, model and modification they belong to, as well as keeping a record of the remains of parts and assemblies in the warehouse. Since some parts of the car cannot be removed and moved to the warehouse by one mechanic, he will need an assistant without special qualifications. Successful work sales team should provide an experienced manager, good device aware car.

It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that effective work advertising and partnership work with service stations for the installation of large components such as an engine or gearbox with a guarantee from the seller. The accountant is accepted at ½ rate.

Premises for rent

For the office we rent space in the office center, which includes:

  • Premises of the "standard" category (10 sq. M). The cost of renting an office: 8 thousand rubles. per month. An advance payment is made for 3 months.
  • Area for storage of non-dismantled car bodies and a hangar for storage of removed parts (200 sq. m.).
  • Secured fenced area with convenient access for trucks(200 sqm).
  • An adjacent hangar or building with an isolated storage room for parts (100 sqm).

The estimated cost is: 50,000 rubles per month. It is supposed to pay rent for 3 months immediately.

For more efficient storage, it is necessary to order the manufacture of racks for storing removed auto parts. Light items should be stored on top, heavier items on the lower shelves and on the floor.

In total, at launch, you will need 458,000 rubles.

Business promotion

The business is promising for promotion both on the Internet and beyond. From offline methods, advertising in the local press on automotive topics and business directories will be used.

For online promotion, an online store is created and promoted. Groups in social networks and presence on thematic portals such as, and others will also be promising. The owner will be in charge of Internet promotion. Photos of cars that have appeared for dismantling will be posted here, indicating which parts are available for order.

During the first three months, 150 thousand rubles will be allocated for promotion, then about 30 thousand rubles will be sent to key channels.

Cost calculation

On launch

Of the calculated amount, 1,064,000 rubles are allocated by the co-founder, 564,000 rubles from their own funds, and another 500,000 rubles are taken on credit from a bank for 2 years at 15% per annum.

According to these conditions, the monthly payment will be 24,700 rubles (calculated by an online calculator, real value may differ).

Monthly payments

How much does the business bring

The tax base will be:

530,000 - 404,000 \u003d 126,000 rubles.

Subtract from it the cost of the UST and get 126,000 - 31,500 = 94,500 rubles.

94,500 x 0.15 = 14,175 rubles will be the monthly tax.

The net profit will thus be:

126,000 - 14,175 = 111,825 rubles per month.

The profitability of the business will be:

(111,825 / 530,000) x 100 = 21.01%.

This indicator is excellent for the first year of operation. To ensure this profitability, it is necessary, on average, to sell parts from 3-4 disassembled cars. With an increase this indicator profitability will increase. Every month it is planned to purchase at least 1-2 cars. With an increase in capitalization, their number will increase, which will also have a beneficial effect on increasing profitability.

Based on the figure of 111,825 rubles per month, we calculate the payback of the business.

It is planned to direct 80% of income to return on investment. The remaining 20% ​​is used to pay bonuses to personnel and the resulting additional costs.

111,825 x 0.8 = 89,460 rubles per month will be used to return investments (loan expenses are not taken into account).

2 128 000 / 89 460 = 23,8.

Return of own investments is expected in 2 years after launch. As planned, the loan repayment will take 2 years. Thus, the full payback of the business also comes in 24 months.

Business Outlook

Further prospects depend on many factors: the development of a stable client base, a competent and effective advertising policy, right choice models purchased in disassembly, and the fight against theft in the warehouse. This one of the most serious problems for large car dealerships.

With the correct fulfillment of the above requirements, it is possible to increase sales and profits several times already in the first six months or a year, thereby shifting the payback period to better side. But big sizes salary payments, rent coupled with a large amount of stale goods, they can “sink” your business, shifting profitability to a negative value. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly "keep abreast" and conduct a competent analysis of sales and the market. Also, do not forget about strict control and motivation of employees.


Autodismantling is an attractive business that is not afraid of crises. On the contrary, during this period, buyers try to save more and turn to attractively priced used parts more often. Another advantage of auto-dismantling is that spare parts are always in stock here, and there is no need to wait for them to order. Replacing assemblies is a cheaper alternative overhaul engines, mechanical and automatic boxes gears. Moreover, not all car owners in the regions trust the repair of the above units to local low-skilled auto mechanics.

Concerning body parts, then at auto-dismantling you can find many parts of the same color as the client’s car, thereby allowing him to save on painting. Another huge advantage of autodismantling is the availability of all the parts used in the production of a particular car. Since some parts are out of production or do not have substitutes (respectively, they are inappropriately expensive and take a very long time to be delivered), auto-dismantlers have a monopoly in their sale. In this regard, there is a rather large demand for such parts and a high margin.

The market is very promising, especially since every year there is a tendency of deterioration in quality, and, consequently, the service life of cars. When the life of the car comes to an end, car owners see no point in paying big money for new parts. This category is the main consumer of used parts. Before starting a business, do not forget to draw up your own auto-dismantling business plan with calculations that will help you take into account all the nuances of work in the future.

Auto dismantling is considered one of the most profitable businesses in the industry because it is the main source of used parts, which can be too expensive if bought new, or too rare if they are long out of production. Therefore, when compiling a business plan for car dismantling, one must focus on the demand for spare parts.

Company registration

To open your own company for dismantling used cars, you need to register an enterprise. As a rule, choose the form of IP. For registration you will need minimum set documents, and the registration itself takes two weeks. Then it will be much easier to keep tax records than with any other form of organization. You will also need the appropriate license.

A receipt for payment of the state duty for registration will cost 800 rubles, and a letter from Rosstat - 1400 rubles. If you do not want to deal with the design yourself, you can give this work to special firms. Then the registration will take another 2400 rubles.

Where to look for a car for disassembly

The main source of used cars are motorists who want to sell damaged or old cars, not wanting to restore it. Another source is the parking lot of the traffic police, where the arrested cars are kept. A good source is machine-designers. These are cars that are registered at customs as spare parts, because they are poorly suitable for use.

There are special auctions for used and broken cars. The cheapest thing, of course, is to buy cars from car thieves, but such actions are subject to the Criminal Code and can nullify your business, which we strongly do not recommend. By the way, when buying a car from the owner, you should always ask him to show the relevant documents. This will save you from possible criminality.

Additional income

Remember that the main source of income for car dismantling is the sale of auto parts. But it is not at all necessary to replenish the assortment with the purchase and dismantling of used cars. It is quite possible to purchase demanded spare parts from competitors in your region or even bring them from abroad. The latter option will be more expensive, in the case of rare spare parts, quite justified.

The scheme of work in this case is simple. You need to create a database of competitors by region or even by country. In the case when an order for a certain spare part arrives, you need to call competitors, find out who has it and how much the delivery will cost. Add your own margin to this amount, find out the delivery time and offer it to the client. If he agrees, buy from a competitor and resell. In order to save money, you can collect several similar orders.

This is a business in which success largely depends on experience. Over time, you will learn to immediately determine whether you should buy the offered used car or not. This will help you save money and find really valuable items.

Disassembly location

The place where you need to open a car dismantling should be close to the highway, close to public transport stops. It is important to organize a convenient entrance so that you can easily deliver broken car the client, and the owner to take out the trash. The territory should be zoned into a waste storage area, a dismantling area, a warehouse and an office. The total area depends on how much work is planned to be performed. Depending on these indicators, the size and number of boxes, the number of wrenches, etc. are selected. At least an area of ​​​​about 500 m 2 is required.

On the warehouse perfect order must prevail. All racks and shelves must be signed and divided into sectors. The car dismantling business requires, first of all, a practical approach, design does not play any role here. The most important thing is to be able to find in time the right spare part. An electronic database of details should also be maintained.

Sales routes

The main buyers for your parts will be owners of older cars who find it difficult to find parts for own car. Therefore, it is important to provide advertising for your company, so that as many motorists as possible have the opportunity to get acquainted with the assortment of the warehouse.

In this sense, it is desirable to create your own website, where you can present a list of spare parts in stock, the possibility of ordering them and paying by bank transfer. This will expand the circle of your customers literally to the borders of the country, and even more. Delivery options today can also be varied.

Autodismantling advertisement

To open a successful business, it is important to establish a procurement flow wrecked cars. You can't do without advertising in this business. Advertisements work well in the subway, at pillars, repair shops, tire shops and gas stations. Be sure to take advantage of the Internet: place ads on advertising boards, on specialized forums. The best advertising is always positive customer reviews.

The financial side of things

It is difficult to name the exact amount that will be needed to open auto-dismantling. It all depends on the scale of the business. The main items of expenditure will be:

  • registration and execution of permits;
  • rent of territory and premises;
  • advertising;
  • equipment purchases;
  • purchases of old cars;
  • salary payments.

For renting 500 m 2 you will have to pay from 15 thousand dollars a year. For the purchase of several used cars and advertising your business, you need to lay down an amount of at least 500 thousand rubles, but sometimes it can reach 2 million rubles. There should always be at least 5 machines in development.

To equip an office, you need to buy a computer, provide it with Internet access, install a special software. Several mobile phones for work and communication. Of course, buy the right tool.

In the 2000s, auto-dismantling was one of the signs automotive life. Prior to the introduction in 2003 of "draconian" duties on the import of used cars from abroad, millions of "five" BMWs in 34 body or right-hand drive Toyota Mark II, which clearly demonstrated to the average post-Soviet citizen what real comfort is. They almost buried the domestic auto industry. Even its new representatives had practically no advantages over the 10-year-old "German" or "Japanese".

Original spare parts were quite expensive, auto parts stores for foreign cars have not yet grown like mushrooms, unlike in the 2010s. Those were the only downsides to owning a foreign car. Rescued car dismantling, which offered any used spare parts - from parts of the chassis to engines - at affordable prices.

Varieties of auto disassembly

There are two types of showdowns that require different start-up capital and differ in the specifics of doing business.

Option 1. Garage disassembly

The principle of its operation is simple - buy a beaten or faulty car at the price of scrap metal and dismantled into parts that can be sold separately. Profitability is quite high: from 150 to 300%. Having bought a car for 50 thousand rubles, you can sell its remains for 100-150 thousand.

  1. High profitability.
  2. The minimum amount to enter the market (if there is a garage, from 45-50 thousand rubles). You can start with a cheap segment (“Germans”, “Japanese” of the 1990s) and gradually move into the “expensive” category.
  3. The premises can be simultaneously used as a garage service (do not forget to indicate the relevant OKVED when registering).
  1. Unpredictable payback period even for one machine. Parts can lie in the garage for years.
  2. One garage will not be enough very quickly. It is desirable to enter the market with own house with land of 10 acres or more, or the opportunity to purchase or rent several neighboring garages.
  3. Large "dead residue" (parts that can no longer be sold). Previously, it included body parts, since foreign cars did not rot until they were 12-13 years old. Today, due to the age of the cars of the 90s and the “quality” of half of the cars of the 2000s, bodywork is flying like pies.

Option 2. Supply of used spare parts to order

This direction has always been considered "elite", since profitability aspired to crazy numbers: from 500 to 1500%. Moreover, the work was and is being carried out exclusively to order with an advance payment, which completely eliminates the risks.

The bottom line is this: get an order for the supply of a part (usually a large size: engine, gearbox, original sports option suspension assemblies) from Europe or Japan, buy it at a bargain price in the "car graveyard" and sell it at a 30-50 times markup.

Considering that the Germans and Japanese sent cars for scrap in a condition that domestic auto industry back in 2000, it was not at the exit from the factory, the business was very profitable. In neighboring states (Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Finland) even profitable "transshipment" points for Russian auto parts salesmen have appeared.

What about today

Today, for a number of reasons, business is rapidly fading away, and there are many reasons for this:

  1. Online stores bring new ones within 1-2 days Chinese spare parts(including bodywork), the cost of which is the same and even lower than used ones with unknown depreciation.
  2. The principles of automakers have changed: Toyota and Nissan engines and gearboxes of the 1980s and 1990s were designed for millions of runs, a “limit” of 400-500 thousand is declared for cars of the 2000s, and it continues to decline. With the advent of the Euro-6 standard in 2010, the motor resource is expected to drop to 250 thousand km. Soon there will be simply nothing to disassemble cars. Some “Audi-80” of 1990 by the age of 15 had no more than 40% wear of the main components. For cars after 2005, depreciation will approach 100% by the same age.
  3. The showdowns working with foreign countries have been hit hard by the economy. Due to the devaluation of the ruble in 2014-2015, the average prices for contract engines from Europe/Japan grew from 40-50 thousand to 80-90. Now there is a tendency to reduce them to 70, but the losses of companies due to falling demand and lower margins are growing.

The main source of income for modern car yards is body parts, engines and gearboxes. Demand is supported by a large number of accidents in the Russian Federation, as a result of which the owners need to replace them. China is not happy with the quality, the original is expensive, and if the car is older than 10 years, you have to wait for it on special order for more than a month. The only way out is to buy a part at a disassembly.

In addition, the "fat" years have created extreme competition in this market. For someone who just comes here, it's hard to just buy the first car for parsing. AT large companies there is a special position: a person who checks new offers on car sales sites every 5-10 minutes. A machine suitable for purchase for disassembly “flies away” almost instantly.

How to open

The specifics depend on the direction of work. Many garage showdowns work without registration at all, but we still recommend getting an IP. After all, there are competitors who may have connections in the tax service, and no one has canceled the “black” methods of eliminating competitors.

Territory: a private house with a large garage or 3-4 garages in a cooperative (you can start with one).

Main tools:

  • Kit automotive tool(preferably two).
  • UShM ("grinder") and dremel ("mini-grinder").
  • Drill with a set of drill bits for metal.
  • Hand tools (hammers, sledgehammers, chisels).
  • Professional chemicals for loosening soured bolts.
  • Couplings of springs, pullers, special keys for work with separate brands of cars.
  • Multimeter for checking the performance of electrical components.

Features of work

We will not dwell on the specifics of the work of garage dismantling. If you decide to open this line of business, how to disassemble a car, you most likely know better than us. Let us dwell in more detail on the specifics of the work of a company entering the international markets for the sale of used auto parts.

If it is planned to work with European and Asian markets, an LLC or JSC is formed. Please note that IP does not have the right to conduct foreign economic activity. If the design uses "purchased" legal address, it is important that it is not included in the list of "mass". Otherwise, the tax service will refuse to register you. But the cost of a unique address is higher.

Since the company is called dismantling only on paper, in fact it is an intermediary, the garage is only needed to store parts before handing over to the customer.

The main difficulty is the passage of customs clearance. You can use the services of customs agents, but this is an extra participant in the division of the orange, which reduces the already declining profitability of the business. In a small company, the intermediary function is performed by the entrepreneur himself (it is desirable to have connections at customs, otherwise the clearance takes a long time). Delivery speed is one of the key competitive advantages successful company of such kind.

A large company with small volumes during the launch period should be given customs clearance for outsourcing, and with an increase in purchases, to hire a professional agent. Savings are achieved by reducing downtime at customs, speeding up delivery (and making the business more attractive for the client) and optimizing the cost of customs clearance by competent selection of TN VED codes.

Another point is the delivery of cargo from the border to the company's base. If after the transfer of the cargo to the shopping mall for delivery to the client, the responsibility passes to transport workers and, in which case, the breakdown can be “blamed” on them, then such a trick will not work with a transfer from the border. As a rule, before packing and sending to the customer, the part must be photographed in all projections.

If you have financial resources to organize your own transport workshop, it is worth doing. Moreover, it will bring a solid additional profit due to the commercial delivery of goods through an affiliate program with other companies. If not, the choice of a shopping mall should be approached very carefully: from studying reviews on the Internet to analyzing the contract by a professional lawyer. Delivery problems (lost or broken goods) – main reason closure of similar enterprises in Russia.


The market for used parts is in limbo today. It is rather difficult to predict its prospects, so our recommendations in this regard are rather restrained. But its main advantage is that a person who understands cars and has start-up resources (room, work experience) can start an enterprise at minimal cost.

To create a serious international company, large financial investments and connections at customs are needed. Logistics is also extremely difficult, but subject to availability good suppliers(by the way, there are many scammers in this market) the company has every chance of success and development.