Requirements for the condition of vehicles. Requirements for technical condition. Requirements for exits of large-capacity buses

State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 51709-2001"Motor vehicles. Safety requirements for technical condition and verification methods" (approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated February 1, 2001 No. 47-st)


The requirements of the standard are mandatory and aimed at ensuring safety traffic, life and health of people, safety of their property and environmental protection.

The technical condition of the vehicle may be subject to additional requirements established by the relevant regulatory documents.

  1. Application area

This standard applies to cars, buses, trucks, trailers and semi-trailers (hereinafter referred to as motor vehicles) operated on the roads.

The standard states:

  • safety requirements for the technical condition of a car Vehicle(ATS);
  • extremely valid values parameters of the technical condition of the vehicle that affect road safety and the state of the environment;
  • methods for checking the technical condition of vehicles in operation.

The standard does not apply to automatic telephone exchanges, maximum speed which, established by the manufacturer, does not exceed 25 km/h, and for off-road vehicles.

The standard must be applied when checking the technical condition of operated vehicles according to safety criteria.

Registered automatic telephone exchanges, the design of which (including the design components and items of additional equipment) changes have been made that affect road safety, are checked in accordance with the procedures approved in in the prescribed manner.

The main terms used in the standard and their definitions are given in Section 3.

  1. Requirements for the technical condition of the vehicle

4.1. Brake control requirements

4.2. Steering requirements

4.3. Requirements for external lighting devices and reflective markings

4.4. Requirements for windshield wipers and washers

4.5. Requirements for tires and wheels

4.6. Requirements for the engine and its systems

4.7. Requirements for other structural elements

4.8. Requirements for PBX markings

  1. Verification methods

5.1. Brake Control Test Methods

5.2. Steering test methods

5.3. Methods for checking external lighting devices and reflective markings

5.4. Methods for checking windshield wipers and washers

5.5. Methods for checking tires and wheels

5.6. Methods for checking the engine and its systems

5.7. Methods for checking other structural elements

5.8. Methods for checking vehicle markings.


Boss Transport department Zuev Seraphim




The study and analysis of road accidents show that they occur mainly due to violations of traffic rules and poor technical condition of vehicles.

The technical condition and equipment of vehicles in operation must meet the requirements of GOST 25478-82. Rules technical operation rolling stock of road transport, traffic rules. Rules on labor protection in road transport, instructions from manufacturers, registration documents and other regulations technical documentation.

Technically faulty vehicles should not be allowed to operate.

Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the technical condition of the brake system, due to the malfunction of which the most severe accidents occur. Before releasing the car onto the line, you should inspect the brake system, check its effectiveness and, if any faults are found, fix them immediately.

Cars are not allowed for operation if: the design has been changed braking systems; applied brake fluid, components or individual parts that are not provided for this car model or do not meet the requirements of the manufacturer; hydraulic seal is broken brake drive; violation of the tightness of the pneumatic brake drive causes a drop in air pressure with the compressor not running by 0.05 MPa in 30 minutes with the brake system controls in the free position or in 15 minutes with the controls turned on; The pressure gauge of the pneumatic brake drive does not work; The parking brake lever is not held by the locking device; during road tests the braking efficiency standards of the service brake system are not observed; The parking brake system does not ensure a stationary position on a slope of less than 16% of vehicles with a full load, 23% of passenger cars and their modifications for the transport of goods, buses in running order, 31% of trucks and road trains in running order. When tested parking brake system, the engine must be disconnected from the transmission.

Road tests of the service brake system are carried out on a horizontal section of road with smooth, dry and clean cement or asphalt concrete pavement at an initial braking speed of 40 km/h.

Braking distances for cars in running order, taking into account the driver’s weight, should be no more than, m:

and their modifications for the transportation of goods………………………14.5

Buses from gross weight
up to 5 tons inclusive……………………………………18.7

The same over 5 tons……………………………………………………………19.9

Trucks with gross weight up to 3.5 …………………19.0

The same from 3.5 to 12 tons inclusive………………..………….18.8

The same over 12 tons……………………………………...………17.7

Road trains with tractor-trailers with a total weight up to 3.5 tons inclusive………………………………………………………..………..22.7

The same from 3.5 to 12 tons inclusive……………….……..22.1

The same over 12 tons…………………………………….…...21.9

The test results are considered invalid if the driver has to correct the trajectory of movement to maintain a straight direction during braking.

When bench testing the working brake system, as well as when checking the effectiveness of the spare (emergency) and auxiliary brake systems, the standards in accordance with GOST 25478-82 are applied.

Steering should ensure easy and reliable control of the front wheels at any speed and in various road conditions. The technical condition of the steering is judged by total backlash. For certain types of vehicles it should not exceed the following limit values, degrees:

Passenger cars and created
based on them, cargo modifications and buses........................10

Buses........................................................ ..................................... 20

Trucks................................................ ................. 25

In the steering system, tangible mutual movements of parts and assemblies not provided for by the design or their movement relative to the body (chassis, cabin, frame) of the car are unacceptable. All threaded connections must be tightened or securely fixed. The steering system should not use parts with traces of residual deformation and other defects, as well as parts and working fluids that are not intended for this vehicle model or that do not meet the manufacturer’s requirements.

It should be remembered that increased gaps in the joints of the steering elements, wear and deformation of parts, and loosening of their fastenings lead to vibration of the front part of the car, loss of stability, and sometimes loss of vehicle control.

The condition of the vehicle's chassis is determined by external inspection of suspension parts, disks, wheels and tires, checking the axial play of wheel bearings, and the alignment angles of the front wheels.

The normal technical condition of the chassis means reliable suspension fastening, correct positioning of the front and rear axles relative to the frame or body. Bends and cracks in frame beams or suspension parts are unacceptable; destruction of the main leaf or central bolt of the spring, damage to the springs.

Wheel disks must be securely fastened to the hubs and must be free of cracks, bends, developed holes or ring grooves, as well as faulty locking rings and damaged fastening parts.

One of the main guarantees safe traffic car - tires. Traffic rules prohibit the operation of a car if: tires passenger car have residual height tread pattern less than 1.6 mm, truck - 1.0 mm, bus - 2.0 mm (for trailers and semi-trailers, the standards are the same as for tractor-trailers); tires have local damage (cuts, tears), exposing the cord, as well as delamination of the carcass, peeling of the tread and sidewall; there are foreign objects between the dual tires; tire size and permissible load does not match the car model; diagonal and radial tires, as well as tires with different tread patterns. Not allowed to be installed on front axles intercity bus tires retreaded to the first or second repair class, and on other axles - to the second repair class. Tires retreaded to the second repair class cannot be installed on the front axle of a passenger car or bus (except for intercity buses).

When operating a vehicle, it is necessary to ensure that the internal air pressure in the tires is maintained within the established limits. In addition, at each TO-1 and TO-2, the pressure should be measured and, if necessary, the tires should be inflated.

Axial play (tightness) of wheel hub bearings is checked when suspended by a lift or jack. front wheel. If the bearings are adjusted correctly, then when the wheel is rocked in the axial direction, no noticeable play should be felt, and after a push by hand, the wheel should make several revolutions. You should be aware that weak or strong tightening can lead to destruction of the bearings, and strong, in addition, can cause heating of the hubs and jamming of the wheels.

The installation angles of the front wheels (toe-in, camber) are checked during TO-2 on special diagnostic stands or using the TsPKTB ruler. Incorrect adjustment installation of the front wheels leads to accelerated tire wear and deterioration of vehicle controllability.

To the car engine from a safety point of view and fire safety have the following requirements. Cooling and lubrication systems must be free of oil, antifreeze and water leaks. The crankcase ventilation must work properly, excluding gases from escaping into the engine compartment. Ratchet crankshaft must have unmade slots, and the starting handle must have a straight pin of appropriate length and strength and a smooth, burr-free handle. The vehicle is not allowed to be used if: content harmful substances in exhaust gases or their opacity exceeds established standards; the fuel system is leaking; the exhaust system is faulty; There are no devices to suppress interference to radio reception. It is not allowed to make changes to the engine design, as well as install devices and equipment to operate on a different type of fuel without agreement with the manufacturer.

The technical condition of the vehicle's electrical equipment must ensure reliable starting of the engine using a starter, uninterrupted and timely ignition of the mixture in the engine cylinders. trouble-free operation of lighting, alarm and electrical devices control devices, and also eliminate the possibility of sparking in wires and clamps. All wires must have reliable insulation. The battery must be securely secured. The monoblock must not have cracks or damage; electrolyte should not leak from the monoblock.

Traffic safety is also influenced by the condition of external lighting devices, which ensure driving at night and in fog and signal vehicle maneuvers and accidents. Incorrect adjustment of headlights and simultaneous activation of low and high beam may cause blinding of oncoming drivers. Must be contained lighting devices and reflectors are clean, promptly clearing them of dirt, dust and adhered snow, maintaining their performance in the established mode. Headlights should be checked and adjusted periodically.

All vehicles must be provided with a set of working tools, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, and a sign emergency stop(flashing red light). Trucks with a gross weight of 3.5 tons and buses with a gross weight of over 5 tons also provide wheel chocks. Buses and specially equipped trucks for transporting people are equipped with two fire extinguishers. One of the fire extinguishers must be located in the driver's cabin, and the other in the passenger compartment of the bus or the body of a truck.

Tank vehicles for transporting flammable and combustible liquids must have at least two fire extinguishers, a felt felt, a shovel, and a grounding device (a metal chain welded at one end to the tank body).

6.1. VMs can be transported by special, specialized vehicles * and vehicles general purpose, adapted for these purposes, operating on liquid or gaseous fuel.

* Special vehicle - a vehicle intended for transportation of B M; specialized vehicle- a vehicle equipped for transporting VMs.

In the absence of passable roads, transportation of VMs by tractors or other tracked transport. The method of transportation, as well as the procedure for equipping such vehicles, taking into account specific conditions, must be agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

6.2. For vehicles designed and equipped for the transportation of explosives, as well as general purpose vehicles used systematically (more than twice a week) for these purposes, the muffler exhaust pipe must be placed to the right side in front of the radiator.

If the engine location does not allow such a conversion, it is allowed to route the exhaust pipe to the right side outside the body (tank) and fuel communication areas. In this case, as well as during one-time transportation of explosives on general purpose vehicles, it is necessary to install a spark arrestor on the exhaust pipe serial production or manufactured according to technical documentation developed specialized organization, having passed the appropriate examination.

6.3. Transportation of VMs on dump trucks is prohibited.

In exceptional cases, with the written permission of the head of the enterprise carrying out the transportation, it is allowed to transport TNT, ammonium nitrate explosives, including those with a liquid nitroether content of not more than 15%, detonating and fire cords on dump trucks not equipped with a body heating system, with reliable fastening body, preventing it from tipping over, with a spark arrester installed on the exhaust pipe.

6.4. CM, with the exception of detonators and black powder, can be transported on trailers. At the same time, transportation of VMs on single-axle trailers, as well as trailers that do not have a rigid coupling and brakes, is prohibited.

It is allowed to transport VMs in specialized van-trailers, equipped with special vehicles.

6.5. Metal parts of the body (bottom and sides) of cars and trailers transporting explosives must be covered with a continuous covering made of low-flammable material that prevents sparking. Wood used for the manufacture of flooring must be impregnated with a fire retardant compound recommended by a specialized expert organization for work safety.

6.6. The engine of the vehicle transporting the VM must operate in normal mode.

6.7. Fuel tank(except gas cylinders) it is necessary to equip with metal shields on the front and rear walls, and install a steel mesh with cells measuring 10 ´ 10 mm (perforated sheet) on the bottom side; the distance from the fuel tank to the shields and mesh must be at least 20 mm.

The fuel tank must be removed from the engine, electrical wires and the exhaust pipe so that in the event of a fuel leak, it pours directly onto the ground.

6.8. Electrical equipment of vehicles transporting explosives must meet the following requirements:

rated voltage should not exceed 24 V;

electrical circuits must be protected from high currents by factory-made fuses and a disconnect switch actuated from the driver’s cab;

electrical wiring must have reliable insulation to prevent short circuits, be firmly attached and located in such a way that it cannot be damaged by impacts and friction against parts of the vehicle, and also be protected from thermal effects exhaust system;

Electrical wiring must be made of wires with a seamless sheath that is not subject to corrosion.

6.9. The car must be equipped with rear-view mirrors on both sides. The driver and the person accompanying the cargo are obliged to monitor the condition of the cargo and immediately take measures to eliminate malfunctions that arise along the route.

6.10. For a vehicle with a van-type body transporting a MV, the body must be completely closed, durable, have no cracks, no internal electrical wiring, and be separated from the driver’s cabin by a gap of at least 150 mm. The wood used to make the body must be impregnated with a fire retardant compound (see clause 6.5). Non-sparking materials should be used for the interior lining. It is prohibited to use materials that can form hazardous compounds with the transported cargo.

The van door should be positioned right side motor vehicle. It is permissible to install a door in the rear wall of the van, provided that it is equipped with an alarm connected to the vehicle cabin and activated when the door is opened. The door must be locked with an internal lock and have a device that prevents it from opening if the lock becomes disengaged. For interior lighting of the van, it is necessary to use a lamp, the lamp of which must be installed in the upper part of the front wall of the body with external electrical wiring laid in a protective casing.

A vehicle of the "mobile warehouse" type must be equipped with workplace warehouse manager (distributor), and in the front right corner of the van there is a compartment for initiation means with a door opening outward.

Body special car must be a high-strength structure that prevents bullet penetration, and have a built-in fire extinguishing system. The painting and equipment of the body of a special vehicle must comply with the regulatory and technical documentation.

6.11. If as a covering open bodies In vehicles intended for the transportation of explosives, fabric is used, it must be flame-retardant, waterproof, well stretched and overlap the sides of the body by at least 200 mm. The fabric must be secured to special hooks and loops installed on all sides of the body.

6.12. The technical condition and equipment of vehicles transporting explosives must meet the requirements of the rules and guidelines for their technical operation, taking into account the need to protect the environment.

6.13. Each vehicle intended for the transportation of military equipment is equipped with:

a red flag attached to the left side of the cabin;

wheel chocks, the dimensions of which must correspond to the type of vehicle;

three fire extinguishers with a capacity of at least 5 liters each;

flameproof, waterproof fabric;

a set of tools for minor (emergency) vehicle repairs;

a flashing red light or warning triangle;

two “No Entry” signs;

first aid kit;

a set of snow chains. The need to equip vehicles with two or more drive axles with snow chains is determined by the technical director of the enterprise transporting the vehicle.

In the case of transportation of pyrotechnic compositions and products, the vehicle is equipped with a shovel and a supply of dry sand in an amount of at least 50 kg.

6.14. Transportation of VMs on faulty vehicles, as well as in the presence of foreign products and materials in the bodies, is prohibited.

6.15. The responsible person of the transport workshop (garage), appointed by order, before releasing a vehicle intended for transportation of explosives, must check its technical condition in the presence of the driver and in waybill a note was made, confirmed by a signature: “The vehicle has been checked, is in good working order and is suitable for transporting a vehicle.” In the absence of the specified record, the issuance of VM for transportation is prohibited. The list of indicators of the technical condition of the vehicle to be checked is approved by the technical director of the enterprise.

At enterprises (organizations) carrying out blasting operations (work with explosives), the persons responsible for releasing the vehicle for flight must be certified by the enterprise commission with the participation of representatives of the state mining and technical supervision authorities and the traffic police (as agreed).

6.16. Vehicles transporting explosives must be submitted to the state traffic inspectorate for technical inspection twice a year.

Maintenance of vehicles approved for transportation of explosives must be carried out in the prescribed manner, including in the vehicle workshop (garage) of the enterprise, in accordance with the requirements of the operational documentation.

10.1.1. The technical condition, equipment and completeness of cars, trailers, semi-trailers of all types, brands, purposes, as well as all mechanical means with a cylinder displacement of more than 50 cm 3 (hereinafter referred to as vehicles) in operation must comply with the Rules for the technical operation of automobile rolling stock transport, Traffic Rules of Ukraine, Sanitary Rules for Occupational Hygiene for Car Drivers (section 2, paragraphs 54, 51, 55 of these Rules), instructions from manufacturers, as well as these Rules.

10.1.2. The following requirements apply to the driver's workplace:

– the fencing of the driver’s workplace in the passenger car-taxi (protective screen) and bus, if provided for by the design, must be in good condition;

– the windshield and side glass must not have cracks or shadows; it is not allowed to use additional objects or apply coatings that limit visibility from the driver’s seat or impair the transparency of the glass;

side windows must move smoothly by hand or window lifting mechanisms;

– on the seat and back of the seat, dips, torn places, protruding springs and sharp corners are not allowed; the seat and backrest must be properly adjusted to ensure a comfortable seating position for the driver;

– handles near the doorway, locks of all doors of the body or cabin, as well as the door control drive, door operation alarm (open, closed), emergency exits of buses and their activation devices must be in good working order;

– the floor of the car cabin (salon) must be covered with a mat that does not have random holes or other damage;

– sound levels and equivalent sound levels in the cabins of trucks should not exceed 70 dBA, in the cabins of cars and buses – 60 dBA;

– sanitary facilities (ventilation, heating, thermal insulation, air conditioning) must be in working order and ensure the maintenance of microclimate parameters in the cabin (cabin) in accordance with established standards (Appendix 6);

10.1.3. The vehicle's controls must have proper seals that prevent exhaust gases from entering the vehicle's cabin (interior).

10.1.4. The power, lubrication and cooling systems must be in good working order and free from leaks of fuel, oil, antifreeze, and water.

10.1.5. There should be no devices or elements of the fuel system in the compartments intended for passengers and the driver.

Placing elements fuel system should be such that, in the event of a leak, fuel only gets onto the road and completely excludes the possibility of it getting on the elements of the exhaust system.

10.1.6. Elements and connections of the exhaust gas exhaust system must be in good condition.

10.1.7. The engine crankcase ventilation must work properly, preventing gases from escaping into the engine compartment.

10.1.8. The parking brake system must ensure that the total weight of the vehicle remains stationary on a road with a slope of at least 16%, and for passenger cars, their modifications for the carriage of passengers, as well as buses in running order - at least 23% and for trucks and road trains in running order condition - no less than 31%.

10.1.9. The parking brake system of a trailer (semi-trailer), when disconnecting it from the tractor, must ensure that it remains stationary on a slope, the values ​​of which are established in clause 10.1.8 for the corresponding category of vehicle to which the tractor belongs.

10.1.10. Wheel discs must be securely attached to the hubs. The locking rings must be in good working order and correctly installed in their places. Cracks and bent wheel rims are not allowed.

10.1.11. The technical condition of the vehicle's electrical equipment must ensure starting the engine using a starter, uninterrupted and timely ignition of the mixture in the engine cylinders, trouble-free operation of lighting, alarm and electrical control devices, and also exclude the possibility of sparking in wires and clamps. All electrical equipment wires must be reinforced and have reliable, undamaged insulation, eliminating the possibility of their breakage, chafing, wear or short circuit.

Electrical system fuses used to replace blown fuses must meet technical requirements.

The battery must be securely fastened. Electrolyte should not leak from the monoblock battery.

10.1.12. Each car must be equipped with at least 2 chocks, a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit, and a warning triangle (flashing red light).

10.1.13. Buses and trucks intended for the transport of people and specially equipped for this purpose must be equipped with an additional second fire extinguisher, with one fire extinguisher located in the driver's cab, the second in passenger compartment bus or in the back of a car.

10.1.14. When sent on a trip lasting more than 1 day, trucks and buses must be additionally equipped with stands (trests), a shovel, a towing device, a safety fork (portable device) for the wheel lock ring, and in winter - additionally with snow chains.

10.1.15. The crankshaft ratchet should be unslotted and the crank handle should have a straight pin of appropriate length and strength. Pen starting handle should be smooth, without burrs.

10.1.16. Cabin (salon) doors and hoods must have working opening limiters and open and closed position latches.

10.1.17. It is not allowed to equip the bus interior with additional structural elements that limit free access to emergency exits.

Emergency exits must be marked and have signs with the rules for their use.

It is prohibited to keep the doors of the main and emergency (emergency) exits inoperative, weld them shut, lock them with locks, bolts, etc.

10.1.18. Steps, buffers, special platforms must have an unworn corrugated surface and be securely fastened in places provided for by the design of the vehicle.

Intersectoral rules on labor protection in road transport in questions and answers. A manual for studying and preparing for knowledge testing Krasnik Valentin Viktorovich


6.1. General provisions

Question 331. What are the requirements for the cabin (interior) of a vehicle?

Answer. The following requirements are presented:

side windows must move smoothly using window lifting mechanisms;

Dips, torn places, protruding springs and sharp corners are not allowed on the seat and backrest;

noise, vibration, microclimate and concentration of harmful substances in the cabin of a truck, inside the passenger compartment and cabin of a bus and the body of a passenger car must correspond to the values ​​​​specified in the current state standards, sanitary norms and rules, hygienic standards;

heating devices of the cabin and interior must be operational in cold weather; It is prohibited to use exhaust gases as a coolant to heat the cabin and interior; they can only be used to heat the coolant;

the floor of the cabin, interior and body of the vehicle must be covered with a mat that does not have holes or other damage (clause 6.1.2).

Question 332. What functions should the technical condition of the electrical equipment of the telephone exchange provide?

Answer. It must ensure starting the engine using a starter, uninterrupted and timely ignition of the mixture in the engine cylinders, trouble-free operation of lighting, alarm and electrical control devices, and also eliminate the possibility of sparking in wires and clamps. All electrical equipment wires must have reliable, undamaged insulation. The battery must be clean and securely secured. It is prohibited to leak electrolyte from the battery monoblock (clause 6.1.5).

Question 333. What additional equipment Should trucks and buses be supplied with equipment when heading on a long journey (lasting more than 1 day)?

Answer. Must be equipped with metal trestles, a shovel, a towing device, a safety fork for the wheel lock ring, and winter time– additionally with snow chains (clause 6.1.8).

Question 334. What additional equipment should a vehicle operating during harvesting have?

Answer. Must have exhaust pipes, equipped with spark arresters (clause 6.1.10).

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2.1. Maintenance, repair and inspection of technical condition vehicles 2.1.1. General provisions Question 8. Who should enter the vehicle into production room stations and points of state technical inspection(SGTO, PGTO) and their

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2.1.3. Washing vehicles, units and parts Question 27. What requirements must be observed when washing vehicles, units, components and parts? Answer. The following requirements must be met: washing must be carried out in specially designated areas;

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2.1.5. Checking the technical condition of vehicles and their units Question 40. How should you check the technical condition of vehicles and their units when leaving the line and returning from the line? Answer. It should be checked with the wheels braked. Exception to this

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2.3. Operation of vehicles 2.3.1. Movement around the territory of the organization, preparation for departure and work on the line Question 143. What requirements must be observed when starting the vehicle engine with the starting handle? Answer. The following requirements must be met:

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2.3.2. Additional requirements when operating vehicles in the winter season Question 162. Where should all maintenance, repair and inspection of the technical condition of the vehicle be carried out? Answer. Should be carried out, as a rule, in heated

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2.3.5. Additional requirements for operating vehicles away from the main base Question 180. What are the responsibilities of the driver before loading vehicles onto railway platforms using lifting mechanisms? Answer. The driver is obliged to: disconnect the terminal from

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2.5. Storage of motor vehicles Question 216. Where should tank cars for transporting combustible flammable substances be stored? Answer. Must be stored in open areas, under canopies or in isolated one-story rooms of above-ground garages,

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3.4. Premises for storing vehicles Question 235. What should be the height of the premises and gates from the floor to the bottom of protruding structures and hanging equipment? Answer. Must exceed the maximum height of the vehicle by at least 0.2 m and must be at least 2.0 m (clause

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4.3. Open areas for storing vehicles Question 295. Where should they be located? open areas for storing automatic telephone exchanges? Answer. Must be located separately from buildings and structures at a distance established by current regulations regulations, depending

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4.4. Temporary parking for vehicles Question 299. What requirements must temporary parking for vehicles meet in field conditions? Answer. Must meet the following requirements: parking areas must be allocated, cleared of stubble, dry grass and dead wood,

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6.4. Requirements for the conversion of vehicles to operate on gas fuel Question 345. What must be done when preparing a vehicle for the installation of gas equipment? Answer. Need to do: wash the vehicle ( engine compartment, cabin, frame, etc.); drain