Testing 0w40 motor oils while driving. The best motor oil: chosen by experts “Behind the wheel. How justified is the use of proven cool oils in everyday life?

What about Zhvanetsky about the difficulties of choice? “Five are very large, but yesterday. And today there are three, but small ones.” Same with motor oil. Expensive imported synthetics that promise to last 15,000 km, or affordable Russian oil, which is changed twice as often - that’s the choice!

Let’s put aside the purely monetary issue for now. Now we are exclusively interested in the health of the engine, and therefore we will compare pollution levels, monitor wear and evaluate fuel economy.

Let's limit the choice

We are not going to compare top-end supersynthetics with the cheapest mineral water, the prices of which sometimes differ by twenty times. We are interested in those oils that can be fully recommended for the same engine. SAE viscosity classes must match - and we will take the most common class 5W‑40. The quality categories must also match. Modern expensive synthetics do not fall below the SN/CF level according to API classifications(A3/B4 according to ACEA) - that’s where we’ll stop. The car manufacturer usually does not specify the type of oil, but it is somehow awkward to compare synthetics with mineral water.

As a result, we chose two synthetic oils - European price 1950 rubles for a four-liter canister and Russian: 940 rubles for the same capacity. The European one took one canister, and the Russian one - two, since it will have to be changed after 7500 km.

About the technique

The VAZ-21126 engine with expensive and cheap oils operated under completely equivalent conditions - in the same modes, on the same gasoline, at the same outside temperature. The number of engine hours in both cases is equivalent to 15,000 km. Moreover, Russian oil was replaced with fresh oil halfway through the “distance”.

We studied the dynamics of changes in engine parameters (power, efficiency and exhaust gas toxicity), and periodically took samples to study the rate of oil aging and accumulation of wear products. At the end of the tests, we opened the engine and assessed the deposits after working with a particular oil using a color scale. Before and after testing, the piston rings and bearing shells were weighed crankshaft to estimate the wear rate of the main friction units.

What did you see

The expensive oil did not lose its performance during the full test cycle, although the parameters dropped noticeably - both for the oil and for the engine. Fuel consumption by the time the tests were completed increased by 3–4% compared to the initial stage; power decreased by 2.5%. Over 15,000 km of conventional mileage, a little less than a liter of oil out of the initially filled four was consumed. That is, the “from shift to shift without topping up” regime was maintained.

When running on budget oil, the engine initially showed slightly higher fuel consumption (+ 1.5%) than on European oil. Obviously, this is a consequence of higher viscosity, which, however, does not go beyond the SAE tolerance for oils of this class. This gave a small (almost within the margin of error) but steady increase in power (slightly less than 1%). U budget oil Quite expectedly, the dynamics of aging turned out to be higher. Over half the test cycle (7500 km), fuel consumption increased by 2.1% (when working on an expensive one - by 1.5%). For the second half of the tests, after changing the oil, the engine performed almost the same - the difference between the final measurements at 7,500 and 15,000 km lies within the measurement error. As a result, the engine worked more economically with two fills of budget oil than with one fill of expensive oil: the difference in favor of the domestic product was 1.1–3.0%, depending on the operating mode (on average -1.5%).

Analysis of the main physical and chemical parameters of oils, characterizing the rate of their aging, confirmed the results motor tests. For expensive oil at the end of the “race” (15,000 km), the viscosity increased by 11%, the alkaline number decreased by 30%, but the indicators did not go beyond the rejection limits. U inexpensive oil after 7500 km, the increase in viscosity was 3.5% (first filling) and 5.8% (second filling), and in the sample from the second half of the “run” the aging rate was higher: contamination affected fresh oil waste residues that were not drained during replacement. The alkaline number has dropped by 13–15% relative to the initial value - by the way, higher (this is good for difficult Russian conditions) than that of expensive European-made oil.

Now let’s evaluate the result in money. One canister of expensive European oil, one filter plus the cost of an oil change is about 2,350 rubles. Two budget tanks, two filters, two replacements - that’s 2,680 rubles. If the work is not taken into account (that is, changing the oil yourself), the costs will be equal - 2050 and 2080 rubles, respectively. What if we take into account the difference in fuel consumption? Using domestic oil, the engine was 1.5% more economical, and for each test cycle it consumed about a thousand liters of “ninety-five”. If we take the price equal to 38 rubles per liter, we get 570 rubles in savings. Not so much, but the balance has swung towards more frequent replacement oils

However, the gain on fuel is not the most important thing. The health of the engine is more important. There are three evaluation criteria: operational reliability (no failures due to the use of suitable oil), surface cleanliness, wear.

Operational reliability is complete. No failures were recorded during the tests, and no emergency oil top-up was required. However, we did not expect anything else from oils of the SN quality group. The level of high-temperature deposits in both cases was almost the same. Obviously, Russian oil was able not to lose to European oil of higher quality thanks to its half-shorter replacement interval. And the initial (as well as final) alkaline number of our oil is higher, and this is one of the indirect indicators of cleaning ability. Regarding low temperature deposits on surfaces valve mechanism and oil pan, the European product worked a little better. Everything is obvious here: it uses higher quality base oil. However, the difference is close to the error of the test method.

But when assessing the degree of wear, we found a clear effect from the intermediate oil change. This is especially noticeable on the piston rings (and therefore on the cylinders). Dirt accumulated in the oil, especially metal particles torn from the surface of parts, acts as an abrasive, and no anti-wear additives themselves high quality oil they are not coping with this problem. Only timely removal of abrasive from the engine will help - when changing the oil. It is impossible to accurately convert into rubles in terms of engine wear. But the scales are increasingly tipping in favor of reducing the service interval.

Three or five?

So, our experiment fully proved the feasibility of using two domestic cans (THK Magnum Ultratec, Sintoil Platinum, LUKOIL Lux) instead of one European one (Shell Helix Ultra, Castrol Edge, Mobil Super 3000) - confirmed both by the wallet and by the well-being of the engine.

Of course, you can shorten the oil change interval by always using only an expensive imported product - there will be more benefits for the engine. But we also shouldn’t forget about reasonable savings.

In addition, we carried out tests in ideal laboratory conditions - warm, clean, using proven gasoline. And as practice shows (and our previous research in ZR, 2015, No. 11), even expensive synthetics do not always withstand the notorious 15,000 km. Most oil workers consider Russian working conditions to be almost extreme. At the same time, everything that happens to motor oil is reminiscent of the process of wear and tear of any technical system: until a certain operating time, aging is almost imperceptible, and then its rate increases sharply. In technology, this condition is called catastrophic wear - and the same rule applies to oil. It is important to change the oil before this critical moment occurs.

So, even “cool” oil, when given up, causes damage to the engine. And to protect yourself from troubles, you need to replace it more often. If it is not possible to often buy an expensive product, then obviously high-quality available oil provided that it is replaced more frequently, it is beneficial for the engine.

The generally accepted opinion in determining the differences between 0w40 and 5w40 engine oils is that attention should only be paid to the first number of engine lubrication.

This is explained by the fact that in the first case, the critical temperature at which the oil can freeze is 35 degrees below zero, and in the second, when frost reaches 30 degrees. But this begs the question - how then do cars move at forty degrees and below in winter?

There are some for them special oils, which are not included in the all-season range?

Of course, oils are unidirectional, i.e. only for winter or summer, they have a harder, more stable structure, but lubricants for year-round use also have a higher freezing threshold than the thermometer mark of 35.

This only confirms that all motor oils are different from each other, and even those that are in the same key 0w40 or 5w40 according to SAE, but were produced by different manufacturers. Most often, disputes arise about whether 0w40 or 5w40 is better, considering that both products are of synthetic origin, whether they can be mixed, whether it is necessary to flush the engine when replacing, etc. Let's try to understand this problem in more detail and give answers to all your questions.

Motor lubricants 0w40 or 5w40 - are there any differences?

To begin with, let's leave aside the viscosity of both lines of oils and recognize as a constant that all lubricants different freezing threshold, even when specifying standard SAE 0w40 or 5w40. In this matter, it is worth returning to the roots, namely the basic structure of motor lubricant. As has been said more than once, the quality of the working life of motor oil directly depends on its original base, which in most cases is natural, i.e. mineral with modern cleaning technologies. However, you should not think that the purification of the original product is carried out by the same company, which is called the manufacturer.

There are only about three corporations in the world that prepare base oil; they mainly purchase raw materials for further use, which means adding additives. The second type of motor oil base is considered a synthetic product obtained exclusively through synthesis at the molecular level.

By right, synthetics are always more expensive and this is not caused by additive packages, but by the fact that the oil base will never “suffer” from the problems that natural mineral oil is susceptible to.

Considering the performance of both motor lubricants - 0w40 or 5w40 - at first glance we can conclude that both lines belong to pure synthetic oils. In fact, this is not so:

  • 0w40 is definitely synthetic, and this is confirmed by the increased fluidity of the oil.
  • 5w40 - conditionally classified as synthetic oils, since in most cases the quality of the oil
    is achieved by the hydrocracking process, which means the original oil base is still mineral, as evidenced by the higher viscosity threshold in most products.

The protective properties of 0w40 and 5w40 will also differ, because initially the basic structure will be different and will impart something different to each oil.

Additive packages

Having dealt with the base, let's move on to additives, which can also differ in any 0w40 or 5w40.

This question determines the direction of the oil and its purpose. For example, if the goal is only to easily start the engine in cold weather, then such oil will never provide a significant fuel saving effect, but will allow you to start safely even at minus 40. In the summer, it is better not to use it, since the product may drain like water from all engine parts and do not provide adequate protection.

That’s why “fives” are still recommended for summer; they are more resistant to high temperatures. You can also determine fluidity by familiarizing yourself with the flash point, which is conditionally summer oils it will be significantly higher. Majority imported oils, even in the same ranks 0w40 or 5w40, will differ from domestic ones in terms of ecology.

Foreign manufacturers are trying to surpass environmental standards, established by ECO 5, and domestic ones will fight with “unclean” fuel, which is filled at all gas stations without exception, even despite the EURO badges.

The purity of the fuel is also achieved by various additives, as well as the versatility of motor oils.

Which oil is better, 0w40 or 5w40?

There is only one answer - there are no better or worse ones - there are those that are ideally suited to a specific car engine.

Again, production technology comes up in this issue. Hydrocracked oils can never act as a coolant for modern modifications power units with adjacent systems, which means that even in summer, despite their higher viscosity, they will not provide complete protection of all components.

Therefore, most automakers recommend multi-season oils 0w40, 0w20, 0w30 for their engines with fast flow at any time of the year, and the main role here is not viscosity or climatic temperature, but rather thermal regulation under the hood of the car.

5w40 is no worse - it is also a high-quality consumable for lubrication, but it is aimed at something else. The gaps between the piston rings are different for all cars, which means that only the oil that has the best performance for this can protect and “clog” these gaps. More high viscosity 5w40 is able to immediately form protection on all engine components, including the piston system.

The density and resistance to film destruction will also be achieved through additives, but also basic foundation will contribute by being more sustainable. If we neglect all of the above and focus solely on the freezing criterion, then we should go back to the very beginning and determine that for the summer period the oils are absolutely the same. True, 0w40 will most likely have to be replaced more often by those cars that are prescribed 5w40, because thermal oxides will destroy it faster.

The weather can be unpredictable. Car drivers are increasingly faced with the need to fill the engine with oil. universal type. It is intended for use in hot or cold periods. To ensure that the unit operates efficiently both in cold and hot weather, oil is used 0 W40.

This consumable is produced by many large companies. The presented standard has a number of special characteristics. It is necessary to consider in more detail what features the presented oil has.

general characteristics

0W40 is designed to protect the engine from abrasion and premature destruction. It removes excess heat from rubbing mechanisms. This product also coats all metal surfaces with a thin film. It ensures good sliding of the rubbing elements, prolonging their operation.

Also, the presented materials protect the motor from corrosion. They remove carbon deposits, dirt and soot from the engine system. These particles are suspended in the oil. Over time they accumulate. The grease changes its color to a dark, dirty shade. In this case, it is necessary to make a replacement. Otherwise, the lubricant will no longer be able to retain contaminants. They will begin to settle on metal surfaces, causing microscopic damage to parts.

Exactly from the right choice engine oil depends on easy engine starting in cold weather, as well as the absence of overheating in the summer. Previously, manufacturers supplied the market with oils intended exclusively for warm or cold seasons. Today the owners Vehicle purchase universal products. They are designed for use in both heat and cold.

Certain lubricants are suitable for each specific operating condition. The correct operation of the motor, as well as its durability, depend on the correctness of their choice.

For your car's engine, you should only use the oil recommended by the manufacturer. If you need to change the lubricant to another type, you should choose a composition with a similar set of additives. Products from different manufacturers may conflict with each other. This causes deviations in the operation of the motor.

Viscosity index

One of the most important indicators 0W40 oils, characteristics which is taken into account when choosing is its viscosity class. Most often, this parameter is specified in accordance with SAE standard(Society of Automotive Engineers). It was this association that was the first to propose a classification of oils according to viscosity class. It produces only 6 winter and 5 summer lubricants.

In accordance with this technique, three types of viscosity are distinguished. There is winter, summer and all-season oil. The first category has the letter "W" in its labeling. The number next to it indicates the permissible limit at which the product is operated.

Summer lubricants do not have letters in the marking. They only have a number. It indicates the upper limit of viscosity. For universal formulations, first indicate lower limit viscosity, and then top. quite fluid, which allows you to start the engine at very low temperatures. Its upper viscosity limit indicates the ability of the engine to operate at high thermometer readings.

In other words, the oil of the presented viscosity class is suitable for harsh winters and hot summers. For hot southern climates, it is necessary to purchase products with a high level of viscosity. This will keep a thin film of lubricant on the parts even in extreme heat.


Engine oil 0W40, 5W40 is intended for use in the climatic conditions of our country. It can withstand severe frosts. This is enough liquid lubricant. Thick varieties are intended for use when high temperatures. Under these conditions, the lubricant becomes more fluid and can completely fly off the mechanisms and parts. This creates dry areas that will be destroyed by friction.

Oil of viscosity class 0W40 can ensure normal engine operation in winter at temperatures down to -40 ºС, and in summer - up to +35 ºС. This indicator also depends on the manufacturer. Each company uses a certain set of components to make oil. Therefore, the main characteristics may differ slightly among manufacturers of different compositions.

However, the main benefits remain in each type of oil. This class of lubricants is manufactured in accordance with the highest requirements of global automotive manufacturers. This product has good performance characteristics. It allows you to save gasoline consumption. High performance characteristics depend on the composition of the oil, as well as the additives it contains.


Manufactured using a specific technology. All such products are conventionally divided into several categories based on the composition of the base. A special set of additives is added to it. The base can be mineral, synthetic or semi-synthetic.

In the first option, oil is processed through distillation and refining. This base is used to make cheap types of oils that will need to be changed quite often. It is used for older engine systems. For viscosity class 0W40, the mineral base is not used in pure form. It is combined with synthetics. This increases the cost of the product, but also improves its performance.

Synthetics are created on the basis of artificial components. Such products ensure high oil fluidity. Synthetic 0W40 provides stable work motor even at very low temperatures. The product has a low evaporation rate. This is what ensures the ability of the lubricant to perform its intended functions even in hot weather.

Synthetics are also resistant to oxidation and waxing. The listed characteristics can significantly extend the period of use of the oil. This type of lubricant is ideally suited for the loaded operating conditions of the engine on the roads of large cities.

Semi-synthetics combines the qualities of both types of lubricants. This base is chosen for the manufacture of lubricants for medium engine loads.

Shell oil

Experts conducted experiments on a variety of indicators that characterize popular motor oils. Brands such as Mobil, Castrol, Shell, etc. took part in the testing.

When conducting research in winter period it was found that Shell 0W40 oil has the approvals of almost all modern manufacturers automotive equipment. It provides excellent protection against various types of debris. There is no other oil in this category that cleans the engine so well. This is achieved thanks to a unique set of additives.

Thanks to balanced viscosity characteristics Shell 0W40 oil allows you to save up to 1.9% more gasoline than other types of lubricants. It protects moving elements from corrosion and wear. The highly scientific production formula allows the engine to start even at the lowest temperatures.

The presented oil is designed for gasoline, diesel and gas engines. It is also used for engines that run on biodiesel or gasoline-ethanol mixtures.

Negative reviews include opinions about high cost of such products (4 liters costs about 2,200 rubles), car owners also complain about frequent counterfeits.

Lukoil oil

Motor Lukoil 0W40 oil also gets a lot positive feedback from motorists. This high-quality composition is made on a synthetic basis. Therefore, its cost is quite high (4 liters will cost about 1900 rubles).

This product has excellent performance characteristics. According to expert reviews, the oil has good cleaning properties. It doesn't need to be changed often. For high load conditions big city it fits perfectly. The engine starts in winter even at a temperature of -40 ºС. The motor operates stably and efficiently. Its power is increasing.

Oil contains special additives, which protect the car system from corrosion and destruction. Thanks to low burnout rates, it is ensured reliable protection all the details. Dirt and grime can remain suspended for a long time.

Due to its special characteristics, this product is recommended for use by many car manufacturers. It is more suitable for new foreign foreign cars. For old people domestic cars This product is not recommended for use.

Mobil 1 oil

Motor oil "Mobil 1" (0W40) characterized by a fairly reasonable cost. A standard 4 liter canister will cost about 1,700 rubles. It can be used for both foreign and domestic new cars.

During testing, it was found that the oil solidifies at a temperature of -49 ºС. Such viscosity characteristics make it possible to start the engine in the technical characteristics laid down by the manufacturer for this product, allowing it to be used even in northern latitudes.

This is a universal lubricant. It allows you to provide enough good cooling systems during hot periods.

The product demonstrates good cleaning properties. However, when opening the engine after testing, a certain amount of carbon deposits was detected on the pistons. At this price, users expect better cleaning performance.

Motul oil

The motor motor discussed above oil "Mobil 0W40" in many respects it is similar to a product of the same viscosity class called Motul. This lubricant is universal. It is suitable for use both at low temperatures (-48 ºС) and in hot weather.

The product is available in 5 liter canisters. Their cost is about 2500 rubles. The reasonable price makes the product popular among drivers. It can be poured into the engine of both foreign and domestic cars.

Its energy-saving and cleaning qualities are also noted. In almost all areas of testing, this lubricant showed high results. At high engine temperatures, the amount of deposits on the pistons is negligible. This makes the product in demand, especially in busy conditions of travel on metropolitan roads.

Some drivers claim that the cost of the product presented is high. However, the amount of oil in the canister will be greater than that of other manufacturers. In terms of price, the price for 4 liters of oil will be acceptable.

Castrol oil

European-made Castrol is also known to domestic consumers. This product is available in 4 liter canisters. Price consumables is about 1750 rubles.

At affordable price this product has high performance indicators. This oil hardens at a temperature of -52 ºС. This figure is a record among the lubricants participating in the test. This speaks of high quality basics.

An effective set of additives allows Castrol oil to provide high-quality cleaning action. After testing the product at high load engine, one could observe high cleanliness of the pistons. Also, the presented product protects the metal elements of the system from oxidation.

Many drivers choose this type of lubricant due to its reasonable cost and high European quality. However, when it comes to energy saving, the presented product is somewhat inferior to other test participants. This speaks volumes high flow rate fuel when the engine is running.

Liqui Moly oil

The most expensive among the products considered famous manufacturers It turned out to be oil. It is sold in five-liter cans. The cost of such a product is 2700 rubles. The manufacturer of the lubricants presented is Germany.

Liqui Moly has approvals from many large engineering concerns. Its performance characteristics remain high. The oil allows you to quickly start the engine in low temperatures. This ensures truly reliable lubrication of the rubbing mechanisms.

Also, the presented product allows you to significantly save fuel costs. Recognized as a disadvantage insufficient level cleaning qualities. A fairly large amount of soot and carbon deposits are determined on the cylinders after the tests. Piston rings They fail faster than when using other types of products.

Liqui Moly is known for having the longest aging period. It can be used for quite a long time. The oil will not burn out.

Having considered the features that characterize 0W40 oil, as well as reviews from experts and experienced drivers, we can conclude that it is necessary to use such a composition in the engine of your car.

Why is it that the most intense wear occurs at the moment the engine starts? The fact is that the plain bearings used in crank mechanism, and other mating parts work with inevitable friction against each other. Ideally between the main bearings, connecting rod bearings and crankshaft There should always be an oil layer.

In practice, everything happens differently. The crankshaft elements are lubricated under pressure. The oil flows to the lubrication points through special channels. When the crankshaft is turned by the starter, the oil pressure is not yet sufficient for it to reach all the rubbing parts. As a result, mechanical friction appears between them. The harder metal literally begins to plan and flatten the soft one. Micro-scores form on the liners, camshaft cams, valve bushings and cylinder walls, which subsequently significantly worsen sliding, and the engine service life is significantly reduced.

In addition, dry friction is always accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the parts, disrupting the structure of the metal. A “dry” engine start in severe frost is especially dangerous. Many people know firsthand how much sawdust and even shavings flow down along with used oil from the sump of an engine that has been intensively used during the cold winter period.

Thickened in the cold engine oil further aggravates the situation. In this case, the salvation for the engine is the ability of the oil to form a film on the surfaces of all parts. It is this oil film that works until the oil pressure rises and its flow through the supply channels.
In the old days, when many engines did not have pressure lubrication, their mileage to capital was simply ridiculous by today’s standards: only a few tens of thousands of kilometers. In those days, each driver, in addition to the main tool, also carried with him special molds for melting babbitt. Are you ready for today severe frost make a fire, remove the engine pan and melt new liners? If yes, then this article is not for you.

All motor oils with the 0W40 index are universal for use in all temperature conditions. Even in arctic cold conditions, such oil retains its fluidity without liquefying or dripping off rubbing parts.

When is it best to use 0W40 oil?

These types of oils perfectly retain their fluidity and enveloping properties at low temperatures, which means they are perfectly pumpable oil pump and begins to “work” already at extremely low revs crankshaft This property is indispensable in winter, especially in temperate latitudes with cold and long winters. But will the oil behave well with low temperature index 0W in summer? After all, there are oils with a higher “summer” index, for example 50 and even 60. Modern engines experience higher dynamic, temperature and pressure loads. Have you seen how oil beads up in a hot frying pan?

At extremely high temperatures, oil may lose its lubricating properties. If this happens in the engine, for example, when standing in a summer traffic jam for a long time, it will inevitably fail even with working system cooling. Therefore, engine oil must retain its lubricating and heat-dissipating properties even at very high temperatures.

Motor oils of the 0W40 brand are universal all-season oils due to the preservation of their lubricating properties under aggressive conditions over a wide temperature spectrum. This oil can be used in any seasonal conditions on a known-good, unworn engine.

Other properties of motor oils

Equally important is the presence of various auxiliary additives in motor oil. Often it is the additives that largely determine the physical and Chemical properties modern motor oils. Many lubricant manufacturers widely advertise their products, focusing on various properties additives For example: washing, restoring, cooling, etc. Regarding additives, the opinions of experts and ordinary motorists differ greatly. Of course, no additives are capable of restoring worn parts, but some of them are capable of filling microscuffs and microcracks, thereby extending the service life of many engine components and assemblies.

On the other hand, is there a guarantee that restorative additives will act “targeted” - settle only on damaged surfaces without clogging? oil channels and without accumulating in the form of indelible deposits? So-called “detergent” additives, on the contrary, contribute to the effective cleaning of lubricated parts from soot, slag, coke and other deposits that arise for various reasons (use of inappropriate fuels and lubricants or their low quality, violation of operating conditions or engine operation as a result of a breakdown of some or systems, etc.).

Detergent additives in motor oil are undoubtedly beneficial. Engine parts even visually become much cleaner. However, do not forget that oils with detergent additives should be used for a short period of time. Otherwise, you may get the opposite effect. For example: the oil, having washed away all the deposits on the parts of the gas distribution mechanism, clogs the oil filter with these deposits, or even worse: it transports these deposits directly into the lubrication channels of the crank mechanism. Such a “disservice” of detergent additives can please only mechanics and motorists because it gives them a good income.

Another, no less unpleasant side of an oil wash is the appearance of drips at the junctions of engine blocks and parts. The fact is that detergent additives They are so effective that when there is nothing left to wash, they begin to wash deposits from the joints: gaskets, bolts, studs. As a result, the oil begins to be squeezed out. Therefore, oils containing a large number of such additives should be used only to eliminate certain problems, for example, to effectively clean the engine from internal deposits without completely disassembling it.

Along with additives that help clean parts, many types of motor oils, especially mineral ones, are capable of forming deposits themselves as a result of exposure to high temperatures in combination with an influx of oxygen. Simply put, the oil begins to burn, leaving carbon deposits on the surface of the rubbing parts. For example, when oil burns out in the cylinders, instead of a saving oil film, soot is formed, which has strong abrasive properties. This means that at the moment the oil burns, an emery wheel passes along the cylinder surface of your engine. Is it worth explaining further how this affects its resource?

Resistance to combustion, low ability to evaporate - these properties are as important in the summer as the ability of the oil to maintain fluidity in the winter. Modern synthetic oils, including those with the 0W40 index, have the ability to withstand high temperatures without significant evaporation and are more resistant to oxidative chemical reactions (combustion).

Along with physical properties, motor oils, as well as the additives in their composition, are capable of entering into various chemical reactions with metals at high temperatures. In other words, the additives contained in the oil can cause acid and alkaline reactions with the internal components of the engine. Aggressive chemicals contained in the oil, when used for a long time, can destroy rubbing metal surfaces and corrode oil seals and gaskets. Therefore, before using this or that oil, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the various additives included in its composition.

In what cases is the use of 0W40 engine oil inappropriate?

Despite the large number of undeniable advantages of 0W40 motor oils, in some cases their use will not be entirely justified. For example, if the car is not used in winter. In this case, maintaining oil viscosity at low temperatures is completely irrelevant. In addition, any oil after long-term parking It is advisable to replace the car due to condensation formed in the lubrication system, as well as due to precipitation and deposits formed during long-term garage storage of the car.

Strongly worn out engine awaiting immediate replacement or overhaul– is also far from the most suitable consumer of 0W40 oil. In this case, it is advisable to use more viscous oils to increase compression and optimize the operation of its systems.

Many older car models can also be very critical to the viscosity of motor oils. Therefore, before filling the lubrication system with 0W40, read the engine operating instructions and the manufacturer's recommendations. If for some reason there is no data on the possibility of using motor oils of appropriate viscosity, extreme case it is advisable to be guided by the rule: the more revving engine, the less viscous the oil it requires for optimal performance. If the engine is worn out, it has high mileage, then vice versa: than higher mileage, the higher the oil viscosity.

Probably not anymore suitable lubricant for driving in harsh conditions than 0w40. Her performance is entirely consistent with the tasks she performs. Before pouring this engine oil into own car, you need to at least familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of various oil liquids. This will make it possible to correctly use lubricants and correctly select the optimal motor oil. It is worth considering that today stores sell products from many different brands, and it is difficult not to get confused.


Synthetic oil is produced artificially by mixing the base fluid and additives. The creation of this category of motor oils is due to the fact that engine operating conditions sometimes change. After the engine is turned off, it cools down, and after starting it heats up.

When driving, the engine operates in various modes. Temperature, friction speed of contacting parts and many other parameters change. In view of this, it became necessary to produce an oil that has technical characteristics, not changing due to various factors. At a certain stage of the automotive industry, manufacturers began to think about the invariability of lubricant performance and its effective application under any conditions.

Comparison of synthetic and mineral oil viscosity

Mineral water turned out to be unable to ensure constant properties due to its own limitations, so scientists developed synthetics that, according to their own parameters, were optimally suitable for long-term use. The advantages of synthetic motor oil include:

  • stable base fluid. Synthetics are made from a base that is resistant to external influences. It contains no unstable components. Because of this, engine parts have excellent protection; the oil does not change for a long time own characteristics both in winter and in summer;
  • small amount of additives. Synthetics do not need a large number of additives because the main role is given to the basis. The more basic liquid there is in the oil, the longer it will last;
  • long lifespan of additives. Synthetic lubricant is resistant to oxygen, therefore, additives “live” for a long time;
  • stability at high temperature conditions. Lubrication performs own task even at high speeds;
  • reduction of heat generation. Engine parts heat up less, therefore it will work longer;
  • strong oil film. Allows the lubricant to protect engine parts as much as possible by forming a film on contacting parts;
  • simplification of starting the engine in the winter season;
  • cleaning the engine from dirt and carbon deposits;
  • Excellent flow properties in cold conditions.

Motor oils 0w40They are all-season synthetics, which are recommended to be filled in in winter. However, they perfectly protect the engine in the summer season.

Indicators and markings 0w40

If you want to know what 0w40 means, you need to understand its labeling. In accordance with the SAE world classification, all lubricants are divided into:

  • winter. They are marked according to SAE with the letter “w”. Motor oils of this category are optimal for use in the winter season; they lubricate the internal parts of the engine well;
  • summer Marked by SAE number. Optimal for use in summer;
  • all-season. Most the best option. They do not need to be drained from the engine when winter/summer sets in, meaning they are suitable for any season.

We must not forget that the lower the SAE viscosity index, the thinner the lubricant. Thick motor oils are effective in hot weather, thin ones - in frosty weather. 0w40 oil has “0w” and “40” in the SAE markings. This means that it is all-season, it can be added to the engine both in summer and winter. The numbers “0” and “40” indicate low and high temperature viscosity. Temperature limits are:

  • in winter - from minus thirty-five to minus forty;
  • in summer - from plus thirty-five to plus forty.

It becomes obvious that driving 0w40 in the summer is possible, but not very rational. It is better to use it in winter.

The main advantages of 0w40 lubricant:

  • fully complies with the requirements of most car manufacturers;
  • has excellent performance indicators;
  • makes it easier to start the engine in cold weather;
  • saves fuel as it is an excellent lubricant;
  • protects the internal combustion engine well, this makes it possible to reduce the wear of its components;
  • cleanses power unit from soot.

Despite the fact that this car oil has high performance operation, before using it, it is advisable to consult with specialists in car repair and maintenance, and read the technical documents supplied with your car.

Comparison with other oils


Some drivers do not understand which oil is better: 5w30 or 0w40, whether they can be mixed, and what is the difference between them. 5w30 oil has the following temperature limits:

  • maximum - plus twenty-five degrees.

It can be seen that the difference with 0w40 is a smaller temperature range. Hence, it is better to buy 0w40 if you live in a very cold/hot area. If you mix lubricants, nothing bad will happen.


5w40 oil is semi-synthetic, which has almost the same viscosity as 0w40, as evidenced by the temperature limits:

  • minimum - minus thirty degrees;
  • maximum - plus thirty-five degrees.

If we compare 5w40 with 0w40, then the latter is better, since it can be used at a lower temperature. Many car enthusiasts do not understand whether these two oils can be mixed. This is not recommended unless stated otherwise in the manufacturer's instructions.


0w20 car oil is completely unsuitable for hot weather. summer conditions, unlike 0w40, because it has the following temperature limits:

  • lower - minus thirty-five degrees;
  • upper - plus fifteen degrees.

In summer in Russia you can’t ride with such a lubricant, because it does not have sufficient high-temperature viscosity. Mixing with 0w40 is not recommended.


It is possible to drive with 0w30 oil in not too hot summers. It differs from 0w40 in that its upper temperature limit is plus twenty-five (a difference of ten degrees), that is, it has a lower high-temperature viscosity. Mixing with 0w40 is possible, but it is better not to do it.


5w50 is commonly used in professional motorsports. It can properly perform its task even at temperatures of plus forty-five. The difference with the “magpie” is the high-temperature viscosity. This lubricant has a higher level. However, it is wrong to make comparisons like “5w50 vs 0w40”, since these oils are used in different areas. The first is optimal for racing cars, the second is for ordinary cars with a gasoline/diesel engine.

To sum up, we can understand that the Sorokovka is an excellent choice for city driving in Russian conditions. It is known that in Russia there can be intense heat in the summer and severe cold in the winter. 0w40 is intended just for such climatic conditions. Using it in a milder climate will not be very rational; it is better to fill in a different motor oil, for example, 0w20.