Do-it-yourself active soundproofing of a car. How to properly soundproof your car. Noise insulation of the luggage compartment, wheel arches and arches

Each car enthusiast, when purchasing a car, expects, in addition to ease of use, vehicle also on the relative comfort during the movement. One of the components of comfort is.

Some automakers pay enough attention to soundproofing, but these are, as a rule, firms involved in status expensive cars. Manufacturers of medium and budget segment they don’t really soundproof their cars so as not to increase the cost of production. The assurances of such manufacturers about the comprehensive soundproofing of the car should not be particularly trusted. Of course, they carry out soundproofing treatment of cars, but more often this applies only to the interior. That is, such processing is carried out with the floor of the cabin, doors, less often the ceiling. they can also receive additional processing of the hood, floor and trunk lid, and even then not always. This is not to mention the quality of the material used, often it leaves much to be desired.

Why do you need soundproofing arches

Rarely, when budget cars there is soundproofing of the wheel arches. But they are practically the biggest source of noise. The wheels now and then throw pebbles and rubble into the arches, the wheels themselves add additional noise. Winter studded tires are very noisy, and raw wheel arches only increase this noise.

The increased noise of the wheel arches additionally depends on the car body. If you take a sedan, then the front wheel arches are at the level of the hood, and the rear ones are at the level luggage compartment. If the engine compartment and its rear wall bordering the passenger compartment, as well as the luggage compartment, are processed in terms of sound insulation, then they muffle the sound coming from under the wheel arches.

The situation is worse with hatchbacks. No matter how the front of the car is processed, the rear wheel arches of a car with such a body are located in the cabin, so the noise from the wheels of a hatchback is stronger.

As a result, the problem of increased noise entering the cabin from under the wheel arches has to be solved by the car owner himself. Here, as always, there are two solutions - to drive the car to the service station that performs soundproofing work on the car, while paying a good amount for the work. Or, having studied the sequence of work, having spent on the necessary materials, preparing the required tools and equipment, allocating time to complete the work, do the wheel arches yourself.

It should be noted that now the wheel arches are being soundproofed on both sides: internal - on the side of the engine, luggage compartment or passenger compartment, and external - on the side of the wheel. If internal processing is known for a long time, then external processing has only recently appeared, but it is believed that it is quite effective.

Materials and tools

  • Vibration isolation sheets;
  • Soundproofing sheets;
  • Scissors and a construction knife;
  • Measuring tool (roulette);
  • A set of keys and screwdrivers;
  • Hairdryer (preferably building);
  • Small construction roller;
  • Rags;

Before purchasing noise and vibration insulating materials, it is necessary to determine, at least approximately, the area on which the material will be applied. In this case, it should be taken into account where the processing will be carried out - from the inside, from the outside or from both sides of the arch. Also, the degree of vibration and noise insulation depends on the thickness of the material layers. But you should not overdo it in this matter. Very thick layers of material can further interfere with the installation of attachments that are mounted on or near the arches, and can also significantly reduce the distance between the wheel and the arch. Layers with a thickness of 3-5 mm are considered optimal. This also applies to vibration and noise isolation.

Video: Soundproofing rear arches Citroen C4

First, we describe the sequence of work on applying sound insulation from the inside of the arch. The first step is to free access to them to the maximum by dismantling all the elements that may interfere.

Then the surface of the arch from dust, you can even wash it, and then wipe it dry or dry it with a hairdryer. Next, you need to make a preliminary pattern of vibration-proof material. To make it easier, you can first make a pattern out of paper, and then cut it out. The same pattern will then come in handy for cutting the soundproofing layer.

Now vibration and noise insulating materials come with a self-adhesive surface, so that the application of layers will not be difficult. The only difficulty can be bitumen-based vibration isolation. When gluing it will need to be heated with a hairdryer.

When gluing the sheet, it should not be applied with the entire surface, but should be done gradually from one edge to the other, leveling the applied layer with a roller.

If there are difficult areas, you can cut the material in pieces and glue them end-to-end. After gluing the entire area, it will need to be driven out again with a roller. It is important to ensure that there are no voids under the applied layer, otherwise condensation will form there, which will lead to the appearance of a corrosion center.

Internal soundproofing of arches from salon

After applying the vibration-insulating layer, a noise-insulating layer is applied on top of it. It is also applied gradually and leveled with a roller. After its application, no work is done to protect the top layer. Then it remains only to install the removed elements.

Soundproofing wheel arches from the outside

Video: Lada Granta - soundproofing the front arches

The soundproofing of the wheel arches on the outside is very similar, but there are some nuances. It should be borne in mind that vibration and noise insulation is applied not only to the surface of the fender liner, but also to the wing itself from the inside.

First you need to prepare the surface. To do this, the wheel is removed from the car, the locker is dismantled - the plastic protection of the arch. After the surface of the arch, as well as the locker, must be thoroughly cleaned. If there is factory protection on the arch or anti-corrosion treatment, it must be removed.

The vibrating layer is applied first, and it is imperative to use only bitumen-based material. Since the material on the outside of the arch is not very convenient, it is better to do it in pieces. In this case, the joints must be well smeared with rubber-bitumen mastic. Next, you should treat the entire surface with this mastic, preferably in two layers.

Soundproofing wheel arches from the outside

On the arches of the rear wheels, it is preferable to plant a vibrating layer already on a rubber-bitumen mastic applied in one layer. After that, the surface with the applied layer is again treated with mastic twice.

The soundproofing layer is glued to the locker. Glue it carefully, leveling with a roller. Then it is put in place and fixed. This work has been completed.

Some cars do not have a locker, so gluing layers of insulation there is not advisable, because they will not last long, and even after damage they can cause a corrosion center to appear. The way out is to apply a special vibration-proof bituminous mastic on the surface of the arch, followed by drying. At specialized service stations, this operation is performed by spraying the material onto the surface. In garage conditions, you can also do this with rollers, it is only important not to leave places uncovered.

Nothing lasts forever, even the soundproofing of the most expensive cars. The material loses its properties, wears out and breaks down, the process is accelerated when the machine is used in difficult conditions. Biggest Influence vibration damages the material. Over time, the noise in the car increases, it becomes difficult to talk. Noise and vibrations are harmful to the body. To protect against unpleasant sounds, insulating material is applied. Soundproofing a car with your own hands is a simple, but time-consuming task, this article will help you deal with it.

Do-it-yourself car soundproofing work

Why is the car noisy, what are the reasons?

The more kilometers the car has driven and worse condition roadway, the faster wear occurs. Sound leaks through the damage in the material, and as the destruction continues, the noise intensifies.

The car becomes noisy for several reasons:

  • there is a hole in the hull. Even with the serviceability of the protective casing, the sound penetrates into the cabin. More often, damage is observed both in the body and in the insulation;
  • wear of soundproofing material. It is designed for a long service life, but is often destroyed during any repair work or rubbed in highly loaded places;
  • the integrity of the insulation is broken. The material loses some of its properties in places of bends and pressure of heavy objects, which makes it thinner and transmits noise;
  • malfunction of the car units. The reasons are varied.

To create high-quality noise absorption, you will need to lay 3 basic materials:

  • Vibration isolation. The role of the first layer is to reduce noise due to vibration. Vibration shocks inevitably lead to rattling of interior elements and luggage. The appearance of a hum is felt when the oscillation frequency reaches more than 20 Hz. The most commonly used layer of bitumen. There is a dependence of vibration absorption on the density of bitumen and the thickness of its layer. The body must be completely processed.
  • Noise isolation. It is a soft sheet material. The composition always uses several layers, one of them is foil, designed to retain heat. The material has a high porosity to absorb sound.
  • Antiskrip. It is a fabric that is glued at the joints and ends to the car. Used to complete the car plastic elements to prevent rattling where it attaches to the case. Performs the function of a gasket.

Powerful vibration isolation Butiplast F4

sign quality car- this is silence in the cabin, car owners are aware of this, which is why do-it-yourself car soundproofing is so in demand. Independent performance of work is the least expensive procedure, and in terms of efficiency it is not inferior to service center. The service station will have to pay for diagnostics, inspection, disassembly, installation of material and collection of parts. Many service centers refuse to work with materials from cheap or even average price category, forcing the client to purchase expensive soundproofing.

Question: "how to properly soundproof a car?" - It is quite appropriate, since the procedure consists of a number of stages. It is important to consistently create the correct soundproofing of the car; for this, body elements are processed separately.

Noise isolation for the car: hood protection

WITH technical point view, laying the insulating material on the hood is a simple procedure, since there are special recesses in the lid design for installing sheet material.

car hood soundproofing

Many inexperienced car owners do not pay due attention to this issue, believing that protection is needed only in the area separating the engine compartment and the passenger compartment. Delusion is based on misunderstanding simple principle- the hood is a noise resonator. As the car accelerates, vibration and noise vibrations come from the cover, directed directly to the windshield, which cannot be sheathed with insulation.

Soundproofing a car with your own hands additionally helps to adequately assess the condition of the metal base, as well as restore it. Treating the hood is the simplest procedure, and the lid itself rarely corrodes, but for other elements, evaluation is especially important for timely repairs.

Types of car soundproofing

At the heart of the question of how to properly soundproof a car is the determination of the main places for applying the material. If you miss at least one section, it will not be possible to fully eliminate excessive noise.

For machines, properly insulate:

  • hood;
  • doors;
  • ceiling;
  • arches;
  • trunk;
  • internal places for fixing interior parts.

Soundproofing car ceiling

Noise isolation is complete and partial. Right choice- this is a full-fledged processing, but in the event of failure of individual components, it is allowed to cover parts of the body. Proper car soundproofing with your own hands will provide vibration isolation and heat retention.

Determine the most suitable material- this is the task of the owner himself, we will help you navigate the variety of options.

Soundproofing a car with your own hands, what materials are recommended:

  • "Vizomat". It is made in the form of a layer of foil with subsequent application of resin. It is more often used for large areas, as it is easy to fit, effective and inexpensive. They process the floor, trunk lid, hood and arches. The base qualitatively suppresses sound vibrations and vibration strength. For gluing, the base must be cleaned and degreased, then the resin is melted with an industrial hairdryer;
  • "Vibroplast". The advantage of the material is versatility, it fits on most surfaces, but more often on the roof, trunk and door. Sold in various thicknesses. A hair dryer is not a mandatory tool, but will improve the result;
  • "Splen". The increased porosity of the material increases its sound-absorbing qualities. An important disadvantage is the appearance of a creak when rubbing against plastic;
  • "Bitoplast". If you lay this insulation, it is possible to eliminate squeaks and fill the gaps between the interior elements. By appearance and the feel of the material is similar to foam rubber, it easily takes the place of the gap and improves insulation at the points of connecting elements. It is effectively applied in the area of ​​contact with plastic and glass;
  • "Madeleine". A special fabric with an adhesive backing is designed to fill structural gaps and prevent noise from vibration of electrical wiring.

"Splen" for car soundproofing

What is the best soundproofing

What basis may be required in a particular case, the owner chooses, taking into account the main tasks and problems in the car. The soundproofing material of the professional category shows itself best of all, but it is expensive and requires a clear fit of the elements. To prevent problems during the work process, it is recommended to study the documentation for the car and take noise measurements, this will help you choose the right material.

The best sound insulation is a specially designed material for automotive industry, as it protects against vibration, temperature extremes, high humidity, etc. Building sound insulation wears out faster, and when wet, loses most of its properties. Modern materials include at the same time heat insulation, protect against vibration and sound.

Important when choosing protective agent take into account thermal stability, since the hood is next to the engine, and it gets very hot.

The price directly depends on the technical characteristics: thickness, type of base and complexity of manufacturing. The purchase of a quality product will pay off in the form of comfort for the driver and passengers. The material always prevents the penetration of noise and vibration, in summer the insulation protects against heating, and in winter from cooling. For maximum protection from the outside world you will have to lay 2-3 layers and types of insulation.

soundproofing material for car

Purpose of interior soundproofing

Specialists among the advantages and tasks of soundproofing distinguish:

  • absorption of sound from the motor;
  • noise reduction from gear shifting;
  • the audibility of the road is reduced;
  • removal of squeaks and other unwanted sounds from touching the interior layout;
  • creating an independent thermal zone in the cabin, not so hot in summer and warmer in winter.

Suspension after installation of insulation practically ceases to be audible. The greater the number and quality of barriers to sound penetration, the less noise will penetrate into the cabin. Equally important is the comprehensive coverage of the car, holistic protection is 70-100% more effective than partial.

Materials for soundproofing the machine

The insulation coating process will require different material for each part of the body. It differs depending on the noise level, the load on the base and the strength of the vibration, so the appropriate type, thickness and texture of the material is selected.

Noise isolation of the car - Vibroplast M2

Instructions and reviews help determine best materials for individual elements:

  • for trunk, arches, floor, engine compartment and the main tunnel use: "Vibroplast M2", "Vizomat M2" or "MP" and BiMast Bomb or Super;
  • to isolate the door cavity, Vizomat MP, as well as Vibroplast M2, are used;
  • porous insulation "Splen" or "Vibroton" is laid on the floor on top of the vibration damping layer;
  • "Bitoplast" or "Vibroplast M1" is fixed to the roof;
  • sealing the plastic layout is best done with Bitoplast and Madelin. The only difficulty of the procedure is the need to disassemble the cabin. Strips 10–15 mm in size are laid on the joints;
  • one of the biggest sources of noise and vibration is the motor, one layer is not enough to isolate it. top scores they show "sandwich panels", where they apply: a layer of "Vibroplast", then "Splen" and at the end of "Vizomat PB-2";
  • Isoton LM is often placed in the hood.

To achieve a stable and good result, at least 50-70% of the surface should be covered. It will not be possible to completely eliminate noise, but noise isolation will help reduce the severity of sound by 3-4 dB.

The amount of materials depends on the car, and how stuffed the hand is also important, therefore, there are fewer scraps. Average consumption for different parts of the hull:

  • for the roof, floor, hood, trunk and doors, a minimum of 15 sheets of 53x75 cm or 6 m 2 will be required;
  • on the arches and partition of the engine compartment from the passenger compartment - 2 sheets 1x1.25 m or 2.5 m;
  • the floor and the trunk are covered with 3 sheets of 1x1.25 m or 4 m 2;
  • the roof will require a sealant ("Bitoplast 10"). One sheet is enough (1–2 m 2);
  • heat and sound insulating material (“Isoton”) is laid on the hood, shield and trunk lid. Buy 1 sheet (1–2 m 2);
  • 0.5–1 m 2 will be required to seal interior parts.

"Bitoplast" for car soundproofing

If you choose a budget material in 2 layers or 1 layer of high-quality coating, you should prefer the option with the best characteristics, since laying the same material with low performance slightly increase protection.

Proper car soundproofing with your own hands: the main stages of work

The technology for isolating all elements is performed in a similar way. To complete the processing of the car, you will need to carry out 4 stages:

  • Complete dismantling of the base.
  • Insulation sticker.
  • Installation of anti-creak material.
  • Assembly of the car and analysis of the results.

It is not necessary to remove the torpedo, but it is desirable, it depends on the amount of time and the complexity of installation and dismantling. The rest of the interior is completely disassembled. It is important to handle the fasteners carefully so that the fasteners are not lost or broken. The bare body is cleaned of dirt and degreased.

Proper car soundproofing with your own hands

An important task of insulation is to maintain the temperature under the hood. It is recommended to lay "Accent 10" (thermal insulation) and "Vibroplast Silver" (sound insulation).

In order to properly cover the base, the following conditions must be met:

  • Dismantling. Now they remove all the trim with clamps. If there are hinged and interfering elements, they are also dismantled.
  • Surface preparation. Proper sound insulation of a car necessarily requires cleaning the base from dust and other debris. A solvent is applied to the clean material to degrease the surface; any liquid with acetone will do.
  • Material preparation. The insulation is attached with glue to a pre-prepared pattern of thickened material. With a sharp knife, cut out the workpiece according to the pattern.
  • Soundproofing installation. After completion of the preparatory phase, the material is removed protective covering and glued to the base. To increase the tightness of the insulation, it is recommended to warm it up with a building hair dryer. Holes are covered composite material with foil. It is important to create a quality connection between the layers. It is recommended to apply each subsequent layer with an overlap of up to 5 cm. Small pieces are also heated with a hairdryer.

It is important to keep the weight of the lid moderate. If heavy materials or multiple layers are used, the weighted construction can cause shock absorbers to leak and fall under load over time.

If factory insulation whole and of good quality, it is better to leave it and strengthen it. The coating is removed, additional material is placed under the bottom, and the factory version is placed on top. It is important when choosing to take into account the thickness of the standard layer. Sometimes the manufacturer does not lay soundproofing, then choose the thickest option.

Similarly, do-it-yourself soundproofing on a car for doors is performed, while the number of elements for dismantling and the type of material may differ slightly.

Do-it-yourself hood noise reduction

In doors, insulation helps not only to eliminate noise, but also to improve the clarity of the sound system. Based on experience and feedback, there is a significant improvement in quality even with cheap materials.

The minimum isolation option is the use of Vibroplast from the Gold or Silver series. The sticker is held on the inside of the doors opposite the speaker. Here the amount of material plays in favor of passengers, it is worth based on the thickness of the wallet.

It’s still worth considering the weight, with heavy weighting over time, the door can settle, and changing the hinges is inconvenient and inefficient. It is important to find the right balance between layer thickness and weight. To install high-quality acoustics, it is recommended to apply 4 layers of insulation:

  • Sound insulation from the inside immediately fits.
  • "Splen" is applied to it with a thickness of 4 to 8 mm.
  • External insulation, under the door card. The layer is important for the best sound quality. It is recommended to completely paste over the technological holes, then the protection of the structure from vibration increases.
  • Soundproofing door cards will help to avoid squeaks and extraneous sounds. The thick "Bitoplast" is optimally suited. Additionally, handles and traction are pasted over with the help of Madeleine.

If some doors do not have speakers, it is recommended to reduce the number of layers.

Soundproofing car doors

Soundproofing roof and ceiling

The roof is insulated to eliminate external noise, mainly removes the noise of rain and "crickets". The high efficiency of isolation ensures minimal audibility even when it rains, there will be small blows as if from afar.

Vibroplast is used for insulation, it is better to buy the Gold or Silver series. It is important to pay attention to weight, as a shift in the center of gravity will lead to poor handling. Experts recommend using "Splen" with a thickness of 4-8 mm, it is allowed to apply 2 layers. The thickness of the material should allow you to put the skin in its original place.

Floor insulation is important to reduce road noise as well as to reduce the audibility of small stone impacts. It is preferable to select materials of the best quality with vibration protection and sound insulation. Most often, "Bimast Bomb" is applied to the floor, it has optimal characteristics, but also a lot of weight. "Splen" 4-8 mm is applied over the first layer.

When laying a thick "Splen" there are inconveniences, it is most comfortable to use a small thickness of the material, but apply it in 2 layers. Insulation necessarily covers the entire surface, it is important to eliminate all gaps.

Considerable attention is paid to the area of ​​​​the cabin in the place of the arches, here there is the most noise. Areas are recommended to be pasted over in 2 or 3 layers.

car floor soundproofing

Soundproofing trunk and arches

Wheel niches are pasted over to increase the comfort of the cabin, if done correctly, the amount of noise will be minimal, and the audible sound when driving will almost disappear. Even winter spikes do not impair passenger comfort.

For isolation, follow the sequence:

  • Dismantling of fenders. They should not be thrown away, the fender liner absorbs sound well.
  • The arch from the inside is cleaned of pollution.
  • Vibration isolation is laid, Vibroplast Gold is suitable. Anti-gravel treatment will have a positive effect on the state of the metal and insulation.
  • Plastic fenders are additionally insulated on the inside with Vibroplast and Bitoplast.
  • Plastic installation.

Now the stones will not be heard from the cabin.

Soundproofing car trunk

What to pay attention to when performing soundproofing installation work

There are little tricks to help improve the result. Experts recommend:

  • pay due attention to preparation. Cleaning and degreasing are mandatory, the result depends on the quality of these procedures;
  • when working with Vibroplast and Bitoplast, it is recommended to use a building hair dryer. Helps fit tighter protective layer, and the pasting process is accelerated;
  • doorways and the ceiling are best treated with pieces of Vibroplast, applying it crosswise;
  • "Vibroplast" has a lot of weight, it is better to use it wisely in order to keep the car light;
  • for processing doors, it is better to use rolled "Vibroplast", and lay parts of "Splen" on top;
  • it is not recommended to isolate the bottom of the doors and the recess for the tool in the trunk, as moisture accumulates here, the metal corrodes faster.


A lot of materials have been developed for noise reduction in the cabin, but the main thing is their correct use. If the described measures are observed, it is possible to reduce sound penetration by 40-60%. When laying insulation, it is worth relying on the instructions for use. It is important to carry out all processes slowly and accurately. It is extremely difficult to perform the procedure in a day, you should have enough time.

Before you make a soundproofing of a car with your own hands, correctly assess your skills and scope of work. Do-it-yourself sound tuning is attractive with financial side, since the cost of soundproofing work is almost equal to the cost of materials. But, taking on the complete soundproofing of the car, you run the risk of dismantling the interior for several weeks or months without doing the job.

Planning stages of work

It's no secret that only expensive versions Mercedes, BMW, Infiniti, Audi, Lexus. On budget models, a minimum sound insulation is installed that does not increase the price basic configurations. The main parts of the body, through which the salon passenger car engine vibrations penetrate and street noises become the bottom, wheel arches, partition engine compartment, doors. Improving the sound insulation of doors and the engine compartment is necessary for all domestic cars, budget models from China and Korea. When tuning car audio, the installation of additional speakers is almost always accompanied by alteration of the soundproofing of the doors.

The initial stage of work on soundproofing should be the study of soundproofing materials, technologies for their application, and cost planning. You can take on a complete soundproofing of a car with a good financial reserve and a solid supply of time.

The division of work into several successive stages will be a reasonable solution for a novice sound tuning lover. In the process of working with simple body elements (doors, trunk), you will master soundproofing technologies, practically get acquainted with the properties of soundproofing materials. Having assessed the quality of your work, you can proceed to difficult stages (soundproofing the engine compartment, the entire cabin) or drive the car to a specialized sound tuning studio.

A large number of tools for soundproofing work is not required. You will need:

  • scissors and knives for cutting and cutting sheet materials;
  • spatulas;
  • roller;
  • meters;
  • thermal hair dryer;
  • screwdrivers and wrenches for dismantling equipment and interior trim.

The choice of technologies, materials for soundproof tuning

According to their technical characteristics, internal structure, soundproofing materials are divided into vibration-absorbing dampers, noise absorbers, noise insulators, elastic anti-creaks. An approximate distribution of materials in parts of the body can be seen in the schematic diagram.

Vibration isolators reflect sound waves of vibrations of the engine and metal parts of the body. The porous texture of the noise absorbers dissipates the acoustic waves of street noise. For multilayer mastic materials, it is typical to combine several functions that provide protective anti-adhesion paper, a sticky bitumen or polymer layer, and vibration-repellent aluminum foil.

When starting work on soundproofing, you can find dozens of types of vibration isolators in car dealerships - Vibroplast, Bimast (Bomb, Standard, Super), Vizomat (PB-2, MP). Among the sheet noise insulators, the materials STP Gold, BiPlast, STP Silver, Accent, Bitoplast, Isoton, Splen 3004 stand out with good technical characteristics. Motorists speak well of the Bitoplast and Madeleine anti-creaks.

Without the risk of installing "premium" noise insulation (uses combinations of sheet and liquid materials, reaching a total of five layers), novice amateurs prefer to use two-layer noise insulation technologies. When choosing materials for them, you can ask for reviews craftsmen who have already made soundproofing on their machines.

Most Russian motorists prefer to use cheaper domestic materials, the use of which is reflected in the installation diagram.

At the same time, the thickness of the materials, on which the cost and performance of sound insulation depends, varies depending on the car model.

Soundproofing doors of popular budget models

For most motorists, the first stage of work is door soundproofing. The door does not need to be removed from the body to install soundproofing. With a lack of time, the inability to complete the work in one day, the car owner can drive for some time with the door trim removed.

Soundproofing vendors exaggerate simplicity in their promotional material independent work installation of soundproofing. For novice tuning enthusiasts, the main difficulties are not sound insulation work, but disassembly and assembly of the door. When disassembling the door card with simple screwdrivers and knives, a motorist can break plastic latches and clips, damage rods, power window parts, and cables.

Important: Beginning "home-made" need to buy sheet soundproofing materials with a small margin. When cutting out fragments of sound insulation for pasting complex door frames, cutting errors and increased consumption of materials are inevitable.

When disassembling the door, you need to perform the following operations:

  • dismantle the door card (remove plastic latches, clips without damage);
  • disassemble the door mechanisms;
  • remove the factory soundproofing;
  • remove speaker;
  • disconnect and mark the standard wiring of the speakers and electric motors.

After dismantling the door budget foreign car or domestic model you will see the structure of the structure frame.

It is easy to understand that from the inside, the outer metal of the door is not soundproofed or is glued in fragments.

For high-quality sound insulation, it is necessary to perform the following work:

  1. Glue the inner metal surfaces of the outer skin of the door with a vibration isolator. Sheet material "butt-to-butt" is pasted over flat surfaces, including hard-to-reach places. An exception can be made for stiffeners.
  2. The wires are assembled into bundles and fixed. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid crossing power cables with acoustic cables, which cause electromagnetic pickup of acoustics.
  3. Install a regular speaker, equipment.
  4. "Noise" technical holes. Treat with antiskip the places where the electrical harnesses are attached.
  5. Soundproof the removable door card from the inside. Provide ventilation holes.
  6. Assemble the door card, install the diffuser grille.

When pasting metal surfaces with vibroplasts, many materials require heating of the adhesive layer. For this operation, you must use a heat gun.

Under the inner side of the door card, you can install a thin layer (one and a half millimeters) of Izolon or Izoton, in which ventilation holes are made.

Many tuners combine soundproofing work with replacing the outer skin of the door card, after which the assembled door looks original and stylish.

Sophisticated soundproofing for acoustics

The sound quality of regular audio systems is sufficient for ordinary drivers listening to radio or MP3 CDs on the road. Music lovers are not satisfied with the low quality sound, accompanied by extraneous noise, numerous overtones.

When installing sound insulation for acoustics, standard operations are supplemented by making podiums or spacers for speakers, replacing factory cables, treating electrical wiring and cables with anti-creak. Articles and instructions on how to make do-it-yourself soundproofing of car doors for acoustics cannot take into account the design and dimensions of new speakers.

Additional soundproofing work requires the installation of speakers in the rear doors (operations similar to the soundproofing of the front doors will be required), the installation of amplifiers and sound processors in glove box. When installing a subwoofer in the trunk of a car, you will need:

  • dismantling rear seats, trunk lining;
  • gluing all metal surfaces with vibration isolation, noise absorbers;
  • production of a podium for a bass-reflex box;
  • laying power, acoustic cables through the cabin (processed with anti-creak);
  • soundproofing quality control.

Engine compartment soundproofing work

The manuals on how to properly soundproof a car with your own hands do not address the dismantling and installation of equipment and interior elements. For the novice audio tuning enthusiast, dismantling equipment becomes a big problem.

Preliminary work before soundproofing requires complete disassembly of the dashboard and instrument panel, dismantling of all plastic panels.

This exposes a lot of electrical harnesses and connectors that need to be marked for subsequent assembly. It will not be superfluous to put all the fasteners of the devices in separate boxes. Thoroughness requires disassembly of devices, in which case, cables, rods, latches, wiring are easily damaged.

After disassembly, the remnants of the factory Shumkov are washed off and a two-layer sound insulation is glued. First, the vibration isolator is cut and glued to the metal of the motor partition. The noise absorber of your choice is mounted on top.

You can see in more detail how to make a soundproofing of a car with your own hands in the video:

On the engine side, most motorists use partial soundproofing. Dismantling the entire engine is irrational, it is easier to soundproof the hood of the car, through which most of the noise of a running engine comes out.

When soundproofing the hood with a vibration damper, the gaps between the stiffeners are pasted over. Noise-absorbing materials are mounted in a continuous layer, covering the stiffeners. When choosing materials, it is necessary to take into account the evaporation of gasoline, oils, high temperature engine.

Dismantling the "torpedo" will also be required for complete soundproofing of the cabin.

To work in the cabin, you need to completely remove the seats, floor coverings. Rarely remove the ceiling lining. The floor, wheel arches, inner surfaces of the door sills are glued with two-layer sound insulation. The only part for which soundproofing is not used is the sedan trunk lid. The fifth doors of hatchbacks, station wagons and crossovers are soundproofed using standard technology.

Soundproofing of wheel arches and the bottom of the car

The noise of tires on uneven surfaces, the sound of gravel and road stones penetrate into the interior of the car through the wheel arches and bottom. Soundproofing the cabin floor partially softens road noise, but does not completely muffle the sounds of impacts on the metal of the body.

Before you make soundproofing of car arches with your own hands, you need to choose one of two technologies. A typical wheel arch wrap on the outside is cheaper but less durable.

More expensive processing of metal surfaces of the bottom and wheel arches with liquid noise absorbers has a number of advantages. The compositions developed by Swedish engineers are distinguished by:

  • low weight;
  • immunity to low temperatures;
  • uniformity of the continuous layer;
  • elasticity (the material dampens metallic sounds, is strong, durable);
  • manufacturability (spray spraying allows you to process hard-to-reach places).

Liquid noise insulation works as an additional anti-corrosion coating.

If you have the strength, money and time to make a complete soundproofing of the body with your own hands, you will be able to feel real sound comfort while driving. Even in inexpensive budget car you can feel like the owner of an expensive BMW, Jaguar or Mercedes.

Modern automakers, trying to reduce the cost of standard and economy equipment, produce only minimal vibration and noise reduction, which is completely insufficient. Noise in the passenger compartment significantly reduces the comfort of the trip, quickly tires both the driver and passengers. To correct the situation, do-it-yourself soundproofing of a car can be done, what materials are required for this this article will tell.

Advantages and disadvantages of soundproofing

In addition to a significant reduction in the level of noise pollution in the car interior, soundproofing a car provides the following additional benefits:

  • Improves the sound quality of the speaker system;
  • The thermal insulation properties of the car increase: it cools down more slowly in the cold and heats up more slowly in the summer;
  • Additional anti-corrosion treatment is carried out.

Glued soundproofing coating of the luggage compartment of the car

It should be noted and the negative aspects of sound insulation:

  • The mass of the car can increase up to 50 kg;
  • In case of improper installation or careless installation, additional “cricket” creaks may appear;
  • Over time, sagging of the door may be observed;
  • Fuel consumption increases.

Where is the noise coming from in the car?

Areas of penetration extraneous noise into the car interior


Since in production the doors are practically not processed with materials for soundproofing cars, a significant amount of the total share of sounds penetrates through them. Therefore, door soundproofing is minimal. required level additional finishing works. At the same time, it is desirable to install vibration-absorbing dampers around the speakers, which will significantly improve the quality of their sound. For isolation it is recommended to use: Bitoplast, Germeton, Isoton, Accent.

wheel arches

Contrary to popular belief, arches, as such, do not emit sounds, but are a source of vibrations, which are transmitted to other body elements that are sources of noise. What material to choose for soundproofing car arches, given their load? You can use vibration damping materials Vibroplast and Vizomat.


Proximity to vibrating nodes and a large area make this structural detail a source of a significant proportion of noise. It can be reliably isolated only with the help of multilayer materials that dampen both noise and vibration. When soundproofing a car with your own hands, what materials are required to process vibration sources are Shumoff or Bimast and Vibroplast as the first layer (base). It is recommended to use bitumen-based materials that provide additional anti-corrosion protection: Shumoff and materials based on it Mix and Mix F.


It is the main source of sounds high speed, the incoming air flow creates a rumble even during rain. For isolation, vibration dampers and noise absorbers are used: Bitmast, Vibroton, etc.


Hood soundproofing with Bitmast Bomb

It is the source of a significant part of the noise in the car. When insulating it, it is recommended to use self-adhesive materials for complex purposes (they isolate both from noise and vibration). The main condition is high thermal insulation performance, the presence of a heat-reflecting foil layer.


It is also an important element, the processing of which will significantly improve the sound of the speakers and reduce noise pollution in the cabin, especially on passenger seats. What materials are required for soundproofing a car with your own hands, those that have good strength and resistance of the upper layer to mechanical damage: Shumoff M4 and Mix6, vizomit MP, bitmast suoer.

Overview and characteristics of popular materials for car soundproofing

Soundproofing materials for cars can be divided into several categories:

  • Noise isolation;
  • Vibration isolation with noise damping effect;
  • Noise-insulating with heat-insulating effect;
  • Noise-insulating with anticorrosive effect;
  • Combined - combining several useful functions.

Soundproofing materials

Shumoff Garmeton - is a material resembling foam rubber, but its soundproofing properties are 10 times stronger. Does not burn and does not absorb moisture well. Distinctive feature is the slow recovery of the original volume, within 45 minutes, which gives additional time during installation and contributes to the fact that the material completely fills the allotted space.

Garmeton A15 - in addition to the listed properties, this material has a relief surface, which allows you to further disperse sounds.

Door pasted over with Garmeton A15

Shumoff Mix and MIX F are bitumen-based materials. They are an analogue of factory materials used for soundproofing the floor, hood and trunk in premium cars. To fix on the surface, the material must be heated to a temperature of 150°C. For this it is quite normal fit construction dryer. MIX F has a self-adhesive base covered with waxed paper, which greatly simplifies the installation process.

Surface pretreatment is limited to only rough cleaning from dirt and dust. It withstands negative temperatures well, has a reinforcing layer that allows the material to stick to the surface even if part of the roll has peeled off. It is allowed to re-glue lagging parts by heating.

Car interior pasting with Shumoff Mix F material

Shumoff M2, M3 - have an outer protective layer profiled from thick aluminum foil, which provides additional mechanical protection of the treated surface. Adhesive layer on a rubber base resistant to aggressive environments. A highly filled polymer composition is used as a sound-damping material. The relief surface of the metal layer is preserved after installation in at least 50% of the cells, which gives the entire structure additional spatial rigidity.

Processing the door with soundproofing material Shumoff M2

Soundproofing materials

Vibroplast M1, M2 - consists of a sound-absorbing polymer material and aluminum foil. M2 has an additional adhesive layer. Easy to install, holds its shape well, applied without heating on a degreased surface. Installation is recommended to be carried out at a temperature of about 15°C. Inert to aggressive chemical and biological substances, provides additional corrosion resistance to the treated areas of the body.

Recommended areas of application: car body, doors, car roof. It dampens noise and vibrations by converting mechanical energy into thermal energy. The oscillatory energy of vibrations is converted into heat from the friction of the foil and the viscoelastic base layer.

Bitoplast 5, 10 - has the popular name "antiskrip" is used to dampen vibrations in dashboard, dashboard, steering column, etc. Outwardly, it resembles a very dense foam rubber, does not absorb moisture, burns only under the influence of an open flame, while emitting rather caustic smoke with black soot.

Shumoff M4 - used to dampen vibrations and reduce noise. Applications: wheel arches, partition of the engine compartment.

Combined materials

Shumoff P4 - in addition to sound insulation, it has good thermal insulation capabilities. It consists of two layers, between which there is an air gap. It has high elasticity and adhesive base resistant to water.

Comfort 3 - used as noise, sound, waterproofing. The material resembles foamed rubber, does not creak and does not collapse at low temperatures. With prolonged compression and friction, it does not lose its original shape.

Video review of some materials for soundproofing:

A car trip accompanied by a high degree of noise exhausts the driver, and also reduces the quality of driving and traffic safety. While driving, the driver has to deal not only with the road factor, he is distracted by external noise from the car itself and from external sources. The car is essentially a direct reproducer of sound waves, the range of which is very wide.

Noise sources

According to physical properties, noise is divided into air and structural. Accordingly, air propagates through the air, while structural dissipates in solid metals.

On the example of a car structure noise occurs in the following situations: when a running engine sends vibration (through fasteners), body parts, depending on the intensity of vibration, emit more or less loud noise. In addition, structural noise can appear in the car, during vibration in the suspension of the power unit, in the exhaust system, chassis and transmission.

Often, on rough roads, the suspension components create vibration that causes the entire body to shake, which can create intense noise. The exhaust system (resonator, muffler, pipes) can irritate the bottom of the car, which can add some noise to the overall sound background. Wheel contact with pavement also creates some sound streams that contribute to the quality of the noise level.

airborne noise, in turn, breaks into the interior of the car, through the holes and gaps of the body elements, such as the radiator grille, technological gaps, doorways. Even the soundproofing of the car is directly affected by the thickness of the body panels and glass. The strength of aerodynamic noise directly depends on the quality of the design of the exhaust system, transmission, engine, door and glass seals, as well as the structure of the tires (tread pattern and wheel diameter).

Noise Control Methods

Auto repairers divide noise control methods into two types

  • Constructive.
  • Passive.

Constructive method of problem solving, implies high-quality adjustment of transmission units and power units. If you make a high-quality selection of elastic elements and gaskets for the suspension, chassis, power unit, exhaust system and transmission; to give rigidity to the body by soldering cracks and holes; seal doorways, windshield, windows using progressive materials.

Only after a reliable and constructive adjustment of the elements of the car, you should proceed to the passive method of soundproofing a car with your own hands. Every auto mechanic will tell you that you should first deal with loose body mounts, as well as interior elements. Next, replace the secant gaskets exhaust system, and then only carry out direct soundproofing or, as automotive experts like to say, “decorate” the car.

The use of the passive method of noise isolation involves several stages:

  • The use of vibration and sound-absorbing materials for sealing the body.
  • Use of soundproofing materials for soundproofing doors and windows.
  • Use of protective noise-reducing casings.

The use of this method is considered the last degree of creation of a silent car, even when all design methods and adjustment possibilities have been exhausted. It should be mentioned that the effectiveness of the use of soundproofing materials largely depends on the noise of the car before the start of adjustments. The quieter the car was before the procedures, the better results you will achieve.

If you have used all the structural capabilities of your car, but the noise remains, then the time has come to soundproof the car. If you purchase good materials, enlist accuracy and patience, you can easily carry out the procedure yourself in your garage. If you strictly follow the instructions and do everything consistently, there is nothing complicated about it.

Most car enthusiasts are familiar with the process of sound propagation and soundproofing. during the installation of a high-quality audio system. Indeed, without good sound insulation, high-quality installation of speakers is impossible. The process of soundproofing and eliminating extraneous sounds, as a rule, begins with the soundproofing of doors. If your budget is slightly limited, make a budget soundproofing of the car with your own hands, that is, adjusting the car in parts, in this order:

Tools and materials

Before you begin the adjustment process, purchase necessary tools and materials. From improvised tools you will need:

  • Stitching roller (for a snug fit of the material).
  • Building hair dryer (cosmetic hair dryer will not work).
  • Solvent (for example, white spirit is necessary for degreasing materials and surfaces).
  • Scissors for cutting material.

In a construction or automotive special store, you should purchase noise, vibration, heat-insulating mixtures and materials.

Vibroplast Silver. It is a material for noise and thermal insulation, self-adhesive material, which consists of an embossed foil (aluminum) and a polymeric adhesive layer protected by a polymeric anti-adhesive tape. The sheet of material has markings (squares 5 × 5 cm), which helps to easily cut the material.

Vibroplast does not absorb water, and is also not subject to decomposition by external irritants. Possesses hermetic and anticorrosive properties. The tape does not require heating and is easily applied to surfaces with various reliefs. The coefficient of mechanical losses is 0.26−0.30 arb. units with a weight of 3.5 kg/m2. Thickness 2.5 mm. Vibroplast Silver is used to suppress the noise of the body, roof, doors, interior floor, hood, fenders, trunk lid and engine bulkhead.

Bimast Bomb. A vibration-absorbing material with a multilayer structure, which consists of a bituminous film, front aluminum foil, mastic composition, and is protected by a film with anti-adhesion functions. During the mounting of materials, it is required to heat up to a temperature of 40-50ºС.

The structure does not decompose, does not absorb moisture, and also has a very high level efficiency. Bimast Bomb is recognized by many experts as the best vibration-absorbing material. The Bimast Bomb proved to be especially good during noise reduction when installing an audio system. The coefficient of mechanical losses is equal to 0.60 arb. units Material thickness: 4.0 mm. Has a weight: 5.5 kg/m2. Great for tunnel vibration isolation, motor shield, cardan shaft, wheel arches and muffler area.

Splen 3004. Splen 3004 has good thermal insulation properties. The material is self-adhesive and easily applied to uneven and vertical surfaces, does not decompose further and does not absorb moisture. It has a pronounced anti-mold effect. Splen is superimposed on the vibration-absorbing second layer. It weighs 0.43 kg/m3 and is 4.5 mm thick. In car dealerships, splen 3008 (8.5 mm) and splen 3002 (2.5 mm) are also presented.

All types of splen are used for noise reduction of wheel arches, motor shield, tunnel and doors, front and rear arches with sidewalls. Bonding surfaces should be wiped and degreased for a stronger and more reliable connection. Work must be carried out at a temperature of 20−35ºС to ensure reliable bonding of work surfaces. Remove first protective film adhesive tape and apply without tension.

Examples of insulation of car elements

Now there are a large number of videos on the Internet about how soundproofing cars are sizing, which will help you properly soundproof your car. For each section of the car, whether it be doors or ceiling, sound insulation has its own characteristics.


Specialists and tuning- experts advise starting the soundproofing of the car with the processing of the rear and front doors. This is done in order to reduce the external noise level from passing cars and the road, as well as to improve the sound of the audio system in the car. Do-it-yourself noise reduction and isolation of doors can work wonders, because even the minimal and uncomplicated use of anti-noise can improve the sound of the audio system several times.

The process of adjusting and processing doors takes place in two stages: soundproofing and vibration isolation. To create minimal noise, we need vibration-absorbing material Vibroplast Silver or Bimast Bomb. On inner surface the door opposite the column should be coated (the larger the area, the better). If the body metal is thin, apply several layers of vibration-absorbing material. When doing this, consider the weight of the materials used.

Approach the task wisely: To improve the sound of your audio system, use A complex approach and 4 layers of sound insulation. Apply the first layer with inner side doors (closer to the street), for this you will be served by technological holes in the door. Bimast Bomb is suitable for the first layer. The second layer is splenium 3004. Next, glue the outer wall of the door, under the door cards. The fourth stage is pasting door cards with anti-creak. This is necessary to eliminate the noise and squeaks created by the door. Madeleine or Bitoplast material is perfect for this.

Conducting sound insulation is the same for both the front and for rear doors, and is carried out according to the same scheme. If there is no built-in audio speaker in the door, then the number of layers (layers) of material can be reduced or a cheaper one can be used.

Car ceiling and roof

Heavy drops during rain create a kind of “drum beat”, and this can distract the driver from the road. To eliminate outside noise, do-it-yourself roof soundproofing. The effect of the procedure exceeds all expectations, even in a downpour, distant or muffled blows reach the driver’s ear, which are practically not annoying and imperceptible.

For noise isolation choose materials Vibroplast Gold or Silver. Weight is important for a car ceiling, so don't get carried away with layering. There are cases when a change in the weight of the ceiling led to a violation of the center of gravity of the car, and, as a result, a violation of control. For soundproofing the ceiling, 2 layers are enough.

Pay special attention to the removal of the ceiling lining, the procedure should be carried out compactly and accurately. Keep in mind that the trim will need to be reinstalled.


Suitable for internal floor insulation while the underside of the car is insulated liquid formulations to eliminate the sound of contact car tires With road surface, as well as the sounds of small gravel falling into the bottom.

In the process of floor processing, you can use the highest quality noise and vibration materials, as well as use a lot of opportunities. Usually tuning - experts lay the vibration absorber Bimast Bomb on the floor, and put Spleen 8 on top. The only disadvantage of this design is heavy weight. Pay special attention to the wheel arches and the bottom of the trunk. In the Shumkov area, these are the most important elements. Do not be lazy, apply 2-4 layers of Bimast Bombs, and you are provided with good noise.

At first glance, it may seem to you that this procedure is very time-consuming and you will not be able to do it. As you can see, the Shumkov process provides a huge range of possibilities. Stock up on attentiveness, patience, accuracy, and everything will be quite simple. Read how to improve the sound insulation of a car with your own hands, and the result will be limited only by your imagination.

Do not be discouraged that it will take you two to three weeks to complete the Shumkov, while car service specialists do it in a few days. However, we can safely say that self-isolation will save you more than half of the capital