How to sell a car after an accident. Life after an accident or the seven circles of hell on the way to a restored car Is it worth repairing a car after an accident?

Contact Avtogarant+ specialists for help if your car has been involved in an accident. Our service technicians successfully repair cars after an accident. Significant experience in this field allows them to restore “shifters”, as well as eliminate serious damage to the body. Availability of modern equipment, use of high-quality Supplies help you quickly achieve ideal results.

Restoring a vehicle after an accident is a complex and time-consuming task, the implementation of which is best left to professionals. As practice shows, the volume and complexity of work directly depend on the nature of the damage. The consequences of “light” road accidents can be eliminated through local cosmetic repairs. At the same time, the presence serious damage fraught major repairs car after an accident that requires use modern technologies and equipment.

What work is performed when repairing a car after an accident?

Typically, recovery is carried out in stages:

  • washing and thorough inspection of the car in order to identify any damage;
  • disassembly and troubleshooting, during which hidden damage may be revealed that was not noticed during the initial visual inspection;
  • development of an optimal car repair scheme after an accident;
  • body work, that is, restoration of geometry, straightening, etc.;
  • painting damaged elements;
  • vehicle assembly;
  • polishing the surface of the body, if necessary - treatment with special protective compounds.

The most difficult is the restoration of “shifters”, since such cars receive the most serious and numerous damage as a result of an accident. In many cases, when repairing such vehicles, the following is required:

  • welding and reinforcement works;
  • replacement of the roof, hood, doors, as well as windshield and rear glass;
  • local exhaust, etc.

Cost of car restoration

Name of service Cost of work
Checking body geometry price from 1800 rub.
Examination control points body price from 2000 rub.
Installation on a slipway price 3000 rub.
Repair on the slipway price from 5200 rub.
Restoring body geometry price from 7500 rub.
Elimination of body distortion price from 5500 rub.
Moderate skew removal price from 16,000 rub.
Eliminating complex misalignment price from 24,000 rub.
Changeling repair price from 17,000 rub.
Body disassembly price from 12800 rub.
Service Cost of work
Small Average Lux
Sidewall repair price from 10,250 rub. price from 12,250 rub. price from 14,250 rub.
Mudguard repair price from 2,250 rub. price from 2,250 rub. price from 2,900 rub.
Front door repair price from 1,500 rub. price from 1,700 rub. price from 2,000 rub.
Rear door repair price from 1,500 rub. price from 1,700 rub. price from 2,000 rub.

The price of the service is determined individually, it directly depends on:

  • on the complexity and nature of the existing damage;
  • condition of the car after an accident;
  • the volume of work to be performed;
  • the need to replace elements;
  • used spare parts and consumables.

Benefits of contacting us

At Avtogarant+ you can order car repairs after an accident on acceptable terms:

  • providing 3x year warranty for all work performed;
  • competitive prices;
  • prompt and timely implementation of work.

Work examples

It is impossible to give specific figures for the restoration of a car after an accident, since it depends on the make, model and nature of the damage. One car was in an accident and escaped with a few scratches, while the other cannot be restored at all. The cost often depends on the status of the car. The more expensive the brand, the better the craftsman needed. And today you also have to pay for professionalism. Restoring a car after an accident is difficult and quite Long procces, which can take several months for severe damage. But the time frame may be shorter even with the most complex repairs. Vehicle restoration can be completed in a few days if specialists work specifically on your car and devote maximum time to it.

The cost of spare parts, the price of work, additional materials and accessories - these are the main components of the price of repairing a car after an accident. It is necessary to understand what costs the driver will incur, as this will help determine whether the car needs to be restored. Sometimes, after the owner finds out the cost of the work, he decides to simply sell the car and buy another one. Sometimes such a solution is optimal in all respects. The cost of repairs can be very high if enough work has been done serious accident. However, for many car owners this does not matter, since the insurance company bears the costs. In this case, you need to repair the car with official parts, perform each process as efficiently as possible and not spare money on restoration.

The cost of body work and painting a car after an accident

One of the most common processes required for those involved in accidents is painting, straightening and puttying. Sometimes welding will be required body parts, their complete replacement. In each case, the set of actions to be performed will be determined individually. The cost of the work also depends on the necessary actions. There are several criteria for preliminary assessment of the cost of restoring the body of your car:

  • welding work is often democratic; it will take up about 10-15 percent of the total budget, but will require exclusively professional execution of the processes;
  • straightening and preparing the body for processing will also not cost much, taking about another 10 percent of your budget, but this figure may change;
  • puttying, cleaning and eliminating minor irregularities will cost another 15% of the budget, cheap services can turn out to be of very poor quality and visible;
  • priming and washing body parts to preserve their quality and integrity will take about another 20% of the total cost of the planned restoration process;
  • the remaining 40-45% will be spent on painting, including the purchase of all materials necessary for this and payment for the work of a car painter.

All these processes will help tidy up the car body, give it a fresh and beautiful appearance. But we should not forget that in this restoration the main criterion is quality. If you decide to restore the car yourself or with the help of a garage car service, it is better not to hope that the result will be of sufficient quality and without problems. Most likely, such a repair will end unsuccessfully.

Technical part - repair of engine compartment elements

Often, after an accident involving the front end of the vehicle, peripheral equipment must be restored. In almost all road accidents, the integrity of the space is violated engine compartment, from which a variety of details suffer. The engine often remains intact, and the gearbox is also rarely damaged. But otherwise it can get quite unusual problems:

  • radiator of the cooling system and air conditioning - these parts simply fly off the mounts, bend, their seal is broken, so they need to be replaced;
  • peripheral equipment in the form of a generator and starter are also often under attack and ultimately require quality replacement for factory spare parts;
  • the battery is often damaged, the level of tightness decreases, so after an accident it would be a good idea to change this element, even if visually it looks good;
  • sometimes the wiring simply burns out, in other cases it breaks and gets tangled, there is no point in restoring it, it is better to buy and install new parts;
  • braking elements and control system - if the impact hits the wheel area, the braking and control systems may be damaged; they must be checked.

The more technical problems you find, the more more money will have to be spent on their restoration. It is very important to complete necessary actions taking into account reliability. If renovation work are carried out without understanding the importance of this factor, then the machine will definitely suffer in the future and will force you to spend a lot of money on maintaining the normal operation of all systems.

Repair of interior elements and car security systems

If you have budget car with considerable experience over the years, which does not have airbags and other systems that are triggered in an accident, the repair will be simple and quick. It will be enough to install the broken interior elements, find out what procedures will be necessary for you, and pay the required amount of money. But if we are talking about a modern car, you will have to perform difficult steps:

  • restore airbags that have fired, change their filling, sensors, as well as torn plastic parts that are needed for aesthetics;
  • return to their place all sensors, limit switches and other parts that automatically control the functions of the machine, configure and integrate them;
  • by connecting to a computer at the service center, reset the security system so that the airbags do not deploy again as soon as the car engine is started;
  • further configure everything automatic equipment for high-quality use and sufficiently productive parameters recommended by the brand;
  • restore factory settings computer system controls that may have changed due to excessive loads and emergency measures in case of an incident.

Often after serious car accident turns out to be simply helpless. It does not start, does not lock the doors, does not respond to the alarm, and blocks all electrical communications. This is how modern computers protect a car after an accident from a fire or explosion. Therefore, before operation, you will have to visit official dealers or a large car dealership and order computer tuning of the car’s functions.

How much can you save on restoring a car after an accident?

The amount of money saved today can reach large amounts. There are several methods to seriously reduce restoration costs. It is enough to remember that an official dealer is far from the only chance to get necessary spare parts or purchase the required recovery service. Rather, it's not very good option car repair after an accident. The work can be performed with the following important features:

  • saving money on paying for work - you can contact a small station with the most affordable prices (just don’t stoop to garage service stations without guarantees);
  • purchasing spare parts not from an official dealer, but from third-party stores, automotive market, from online sellers and other dealers at affordable prices;
  • searching for scrap yards and contacting them for purchase necessary spare parts to save on some body parts, plastic parts interior and other spare parts;
  • ordering the services of a painting workshop that is ready to make a discount or offers the cost of services much better than other representatives of the market in your city;
  • constant recommendations from independent specialists who will help you make the right decisions and save time and money on repairing your car after an accident.

You can restore your vehicle quite simply. You just need to find required services, spare parts and services in your city. It will be very convenient if you get all the services and details in one place. But if it turns out to be very expensive pleasure, it is worth using a cheaper service. Often, savings on repairs after major accidents can amount to up to 50% of the cost of large complex plants. For some, body repair occurs in a slightly different way and without much expense, as in the following video:

Let's sum it up

The issue of saving turns out to be unimportant and unnecessary for many. But this is one of the important options for reducing the cost of car repairs for the majority of residents of our country. Insurance companies don’t allocate so much money to order repairs from the official dealership. Rather, you will have to go to the dealership to get the necessary services and goods. However, many companies offer comprehensive and inexpensive car restoration services after an accident, which turns out to be a very profitable option.

Remember that in case of expensive modern car Computer setup will definitely be required. It can only be offered to you by a large and professional company. In all other respects, you are free to choose the performer yourself. necessary services and get the required execution options. Find a specialist who can give you recommendations, look for spare parts at a higher price favorable prices. It will help you quickly get the necessary opportunities to reduce the cost of repairs. Have you ever restored a car after an accident?


An accident is a shock for a car enthusiast. At the same time, experience or professional skills do not matter - anyone can be left with nothing (literally and figuratively). So what to do if your car gets into an accident? Should you sell your car or try to repair it? Do I need to deregister the car? These and other questions require detailed clarification.

Making a choice

So, the accident has already occurred, the car is badly dented or completely broken. There are three options here - sale, repair, or first restoration, and then sale. To make a choice, assess the overall damage. If the car got away with only a few scratches, then there will be no problems - just a little straightening and you can continue driving. Cosmetic blemishes are removed simply and without a trace. For a small area of ​​damage, no more than $200-300 will be spent on restoration. Selling the car in this case is pointless.

If the accident involved a strong impact (frontal or side), then you should be careful and not rush into a decision. In this case, it’s not even a matter of deformations of the body itself. The same bent bumper, doors or fenders can be repaired by a technician without difficulty. It’s worse if the geometry of the body part is damaged. This is where the issue of selling becomes really acute.

It is almost impossible to determine a problem with geometry “by eye” - only special diagnostics can give an accurate answer. If you do nothing, the following problems are possible:

  • Tires wear unevenly. More tread wear may occur on one side;

  • The car begins to pull to the side as it moves;

  • The fenders, hood and doors do not fit tightly;

  • The next time an accident occurs, the car behaves unpredictably. For example, in the event of a strong impact, the body is compressed into an “accordion”, reducing the risk of survival for the driver and passengers.

There may be situations where the geometry of the body was not damaged after an accident, but there is no point in repairing it. This happens when, for example, after an accident it is necessary to repaint and treat more than 80% of the surface. Here it is rational to invite a specialist and estimate how much the work will cost. If the cost of restoration is more than half the cost of the car, then it is better to postpone the repair. In such a situation, it is easier to sell the broken one and buy new car.

At the same time, do not rush to take the word of the first master you come across. The amount quoted by the specialist may be too high. Accurate diagnostics allows you to accurately determine whether restoration and repair is possible, or whether it is better to immediately start looking for a buyer.

The best option is to listen to several experts and only then make a decision.

Sales options

What to do if you decide to sell your car? As mentioned, there are three options that are available today. Let's look at each of them in more detail:

1. Redemption of damaged cars. If the damage is serious, then you can not take any action in terms of repairs, but immediately contact a specialized buyout company. Today there are enough such organizations, so problems with finding a “candidate” are unlikely to arise. There are several advantages of this option:

  • Save time.If you sell a used car in person, it can take up to a month. People tend to be scared away by cars after an accident. In addition, you will always come across guys who dream of buying a car at the lowest price. If you work with a special company, then such problems do not happen. Time to inspect and determine the price is about 15-20 minutes. IN extreme cases Additional examination may be required (in case of severe damage);

  • Opportunity to receive money immediately.If the car is badly damaged and is no longer needed, and you also want to get a new vehicle, then the opportunity to get cash in your hands and without delays is a big plus. All that remains is to add the required amount, buy a new car and forget about the accident like a bad dream. Otherwise, you can continue selling for a long time;

  • Preservation of health and nervous system.Without some experience, selling on your own will be a real challenge. You will have to deal with constant showings, calls from annoying resellers, listening to existing problems with the car, and so on. As a result, there is a risk of selling the car cheaper.

But everything is not simple here. This option is simple, but unprofitable. Special companies or private resellers offer a reduced price. This is their business - buy at a low price and sell at a high price. If only the body was damaged, but the main components remained intact, then this method of sale will not be relevant. Sometimes it is enough to place an advertisement about profitable sale cars after an accident, as there will be many who want to save money.

2. Selling “as is”. Here we are talking about selling cars for secondary market- ordinary buyers. But selling a car after an accident is always a problem. When a person calls an ad, he imagines only minor damage. Having seen the scale of the deformation in person, people simply run away. Not everyone is ready to buy a problem car.

3. Sale after renovation. There are car enthusiasts who do not want to lose money, and at the same time use a trick - they hide traces of an accident through cosmetic repairs. But it’s one thing if we are talking about minor straightening and painting damaged areas of the car, and another when real damage is hidden, as well as a violation of the geometry of the body part. In the second case, the seller can easily be equated to a fraudster profiting from gullible buyers.

When deciding to choose exactly this method of solving a problem, you need to be prepared for the consequences. The problem will definitely come out. It’s good if this happens during repairs or maintenance. It's another matter when buyers get into an accident with a damaged car and die. As already mentioned, the “behavior” of the body is unpredictable and can “fold” upon impact. In this case, the police will “dig” and will definitely find the seller of the car (especially if hidden technical defects are revealed).

The option of repair and subsequent sale is good for minor damage to the body. For example, if your headlight is broken, you can do it in two ways - replace the part or deduct the cost of repairs from the total cost of the car. The first option is more preferable, because you can sell it visually whole car easier.

This also includes cars that need paintwork restoration and subsequent painting. Small repairs are an opportunity to hide existing defects and sell the car at a greater profit.

Should I deregister?

One of the main dilemmas concerns deregistration of a car after an accident (in case of subsequent sale). Proceed on your own here. As a rule, the inspector conducts a thorough inspection and makes recommendations regarding formalities that need to be further resolved. If the car is sold for spare parts, then there will be no need for registration.

Where to do repairs?

1. Repair from an authorized dealer. There is an opinion that when buying a car from an official dealer, there will be no problems with repairs - specialists will do the work quickly and efficiently. But it is not always the case. Often branded service stations refuse to deal with problem cars. They begin work only if all spare parts are available.

Timing also suffers. Official dealer can assure quick repair in 8-10 days, but in practice everything happens differently. Missing spare parts will be ordered and the fact that they will arrive on time is not at all a fact. In practice, major repairs can take months (if not years).

Serious car damage usually comes with a variety of other problems. But even if no one was seriously injured in the accident, even if you are clearly and undoubtedly innocent, and even if the cause was a force majeure circumstance, like a tree blown down by the wind, the owner of the damaged car finds himself in an extremely stressful situation. Monetary losses, disrupted plans, conflict situations that need to be resolved without compromising one’s interests. But in this case it is necessary to do something with the damaged car, and the sooner the better.

Why you should hurry is clear without detailed explanations. Every day and every week of owning a hopelessly damaged vehicle is hassle and wasteful expenses, ongoing hassle and uncertainty.

So, when bureaucratic and, if you are especially unlucky, court cases related to road accidents come to some certainty, solving the problem of a damaged car comes to the fore. To begin with, the choice between repair and sale. Try to restore or sell damaged car mobile And if you sell, should you repair? damaged car for sale.

All these options have their own characteristics, difficulties, advantageous and disadvantageous aspects. And you can make a profitable decision only after considering all the nuances.

Sale or repair options:

The car's body is moderately damaged, there are defects in some external parts and devices - broken glass, headlights, bumper, etc. If there is no money to replace the car, but you need to drive, then repairs and replacement will bring the car into a tolerable condition and will allow you to use it successfully for some time. Yes, it’s not always possible to choose original parts or their decent replacement, painting broken body always worse than the original, but if there is no way out, it will do.

A seemingly harmless, but very costly option is extensive minor damage to the body. The cost of repairs can reach 50% of the cost of the car, but the result will still be a damaged car with a quickly deteriorating body.

There are deformations of the frame - the geometry of the body is broken, in the words of experts. Yes, in this case a recovery attempt is possible, but there are two “buts”. Such repairs, whether they bring results or not, will be very expensive, and operational properties The cars cannot be completely restored.

So decide - should you use an unreliable car yourself, should you sell it, passing it off as serviceable, and risk a serious scandal that smoothly flows into court? Or is it even more unreasonable to invest a lot of money and sell it cheap? Please also keep in mind that an estimate of the cost of repairs can be carried out quite competently either by a paid expert or by a repairman who is either conscientious or not.

10 reasons not to repair your car after an accident

What are the dangers of operating a car that has suffered an accident with body deformation?

  • When driving, the car is likely to pull to the side. Moreover, the higher the speed, the sharper the displacement. And higher risk!
  • Uneven tire wear. It’s not just inconvenient, but sometimes dangerous.
  • Deterioration of the fit of body parts among themselves - the possibility of breakdowns increases sharply.
  • General weakening of the body, especially dangerous under strong mechanical stress. That is, the car will break much faster and more severely in a collision.

What are the disadvantages of repairing for the purpose of selling a damaged car?

  • This vehicle at any rate expensive repairs loses a significant part market value. There are many costs, little return.
  • Trying to sell a damaged car while hiding its damage from the buyer is a very real reason for being accused of fraud. With all the ensuing consequences.

Questionable points of repair for further operation

  • Waste of time. The fact is that accurate damage assessment is often difficult. There is no way to calculate in advance the timing of work, the time to search for spare parts and consumables, and financial costs. For many more weeks, or even months, hidden damage caused by an accident will appear in the repaired car. In the end, the owner of such a car begins to greatly regret that he did not dare to sell the damaged car, but it is no longer possible to win back and return the money.
  • If the car has been in water, problems with the electronics will definitely begin - perhaps right now, or perhaps on the road, in a foreign city, on the highway, despite the fact that the costs of bringing it into decent shape will be significant.
  • If a fire occurs, the car will lose a significant part of its comfort and attractiveness, and may not be able to be restored at all.

All of the above points are a reason to sell the car as quickly as possible and without attempting to restore it. The fact is that the most likely buyer will want to purchase such a vehicle for low price. For disassembly or, less often, for repair with subsequent operation. Your attempts to eliminate defects will not increase the value of the car, but will only take time and money.

How to sell?

You can advertise, update them, communicate with potential buyers who will strive to get something usable for the price of a used car.

You can contact a used car dealer and offer your car. Such buyers, unlike ordinary private individuals, are serious about buying broken car, have money for this purpose and it will be easier to negotiate with them.

You can send your used car for evaluation directly from this page and you might like our price!

To summarize: the more serious or extensive the damage to a car, the less likely it is that it can be fully restored. Therefore, it is better not to waste effort, time and money, but to quickly get rid of such a car.

Our auto center body repair"Kuzovman" in Moscow carries out restoration of cars after accidents of any degree of complexity. Experienced specialists will solve all problems that arise when repairing a body after an accident. Everything is available necessary equipment. This allows the restoration to be carried out correctly.


Removing/installing the part Part replacement Painting new part(with material) Painting parts up to 30% damage (with material) Painting parts up to 50% damage (with material)
Front bumper from 500 rub. from 600 rub. from 3700 rub. from 3900 rub. from 4200 rub.
Rear bumper from 300 rub. from 400 rub. from 3700 rub. from 3900 rub. from 4200 rub.
Side rear door from 500 rub. from 1300 rub. from 4000 rub. from 4100 rub. from 4200 rub.
Front side door from 500 rub. from 1300 rub. from 4000 rub. from 4100 rub. from 4200 rub.
Hood from 400 rub. from 5300 rub. from 5400 rub. from 5100 rub.
Rear fender from 650 rub. from 4000 rub. from 4100 rub. from 4200 rub.
Front wing from 450 rub. from 4000 rub. from 4100 rub. from 4200 rub.
Trunk door from 500 rub. from 1600 rub. from 3300 rub. from 3400 rub. from 3500 rub.
trunk lid from 350 rub. from 850 rub. from 3300 rub. from 3400 rub. from 3500 rub.
Roof from 850 rub. from 5400 rub. from 5700 rub. from 6100 rub.
Threshold from 650 rub. from 3300 rub. from 3400 rub. from 3500 rub.
Radiator grille from 200 rub. from 1100 rub.
Side mirror from 350 rub. from 800 rub.

Car body repair after an accident

All car enthusiasts know that the body is one of the most expensive spare parts modern car. Its parts are made of high-quality metals. Alloy steel or aluminum is most often used.

Accordingly, replacing damaged elements costs the owner a significant amount. This is especially noticeable after a major accident with a lot of damage. It must be remembered that repairs are not limited to one replacement of a body element. This includes a large number of different additional actions.

Often, car enthusiasts try to eliminate the consequences of an accident on their own. Under no circumstances should this be done. After all, you need to know exactly how to produce it correctly. An inexperienced person can damage adjacent parts, which will aggravate the situation.

Types of car repairs after an accident

Body repair can be divided into two large subsections:

  • local repair - consists of restoring appearance one piece;
  • basic repair - this requires replacement of parts, in some cases also restoration of the geometry of the vehicle.

The specialists of our Kuzovman service in Moscow carry out all types of work.

The main stages of car restoration after an accident

Any operation begins with diagnosis. During the process, all damage is identified, and a calculation is made at the same time. necessary work and details.

If necessary, the body is stretched to restore its geometry. This is done on the slipway. First, the permissible application of forces is calculated, after which the body is extended.

Most of the parts cannot be restored. They are being replaced. Depending on the car model body parts can be attached by welding (most) or bolts. However, in some places of the damaged body it is possible to carry out.

Surfaces are being prepared. This includes rust removal. Also, the parts are degreased and coated with an anti-corrosion substance. This will allow you to avoid corrosion. This also includes puttying and priming.

The next step is to apply paintwork. When carrying out this work, the master must know how to do it correctly. Otherwise there is a risk of drips forming. The treated body is dried with infrared lamps. Sometimes the paint is applied in two layers.

The last action is . This is done to give the body an ideal appearance. Polishes also form protective layer, protecting the coating from aggressive environments.

We work with all types of damage. Our specialists can restore any car in as soon as possible. All work is carried out by locksmiths the highest level actually modern equipment. By contacting us, you will receive a car that will look no different from what came off the assembly line.