The history of fiat in the ussr film. The history of "Zhiguli": obvious and incredible. Options and current prices

VAZ-2101 or simply "Zhiguli" is one of famous cars Soviet production, the descendants of which were produced right up to 2012. During its existence, it has undergone quite serious changes and received several awards and prizes, so let's talk about what the life path of this car was like.

Alliance with Fiat

The very first VAZ 2101 was produced at the Volga Automobile Plant. This was due to the signing in 1966 of an agreement between by an Italian firm Fiat and the Soviet "Vneshnetorg" on cooperation in the development of passenger cars. It was within the framework of this agreement that the project for the construction of a plant for cars on the territory of the USSR was adopted.

According to preliminary agreements, several cars were to be produced at this plant at once. It was supposed to be 2 cars with a sedan body in the standard configuration, and one station wagon in the luxury configuration. If we talk about where the concept of norm class cars came from, then the Fiat 124 was defined as a prototype, which is literally in next year received the title of "Car of the Year"

What did not fit Fiat 124

When Soviet scientists and specialists took up the study and testing of a car taken as the basis for the development of their own car, several shortcomings were identified at once that needed to be eliminated when developing a car that would be called in the future only VAZ-2101. First of all, experts noticed that the Fiat 124 is not suitable for our roads due to the extremely low ground clearance and the complete absence of towing eyes, without which the car would be difficult to use off-road.
In addition, the car body itself was not sufficiently reliable and strong and could hardly withstand the intensity of operation that was expected for a Soviet car.

How VAZ-2101 became better than Fiat 124

Italian engineers took into account all the wishes of Soviet researchers and the future Zhiguli acquired drum brakes on the rear axle, improved front and fundamentally new suspension on the rear axle and an improved gearbox. This is far from full list improvements that were made to the Fiat124R - a Russified model of the Italian Fiat.
In total, there were more than 800 changes, and some of these comments were subsequently used personally by Fiat in the development of new cars in their series. These requirements of Soviet engineers and researchers helped Fiat collect unique information about the reliability and patency of cars of your brand in off-road conditions.

The first six VAZ-2101

The very first six cars left the assembly line on April 19, 1970, so this particular day can be called the birthday of the Zhiguli. It is worth noting that the first cars were only in two colors and 2 blue and 4 red cars were produced.

These first 6 prototypes showed excellent results in tests and improvements were minimal, so that already in August 1970 the plant was operating at full capacity. And the capacity of the plant was really impressive. By the end of the year, 21530 cars were produced at the newly built plant in Togliatti
The plant gradually increased its turnover and by 1973 it managed to produce 379,007 Zhiguli in a year.

Why "Zhiguli"

In fact, the name of the VAZ-2101 could be completely different. According to one version, the name was born at the plant, and was approved back in 1976, and according to another, it was invented on a competitive basis. About the intermediate result of the competition in 1970, the magazine "Behind the wheel" wrote. There was also published a list of 1812 titles that were selected by the commission for consideration. In total, about 55,000 titles were sent, some of which were funny, some funny, and some just ridiculous.
What could the VAZ-2101 be called:

  • Violet
  • Falcon
  • Firstborn
  • Memorial
  • Youth
  • Dream
  • Directive
  • Falcon

One way or another, it was the Zhiguli that became the final name, and a little later the people called this car none other than the “Penny” for the unit at the end of the model number.

Modern motorists adapt the VAZ-2101 even for "drifts":

Classifications and numbering

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to significant improvements compared to the Italian prototype, the domestic Zhiguli became the first car produced in the USSR, which received such a document as the normal OH 025370-66. This document regulated the classification and designation system of rolling stock.

Now, each new car of the series or trailer was assigned a four-digit number, the first two digits of which indicated the class of the car or trailer, and the last two - its model. Sometimes the fifth digit was also used, which indicated that this car was a modification specific model and you could immediately understand what changes were made to this particular car.

Also, sometimes additional numbers in the number were used. The sixth digit could show what climate the car was intended for and whether it was intended for import. AT rare cases additional numbers were added through a hyphen, which showed that this car was an intermediate modification of the car.

Comparison of VAZ-2101 (1970) and Lada Granta (2012)

It is thanks to this that, looking at the inscription VAZ-21011, you can immediately understand that this car was manufactured at the Volga Automobile Plant (VAZ), belongs to a small class of cars with an engine from 1200 to 1800 cubic centimeters (21) and is the first model of this car in this class (01) with the first version of the modification, which differs from the original by installing the engine by 1300 cubic centimeters (1).

Modifications of the VAZ-2101

In the entire history of the existence of this car, many various modifications. Among them were cars designed exclusively for the needs of the plant where the Zhiguli was produced, and even such interesting solutions as Zhiguli limousines, which had been used abroad for a long time.


This is the very first version of the Kopeika, which was very popular among both motorists and the developers themselves. It is not surprising that this car became the basis for future modifications, because it was extremely successful. It is worth noting that the VAZ-2101 was equipped with a 1.2 liter engine.

The first modification, which we mentioned above. The main difference from the traditional "Kopeyka" in this model is the engine. It was much more powerful than the previous version of the car, and its volume was increased to 1.3 liters.
The car has also undergone quite a lot of changes in terms of design. Basically, these changes concerned improving the ventilation of the cooling radiator - four additional slots appeared in front and the shape of the radiator grille was changed. Also, lights were installed on this modification. reversing from 1974 to 1983 inclusive.

The main difference between this modification and the VAZ-21011 is less powerful engine, identical to what was installed on the original "Kopeyka" (1.2 liters), otherwise, the changes made in 21011 were preserved in version 21013.

Zhiguli were also produced for export, and these cars were known under the name Lada 1200 in almost all countries of the Socialist Commonwealth. First of all, they appeared in Czechoslovakia, the GDR, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Hungary, and the total number of such cars totaled more than 57 thousand cars.
Over time, Lada 1200 earned respect among foreign motorists and very soon these cars could be seen on the roads of Germany, Austria, France and even Nigeria.

VAZ-21012 and VAZ-21014

The glory of the Zhiguli was not limited to the Soviet Union. Especially for countries with left-hand traffic two modifications of the Zhiguli were released at once. First of all, they differed in the right-hand drive and reinforced spring suspension of the right front wheel. The fact is that when the controls were transferred to the other side, the mass of the car began to be distributed unevenly and such a compensation system had to be organized. In total, these cars were produced from 1974 to 1982.

Nothing in the Soviet Union was wasted, and even defective Zhiguli. Instead of being written off due to body defects, they were converted into pickup trucks and later used for the needs of the factory. The entire back of the roof was simply cut off just behind the front seats and a new cabin wall was installed. The rear doors were welded to increase the rigidity of the structure and as a result, the carrying capacity of such pickups could be 300 kg.
Of course, such cars did not go into the series, but some amateurs even independently carried out such improvements on their Kopeykas.

"Limousine" VAZ 2101

No matter how comical it sounds, but cars of this modification not only existed, but were also very popular in Cuba. Here they are used as fixed-route taxis and coped with this task quite easily.

Many interesting stories walks about this car, which managed to fall in love domestic motorists, but the most unusual of these facts should be described separately, because Kopek, although already discontinued, is still often found on our roads.

Starter and crank

The Soviet auto industry cannot be blamed for hindsight. In the repair tool bag that came with the car, one could find starting handle. Of course, this could terrify foreigners, but the instructions said that it was intended solely for starting the car in very cold winters or after a long parking. According to the compilers of the instructions, it was necessary to turn the handle several times when neutral gear and the ignition off, after which it was possible to carry out a normal start using the starter

Suspended accelerator pedal and washer

Such an accessory as a suspended accelerator pedal appeared only in the VAZ-21011. Prior to this, in the traditional penny, the gas pedal was with a floor installation. floor button The windshield washer also appeared along with the first modification of the car, because before that it was located on the dashboard next to the windshield washer mode switch and the light switch.

Foreign spare parts in VAZ-2101

Naturally, not all parts used to produce the first Zhiguli were domestic. Under the hoods of some Kopecks, one could find Weber carburetors, some cars were equipped with foreign-made non-separable shock absorbers, which were much more reliable and durable than domestic ones. The same situation happened with spark plugs.

Curiosities with the logo

In total there were three types of emblems for Zhiguli. The most famous of them was a silver rook on a ruby ​​background, which flaunted on all VAZ-2101s since 1971. But the fact is that on the cars of 1970, the badge produced was also supplemented with the inscription “Togliatti”. Very few such emblems were issued, since a year later it was ordered to remove the inscription unmasking the location of the automobile plant, which at that time was considered an extremely important strategic object. A car with this logo is a real rarity.

However, an even rarer logo is an erroneously made logo with the Cyrillic letter “Ya” replaced with the Latin “R”. This happened due to the fact that the first batch of emblems was ordered at the Fiat plant in Turin, and there the Italians, through an oversight, simply mixed up the letters. All the emblems, and there were about 30 of them, were simply taken apart by VAZ employees for souvenirs, and now this emblem is very much appreciated, but it is almost impossible to get it.

General assessment of the VAZ-2101

According to the general assessments of motorists and experts, the VAZ-2101 became a real breakthrough and a triumph in the Soviet automotive industry. Even young motorists who received the rights quite recently could use this car with almost no restrictions. The restrictions concerned only the speeds during the break-in of the car. Thanks to Kopeika, Soviet motorists realized that even in subcompact car you can feel comfortable, not freeze in winter and talk in the cabin without raising your voice. Of course, in many respects it was the merit of the Italian partners, because our Zhiguli took a lot from the Fiat 124.

Starting the engine in winter period no longer turned into a ritual with blowtorches and buckets of hot water, as it was before. With the advent of the VAZ-2101, motorists even managed without a starter handle, which for the most part became possible thanks to the Weber 32 DCR two-chamber carburetor, which were more advanced than their Soviet counterparts of that era.
These carburetors later began to be produced in the Soviet Union under the DAAZ-2101 marking, and over time they even migrated under the hoods of the Volga and other domestic cars, where they were carefully installed by the hands of motorists.

In general, the appearance of the VAZ-2101 was a real breakthrough in the car market in the Soviet Union, and even now not everyone has abandoned this car, and they can still be found on city streets.

We are sure that many of you believe that the VAZ-2101 was easily copied from the Fiat 124, for that in order to establish mass production of cars as an alternative to the Volga and Moskvich. But in reality, with a detailed comparison of the first Zhiguli model, you begin to realize how the domestic Russian "penny" differs from the unique 124 Fiat.

In the Soviet years, the domestic state was looking for a base on the basis of which it would be possible to create a cheap home car, which would be produced in some city, which would allow to keep locality on the financial income coming from mass production of machines. And also the search for the concept was that the car had to be exported abroad without fail. In addition, one of the main parameters is that the car must be strong and reliable in order to withstand the harsh conditions we have, and bad roads, which at that time were everywhere except in big cities.

Fortunately, in the 60s, Italy was ready to implement ideas and their cars to anyone. As a result, the administration of our country agreed with the Italians on the supply of equipment for the production of cars under the VAZ brand, based on the then popular Fiat-124. At the request of our country, Italian experts, together with designers and our engineers, completely redid the project 124 of the Fiat model.

In addition, Fiat experts came to the plant in Togliatti in order to adjust the equipment and teach the employees of the enterprise to produce products that they could be proud of.

Reference: Fiat 124 was created in the mid-60s by the Italian company Fiat. For the first time the car was presented to the public in the second half of the 60s of the twentieth century. In the second half of the 60s of the XX century, the Fiat-124 car became the winner in the competition "Best European car of the year".

Judging by the reviews of critics and auto experts, the car was good and of high quality. The only thing is that the design of the model was a couple of old-fashioned.

It should be emphasized that the government of our country has been looking for a long time on the basis of which European car to start producing cheap Russian car. Many options have been considered, but due to the quality of Russian roads, a large number good cars, were deleted from the list, because the design of a huge number of machines could not withstand domestic harsh operating conditions for machines.

As a result, the domestic authorities settled on the Italian Fiat, which maximally met domestic needs. At the end of the signing of the agreement with Fiat, our country bought a license for the serial production of Fiat 124. As a result Russian Federation noticed the first Zhiguli model - VAZ-2101 (export name LADA 1200).

So what is the domestic "penny" is the correct copy of the Italian Fiat 124?

At first glance, it goes without saying, without fail, to think that these are two monotonous cars. But with a detailed comparison, a completely different picture begins to unfold before us, which speaks of a huge difference in the design and technical data of the two cars.

When designing the first Zhiguli model, the experts changed many details of the unique Fiat. Initially, the Russian version of the Fiat 124 was called 124R. In the second half of the 60s of the XX century, the first prototypes of the Zhiguli went for testing.

And already in the first half of the 70s of the XX century, mass production of the VAZ-2101 began.

How home country managed to build a huge car factory In fact, in record time? In addition, the Italians helped us with this, who gave us a huge loan and took part in the construction and design of modern production at that time. In addition, the Italians helped domestic influences to build around the plant modern city Tolyatti.

By the way, this city was named after the Italian communist brave man.

Needless to say, first of all there was a lot of politics in the agreement between the company and our country Fiat. Since the Government of Italy received a lot of money on this deal. You have the opportunity to find many good and negative feedback about the first Zhiguli model, but in any case, thanks to an agreement with the Italians, our country was able for the first time to build and launch one of the largest auto production in Eastern Europe. And the scale of production was really not small.

For example, at the end of 1971, the first VAZ-2101 model was already produced in three shifts.

The first Lada model was not inexpensive enough (as the country's government originally planned), but, however, many could afford this car. Moreover, when compared with the Fiat 124, the “penny” was more reliable (yes, this is true, although many do not believe it!), The car body was less susceptible to corrosion. Besides, VAZ-2101 was less demanding on the quality of fuel and had a number of other advantages over the original.

For example, the design of the car was simpler, which allowed less money to be spent on maintenance.

But, regardless of the start of production and the bright start of the cooperation of the first Lada models, the level of build quality has always changed. For example, the first models what were released from 1970 to 1972, were the highest quality. But subsequently, the quality level of the assembly of steam decreased (especially in the first half of the 70s of the XX century).

But since 1974, the level of production quality has again reached an acceptable past level.

Unfortunately, since 1975 the level of build quality has dropped again. As a result, by the mid-80s, the quality of the produced "penny" was not much like the machines produced in the first years of the plant's operation.

First of all, the quality level of cars fell due to the replacement of many Italian spare parts with Russian counterparts, which, of course, were inferior in quality and had a lot of defects. So, the plant management tried to reduce the cost of production. Unfortunately, those who designed and manufactured Russian spare parts did not have the necessary experience to create quality components.

Of course, those who drove the unique Fiat 124 noted that the Italian cars were more wonderful and agile compared to the Zhiguli and had a better braking system. But, as you already understand, the VAZ-2101 is a completely redesigned car from scratch, which has many of its own answers in its own design. Just on the basis of this, it is rather silly to compare these two cars and say that the Italian Fiat is better than the Lada.

Since 90 percent of all components of the "penny" were unique and had nothing to do with the original.

Let's leave the past and now compare two beautiful "classics". In the photographs you have the opportunity to see the unique Fiat 124 (rare early model 1966 release) and the export "Lada" which is called LADA 1200. The year of manufacture of this "penny" is 1971. This car was produced in the original full year serial production of the first Lada cars. The two cars are remarkably well preserved.

They have a unique body paint and virtually untouched or damaged interior.

Someone will report that the unique Fiat 124 can, under certain conditions, accelerate to 170 km / h. But the domestic Russian "penny" is also not a timid dozen and can accelerate to 165 km / h. But the Fiat braking system must be recognized as significantly better. Fiat also has a more masculine baritone sound of the engine compared to the Russian counterpart, but, however, the noise characteristics in the cabin are almost indistinguishable.

Lada, on the other hand, has a completely different sound of the motor due to the highlights of the timing chain design.

Some experts are sure that the Fiat holds the road much better, and the car's suspension copes with bumps more easily than the first model Zhiguli. But this is a subjective conclusion and there are no official information about the difference in the behavior of two cars on the road. Here the braking system is really much better in the Italian car.

There is no dispute about this.

Now let's chat in more detail about the technical side of the Lada. Vaz-2101 differs so sharply from Fiat-124 that one gets the feeling that it was copied by an alien who does not have access to Fiat engineering drawings, having designed the first Lada model, guided only by appearance 124 models.

pay attention to door handles two cars and side mirrors rear view. As you can see the difference is obvious. In addition, the door hinges have different design, not to mention the lock of the triangular side window window.

Comparing the interior of two cars, in addition, it is possible to find many engineering solutions and differences.

For example, the first Fiat models had brown door trim, while the first VAZ-2101 models had a strictly dark interior.

In addition, the ashtray in the Fiat is much closer to the driver than in the Zhiguli. In the domestic car, closer to the driver, there is a knob and a car radio for adjusting the volume.

Comparing the two cars, opening the hood, you will also notice significant differences with the naked eye. Under the hood, you also have the opportunity to see completely different engines in design.

For example, in Fiat, the engine is much smaller in size than the domestic Avtovaz engine.

Quite interesting, are there any differences in the trunk? As you can see, the VAZ-2101 trunk lock is much more ideal. For example, the Fiat trunk lock can be opened with a knife, which can be pushed into the slot of the trunk lid.

So AvtoVAZ engineers took care of protecting the trunk from criminals.

By the way, Fiat has one unpleasant zest, which is contained in the incomplete opening of the trunk, which greatly interferes with the driver when loading the trunk (Author's note: Poor shoulders of Fiat owners).

In addition, in the trunk of a Fiat at that time it was possible to find a plastic suitcase with a set of tools for car repair and maintenance. Lada instead took a bag for tools and a pump.

If you raise two cars on a lift, then you will not notice many differences, but, however, they are there. By the way, Lada has only two special places for jacks, unlike Fiat, which has four landing sites to lift the car. Based on this, in the photo you have the opportunity to see cars on various lifts. Looking at the cars from below, you can immediately see that the Fiat lacks engine protection.

Upon closer examination, the expert will soon find out that the Fiat differs little in the design of the suspension, axles, and exhaust system.

So which car is better than the second?

In theory, it goes without saying that the Fiat 124 has better brakes, more modern suspension, and it is lighter than the VAZ-2101, which makes its power-to-weight ratio optimal. Steering in both cars it is still similar (despite the fact that it is more easy to manage Lada). For example, in the parking lot, the steering wheel is super heavy, either in Fiat or Lada.

But at speed wheel is made easy and does not lead to confidence in control.

But, Lada, in the course of development and design, took many noticeable improvements from technical side, but, however, this does not allow this car to be better, since the power of the "penny" is much lower, the weight of the car is greater, and fuel consumption much more than in the Italian original.

However, the first Zhiguli model had a huge potential for development. But, unfortunately, the policy of the AvtoVAZ company in those years did not imply significant progress in future models. The maximum that the heads of the Togliatti plant decided on was the release of new models, but on the basis of the same first Zhiguli model.

So, no matter how much we would like it, the domestic Russian Lada 01 was not better than the Fiat 124. But the "penny" was not inferior to some similar ones. European cars of that time, which allowed the domestic country to successfully sell cars not only in the domestic market, but also successfully send them in huge quantities for export.

Indeed, there are experts in the world who will try to prove to us that the domestic Russian model is much better than the Italian Fiat. We don't claim anything. As they say, it's a matter of taste.

So the discussion about what is better than Fiat or VAZ continues.

The main differences between Fiat-124 and VAZ-2101

- Fiat 124 had an OHV gas distribution mechanism, and the VAZ 2101 was equipped with an OHC system.

- Fiat has a horizontal Solex carburetor, while Lada has a vertical carburetor.

- Fiat is equipped with a dynamo, Lada has a generator.

– Fiat 124 has electrical control clutch, and the Zhiguli was equipped with a hydraulic clutch.

- Fiat is equipped with disc brakes on all four wheels, while Lada is equipped with both disc brakes (two front wheels) and drums behind.

- The Lada's suspension has been raised, stocked and simplified to increase durability and keep the car safe from bad roads.

- VAZ-2101 is made of thicker steel. It is a pity that at the factory, unpainted parts were stored for a long time in warehouses outside the workshop, which ultimately led to rapid corrosion of the body after several years of vehicle operation.

- The coolant temperature is displayed on the dashboard of the Lada, but Fiat will show you the engine overheating at a time when you are already boiling.

Mandatory reading:

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Most of Us (you) know about the deal of our state in those Soviet years with the Fiat company, which is simple in principle. But do you, friends, know why the management of the car factory chose the architecture of Fiat cars for their first Kopeek cars? What led them to this choice? No, don't you? Here is our detailed story about it.

Believe it or not, dear readers, but the fact remains, initially, the Central Research automotive institute of our country (NAMI) proposed to establish, taking front-wheel drive cars as their basis brand Renault 16. The truth here is that WE were most comfortable with their front-wheel drive platform. Otherwise, NAMI engineers did not like this base of Renault 16 cars at all. As a result of this, AvtoVAZ did not choose a French car as the basis for its first Lada models, and therefore the leadership of our country settled on the following two options, namely, Fiat 124 and Fiat 125 cars.

For example, Chief Engineer NAMI considered that the Fiat 125 car was the most suitable as a base for the first Lada models. The thing is, this 125th Fiat model was considered enough high class machine and at one time sold well throughout Europe. Thus, the chief engineer believed that a production based on the Fiat 125 car would contribute to good sales the first Lada models in the same West.

Differences between Fiat 124 (top) and Fiat 125 (bottom). Wheelbase Fiat 125 - 2505 mm, wheelbase Fiat 124 - 2420 mm. In addition, the Fiat 125 has leaf springs on the rear suspension, while the Fiat 124 has coil springs.

To my deepest regret, this car The Fiat 125 was based on and built on the old Fiat 1300 and 1500 models, which had been produced by that time since 1961, when compared with more modern model Fiat 124 cars. For example, the Fiat 1300 and 1500 models at that time were equipped with a rear leaf spring suspension, while the Fiat 124's suspension was more modern and reliable (it no longer has any rear springs).

The main problem and stumbling block in the deal between our state and the Fiat company was the engine. We did not need the obsolete OHV 124 engine. Understanding this, Fiat went to meet our government, offering to develop specially new engines for us and send in the future after the development of the production of the latter is completed, all the equipment necessary for this. The Fiat company even provided AvtoVAZ with all the available documentation for 1.5-liter engines, which were planned to be subsequently installed on the VAZ-2103 car model.

But in order to make a final decision on which engines will be installed on the first Lada cars, NAMI tested other engines from other foreign cars. So during the tests, the following cars were tested: - Moskvich 408, Ford Taunus 12M, Morris 1100, Peugeot 204, Renault R16, Skoda MB1000 and ZAZ (Zaporozhets). As a result comparative tests won the engine from the car Renault R16.

But nevertheless, and in spite of everything, our country decided to conclude this treaty with Italian company. Apparently, the fact that in those years in Italy the communist government, which had friendly relations with our country, was in power, played a big role in the final choice.

So, for example, in those years, the Minister automotive industry USSR Alexander Tarasov said verbatim the following: "The Italians are closer to us than the French".

Fiat tests in Russia.

In order to create a domestic version of the Fiat 124, Italian cars were brought to the USSR in July 1966 for lengthy tests. The goal was one, the adaptation of future models to harsh domestic road conditions. The tests took place at a special training ground near Moscow on a vast territory, where there were harsh road conditions. In the end, the first cars on the roads of the Dmitrovsky test site, after a run of 5,000 km, completely failed such tests.

So, for example, during the test, it became immediately clear that ground clearance Fiat 124 is simply not enough to operate it on the country roads of our country. Including during the tests, problems with the brake system, as well as body defects, were established and identified. In addition, Soviet engineers had complaints about the suspension design itself, which also proved to be not with better side. The Italian delegation was in complete shock and simply fell into a panic. As a matter of urgency, the Italians still had to quickly adapt these cars to Russian realities.

Modified Fiat cars were tested at the NAMI test site from November 17 to December 10, 1966, having traveled in the general order 12,000 thousand km (8,000 thousand km on roads made of small cobblestones, 2,000 thousand km on large cobblestones and 2 more 000 thousand km - on dirt roads)

As a result, by the end of 1966, the Italians had fully prepared the modified Fiat 124 cars, taking into account all the criticism.

These modified vehicles arrived in the USSR in November 1966. They had a significantly improved reinforced chassis. After 12,000 thousand km of tests, some cars still had problems with the suspension. But nevertheless, compared to previous samples, there were already much fewer cracks (only 5 cracks against 17 previously found in cars tested in the summer of 1966).

By the way, some of these cracks had a length of more than 150 mm. In this regard, our engineers decided to make their own adjustments to the design of the suspension, having previously coordinated them with the Fiat company.

Here is a photo of the front right lower wishbone with characteristic defect(revealed at the 13th thousand kilometers of a new car)

But despite all this, the test results showed the following, that these cars are still not ready for Soviet road realities. So for example, rubber bushings front suspension constantly failed. One more serious problem on the car they presented the rear brakes of the Fiat 124, which at that time were already disc brakes. Also, the rear ones had a very low service life. And when sand and salt from the roads got on the rear brake system, problems with the brakes immediately began. The Italians were very proud of the disk rear brakes in their car Fiat 124 and stubbornly refused to change them to drum ones. But in the end they had to accept it and give up.

Engine and gearbox.

The engines that appeared on the first Lada models and those created on the basis of Fiat 124 models were not such engines from Fiat. The thing is, our engineers considered the Fiat 124-series OHV engine to be too old and without any possibility of improvement in the future. Therefore, having coordinated everything with the Fiat companies, our engineers developed their own version of engines for the first Zhiguli cars. So, for example, the designers increased the distance between the engine cylinders to a diameter of 95 mm. Also, while maintaining the same working volume of the Fiat-124 OHV engine (1198 cc), Soviet specialists increased the cylinder diameter from 73 to 76 mm, and at the same time reduced the piston stroke from 71.3 mm to 66 mm. Thus, due to such a short piston stroke, this motor has become more fluid.

Including this motor got a new block head.

The Italians liked all these changes that were made by our engineers for the first Lada models during the finalization of the power unit. In addition, the design itself has also been changed. mechanical box gears. So for example, the gearbox received large clutches and reinforced synchronizers with shafts from the Fiat 124 Sport. Including underwent modernization and the cardan shaft itself.

Unfortunately, the resulting 1.2-liter engine at that time had a lot of unrealized potential. For example, a simple tuning of the basic version with a 1.2-liter engine increased engine power to 100 hp. With. (and this is at that time). The thing is, these first stock cars Lada had at home attachments very Low quality. First of all, we are talking about bad and low-quality carburetors, which did not give the engines the necessary power that they could give out at that time.


In 1967, the second station wagon was released. By the way, this car was not the station wagon version of the VAZ-2101, which received the name VAZ-2102. In fact, this station wagon was a modification of the VAZ-2103 car. This station wagon really looked like a VAZ-2103 - the same four headlights, the same door handles and the same bumpers. The car received the code designation - 124S.

But in those years, the negotiations of our country with the leadership of the Fiat company had not yet ended. So our engineers asked the same Italians to make certain changes for the first Zhiguli model, which was to be produced under the designation VAZ-2101. The necessary changes were also agreed in the second model of the machine. Thanks to this, the VAZ-2102 car acquired a completely different appearance.

In particular, it was decided to change the engines for the first models of cars. For example, the volume of the 1.2-liter engine was increased to a volume of 1293 cubic meters. see as a result of which this engine began to be positioned as a 1.3-liter power unit.

1451 cc engine cm was increased to a volume of 1568 cubic meters. see These motors later became the basis for cars of the VAZ-21011 and 2106 brands.

The Fiat company offered its modification in the station wagon body based on the VAZ-2103 car. But our leadership was not interested in this version. As a result, it was decided to produce the VAZ-2102 car with the appearance of the VAZ-2101 model.

The production of the VAZ-2103 car began in the fourth quarter of 1972. It is interesting that the VAZ-2101 and VAZ-2103 models passed road tests after the start of production.

In 1974, the VAZ-2101 received a restyling, which began to be produced under the designation VAZ-21011

By the way, before you are two photographs in which you can see two, once rejected proposals for restyling, the VAZ-2101 car:

And here is a photo of a VAZ-2106 car:

Initially, the VAZ-2106 car was developed as a restyling for the VAZ-2103, which was to be released under the designation VAZ-21031 (the plant followed the same logic as with the restyling of the VAZ-2101, which was called the VAZ-21011). But in the end, the AvtoVAZ plant decided to rename the serial version of the new model into the VAZ-2106 car model. This model went into further serial production starting from February 21, 1976.

In 1977, the first 5 examples (samples) of the new VAZ-2105 car model were created. This model was supposed to replace the first generations of Zhiguli. That's what the government wanted. But, unfortunately, Soviet engineers failed to create a completely different car, thereby moving away from the Fiat 124 model platform, which was already outdated in those years.

After all, many engineers then understood that for such a change in the car, a serious technological modernization of the entire production was required. For example, just to change only one line of the car roof body at the plant, it was necessary to change all the old equipment, that is, change it to new and rather expensive highly specialized equipment. The car factory then simply could not count on such large financial injections. The Soviet planned economy drove AvtoVAZ into a very tight framework and the designers had to "sculpt" a car from what they had.

As a result, the VAZ-2105 was created, which did not differ much in its body lines from those first Zhiguli models.

It is noteworthy that the Soviet designers initially proposed to equip this VAZ-2105 with four headlights, but then this idea was rejected.

By the way, here is another project of a car with four headlights. It was developed by engineer V. Pashko in 1975. The car received the designation VAZ-2101-80. The code 80 in the name of the car indicated the year 1980, when this model was planned for serial launch.

And here is the final version of the serial VAZ-2105 presented to the government in 1980. Model designer - V. Stepanov, chief engineer - V. Kvasdov.

This car was equipped with square headlights, new bumpers, halogen lamps, interior rearview mirror, heated rear window, belt drive and polyurethane padding.

"Secret" modifications.

In the USSR, there were several interesting modifications of cars with a rotary engine based on the VAZ-2105 and VAZ-2107 models.
These machines had (carried) the number "9" in their name at the end:

VAZ-21019, VAZ-21059, namely:

21018 - single rotor Wankel VAZ-311, -70 hp With.
21019 - double rotor Wankel VAZ-411, -120 hp With.
21059 - double rotor Wankel VAZ-4132, -140 hp With.
21079 - double rotor Wankel VAZ-413X, -140 hp With.

Fiat 124- this iconic car, better known in the USSR and the CIS as the VAZ 2101 or "penny", was developed in Italy, and was produced from 1966 to 1974, although it was produced in different states until the 90s.

Specifications Fiat 124

Basic data
Manufacturer Fait
Years of production 1966-1974
Class family car
body type 4-door
Layout front motor
rear wheel drive
Length Sedan - 4042 mm
Wagon - 4045 mm
Width 1625 mm
Height Sedan - 1420 mm
Wagon - 1440 mm
Wheelbase 2420 mm
Curb weight 855-950 kg
Engine 1197 cc OHV I4
1438 cc OHV I4
1438 cc DOHC I4
1592 cc DOHC I4
1756 cc DOHC I4
Transmission 4-st. mechanical
5-st. mechanical (Special T)

History reference

Back in the early 60s, the company's specialists began developing a 3-volume sedan, and already in 1964 its prototypes were shown to the world. This was followed by another 2 years of finishing work, and in 1966 it was presented as part of Paris Motor Show. The model turned out to be so successful that in the next (1967) year it was recognized as the “Car of the Year”. And many countries bought the right to produce it.


The appearance of the Fiat 124 is classic. Round head optics, a massive radiator grille, sufficiently large direction indicators, a slightly protruding bumper, even outlines of the wings and an almost square hood with air ducts - this is the image of the front of this car.

In profile, Fiat looks calm and reserved. Wings, doors, windows - all this is done smoothly and monolithically. All components are proportional and verified, nothing falls out of the overall picture. And rises above this almost flat roof.

The back of the body is modest, but not poor. small feet rectangular shape, a neat trunk lid, as well as a bumper very similar to the front. In general, it is worth noting a significant number of chrome-plated elements in the design - bumpers, radiator grille, door handles, headlight and repeater bezels, door sills, glass perimeter moldings, windshield wipers, caps, etc.


power unit Fiat was located longitudinally under the hood and had an in-line four-cylinder design. The engine had a volume of 1.2 liters, a carburetor, an OHV gas distribution mechanism with 8 valves and liquid cooled. The engine is oriented to AI-92 fuel.

This Fiat engine produced 60 hp. with., which was considered a good indicator for cars of those years. But in 1973, during the modernization, the engine was redesigned, and its power increased to 65 hp. With. - This was achieved by increasing the cylinder diameter to 73 mm, as well as the piston stroke to 71.5 mm.

But there were other versions produced in relatively small volumes in the 70s. The volume of their engines ranged from 1.4 to 1.6 liters, and the power - from 70 to 95 liters. With.


The gearbox is standard for its time - 4-speed manual, with a gear ratio top gear in 1 unit and main couple- in 4.3 units. In general, such a gearbox was perfect for a 60-65 hp engine. With.


Fiat 124 had a rear-wheel drive layout. The front suspension was independent, spring-lever. The rear axle was made according to a dependent scheme. In addition, Fiat was completed in a circle. The car did not have power steering.


A photo: The interior of the Fiat 124 Familiare station wagon

The salon turned out to be quite simple, but functional. The torpedo did not differ in impressive dimensions, however, it had a rather primitive wood finish, and in front of the driver was a dashboard with a speedometer, which occupied almost its entire area. On the sides of it were fuel and temperature gauges.

The 2-spoke steering wheel, by modern standards, had a too thin section, although for that time it was considered quite acceptable. The ignition lock was located on the left, and the gearshift lever turned out to be quite long. Like the outside, the Fiat's cabin was full of chrome, especially on the door cards. You can also note the presence of "windows".

The seats did not have developed lateral support, as well as head restraints. Their pillows were often unnecessarily flat and slippery. Visibility Fiat was recognized as good, despite the relatively small windshield and not the most impressive side mirrors - the rear view was not blocked by the headrests, and the narrow A-pillars did not interfere with the driver.

Fiat 124 in the USSR


Management Soviet Union, making a choice regarding the mass civilian model, he settled on the Fiat 124, although Renault models were also considered, and a very successful domestic hatchback IZH-13 was prepared, which, by the way, surpassed the Italian counterpart in almost everything.


There were several reasons for this choice:

  • quite modern, but simple design;
  • help from the Communist Party of Italy;
  • popularity in Europe;
  • space in the cabin;
  • classic layout;
  • relatively cheap to manufacture.


Fiat 124, intended for the USSR, was seriously altered after the tests that took place in US. As a result, the designers had to make about 800 adjustments to the Fiat layout.

Engineers have completely changed the rear undercarriage, although the spring-lever layout remained. Disk brake mechanisms, which were available on the rear axle, were replaced by .

The power unit of the model with the bottom location camshaft has been replaced with an overhead motor. Strength elements the bodies were made stronger, and the ground clearance was significantly increased - from 140 mm to 170 mm. A modernized and more powerful “stove” appeared in the cabin. Besides, Soviet modification equipped with an additional towing eye, as well as two pairs of places for car jacking, instead of one. In addition, the car was richer equipped and better finished.


Already in those years, many opposed the Fiat 124, as they believed that the rear-wheel drive design was becoming obsolete, and this model had practically no great opportunities for further improvement.

However, the car was highly rated in the USSR, including by ordinary car owners, especially since it had no competitors from the domestic auto industry, and Fiat left the existing models far behind in terms of their characteristics, as they were represented by hopelessly outdated copies.

AvtoVAZ celebrates its 50th anniversary: ​​on July 20, 1966, a Decree of the USSR government was issued, which ordered the construction of a new car plant with a capacity of 660,000 vehicles to begin. The site for the construction of the future auto giant was the city of Togliatti, in addition to which Yaroslavl, Belgorod, Gorky, as well as Ukrainian Brovary and Belarusian Minsk were considered.

But here it’s not even more important than the place ... Why did the government of the USSR suddenly decide to build a completely new plant, which would produce a radically new car model? In the sixties, the wages of workers began to massively settle under mattresses, and in order to revive the economy, the authorities thought about the release of an expensive, but, moreover, mass and high-quality goods that could attract citizens.

This product has become a car VAZ-2101, in addition, acted as a locomotive for the stagnant Soviet industry. This "penny" forced to master the production of modern antifreeze, brake fluid, oils and radial tires. Even mass production high octane gasoline- the merit of "Zhiguli"! More precisely, Fiat 124 is no secret that this Italian sedan was the prototype of the future VAZ first-born.

Could it be otherwise? Could! It is known that, in addition to Fiat sedans, seven other cars were also tested at the Dmitrov test site: Ford Taunus 12M, Morris 1100, Peugeot 204, Renault 16 and Skoda 1000 MB. The company of foreign equipment was made up of the Soviet "Moskvich-408" and ... ZAZ-966 "Zaporozhets". Auto Mail.Ru tried to find out whether the products of the Italian car industry were really better than other contemporary cars.

Ford Taunus 12M

A car with a difficult fate. The project "Cardinal" was created as a response to "Ford" ... Volkswagen "Beetle". The cars were supposed to be sold both in Europe and in America, but the American career of the future Taunus was hacked to death at the creation stage by the young Lee Iacocca, but the Europeans were risked to offer the model. And they did not lose: by 1970, 1.4 million sedans, combi and coupes found their owners.

Taunus 12M model 1962 - this is an extremely peculiar "look from behind a hillock" at what it should be budget car. The engine is a “half” of the V-shaped “eight” (1.2 l, 40 hp and 1.5 l, 50 hp), the gearbox is driven on the steering column, the suspension is on transverse spring, salon - with a solid sofa in front ... It is all the more surprising that the creators decided to apply front-wheel drive.

Morris 1100

The second in order and importance is the ingenious creation of Alec Issigonis - the same Greek who created the legendary Mini. However, the 1962 Morris 1100 sedan (or the “ADO16” project) is actually the Mini, only it has become more complex and larger. Signature front-wheel drive and a transverse motor have been complemented by a spacious three-volume body, hydropneumatic suspension and disc brakes. Engine - 48-strong volume of 1.1 liters.

Designed by Pininfarina and thoughtful construction, the Morris 1100 has long been Britain's best-selling car. However, by the beginning of the seventies, the demand for the family began to fall, and in the summer of 1974, the production of cars of the ADO16 project had to be curtailed. By the way, the model was also produced under the brands Austin, MG, Riley, Wolseley, Vanden Plus, and the Italians assembled and sold the sedan as Innocenti.

If the Soviet side had chosen Morris, then the British could immediately offer us not only a sedan, but also a station wagon with a van, as well as “charged” modifications: the range included a 1100 cc 55-horsepower car with a dual carburetor, and in 1966 -m there was a 1.3-liter engine. Summed up the "British" capitalist origin and complex suspension.

Peugeot 204

Stylish (again thanks to the Pininfarina studio) and technically advanced little thing from France had completely independent suspension, front disc brakes, front-wheel drive, and most importantly - a lot of modifications! Sedan, station wagon, coupe, convertible, van... Can you imagine if such a variety was offered to Soviet citizens?

Under the hood of the "two hundred and fourth" was a transverse petrol 1.1-liter engine with a capacity of 53 hp. Later, the output was raised to 59 hp, and the list of modifications was expanded with a 45-horsepower naturally aspirated diesel engine. Because of the wide interior, soft suspension and low cost, the public warmly accepted the Peugeot 204: the production of the model continued until 1976, and the total circulation amounted to an impressive 1.6 million copies.

Renault 16

The innovative Renault 16 was promoted according to modern PR canons. To prevent the public from exclaiming “What is this short-haired freak?”, In 1963, the French filled automotive press"spy messages": they say, a new family model will not be a sedan, but a hatchback, moreover, of a very unusual design. In 1964, the first pictures of the car were published, and the live car was shown only on Geneva Motor Show 1965, when the clientele finally matured.

The novelty was praised for its progressive design and front-wheel drive, good dynamics and low consumption(At first, the five-door was equipped with a 54-horsepower 1.5-liter engine). And when they appeared powerful versions and 3-speed automatic ... In 1966 Renault 16, as expected, received the title of "European Car of the Year" and instantly became one of the best-selling cars on the European market.

Career successful model lasted until 1980. By the time of his retirement, this front-wheel drive had sold two million copies, which was not prevented, to put it mildly, by “funny” design nuances: the engine was located behind (!) The gearbox, and the wheelbase on the left was 70 mm longer than on the right - due to the rear torsion bar pendants.

Skoda 1000MB

Not just a rear-wheel drive, but also a rear-engine sedan. A typical, but, moreover, extremely successful representative of the design school of the fifties, entered the market quite late - in 1965. Although thanks to the concept of "a lot of car for little money" Skoda 1000 MB quickly won the hearts of even spoiled British motorists.

At the same time, the design of 1000 MV was simple, but by no means primitive. For example, a four-stroke four-cylinder liter engine (40.5 hp) had aluminum block cylinders and overhead camshaft. And the body? Thanks to the frame-and-panel design, the dented, bolt-on outer hinged panels could be changed independently. It is even strange that the Czechoslovak model was not chosen instead of Fiat!

They love some...

But back to the Dmitrovsky training ground. According to the results of the tests, Renault and Peugeot turned out to be the best. Moreover, NAMI representatives insisted that the best choice it will be the Renault 16 - the French hatchback turned out to be much stronger than the Italian sedan. The experts also praised the strong torsion bar suspension and a five-door body ...

However, the final choice of the candidate was dictated by the foreign policy interests of the state - with a recommendation to pay attention to italian cars intervened "personally Leonid Ilyich." According to the memoirs of engineer Boris Fitterman, the Secretary General simply dismissed the report of the Minister of the Automotive Industry Tarasov: “You, comrade, deal with cars, and we will deal with politics!”

Historian Denis Orlov, relying on the memoirs of the then director of NAMI, describes the same story in a slightly different way. Say, when Tarasov reported to Brezhnev that Renault is better"Fiat", Leonid Ilyich cut off: "The Italians are closer to us than the French. We will take Fiat. And later, a logical explanation was also summed up under this installation, which was publicly voiced by the first deputy for production (later - the general director) of the Volga Automobile Plant Anatoly Zhitkov.