Types of car bodies. How to distinguish between car bodies What is the name of a passenger car with a body

The car has long been no longer considered only as a means of transportation; nowadays it has become an integral part of civilization. That is why the types of car production have become so diverse, offering cars with all kinds of configurations designed to satisfy the most diverse needs of customers. The modern car market offers a huge variety of models that differ in body type, all the varieties of which even the most advanced car enthusiast can hardly name.

The main purposes of the car body

In the field of mechanical engineering, over the past couple of decades, a large number of modifications of vehicle bodies have been developed and produced, among which, according to the most conservative estimates of experts, only types passenger cars There are more than 15 items by body type. And here the question arises: why are so many body types needed? If you had to buy a car, then at the dealership the consultant will ask for what purposes you need transport, do you have a large family, what kind of terrain do you plan to travel through? In other words, it will identify your needs, and people involved with vehicles actually have a lot of them. Thus, the body modern car is able to satisfy different consumer requirements: interior and trunk capacity, shape and height of the car, individual functional features.

Modern and their classification

Mass automobile production dates back to the 20th century. The first models were more like an open carriage, which was driven not by horses, but by an internal combustion engine.

With the growing demand for self-propelled transport, production technology was refined; manufacturers had a goal to produce types of cars capable of not only transporting people, but also providing protection and comfort to passengers. This is how closed bodies appeared, inside which people were protected from negative influences weather conditions(rain, snow, wind, sun, cold).

At the present stage, body classification is carried out depending on many criteria:

  1. Purpose (bodies of passenger, cargo-passenger and passenger cars).
  2. According to workload.
  3. By layout.
  4. By design features(open, closed bodies).

Body types by layout

This classification criterion divides bodies according to the number of visually visible volumes (parts) of the car’s silhouette:

  1. Single-volume bodies involve the arrangement of passengers, the engine and possible cargo in one visually integral part.
  2. In two-volume bodies, the engine is located in one part of the structure (under the hood), and passengers and cargo are located in another (cabin)
  3. The three-volume body consists of a hood, under which there is an internal combustion engine, a cabin intended for transporting passengers, and a separate compartment for luggage (trunk).

Bodies by load degree

Car bodies may differ in design depending on the expected degree of load on them:

  1. Many common ones have them (including VAZ). The exception is premium cars. Functional Feature of this body type is that everything weight loads fall on the body part.
  2. The semi-supporting body is applicable for the production of buses in which the load is distributed between the body and the frame.
  3. The unloaded body is installed on the frame using special rubber pads. Such a body takes on the load only from transported people and cargo.

Types of cars with open body

In the category of cars with open top includes several models, including not only the world-famous convertible, but also the roadster, brogue, targa, phaeton, spider and others. Let's describe the most common ones:

Category of passenger cars with closed body type

The main types of cars by type of closed body are as follows:

Truck bodies

Global automakers produce not only passenger types There are also a huge variety of cars and trucks by body type today. Trucks differ primarily from cars in that the former have mandatory a frame is provided that takes on part of the load.

The car body is the most basic and at the same time the most expensive element. Depending on the design, all cars are divided into two types: with and with a monocoque body. In the first type, the body is a supporting system, and in the second, it is a separate element of the car.

Almost all modern passenger cars have a monocoque body.

As part of the car body, a passenger car has engine compartment, passenger compartment and trunk. They are attached to the structure itself or to the subframe chassis, transmission, optional equipment, electronics and car engine. Most often, the material used for the car body is metal, aluminum, and less often - special types polymer materials.

In the case of a frame car structure, the frame acts as the main load-bearing element. All the main elements are installed on the frame: the car body, chassis and engine. In modern passenger cars, the body is always a load-bearing element, and in the case of trucks, buses and SUVs, the main load-bearing element is the frame.

Body classification

Currently, there is a generally accepted classification of the bodies of all cars according to their characteristics:

  • loading;
  • The main purpose;
  • design;
  • layout.

According to the degree of loading, there are three types of bodies:

  • load-bearing – can take the entire load on itself;
  • semi-supporting - in in this case most of the load is taken by the frame;
  • unloaded – takes on the load from the weight of passengers and transported cargo.

Typology of bodies by purpose and layout

The layout divides the body into the following types:

  • single-volume - cargo, passengers and engine are in one volume;
  • two-volume - the engine is located in the engine compartment, passengers with cargo are placed in the cabin;
  • three-volume - the engine is located in the engine compartment, the cargo is in the trunk, and the passengers are in the cabin.

Let's now take a closer look at the classification of three-volume bodies by layout. The main feature of the three-volume body is the consistent arrangement of the engine compartment, trunk and interior. This category, in turn, is divided into sedan, coupe, crossover, convertible and other body types.


Every passenger car manufacturer has sedans in its model lineup. These types of bodies, having a classic layout, still remain the most popular among buyers. And this despite the fact that they are not the most functional. Such cars have four doors, a hard roof and two rows of seats. The trunk and engine compartment are separated from the main cabin. A sedan, like an SUV or crossover, can have all-wheel drive.


Sleek and often sporty appearance make these cars very attractive. But cramped interior, which can only be equipped with one row of seats, and two doors instead of four make them very impractical. As a rule, this body type is equipped powerful motors and has a low suspension.


The convertible is very similar to the coupe in all respects. Most often, this type of body has a soft roof. A convertible can have either two rows of seats or four, but there are always two doors. As in a coupe, it is more convenient for two people to travel in a convertible – passengers in the back row will feel uncomfortable.


A very rare type of car in our area. The roadster has a soft roof and one row of seats. As a rule, they have a low, rigid suspension, powerful engines and a cramped interior. This type of car can be owned as a hobby or a second (third) car, but not as a main passenger car.


The limousine has a very long wheelbase, is equipped with at least two rows of seats and has different increased level comfort. The driver of the limousine is separated from the passengers by a partition. This type of body can be made on the basis of both a regular sedan and an SUV. Limousines are used either by very wealthy people, or they are rented for a special occasion. The limousine is usually driven by a professional driver.


A pickup truck is shaped like an SUV, but instead of a trunk it has an open trunk. cargo body, separated from the salon by a rigid partition. Excellent cross-country ability together with the ability to transport bulky cargo make them truly universal cars. Such cars are in great demand among residents of rural areas.

Double volume

In a car with a two-volume body, the interior is in the same volume as the trunk. The trunk is most often very large and is shaped like a door with glass. The most common two-volume cars are liftback, station wagon, SUV, hatchback and crossover.

Station wagon

Station wagon is the most versatile and best-selling type of car in Europe. A station wagon most often has five doors. By transforming the interior, the already considerable trunk volume can be increased. To do this, just fold down the rear seats. Most cars with a station wagon layout are produced in the USA. The main advantage of these cars is the large trunk. Like a crossover, a station wagon can have all-wheel drive and increased ground clearance. Such vehicles are sometimes called all-terrain station wagons.


Today this type of car is becoming increasingly popular. This body type combines the large trunk volume of a station wagon and attractive appearance. Hatchback usually more compact than a sedan and station wagon, but its trunk volume is comparable to the latter. Backdoor This type of machine has a slight slope. Like the station wagon, the hatchback can be folded back row seats in order to get a flat floor along with a seriously increased trunk volume. A hatchback is an excellent option for a car for every day; it is compact in size and at the same time functional; can transport cargo and look attractive.


– something between a hatchback and a sedan. Typically, a liftback is the same size as a sedan, but its trunk lid, along with the glass, rises like a hatchback. This feature makes the car much more functional than a sedan.


In appearance, the SUV is similar to a station wagon or crossover big size. His main feature- this is the presence all-wheel drive and increased ground clearance. The main purpose off-road vehicles– driving on bad roads and directions. An SUV usually has a frame, while a crossover most often does not have a frame.


A crossover differs from an SUV in its smaller size and greater versatility. The crossover represents a compromise between a high level of cross-country ability and comfort when driving on ordinary roads. Today, urban residents are increasingly buying to feel more confident on bad roads.


The single-volume car body type is not very common. The main representative of a single-volume body is a minivan. Compact and microvans are even less common.


This type of passenger car is designed to transport people. Very often they have three rows of seats and a sliding side door. This type of machine is characterized large sizes. Also, these body types are very popular among large families.

Compact vans and microvans

These types of passenger cars are different from minivans compact size and more presentable appearance. Like a crossover, a microvan and compact van can have all-wheel drive and increased ground clearance.

Car enthusiasts often speak a language that is incomprehensible to the layman. They have their own “troubles” and, as a rule, slang that is incomprehensible to many. And it’s like being in another world among people “excitedly” discussing the next car history or collegiately solving the problem breaking someone's iron horse, comfortably far from few.

Naturally, not everyone finds themselves in the company of ardent car fans and not at every turn. But there are moments when people get lost in what seems to be the very basics of automotive theory. Let's conduct an educational program on one of these points.

So, you must have heard that there are cars with body types: sedan, hatchback, station wagon, convertible... maybe you name a couple more, but not everyone can describe them all with confidence and accuracy. And even if I’m wrong here, I’m still almost sure that you won’t be able to name 10 types of car body. By the way, this is not at all surprising, because in life we ​​may not even meet many of them. But it’s still worth knowing that they exist.

Therefore, let's look at what types of passenger car bodies exist today.

So, classification of cars by body type.

1. Sedan.

One of the most popular types of closed body, which has two rows of seats. The trunk in such a car is structurally separated from passenger compartment and does not have an opening door in the rear wall. The sedan can be found with either four doors or two (Volga; Zhiguli 1, 3, 5, 7 models; Zaporozhets; Volkswagen Polo, Jetta; Peugeot 406, 607, BMW 3, 5, 7 series; Audi 80, A4, A6; Opel Vectra, etc.).

2. Station wagon.

If the sedan body cover is extended to its rear bumper, while making the hatch in the rear part openable, then the sedan will turn out to be a station wagon, which is most often chosen by those who need large trunk or a place for transporting certain goods.

A station wagon most often has 2 rows of seats (VAZ-2102,2104), but sometimes you can find 3 (Volga GAZ-24). At the same time, a car with this type of body (Volkswagen Passat, Golf; Opel Astra, Vectra; Citroen Huntia, Fort Escort; Peugeot 307, etc.) will be 10 percent more expensive than its sedan counterpart.

3. Van.

This body may externally resemble a station wagon, but it will lack side doors and windows (“Moskvich”-412 “heel”; Volkswagen Transporter, Grafter, Cady; Peugeot Boxer; Ford Transit Custom, etc.).

4. Hatchback.

A car with this body will be able to cope with the tasks of a station wagon in transporting luggage, but at the same time it will remain smaller in size and more attractive.

Hatchback (Toyota Yaris; Opel Astra; Peugeot 206; Kia Kid, etc.) has an open rear hatch and a short rear overhang. It can be either three-door (VAZ-2108) or five-door (VAZ-2109). In this case, the rear hatch is taken into account as a door.

5. Coupe.

Coupe – closed body a car with 2 doors and two rows of seats (Honda Civic, Ford Mustang, Audi A5, Fiat Coupe, etc.). At the same time, the front row has a normal appearance, while the back row, due to the sloping roof, is quite narrow and, in practice, uncomfortable for an adult. For this reason the coupe is often referred to as “2+2”, i.e. two adults and two children.

I will note that in such a car it is very convenient to just go to work, but without companions. But for a family, of course, it will be more comfortable to purchase a car with a sedan or station wagon body type.

6. Phaeton.

Body type with two rows of seats, as well as a soft folding top with no side windows. To travel in bad weather, instead of the latter, celluloid sidewalls are attached to the car.

Here, most likely, you will not be able to find such a car, but in the West at one time cars of this type were very popular.

7. Roadster.

This type of car body is distinguished by one row of seats and a soft opening top. You can only be guaranteed to meet one (for example, Smart Roadster) in a country with a hot climate.

8. Convertible.

It has open view: the soft roof of the car easily folds back, while the windows and door frames remain motionless. Unlike the phaeton, this type The body has a supporting structure thanks to rigid door frames.

Examples of convertibles: Pobeda, Opel Cascada, Audi A3, BMW 2 and 4 series, Ford Mustang, etc.

9. Limousine.

Cars usually have this type of body upper class. It is characterized by:

  • rigid partition between the driver and passengers,
  • at least two rows of seats;
  • and long design.

Examples: “Chaika” ZIS-110, Mercedes-Benz W100, etc.

10. Pickup.

A body having a trimmed back designed for the transport of passengers and cargo. This is something similar either to a small truck or to a large passenger car.

Examples: Nissan Navara, Titan, Dodge Ram, Ford F-150, etc.

11. Minivan.

Can be described as a “station wagon with increased capacity”, which includes a maximum payload(“Austin Mini”, Volkswagen Multivan, Sharan, Caddy, Opel Meriva, Zafira, etc.).

The minivan has 3 rows of seats with a more upright position (than the same station wagon).

12. Crossover.

A body type that includes a high seating position in its characteristics, high ground clearance and a high ceiling. Such cars (Kia Sportage, Volkswagen Tiguan, BMW X5, Toyota Rav 4, etc.) usually have all-wheel drive, but they are not designed for difficult terrain. For this, people call it “SUV”.

13. Liftback.

The body type with a rear overhang is approximately the same as a car with a sedan body type, but its rear hatch rises like a hatchback.

Examples: Volkswagen Golf, Toyota Yaris, Citroen C5, Fiat Stilo, Opel Astra, etc.

14. Fastback.

This is the so-called “mixture” of body types. The fastback has a sloping roof, a rear hatch similar to a hatchback, but without a door in the rear wall and with a fixed rear window.

Examples: Fort Mustang Fastback, Honda Civic Fastback, etc.

Based on the design of the body, they are divided into three-volume, two-volume and single-volume.

Three-volume body

Three-volume are considered to be car bodies that are divided into 3 compartments isolated from each other: the engine compartment, the passenger compartment and the luggage compartment.
The three-volume body is considered the safest and most comfortable, because when head-on collision or a rear impact, the energy of the impact is primarily absorbed and absorbed either by the engine compartment or luggage compartment, but not by the passenger compartment.

This body structure also provides maximum comfort passengers, due to the fact that the passenger compartment is separated from the engine and luggage compartments, which receive noise from the engine, irregularities road surface and impacts on the wheels, which are transmitted inside the body through the mounting elements of the suspension and also the car engine, odors of transported items and accessories.

The disadvantage of the design is the increased length of the car, which causes some difficulties when parking and maneuvering in places with large concentrations of traffic.

Sedan– has a four or two-door body, in which there are 2 rows of seats and a hard roof, designed to accommodate 4-5 people.
One version says that the word came from the name of the French city of Sedan, where carriage manufacturing was developed in the 19th century. Another version says that this is the English version of the name palanquin.

Coupe– a two-door body, which has a rigid, low roof at the rear, and has one or two rows of seats.
On the second row of seats, usually hand luggage, but not people. It can accommodate two people and has a shortened base. Translated from French, coupé means to cut, shorten.

Cabriolet– a sedan or coupe body, has two rows of seats, with a removable or folding roof.
The body looks impressive, attracts a lot of attention, but is not practical. At one time, the production of convertibles was suspended due to the design not meeting safety requirements. It is believed that the word comes from the Italian capriole, where capra means goat.

Limousine- a sedan that has an extended base and a hard roof, with more than two rows of seats.
The driver's seat is separated from the rest of the cabin by an installed rigid partition. It may have more than four doors, but it differs the highest level comfort. The name comes from the Limousin region, which is located in France.

PickupPassenger car, which has an open or easily opening luggage compartment, which is located at the rear of the passenger compartment.
In other words, a cargo version of a passenger car. Pick-up in English means to lift, open.

Van- almost like peaks but with a closed luggage compartment. There are both three-volume and two-volume.
Derived from the French word fourgon - a closed carriage for transporting luggage.

Two-volume body

Double volume All cars have a body in which the body is structurally divided into two compartments isolated from each other, an engine compartment and a cargo-passenger compartment.
Often these cars have an odd number of doors due to the presence of a rear opening door. The cargo and passenger compartments are combined into one common compartment with all subsequent consequences.
This arrangement allows you to simply expand the volume if necessary. luggage compartment, but leads to a decrease in the level of comfort and safety, since noise from rear suspension and third-party odors from luggage will enter directly into the car interior, but things that are transported as cargo or luggage pose a real threat to passengers if emergency situations, since they move freely around the cabin in the event of a collision or rollover of the car.

Station wagon– The car body, which has a hard roof, and the trunk lid is placed almost vertically, and is an additional door.
Same length as a sedan. In some cases, it is equipped with a third row of lightweight seats that can be easily removed. The second row of seats folds down, allowing part of the passenger compartment to be used as a luggage compartment. This type of body is widely used in the production of SUVs. Translated from Latin, universalis means general.

Hatchback- This is a body with the properties of a station wagon, but has a shortened luggage compartment and a short rear overhang, which makes the car more compact and convenient for use in cramped urban environments.
The name of the body comes from the English hatchback, where hatch is the hatch, back is the rear.

Liftback- This is a hatchback, similar in appearance to a sedan, but the trunk lid opens together with the rear window, which gives access to both the luggage compartment and the passenger compartment.
Its peculiarity is the absence of a metal partition, which gives the body strength and isolates the passenger compartment from the luggage compartment, as in a regular sedan. Translation from English lift – to raise, back – back.

Phaeton– has a body with a soft roof and removable door windows. A specific and quite rare type of body. An example of a phaeton is UAZ 469.

Minivan– Station wagon body with increased volume, which is designed for transporting cargo and passengers.
It was originally developed for the transport of passengers, and only subsequently began to appear cargo options. Includes subclasses: microvan, compact van, multivan. It can be double-volume or single-volume. Origin from the English mini - small and van - van.

One-volume body

Single-volume car bodies distinguished by the absence of division into compartments. They have a common cargo-passenger compartment, and the engine hood, of course if there is one, opens into the interior of the cabin.
This design makes it possible to maximize the effective use of the useful volume of the body for transporting goods and passengers.
Buses, minibuses (UAZ 452 - “Loaf”), minivans (Mitsubishi L300 and Toyota Previa), and even some city cars or toy cars (for example Smart) are equipped with such bodies.

Car body type is a concept found in all descriptions of passenger vehicles. A number of features of the car’s operation depend on it, as well as the utility of the car, its cargo capacity and a number of other parameters.

In this material we will try to thoroughly understand what types of passenger car bodies exist and how they differ from each other.

What is the car body type?

A car body type is a definition that characterizes the ratio of the internal volume of the body to its cargo capacity and technical features luggage and hood compartments, as well as the layout of the passenger compartment.

Simply put, the capacity inside, as well as the size and configuration, depends on the type of body. luggage compartment.

Video review various types car bodies:

The presence of a large number of types is due to the fact that structurally it is extremely difficult to combine cargo capacity and design features in a car, which forces developers to create various variations designed to satisfy people with different requirements To vehicle– from those who regularly transport a large number of goods to citizens for whom cargo capacity is practically not important, but the design and driving performance auto.

Classification of passenger cars by body type

Today there is a large number various types car bodies. At the same time, automakers do not stop there, trying to attract attention to their new products with loud statements about the “creation” of a new body type.

These types of experiments include the recently emerged category of “four-door coupes”, “off-road coupes” and others.

However, in our review we will try to consider traditional options, since all the above versions are variations based on them. So…


The sedan, or, as it is also called, a car in a three-volume body, is the most well-known version in our country. According to statistics, this body type is the most popular in Russia, which is probably due to the long-term habit of our compatriots to such cars. It is connected with the fact that the majority Soviet cars They were sedans and this size is well known to our consumers.

Conventionally, a sedan is a car in which the engine compartment, passenger compartment and trunk are separated from each other and have separate access. The well-known VAZ-2101 and a number of subsequent domestic cars had this layout.

Today, this body type remains very popular, although it has undergone some modifications - the luggage compartment of sedans can no longer be called completely independent. On most models, it is separated from the passenger compartment by the back of the rear seat, which, if necessary, reclines to increase space.

Also on all modern models in the back there is a hatch in the area central armrest, which allows you to transport cargo in the luggage compartment long length(for example, skis or snowboard).


The classic coupe is a body type that appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. As a rule, it has taken root in the segment sports cars and was a classic “three-volume” with a pair of doors of increased dimensions, which made it easier for passengers to board backseat. By the way, the latter was often absent, which was typical for sports cars.

However, there was also special class premium class coupes, which were created on the basis of executive sedans and were intended for wealthy citizens who want to drive their own car.

Nowadays, the coupe body has undergone a serious transformation, and the main one was the abandonment of the independent trunk.

There are quite a few such models left, and most modern “pseudo-sports” cars are, in fact, three-door hatchbacks with a low roofline in the rear.

Hatchback (HATCHBACK)

The body type called “hatchback” is the most popular in Europe due to its utilitarian nature and the overall compactness of the car itself.

In fact, it is a two-volume body, where part of the passenger compartment is “farmed out” to the trunk. At the same time, the design of the fifth door (that’s what the tailgate is called) is made flat, which makes it possible to add dynamism to the silhouette of such a car.

The advantage of a hatchback is not so much its spaciousness, but ample opportunities to transform the cargo compartment and interior, as well as the convenience of transporting long cargo. At the same time, this arrangement allows you to reduce the size of the car while maintaining capacity, which is important advantage for city cars.

Liftback (LIFTBACK)

There are often cases when manufacturers provide double opening - the trunk lid or the entire door can be opened, which brings the car even closer to sedans.

The advantage of the liftback is that it has even greater roominess than the hatchback, while maintaining the traditional proportions of the sedan. Many companies use a similar layout for business class cars, for which traditional forms are important element prestige.

Station wagon (WAGON)

The station wagon body type, already based on the name, speaks of maximum functionality. According to the construction principle, it is similar to a hatchback with the only difference being that the luggage compartment is much more spacious due to the vertical position of the fifth door and maintaining a high roof line throughout the entire body.

Today, station wagons are more often associated with utilitarian cars, but in the mid-twentieth century, shootingbrake configuration bodies, which were a kind of coupe with universal body, in fact, three-door car, combining the dynamism of a classic coupe with the advantages of a universal layout.

Today the company is trying to revive this type of body Mercedes Benz in some models with the specified prefix in the name. However, from classic models Such station wagons are distinguished by the presence of a five-door layout and, in fact, are still a traditional station wagon with a sporty silhouette.


A minivan, or, as it is sometimes called, a one-box car, is a type of body in which the engine compartment, passenger compartment and trunk are arranged in the same proportion. More precisely, the engine block is still located in the front part, but the length of the car’s hood is short.

It should be noted that they are very popular among our compatriots who prefer active types of recreation - traveling, fishing and hunting.

This body is significantly higher than that of a station wagon, which allows for wide possibilities for transforming the interior. In particular, such cars very often have a seven-seater layout, which is achieved without increasing overall dimensions, through the organization vertical landing riders

In fact, this class of car is a cross between a station wagon and a minibus, combining the convenience of both body types.

Pickup (PICK-UP)

The United States of America is traditionally called the birthplace of pickup trucks, where similar cars quite popular.

In fact, the pickup truck is an SUV with a separate cargo compartment, a kind of mini-truck for transporting cargo that is not demanding on temperature changes.

In fact, this machine was the most popular among farmers due to its spaciousness, carrying capacity and the ability to easily clean the luggage compartment using improvised means.

Today, pickup trucks have moved somewhat away from the functional image and are often offered as vehicles for active rest, enjoying success among the latter due to not only spaciousness, but also “off-road” cross-country ability, as well as “indestructible” spring suspension.

The comfort level of pickup trucks has also reached new level and is practically not inferior to that for SUVs.


An SUV, in fact, is a car with a universal body that has all-wheel drive transmission and frame structure. Allows you to overcome difficult road conditions and has high ground clearance.

IN last years The SUV market is divided into classic ones frame models and crossovers - universal passenger cars with increased ground clearance and a supporting body.

Often such cars are basic version They do not have all-wheel drive and do not have a serious arsenal of off-road capabilities, but they are versatile and roomy.

In fact, today traditional minivans, which, with the change of generations, have actually turned into crossovers and received a similar layout.

Cabriolet (CABRIOLET), roadster (ROADSTER)

A convertible is a car with a removable fabric or metal top, often with a two-door layout. Previously, four-door models were often found, but due to the difficulties in organizing rigidity open body they did not receive distribution.

The most common version of the convertible is the roadster - sports open car, having a double cabin or a 2 + 2 seating formula, that is back seat provided as additional luggage space or child seating.

As a rule, in the case of roadsters, manufacturers endow such models with sporty handling and position them as an alternative to a sports coupe. Similar models are available in the range of almost all sports car manufacturers on the market.

Limousine (LIMOUSINE)

In fact, the “limousine” body type is not independent, but acts as a variation of the classic sedan (and often an SUV).

Limousines are often produced by third-party tuning companies by introducing an insert into the central part of the car, which increases the length of the interior in the required range (from 30 cm to several meters).

The purpose of the modification is to increase the capacity of the rear compartment to accommodate a rich interior, additional technical means and providing more living space.

As a rule, limousines are used to transport high-ranking officials and are often equipped with additional armor.

The only automaker that produces limousines on a conveyor belt is Mercedes company Benz with its Pullman model. In addition, often companies that create sedans executive class, they are produced in two wheelbase options - standard and extended.

There is also a widespread market for creating rental limousines. In terms of internal layout, they differ significantly from executive ones and, in fact, are spacious rides on wheels with a minibar, audio system and comfortable sofas inside.


At the end of the 20th century, the van was a separate class of vehicles, in which there was a separation of the cabin (usually a double one) and a closed cargo compartment with a separate door without windows.

Such cars were offered as convenient urban delivery vehicles and were very popular.

Today, manufacturers have moved away from this approach and, most often, offer a standard station wagon or minivan with remote control as a van. back row seats, a large cargo area and missing windows ( good example This approach is served by the corresponding modification of the Lada Largus).

This arrangement allowed access to the cargo not only through the rear loading door, but also through the standard side doors of the car. From the passenger compartment cargo compartment The van is most often separated by a metal partition.