Opel Astra J with mileage: almost perfect body and obscenely expensive steering rack. Buying used Opel Astra H, what to look at? Is it worth taking an Opel Astra with mileage

Opel attracts many car owners with its original design, spacious interior, excellent technical characteristics and inexpensive maintenance and repair. However, is it worth buying such a car, how to choose it and how often does Opel require repairs?

Sooner or later, Opel will require a body repair. In Astra, for example, one of the weak points is the thresholds - an area covered by a door. Constant contact with the shoes of passengers and the driver leads to rapid abrasion of the paintwork. Another weak point is the trunk lid.

A chrome bar is attached to it, which rubs against the body, which leads to the formation of rust in some places. New Opel models perfectly resist corrosion, unlike old cars produced in the nineties.

Opel has an attractive and spacious interior, equipped with various electronic systems, including an on-board computer. Their reliability, despite the rather high quality build, remains at the average level. A common problem associated with electronic systems is the failure of the audio system, cruise control or power windows.

Opel cars are equipped with a wide range of power units. Astra, for example, comes with several types of engines, the most popular of which is a 1.6-liter unit with a capacity of 105 and 115 Horse power. For such a model this motor is the best and most suitable.

Opel requires a timing belt replacement approximately every 60,000 kilometers to avoid breakdowns and expensive repairs. 1.4 and 1.9 liter petrol engines suffer from too high consumption engine oil and lack of power.

Opel Astra, equipped with a 1.3 CDTI diesel engine, was a little earlier popular in European automotive markets. The concern developed the power unit together with engineers Fiat. The advantages of the engine include high power, despite the small volume, and the minimum consumption of engine oil.

However, it also has its drawbacks: too rapid wear and the need for constant monitoring of the oil level. Lack of oil can lead to engine breakdowns and jumping of the camshaft chain.

The preferred option is the 1.9 CDTI turbocharged diesel engine, but there are many more problems with it. The modification with a capacity of 150 horsepower has problems with the intake manifold flaps. In this case, it is still possible to make repairs, but replacing the collector will cost a very large amount.

The disadvantage of such an engine is the dual-mass flywheel, which is not particularly durable. The turbine also wears out quickly, thanks to which the engine is able to develop such high power. Its replacement will cost the Opel owner a big penny, so it’s better not to buy Astra with such an engine.

Ideal car with diesel engine is an Opel Astra equipped with a 1.7 CDTI engine. The motor is not equipped with a dual-mass flywheel and a turbocharger, which significantly increases its reliability. Despite this, it also has its drawbacks: for example, the turbocharger and oil pump are not particularly durable.

Opel cars boast a strong and reliable suspension. The only downside it can serve that the rear springs can break when they hit a deep hole, and this is typical even for hatchbacks. Of all the other parts, racks start knocking too early front stabilizer.

Opel is often equipped with adjustable suspension IDS, but it’s better not to take cars with it: in the event of a breakdown, its repair will cost a huge amount, almost equal to the cost of a new car.

Before deciding to purchase Opel, it is advisable to study the chosen model and familiarize yourself with real reviews owners similar car to identify weaknesses, disadvantages and advantages of the machine in advance. The cost of a new car may depend on various criteria - equipment, series, model, specifications, body colors.

You can buy Opel in our country for about 400 thousand rubles, which for high-quality and reliable german car not so much.

Opel cars are reliable and quality machines produced by the German automaker. There are no problems and frankly weak points in the car, but from time to time it can still suffer from minor breakdowns.

Buy Opel from manual transmission and gasoline engine definitely worth it: with regular maintenance and diagnostics, the car of its owner will not let you down.

The used car market in Russia is a fairly developed and complex system. If in European countries you can find dozens and hundreds of beautiful sites, and the sale of 90% of the equipment goes through car dealerships, then in the Russian Federation almost everything is bought directly. This has its advantages - you can bargain, find out more about the history of the car. But for the most part, there are only drawbacks to this. For example, you can easily fall for a scammer who wants to get money out of your pocket. You can also buy a car with forged documents, illegal registration, broken numbers and other troubles. And yet, it is the used market that remains the place where 70% of Russian residents turn to buy a car. Today we will consider the purchase of a fairly popular once German Opel sedan Astra G. This generation was the forerunner of the even more interesting generation H.

The machine is incredibly simple and quite reliable. That is why even representatives of 2004-2007 years of production are still in demand in the secondary market. Despite the outdated appearance, the machine pleases with its pleasant decisions in production. When buying, you should pay special attention to the engine, gearbox, as well as the condition of the interior. Below we will take a closer look at all the features of choosing an Opel in the car market or in a used car dealership. Most likely, you did not even think about some of his childhood illnesses. Mileage is key to the acquisition, as you will not find the most powerful engines under the hood. But in general, the car turns out to be a rather interesting choice. Even with its age of 10 years or more, the traditional German retains excellent reliability and continues to be operated without any special difficulties and problems.

The main facts about the Opel Astra that you did not know

The car was designed back in 1998, and then this design seemed just great. Officially, at the GM plant in Germany, the machine was produced until 2004, after which it began active work over the H series. But the model was so successful that they decided not to stop its production. Production continued under license at a plant in Poland, and then at assembly line ZAZ in Ukraine. The car was produced here until 2009. The main facts from the opinions of the owners are as follows:

  • engines for the most part are not the most successful, there are practically no powerful units in the lineup, and 1.4-liter aspirated engines are suitable only for a city trip;
  • all equipment is very reliable - gearboxes and motors do not cause problems in operation and maintenance, there are no difficulties in selecting components and consumables for maintenance;
  • the machine is perfectly assembled, even on Ukrainian and Polish conveyors, the car has a McPherson front suspension and a rear semi-independent beam with excellent characteristics;
  • the comfort of the trip is provided by a rather large body weight, this is a real European car from those wonderful times when cars served more than 500-700 thousand kilometers;
  • everything is very practical and simply done, there are no overly expensive or overly cheap solutions in the interior, every button works properly and does not cause any problems.

In the configurations, not everything is clear. Given the huge amount of assembly space, you can buy a German, Polish, Ukrainian or even Russian version of the Opel assembly. And this will greatly affect your opinion about the car. It's not the build quality, the car has no problems with this. But the equipment was only worthy of the Germans. In other situations, you will have to look for better versions, where there is at least air conditioning and power windows.

What childhood diseases of Astra should be considered when buying?

Opel of this model is known for its galvanized body. But it is worth recognizing that galvanizing was not carried out in the best way at factories in Poland and Ukraine. Therefore, after 10-12 years of operation, the cars received corrosion to a fairly important details. In particular, the arches and load-bearing parts of the body, spars and sills rot quite imperceptibly. It is worth examining the body carefully to make sure that there is no corrosive effect.

Also pay attention to such possible childhood diseases:

  • bottom - galvanization does not help here, the bottom rusts beautifully even under a layer of second-rate anticorrosive, so when buying good anticorrosive it is better to do it again to be sure;
  • rear beam mounts - this is one of the few European cars that may have problems with this unit, it is worth carefully inspecting it at each MOT;
  • air conditioning and heater system - there are often problems here, again due to not very good assembly, the machine will have to be well examined before giving money away;
  • the driver's seat lift can also break, and this good sign to refuse a purchase, since the service life of this part is about 300,000 km or even a little more;
  • the central lock and a number of other electronic items may fail - their work should be checked carefully and make sure of the proper response to all driver actions.

In general, Astra has very few diseases. The car is distinguished by German thoughtfulness and precision. Of course, the ergonomics of the car does not reach the more expensive counterparts. This is a simple and very practical transport, which is designed to operate in almost any conditions. The only cause of most technical breakdowns is poor maintenance. And the failure of interior parts is possible with too careless operation.

How to choose engine and gearbox for Opel Astra G?

The car has a fairly large range of engines in official trim levels. There are even 200-horsepower sports engines with amazing dynamics. But in most of the cars sold, there are traditional 1.4-liter units with 90 horses or more. powerful versions this motor. Also good is the 1.6-liter version with excellent properties and longer service life. You can also choose a rarer 1.8-liter engine with good traction and power.

In terms of the selection of equipment, there are several important tips:

  • give preference to mechanics and basic not too powerful engines, exotic cars with diesels and turbocharged gasoline engines are very difficult to maintain;
  • fuel consumption will be minimal on Twinport engines with a volume of 1.4 liters and low power, but even at such power the machine takes its resource perfectly;
  • machines are also not bad, but problems with them occur much more often than with manual gearboxes, and repairs are many times more expensive, which often causes huge costs;
  • all equipment in Astra G needs very high quality and timely service otherwise, after a few years of operation, a lot of components and parts will be asked for replacement;
  • when choosing service parts and technical fluids, pay attention only to original or recommended options, do not experiment with regular maintenance.

With good quality of service and normal operation Opel Astra equipment is able to last more than 300,000 km without any special difficulties and problems. So you will not have significant problems in operation if you pick up a car with low mileage. Astra G - Wonderful in technical terms a car that creates its advantages on a very important factors for every driver. This is comfort, reliability, ease of operation and a very high resource.

Price and competitors in the secondary market - the main features

A 2004 typewriter can be found in excellent condition for 200-220 thousand rubles. Cars produced in 2007 sell for 320,000 - 350,000 rubles. Within this cost, there are other interesting offers that you should think about when buying. It is difficult to say which car of the presented options is optimal. But all these models compete with Astra G. Among them, it is worth noting the following models:

  1. OpelAstraH. It's just a wonderful car, perfectly modified, with German assembly, more powerful units and other important advantages. At the cost of a car in 2007, it will cost 330-360 thousand rubles.
  2. SkodaFabia. The Czech hatchback has good aggregates 1.4 and 1.6 liters (do not consider 1.2), excellent boxes and comfortable movement. There is a machine of 2007 of release about 270-300 thousand rubles.
  3. KIARio. The Korean representative of the class serves well and is well protected from problems even after 10 years of operation. The technique is simple, the comfort is quite noticeable. For a car in 2007, you will have to pay 250-280 thousand rubles.
  4. FordFocus. This car is even more comfortable, representative and large with a price tag only slightly higher than Astra G. In its arsenal, the car has excellent equipment and a price for 2007 of about 330-360 thousand rubles.

Here are some unusual competitors for the Opel car. It is difficult to say how Opel is the best solution in this situation. Most likely, in the secondary market, you will have to take the car that will be the most attractive to you. This will be determined on a test drive and during the inspection of a car at a service station before purchase. It is worth buying only that Astra variant in which you are 100% sure.

We offer you to watch a video review of the car to get more information about it:

Summing up

You can argue that the Japanese are better than Europeans, as well as give examples of very worthy competitors in the Astra market. But Opel remains pretty reliable, easy to operate, hardy and quite a wonderful choice. Moreover, within 350,000 rubles it is extremely difficult to find something more practical and convenient. For Russian roads this car is perfect in every way. Of course, there are also disadvantages, both in terms of bodywork and technology. But they are not so visible and significant. In general, the car shows excellent performance exploitation and does not violate the idea of ​​a good brand image.

Incidentally, in Europe the only car Opel, which is knocked out of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe low quality of this brand. It was Astra G that beat all sales records in Germany at the time. This car has excellent reliability and is one of the gray cardinals secondary market. Although there are not so many offers, it is worth paying special attention to this car. With all its outdated design details, this machine can show you a whole new level of quality. Moreover, in this budget it is almost impossible to buy something more interesting. What do you think of the legendary Opel Astra G?

On the this moment Opel is not represented on the Russian market, but the secondary market is simply inundated with offers to sell Opel. One of the most common models is Astra, namely Astra with the H index. Not surprising, because this model was produced from 2004 to 2014, and this is a rather significant moment.

Indeed, this model has earned its popularity (it has been in the TOP 10 in Russia for a long time) due to its reliability, variety of body types and adaptability to our roads.

Which package to choose

In Russia, cars with gasoline engines were officially sold. In terms of popularity, the first place is occupied by 1.6 with 105 horsepower. You can also find options such as 1.3 and 1.8, and even with 2 liters.

Diesel vehicles are quite rare. The reason is that they were not officially presented on our market, and if the car is with a diesel engine, then this means that it was brought from Europe.

The gearbox can be selected as a mechanical or automated robot or a conventional automatic. Only 1.8-liter engines were equipped with an automatic transmission. Looking ahead, I will say that this model is a rare representative when the machine is inferior in comfort and reliability to the robot.

The most trouble-free options are considered with mechanical box and an engine with a volume of 1.6 liters.

As for the body style. Astra H was represented by a wide variety of bodies. From sedan to convertible. So of course, it's up to you to decide, as they say, to your taste and your tasks.

We look at the engine

I will say right away, pick up only with Ecotech 1.6 and 1.8 engines, everything else is a big risk and it’s quite difficult to find them. For these two engines, the main problem is related to the quality of fuel in Russia and the manufacturer's desire to reduce air pollution. Opel has installed an EGR system on its engines, and it is its presence that leads to plaque on the valves, which begin to close incompletely. As a result, the catalyst is covered. The cost of the catalyst itself is very significant. However, there is the option of “surgical intervention” and the removal of a clogged catalyst.

After buying, be sure to immediately change the timing belt, it makes no sense to look at its condition, and trust the seller too. Be sure to change in combination with the roller and it is advisable to check the condition of the pump.

If, when inspecting the car, you feel vibrations in the body and interior when driving or when starting off, then check the engine mounts, very common problem, change every 80,000 km.
Every owner of the Opel Astra H knows about the ignition module. The problem is really massive, but officially it was never recognized as a factory defect and the dealer simply gave recommendations to change the spark plugs more often.

About diesel engines, it is only worth mentioning the two most popular issues- leaking fuel pipes and frequent replacement particulate filter. But I think those who decided to buy diesel Astra and I myself know about the difficulties that can be encountered and how to solve them.

Transmission problems

The mechanics in Astra are very reliable unit, which does not cause problems for the owners. I changed the clutch on a run in the region of 100 thousand km and ride on.

But the robotic boxes Easytronic are not without pitfalls. Here, of course, much depends on the previous owner. If there was care behind the box, the clutch was adjusted, the oil was changed. But even with such careful care, Easytronic can be capricious on a run of 100,000 km, the breakdown of the transmission control unit, the replacement of which is expensive, is especially popular.

As stated earlier classic machine completed only with the engine 1.8. There are no massive problems with the box itself, but the fact that it cools has ruffled a lot of nerves for all Astravodams with aisin box. The fact is that tubes often leaked, after which the oil from the tubes mixed with the coolant and the end came. The machine itself and the radiator cooling it were covered.

Fortunately, it is possible to identify this problem by eye. When inspecting a car with an automatic (especially 2005-2007), pay attention to antifreeze, if it is cloudy or brown, discard this option. At a minimum, you will get to replace the radiator, oil pipes and the oil itself in the automatic transmission.

Suspension problems

First of all, pay attention to squeaks when turning the steering wheel and extraneous knock in the rack area. If there are signs - support bearings for replacement, and it is better to do this as soon as possible, the cost of work is not expensive, but if started, it can lead to rapid wear of all elements of the front suspension. The problem is massive, and if the previous owner has not changed them yet, then most likely rot awaits you instead of thrust bearings. This happens due to depressurization of the upper supports, subsequently dirt and moisture.

The rail “flew” for many almost immediately after the purchase (there were cases of problems with the rail already at 25,000 km). But often the problem was solved by replacing the tie rod ends.
Shock absorbers last quite a long time, replacing front amors is a rather rare occurrence, but the rear ones are usually changed at 70,000 mileage.

If yellow lights up on the dash ABS sensor. The sensor itself flies, it would seem a trifle, but the fact is that on this model the sensor is sold assembled with a hub, and the price of the kit is not small. There is an option to fix the problem by cleaning the sensor and installing it in place. But keep in mind, if you don’t want to dig with the sensor, look for another option or feel free to bargain for 8000-10000 rubles.

Minor problems on the body and interior

The thresholds and the rear trunk lid of hatches of the first releases often rot. On thresholds, it is recommended to drain water through a plug in the area of ​​​​arches, if former owners this was periodically done, then everything is in order with the thresholds.

In the cabin special problems not identified, but with combined upholstery driver's seat can get scuffed already at 100,000 runs (especially if the driver is large). For some reason, it’s quite humid in the cabin, the problem is known, but one-stop solution not found, as an option put on backseat a stack of papers or newspapers.

Electrical problems

When buying, check each button, there are a lot of buttons, but it will take no more than 20 minutes to check. Pay special attention to the multi-wheel. If you find that the car reacts to pressing the steering wheel every other time, replace the control unit with buttons.

Is it worth buying used Astra H

In general, according to the reliability rating, this model occupies a high position. Ideally, if you find an option in a 1.6 engine on mechanics and older than 2006, it was then that all childhood diseases had already been eliminated. Ashka is really just a wonderful car.

Do move with Russian market All budget GM models were interrupted by a very good start of the Astra J. Despite internal competition with the very successful Chevrolet Cruze and the Astra H predecessor, which continued to be produced, the car, as they say, “went”. Combination modern appearance, excellent driving performance, modern turbo engines and very quality salon attracted both fans of the brand and people who had previously avoided Opel.

The undoubted advantages of the model include a wide model range of sufficiently powerful atmospheric motors. Someone "pecked" on the emergence of new six-speed automatic transmission and excellent passport performance fuel economy. In general, it was definitely a breakthrough in the world where the VW concern was firmly entrenched with its cars of this class. Opel made a relatively cheap, comfortable and advanced car.

In this generation Asters clear advantage received configurations with "downsize" 1.4-liter turbo engines and automatic boxes gears. This time the brand's conservatism gave way latest trends. All these factors, as well as traditionally adequate prices for new cars, a wide selection of bodies and the fame of inexpensive cars to operate, allowed Astra J to keep the company's cash register even after the market was attacked by B ++ class sedans. But after 2014, sales stopped, and the next generation Astra models K was not officially presented to us.

In the photo: Opel Astra (K) "2015–present

In the world, a happy future for the model was practically guaranteed. Nearly exact copy The European Astra was sold in the USA as the Buick Verano, and there it was with a 2.4-liter naturally aspirated engine (182 hp) and a two-liter turbocharged engine with 253 hp. And in China, excellent sales were shown by the Buick Excelle XT / GT with more familiar European atmospheric engines 1.6 and 1.8 liters and supercharged 1.6. There he repeatedly won first place in sales among foreign manufacturers.

In the photo: Opel Astra (J) "2009–present

The total circulation of the model over the years of production is more difficult to calculate, but together with the Chevrolet Cruze platform, it is estimated at millions of cars. So, given all the clones and "relatives", this model is one of the most common cars in its class. At least this fact suggests that it was well received not only by us. And he will tell knowledgeable people that for Astra J there should be a rich selection of spare parts from various suppliers on different markets and a vast market for used parts around the world.


Like most relatively "young" cars, you can not be afraid of serious "natural" corrosion. Relatively rare cases flaking of the paintwork is typical for the first installation batches of cars assembled in St. Petersburg and very early cars. For some reason, the problem mostly affected three-door hatchbacks. Sometimes a defect happens on later cars in other bodies, but you should not look for some kind of system in this. It is rather a marriage that was eliminated precisely as a marriage. It was lucky that the body was well galvanized and easily endured a couple of months in a “bare” state.

Front wing

8 874 rubles

As a standard, paint peels off on the front fenders and in the front part of the threshold due to “sandblasting”, and this happens with a run of less than a hundred thousand kilometers. In general, paint on galvanized panels holds worse than on ordinary steel sheet, and a similar defect can be found even on very well-painted cars, like the Audi A6 in the C5-C6 body, which are difficult to suspect of cheapness and poor assembly. Be that as it may, checking the paintwork for thickness and repainting, as well as body seams for originality, is highly recommended, because the paint layer as a whole is quite thin and is easily damaged by “contacts”. And touch-ups mask more serious accidents.

Features of the geography of the production of the machine at one time provided it with a rich selection of Chinese body elements. Now the situation with the availability of body parts has changed to the opposite, the original is greatly lacking. Sometimes it's easier to order imported parts from Buick than from Opel. There are almost no non-original spare parts, and you can not count on cheap body repairs. Used components are still quite expensive, and damaged items will need to be refurbished whenever possible.

In the photo: Opel Astra (J) "2012–15

Please note that the anti-corrosion protection of the bottom is poorly made: the surface is only partially covered with impact-resistant mastic, and therefore paintwork defects are found there. Including with already quite extensive under-film corrosion and even in places with loose rust. And if on flat surfaces below they are easily removable, then on rear arches or at the bottom of the doors to remove it will be much more expensive. Unfortunately, there are already cars with the initial stage of such a disaster. So it is recommended to carry out anti-corrosion protection measures and not to forget about prevention in the future. Even the best bodywork does not guarantee the absence of corrosion problems after five or six years of operation.

The rest of the body is almost perfect. Locks are strong, even on back door are functioning great. Doors even on three-door GTC do not require adjustment, the seals work perfectly.

In the photo: Opel Astra GTC(J) "2011–present

The headlights, however, are overwritten quite easily, it is better to stick a film on them. The headlight washer nozzle covers also fall off and the wipers peel off, but these problems are typical for most cars.

By the way, about optics. For Astra, front adaptive AFL optics was offered, and it is an order of magnitude better than usual regular headlights. But it was also marked by both the high price of the headlight itself, and the wear of the lens drives themselves and the failure of control systems. Basic consumable- body level position sensors, but the lens motors also “get tired” over time, often freezing in extreme positions. Repair, of course, is not provided, but the headlight can be disassembled. Craftsmen will be able to sort it out, there is nothing super complicated in it, but there are problems with spare parts.

In the photo: Opel AstraOPC "2013


13 047 rubles

There have been cases of failure of the fuel tank hatch drive.

The windshield of Pilkington is frankly unsuccessful, it cracks easily and rubs rather quickly. Especially if you rarely change the brushes and stay without a “washer”. And it also cracks from temperature changes - sometimes you don’t even need airflow from the stove, a bright sun is enough.

Replacing or checking the brushes here requires transferring them to the service mode: after turning off the ignition, you need to move the lever down without removing the key, and the wipers will rise to the service vertical position. By the way, be careful with the trapezoid, it is not cheap and does not differ in strength.


Salon will appreciate the excellent work of all systems. But there are also disadvantages to be found.

The seats are somewhat weak, compared to premium brands, their wear will be more noticeable. By a run of a hundred thousand, the combined seat trim is already beginning to give out the age of the car with a small cushion drawdown. But the serious wear of the seats and steering wheel speaks, rather, of a mileage of more than 200 thousand kilometers, wound up to a “reasonable” value.

On the picture: Salon Opel Astra J"2009

Buttons and decorative elements may be worn even earlier: plastic does not withstand rough handling. In general, the interior is also characterized by small crickets of the panel, overhead console and skins. They are random in nature, and in most cases were not fixed under warranty (GM service was not particularly friendly).

In the photo: Torpedo Opel Astra (J) "2012–15

Fan resource air conditioner- far beyond 200 thousand. The automatic climate control control unit itself is somewhat unsuccessfully implemented: if handled carelessly, the handles can fail.

Power windows can only creak, and distortions and their other problems are rare.

Heated steering wheel versions differ increased load on the “snail” of the steering wheel and have a slightly shorter coating life, this is quite normal. But in winter, this option significantly improves the perception of the car, even if sometimes there are complaints about random failures of the seat heating system.

In the photo: Torpedo Opel Astra Sedan(J) "2012–present

On cars with manual transmission, the gear lever becomes very loose over time, usually this indicates a mileage of over 200 thousand, but sometimes the problem occurs much earlier. In general, everything is pretty predictable and boring.

Brakes, suspension and steering

The braking system is far from perfect. Squeaky pads are not so bad, this is a traditional problem of GM cars. But the souring of the fingers rear calipers- the thing is already unpleasant. If hand brake if there is an AutoHold function, then the probability of drive failure after four to five years of operation is quite high. And if you do not use the handbrake at all, then its mechanisms turn sour.

I draw your attention to the fact that on the GTC and when choosing the optional 17-inch rims installed on sedan and station wagon brake system, which will prevent you from installing 15 and 16 inch wheels. So only anything larger than 16 inches will do. At the same time, the brakes in such cases squeak more and more often than standard ones. True, and slow down much better.

1 / 3

2 / 3

3 / 3

The suspension of the car as a whole is simple and good resource, but there are a few caveats.

The rear semi-independent suspension is equipped with a Watt mechanism for better handling. And in the case of operation in Moscow, it is prone to souring, as a result of which the traction can bend, and the car will become unnecessarily rigid. The beam itself keeps perfectly up to 150-200 thousand mileage around the city, then inexpensive silent blocks usually do not withstand further. She does not like only overload and dirt roads, and even more so - their combination in one trip.

The front suspension is almost eternal, but there are also nuances. With frequent movement on unpaved and simply dirty roads and rare washing of arches suffers thrust bearing racks. The rear arm support does not like shock loads on rails and tires larger than 18 inches. And if you have a GTC with knuckle, then vulnerabilities becomes larger, and suspension elements become more expensive.

Front shock absorber

6 120 / 19 621 (adjustable) rubles

Not happy with the resource of shock absorbers. After 50-60 thousand mileage on most cars, their efficiency decreases markedly, but they rarely leak, and full exit failure usually occurs after a hundred or more thousand runs. But with a full load on rough roads in older cars, driving is frankly unpleasant.

Adjustable FlexRide, in addition to the same resource features, are characterized by increased sensitivity to shock and a very high price. And repairing the suspension of a simple Astra can be more expensive than repairing the pneumatics of some W220 from the beginning of the century.

The steering is very good. Especially on new motors with which an electric booster is installed. The main thing is not to drive through deep puddles, not to force fords and not to neglect the prevention of contacts at least once every few years. Because the price of a new rail with a gearbox is 160 thousand rubles. The drive itself is noticeably cheaper, about 15-30.

In the photo: Opel Astra (J) "2009–12

There are rare cases of steering shaft bearing failure, but mostly on the very first cars. EGUR on machines with atmospheric engines, unfortunately, has a not very successful electric pump. The officially non-replaceable fluid in the amplifier after 60-100 thousand runs is an unpleasant black goo. No wonder pumps fail and racks leak. An oil change at least at 50 thousand miles can significantly extend the life of this expensive unit, and when buying a used Astra J, it is worth checking the condition of the fluid.

Astra J is a boring car, but in the best sense of the word. He does not present any surprises, everything is predictable and expected. At least for now. Let's see what the motors and gearboxes say. But this is in the next part of our review.

At choosing an Opel Astra H in the car attracts a cute design that still does not seem outdated, spacious salon, excellent driving characteristics and not too expensive service and repair. But is it worth buying this Astra modification, how to choose it correctly and how often will Opel Astra H make you do repairs?

As for body repair, sooner or later they will have to do. Weaknesses in Astra body H - thresholds, or rather the part of them that is covered by the door. Due to contact with the heels of the driver and passengers paintwork on them rather quickly loses its original appearance. Another weakness- trunk lid. The fact is that a nice chrome bar is fixed on it, which eventually begins to rub against the body, as a result of which rust forms in places of abrasions. So when inspecting the body of the car you like, pay special attention to this place. Otherwise, everything is not so bad. The Astra of the third generation has nothing to do with the too quickly rusting Opel of the early nineties of the last century.

The salon of most cars still has not lost its former attractiveness. But since you looked into it, do not be too lazy to check the work of all electrical systems. Their reliability in Astra H is average. On many cars, the same air conditioner no longer works. Quite often, the owners of a German car have to solve problems with cruise control, audio system, power windows that suddenly refused to work.

There were many engines for the Opel Astra H, but in our market most widespread received a power unit with a volume of 1.6 liters, which, depending on the modification, could develop 105 and 115 horsepower. It is this engine that can be called optimal for the Astra H. Do not forget, except that every 60 thousand kilometers it is necessary to change the timing belt in it. Sometimes on the market you can find Astra H with a 1.4-liter gasoline engine. Its main disadvantages are excessive oil consumption and insufficient for relatively heavy vehicle power. Suffers from oil gluttony and a power unit with a volume of 1.8 liters.

On the European market At one time, the Astra H with a 1.3 CDTI diesel engine, which the Opel team developed together with the engineers of the Italian Fiat, were very popular. To the pluses this engine worth attributing low consumption fuel and high enough power for its volume. But it was not without its downsides. The main ones are relatively fast wear and the need for constant monitoring of the oil level. If it is not enough, then this can lead to a jump in the camshaft drive circuit.

The 1.9 CDTI turbodiesel looks even more preferable in terms of power characteristics, but there are more problems with it. The 150 horsepower version, for example, has problems with dampers during intake manifold. And if the repair this case even more or less accessible, then replacing the collector itself will cost a pretty penny. There are also complaints about the exhaust gas recirculation valve. In addition, the 1.9 CDTI is famous for its not the most durable dual-mass flywheel. But that's not all. The turbine, which allows this power unit to develop such high power, is also far from eternal. And replacing it is by no means cheap. So Opel Astra with 1.9 CDTI can hardly be recommended for purchase.

And if you really want to ride it on diesel car, then it is better to throw all your strength into searching for Astra H with a 1.7 CDTI engine. In this power unit no turbocharger and dual mass flywheel, which had a positive effect on its reliability. However, it was not without its shortcomings. Reliability oil pump and the turbocharger in the 1.7 CDTI leaves much to be desired.

The manual gearbox on the Opel Astra H is quite reliable. Is it the seals crankshaft over time, they begin to sweat a little. The classic "automatic" has also proven itself well. For most, its maintenance will come down to oil change, which must be done every 60 thousand kilometers. But from robotic box shifting Easytronic is better to refuse. The clutch in it can wear out after 100 thousand kilometers.

The suspension of the Opel Astra H is strong enough. Claims can only be made against rear springs, which can break, for example, when falling into a deep hole. Moreover, this problem is typical not only for station wagons, which are often corny overload, but also for hatchbacks. Of the rest of the “consumables”, the most complaints are about the front stabilizer struts, which start knocking too early. Sometimes on the Opel Astra H you can also find the IDS + electronically adjustable suspension. It is better to refuse it immediately, since the cost of its repair is incommensurable with the cost of the used car itself.

Brake system and steering on Astra of the third generation, they do not cause problems. Unless, before buying, do not be too lazy to examine the steering rack for leaks.

A strong middle peasant - this is the definition that was assigned to the Opel Astra H during the years of its production. It is also true in terms of reliability. Some frankly weak knots in german car no, but from time to time he will annoy with minor troubles. So after all, competitors in this regard are no better. And most are even worse. So Opel Astra H with a gasoline engine and a manual gearbox can be recommended for purchase. With due attention, the car will not let you down. And even more so it will not ruin with a possible repair.


Weak/problematic areas:

  • Quick-corrosion sills and space under the chrome-plated trunk bar
  • Excessive oil consumption of 1.4 and 1.8 liter engines
  • Problem diesel engines
  • Non-wearing robotic gearbox
  • Fast-wearing front shock absorbers

Strengths / reliable sides:

  • Relatively reliable engines 1.6 liters
  • Reliable transmissions (manual and automatic)
  • Strong suspension
  • Reliable braking system
  • Reliable steering system

Average prices for a used Opel Astra H as of 08.2019

Year of issue Price for Opel Astra H, rubles
2004 237 000
2005 292 000
2006 309 000
2007 352 000
2008 366 000
2009 383 000
2010 453 000
2011 498 000
2012 602 000
2013 660 000
2014 735 000
2015 781 000