AGM battery: description of technology and selection of models. AGM technology in batteries Manufacturing technology of agm batteries

But also a battery with an unclear AGM marking on the case. And this is not surprising: the mind of the average consumer does not always have time to understand the principles of new technologies that are moving far ahead. Car enthusiasts who do not yet know what an AGM battery is will do well to familiarize themselves with the benefits of this battery in more detail.

What is AGM technology

What is AGM? This abbreviation can be translated from English as “gasket impregnated with fiberglass” - “absorbent glass mat”. AGM technologies have been known abroad for quite some time. The first developments began in the 80s of the twentieth century in the USA. Initially, batteries of this type, like their gel counterparts, found their application in military aviation. These are practical and safe power sources that can withstand loads that other batteries simply would not be able to handle.

The AGM battery is manufactured using a completely different technology than the old ones. Its undeniable advantage is that it does not contain potentially dangerous liquid electrolyte, which can cause significant trouble and inconvenience during routine operation.

The inside of an AGM battery is structured like this: between its positive and negative plates there are gaskets (or mats) soaked in electrolyte. The gaskets are made of fiberglass, which absorbs electrolyte like a sponge. And it turns out to be, literally, “sealed” between the plates in a reliable fiberglass gasket.

It is this AGM technology that allows us to talk about the high degree of safety of these batteries. This form can be safely called a “briquette with electrolyte”. The fiberglass separator, being laid between the battery plates, performs a dielectric function. The plates are unable to come into contact with each other, which means that a short circuit will not occur between them.

This battery can be placed on its side or turned in any direction. Electrolyte will not leak or explode due to the fact that the fumes of such poisonous and dangerous gases, like hydrogen and oxygen, are absent. Of course, it is not recommended to subject it to extreme extremes by turning it upside down. But this in no way detracts from its obvious advantages.

The AGM battery is remarkable in that it plates are made from highly purified lead . This significantly reduces the degree of metal resistance and increases the efficiency of charge-discharge cycles. such plates are not needed - precisely for the reason High Quality metal

Two plates tightly compress the separator on both sides using the sandwich principle, resulting in a very durable structure. The density of the plates is quite high, and a much larger number of them can be placed in one cell than in a liquid battery. Therefore, the capacity of such batteries is an order of magnitude higher.

A regular liquid acid battery needs to be charged on average 10-12 hours. An AGM battery can be fully charged with high currents in just 2-3 hours . The separator plate placed between the lead ones does not allow them to crumble prematurely. And that's why These batteries withstand deep discharge much better than many others .

As you know, desulfation of plates is a frequent manipulation that is most necessary for liquid “acidizers”. Precisely because both the quality of lead and the technology for arranging the plates often leaves much to be desired.

As already mentioned, due to the fact that much more fiberglass plates with electrolyte can be placed inside such batteries, AMG batteries can produce several times more capacity than conventional batteries. Large capacity and powerful starting currents - this is the main reason to purchase just such a battery. Especially in harsh conditions operation in winter.

A conventional battery produces inrush currents of at least 300, maximum 500 amperes. Magnitude starting current An AGM battery starts from an indicator of 550 amps and ends 900 . For obvious reasons, a battery with such high performance container will start the engine in cold weather easily and simply. At the same time, the liquid acid agent may simply not “crank” the internal combustion engine.

The service life of the cheapest battery of this type is 5 years, and the record performance of the most expensive and capacious battery is 10 years.

If you traditionally try to sort out the “pros and cons” of AGM batteries, as you can see, there will be many more advantages. One of the few disadvantages of this particular battery is its price - from 6500 to 10000 rubles . However, if you compare them in cost with gel ones, gel ones will be much more expensive.

How to charge an AGM battery

Charging an AGM battery is essentially no different from charging a regular battery.

It should be remembered that the charger must be able to regulate the current indicators, or with a charging mode for just such batteries. Voltage during the main charge it is recommended not to exceed the level 14.8 V(AGM batteries, like gel batteries, are very demanding on the charging process, and high voltage can destroy them in a short time).

Concerning amperage on the charger, it should traditionally be placed 10 percent of battery capacity indicated on the body. When charging the battery with higher currents, the amperage should not exceed 30 percent. It is important to remember that only a properly charged power source can exhaust its resource so as not to lose it prematurely. And this is precisely what can serve as an answer to the frequent question of what current should be used to charge an AGM battery.

Since the lead plates in AGM batteries are made of higher quality lead, desulfation during charging occurs much faster and more efficiently: white coating Lead sulfate dissolves easily during the first hours of the charging process. If we remember how desulfation of plates in liquid acid batteries is carried out manually(rinsing with distilled water several times), we can conclude that the word “”, often applied to AGM batteries, also has its advantages.

Is it possible to restore an AGM battery?

The extent to which such a battery can be restored depends on its condition and service life. It happens that car enthusiasts come across old AGM batteries that were once produced abroad and somehow ended up in our country. It also happens that due to careless handling and new battery may fail. There is nothing difficult about how to restore it, given that the composition of the electrolyte is the same as in liquid batteries, but it is enclosed in a different form.

Most often, videos are shown on the Internet about how a motorcyclist restores an AGM battery for his motorcycle. It's about about filling the inside of a dry (or dry) battery as much as possible distilled water through a syringe . And when the separator plates are saturated with water, the battery can be charged at normal current: 10% of the rated capacity.

In the case of restoring an AGM battery for a car, you can try to “reanimate” the battery in the same way. According to stories from car enthusiasts on forums, sometimes this really helps.

There is one more original way restoration of a “dead” AGM battery. In this case, you can try “deceive” the charger by connecting it simultaneously to two batteries, one of which is “live” . If the battery that needs to be restored begins to draw current after some time, then it can be restored. After some time, you should disconnect the second battery from the charger and continue to charge the “waking up” battery in the normal current and voltage mode (10 percent current of the capacity and voltage no more than 14.8 volts).

If you purchase an AGM battery, you should take care of it correct operation, so that you don’t have to think about whether it is possible to restore it. Remember that even if the recovery of such a battery is effective, it is unlikely to work for a long time after that. And if you treat it correctly, it will “conscientiously” exhaust its resource, and it will not have to be opened again and subjected to actions that cannot promise one hundred percent effectiveness.

They mixed acid with water and locked it in a box - classic style. This is the technology of traditional liquid-acid car batteries. Perhaps, if the electrolyte had not once found a microcrack in the case at the most unfortunate moment, and the batteries themselves had been as immortal as the Great Leader of the Proletariat, then the gel battery would not have been born.

“Gel” comes from the word “gel,” a dense substance with certain physical and chemical characteristics. In no case should it be confused with helium. Gel car batteries are something from the world of science fiction.

The gel battery actually uses the same operating technology as its famous acid “brother”.

Inside is the same electrolyte only in a hardened jelly-like state. Density is created by adding silicon dioxide - silica gel - to the structure. The substance acts as a separator, which is poured between the plates in production. Silica gel captures everything inner space batteries, which allows lead plates

maintain its original position and extend the life of the unit. By technical specifications The gel battery is in no way inferior acid battery

. The operating voltage in the battery used in cars is 12V. The capacity can vary in the range of 55-150Ah. The maximum current for charging does not exceed 30A. During discharge, the device is capable of generating current from 550 to 950A.

Pros of car gel batteries:

  • Life time. Do you think that everything new is fragile? Modern designs gel batteries cars can proudly serve for 5-10 years or even more.
  • Number of discharge cycles. Depending on the model using GEL technology, the battery can withstand from 350 to 1200 cycles.
  • Not required emergency charging. Over a year of “idleness,” the battery life will decrease by about 20%. It is difficult to imagine what could happen to an ordinary “acid drinker” during such a period.
  • Integrity of the electrode plates even after a deep battery discharge. Classic acid devices are more likely to have plates destroyed than their gel counterparts.

Disadvantages of car gel batteries:

  • Sensitivity to tension. If the barrier of 14.4V is exceeded, the gel will “melt” and it will be problematic to restore it.
  • Sensitivity to low temperatures. Severe frosts will cause the electrolyte to solidify, after which further exploitation devices on the car will not be possible.
  • A small short circuit in the circuit can completely destroy the battery.
  • Gel technology is not cheap.

AGM batteries: positive and negative aspects of devices

A car AGM battery is a lead-acid unit, which is divided into parts by separators made of microporous plastic.

Inside the porous glass fiber there is a liquid electrolyte - sulfuric acid, in which the positive and negative plates “float”, generating current. The electrolyte partially penetrates the pores of the composite so that the process of gas redistribution successfully takes place in the device.

Advantages of car AGM batteries:

  • The unit does not require maintenance.
  • Hermetically sealed design prevents leakage of caustic substances and allows the battery to be installed in any position.
  • A properly charged battery guarantees the absence of harmful gas emissions.
  • Excellent service life even with high vehicle vibrations. The AGM battery is ready to work for the benefit of the car for more than 10 years.
  • The number of discharge cycles ranges from 200 to 800 times.

Disadvantages of car AGM batteries:

  • Quite a lot of weight.
  • Complete discharge may reduce the performance of the device.
  • Excessive discharge may also damage the battery.
  • They are more expensive than conventional acid batteries.

Method of charging and restoring gel batteries

How to charge a gel battery correctly? This instruction will help to carry out correct maintenance car battery with your own hands:

  • Remove the top plate from the battery cover.
  • We unscrew the caps from the jars and pour 2 ml of distilled water into each.
  • We wait until the fiberglass is sufficiently moistened.
  • Connect the battery to the charger.
  • We charge at a voltage no higher than 14.4V, and calculate the current strength from the declared capacity of the device in a ratio of 1:10. If the battery does not want to charge for several hours, then you can raise the voltage to 20V and hold the bar until the battery begins to accept current.
  • After charging, wipe the plugs and fix the top plate in place.

The same technology can help recondition gel batteries. The main thing is not to miss the moment of electrolyte regeneration. Otherwise, the fire will have to be extinguished using improvised means, and the damaged battery will have to be sent to a landfill.

In advanced cases, “swinging” helps. The battery is charged under high voltage- approximately 30 V. Then you need to start slowly discharging the device. Most often, ordinary car light bulbs with a power of no more than 10 W are used for this purpose. At the discharge stage the most important point– do not allow the battery to drop the voltage below 10.5 V.

After all the manipulations, the process of “stirring up” the battery is repeated and continues until the unit is charged with energy. When finished, you can check the voltage at the terminals with a voltmeter.

In the 1970s of the last century, company specialists Gates Rubber developed special technology production of lead-acid storage devices. It was called AGM. Nowadays, such batteries are gaining popularity among owners of various vehicles.

1 AGM devices - no liquid electrolyte required

AGM battery (Absorbent Glass Mat) belongs to VRLA class products. From those familiar to us lead devices It differs in that it is filled not with liquid, but with absorbed special electrolyte. This gives batteries made using AGM technology a special operational properties. Such batteries are classified as maintenance-free. They have a sealed housing and built-in safety valves designed to remove excess gas generated when using the device.

Inside AGM batteries there are plates (negative and positive). Insulating gaskets are mounted between them. They are made from highly porous paper or ultra-thin fiberglass material. Such fibers first began to be actively used in the mid-1980s in the USA. Then they were used to create energy sources (autonomous) for transport and alarm, telecommunication systems.

The electrolyte in the described batteries is concentrated in porous plates and in a separator (as fiberglass gaskets are commonly called). Volume active substance strictly dosed. All existing small pores are filled with electrolyte, leaving large ones free. The latter are necessary so that the gases released during battery operation can circulate inside the device. This process is controlled by a special recombination system. It prevents the released oxygen and hydrogen from leaving the battery until they are converted into water. The plates and gaskets in the device body are pressed against each other as tightly as possible. This required condition technologies for the production of AGM devices.

Instead of plates, some manufacturers use spirals. Such elements are characterized by a larger contact area (surface) compared to plates. Due to this, they are able to charge faster and, if necessary, supply current. more power. In this case, the spirals have a small ratio of size and capacitance (electrical). This is bad. Since their specific electrical capacity decreases. In Russia and European countries, car batteries with plates are more popular. But in the USA, drivers prefer AGM devices with spiral elements.

2 Advantages of batteries - we will describe all the advantages

Compared to classic batteries, Absorbent Glass Mat devices are able to cope with high electrical loads without serious difficulties. This makes a huge difference. Lead acid batteries with liquid electrolyte have a relatively short service life precisely because of the inability to withstand serious loads from modern electronics– car refrigerators, navigators. In addition, AGM devices can be discharged to 30–40% without worrying that this will lead to a noticeable reduction in their operating time. Any motorist knows - if you discharge lead battery half, its capacity will inevitably decrease (relative to factory specifications) by 15–20%.

The next advantage of AGM devices is increased resistance to shock and vibration. This is achieved by tightly pressing the gaskets and plates. In fact, no off-road conditions can damage batteries produced using AGM technology or reduce their service life. Resistance to vibration and shock is especially important for trucks, off-road vehicles, as well as for construction vehicles.

The low internal electrical resistance of the described batteries ensures their fast charging and efficient cold start motor. Moreover, during these processes, the battery generates a minimum of heat (no more than 4%, in conventional batteries this value is approximately 20%). Charging an AGM takes four times less time than charging classic devices. But speed is not the most important advantage. The important thing is that the car engine will consume much more during such an operation. less fuel, since charging batteries of the type in question does not strain the vehicle’s generator.

AGM batteries have sealed housing. They do not require maintenance. Drivers do not have to regularly open battery tanks, add distilled liquid to them, or constantly monitor the water level. Thanks to this, the described batteries pay for themselves fairly quickly. Their cost is objectively high. But the reduction in battery maintenance costs makes AGM devices truly profitable to use.

Absorbent Glass Mat batteries operate without problems at temperatures from +70 to -40 °C. There is no water (in free form) in them. Therefore, there is simply nothing in the products to boil in extreme heat and freeze in cold weather.

Self-discharge AGM batteries minimum, per month - no more than 3%, in practice even less. Experts say that such batteries can be used without additional recharging, even if they have been sitting in the garage for a whole year. By the way, they can be used in a side lying position or in any other position. Leakage of the active substance is excluded in principle. Feel free to turn over AGM batteries! And the last important advantage of batteries is the possibility of using them in almost all modern cars.

3 Disadvantages of AGM batteries - the ideal is still unattainable

Do not think that AGM batteries have only advantages in operation; devices also have disadvantages. Here are their key disadvantages:

  • batteries need to be charged using a special device;
  • large mass (like classic batteries);
  • high susceptibility to excessive charge voltage;
  • a small number of discharge and charge cycles (maximum - 4000, inexpensive batteries can withstand no more than 1000-1500 cycles);
  • Discharge of less than 1.8 V should not be allowed (in this regard, AGMs are no different from conventional batteries);
  • high cost (AGM devices are cheaper than classic ones, but more expensive than batteries produced using GEL technology).

We also note the toxicity of batteries. They use lead and acid. These compounds can hardly be called harmless to both human health and the environment.

4 Charging devices with electrolyte - which mode to use?

To restore AGM, you should use a special charger. Ideally, it is equipped with intelligent control system, capable of automatically controlling the battery charging process in an optimal (gentle) mode. There are not so many such devices being produced now. But there is a choice. Many experts advise purchasing charging systems HY 1500 Expert from Hyundai, not paying attention to their considerable price.

If you don’t want to spend money on intellectual devices, either financial opportunity, buy chargers with current and voltage indication. These characteristics must be monitored very carefully when charging the battery, otherwise there is a possibility of active gas formation and battery failure. It is recommended to charge AGM using one of two options:

  1. main charge plus storage mode;
  2. main charging plus accumulation plus storage.

By basic we mean a charge sufficient to restore the battery capacity to 80%. Accumulation is an operation in which an AGM device stabilizes its operational parameters at a voltage of 12 V. Storage is a cycle in which the current consumed by the battery from the charger is at its minimum.

The first mode involves charging at a current of no more than 30% of the battery's electrical capacity (voltage - 14.2–14.8 V), and then storing at a similar current, but with a voltage of up to 13.8 V (minimum - 13.2). The second scheme is more complicated, but also more reliable. Everything should happen as follows:

  • we give the main charge from the special. devices DC and voltage (values ​​are indicated above);
  • when fully discharged, we use the accumulation mode: amperage from the electrical capacity of the battery is about 10%, voltage is standard;
  • storage (the car is parked in the garage for a long time): current strength is 5–10% of the battery capacity, voltage is 13.2–13.8.

Choose the mode that suits you and charge the AGM battery in compliance with the parameters we have given.

Car and motorcycle batteries produced using AGM technology are today the most advanced technological solution among lead-acid batteries.

AGM batteries are often called gel batteries, but this is incorrect. It is difficult to say what is the reason for this erroneous name, but sometimes confusion arises - the buyer asks for a “gel battery”, and during further conversation it turns out that he actually needs an AGM battery.

In these batteries, the electrolyte is liquid, as in conventional lead-acid batteries, but it is not free. All the electrolyte present in these batteries impregnates special porous fiberglass envelopes in which the electrode plates are packaged. Thanks to this approach, the protection of the active substance covering the plates from shedding is greatly enhanced, and the danger of electrolyte leakage is practically eliminated even with mechanical damage housings. Actually, AGM stands for Absorbent Glass Mat (absorbent, i.e. absorbent, glass material).

Main advantages of AGM batteries

AGM batteries produce very high starting currents, and maintain a uniform starting current until the battery is completely discharged. Deep discharges The batteries hold up very well, and after charging their capacity is quickly and confidently restored to the nominal value.

AGM batteries are very resistant to shock and vibration loads. In addition, due to the lack of electrolyte fluidity, these batteries can operate not only in vertical position, but at very strong slopes. These two properties of AGM batteries are especially important when driving off-road, including on very rough terrain. But most of all, these qualities are suitable for using such batteries on motorcycles. Most motorcycle batteries today are produced using this technology.

Complete elimination of the risk of leakage of electrolyte and its vapors allows you to use AGM batteries without problems in cars whose layout requires installation of the battery in the passenger compartment.

If the on-board electrical equipment is working properly, AGM batteries differ only long term work - up to ten years under normal operating conditions. And if you measure the battery life in the number of charge-discharge cycles that the battery can withstand before failure, then the number of cycles for such batteries is three to three and a half times higher than for conventional ones.

AGM batteries are ideal for vehicles with an advanced version of the Start-Stop system that includes regenerative braking.

Disadvantages of AGM batteries

However, one should not assume that AGM batteries consist of only advantages. There are also plenty of disadvantages. For example, to charge such batteries, special charging device, designed specifically for AGM batteries, or with a special option. That is, such a charger will have to be purchased along with the battery.

AGM batteries are very sensitive to serviceability and voltage uniformity automotive electrical equipment. Failure of the relay regulator quickly leads to a complete cessation of battery operation and the impossibility of its restoration. If an AGM battery is installed in the factory equipment of the car, then it is permissible to change it only and exclusively to an AGM battery; there are simply no other options.

But the most unpleasant feature of these batteries for our conditions is a sharp, almost 50% drop in starting characteristics when severe frosts due to solidification of the bound electrolyte.

If you are going to buy an AGM battery, keep in mind: such batteries the best way suitable for expensive foreign cars with a large number of different electrical equipment. And their price is very high. Strictly speaking, AGM batteries are expensive quality batteries for expensive quality cars. However, long work battery life and comfort during travel will fully cover the cost of purchasing such a battery.

You can always purchase an AGM battery in our stores! Order on the website or by phone - and buy!

The winter season in Russia is a severe test for commercial vehicles and road construction equipment. One of the main difficulties is starting a cold engine. Any operator knows that for reliable engine starting you need a powerful and capacious battery.

According to their purpose, there are two types of rechargeable batteries (AB): starter batteries, which are used to start the engine, and traction batteries (multiple deep charge-discharge cycle, English name deep cycle), which are used as an independent source of energy in electric cars, railway trains, airplanes, etc. ships, mines, power plants, etc.

By design, there are acid and alkaline batteries. Lead-acid batteries are more widely used. Both their advantages and disadvantages are well known. Alkaline batteries have also been used for a long time and are quite familiar to consumers.

The new generation batteries include the so-called lead-acid VRLA batteries (Valve Regulated Lead Acid, lead-acid with safety valves) two types: gel and AGM batteries. They have a sealed housing with safety valves to release excess gas and are maintenance-free.

The main task when creating a maintenance-free battery is to reduce the volume of gases released at the final stage of charging. One way this is achieved is by reducing the volume of electrolyte in the battery.

The technology of lead-acid batteries AGM (absorbent glass mat, absorbent fiberglass pad) has been known to specialists for about 40 years - they were developed in the early 1970s, and they began to be produced in the USA in 1985, initially for military aviation, as autonomous energy sources for telecommunication systems and alarm systems - emergency and transport.

First, batteries of small sizes were created - from 1 to 30 Ah. And recently, AGM batteries began to be used in commercial vehicles and special equipment, and interest in them is constantly growing.

Unlike a conventional battery, there is no free liquid electrolyte inside the AGM. Between the positive and negative plates are insulating pads made of ultra-thin fiberglass and paper fibers with high porosity. The entire electrolyte is contained in the porous spacer (separator) and in the active material of the plates. In this case, the amount of electrolyte is dosed in such a way that the small pores are filled, and the large ones remain free for the circulation of gases released as a result of chemical processes. The design includes a recombination system for the released gases: the hydrogen and oxygen generated during battery operation do not have time to leave the battery before they turn back into water. The separators and plates are pressed tightly against each other.

Advantages of AGM

AGM batteries perform better increased loads. The main problem when using conventional batteries is the reduction in their service life due to high electrical loads, because modern cars many more consumers electrical energy than before ( on-board computer, preheater etc.), because of this, additional requirements are placed on the battery. In addition, AGMs can be discharged without being damaged, up to 40% and up to 30% - without a serious reduction in service life. By comparison, traditionally designed batteries will be seriously damaged when repeatedly discharged below 50% - their capacity will drop to 15...20% of its original value. Because the plates and gaskets in AGM batteries are pressed much closer together and the housings are sealed, these batteries are more resistant to the vibration and shock loads that plague batteries. domestic roads and off-road battery long-haul trucks and road construction machines. Thanks to all the qualities listed above, the service life of AGM batteries is much longer than that of conventional batteries.

AGM batteries are less sensitive to temperature fluctuations and are able to operate at lower temperatures - from -40 to +70 ° C, since they do not contain free water that could freeze and expand; accordingly, their service life at low temperatures is much longer than regular batteries.

AGM batteries do not require any maintenance at all, the battery case is completely sealed, and opening cans, checking or adding distilled water, and especially electrolyte is not required during the entire service life. Thanks to this, they pay for themselves faster, despite high cost. Due to their extended service life, AGM batteries will cost less to operate than traditional batteries.

The performance characteristics of a traditional battery design can be assessed by weight: the greater the amount of sponge lead contained in the battery, the greater the current it can deliver, the greater the load it can withstand and the longer it can last.

Typically, a starter battery spends no more than 1% of its charge per engine start.

IN construction equipment Usually they use more convenient “maintenance-free” batteries. However, despite the name, they require certain maintenance: the terminals must be regularly cleaned of corrosion, the state of charge and general state should be checked every 25...30 thousand kilometers or the corresponding number of engine hours.

AGM batteries have internal electrical resistance much less than traditional ones, and thanks to this they are able to deliver higher currents in a short time (which is especially important during cold engine starts) and charge faster (up to 4 times faster), the heat generation during these processes is much less than that of conventional batteries (for AGM, 4% is converted into heat, and for conventional batteries, 15...20% of the energy is converted into heat during charge and discharge). To charge such a battery, less generator energy is required (since there are fewer losses during charging), therefore, the fuel consumption of the engine will be less.

AGM batteries do not contain free electrolyte and are sealed, so leakage of electrolyte from them is in principle excluded, and they are safe when turned over. AGMs can operate in any position, even lying on their side. AGM batteries can be used in almost any car.

The self-discharge process of AGM is much slower (1...3% per month) than that of traditional batteries, i.e. they can be stored for a whole year and then do not even need to be recharged. In general, AGM batteries can be stored for a longer time than conventional batteries.

Already mastered mass production AGM batteries, which means that their cost is significantly reduced. However, the advantages of AGM batteries do not ensure their universal acceptance.

What is holding back the spread of AGM?

Every year, 110 million batteries are produced worldwide, but AGMs make up only a small part of this volume. Firstly, not all battery manufacturers produce AGM, because this technology is more complex than traditional technology. In addition, AGM batteries are about 2.0...2.5 times more expensive than traditional ones, since their production technology and the materials used are more expensive. AGM is approximately 30% larger and heavier than conventional batteries of the same capacity.

AGM batteries are more sensitive to overcharging. Chargers currently used in machine parks for charging conventional batteries, are unsuitable for charging AGM and can destroy them in a few hours. AGM requires chargers that provide charge voltage instability of no more than ±1%. Special devices for charging AGM batteries can cost more than 30 thousand rubles. every. Battery testers may also not be suitable for AGM and will require replacement or reconfiguration. Apparently, it will be necessary to replace the generator relay regulator on the car with a more accurate device. It is likely that maintenance personnel will also have to be specially trained to work with AGM. In general, the charging process for AGM batteries will in any case require more attention compared to traditional batteries.

It is not recommended to use AGM batteries at temperatures above 50 °C, as their service life is significantly reduced at high temperatures. AGM batteries should absolutely not be used together with conventional lead acid batteries. They can only work with AGM batteries of the same service life and capacity.

If manufacturers usually give a warranty of 18 months for conventional batteries, then for AGM the warranty is no more than 24 months, i.e., with the price doubling guarantee period increases by only 25%.

Currently, many AGM batteries are produced in China, they are cheaper than batteries made in America and Europe, but reliable information about their quality level has not yet been published in the press; perhaps it corresponds to the original, but perhaps not.

Gel batteries

“Everything new is well forgotten old.” There is a considerable amount of truth in this saying, as I was once again convinced of after becoming familiar with the structure of gel batteries. Once in my childhood, out of boyish curiosity, I smashed a flashlight battery with a hammer and found a caustic jelly-like substance inside, and later I learned that it was an electrolyte.

AGM batteries are sometimes confused with gel batteries(English designation GEL), also classified as unattended. However, between them there is fundamental difference: In AGM, the electrolyte is contained in the form of a liquid absorbed by the pads, while in gel pads, as their name suggests, the electrolyte is in a gel state. Silica gel (SiO2), aluminum gel, etc. are used as electrolyte thickeners. Today we will not consider electrolytic “gel” cells in detail, because they are practically not used on heavy equipment and only sometimes on garden mowers and other small machines.

An interesting study was conducted by American marketers (see graphs). They compared the specific economic indicators of several batteries different types: traditional design, AGM and gel. As can be seen from the graphs, according to the parameters chosen by the researchers, AGM and gel batteries have “average” indicators - not optimal, but not the worst either.

So, what should you choose: save money by buying a regular battery or spend money on an AGM?

AGM is certainly not the best choice for any application, but in certain harsh conditions exploitation, where their advantages will bring the greatest benefit, they can and should be used.

One of the most big mistakes What car owners admit when buying a battery is that they choose it based on a single criterion - price. It is necessary to analyze what loads the battery will have to withstand during operation and what Maintenance she will need it. It is in these parameters that AGM batteries can significantly surpass batteries of traditional design and, if used, will bring tangible benefits to the owner.