Auto parsing where to start what profit. Auto dismantling business. Ensuring a successful sale

Organization of business and warehousing of auto parts

The content of auto showdowns, at present, is engaged in a huge number of people around the world.
Running such a business is a very profitable and monetary occupation. From just one car dismantled at auto disassembly, its owner will receive an income one and a half times greater than the cost of the car itself. Like any other business, auto dismantling began its existence in ordinary garages and the most ordinary people provided such services to everyone.
Now they are very engaged in running such a business. big companies and large firms because it is indeed a very lucrative business.

The process of dismantling cars for parts, as well as their further sale, is one of the most brilliant ideas for small businesses. The maintenance of auto showdowns is carried out not only in Russia, but also in any other country in the world, because this market is currently in great demand, both for customers and for specialists in this field.
In England, for example, more than 20,000 specialists work on auto dismantling. In addition, many European communities earn good money on the maintenance of auto showdowns. But in Holland there are even such specialized supermarkets, where, when you visit them, they will give you several wrenches and a cart.

The point is that when you find the part you need, you simply unscrew it yourself and take it on a cart to the cash register to make payment. Doing this type of business in our country is as necessary as in European countries. Many people require exactly those parts for their cars, the price of which is new part very unprofitable to buy, or given spare part they just don't release anymore. In this situation, it is very important to go for auto disassembly, because there are a good choice, and the price "does not bite".

In most cases, owners of cars of the old year of manufacture begin to visit auto dismantling and become frequent guests, because it is for these cars that it is most difficult to find parts. Except regular cars showdowns, you can create auto showdowns with a narrow focus, for example, for premium cars.

In most cases, there is an increased demand for spare parts for cars from ten to fifteen years ago. Everything is simple here, most of such parts, such as headlights, or parts of the car body, the production of which has long been stopped, and, except for auto disassembly, they cannot be found anywhere else. Even if you are lucky enough to find such a spare part somewhere, the payment for it will be about the same as the cost of such a part for a car of a fresh year of manufacture.
In the vast majority of situations, those who own such old cars simply do not have such an amount of money and cannot afford to make such a purchase. But on a car dismantling, prices can be very different. It all depends on how this or that part appeared on sale, that is, the source of its origin is important.

Very often, when auto dismantling, there is a mini-service Maintenance, which is very convenient, and the part you need will be delivered right on the spot. This mini service has all the necessary equipment for this. If this is a body part, then you can paint it at the same time. The majority of car owners buy spare parts for them on their own. At such auto disassembly, there is an alternative choice, that is, in addition to used ones, you can also purchase new spare parts. Accordingly, the price will be completely different.
With the help of auto disassembly services, you can purchase a headlight from a W140 body for about $ 150, although the price for a new similar headlight will be about $ 350. A bumper, for example, for this car, on auto disassembly will cost about 250 US dollars, although the price of its new counterpart will be about one and a half thousand. In addition to the choice of spare parts, documents for various cars are often on sale.

The price for documents varies from $100 to $4,000. It all depends on the brand of car you choose. It is worth considering the fact that not all spare parts are equally well and successfully sold. Parts from the front and rear parts cars are headlights, bumpers, hoods and rear doors. These parts, in most accidents, suffer more than others.

Scrap cars are mostly bought from people who have damaged their car and don't want to deal with it. There are also special traffic police parking lots for arrested cars. You can agree to buy a car there if the owner of the car has refused it and does not want to pick it up from this parking lot. There is also such a thing as a constructor machine. In fact, such cars are quite suitable for normal driving, and the whole difference lies in the process of their clearance at customs when imported into our country. Such cars are registered as spare parts. It will not work to register such a car with the traffic police, but selling it for spare parts is not a problem at all.
In addition to all that has been said, a very large number of companies offer to buy a huge number of broken cars at various car auctions. Accordingly, if you buy such a car, then the price for it will be several times lower, even if you take into account that the car is taken for yourself and include the cost in this price self repair. Of course, there is the fastest and cheapest option - to buy a car from car thieves, but such a purchase is already contrary to the criminal code of the Russian Federation and falls under the relevant article.

We import spare parts.
This is the hardest action. Absolutely all parts must meet quality standards, which means that you have to work a little. Most good option is a trip to Germany. You can easily find the latest spare parts there. In this case, one very important detail must be taken into account. The cost of such spare parts starts from the amount of 20,000 euros. Of course, this is a purchase only in large quantities.
Alternatively, you can try to search with our insurers, but there will be a very small choice, and the quality of the spare parts themselves will leave much to be desired. Insurance companies do not insure cars that were produced more than 7 years ago. All this means that it is simply not possible to find parts for cars older than this limit. Here is indicated exemplary business plan for opening auto disassembly. The best solution to set up your business is to go to Germany and buy goods worth about 40,000 euros.
After that, you need to buy six or seven broken cars in our country and you can start working. Approximately once a month, you will need to buy one or two cars for your auto disassembly for completeness of choice. In the absence of these actions, the choice on your auto dismantling will quickly begin to go to zero and you will not be able to be competitive with similar firms.

All expenses for the purchase of a starter set of auto parts will amount to approximately 3 million rubles. In the absence of the required amount, you will not be able to successfully generate an offer, and, as a result, there will be no demand. Large competitors will simply squeeze you out of this market.

In addition to high incomes, when maintaining a car dismantling, there is the same high risk of not selling all the purchased parts, or buying an accidentally broken car that is stolen.

1) For successful work it is necessary to recoup the investment of money spent on the purchase of at least two broken cars. In time, this will last about a year and a half. We can say that such money is not given immediately, but after a certain amount of time. Must have for sale about 15 broken cars a variety of brands, because you never know which brand of car owner will come to your auto disassembly. It is not a fact that if Ford parts are successfully sold today, they will also be successfully sold tomorrow. And tomorrow, parts for Toyota or any other brand of cars may just as successfully have a demand.

2) You need to be aware of those cars, the vast majority of which will pay off through fast sales. A fairly common situation when they ask only for original spare parts for very running machine. The price and demand will be especially good due to the rarity of this or that part. This information is not in any book and no one will ever tell it. Such knowledge can be obtained only in the process of work.

3) It is best to deal with exactly those brands of cars that you like, because when you like a car, you can tell the client much more information about it than about any other. In addition, it will be much more likely that you will be able to really give valuable advice on the use of certain spare parts.

4) Far from immediately you will be able to get regular customers who appear after at least several years of continuous work. Do not be under the illusion that you already know everything and do not make the mistake of other novice car showdown owners. You will stop making mistakes after at least 2 years. Of course, independence and determination are very good personality traits, but when it comes to large amounts of money, you can lose them very easily without assessing the situation objectively.

5) In the case when you cannot study in detail all the aspects of the work of auto disassembly, you can look at the most successful, those that are developing steadily and flourishing at the present time, and use a clear positive example.

Form of activity for auto disassembly.

The main forms for opening and running this type of business are individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company.

Of course, to conduct such a business, you need an appropriate territory. Ideally, for example, a suburban area located near the highway will do. It will come in handy to have several garages, which will help you conveniently distribute premises for various purposes.

In the event that you wish to open your auto disassembly, you have required amount money, and also picked up a place convenient for this, there is no doubt and boldly open the right to operate an individual entrepreneur. We must not forget that in addition to this, it will be necessary to obtain a license giving the right to carry out engineering works. You need to be prepared for the fact that for some time you yourself will wear a work uniform, because if you don’t understand anything in such a matter, then it will be impossible to work and develop normally in the future.

In addition to your spare parts, you can resell spare parts from other auto showdowns, having made up a certain base for their sale, and receive your interest from this. In order to do this, you need to create a database of spare parts largest cars showdowns in the area and advertise in newspapers with the content of the sale of spare parts for cars. When you receive a call, you will need to find the necessary spare part at a car disassembly, call the client back and tell the price for it, which will already include your percentage of the sale and delivery of this part. If a potential customer is satisfied with your price, then you just need to buy the spare part he needs and resell it to him.

When there are many orders and many parts are located somewhere far away, then it would be most logical to purchase all the necessary spare parts from several orders in one place. After a certain amount of time, you will have such an experience, when only your cursory glance sees a car bought for auto disassembly, you will already know how much money you can earn by selling its parts.

1. Car disassembly area
2. Auto parts storage area
3. Area for receiving clients (office)
4. Scrap and trash area

When you determine the required size for the stripping area of ​​purchased cars, you should imagine the possible number of cars brought for stripping, in addition, you need to take into account the speed of stripping cars. In the absence of a shortage of working personnel and with a good quality of their work, this territory can be relatively small.
The car must be dismantled very quickly and moved to the storage area already for spare parts. Once all this is done, you can take it for parsing next car. It is most desirable to immediately prepare the necessary shelves for storing spare parts, because after a certain time there will be so many successful spare parts that their placement will need to be given increased attention.
If the parts just lie in one big pile, then you simply will not be able to quickly find and sell them. The beauty of such shelves is not at all important. Here, the main selection criteria should be their quality, quantity and strength. The heaviest and heaviest parts are best stored at the bottom, and the lighter ones are placed on top.

You should never forget about the marking of spare parts that you made, which will greatly simplify your search for them and make your work much easier. In addition, you need to keep a constant account of your spare parts. The best solution This problem will be the creation of an electronic catalog, which should be as up-to-date as possible. With the help of this catalog it will be much easier for you to answer the calls of your potential buyers and answer their questions about the availability and lack of necessary spare parts.

It is necessary to create convenient entrances to car dismantling. This will allow you to easily import and export accumulated garbage and scrap metal, as well as allow your customers to easily park near your car disassembly, which is also important.

Who will you be selling your parts to? Most often, these are ordinary people who have own car, although very often you can encounter cases when at some service station on a car, without the knowledge of its owner, they can supply previously used spare parts, while saving you a lot. Now, with the increase in people's access to the World Wide Web, running an auto showdown business has become much more accessible and easier. That's it necessary details people can order from almost any city in our country.

The delivery process also has many options. If you want to become successful and develop in the conduct of this business, then you do not need to buy all the cars that are offered to you and take everything you have to. Before you buy this or that car, you need to think very carefully about the possibility of its further resale, so that the purchased car does not become just a bunch of trash on your car dismantling, which takes up so much space.

Here you need to build on the amount of not less than 15 thousand rubles. With such a payment, it will not be difficult for you to find an online publication that will make you the highest quality advertising. In addition, you can negotiate advertising with automotive forums. They will greatly help you with this. When you correspond with potential clients, you will need to advise them in as much detail as possible. It is necessary to submit an advertisement in several places at the same time. such places can be newspapers, various online forums, bulletin boards. All your efforts will surely pay off and bring only a positive effect.

Making all the necessary calculations is a very simple task. For everything you will spend from four and a half million rubles and more. Of course, the costs are not small, but if everything is properly organized, then they will definitely pay for themselves. You should not lose sight of one very important thing - if you are not a connoisseur of cars, then it is unlikely that you will be able to drive correctly this species business and it is strongly not recommended to start such activities without the necessary knowledge in this area. It's simple, when working with cars, a large number of questions appear, the answers to which are known only to specialists in this field.

The number of cars on our roads is only growing, and all of them require, and after a few years, repairs. Not every car owner will buy new car whenever the components and assemblies of the old bolivar begin to fail, and replacing the spare part solves the problem. In addition to the natural process of wear of structural elements of a car, frequent accidents also play a role. Many motorists also buy used cars, mostly imported models, which in the future creates certain difficulties in buying spare parts that may simply no longer be produced or cost a decent amount. In the absence of an analogue, the original part for the car often has to wait for weeks or even months.

In such situations, auto-dismantling saves, where the motorist can find the spare parts he needs for his car among the offered range of parts. Auto disassembly is a name given to enterprises that buy cars for their disassembly into parts and subsequent sale for spare parts. The option of acquiring parts in this way is common both in Russia and in the territories of other states. A business, one way or another connected with cars, is always profitable with proper planning of actions and calculation of all the details, and a well-written business plan will help launch a profitable mechanism. If you are thinking about how to open auto parsing from scratch, then you should know in advance about all the nuances and pitfalls that may occur.

Even the most reliable components and assemblies of a car wear out over time, so the topic of auto parts will always be relevant. Another thing is that the competition in this business is now quite high. Auto disassembly was at the peak of popularity at the turn of the 1990-2000s, when it was not so easy to get spare parts for a foreign-made car. Now, the activity of the auto dismantling business is gradually declining due to the large number of car dealerships, including those on the Internet, offering new parts for cars at reasonable prices with delivery in a short time. Sadly, but modern cars serve much less than the models of cars released in the 90s. In the coming years, car parsing as a business will not lose its relevance, since even 15-20-year-old cars still feel cheerful with proper care, the same can be said about car models released 8-10 years ago. But then it is already doubtful that the cars will be dismantled, since manufacturers reduce the declared service life every year.

Before taking decisive steps in the direction of the auto-dismantling business, it is worth considering your own opportunities and risks associated with the lack of demand for specific car parts. The payback of the business of dismantling a car for parts and its terms directly depend on the chosen location for the organization of auto dismantling, the relevance of the product, the quality of the services provided and the campaign to attract customers. It is necessary to carefully analyze the market, assess the level of competition, and also identify demand in existing directions.

Varieties of auto disassembly

Depending on the selected disassembly option, the costs differ, as well as the specifics of organizing and doing business.

Garage autodismantling

Business is carried out simple principle, assuming (bat, old, etc.) at the price of scrap metal, followed by disassembly by screw and sale of spare parts. You can save three times as much on auto-parsing. The advantages of the business organization method are:

  • High profitability (earnings from each disassembled machine will be 150-300%);
  • Minimum initial investment (you can start with 50,000 rubles spent on buying a car for analysis);
  • Use of premises for the purpose additional services.
  • It is impossible to predict the payback period of a business, but a thorough study of the market and consumer demand will help reduce risks;
  • Many car parts will inevitably “hang”, and possibly for years. Now they are actively sweeping engines, boxes, as well as bodywork, which a few years ago at car dismantling just made up the same “dead weight”. Now the age of cars of the 90s with high quality bodies is approaching the venerable one, and cars after 2000-2005 are the same high reliability they do not differ. In addition, car accidents have become more frequent;
  • A business will not do with one garage, since its area will not allow storing many details. It is better to start immediately with a large plot or expand the area for auto-dismantling gradually, for example, by acquiring or renting neighboring garages as well.

Auto parts on order

The profitability of the business when choosing this direction of auto-parsing significantly exceeds the option considered above. This type of activity provides big profit from business with minimal risk, since the work is carried out on an order with an advance payment. After receiving an order for certain parts, the car is bought at a bargain price, and the part is sold at a premium that exceeds its purchase several times. Even 15-18 years ago, it was possible to earn fabulous money up to 1500% on each car in this car parsing business, since the Germans and Japanese sent cars with quite suitable spare parts to a landfill. Now the competition in the field of auto parts sales has increased significantly. Online stores in a couple of days will be able to bring new Chinese counterparts auto parts at a low price, and due to the growth of the dollar, the cost of cars for analysis from abroad has increased.

Due to the fact that the engines and gearboxes of cars manufactured after 2005 are no longer designed for serious mileage, it is not necessary to hope that used units from donor cars will serve faithfully. If a car of the 80-90s could live up to 15 years in excellent condition, now, as soon as the guarantee period operation, the bolivar begins to crumble on the go.

Whichever way you choose to organize auto-dismantling, you will need to draw up a detailed business plan. It needs to take into account every little thing from the calculation of the cost of opening, organizing a place of work, purchasing cars, advertising, etc., to ongoing monthly expenses, including salaries of employees, taxes and utilities, which will be inevitable anyway. Once you start writing your business plan, you need to determine what type of vehicles you will be working with. When choosing a direction, it is important to identify consumer demand for auto parts, for which it is quite enough to talk with the masters of several car services. To increase profits from the auto dismantling business, it is better to organize the provision of additional repair services as well, this will provide a regular income. All these details should be included in the business plan.


To conduct activities for disassembling cars for spare parts, it is necessary to choose the right site. It is best if it is owned by a novice entrepreneur, since the cost of renting the premises will "eat up" the lion's share of income. The auto dismantling business will be especially beneficial for owners of private houses with outbuildings, large territories, and hangars. The site should be located near the highway, not far from the bus stop. Its dimensions depend on the scope of your business, because the premises of the appropriate dimensions are selected for the expected scope of work. It is also important to understand that car dismantling as a business can not “take off” in every area, so you need to find the most convenient place with good access.

The territory for the implementation of auto-dismantling should include a place for direct dismantling of cars, waste storage, a warehouse for auto parts, office space. It will be necessary to allocate a lot of space for dismantling a car, spare parts from only one car will occupy at least ten squares, and in order to increase the customer base in the future, you will need to have about 10-15 sets for different models. It is better to immediately divide the premises into sections where cars will be disassembled, spare parts stored and waste stored. It is also important to ensure separate place to meet clients where some furniture needs to be placed.

When organizing a car dismantling warehouse, it is necessary to equip it with racks for storing auto parts and, from the first days, be attentive to sorting all the parts, you can also sign the shelves according to car brands, modifications, etc., in order to further exclude the search for the needed spare parts of the car, turning into archaeological excavations. The client does not like to wait, so the correct arrangement in the warehouse "on the shelves" will speed up the process of providing necessary spare parts. In addition, it is important to systematize the data on the computer and keep a strict record of current business affairs. By providing a database of spare parts available, you can easily find the right product, as well as control sales.

Personnel and organization of activities

The number of hired workers for the organization of auto-dismantling will depend on the scale of your enterprise. It will not work to carry out activities on your own, the process of parsing a car requires at least two people. For disassembly, you need a good auto mechanic (perhaps more than one), who understands the structure of components and assemblies of a car, a locksmith, an accountant and a manager. As a rule, the entrepreneur himself is in charge of the process, if you have the necessary skills, you can also manage the accounting of the enterprise yourself or hire a person part-time. The workers you hire to carry out the dismantling process must know their business well, be able to disassemble and assemble cars of different brands, cut the body into parts, etc. In the process of business development, staff expansion may be necessary.

Having decided to open an auto-disassembly, it is better to legalize the activity immediately in accordance with the regulations of Russian legislation. To organize a business selling auto parts, it is more expedient to open an individual entrepreneur, in some cases an LLC or JSC is suitable if you plan to enter European or Asian markets. An individual entrepreneur cannot conduct foreign economic activity. Of course, at first, unregistered activities can also “ride”, it is unlikely government bodies they will immediately pay attention to you, but do not forget about competitors who, while researching the market, may well find methods of administration by revealing illegally existing auto-disassembly.

Where to get cars and parts

Auto disassembly is exactly the case when in order to sell something, you need to buy something. Having decided which car brands it is better to start a business with, you need to first purchase at least two models for spare parts. With the aim of successful acquisition resources need to be monitored. The actual option for a successful business would be to buy a car 10-15 years old, because now it is the cars that have come up to this period that already require many replacement parts. The most demanded spare parts are those that are most often affected as a result of accidents. Get it desired car for disassembly as follows:

  • On sites selling used cars, flea markets, on ads on Internet boards, forums, etc .;
  • At impounds, where the owners did not take the car, for which you will have to establish contacts with the traffic police;
  • Abroad. Bringing cars for parsing is an option that has already become a classic. You can also go specifically for certain details, the trip will pay off thanks to high quality spare parts;
  • At auctions of used and broken cars;
  • You can also buy a part from competitors in case of its shortage.

When looking for a broken car for disassembly, it is important not to run into hijackers who are trying to get rid of the bolivar in this way. Even with unconscious "collaboration" with criminals, one can incur unnecessary problems with the law.

Additional services

It is not uncommon for auto disassembly to have small workshops that also offer maintenance services, which greatly increases the profit from the business and satisfies the customer's need for on-site assembly of parts. You can expand the autoparsing activity by additionally including some types of work:

  • Replacement of auto parts;
  • Repair of the main units and components of the machine;
  • Locksmith work;
  • Tire fitting;
  • Body work;
  • Car painting and other services.

In many ways, the scope of the enterprise will depend on the amount available for the organization of activities. For additional services plus necessary equipment and tools for auto-disassembly require the installation of special equipment, for example:

  • diagnostic;
  • Balancing;
  • Tire fitting;
  • hydraulic;
  • Painting equipment;
  • A set of tools (it will be needed in any case, even if your company will not provide additional services).

It is better if you can ensure that the customer has the right to choose whether to buy used or new spare part. Of course, the cost of parts in the second case will be much higher, but your costs for purchasing the goods will also increase. Depending on the scale of the enterprise, the business plan includes all costs for the purchase of additional equipment, while it is not at all necessary to purchase several types of special equipment at once, it will be enough to purchase a lift, pneumatics and a basic set of tools. These data should also be reflected in the business plan.

One of the most important components of the success of any enterprise, including car dismantling, is advertising. Of course, its scale will depend on the amount available, as well as the scope of the business, but in any case, at first you just need to declare yourself and attract the first customers. Advertising of goods and services must be given special attention, otherwise it will take many months to wait until buyers of spare parts appear. Effective tools for an advertising campaign to promote a business are:

  • Means of outdoor advertising (billboards, signboard);
  • Announcements in print media, on the radio;
  • Business cards and leaflets that can be handed out at the places where motorists stay (car parks, car markets, etc.) or left at service stations, gas stations and other places often visited by motorists;
  • Bulletin boards on the Internet, thematic groups in social networks, forums for motorists;
  • You can also create your own website, where you can inform about the range of spare parts and services, as well as realize the possibility of ordering parts via the Internet.

You can't underestimate the effectiveness of online service advertising, it really works. With its help, after a little sweat on placing posts with a link to your site, you can attract a large number of customers absolutely free of charge. In the future, the cost of advertising a business will decrease, a stable customer base will form, and new ones will be drawn thanks to word of mouth. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain the quality of the auto-dismantling service and additional services at the proper level. Grateful customers are the best advertisement for any business.

Profitability calculation

Literally from scratch, it will not be possible to open auto-parsing, there will be costs in any case. A business plan must necessarily include a calculation of all costs associated with starting a business and current expenses. Let's calculate the approximate payback, taking into account the costs of organizing a small auto-dismantling. The main costs will be:

  • Purchase of premises and arrangement - about 1 million rubles;
  • Paperwork - up to 5000 rubles;
  • Advertising - 10,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - from 300-500,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of a car for disassembly (in the amount of 10-15 units) - from 500,000 rubles;
  • The wages of the workers are negotiable;
  • Taxes, utility bills - 10-15,000 rubles;
  • Minor expenses - 15,000 rubles.

So, the amounts can vary significantly, and the payback of the car dismantling business also varies from about 6 to 18 months and depends on many factors, such as the initial investment, the number of cars purchased for disassembly, the quality of the advertising campaign, the provision of additional services, the choice of models for which there is demand, etc. It may take much more time to promote the business, everything is directly dependent on the above nuances. Here, the presence of a territory for auto-disassembly in the property or its absence also plays a huge role, the second significantly increases costs.

To run a successful business, it is necessary to have flexibility and the ability to “catch the wave” in time when the market situation changes. Prospects for the development of car dismantling are guaranteed to be difficult to predict due to instability in the country and the world as a whole. To create a serious business, including foreign economic activity, significant capital investments will be required. In addition, in order to establish logistics at the highest level, considerable efforts are required. Of course, with a great desire to succeed in this business, coinciding with financial possibilities, and also with the right approach to organizing auto-dismantling, the enterprise will be quite profitable, so there is definitely a point in doing business. And given that there is a considerable demand for auto parts, you can make good money on this business.

The best prices and conditions for the purchase of new cars

Loan 6.5% / Installment / Trade-in / 98% approval / Gifts in the salon

Mas Motors

Auto disassembly as a business is a great business. Therefore, it is worth talking about how to open a car disassembly in your city. Will this case be successful for you or not? It depends on a detailed analysis of this situation, a well-thought-out business project and a clear prioritization.
Since this type of activity contains many important nuances, then compliance with some rules will be prerequisite. If a businessman is attentive in this matter, then his work will certainly be rewarded as a result. Since car dismantling is the most profitable type of business, a capital investment in which will become feasible even for new entrepreneurs. And there are quite a few reasons for the relevance of this business even in such an economically unstable time:

  • Most car owners love their cars and are in no hurry to sell. Even if the old car constantly requires complex repairs.
  • Those motorists who want to buy a car do not always have this opportunity.

It should be noted that these reasons are relevant not only in our country.

In addition, in European countries, it began to develop for a long time and very actively. In these countries, the buyer can take the necessary auto part as in a regular grocery store off the shelf: they simply visit the disassembly and, walking along it, look for the necessary parts, and remove them themselves. So, businessmen in our country have an excellent example to follow and aspire to. If the topic of creating a car disassembly interested you, then in our today's article you can find in detail all necessary information on this topic.

The relevance of the idea to open auto-dismantling

The list of reasons described above for the relevance of the idea of ​​creating a car disassembly in our country is actually even wider:

If you buy a wrecked car and sell parts from it, you can get even more Money than you spent on this purchase.

The very poor purchasing power in the automotive field is very relevant for Russian countries, not only in a difficult economic situation.

A huge part of the population, unfortunately, cannot afford the purchase of expensive foreign cars. And this situation unlikely to change in the next decade. This implies the conclusion that car dismantling will be relevant in our country and the CIS countries for many more years.

You should also pay attention to the diagram that we have given below.

The percentage of car owners of old cars is very large. And all these people will soon face the fact that auto parts for their car brands will be discontinued. But probably no one wants to give up their favorite car because of one faulty mechanism. For this reason, many motorists are very active in car dismantling.

Car disassembly personnel

Here you can learn how to open auto-dismantling from scratch. We all like to do what we love. And the moment we start doing this, we immediately get finances from somewhere, the doors we need open, we begin to feel useful to others, and work seems like a game to us.

In order to open his own car disassembly, a businessman does not look for other workers. But this will be possible for him only when his qualifications can perform all the necessary tasks. And for this, the businessman will have enough time and energy. After this type of activity can gain momentum and expand, then it cannot do on its own. As a rule, the staff of car disassembly is as follows:

  • Accountant. he can be hired for outsourcing work at an hourly rate.
  • Auto mechanic - this employee is the main one. He is dismantling the car for parts.
  • Manager. As a rule, the manager is the entrepreneur himself.

Territory for opening auto-dismantling

The area of ​​the territory should be selected based on the expected scale of this type of activity. But it must be at least five hundred square meters. A very good option would be to place a car dismantling site near a public transport stop or a highway. The selected site must be divided into separate parts for successful work.

  • Places where cars will be dismantled for parts.
  • Warehouse where spare parts will be stored. Inside, racks with numbered shelves should be installed. This is necessary in order to speed up the search for the required part at times.
  • A place to store garbage.
  • Office for consultation and reception of clients.

Car disassembly as a business needs advertising

A variety of owner reviews indicate that car dismantling as a business is a profitable business. Not every car enthusiast who decides to sell his car knows that he can be sent for auto-parsing and then get good money. It is still more profitable than simple disposal vehicle. Based on this, the main task of a businessman is to convey information to the public. Without advertising, this type of activity can be opened, but, unfortunately, it will not develop. There are several options for what should be done for car disassembly:

You should print the required number of flyers, with a short information about car disassembly. These advertising flyers should be posted at service stations, gas stations, in the subway, etc. for the place of this promotional product, you can use business cards and distribute them to potential customers.

Not every car dismantling owner can invest his finances in outdoor advertising. But if he has such an opportunity, then this must be done without fail. Convenient check-in can also be counted as advertising methods. The thing is that if it is convenient for the client to come to your auto-dismantling, he will be able to distinguish it from others.

Caring about their customers and qualified service. This is what is the most the best way in advertising their services.

What sources do businessmen use to get cars for auto-dismantling?

The most important question for novice businessmen who want to open their own car dismantling is buying cars for spare parts.

There are several options:

  1. The most common of them is the purchase of broken cars from the population. They must be searched for on special forums, announcements, sites.
  2. You can also buy a car from the parking lot of the traffic police, in the event that its owners refused to do so.
  3. Many auto parts are profitable to buy abroad. In this case, payback can be achieved through high quality.
  4. Look for cars for scrapping at the appropriate auctions, These companies sell broken cars.
  5. But we do not recommend buying a car from hijackers, no matter how attractive the cost.

How much does it cost to open a car dismantling business

How to open auto dismantling? If you are interested, then you should draw up a competent business plan and you will need a license. Automotive disassembly is not an activity that will require minimal investment to create it. But still, you can open this business in a small garage with 2-3 broken cars. Based on this, the list of costs for opening auto-disassembly will look like this:

Registration of necessary permits for opening a company, documents. - about 2200-5000 thousand rubles. The price will vary depending on who will handle the design: you or a third party organization. Renting an area for car dismantling from five hundred m. (zoning and arrangement) - from 75,000 dollars annually. Acquisition of cars for dismantling (the most optimal number of cars is 11-15 units). – from 500,000 rubles. launch advertising company- from 15,000 thousand rubles.

Auto-dismantling how a business has its risks

The most basic risk of car wrecking as a business is very high costs for the purchase of broken cars that may simply not pay off. In addition, there is a threat to buy a stolen car. But this case cannot be said to be very common. For this reason, we will now dwell in detail on the possibility of minimizing the very first, important risk.

As a rule, to start a car dismantling, you need to purchase two cars. But in reality, in order to fully conduct this business, it is still better to have at least 10 brands of cars. Thus, auto parts from one car will not be in demand for two or three weeks, but then they will be sold out. To be able to balance your sales, it is necessary to expand the range of products.

You should always stay in the subject in order to understand which cars will often need spare parts. This information you can only get from your workflow, not from literature, forums or websites.

In addition to the main models that are in demand, you need to recoup those brands that only you will like. Since if a person is very interested in something, then his business will develop more successfully, information will be perceived much easier.

In this type of activity, you cannot count on potential customers. They will appear only after a few years. But still, your customers need to demonstrate high level service, because reputation is above all.

The payback of the idea to open auto-dismantling

The average payback period for this business is approximately 7-18 months. It will depend on many different factors. For example, on the amount of initial investment, and also on the extent to which you are passionate about this topic. Because only on the basis of your sincere interest, you can manage to invest all your work and strength in the business. But, nevertheless, with only one great desire and love for cars, you will succeed in earning it. You will also need to have basic technical knowledge, which should be constantly supplemented and improved. Even if you hire outside employees to competently manage the work process, you still cannot do without preparation. In addition, the acquired knowledge will help you properly allocate investments in order to develop your business at minimal cost.

Now you have been able to learn how to open an auto-dismantler in Russia. As you probably already understood, the most important thing in opening an auto-dismantler is not only keeping the business afloat, but also making the right decisions at the time of possible risks. If you are confident in your intentions and strengths, then this type of activity can bring you not only good profit, but also a sense of your own self-realization.

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Autodismantling is considered one of the most profitable businesses in the industry because it is the main source of used parts, which can be too expensive if bought new, or too rare if they are long out of production. Therefore, when compiling a business plan for car dismantling, one must focus on the demand for spare parts.

Company registration

To open your own company for dismantling used cars, you need to register an enterprise. As a rule, choose the form of IP. For registration you will need minimum set documents, and the registration itself takes two weeks. Then it will be much easier to keep tax records than with any other form of organization. You will also need the appropriate license.

A receipt for payment of the state duty for registration will cost 800 rubles, and a letter from Rosstat - 1400 rubles. If you do not want to deal with the design yourself, you can give this work to special firms. Then the registration will take another 2400 rubles.

Where to look for a car for disassembly

The main source of used cars are motorists who want to sell damaged or old cars, not wanting to deal with its restoration. Another source is the parking lot of the traffic police, where the arrested cars are kept. A good source is machine-designers. These are cars that are registered at customs as spare parts, because they are poorly suitable for use.

There are special auctions for used and broken cars. The cheapest thing, of course, is to buy cars from car thieves, but such actions are subject to the Criminal Code and can nullify your business, which we strongly do not recommend. By the way, when buying a car from the owner, you should always ask him to show the relevant documents. This will save you from possible criminality.

Additional income

Remember that the main source of income for car dismantling is the sale of auto parts. But it is not at all necessary to replenish the assortment with the purchase and dismantling of used cars. It is quite possible to purchase demanded spare parts from competitors in your region or even bring them from abroad. The latter option will be more expensive, in the case of rare spare parts, quite justified.

The scheme of work in this case is simple. You need to create a database of competitors by region or even by country. In the case when an order for a certain spare part arrives, you need to call competitors, find out who has it and how much the delivery will cost. Add your own margin to this amount, find out the delivery time and offer it to the client. If he agrees, buy from a competitor and resell. In order to save money, you can collect several similar orders.

This is a business in which success largely depends on experience. Over time, you will learn to immediately determine whether you should buy the offered used car or not. This will help you save money and find really valuable items.

Disassembly location

The place where you need to open a car dismantling should be close to the highway, close to public transport stops. It is important to organize a convenient entrance so that you can easily deliver broken car the client, and the owner to take out the trash. The territory should be zoned into a waste storage area, a dismantling area, a warehouse and an office. The total area depends on how much work is planned to be performed. Depending on these indicators, the dimensions and number of boxes, the number of wrenches, etc. are selected. At a minimum, an area of ​​​​about 500 m 2 is required.

On warehouse perfect order must prevail. All racks and shelves must be signed and divided into sectors. The car dismantling business requires, first of all, a practical approach, design does not play any role here. The most important thing is to be able to find in time the right spare part. An electronic database of details should also be maintained.

Sales routes

The main buyers for your parts will be owners of older cars who find it difficult to find parts for own car. Therefore, it is important to provide advertising for your company, so that as many motorists as possible have the opportunity to get acquainted with the assortment of the warehouse.

In this sense, it is desirable to create your own website, where you can submit a list of spare parts in stock, the possibility of ordering them and paying by bank transfer. This will expand the circle of your customers literally to the borders of the country, and even more. Delivery options today can also be varied.

Autodismantling advertisement

To open a successful business, it is important to establish a procurement flow wrecked cars. You can't do without advertising in this business. Advertisements work well in the subway, at pillars, repair shops, tire shops and gas stations. Be sure to take advantage of the Internet: place ads on advertising boards, on specialized forums. The best advertising is always positive reviews clients.

The financial side of things

It is difficult to name the exact amount that will be needed to open auto-dismantling. It all depends on the scale of the business. The main items of expenditure will be:

  • registration and execution of permits;
  • rent of territory and premises;
  • advertising;
  • equipment purchases;
  • purchases of old cars;
  • salary payments.

For renting 500 m 2 you will have to pay from 15 thousand dollars a year. For the purchase of several used cars and advertising your business, you need to lay down an amount of at least 500 thousand rubles, but sometimes it can reach 2 million rubles. There should always be at least 5 machines in development.

To equip an office, you need to buy a computer, provide it with Internet access, install a special software. Several mobile phones for work and communication. Of course, buy the right tool.